Moral muscles: adductors of the thigh. Thigh muscle flaps Gentle muscle

SMALL THIGH MUSCLE- This is a long muscle, similar to a belt, which is attached to the top of the pubic bone, runs along the inner side of the thigh, crosses the knee joint and below is attached to the inner side of the tibia. The muscle works in conjunction with the adductors to tighten the thigh. In addition, she rotates the hip clockwise when the leg is bent at the knee.

Tension points in this muscle appear due to a fall, arthritis of the hip joint, due to overload. This can happen while riding a horse, ice skating, gymnastics, training in the gym on a special hip trainer. The pain is usually sharp and is felt along the inner side of the thigh.

To work on the fine muscle, you first need to find the tendon that attaches it to the inside of the knee. Sit in a chair close to the table. Bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Place your hand on the inside edge of the back of your knee. There you will experience outstanding semitendinosus muscle one of two hamstring muscles that runs behind the inner side of the thigh. Move your fingers further to feel the thinner muscle that is less prominent.

This is where the table leg comes in handy. Press the inside of your knee against the leg of the chair, and the fine muscle will tense. Now you can feel it relatively easily. It will appear as a stiff, thin ribbon. Stay in this position (on a chair) and try to relax your leg to feel it from the inside of the thigh from the knee to the groin. If you find soft spots on the hard tape, press down on them with your fingers or a hard small ball (for example, a tennis ball) to relax. For complete relaxation, you will have to repeat this several times. It is very important to supplement the relaxation exercises with the following stretching.

Stretching the gracilis muscle of the thigh

Stretching: Lie on the floor with your back with your buttocks facing the wall. Press your legs upright against the wall. Slowly spread them apart to stretch the inner thighs. Maintain this position for 30-60 seconds. Relax, breathe deeply, and let gravity take over.

Today we will talk about the group of the adductor muscles of the thigh (thigh adductors). Very often these muscles are ignored, which can lead to some problems. These muscles are located on the inner thigh and form the main layer of muscle tissue here.

They pull the legs towards the midline of the body. The adductors of the thigh are a group of several long muscles that form the inner thigh. This group includes: thin muscle, long, short and large adductor muscles, comb muscle.


This group includes: thin muscle, long, short and large adductor muscles, comb muscle.

The adductors of the thigh are attached as follows:

  • Thin muscle starts at the pubic bone and attaches to the tibia.
  • Long and short adductor muscles start at the pubic bone and attach to the femur.
  • Adductor muscle- the largest in this group - begins on the ischium and attaches to the femur.
  • Comb muscle originates from the pubic bone and attaches to the femur.

All muscles of the medial (internal) thigh muscle group perform the same function: adduction of the thigh and its rotation outward (supination).

In addition to their main function of adduction of the hip, these muscles are involved to some extent in flexion-extension of the hip joint and axial rotation of the limb.

Their role in the implementation of flexion and extension (Fig. 149, inside view) depends on the place of their attachment. Muscles originating posterior to the frontal plane passing through the center of the joint (a line of dots and dashes) provide extension, especially the lower fibers of the adductor magnus (ie, the "third adductor") and, of course, the sciatica is involved in this function. thigh muscles.

If the adductors begin anterior to the frontal plane, they provide flexion. This function involves the comb muscle, the short and long adductors, the upper fibers of the adductor major muscle and the gracilis muscle. However, it should be noted that their role in the implementation of flexion and extension depends on the initial position of the hip joint.

The adductor muscles, as mentioned earlier, provide stabilization of the pelvis when relying on both limbs, thus they play an important role in the adoption of certain postures and during movements in sports (skiing, Fig. 150, horseback riding, Fig. 151).

The main problems with the adductor muscles.

1. Posture (violation of the stability of the pelvis, weakening of the press and gluteal muscles, "front" position of the pelvis)

2. Gait (duck gait, rolling from foot to foot)

3. Decreased flexibility (problems with splits and stretching)

4. Psychosomatic problems

5. Increased risk of injury while playing sports (knee, lower back). I would especially like to draw attention to knee injuries during squatting and damage to the iliotibial tract during running (runner's knee).

6. Pelvic pain.

Pelvic pain.

When walking, the pelvis performs rotational movements in all planes, as well as lateral swing. Stability of the pelvis in the transverse direction is ensured by the simultaneous contraction of the adductor muscles of the thigh on one side and the abductor muscles of the thigh (gluteus medius and small muscles and the muscles straining the broad fascia of the thigh) on the other, as well as the tension of the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Functional weakness of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles will also cause functional overload of the muscle straining the fascia lata of the thigh and shortening of the adductor muscles. Trigger points from the adductor muscles of the thigh give reflected pain not only at the site of attachment to the pubic bone, but also in the groin, as well as in the vagina and rectum. Increased pelvic pain when walking is characteristic.

When walking, the pelvis twists in different directions, respectively, the tension of the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm changes. If there is one-sided fixation of the pelvic muscles, for example, due to adhesions, then the biomechanics of the pelvis will be disrupted, which can also cause pelvic pain. The normal functioning of the muscles of the perineum is significantly impaired in women who, after episiotomy, were sutured without taking into account the layering.

Trigger points in the adductor muscles.

Pelvic pain with overexertion of the adductor muscles of the thigh. If stress points are present in the adductors, pain appears in the groin and on the inner thighs. In addition, this pain can interfere with the abduction of the hips, to the sides and to rotate them, which indicates problems with the muscles of the abductors. Other symptoms include pain deep in the pelvis, in the bladder or vagina, and sometimes during intercourse. Unfortunately, people often search for the source of these pains outside of the muscles.

The adductors long and short muscles connect the pubic and femur bones. Tension points in these muscles cause pain in the groin and upper inner thigh. Tension points at the top of the longus muscle can make it difficult for the knee to move. Pain usually worsens with increased activity, as well as while standing or carrying a load.

The adductor muscle is located behind the long and short muscles, it runs from the groin along the entire length of the thigh and connects the ischial bones to the back sides of the two thighs. Tension points in this muscle cause pain in the groin and inner thigh, which can extend down to the knee. In addition, all adductor muscles can cause severe pain in the pubic bone, vagina, rectum, and bladder. These pains are so severe that they are confused with pelvic inflammation and other diseases of the reproductive organs and bladder.

Psychosomatic hypertonicity of the adductor muscles.

Hypertonicity of the adductor muscles is associated with impaired regulation of sexual activity. The adductors are composed of the superficial and deep adductors of the thighs, which cause "leg compression". Their function, practiced especially often by women, is to suppress sexual arousal. They are used to squeeze the legs, preventing access to the genitals - especially women do this. In the vegeto-therapeutic work, the name "moral muscles" was assigned to them. The Viennese anatomist Julius Tandler jokingly called these muscles "custodes virginitatis" (guardians of virginity).

These muscles, both in those suffering from muscle tension, and in very many patients with a neurosis of character, to the touch are thick, not amenable to relaxation and sensitive to pressure nodules on the upper inner side of the thighs. These include the flexor muscles that run from the lower pelvic bones to the upper end of the lower leg. They find themselves in a state of chronic contraction if the sensations of the organs on the pelvic floor are to be suppressed.

Stability of the pelvis and adductors.

M.Hip adductors can cause the pelvis to tilt forward as a result of inward rotation of the thigh. This leads to a shortening of the adductor muscles. Pelvic stability is important for proper posture and spinal health. A common problem with squatting is pelvic nodding, which can damage the spine.

The adductor muscles of the thigh, in addition to their main function, are also able to flex or extend the hip in the hip joints, depending on the angle in them. In the upright position of the body, the adductor muscles act as hip flexors, however, at an angle of flexion in the hip joints of 40-70 degrees for different muscles, the adductors begin to work as extensors. Accordingly, lack of flexibility in the adductors of the thigh is an important factor leading to the tilt of the pelvis back when squatting below parallel.

The muscles of the core and adductors of the thigh.

With weak muscles of the core (especially the press and gluteal muscles), hypertonicity of the adductor muscles of the thigh is observed. Often, hypertonicity of the adductor muscles of the thigh appears with an untrained press. Why? The main task of the abdominal muscles, together with the gluteal muscles, is to keep a person in an upright position. The listed muscles are antagonists. The balance of their tone forms the correct position of the hip joints, and therefore the pelvis - the main support of the human body.

The main function of the press is to flex the body and pelvis. The main function of the buttocks is to extend the pelvis.

With the weakening of the abdominal muscles, and this is a fairly frequent phenomenon, the neighboring muscle masses are connected to help it - the hip flexor (four-headed femoris muscle) and, if it also turns out to be insolvent over time due to overload, the adductor muscles of the thigh.

One of the functions that most of the adductors perform is hip flexion, in addition to adduction. That. the adductor muscles of the thigh can be involved in the task of maintaining balance with initially weak abs, as well as with initially weak buttocks. They work "for seven" while the press is resting.

Based on this knowledge, we can quite elegantly remove the hypertonicity of the adductor muscles of the thigh, by strengthening the abs and buttocks (!)


Important muscles supporting the knee are the quads (front), hamstrings (back), adductors (on the inner thigh and upper leg), and abductors (on the outer thigh and upper leg). The muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and calf muscles are also involved in supporting the knee.

A common manifestation of weakness of the hip adductors is iliotibial syndrome - this is the so-called Overuse Syndrome, which develops due to overloading of the fascia lata of the thigh. As a rule, the disease occurs in athletes, cyclists, runners, people who like frequent and long walks. The pain most commonly occurs in the lateral patella and can radiate up or down the leg. Painful sensations can occur both during physical work (for example: jogging or pedaling), and when climbing stairs and other normal physical activity.

The cause of the development of this syndrome is excessive friction of the lower part of the iliotibial tract against the outer epicondyle of the femur, over which the tract slides during flexion and extension of the knee joint. The consequence of this overload is inflammation and pain along the outer surface of the knee joint. Strengthening the gluteal muscles and hip adductors helps to get rid of this problem.

Stretching of the adductor muscles.

The lack of elasticity of these particular muscles prevents us from performing various asanas correctly and limits the twine. Stiff adductors make it difficult to spread the legs to the sides. In our case, the tender (gracilis) muscle plays a special role. Like other adductors, it brings the thighs together and, like the muscles of the back of the thigh, participates in flexion of the lower leg. Therefore, if it is stiff, you will not be able to stretch your legs properly in the pose. Other adductors, being not elastic enough, will not allow the legs to be spread wide.

Andrey Beloveshkin

Sprains of the thigh muscles are one of the most common injuries that should not be neglected. It is damage to muscle tissue and tendons due to trauma. Most often, athletes encounter such an injury. If, during physical activity or exercise, a sharp pain appears, which does not allow performing it again, then we can talk about stretching the thigh muscles, the treatment of which is carried out under the supervision of a traumatologist. The most traumatic types of exercise include squats, lunges, and leg swings.

The thigh includes 3 types of muscles that can be easily injured by excessive exertion:

  • posterior femoral muscles (extensor);
  • medial (leading);
  • anterior femoral muscles (flexors).

During movement, when a person fully extends the leg at the knee, the muscles behind the thigh contract. However, if the exercise is performed without preliminary preparation and warm-up, it is possible to stretch the posterior muscle. The trauma is accompanied by severe pain.

Stretching the adductor muscle of the thigh

The adductor muscle belongs to the medial group, which also includes the thin and comb. It is located on the front of the thigh, i.e. it connects the bones of the pelvis and legs. If we talk about stretching the inner thigh muscle, then they mean precisely the adductor muscle. Its main function is to bring the hips together.

A stretching of the adductor muscle of the thigh, and sometimes a rupture, occurs in the event of an unsuccessful attempt to sit on the twine, with a direct impact on it, or during an unsuccessful jump. In case of injury, the person experiences severe pain in the groin area.

Stretching the anterior thigh muscle

The anterior muscles include:

  • tailor;
  • four-headed;
  • straight;
  • wide medial;
  • lateral wide;
  • intermediate wide.

The anterior or extensor muscles are attached on one side to the front of the thigh and on the other to the lower leg.

The largest of the anterior muscles is the quadriceps. It got its name due to its structure, since it includes 4 muscles: rectus, lateral, intermediate and medial. All of them form a common tendon in the distal third of the thigh. A strain or contusion of the quadriceps femoris muscle occurs when a direct blow has been made to it. This injury is often handled by footballers or martial arts practitioners.

A sprain of the quadriceps femoris is common and causes severe pain.

Important! Muscles and ligaments function best when certain temperatures are reached. Stretching of ligaments or muscles occurs on unprepared / unheated muscle fibers, which is why it is so important to warm up before exercise. Overworked muscles are also most susceptible to injury.

Symptoms of a stretched thigh muscle

Any damage to muscle fibers and tendons is similar in its manifestations, regardless of location. Thigh muscle strain symptoms:

  1. initially, the injury manifests itself as a sudden clicking sensation. Usually it accompanies muscle tear;
  2. the victim will experience severe and excruciating pain that does not allow him to continue moving;
  3. the area of ​​injury is sensitive to touch;
  4. if the vessels are damaged, then a hematoma appears in the area of ​​injury;
  5. if the posterior femoral muscle is affected, a swelling is likely.

The most traumatic area is where the tendons and muscles meet.

Stretching ratios

Depending on the severity of the injury, there are three degrees of damage:

  • 1st degree- the lightest degree of damage. The victim can continue to move, but experiences discomfort on the back of the thigh. The day after the injury, soreness may persist, but this does not interfere with walking or running;
  • 2nd degree- the victim experiences more severe pain and is forced to stop doing the exercises. Soreness and tenderness persist for several days. After 5-6 days, a bruise can be seen at the site of injury. The patient will experience difficulty walking and lifting a straight leg;
  • 3rd degree- accompanied by a sharp unbearable pain. The victim cannot continue training, the pain can be so severe that he falls. Leg movements are extremely painful, the patient cannot walk on his own. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, if this is not done, then after a week, severe bruising is possible. The first weeks, until the inflammation subsides, the patient is forced to move on crutches.

What to do when stretching your thigh muscles

The first thing to do in the event of an injury is to keep the affected limb at rest. It is necessary to exclude excessive tension of the femoral muscles, therefore, the patient should be laid down and a soft roller should be placed under the knee. The leg should be in a calm position until the pain completely subsides and the swelling subsides.

The second thing to do if there is a muscle strain on the back of the thigh is to apply cold to the injury. Then apply cold every 3 hours and keep for 20 minutes. You can use anti-inflammatory ointments with an analgesic effect.

An elastic tourniquet is applied to the injured leg, as this avoids swelling and bruising. If the pain does not subside, the swelling does not subside and hematomas appear, then it is imperative that you see a doctor, because only he will tell you how to treat the stretching of the thigh muscles correctly.

Stretch treatment

To confirm the diagnosis, you must consult a traumatologist. As a rule, he first conducts an examination and takes an anamnesis. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor asks to move the affected leg, bend and straighten to check the work of the joints, examines the site of the bruise and assesses the pain of the injury. If there is any doubt whether the bone is damaged, an X-ray is additionally assigned. They may also be referred for an MRI or ultrasound.

After examination and carrying out all diagnostic procedures, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment. How the thigh strain is treated depends on the extent of the injury.

At the first and second degrees, the patient is assigned rest. It is necessary to avoid any physical activity until the muscle tissue and ligaments are completely restored. To reduce the strain on your leg, especially when walking, your doctor may recommend walking on crutches. To relieve the inflammatory process, non-steroidal drugs can be prescribed, such as: diclofenac, ketoprofen, piroxicam. After the pain syndrome is removed, the treatment of the posterior thigh muscle stretching does not stop. The patient is prescribed physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises, since with their help the healing process will be much faster and easier. As a rule, with a first and second degree stretching, recovery occurs in 2-3 weeks.

In the case of the third degree of severity of damage, treatment may require more radical measures, so in case of a rupture, an operation is performed on the damaged muscle tissue. After surgery, non-steroidal drugs can be prescribed, physiotherapy and therapeutic massage are also required. The recovery process can take up to six months, depending on the characteristics of the organism. After stretching, the mobility and function of muscle fibers can be restored completely, provided that the correct therapy is carried out. For the treatment of a hamstring muscle strain to be effective, it is important to follow all your doctor's recommendations.

Treatment with folk methods

Often, when stretching, people resort to traditional medicine, which for many decades has helped to cope with pain and speed up the healing process. Treatment of thigh sprains with folk remedies is recommended only as an addition to the main treatment.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Heat the beer in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil. Thoroughly moisten a towel or cheesecloth in it, squeeze and sprinkle with ground pepper, then put it to the damaged area and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Add a tablespoon of branches, roots and bark of barberry to a saucepan and pour a glass of water, boil over low heat. Moisten a rag in the broth, squeeze and apply to the sore spot.
  3. Thoroughly chop 1 head of onion, add sugar to it, so as to obtain a pasty mixture. Put everything on cheesecloth and apply to the sore spot for one hour. The procedure can be repeated every other day.
  4. In the treatment of hip sprains, a folk remedy using blue clay is used. Clay is preliminarily mixed with water to a dense consistency and sent to cool in the refrigerator. After that, a dream is applied to the patient, the procedure can be repeated every 4-5 hours.
  5. Milk compresses have worked well. For treatment, colostrum, the milk that appears immediately after a cow has calved, is best suited. Warm milk compresses are applied to the affected area and changed after they have cooled.
  6. Pour pine twigs into an enamel bowl to the middle of the container and pour water to the top. Boil for thirty minutes and then use for baths.

Important! The use of folk remedies does not exclude the treatment prescribed by the attending physician.

Prevention of sprains

To avoid stretching, it is important to follow certain safety precautions:

  • before heavy physical exertion, carry out a thorough warm-up to warm up all muscle groups;
  • it is imperative during training to perform exercises aimed at stretching the ligaments and muscle tissue in order to increase their elasticity;
  • the load during training increases gradually. So at first it is recommended to do the warm-up first approach;
  • do not try to "jump over your head" if you are not sure that you can perform the exercise correctly, you should not take it on until you reach a certain technique and endurance;
  • it is important to stop in time, if you feel that the muscles are already overloaded, it is recommended to stop training, as the risk of injury increases.

Moderate exercise, proper technique, and a healthy lifestyle will minimize injury and sprains. However, if an unpleasant situation could not be avoided, you should immediately limit mobility and load, apply cold and it is best to consult a doctor to rule out any possible complications.

Traumatologists use the example of spring deformation to explain to patients the cause of the injury. The smooth movement distributes the load evenly. Abrupt abnormal jerks disable the mechanism. Stretching the thigh muscles follows a similar principle. There are enough mobility limitation factors:

  • Decreased tone, loss of elasticity;
  • Hard physical labor;
  • Collisions, hits, falls.

Injury to soft tissues and ligaments - a diagnosis of athletes and white collars. Some overload the limbs, others clumsily distribute the load. Extremes lead to anomalies. The balance of the musculoskeletal system is disturbed. The result is micro-tears of muscle fibers, long-term treatment.

Muscle tears


Mechanical force increases the length of tissues without compromising the integrity of the organ. Torn epithelium is a danger. Full recovery is possible after surgery. Symptoms depend on the degree of damage:

  • The first degree is characterized by a feeling of light stretching. Aching pain occurs every other day. Restriction of mobility is negligible. You can raise a straightened leg, walk slowly;
  • A second degree hip sprain is accompanied by sharp pain, increased sensitivity to palpation. After three days, blue-purple bruises appear (gradually take on a greenish-yellow color). Movement causes discomfort. Complex treatment is required. Loads are prohibited. A doctor's consultation is required. It is advisable to take an x-ray;
  • At the third degree, dangerous symptoms are observed: painful shock, severe swelling, multiple hematomas. Movement is not possible. The body temperature rises. A slight chill is possible. When the biceps is torn, a characteristic click is heard. This is evidence of serious damage.

The peculiarities of diagnostics are determined by localization. By asking leading questions, the traumatologist will select the optimal program. The most common problem is the back of the thigh. Main criteria: pain in sitting position, "spreading" of hematoma in the direction of the knee, impaired flexion function against resistance. The sciatic nerve located close to it is under pressure from inflamed tissues. High likelihood of scarring.

Difficulty with the quadriceps muscle is responsible for pain while standing. The pulsation covers the area of ​​the knee, which is problematic to bend. With an extensive rupture, a slit defect can be palpated. Complications in the form of localization of calcium salts (ossifying myositis) are 9%.

Injuries to the adductor group respond with pain in the groin. A nervous tremor is characteristic when the leg is moved to the side. The tone decreases, muscle fatigue appears. Unpleasant sensation with active flexion of the thigh and lower leg.

Leg pain

Emergency measures

After analyzing the symptoms, they begin to take decisive action. At home, you will find the necessary tools. The procedure is standard:

  • Rest for 48 hours. To compensate for the loads when walking with a cane;
  • Cold compresses 20 minutes 10 times a day. A plastic bottle, an ice pack, a cold heating pad is a very effective treatment;
  • Elevated leg position. Fix at the level of the heart with the help of pillows.

The dressing will solve the problem of compensation of injuries. Bandaging is an affordable way to support the ligaments. Elastic bandages prevent relapse better than bandages. When committing, do not forget the following rules:

  • Maximum muscle relaxation;
  • The body segment is wrapped in a position identical to the natural one;
  • Symptoms of lack of sensitivity are the result of too tight turns;
  • Direction of movement: from the periphery of the thigh towards the body.

Correct actions do not disturb lymphatic drainage, eliminate edema, and strengthen the joint. Materials with nylon fibers provide a high level of compression. Cotton bandages absorb ointments better. Acrylics create a "sauna effect".

First aid relieves the condition. With an insignificant degree of damage, it will be enough for the independent restoration of muscle fibers. Folk remedies will help to treat sprains. Rehabilitation takes three weeks.

Elimination of pain and inflammation

The hip stretch is fully recoverable. Medicines are worthy allies. Creams and gels support small vessels, prevent hypoxia, relieve inflammation. Their use is safe if the instructions are followed.

Warming ointments are responsible for heat transfer. Not suitable for emergency aid, intended for rehabilitation. Main components:

  • Apitoxin. Bee venom increases vascular permeability, softens scars, dilates capillaries. The treatment is carried out due to the thermal effect;
  • Pepper extract. Irritates receptors, prevents myositis, increases the elasticity of the ligaments, increases mobility, triggers the recovery mechanism;
  • Camphor. Stimulates nerve endings. Camphor oil increases muscle tone, most of all the four-headed. Provides a distracting effect;
  • Methyl salicylate. Relieves pain, stops inflammation. This is known as aspirin. Oppresses prostaglandins.

Cooling ointments are first applied to the painful focus. The temperature is not lowered, but the feeling of coolness is created. The analgesic principle of action: not to heal, but to relieve pain. Apply in a thin layer until completely absorbed (without rubbing). Active substances:

  • Menthol. Cooling specificity. Slight burning sensation, tingling sensation. Local antiseptic. At the level of the central nervous system, it affects pain symptoms;
  • Ketoprofen. Inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. Fast action. Long lasting effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • Nimesulide. Relieves post-traumatic inflammation of the ligaments. It is indicated for degenerative diseases: bursitis, osteoarthritis, sciatica. Available in gel form.

Analgesic ointments

Topical products are applied for the first time before bedtime. Muscles willingly give in to massage, rubbing with the four-headed one is especially effective. The subsequent use scheme is three times a day. Rub in in a circular motion without pressure. Pharmaceutical companies represent the following brands:

  • Lyoton-1000. Against edema and bruising;
  • Heparin. Contusions of soft tissues and ligaments;
  • Actovegin. Normalizes blood flow in the capillaries;
  • Nikoflex. Increases tone, warms up;
  • Voltaren emulgel. Anti-inflammatory agent based on diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin. Local analgesic effect.

If the stretching of the thigh continues to bother, antispasmodics are prescribed: drotaverine, noshpa, midocalm. Potent tablets: ketanov, ibuprofen, diclofenac, it is advisable to use no more than three days, in order to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Traditional medicine advises making lotions from hot beer, black pepper and lavender essential oil. The bay leaf infusion is taken orally. Alcohol with iodine solution is an excellent base for a compress. Oat flour is used as an applique. Some healers use chopped onion and honey to treat inflammation. Elderberry infusion is popular. Concomitant procedures are a psychological factor; a doctor prescribes radical therapy.

Recovery of vital functions

Having eliminated the pain symptoms, they proceed to rehabilitation. Physical therapy and complex exercises can help prevent scar tissue formation. Classes begin two weeks after the incident (in the first and second degree). The load is minimal. Back surface injuries take longer to recover. Smooth movements restore elasticity. Jerking injures tissue. The treatment returns to the initial stage. The process is slow, without loads and Olympic records. Each muscle group is worked out separately. The requirement is the absence of inflammation.

Healing exercises

Injury to the back of the thigh occurs due to immobility. Exercises will help to restore tone, to avoid new breaks:

  1. Alternate amplitude kicks. Hold on to the support with your hand;
  2. Smooth forward bends with gripping toes and biceps tension. Try to press against the limbs with your chest;
  3. Sit down, touch the floor with your hands. Straighten your legs, do not tear your fingers off the surface. Make springy rolls. Slowly rise, stretch. Take your shoulders back.

Strengthening the muscle frame is often practiced by resuscitators. Rebuilding a four-headed one is a particularly difficult task. It crosses two joints and is at risk of injury. The following actions will regain control over mobility:

  • The muscles of the anterior surface are tense. Sitting on the floor with one leg bent and the other straight. Pull the toe towards you. Linger in the position for 5 minutes.
  • Lying on your stomach, grab the ankle joint. The muscles of the inner surface are tense. Try to press your heels against your buttocks.
  • Kneeling, bend back. Make even swaying. Try to keep a straight line.
  • Get on your knees. Sit down slowly on the floor between your heels. Lean back, leaning on your hands.

The number of approaches depends on the condition of the ligaments. In case of painful attacks, stop the movement. It is helpful to massage the limb in a circular motion. The warming effect is important. Ointments, creams, gels on a natural basis will come in handy.

Physiotherapy is presented in many directions. The best treatments will be recommended by your doctor.

Darsonvalization. Exposure to high-frequency currents changes the physical and technical parameters of tissues. The treatment is applied topically. Feels a slight tingling sensation. Inflammatory foci resolve. The performance of the muscles increases. Treatment - 12 procedures, 12 min.

Magnetotherapy. Local magnetic fields are effective in chronic sepsis, edema. Accelerate the healing of scars, maintain the elasticity of the ligaments. The duration of the session is about 40 minutes. Course 15 procedures.

Ultrasonic exposure. The interaction of ultrasound with biological tissues develops a compensatory-restorative response. It has an antispasmodic effect. "Welding machine" of soft tissues. To enhance pain relief, hip sprain is treated with analgin phonophoresis.


A set of measures has been developed thoroughly. Rehabilitation opportunities are unlimited. The prognosis for recovery is positive. Stretching the thigh muscles becomes a problem if medical advice is not followed.

Relieve inflammation, relieve pain, relieve muscles until complete recovery, which takes 4 to 6 weeks. The symptoms are common knowledge, but the visit to the doctor is often accompanied by the third stage of the disease.

Such carelessness leads to improper tissue fusion. The muscle is shortened, deformation occurs. With complications, there is a predisposition to repeated tears. It becomes more difficult to treat the patient. Scarring of tissues occurs, calcifications are formed. The prognosis for these anomalies is negative. Improvement may not come.

Athletes leading an active lifestyle and even people who just stumbled inadvertently can suffer from injury - stretching of the thigh muscles. Its occurrence is due to the contraction of a muscle group simultaneously with flexion or extension of the leg at the knee. Exercise remains a common cause - swings, squats, lunges.

After completing the exercise, the person may feel sudden and sharp pain that does not allow the person to perform the exercise again. Since stretching occurs quite often, an effective treatment complex has long been developed.

Factors of occurrence

Trauma occurs through a fairly simple mechanism. A smooth load on the thigh allows you to minimize the load and distribute it to all muscle groups of the leg. A sharp and sudden jerk knocks the muscles out of action, and there is a high likelihood of stretching the thigh muscles.

The causes of injury are quite commonplace:

  • a sharp change in posture;
  • loss of elasticity as a result of prolonged lack of movement;
  • physical exercise and work;
  • external influence: directed blows, unsuccessful falls, unexpected collisions.

In addition, a simple sprain can make it more difficult to stretch the hip ligaments. An extreme increase in the load on the muscles leads to an imbalance in the human musculoskeletal system. And as a result, muscle fibers rupture.

Thigh muscles

First of all, you need to know which muscle is affected. It is not always possible for a person to establish the affected area when providing first aid, since the pain spreads throughout the leg and makes it difficult to diagnose. Symptoms and treatment depend on the diagnosis of the injury site.

There are three muscle groups that are responsible for the various functions of the leg.

  1. The back muscles are needed to perform actions such as flexion and extension of the knee. This group includes the following muscles: semitendinosus, biceps and semimembranous. Stretching can occur if the warm-up has been insufficient;
  2. The quadriceps muscle serves as additional support when flexing and extending the entire leg;
  3. Leading, the name of which speaks for itself: the muscle helps lead the thigh. Her stretch is characterized by severe pain in the groin. Such an injury happens with an unsuccessful jump or with a sharp landing on the twine.

Clinical picture

A hip sprain has many symptoms similar to a sprain and is classified by severity.

The first degree is a very mild injury and is characterized by mild symptoms. The pain is almost imperceptible, aching. There is no swelling. Hospitalization is not required.

The second is characterized by severe symptoms - the pain is intense, aggravated by movement. The edema of the thigh is moderate, with time hematomas and bruises appear due to hemorrhage under the skin.

The third degree is a severe form of injury. In addition to stretching, there is muscle tear. Painful sensations are sharp, unbearable. They do not pass even with immobility of the limb and its rest. Puffiness appears almost immediately, an extensive hematoma develops. The victim needs urgent hospitalization, since a dislocation may additionally be diagnosed.

It takes several months to treat a severe thigh muscle strain, and the recovery period will take the same amount of time. Lighter: second and first degrees - are treated within one calendar month. The rehabilitation period will also take some time.

Trauma diagnosis

As with any type of injury, a sprained thigh requires treatment under the supervision of a physician to correct all signs and restore connective tissue.

The distinguishing feature of the diagnosis usually determines the location of the injury. The treatment course is selected based on the feelings of the victim, supported by the necessary research (X-ray, MRI, ultrasound). The injury is most often localized in the back of the thigh, stretching of the quadriceps or posterior muscle group.

The posterior muscles have different symptoms and treatment, respectively, from damage to other muscles. Painful sensations persist, even if the victim is sitting, the hematoma expands the area towards the knee, the functions of flexion and extension of the joints are impaired. This happens because the sciatic nerve is compressed by inflamed and swollen tissues. If there is an open wound, then in almost all cases, scars are formed.

A stretched quadriceps muscle is painful if the victim is standing. Bending the knee is problematic, the throbbing pain intensifies. Complications after trauma can be diagnosed - a slit defect and ossifying myositis (collection of calcium salts).

Stretching the adductor muscles of the thigh responds with unpleasant pain in the groin area. There is a characteristic tremor when trying to move the leg to the side. The elasticity of the stretched muscle decreases, general fatigue is noticed. Active movements of the legs are impossible, while the pain intensifies.

Urgent care

As with any injury, treatment for sprains should begin with first aid. It can significantly attenuate the development of the injury and facilitate subsequent therapy and recovery.

In any home environment and even on the street, there can be found the necessary first aid for stretching. The procedure, however, is not very different from typical help - the basics are the same everywhere.

  • Complete immobility. The victim must take such a position that the leg is not disturbed for two days. If you need to get to the trauma center, you can compensate for the injured leg with a cane. In this case, the load on it should be significantly higher than the load on the leg;
  • After injury, you need to immediately apply cold: it will help reduce swelling and have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels - narrow them, thereby preventing further spreading of blood under the skin. The procedure must be repeated several times a day, applying ice for a maximum of 20 minutes. This can be a plastic bottle with a cold drink or a frozen convenience food if the injury occurred on the street. Ice pack or cold heating pad - at home.

Important! To reduce the likelihood of frostbite on the upper skin layer, wrap the frozen object in a soft cloth.

  • Elevated position - The leg must be elevated to prevent the development of extensive swelling. The affected limb should be at the level of the heart, for this it is worth placing a pillow or hard roller under it. On the street, clothes rolled in several layers or a backpack or bag of the victim himself are suitable;
  • Bandaging - additional immobility will be created by a tight bandage. It will support the ligaments, prevent the muscles from moving and overstraining even more. It has been noted that an elastic bandage can prevent recurrence of injury better than a bandage applied.

Fixing the injured limb, you need to pay attention to the fact that the muscles are as relaxed as possible at this moment. The thigh should be bandaged in a natural position. In this case, the affected limb should not lose its sensitivity. This will mean that the bandage is very tight and squeezed blood access to the leg. A very dangerous symptom that must be eliminated immediately by bandaging the leg weaker.

Correctly applied bandaging helps to eliminate puffiness, helps to hold and fix the joint instead of the natural support in the form of muscles.

Part of the treatment depends on what materials were used in the bandage. For example, bandages with nylon fibers are better at compensating for immobility of the limb. Cotton bandages absorb ointments, and acrylic bandages warm the injury site.

Important! Do not apply acrylic bandages immediately after an injury.

Properly delivered emergency care can greatly alleviate an injury. With a mild degree, first aid is sufficient for muscle recovery. Rehabilitation usually takes no more than a calendar month.

Curative therapy

Initially, it is necessary to tightly fix the stretched joint, or rather, its connective tissues - ligaments and muscles. Rigid but gentle fixation is applied for 40-50 hours after injury.

Anti-inflammatory and pain relievers are used. Usually, powerful drugs are prescribed, aimed not only at relieving pain, but also at relieving some of the signs of stretching. The dosage is prescribed based on the weight and severity of the victim's injury. In addition, chronic diseases are taken into account, since many drugs have their own contraindications, including allergies. Medication is prescribed at intervals of 3-5 times a day.

As soon as the swelling of the thigh subsides and the pain syndrome decreases, a course of physiotherapy exercises is prescribed, the exercises of which are aimed at restoring and developing muscles and ligaments.

The implementation of these exercises significantly affects the rehabilitation of the victim after an injury, and reduces the risk of consequences. The first level of exercise usually consists of raising the limb, as well as performing circular movements. The load gradually increases, the joint is developed.

Additionally, massage of the damaged area is prescribed. It is aimed at relieving edema, while always massaging the area next to the injured one so as not to bring complications. The massage should be done twice a day.

Important! Only a specialist can properly stretch the muscles after an injury, do not blindly and clumsily knead the injured leg.

Compresses (on medicinal ointments, on folk remedies - lemon juice and garlic, infusion of St. John's wort and chamomile, aloe leaves) will become an effective remedy against edema. The leg is wrapped with an elastic bandage, a compress is applied. Compresses act in a complex way, relieve inflammation, pain and swelling.

In case of injury, it is recommended to reduce the load on the legs - use crutches or canes. It is advisable to walk less. Be sure to seek help from doctors without self-medication. Only a specialist knows how to treat sprains and can prescribe treatment and stabilize the recovery process without complications.

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  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of folk methods and medicines, creams and ointments ...
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  1. Classification of injuries
  2. Symptoms
  3. First aid techniques
  4. Hospital treatment
  5. Terms of rehabilitation

Stretching the thigh muscles: how to provide first aid and avoid additional injuries

In terms of volume, the thigh muscles are among the largest in the human body. The group includes three types of muscles: biceps, semitendinosus, semimembranous. With the combined action of the muscles, flexion of the legs in the knee and hip joints is ensured.

With intense physical activity and sports, especially in an unprepared state, without the necessary warming up of the tendons and ligaments, there is a risk of injury to muscle tissue. Shock loading from accidents can also cause stretching or tearing, with serious consequences.

Most of all, this problem is relevant for professional athletes, but hip sprains are often found in ordinary people. Regardless of the cause of the injury and its complexity, you will need to provide immediate assistance and begin treatment that will avoid further complications and reduce the risk of additional injuries.

Classification of injuries

The severity of muscle injury is determined by the severity of the injury. The classification is necessary to determine the consequences of trauma, as well as to determine the clinical and hospital treatment, therapeutic recovery after injuries. The current classification provides for the following degrees of injury:

  • Light - accompanied by moderate pain syndrome. The integrity of muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons is preserved, muscle recovery at home is permissible;
  • Moderate severity - a more serious degree of damage, accompanied by a noticeable pain syndrome, causes discomfort during movement. Edema appears in the area of ​​damage, hematomas or bruises may appear. Most of all, it is typical for severe sports injuries when performing physical exercises with great stress;
  • Severe - may be accompanied by tearing of muscle tissue and severe painful sensations, both during movement and at rest. There is a significant edema, the appearance of a hematoma. In case of severe injuries, urgent medical attention is required, in some cases, invasive interventions are performed to restore ruptures and leg performance. Most often, such injuries occur in accident victims.

Treatment of a sprain of the femoral muscle directly depends on the class of injury received

Important information: only a specialist traumatologist can classify an injury, therefore, if a hip is sprained, you should immediately contact a trauma center, hospital or clinic for the necessary assistance.


Regardless of the severity of the injury, the symptoms of the problem have similar manifestations. In particular, the following symptoms of hip sprain are taken into account for diagnosis:

  • The appearance of local pain in the thigh area, discomfort can manifest itself both during movement and at rest, depending on the degree of damage;
  • The appearance of edema and an increase in the volume of the damaged area, a local increase in skin temperature, the presence of sensations of the onset of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Hematomas or bruises in the area of ​​injury that appeared without visible external damage or mechanical shock;
  • Clicking when injured, especially severe, indicating a muscle rupture.

It is worth paying close attention to the diagnosis, since in its sensations a strong stretching, especially with internal tears, can be comparable to the symptoms of fractures that require completely different behavior. Information on the rules for providing assistance with a fracture is detailed in the article - first aid for a fracture of the femoral neck.

First aid techniques

First aid for stretching the hip is reduced to the following actions:

  • It is necessary to immobilize the victim, bring the leg to a state of rest, eliminating the deterioration of the condition;
  • An ice compress or ice heating pad should be applied to the damaged area to relieve swelling;
  • Depending on the pain, you will need to take an analgesic drug;
  • Call an ambulance or take the victim to the nearest emergency room, clinic or hospital.

What to do if you have a severe thigh strain? The victim must be taken to the emergency room as quickly as possible for examination by a competent specialist. In order to prevent swelling during transportation, you can apply a compression bandage and fix the leg in an elevated position.

Important information: before an accurate diagnosis is made, the best solution would be to exclude any load on the leg, since a severe degree with tissue rupture is not only painful, but also dangerous with the possibility of further rupture of the muscles of the ligaments and tendons, since an uneven level of load is created.

First aid techniques are typical and relevant for other groups of leg muscles. In particular, if you are looking for an answer to the question of what to do when stretching the calf muscle, then the list of first aid procedures will be the same as for stretching the thigh. Sprains refer to injuries of mild to moderate severity, they are quite simple to heal and take a little time during rehabilitation.

Hospital treatment

The help of specialists will be required in any case, regardless of the severity of the injury. In severe cases with concomitant muscle tears, damage to ligaments and tendons, surgery may be required. In particular, the surgeon can put internal sutures from a special material on the torn muscle, which will dissolve over time and will be excreted from the body naturally. A competent professional can also advise on what to do with a hamstring sprain in subsequent home treatment.

Light sprains are easy to treat. First of all, it is necessary to ensure peace and exclude the load on the injured leg. To relieve swelling, it is recommended to make cold compresses, applying for 20 minutes to the swelling and repeating the procedure 10-20 times a day until the inflammation subsides.

Terms of rehabilitation

Sprains of mild to moderate severity allow you to recover in the shortest possible time and, as a rule, cause discomfort for no more than 1 month. Severe injuries may require up to 6-8 months of rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy exercises, in particular physiotherapy exercises, massages, short-term unhurried walks, will accelerate the pace of recovery. Also, exercise therapy and regular exercise will allow you to quickly restore tissue elasticity and return the leg to its original mobility. The attending physician can prescribe the optimal exercise cycle based on the severity of the condition. Moreover, exercises can only be started after complete recovery of internal injuries and pain relief.

On our site you can find all the necessary useful information regarding first aid for various injuries, you will find symptoms of stretching the muscles of the shoulder, elbow or knee joint of other muscles of the body. The terms of recovery and rehabilitation, as well as the functionality of the damaged organ or muscle after complete recovery, depend on competently provided first aid and subsequent treatment.

Front group. 1. Tailor muscle, m. sartorius.
2. The quadriceps femoris, m. quadriceps femoris.
3. Knee-articular muscle, m. articularis genu.
Medial group. 1. Thin [tender] muscle, m. gracilis.
2. Long drive muscle, m. adductor longus.
3. Short drive muscle, m. adductor brevis.
4. Large adductor muscle, m. adductor magnus.
5. Comb muscle, m. pectineus.
Back group. 1. Biceps femoris, m. biceps femoris.
2. Semi-membranous muscle, m. semimembranosus.
3. Pivotendinosus muscle, m. semitendinosus.

Front group

1. Sartorius, m. sartorius is the longest muscle located on the front of the thigh. The muscle resembles a narrow band that runs along the front of the thigh and then passes to the medial surface. It originates from the spina iliaca anterior superior, attaches to the tuberositas tibia, and some bundles are woven into the fascia of the upper tibia. The tailor muscle, together with the pewter tendon and the thin [tender] muscle, are involved in the formation of the "superficial crow's feet", under which is the bag of the crow's feet, bursa anserina.
Function: flexes the thigh and lower leg, turns the thigh outside, and the lower leg toward the middle, thereby participating in the casting of the leg to leg.
Blood supply: aa. circmflexa femoris lateralis, genus suprema, muscle branches a. femoralis.
Innervation: n. femoralis (plexus lumbalis) (L II-L III).
2. Quadriceps femoris, m. quadriceps femoris is one of the largest muscles of the human body, it is located on the front of the thigh and has four heads:
1) rectus femoris, m. rectus femoris - occupies the front surface of the thigh, originates from the spina iliaca anterior inferior and the upper edge of the acetabulum, attaches to tuberositas tibia along with the common tendon of the quadriceps muscle;
2) Broad medial muscle, m. vastus medialis - occupies the anterior and medial region of the thigh, originates from the labium mediale lineae aspera femoris and from the septum intermuscular, attaches to the medial edge of the patella;
3) Lateral broad muscle, m. vastus lateralis - occupies the anterolateral surface of the thigh, originates from the labium laterale lineae asperae femoris and from the base of the trochanter major, the bundles are directed downward and medially, connected to m. vastus intermedius and are attached to the superior and lateral edge of the patella;
4) Broad intermediate muscle, m. vastus intermedius - located on the front of the thigh between the lateral and medial broad muscles. It originates from the front of the thigh and from the linea trochanterica, attaches to the upper edge of the patella. The common tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle grasps the patella and attaches to its apex and lateral edges, passes into the lig. patellare, which reaches tuberositas tibia.
Function: the rectus muscle flexes the hip at the hip joint and unbends at the knee. The medial, lateral and intermediate muscles extend the shin at the knee joint.
Blood supply: aa. circumflexa femoris lateralis, profunda femoris, a. femoralis.
Innervation: n. femoralis (plexus lumbalis) (III-IIV).
3.Knee joint muscle, m. articularis genu - located on the front of the thigh under m. vastus intermedius. It originates from the lateral epicondyle of the thigh and the joint capsule, attaches to the anterior and lateral surfaces of the knee joint capsule.
Function: pulls back the capsule of the knee joint.
Blood supply: a. circumflexa femoris lateralis, rr. perforantes a. profunda femoris.
Innervation: n. femoralis (pl. lumbalis) (IIII-Z.IV).

Medial group

1. Thin [tender] muscle, m. gracilis, is a thin long muscle located under the skin, along the medial side of the thigh. It originates from the anterior surface of the os pubis, passes into the tendon, which attaches to the tuberositas tibiae.
Function: leads the thigh and promotes flexion of the lower leg at the knee joint.
Blood supply: aa. pudenda externa, obturatoria, profunda femoris.
Innervation: anterior branch n. obturatorii (pl. lumbalis) (L 1-I IV).
2. Long adductor muscle, m. adductor longus - flat, triangular in shape, located on the anterior medial surface of the thigh, originates from the anterior surface of the ramus superior os pubis below the tuberculum pubicum, goes down to the lateral side, attaches to the middle third of the labium mediale lineae asperae os femoris.
Function: leads the hip, takes part in its flexion and rotates outside.
Blood supply: aa. obturatoria, pudenda externa, prof unda femoris.
Innervation: anterior branch n. obturatorii (pl. lumbalis) (L II-L III).
3. Short adductor muscle, m. adductor brevis - triangular in shape, ascends to the outer surface of the ramus inferior os pubis, goes down and to the lateral side, attaches to the upper third of the labium mediale lineae aspera os femoris.
Function: leads and partially flexes the hip.
Blood supply: a. obturatoria, aa. perforantes.
Innervation: anterior branch n. obturatorii (pl. lumbalis) (L III Z. IV).
4. Adductor muscle, m. adductor magnus is a thick, broad muscle, triangular in shape, located on the medial surface of the thigh. It goes back to the tuber ischiadicum and the outer surface of the ramus inferior ossis ischii, as well as from the ramus inferior ossis pubis. Attaches to the upper part of the labium mediale lineae asperae os femoris and to the epicondylus medialis.
Function: brings the hip and unbends it. The special action of this muscle is manifested when the hip is abducted.
Blood supply: aa. obturatoria, perforantes.
Innervation: posterior branch n. obturatorii (pl.lumbalis) (L II-L III) and branches n. schiadici (pl. sacralis) (L IV-L V).
5. Comb muscle, m. pectineus - has the shape of a quadrangle, located on top of m. adductorbrevis and obturatorextemus, originates from pecten ossis pubis and the outer surface of the ramus superior os pubis, attaches to the labium mediate lineae asperae os femoris below the lesser trochanter.
Function: flexes and adducts the hip.
Blood supply: aa. obturatoria, pudenda externa, profunda.
Innervation: branches from n.femoralis and sometimes from n. obturatorius (pl. lumbalis) (L II-L III).

Back group

1. Biceps femoris, m. biceps femoris - located on the lateral edge of the back of the thigh. The muscle has two heads - a long one and a short one. The long head, caput longum, originates from tuber ischiadicum, and the short head, caput breve, originates from the lower half of the labium laterale lineae asperae os femoris and from the septum intermuscular laterale. The heads unite to form an abdomen that merges into a long, common tendon that attaches to the c.apitulum fibulae, sending some of the fibers to the fascia cruris.
Function: unbends the thigh, flexes the lower leg and returns it from the outside (supinates).
Blood supply:
Innervation: the long head is innervated from pl. sacralis: n. tibialis and n. ischiadicus (5 1-5 II), short - from peroneus communis, n. ischiadicus (L IV-L V, S I).
2. Semi-membranous muscle, m. semimembranosus - located on the medial edge of the posterior surface of the thigh, originates from the tuber ischiadicum lamellar tendons, bends around the medial epicondyle and goes to the anterior medial surface of the tibia, where it is divided into three bundles, forming a deep goose foot, pes anserinus profundus. The inner bundle ends in the condylus medialis, the middle one passes into the fascia m. poplitei, and the external one reaches the capsule of the knee joint and becomes lig. popliteum obliquum.
Function: unbends the thigh, flexes the lower leg and participates in its pronation.
Blood supply: aa. circumflexa femoris medialis, perforantes, poplitea.
Innervation: n. tibialis (L IV-Z. V, 5 I).
3. Serrated muscle, m. semitendinosus - originates from tuber ischiadicum, goes down and passes into a long tendon, which attaches to the medial side of tuberositas tibiae below the attachment point of m. gracilis and m. sartorius. The tendons of these three muscles are connected by a fibrous membrane, the fibers of which partially pass into the fascia cruris. This formation was called the goose link, pes anserinus superficialis.
Function: unbends the thigh, bends the lower leg, slightly returns it to the middle (penetrates).
Blood supply: aa. perforantes.
Innervation: branches n. tibialis (L IV-L V, S I (S II)).
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