To swing your back at home without dumbbells. How easy it is to pump up your back at home

Today there are many centers and gyms offering their services to improve physical form... Some people cannot visit such places due to financial difficulties or lack of free time in order to get to the sports center.

Self-study is not inferior in efficiency and effectiveness to training in the gym, while having the advantages in the form of saving time and money. With simple exercises, anyone can build their back muscles while exercising at home.

Rules for classes at home

The widest dorsal fibers are involved in any movement of a person, regardless of whether he is sitting or moving. To build muscle, you need a constant increase in load, which is achieved by increasing reps, approaches or using more heavy weights... It is difficult to use different weights at home. However, very large weights are used only by athletes with more than 2 years of training experience.

Workout latissimus at home are associated with the following nuances:

  • a person's ability to lift weights depends on the development of the back muscles;
  • it is more difficult to pump these muscles than the muscles of the arms;
  • exercising can burn a significant amount of calories.

The effectiveness of any workout depends on adherence to basic rules. In order to build muscle, you need to know about the following nuances:

  • you can build muscle by doing 2 times a week, more frequent training will lead to insufficient time for muscle recovery;
  • for a start, it is recommended to perform the basic exercise according to the 3 × 12 scheme, then move on to such a number of repetitions at which the last movement is performed with maximum effort;
  • the program must be periodically modified, otherwise the muscles get used to the load, stop growing and it becomes more difficult to pump them up;
  • the workout program should begin with a warm-up complex and end with stretching exercises.

Build muscle: basic exercises for men

Pumped lats back muscles in men, they contribute to the creation of a beautiful embossed torso. Intensity is needed to increase the efficiency in the exercises. Rest between each basic exercise should be no more than 1 minute. The number of repetitions should be large enough. If you follow these rules, the body will begin to produce more growth hormone, which will lead to an increase in the latissimus dorsi.

Today there are quite a few programs that explain in detail how to build back muscles at home. They are all based on the use of basic basic exercises. The most commonly used pull-ups on the horizontal bar, different kinds deadlifts and exercises on the block.


You can build muscles by including pull-ups in the training program, since they are considered one of the most effective for pumping back muscles. The grip can be narrow or wide. Execution rules:

  • hang on the bar with your arms wider than your shoulders;
  • move the body forward and cross your legs;
  • reduce the shoulder blades and pull up to the top until the chest reaches the crossbar;
  • return to starting position.

The pull-up should be smooth, excessive gusty movements should not be allowed. It is ideal if the horizontal bar touches the chest at the level of the collarbone during the exercise.

The number of repetitions should be as large as possible. If it is impossible to perform even one pull-up, instructors advise using a footrest that allows you to rise above the bar. In this case, you just need to smoothly go down.

At the first stage, it will be enough to perform 3 repetitions, and then proceed to the deadlift. narrow grip on a 7 × 12 block, giving the muscles 60 seconds of rest between each set.

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

To complete the exercise, you need a bench that is used as a support. At home, you can use a chair or sofa instead of a simulator. Execution technique:

  • put your left knee and hand on the bench;
  • in right hand take a dumbbell;
  • straighten your arm with a dumbbell and bend your back a little;
  • pull the inventory towards you in an arc;
  • fix the position of the hand and lower it down.

After completing the required number of repetitions with the left hand, a similar exercise is performed with the right. When working, care should be taken that the dumbbell stretches to the place of the belt and does not go to the middle of the abdomen or chest.

Barbell Row

Deadlift is included in almost all programs of professional athletes, which is associated with the effectiveness of this exercise. Execution technique:

  • take a barbell using a straight grip;
  • take the pelvis back a little and tilt the body forward, the bar should be in the middle of the lower leg;
  • pull the bar towards you until it touches the lower abdomen;
  • give up.

The weight of the bar is selected individually. It is recommended to keep the legs slightly bent to facilitate the exercise and reduce the load on the lumbar spine.

Block pull

Depending on the execution technique, you can change the load on certain muscle groups. Most often, the following types of traction are included in the programs:

  • deadlift using a wide grip in a sitting position;
  • retraction of the shoulder blades while sitting using a wide grip;
  • traction using a narrow block grip;
  • vertical thrust to the chest.

All pulling exercises should be done smoothly and without jerking.

Build muscle: basic exercises for girls

For girls, having inflated back muscles is no less important than for men. The underdevelopment of the muscular corset leads to the fact that the woman begins to slouch, there is a crooked posture and pain in the back. Using exercises designed to work out muscle fibers back, the girl can make the figure more harmonious. In the presence of large buttocks and hips, by changing the ratio of the sizes of the shoulders and pelvis, you can achieve the visual effect of a harmonious figure.

The main thing in training for girls is to observe moderation. The presence of a strongly inflated back with a drawing of muscles on girls does not look feminine.

It is enough to perform at home 15-20 repetitions of each exercise in order to tighten the muscle corset and raise muscle tone.

Raising the case

Take a horizontal position on your back. Bend your legs at the knee, and put your hands behind your head. Lift upper part body slowly lower to the floor. If the exercise is easy, then the load should be increased by raising the leg bent at the knee. It is necessary to try to raise the body as much as possible so that the distance between the knee and the head is minimal. It is enough to complete 3 sets of 14 repetitions.

Lying on your stomach

The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. The arms are straight forward and behind the head. The top of the body must be raised as high as possible, without lifting your legs from the floor surface. At first, it will be difficult to keep your legs in this position, so it is recommended to use the help of a partner. It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 reps each.

Body turns

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs forward, cross your feet. Put your hands behind your head into the lock. Slowly turn the body to the sides, making sure that your hands do not go forward. You must complete 3 sets of 25 reps.

Forward bends with dumbbells

For the exercise, weights are needed, which are used as dumbbells. Take a dumbbell in each hand and stand straight. Tilt forward until the body tilt angle is 90 degrees. Hands should be down and look straight. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Dumbbells to the sides in an incline are effective for girls. To do this, you need to tilt the body forward and lower your arms with dumbbells down. Gently raise both arms to the sides at the same time until parallelism to the floor is reached and also slowly lower it down. Perform 3 sets of 12 reps.

A set of exercises for men

The program is designed for training 2 times a week. Before performing a set of exercises, you must warm up for 5-10 minutes. Back workout program:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar - maximum amount once;
  • barbell thrust in the slope - 3 × 12 with a rest between repetitions of no more than 60 seconds;
  • pulling the block with a wide or narrow grip in a sitting position - 3 × 12;
  • vertical thrust with a maximum weight - 8 × 10;
  • vertical thrust with a weight of 80% of the maximum - 8 × 10;
  • vertical thrust with a weight of 60% of the maximum - 8 × 10.

The number of pull-ups during the month should increase by an average of 3. It is recommended to focus on the lowering phase as this forces the muscles to work at their maximum. While doing vertical thrust with a decrease in weight, movements must be performed more slowly with each decrease.

Build up your back muscles is not so difficult even at home. Periodic training and adherence to the execution technique will create a beautiful muscle relief in men, and girls will be able to strengthen the muscle corset. The inflated muscles of the back will be the key to the absence of diseases of the spine in the future.

Wide and strong back muscles are your dream? In this article, you will learn about the best exercises with which you are sure to get what you want!

Back muscles are an important component beautiful figure men and girls. Pumping up a wide and massive back is incredibly difficult.

In the gym, people work on building muscle by going through a variety of different exercises. In pursuit of perfect shape they do not notice their mistakes, which significantly affect the achievement of the result.

From this article you will learn a sea of ​​useful information, having taken possession of which you can embark on the path to progress.

The anatomical structure of the back muscles

If you understand the structure of the muscles of the back, then you can quickly outline the path of development.

  • Trapezius muscles ().Located at the very top of the back, which gives strength and volume;
  • Rhomboid muscles. Located under the trapezius muscles;
  • Large and small round muscles. They originate from the area of ​​the shoulder blades and are attached to humerus;
  • The infraspinatus muscle. Triangular flat muscle that fills the infraspinatus fossa of the scapula;
  • Latissimus dorsi.... Wide and oblong latissimus dorsi gives the figure the desired V-shape;
  • Muscle that straightens the spine. It is located among the deep muscles of the back and is the most powerful and longest on the back. Consists ofiliocostal, spinous and longest muscles.

When you load the upper back or thoracic spine, the trapezius, rhomboid, infraspinatus and latissimus muscles are involved. The muscle that straightens the spine works when the load is on the lumbar region.

How to make your workouts as effective as possible

The most common mistakes in back training are:

  • Ineffective exercise.

Do not neglect multi-joint (basic) exercises by doing isolation exercises alone.

Don't waste valuable time sitting on the machines.

  • Pumping is not the main thing!

Don't aim to do as many reps as possible, take the time. strength training... During the pumping process, your muscles are filled with blood. From this they swell, and a deceptive feeling of pumped up muscles is created. But, unfortunately, after training, blood is evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles return to their original size.

If you don't get rid of these mistakes, you won't be able to progress. Of course, if you have not worked in the gym before, then your figure will change a little from physical exercise... But soon it will beginstagnation (link to article "What to do to avoid plateau and stagnation in training"),which can lead to .

Emphasize basic exercises, leaving out some isolating exercises.

Basic exercises involve several muscle groups at once and contribute to increased testosterone production.

When you start leaning on polyarticular exercises, you will notice changes in your shape in positive side... Strength indicators will also go up the hill.

So, for building muscle mass your training program should consist of strength exercises by 80–85%.

The core of your exercises will be barbell and dumbbell work, and the machines will act as a useful addition.

Don't look at athletes with a wide back doing an incredible amount of exercises and sets. All people are different! Genetics and fitness level play an important role in bodybuilding. Perhaps your idols used to lean on basic exercises, but now they only work on certain muscle groups. It is possible that these people use , which contribute to phenomenal muscle growth. But this does not mean that in order to build a wide back, you need to sit on steroids. You will succeed without them!

If you work out in the gym, repeating the mistakes outlined above, then the most you can achieve is a V-shaped silhouette. You shouldn't count on any thickness and separation of the various back muscles.

In addition to width, it is important to work on the thickness of the back muscles. If you focus solely on exercises that make your back wider, you will become like a stencil.

In order to evenly and proportionally pump the muscles of the back, it is necessary to combine exercises for the width and thickness of the muscles.

Increase your working weight

There is a direct relationship between the strength of muscles and their mass. If working weights do not grow, then muscle development will remain in place. This is an axiom.

In order to progress in the recruitment of muscle mass, you must systematically increase the load.

Otherwise, the muscles will adapt and stop responding to training.

The main thing is to increase weight gradually.

Do not hang a weight on the barbell that is 15–20 kg more than your previous one at once. This will not lead to anything good. You can easily get injured and spend a lot of time recovering.

Do 4-6 or 5-7 reps per set. Once you have achieved the desired result, increase the weight and try to do the same reps as you did with the previous weight.

Do not take on more weight if you feel that you are not yet quite confident in taking your current weight.

Weekly volume

You should do a certain number of repetitions each week.

If you load your body less than it should, you will get an insufficient result. If you exceed the norm, then you will need more time to recover, but you will not have it.

Therefore, there may be problems associated with , which interferes with the achievement of the result.

Finding a middle ground can be difficult, because the more weights get, the fewer reps you can do. This theory is especially relevant for the deadlift, the most effective and difficult exercise for the back muscles.

When working with heavy weights (80-85% of the one-rep maximum), you should do 60-70 reps per week. This number of repetitions is the most optimal.

This technique is applicable not only to the back muscles, but also to any other muscle groups.

Best Back Exercises

There are many different exercises for building back muscles, but few of them actually work. Below are some of the most effective exercises to include in your training program. These exercises do not require the use of rare equipment - the necessary equipment can be found in every gym.

1. Deadlift

This exercise It is rightfully considered the best not only for working out the back muscles, but also for developing the muscles of the whole body. Deadlift includes the maximum possible number of muscle groups.

Unenlightened people believe that deadlift does not strengthen a person's muscles, but only cripples him. This opinion is valid, unless the technique and safety rules are followed during the exercise. Yes, deadlift is one of the most traumatic exercises, but if you do everything according to science, then this fantastic exercise can work all the back muscles at once.

If you have a back injury or spinal disease, then do deadlift strongly discouraged, so as not to exacerbate existing problems.

You can, of course, choose one of the options for performing the deadlift, which will not harm the affected areas of the back. In any case, consult your doctor before adding this exercise to your training program.

Deadlift options:

  • Classic;
  • Sumo;
  • Deadlift with trap bar;
  • Deadlift (straight-legged deadlift).

Deadlift technique (classic version)

The deadlift is a technically challenging exercise that requires many nuances. But you will never learn all the tricks until you try.

In the process of learning technical features, work with light weight so as not to damage your health.

Mistakes are inevitable, but this is not a reason to quit. Follow all the recommendations and you will succeed.

  • Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Direct your feet forward or spread them slightly to the sides;
  • The bar should be over the middle of the feet;
  • Bend over, pulling your pelvis and hips back a little so that your shoulders are exactly over the bar;
  • Don't spread your arms too wide. Let them touch the legs a little in the starting position. In the future, they should not constrain and restrict your movements, so do not place them too close to your feet.
  • Direct your gaze directly. Do not lift your head too high, otherwise the neck will experience severe overload. If you lower your head down, then you will have problems maintaining a straight back position. Look in front of you and the geometry will not be disturbed;
  • If, in the lifting phase, the bar slips out of your hands, then use a grip, that is, point one palm towards you, and the other away from you. This will allow you to minimize rod rotation as the torque will be zero. If you insist on a regular grip, then use the straps;
  • Do not bend your elbows, keep them straight. When doing the deadlift, the arms are the link connecting the shoulders to the barbell, and nothing more. Keep your arms upright during all phases of the exercise;
  • Just before the lifting phase, inhale and contract your abdominal muscles. By maintaining tension in the abdominal area, you will maintain stability in the lower back and prepare it for the deadlift;
  • Keep your back straight during the exercise. Otherwise, the entire applied load will fall on the spine, which is very easy to injure;
  • Bend the lower back and lift the weight with the efforts of the muscles of the legs and back;
  • Any distance between the bar and legs is excluded. The bar should slide over your feet. Otherwise, you will fall forward, and your back will inevitably be rounded;
  • Do not put your weight on your toes, as the center of gravity should be at the heels. Stabilize your position so that your feet are firmly pressed to the floor with their entire surface;
  • At the top point, pull your shoulders back, and bring your shoulder blades together. Don't lean back! The head should be strictly above the feet;
  • When lowering the projectile, keep the tension in the lower back;
  • The bar should maintain its position, being strictly over the middle of the foot. Bend your knees until the bar touches the floor;
  • Move smoothly and carefully. Avoid jerks, sudden movements, and never drop the barbell! By bouncing the bar off the floor, you use the rebound momentum and make it easier for yourself. Consequently, the useful lifting phase is reduced to zero;
  • Going down, begin the next repetition.

Before exercising, remember to do , which will warm up your body and prepare your muscles for stress.

Do the first warm-up approach with an empty bar so that the body remembers the mechanics of movements. Beginning with the second set, gradually increase the weight on the bar.

Sumo deadlift

This version of the deadlift is performed with a wide stance. The legs are at a distance of 1.5–2 times more than in the classic version.

When performing the sumo deadlift, the range of motion is reduced and the load on the lower back decreases. But this does not mean that this option is much easier than the previous one. The lion's share of the load will fall on your hips.

Try both techniques and choose the one that works best for your comfort and your physique.

Trap bar deadlift

The technique differs from the classic deadlift only by using a specific bar, making the exercise safer.

This option reduces the load on the spine and makes it easier to lower the projectile down. The trap bar deadlift also allows you to lift more weights compared to the classic version, which increases the degree of effective development of the lower body.


The thrust on straight legs differs from the classics and sumo in that when performing the exercise, the athlete does not bend his legs at all or bends, but only slightly.

2. Bent-over barbell row

This exercise promotes the development of the lats, large round and back deltoid muscles... If you bring your shoulder blades together during the exercise, then you will additionally work out the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

By changing the width of the grip and the angle of the torso, you can concentrate the load in different areas of the back.

3. One-handed dumbbell row in support

Another exercisefor the latissimus dorsi. Also included in the work are traps, back deltas, biceps and forearms. Ensures even development of the lats on both sides.

There are two options for performing this exercise:

  • Put one knee on horizontal bench and put your hand on it, which is on the same side as bent leg... For example, if you swing right side, then rest your left hand and left knee on the bench. Keep the body straight so that it is parallel to the floor. Put your right leg back in an almost straightened state.
  • Place one hand, such as your left hand, on a bench or machine, leaving left leg on the floor in a bent position. The right leg should stand behind the left in a straightened state. The dumbbell is in the right hand and the right lat muscle is being worked out.
4. T-bar row (T-bar)

This exercise will help you work the depth and thickness of your back muscles. It is considered a very effective exercise that allows you to pump almost all your back muscles.

If we consider the mechanical features of the execution, then the T-bar row is similar to the bent-over barbell row. But, unlike him, it is much easier to perform this exercise without errors.

5. Pull-ups with direct and reverse grip

Pull-ups - one of the most famous exercises, familiar to everyone from the time of passing school standards.

This exercise promotes the development of the latissimus dorsi. The width of the grip can be adjusted to the target muscles. If you use a wide grip, then you load the broadest muscles, a narrow one - the biceps.

When using a reverse grip with a narrow arrangement of arms, the lower part of the lats is worked out, as well as a significant part of the load falls on the biceps.

6. Thrust top block wide and narrow grip

You can build your back using a block trainer.

Wide grip essential for the development of the upper lats, rhomboid and trapezius muscles of the back.

If you want to load the central region of the back, then do this exercise with a narrow grip using the V-shaped handle.

7. Horizontal block pull

Target muscles to which the effort is directed: trapezius, lower latissimus, rhomboid muscles, and erector spine.

With this exerciseyou will be able to work on the thickness of your muscles.

8. Lowering straight arms in front of you on a block simulator

An exercise that isolates the lats, allowing you to focus solely on them.

Remember, progress is the key to muscle growth.

The best back exercises above can make your back muscles wider and thicker.

But you shouldn't just do these exercises, you should progress in each of them.

As you increase weights, you develop the strength of your muscles, and as you increase in strength, you increase mass and muscle volume.

Work out in the gym, eat right, and muscle mass won't keep you waiting long.

Features of training programs for back muscles

A well-designed training program includes complex multi-part exercises for the back that involve several muscle areas at once.

Isolation exercises can also be incorporated into training plan, but they should only be performed after the basic ones.

A simple but effective example will be presented below. training program for the back muscles. Follow this complex exercise once a week for the next 8 weeks and see how your body reacts. You will be pleasantly surprised.

  • Deadlift - After warm-up, do 3 working sets of 4-6 reps with a weight equal to 85% of the one-rep maximum;
  • Bent Over Row - 3 sets of 4-6 reps;
  • Upper block thrust wide grip- 3 sets of 4-6 reps;
  • One-handed dumbbell row in support - 3 sets of 4-6 reps.

Remember to gradually increase the weight of the projectile. This is the only way you can progress. Lifting the same weight, you will still be marking time.

If you are doing 6 reps with 100kg, add 2.5kg on each side. If in the next set you do 4 reps with a new weight, then it becomes your working one until you do 6 reps.

If the new weight is hard for you, and you can only do 3 reps, then you should slightly reduce the weight and work with it. After you've done 2 sets of 6 reps with this weight, move on to the next one.

This technique is ideal for both men and women.

Rest between sets

Rest is a very important part training process... If you choose the wrong time for rest, then the effectiveness of the workout can drop. Taking a little time to break between sets, you will not have time to regain strength before receiving a new dose of stress on your muscles. If the pause is too long, the muscles will cool down and it will be difficult for you to get back to work.

By doing hard exercise, you will have enough 3 minutes to rest.


Make sure you are consuming enough nutrients... For muscle growth you need , and to restore energy - . A balanced diet has a tremendous impact on your progress.

Sports nutrition

In fact, in order to start building your body, a balanced diet and a well-designed training program are enough. Butwill provide your body with additional calories and a dose of amino acids, which are necessary for building muscle.

  • Creatine

It is a natural compound that is produced in the body from amino acids such as arginine, glycine and methionine. Found in meat and fish.

Beneficial features: increases efficiency, promotes the growth of strength and quality muscle mass.

  • Protein

It is a sports supplement that consists of protein mixtures. When digested, protein is broken down into amino acids, which are the main building blocks of muscles.

If you can't get enough protein from food, then add protein to your diet.

  • Pre-workout complex

Variety sports nutrition which improves endurance and makes your workout more productive. It is important not to be mistaken with the choicebecause not all are effective and safe.


Having studied all the rules and subtleties that were presented in this article, you can apply them in the gym, starting with the next workout. Most importantly, remember that in order to avoid imbalances, you need to pay attention to working out the width and thickness of the back muscles.

Women seeking to achieve an attractive figure focus on problem areas: buttocks, abs, arms. But we shouldn't forget about the back. An inflated back will accentuate the contour of the silhouette, visually reduce the waist. By regularly doing back exercises both at home and in the gym, girls will get rid of stoop.

To achieve the same results as those of famous athletes, home workouts alone are not enough. But it is possible to tighten muscles, add tone and relief at home. Such workouts are suitable for beginners who do not need to build up mass and constantly increase the load.

How to pump up your back at home, they know professional athletes, for this you need to follow 2 principles:

  1. A set of exercises that stimulate an increase in muscle volume.
  2. A balanced diet to support muscle growth.

To train your back at home, 2-3 dumbbells and a horizontal bar are suitable. Sports equipment can be replaced with improvised tools - sand bottles, a mop.

Home workout principles

To pump up your back and achieve visible results, you need to follow the basic rules of training at home:

  • Frequency of training. The best option is to carry out a set of exercises 2 times a week.
  • Warm up. You cannot start training without first warming up the muscles, without preparing the body for stress. Failure to do so may result in injury and sprains.
  • At the beginning of each lesson, women need to do 1-2 basic exercises, and at the end - 1-2 isolating ones.
  • Trainers advise doing back exercises in 3 sets of 13-15 repetitions each. At the initial stage, it is the best option... In the future, the approach ends when the last repetitions are at the limit of strength.
  • The combination of exercises for back training should be alternated so that the muscles do not become accustomed to the specific impact.

How to avoid back injuries

Trainers advise before starting a workout to warm up the muscles, stretch the muscles. If there are no serious contraindications, stretching before the basic set of exercises is necessary.

She solves the following tasks:

  • warming up the muscles before basic exercises on apparatus;
  • elimination of the likelihood of dislocations and sprains;
  • reducing the likelihood of injury associated with incorrect performance technique;
  • improving the condition of the spine.

Stretching exercises are divided into 3 key groups:

  1. Warm-up.
  2. Dynamic.
  3. Static.

The warm-up group includes exercises tilt relatedmi hulls, by turns:

  • mill,
  • side bends,
  • turns of the body.

The main task is to prepare the muscles for the upcoming strength training... Exercises are performed at a comfortable pace for at least 5-7 minutes. The execution speed gradually increases.

At dynamic gymnastics exercises are performed more intensely. In each case, with the help of jerks, you need to stretch as best as possible. One of the simplest, but effective exercise- Reach the floor with your fingers without bending your knees. Heel-to-back bends and the Intensive Mill are other examples of dynamic stretching exercises.

Static stretching is essential for improving overall body flexibility. When performing static exercises on the muscles, the load should be maximized.

This type of stretching includes following exercises:

When used daily to maintain muscle tone, it is advisable to perform body bends and dynamic exercises. To achieve significant results, you need to pay attention static exercises in combination with dynamic stretching.

Exercises without iron and shells

When training your back, it is important not to start right away with iron or weights. To begin with, coaches advise you to pay attention to simple exercises that are performed at home.

Some of them are presented below:

Exercise with iron

At the initial stage of training, it is possible to swing your back at home. But to guarantee the most progressive muscle growth possible.

  • Barbell Deadlift- an exercise in which the load falls not only on the back muscles, but also on gluteal muscles... At the beginning of the exercise, you need to stand up straight, then, bending your knees, go down and take the bar with a straight wide grip. Then you need to stand up, helping yourself with your heels.

When performing deadlifts, you need to remember about the equivalent work of the back and legs. Athletes do not recommend this exercise for those with spinal problems (hernia and protrusion).

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The advantage of the horizontal bar is that you can practice both at home and in the gym or on the street. Exercising on the horizontal bar helps build your back and also tighten other muscles in your upper body.

Before swinging your back at home, you need to warm up, for example, run

With the help of a durable projectile and a small platform, you can perform full workout.A light jog in the park is suitable as a warm-up. The complex of exercises on the horizontal bar is aimed at the formation of a tightened shape, volumetric relief. Exercises on the horizontal bar are performed with direct or reverse grip, depending on the desire to tighten one or another part of the body.

To achieve the result, the following rules must be observed:

  • Lifting the body is due to the work of the muscles.
  • Jumps, jumps or additional momentum are not allowed.
  • We must not forget about breathing. When moving upward, exhalation occurs, when lowering the body, inhalation.
  • The body must be kept upright.

The maximum load on the muscles occurs during a slow ascent on the horizontal bar. At the top, the chin is flush with the bar or slightly higher. The body position is fixed for 2-4 seconds. You should descend smoothly, without jerking or sudden movements. During the pull-up, depending on the grip, different back muscles are involved in the work.
With a wide grip, the main load falls on the broadest muscles, so you need to reach the crossbar with the thoracic section and fix the position. When pulling up with a reverse grip, you need to control the position of the shoulders - they should be laid back.

Lats workout in the gym

The broadest muscle is the most voluminous, so you need to pump it using free weights. The main exercises for her are: pulling the lower block to the stomach, pulling with one hand.

Before starting the first exercise, you need to adjust the treadmill. The height of the seat is such that the cable remains parallel to the floor during operation. It is preferable to choose a bifurcated handle, this will keep the brushes parallel to each other.

A woman should take hold of the handle and pull it towards her belt. At the extreme point, at the moment when the handle touches the body, you need to fix the position, and then slowly return to the starting position. It is important to keep your elbows tight against your body.

During a bent-over row of one dumbbell, the athlete's body is located at an angle of ascent. This will eliminate biceps from work. The large range of motion allows you to maximize the load on the latissimus muscle.

How to work out rhomboid muscles

Rhomboid muscles strengthen shoulder girdle, are responsible for the correct position of the shoulder in dynamics. These muscles are formed passively during back exercises.

Bent-over barbell pull is as follows... A woman needs to take the bar with a straight grip, while bending her legs slightly at the knees, tilt the body forward. On exhalation, pull the barbell until it touches the body. In the upper position, bring the shoulder blades together. As you inhale, gently lower the bar down.
The pull of the upper block to the chest replaces the pull-ups on the horizontal bar. You need to sit on the simulator, take the handle with a wide straight grip, while exhaling, lower the handle to the thoracic region, slightly tilting the body back, while inhaling, return the handle to its starting position. At the lowest point, the shoulder blades should be brought together.

Exercises for the large round muscle

The large round muscle affects the movement of the hands. A well-developed muscle contributes to the formation of a beautiful silhouette.

Thrust vertical block behind the head is an easier alternative to pull-ups. First you need to sit on the simulator, grab the handle with a wide straight grip, while inhaling, pull the handle down by the head, fix the movement at the bottom point, and then slowly raise the handle up.
During the movement, the woman should feel the load on the back muscles. The back should be kept straight, avoiding bending in the spine.

Work with the extensors of the back

By training the back extensor muscles, the athlete will strengthen the lumbar spine. This will reduce the risk of osteochondrosis and some other diseases. To strengthen the muscles of the lower back, the following exercises are suitable: hyperextension, forward bends with weight (barbell).

To correctly perform forward bends with a barbell, you need to take the bar with a wide grip and set it on the trapezoid. Legs - shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. During the squat, the upper body tilts forward, the pelvis goes back.
At the moment when the body becomes parallel to the floor, they begin to move upward. It must be remembered that the lower back does not work during the exercise. The entire load is felt in the extensors of the back, buttocks.

With the help of hyperextensions in the Roman chair, most of the muscles of the back and legs are worked out. First, you need to lie on your stomach in the simulator, fix your feet under the rollers, slowly lower the body down, then, slowly, rise to parallel with the floor.

The loin should be straight without deflection. It is necessary to focus on breathing - when going up, inhalation occurs. To increase the effectiveness when performing hyperextension, weights are used.

Serrated muscle workout

Based on the physiology of this muscle group, it will not work to pump up the serrated muscles in isolation. They are under strain in different exercises but as an additional muscle group.

The dumbbell pullover helps in the development of muscle mass relief in the rib area. A woman needs to sit down on a bench, pick up a dumbbell by one end and, with outstretched arms, raise it above the chest, while inhaling, lower the dumbbell behind her head until the maximum stretching of the back muscles.

On exhalation, the dumbbell is raised to its original position above the head. It is important to keep your elbows slightly bent while performing the movement.

Exercises on abdominal Press promote the development of dentate muscles. Trainers advise doing exercises with an emphasis on each side. These include: lateral and diagonal crunches, lateral hyperextensions, leg raises on the horizontal bar. In this case, you can pump up the serrated muscles at home.

Exercises for the trapezius muscles

The trapezius muscles are located in the upper back. They play a decisive role in shaping correct posture. The following exercises are suitable for developing this muscle group: dumbbell shrugs, barbell pull to the chin.

The barbell pull to the chin is carried out as follows. First you need to take the bar with a straight grip, stand up straight, arms - straight, shoulder blades are brought together. Then they inhale and with the help of trapezoids raise the bar to the chin, fix the position and smoothly lower the bar down.

At the top, the elbows should be above shoulder level. During the exercise, you need to monitor the correct placement of the elbows - they should rise vertically parallel to the plane of the body.

How to quickly pump up your back

To build your back as quickly as possible, you do not have to constantly train in the gym. And at home, you can achieve significant results.

You just need to observe the following rules:

Exercises for scoliosis

On the initial stages scoliosis is used special complex exercises to correct the spine. At later stages, exercises and volumes are recommended by the doctor, based on the patient's condition.

The set of exercises for scoliosis consists of three parts: warm-up, main training and the final part.

For training use the following Sports Equipment:

  • dumbbells;
  • bench;
  • stick;
  • ribbons.

During the warm-up, the muscles are warmed up, blood circulation is normalized. the main task warm-ups - prepare the body for the basic set of exercises.

Below is a set of back exercises for initial scoliosis.

  • You need to sit on the floor with your knees bent before receiving right angle... At the same time, the arms are extended forward to maintain balance. Then the legs are pulled up to the chest, while the body is tilted back. The load is directed to the muscles of the back and abs. The number of repetitions is 10. After a short rest, the exercise is repeated 2 times.
  • You need to sit on a bench, clasp the back of your head with your palms. Slowly turn the body to one side, then to the other. The number of turns is 10 in each direction.
  • For this exercise you will need plastic bottle filled with warm water. You should lie on a hard surface, put the bottle under your lower back. Then, slowly, with the help of the legs, the device is rolled over to the neck. After - back to the lower back.

In conclusion, doctors recommend alternating walking on heels and on socks with high hips. Exercises should be performed carefully, without sudden movements, at a slow pace. At the end of the workout, 10-15 minutes are allocated for good rest.

How many repetitions to do

Basic condition women's workouts- do not overdo it. For beginners, athletes recommend starting with 10-12 repetitions. Increase the load and intensity gradually to avoid injury.

If the original goal is to lose weight, then you need to stop at 3 sets of 17-20 repetitions. Rest between sets - no more than 45-60 seconds. If the training is aimed at increasing muscle mass, then the number of approaches will be 3-5. The number of repetitions is 9-12. Do not forget about the iron - the mass of the shells is gradually increasing.

It is possible to perform exercises and swing your back both at home and in the gym. A strong, taut back can help alleviate many of the health problems that develop with age. You need to train regularly, and the result will be noticeable not only to the woman, but also to everyone around you.

Back Exercise Videos

Exercises for back muscles:

Best Back Exercises:

Behind us, we have the first month of training according to the beginner's guide program for gaining muscle mass. We got acquainted with the technique of the five basic exercises, increased the calorie content of the diet and the amount of correct carbohydrates in it, and also studied the basic sports supplements for muscle growth.

The second month of the training will be devoted to the complex development of the back muscles - the most important muscle group of the body. Exactly strong back gives an impetus for the growth of the muscles of the body: shoulders, pectoral muscles, hands and even the press. And it is the back that is itself problem area for beginners.

These are vertical and horizontal rods. In addition, for the uniform development of the figure, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of trapeziums (shrugs and standing dumbbells), shoulder muscles (standing barbell press), as well as the muscles of the lower back.

Why is it difficult to swing your back?

The pathologist can divide the muscles into certain groups during autopsy, but not at all a real man in training. It is impossible to involve the muscles of the upper back in the work without involving the shoulders, arms (from the biceps to the forearms), pectoral muscles and muscles-stabilizers of the spine.

However, in everyday life, the muscles of the back are used little - try to remember at least one daily movement, similar to pull-ups. A sedentary lifestyle and a computer only exacerbate the situation. As a result, a person loses the ability to consciously control the muscles of the back, shifting the load on the arms.

Pull-ups for the back

Weak back muscles do not allow a beginner to engage them in work, even in typical exercises- in pull-ups, the habit is developed to rise up with jerky movements due to the muscles of the arms, and in the deadlift and the pull of the bar to the belt, the whole body is included in the work, but not the broadest muscles of the back.

The program for the first month of the "Beginner's Guide" included 10 pull-ups as the first exercise. Admit it honestly - did you either skip them or did the exercise "somehow"? It's time to correct mistakes and learn to pull up correctly. This is really important for the development of the body.

Correct pull-up technique

An exercise in which beginners are encouraged to learn to "feel" the muscles of their back is the seated upper block row - an analogue of pull-ups performed on the simulator. Moderate working weight, slow execution speed and attention to the mechanics of movement will quickly show noticeable results.

The key point of the technique when performing the row of the upper block is the position of the hands and the starting position in which the palms must necessarily lie on the top of the bar. We especially note that thumb it should also be on top - this will transfer the load from the hand to the muscles of the back.

Stretching back muscles

The effectiveness of the back workout is increased with a preliminary warm-up and stretching. This allows you to "feel" your back by activating the mental connection between the muscles and the brain. Do the two exercises below at the beginning of your workout, 1-2 minutes each.

Lie on the floor with your stomach down, place a rolled towel under your forehead. Stretch your arms forward and tighten your abs. Slowly and consciously, pull your arms towards you, while bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible. Try to feel that the movement is performed precisely by the back muscles.
Kneeling, straight arms easily hold the rubber band. Slowly and deliberately bring your arms down to the point where they are level with your body. Experiment - try to feel the muscles in your arms first, then your shoulders. Finally, try to "straighten" your back to feel the lats.

Involving the back in basic exercises

The muscles of the back are involved in all basic exercises - from deadlift to bench press. Try to feel the tension in your back muscles with each exercise. If you cannot do this, then you are using too much working weight.

In this case, the key exercise is - in fact, it is a "reverse" analogue of the bench press lying down, involving the antagonist muscles. Pay close attention to the technique of this exercise and make sure that it is the muscles of the back, and not the arms, that are lifting the weight.

The back muscles are the largest muscle group in the human body. By training it with effective exercise, you can burn calories and speed up your metabolism. If you do not have time to visit the gym, or you do not have the opportunity to purchase a subscription, we will tell you how to pump up your back at home and you can decently pump your "wings", as they are popularly called.

Your main efforts should be directed to the following main muscle groups: traps, covering the upper back and shoulders; the broadest muscle, running from the armpits to the middle of the back along the ribs; the extensors of the spine, extending along the entire spinal column on both sides; the rotator cuff muscles, located on the back of the shoulders, and the rhomboid muscles, connecting the inner edges of the shoulder blades with the thoracic vertebrae.

You can work them out with basic exercises in the comfort of your home, using only your own body weight, some inexpensive equipment like dumbbells or rubber bands, or even doing your usual household chores.

The first complex is suitable for workouts for those who want to build back muscles without exercise equipment and additional weights.

1. Inverted "snow angel"

For this exercise, you need to spread your arms wide, describing a circle, as if you have returned to childhood, and frolic in the snow. At the same time, the hands move along the full amplitude of the "angel's wings" - from behind the head to the hips - for a total study of the trapezium, lats, rhomboid and extensor muscles. When you can keep your torso and arms off the floor, pull your shoulders back and lock this position for maximum muscle tension.

  • Lie facedown on the floor or rug. Stretch your arms along your body, palms down.
  • Slowly spread your arms across the sides until you touch the back of your head, connecting thumbs hands.
  • Slowly return your arms to the starting position. Make sure your arms are straight and elbow joints firmly fixed throughout the exercise.
  • Do three sets of five reps. Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets.
  • If you are a beginner and find it difficult to move at full amplitude, you can spread your arms up to shoulder level. Gradually, your muscles will get stronger, and you will be able to wind them by the back of your head.

This is a simple exercise that is also called " good morning", Consists in tilting the body forward with flexion of the hip joints. Performing this simple movement that does not require any additional equipment, you will work the extensors of the spine (as well as the glutes and muscles of the thighs).

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Place your hands on your hips.
  • Pull your shoulders back a little to activate your back muscles.
  • Bend forward slowly at the waist. Make sure your shoulders stay in line with your hips as you tilt.
  • Lean to parallel with the floor, and then slowly come back.
  • Do the exercise at a slow pace, straining your abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  • Start with one set to make sure it fits your back. Gradually increase the number of sets to three, 10-15 reps. The pause between sets should be 30-60 seconds.
  • The exercise can be done while sitting. Sit in a chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor in line with your knees. Place your hands on your belt. Spread your shoulders, pinching your back muscles, and bend forward to a 45-degree angle.
  • Make sure that your back does not bend during the exercise, otherwise you will not only fail to work the muscles of the back, but also damage the spine.

3. Superman

This is great exercise for training the extensor muscles of the spine, buttocks and traps. No equipment needed, just space to stretch out on the floor. By simulating Superman's flight, you can work your core muscles in isolation.

  • Lie on your stomach with your legs and arms extended straight. The palms and socks are pointing down.
  • Lift your straight arms and legs off the floor. Keep the body stationary. Imagine Superman stretched out in flight.
  • Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, and then slowly lower your arms and legs.
  • Do the exercise three times, then rest for 30-60 seconds. before the next approach.
  • To work the deep muscles of your lower back, you can try an exercise called Aquaman. Here you need to lower and raise the opposite arms and legs (for example, the right arm and left leg), lingering at the top point for 13-15 seconds. Then repeat the exercise for the other arm and leg.
  • Beginners can hold Superman for 5 seconds, gradually reaching 15-30.

4. Yoga Cobra Pose

This asana for beginners uses the muscles of the middle and lower back, improving flexibility.

  • Lie facedown on the floor. Extend your legs, touching the floor with the back of your feet. Bring your arms bent at the elbows to your body, placing your palms under your shoulders.
  • Tighten your lower back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Help yourself by pushing off with your hands. Press your feet, legs, and thighs to the floor. Rise up as you inhale.
  • Hold the position for 15-30 seconds, breathe freely.
  • Exhale and slowly return to the floor.
  • Do it 10 times. As with any exercise, try to hold out a couple of seconds longer each time. This exercise can not be done every day, a couple of times a week will be enough.

For this simple exercise all you need is a wall. By doing this movement, you can prevent or relieve lower back pain that occurs during the day.

  • Stand with your back to the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, heels a step away from the wall.
  • Slowly slide down the wall until a 90-degree knee is formed. Fix the position for 5 seconds.
  • At a slow pace, slide up the wall until you are fully straightened. Repeat five times.

6. Pull-ups

For this exercise, you need to pull your torso up to the fixed crossbar. This is one of the simplest and best exercises for your lats. You will need a horizontal bar that you can attach to the doorway. Alternatively, a removable horizontal bar that clings to the upper door trim is suitable. It can be hung and taken off at any time. Please note that this exercise requires advanced training.

If you're a beginner, you can use an expander tape to get you started.

  • Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands, your hands are slightly wider than your shoulders. Hang a little on straight arms. Arch your back and pull yourself up until your chin is flush with the bar. Stay in the upper phase of the exercise, keeping the muscles tight. Return to starting position and repeat.
  • You can vary your grip to target different muscle groups. If you spread your arms wider, pulling up will become more difficult, but you will be able to load your lats more. Reverse grip(palms facing you) uses the biceps of the arms more.
  • Do not swing the body during the exercise. You will be tempted to help yourself with momentum, but this will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, reducing the load on your lats. Instead of a chin, your chest will stretch to the horizontal bar, while completely different muscles will be turned on, the work of which is not provided for in this exercise.
  • Beginners can perform a simplified version with an expander belt. To do this, wrap the ends of the tape around the crossbar, fixing them with your hands. You should feel the tension in the tape with your back. Place your hands shoulder-width apart and pull your elbows down towards your body, bringing your shoulder blades together. Do two to three sets of 10 reps.
  • In the beginning, pull-ups are difficult, because this requires well-developed biceps. The main thing is not to get upset and not quit classes. Gradually, your muscles will become stronger and you will be able to pull up more and more.
  • Make sure the bar is above shoulder height and is securely fastened. If he falls during exercise, you may hurt yourself.

Method 2. Back exercises with dumbbells

1. Breeding dumbbells in an incline

High-quality lifting of straightened arms in this mode will fully work out all the muscles of the upper back. You will need a little room to extend your arms to the sides, but no additional equipment other than dumbbells is required.

  • Bend at your waist with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Pull your pelvis back and draw in your stomach. Hold the dumbbells with your palms facing each other, bend your elbows slightly. Your arms should hang to the floor, but not dangle freely.
  • Gently raise your arms up over the sides until parallel with the floor. Make sure your elbows are slightly bent and lift the weight with the force of your upper back.
  • Slowly return your arms down to the starting position. The arm muscles must be tense to stay straight. Do all the work with your back muscles.
  • Repeat the exercise, slowly raising and lowering your arms for 30 seconds. Do not bend your back during execution, and do not swing your arms. The slower you work, the easier it is to make sure that all the load is on your back.

2. Bent over row of dumbbells

You can train your upper back muscles by pulling your weight up in a rowing motion similar to rowing in a boat. This will build strength in your shoulders and upper back, making it easier to lift weights. You will need a bench press, or at least a low, stable chair that you can lean on.

  • Place one knee and arm on a bench press or low, stable chair for balance, holding a dumbbell in your other hand hanging down to the floor.
  • Pull the dumbbell up, bringing your elbow to your torso. For each rep, focus on contracting your back muscles. Hold at the top for a few seconds to maximize muscle activation.
  • Slowly lower your hand down.
  • Move slowly and accurately to work your back muscles properly. You should not jerk your hand up and down; instead, move slowly and measuredly between the two extreme points of the amplitude.
  • Do the exercise for 30 seconds. on each arm, then switch sides to work out the second shoulder. One approach involves working both hands alternately.
  • If you don't have a bench or stable chair, you can bend your knees and bend your body forward. You will lift the weight upward, additionally overcoming the force of gravity. You can also work with two dumbbells at the same time, because you do not have to rest with your other hand to maintain balance.
  • If you don't have dumbbells, look for something that weighs about 1.3-2.3 kg and can easily fit in your hand. Gravity is needed to create resistance, so anything you can grab on to is fine. Even canned food from your pantry is a good solution.

3. Romanian cravings

Adding dumbbells to this exercise will provide enough resistance to work your back muscles well. Also, the Romanian traction actively uses the muscles of the back of the thigh. Rounding your back while doing it can cause serious injury, so keep your back straight. With the correct technique while bending over, the exercise will help stretch the muscles of the middle and lower back.

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take dumbbells in each hand and bend your knees slightly.
  • Lean forward in hip joint with a straight back until the body is almost parallel to the floor. The dumbbells should be at about shin level. Make sure your arms remain straight, allowing you to bend over with your back muscles. Draw in your stomach so that your back does not arch and hurt.
  • After a short pause in this position, slowly raise your upper back until the body is fully extended.

4. Inclination with a turn to the opposite foot

This exercise uses dumbbells to provide resistance during the bend. In addition, the twisting motion will help strengthen the muscles in your lower back and core. Tighten your abs and keep your back straight as you do it.

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Take a shell in each hand. If you only have one dumbbell, squeeze it with both hands.
  • Inhale and stretch your arms down to one foot, turning your body towards it. Make sure your knees are slightly bent and your arms straight. Lean forward to a comfortable height.
  • Straighten slowly and bend over to the other foot. Keep switching sides.
  • Exercise is contraindicated for everyone who complains of lower back pain and sciatica, because this movement can worsen the condition.

Method 3. Training your back at home using a rubber band-expander

1. Breeding hands with expander

With a resistance band and enough room to lie flat on the floor, you can work your back and shoulder muscles quickly and efficiently.

  • Lie on your stomach with an elastic band under your torso. Grasp the ends of the tape with your hands. Place your palms under your shoulders, pressing your elbows to your sides.
  • Tear off chest from the floor, while straightening both arms to the sides. Fully straightened, stretch the expander, bringing the shoulder blades together. You will not be able to hold this position for more than a couple of seconds.
  • Relax your shoulders and return your arms to their original position. Slowly lower your chest to the floor. Repeat eight times.

2. Horizontal pull to the belt

Expander tape - great alternative rowing machine. As the arms are brought to the body, the tape will provide the necessary resistance to pump the shoulders and upper back muscles.

  • Sit with your legs extended forward. Wrap the band around your heels or any other stable object near your feet. Grasp the ends of the tape and keep your arms straight so that the expander hangs down freely.
  • Bring your arms to your torso, pinching your shoulder blades to contract your back muscles.
  • Return your arms to their original position. Make sure your feet remain stationary as you alternately tension and loosen the expander band.

3. Extension of the back

By securing the resistance band to the floor, you can stretch your back muscles by leaning back. The tape will provide resistance while you keep your back straight.

  • Attach the band securely to something stable and stable below your knees. You can place the tape under your feet, or press it down with some heavy object.
  • Sit with your back straight on a stool or other backless object that allows you to lean back. Hold the other end of the tape at chest level while pulling it tight.
  • Slowly tilt the body back to an angle of approximately 30 degrees. Make sure that your pelvis does not move and that your back remains straight.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

4. Turns of the body

By using the resistance band, you can rotate your core to train your back muscles while sitting. You will need to secure the tape to a doorknob or other object. Turning, especially with resistance, can injure your back, so exercise with caution and remember to keep your abs tense.

  • Attach the resistance band to the handle of a closed door or other object that is at your chest level at sitting position... Make sure the door or other object that you fixed the tape to is stationary.
  • Sit with your left side toward the door. Grasp the free edge of the tape at chest level with one hand. The tape should be tight.
  • Pivot the housing slowly to the right away from the door. Watch the immobility of the pelvis and knees so that only the back participates in the movement.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly come back. Repeat 10 times, and sit with your left side toward the door to work the other side of your back.

Method 4. Doing household chores

This approach to training is unlikely to help build a massive back, but it will still help strengthen your back muscles.

1. Trasters with a broom

This exercise is popular in CrossFit, replacing a barbell or other with a broom. sports equipment, you will be able to train your back and many other muscles. This exercise can be done as a short break while sweeping the floors of your home. This exercise uses the muscles in your back (upper) and shoulders.

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hold the broom in front of you with your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The broom should be parallel to the floor, at your chest level.
  • Sit down and push the broom straight up, while pinching your upper back muscles.
  • Lower the broom and return to the starting position.

2. Standing push-ups

Similar to regular push-ups, you can use the edge of a household appliance, such as a washing machine, to work out the muscles in your back and arms. This is great way while away the extra couple of minutes while waiting for the end of the wash.

  • Move a few steps away from the car. Place your hands on it shoulder-width apart. Keep your feet together.
  • Slowly bring your chest closer to the car, bending your arms. At the same time, the feet are partially lifted off the floor, the body weight is transferred to the socks.
  • Push the body back until the arms are fully extended. Repeat 20 times.

3. Lifting weights from the floor

This exercise is good when transferring items to or from the washer, dryer, dresser, or ironing board. If you leave the basket on the floor, you will bend down to grab a new item each time. Try to stretch your back each time you bend forward.

  • When bending over, be sure to tense your abs and keep your back straight.
  • Try to take one item at a time, as you will be forced to repeat this movement over and over again.

4. Cleaning the drainpipes

While you are scrubbing leaves and debris from your downpipes, you can complex training for the whole body, including the back. As you stretch from the stairs to the gutters, your core muscles will actively work to maintain balance.

  • Remember to move the ladder as you move up the downpipe. If you reach too far, you may fall. Moreover, constantly going up and down stairs will train your legs.

5. Gardening

Planting, watering and weeding plants will allow you to stretch and train your muscles without visiting gym... In the process of such work, you will constantly be on the slope. Most importantly, do not forget to bend your knees and do not bend in the spine, so as not to rip your back.

  • Mulching the soil is another great way to boost your back. You will have to drag heavy bags of mulch around your garden or backyard and bury it in the ground. Always remember about correct technique lifting weights to avoid injury.
  • New research shows that stretching a muscle before exercising can weaken and slow down muscle activity and is unlikely to reduce the risk of injury. Instead, take the time to do a good workout.
  • If you are just starting to train, limit yourself to using your own weight or body, or start with 1.3-2.3 kg dumbbells. As you build up the strength of your arms and back, you will be able to take on more weights. If you do not have the ability to increase weight, that's okay. It is important here to provide at least some resistance to movement.
  • Correct body position is crucial aspect all the exercises presented. Improper use of the back muscles will lead to injury or improper muscle development. Your back muscles are especially vulnerable, so proceed with caution.
  • When training your lats, try to keep your shoulders back. This will isolate the lats and promote their peak contraction. This will help stimulate the rhomboid muscles and protect your shoulder muscles from stretching.
  • Exercise in a secluded area of ​​the home where the items you need to exercise will not be used. This way you don't have to collect them all over the house every time.


  • Weight and resistance are very important, but not more important than your health. Start by using weights that you can handle and gradually increase the load. If you cannot pick up an item, leave it. Muscle strain is a sure way to injury.
  • If you feel pain while doing the exercises, stop. Perhaps you have a sensitive back, and if you damage it, you will get yourself a lot of problems.
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