Dynamic gymnastics for newborns where to start. Dynamic gymnastics

A newborn baby needs not only sleep, food and mother's warmth, but also physical activity. Many parents use conventional exercises, while others choose dynamic gymnastics. Only it should be done correctly and very carefully so as not to harm the baby. What outweighs the use - benefit or harm? How to do it correctly? Let's figure it out together.

Dynamic gymnastics - what is it?

Dynamic gymnastics, developed by M. Trunov and L. Kitaev, differs from the usual charging with a more energetic set of exercises aimed at the formation and strengthening of the muscles of an infant. In addition to the usual elements of charging and massage, dynamic gymnastics also combines exercises to improve the vestibular apparatus. So, an adult tosses, rocks and rotates the baby, holding the arms or legs. Strangers are most often horrified by such acrobatic sketches, automatically recording "desperate" moms and dads as crazy.

Indeed, such exercises are not entirely common, so parents, before moving on to practical training, it is necessary to carefully study and understand the sequence of application of dynamic charging and the increase in the load on babies.

So, there are several types of dynamic gymnastics exercises:

  • hardening;
  • exercises on the ball;
  • exercises in the air.

All these procedures must be combined so that their effect on the baby is as effective as possible.

Benefits for newborns and babies

Adherents this complex exercises are sure of its great benefits for babies. Among the advantages of dynamic gymnastics, they usually highlight its positive effect not only on physical development, but also on the general psychological state of newborn children. What else is it useful for?

  1. Dynamic charging helps babies to better orient themselves in space.
  2. It helps to correct the muscle tone of the baby, strengthens muscles, develops the joints of the arms and legs and develops flexibility.
  3. With its help, there is an effective development and improvement of the vestibular apparatus in a newborn.
  4. It strengthens the nervous system of the baby, his immunity.
  5. Also, such a set of exercises is considered a good opportunity to establish trusting and benevolent relationships with adults and, accordingly, with the outside world.
  6. It is believed that dynamic gymnastics compensates for the lack of birth experience in children born with the help of caesarean section.
  7. Parents who use dynamic exercises in their work with babies note that they have a good appetite, sleep soundly and are much less capricious.
  8. Exercising early will reduce the rate of injury throughout later life. Babies trained from the first days of life are unlikely to twist their legs or break their arm while actively playing sports.

Potential harm to babies

Let's see if dynamic exercises are as good as they say. Such acrobatic "stunts" look quite risky, and many experts question the safety and benefits of this kind of exercise for babies. What are the arguments of opponents of dynamic gymnastics?

  1. Such physical exercises are stressful for the newborn. After all, dynamic charging often begins to be used as early as a couple of weeks after birth. It is believed that increased release of stress hormones in infancy can lead to hyperactivity in a preschooler.
  2. Dynamic gymnastics is based on the inborn reflexes of babies - in particular, the grasping reflex and the Moreau reflex. Exercise artificially stimulates them, whereas normally they should gradually fade away by 2-4 months ( ).
  3. It is sometimes difficult for inexperienced parents to calculate the optimal load. Therefore, intensive exercises can lead to a sprain of the newborn's ligaments, microtraumas of the tissues of the joints, and impaired blood circulation. In the future, there may be problems with the ligamentous apparatus.
  4. Psychologists, on the other hand, are confident that due to the fact that the baby from an early age gets used to the sensations of speed, rise and fall, he does not develop a natural fear of heights. At an older age, underestimating the danger of a situation can lead to a variety of injuries.

Avoiding negative consequences: the rules of gymnastics

So, you saw a lot of arguments both in favor of dynamic gymnastics and against it. Of course, only the parents make the final decision. If you are sure that such exercises are necessary for your baby, we will tell you how to secure the classes.

Note to moms!

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  • Exercise should begin four weeks after your baby is born.
  • Consult with your pediatrician in advance about the presence or absence of contraindications. If the baby is healthy, he can do dynamic exercises.
  • You should not do exercises based on materials from the Internet or teaching aids... To get started, contact an experienced instructor for advice and services. He will show and teach you how to properly organize classes.
  • Minimize the likelihood of injury - secure the training site to avoid the consequences of possible falls.
  • Assess your own strength correctly, avoid extreme exercises. Choose a gentle exercise program.
  • Start exercising after a warming up massage, thereby preparing your muscles and ligaments for work. The duration of the first lessons is 8-10 minutes. Do them slowly and very carefully so as not to scare the baby, increase the load and pace gradually.
  • Do not exercise immediately after feeding, wait at least an hour. This is especially important for ball exercises.
  • If the child is out of sorts, do not force him to do exercises because you need it so. Better wait for the time when everyone is in a wonderful mood. Dynamic gymnastics should become the same routine ritual for babies as feeding or bathing.

We take into account contraindications

Dynamic charging can be useful for a newborn, subject to a competent approach and taking into account contraindications. The danger similar exercises is as follows:

  • presence of dysplasia hip joints in a baby and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • abnormalities in work of cardio-vascular system child;
  • neurological diseases, including increased intracranial pressure.

Dynamic gymnastics is strictly contraindicated in six-month-old babies who have not received similar procedures before. If you have not been involved with the baby from the age of one month on a regular basis, then at the age of six months such exercises will only bring harm, not benefit. You should also remember that if the child did not like the classes or he feels bad after them, be sure to cancel the gymnastics. You should not experiment with your baby's health!

When choosing dynamic gymnastics to improve the physical development of a newborn, study all the pros and cons, consult a pediatrician about possible contraindications. Exercise will help your child grow up to be healthy and happy only with the right precautions.

Dynamic Gymnastics for babies (3 months), where to start?

Video: Dynamic gymnastics for toddlers

The main exercises of dynamic gymnastics: hanging, cross, humpty dumpty, octopus, shorty babies:

P.S. Many experts are sure: the sooner you start working with your baby to develop certain skills, the sooner he will receive abilities and skills that are important for a full life. Numerous systems are built on this principle. early learning and child development. We offer brief description the most popular methods for today, so that you can navigate and choose the one that will help to maximize the inclinations of your child -

Note to moms!

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Gymnastics contributes to the physical development of the child. Strengthens the emotional bond between mom and baby. Simple exercises can be started from the second or third week of the baby's life. In this article, we'll take a closer look at when and where to start charging. We will find out which exercises are suitable for a child from one month old.

The benefits of gymnastics for a newborn

  • Physical development of the baby;
  • Strengthening immunity and general condition organism;
  • Strengthening and development of bones, muscles;
  • Posture formation and abdominal;
  • Decreased muscle hypertonicity of the newborn;
  • Development of coordination of movements and vestibular apparatus;
  • Pressure stabilization;

  • Improved appetite;
  • Development of agility and endurance;
  • Gymnastics for newborns normalizes work internal organs and digestion, reduces gas formation and eliminates, which torment children in the first 2-3 months;
  • Calming and relaxing effect, improving the work of the nervous;
  • The development of reflexes, the child's perception of sounds and movements;
  • Dynamic gymnastics for babies will help the baby to start crawling, sitting, standing and walking more quickly;
  • Tactile contact establishes a psycho-emotional connection between parent and child.

How to do gymnastics correctly

It is important to know that newborn gymnastics is different from exercises that can be done for babies over one month old. Before starting the introduction, any physical activity for babies, be sure to consult a pediatrician to make sure there are no contraindications.

Light exercise for newborns is indicated for every baby, with the exception of children with severe neurological symptoms. The doctor will tell you when it is better to start active activities with the child, and what exercises are suitable for the child, taking into account the developmental characteristics.

Gymnastics for newborns from the first days of life is not recommended. It is better to start exercises from the second week after the birth of the baby. It is important that both gymnastics and are carried out slowly and smoothly without sudden movements and strong load without the use of effort.

Gymnastics for babies in the first month of life is carried out for 10-15 minutes half an hour before feeding. The exercise is repeated 3-5 times and is done every day! This is the only way you will achieve maximum effect... In addition, this activity will become a habit for both the parents and the baby.

Charging is best done in the morning. Set up a dedicated exercise area. This should be a firm surface on which you will place a blanket or diaper on top. Nothing should interfere with the baby and cause discomfort when he performs the exercises.

During the exercises, talk to your baby, tell nursery rhymes or sing songs. Don't shout or swear! Do not force the baby to do something that he cannot yet do (for example, roll over or crawl). Don't overload your child! Do not force your toddler to exercise if he is sick, unwell, or naughty.

Exercises for newborns

Morning work-out tones muscles well. Many parents are interested in where to start such gymnastics. When the baby wakes up, lay him on his back and help stretch. Then grab and shake your wrists slightly, then take and shake your ankles in the same way. Spread to the sides and then cross your arms over your chest as if the baby was hugging himself. Take the child's wrists and gently lift up one by one. This exercise is often referred to as a "mill".

Laying out on the tummy pediatricians advise to do it without fail, since such an exercise improves the work of digestion and eliminates colic, teaches you to raise and hold your head. Place the baby on his stomach and make him raise his head. For example, display a colorful toy or shake the rattle over your head.

In the first weeks, this exercise is done for a few seconds, then the time is increased. So, from the second month, the baby is laid out for 5-6 minutes. At this age, you can begin to stimulate the child to turn his head to the sides also with the help of a toy.

Bending the legs will also help to effectively cope with colic and pain in the tummy. Just bend the baby's legs at the knees and pull them up to the stomach, and then straighten them back.

Frog pose and circular rotation legs contribute to the strengthening and normal development of the joints. Bend your knees and spread them apart, slightly rotate each bent leg round.

Spine extension forms posture, strengthens bones and back muscles. Lay the baby on its side and support the legs with one hand. Run your other hand along the spine at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the vertebrae. The baby will reflexively sag in the back.

Rocking include in a set of exercises from one month. This exercise can be performed both on a fitball and lying on the surface. Place the baby on your back, bend your knees and press it to your stomach, press your arms to your chest. You will get the pose of the embryo. Then start rocking the baby in different directions.

Reflex crawl you can begin to form in a child after the second week of life, despite the fact that he begins to crawl on his stomach fully from three to four months, and on all fours - after the fifth month. To prepare your baby for crawling, place him on his stomach and bend his legs so that he spreads his knees to the sides. At the same time, the feet should rest against the palm of an adult. Then the child will reflexively push off and crawl forward a little.

Reflex walking implies that the child is taken under his armpits and placed with his feet on a hard surface. In this case, the body is slightly tilted forward. Then the baby can reflexively take a step forward. What other exercises will help the baby start walking, read.

Fitball classes for babies at 1 month

Fitballs are becoming very popular today. it big balls with a diameter of 45-75 centimeters. For a newborn, a small to medium-sized fitball with a handle or horns and a smooth surface is best suited. Fitball classes can also be started in the second or third week.

The optimal exercises at this age will be rocking on the stomach and on the back. When rocking, support the child by the tummy or back, make sure that the head does not tilt back!

Put the baby on the changing table and roll the fitball to the legs, then he will reflexively push the ball away. When the child lies on the fitball with his back down, you can do the exercise "Watch". Hold the baby by the chest or stomach and gently rotate the ball clockwise or counterclockwise.

Gymnastics for babies is allowed from the first month of life. Exercise develops motor skills, muscular apparatus, balance, coordination of movement, and also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, and nervous system of the baby. Exercises should be carried out in a playful way and at the same time speak affectionately with the baby.

Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that the child is healthy, not hungry and good mood... It is better to undress the baby completely and do exercises when comfortable temperature in room. It is also important to remember that the ligamentous apparatus in infants, especially in a newborn, is delicate and elastic. All movements should be soft and gentle. The intensity and amplitude of the exercises increases after six months, when the baby gradually masters basic motor skills: it turns over on its stomach, sits, stands on all fours, crawls, gets up, squats, and takes the first steps. At this age, from a passive observer, the baby turns into an active participant in the exercise.

Charging for newborns

How is newborn gymnastics carried out? And is she even needed? This question should be asked by a mother whose baby was born absolutely healthy. A difficult period of adaptation to a new environment begins from the first days of life. At this age, children sleep most of the time, and eat during breaks. In addition to maternal warmth and care, the baby does not need anything else in the first weeks of life. Therefore, you can hear the following opinion: there is no need to rush either with massage or with gymnastics. What does gymnastics for one month old baby? All exercises are aimed at developing balance and stabilization in the body, as well as training the muscles. There should be no active movements. All exercises are performed in the most gentle, smooth mode, without forceful pressure.

  • Exercise number 1. The baby lies on his back, his pelvis is in a free position, he does not need to be raised or, on the contrary, pressed. The adult stands on the side of the baby's feet and bends his legs at right angles to the pelvis. Also, the legs should be bent at right angles at the knees. In this position, you need to fix the baby's legs. It is necessary to ensure that the knees of the baby are in line with shoulder joints... You should clasp your baby's knees with your hands so that thumbs lay on the lower leg and inner surface knee joint... In this position, you need to hold your legs for 3 minutes. During this period, you need to act on the knees for 7 seconds, then reduce the impact for 10 seconds, then again hold the legs more tightly.
  • Exercise number 2. This exercise trains the muscles of the back and neck, forms the skill of holding the head. The baby is lying on his stomach. The adult in the back bends over and wraps his arms around the baby's shoulders. In this way, it helps the child to stay on the elbows. This pose is mastered on its own at about 3 months. You can slightly spread the baby's shoulders to the sides, this will lead to a reaction - the baby will start to raise his head.
  • Exercise number 3. The baby is on his back, and the adult stands to his left. You need to put your palm under the baby's head so as to fix his head. And with the other hand, the baby's right knee is fixed in the same way as in the first exercise. You also need to hold the baby for 3 minutes, with alternate exposure and relaxation. Then you need to go to right side and do the same exercise with the left leg.

The baby should not experience any pain during gymnastics. He may cry because of unusual sensations in the body, which were previously unknown to him. These exercises are beneficial in that they enable the body to respond to stimuli. In this way, self-training of muscles and the formation of coordination of movement occurs.

Second month

What does gymnastics include for a 2 month old baby? Charging begins with stroking and should be alternated with massage movements. Read more about how to massage babies in our other article. All of these exercises are considered universal. They can be carried out at any age in children under one year old. Only the duration and intensity of the movements changes.

  • Exercise number 1. The baby lies on his back. You need to take him by the wrists and spread his arms to the sides, then cross over his chest, as if the baby hugs himself, and then return to starting position... This exercise can be done 5-8 times.
  • Exercise number 2. The kid is in the same position. You need to grab his forearms and raise the handles up to the level shoulder girdle, and then lower it down, pressing it to the body.
  • Exercise number 3. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to grab the baby by the wrists and perform several circular movements with your hands forward, and then in the opposite direction.
  • Exercise number 4. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to grab the baby by the forearms and perform several alternating movements with your hands up and down.
  • Exercise number 5. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to clasp the child by the wrists and forearms and perform several percussion, boxing movements with the hands forward.
  • Exercise number 6. The baby is in the same position. You can make circular motions hip joints with knees apart. You can also apply the passive stabilization method, as is done in newborn exercises.
  • Exercise number 7. The baby is in the same position. You need to alternately raise and lower your legs, pressing them to your stomach.
  • Exercise number 8. The baby is in the same position. Need to touch with your heel right leg on the left knee, then change legs and perform the exercise in the same way.
  • Exercise number 9. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to straighten and connect the baby's legs at the knees and feet, and then lift them up and down.
  • Exercise number 10. The baby is in the same position. It is necessary to lift his legs up and do the well-known exercise "bicycle", alternately rotating his legs.
  • Exercise number 11. The baby lies on his stomach, resting on his forearms. It is necessary to bend your knees and press them to the hip joints, you get the "frog" pose.
  • Exercise number 12. In the same position, you can alternately push your legs to the sides and up, bending at the knees. When spreading the legs, you need to act gently, without pressure. You can also alternately bend your knees at right angles to simulate a run-like movement.

Gymnastics for babies at 2 months is passive in most types of exercises. The child only observes mother's hands, emotionally reacts to affectionate words and strokes. But at the same time, the baby reflexively turns on muscular responses. Of course, it's too early to talk about conscious movements at this age.

Third month

Gymnastics for a 3-month-old child should be aimed at developing an important skill - rolling over on the stomach. To do this, you need to strengthen the muscles of the neck, back and abs, and develop balance. At this age, you can do the same gymnastics as at 2 months. Exercising is also made more difficult by other exercises.

  • Lifting from a prone position. To do this, you need to put your thumbs in the child's palms and grab the forearms. Then you need to carefully raise the crumb, as if sitting it down, then lower it to its original position. 3-4 lifts can be performed.
  • Turns to the stomach with the hands. The child lies on his back. You need to take it by one hand and move it across the body in the opposite direction. Then the same movement must be repeated with the other hand. Reflexively, the baby's body will reach for the hand. Thus, the skill of turning from the back to the stomach is practiced.
  • Turns to the stomach with the legs. The kid is lying on his back. It is necessary to bend the leg and turn it towards the turn of the body, as if throwing it over the other leg. The body will reflexively begin to move towards the turn of the leg. Also, turns to the stomach can be made from a position on the side.
  • Extension of the spine on weight. To perform this exercise, the baby needs to be taken under the stomach and raised. Reflexively, the baby raises his head and unbends his back.

Fourth month

Gymnastics for a child at 4 months repeats the set of previous exercises. What is especially useful for children of this age and what do they take with delight?

  • Exercise for legs. At this age, the baby begins to perceive all the actions of adults as a game. The exercise "bicycle" will be interesting for the baby. Also, children love to "applaud" with their feet. To do this, you need to attach the child's feet to each other and swat them. You can fold your legs into the "frog" position and swing the baby, reach with your toes to the nose, etc. You can also stretch in this way: right hand and the left leg must be pulled towards each other, then the arm and leg must be changed.
  • Charging for hands. Exercise "goodies" develops well fine motor skills and brings a lot of positive emotions. You can perform cross movements with your arms in the form of hugs, "box", "swim" - all those exercises that were performed in the first months of life.
  • Exercises for the abs. Children of this age are already trying to pull themselves up on their hands if they put their thumbs in their palms. During the day, you can arrange such lifts for the baby several times, which train the abdominal muscles well, as well as the back, arms and neck.

At this age, all movements become more energetic and intense. The child gradually turns from a passive observer into an active participant in the process.

Fifth month

Gymnastics for a child at 5 months no longer brings discomfort, since hypertonicity passes by this age. When bending and unbending limbs, turning the body and head, the baby feels more relaxed and free in movement. What is the most interesting and useful at this age?

  • Lifting the handles from a prone position.
  • Bending the knees and sliding the feet along the surface while lying on the back.
  • Step movements in an upright position with the feet resting on a hard surface (you need to hold the baby under the armpits).
  • "Flying" on the stomach with spinal flexion (performed on weight).
  • "Flying" on the back, when the child strains the abdominal muscles and tries to keep the body on weight (performed on weight).
  • Flip from back to stomach and back.

A kid of this age, during wakefulness, moves all the time, that is, trains, even if the mother does not spend any special exercises... It is important to motivate the child to move.

Sixth month

Gymnastics for children at 6 months is aimed at the gradual formation of the skill of sitting and crawling. At this age and later, the baby can make the first attempts to get up on all fours. And you need to encourage in every possible way his desire to take this particular pose. If the baby is still not sitting at this age, this is normal. Do not sit him down too often and force the development of motor skills.

  • Raising the torso. The exercise is performed from a prone position. It is necessary to raise the child's arms, spread them apart and slightly pull the body towards you. In this position, the baby holds his head well, tries to kneel down. If the exercise does not work out, the child is uncomfortable; there is no need to repeat it. You need to come back to it later.
  • Crawling skill. This skill is inherent in nature, it does not need to be specially developed. But you can push the baby to crawl by motivating him with new toys, attractive, bright household items, etc. When the baby is lying on its stomach, you can put a bright toy in front of it. This will be a good incentive to move forward in bellies. You can also help your baby a little by stimulating the legs to move. To do this, you need to alternately bend them at the knees.
  • Fine motor skills. Gymnastics for kids of this age develops not only large, but also fine motor skills. It is important to do finger gymnastics and massage your palms, while telling nursery rhymes. Finger games all children like it, in addition, they stimulate the brain. While spreading the arms to the sides, you can put toys in the form of rings in the child's palms.

Features of gymnastics in the second half of life

Gymnastics for children under one year old is divided into two stages: passive and active. After 6 months, active gymnastics begins, when the child already understands a lot (especially by the end of the first year of life) and can perform a number of exercises on his own, in a playful way.

  • Encouraging crawling. It is good if the baby is in no hurry to rise to an upright position. It takes time for the back muscles to get stronger and form. As before, crawling can be stimulated with new toys, bright objects. From a position on all fours, the baby will eventually try to rise to its feet.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen. You can lay the baby on your knees with the stomach down, so that the head, chest and shoulders sag. From this position, you need to ask the baby to pick up the toy from the floor. This task can be given when the child lies in the same position only on his back. The child will bend over, making a bridge, and then rise to the starting position.
  • Sport equipment. The older the baby gets, the more skills gross motor skills it is forming. In the exercises, you can already use the tools at hand and sport equipment: jump ropes, balls, hoops, skittles. Read about fitball for babies in our other article.
  • Walking skill. After about 10-11 months (for some it happens earlier, for some later), the children stand up on their own, try to stand without support and take the first steps, holding the hand of mom or dad. At this age, it is already possible to encourage the baby's desire to walk, squat, get up.

By the end of the first year of life, children love to copy the actions of adults. Therefore, charging can be done together. The kid will willingly squat, bend to the sides, raise his arms up, throw the ball, bend over the toy, stand on his toes, repeating the movements behind his mother.

The basics of dynamic gymnastics: is it worth starting

Dynamic gymnastics - a complex of active movement exercises, which are carried out in suspension, in the air. Dynamic gymnastics for babies is a controversial topic. You can find fair positive reviews about this extreme charging. Which ones?

  • Not only the skeleton is developing well, muscular system, but also the vestibular apparatus.
  • Muscle tone is corrected.
  • Dynamic gymnastics forms a persistent character, self-confidence.
  • Children in most cases are positive about aerial exercises.

The polar negative view is associated with fears that dynamic gymnastics can harm the child, lead to joint lability, the extinction of natural motor reflexes, and stress. What is important to know?

  • Yes, indeed, with inept, improper performance of the exercises, the baby can be injured, in the first place - to damage the joints, cartilage, ligaments.
  • Therefore, parents who have decided to engage in dynamic gymnastics with their baby should be trained by a certified instructor.
  • It is important to learn how to make correct and reliable grips on the baby's limbs.
  • You need to start with the most simple exercises by gradually increasing the time and intensity of the air exercise.
  • You cannot immediately perform complex exercises: throws over the head, scrolls, twists, etc.
  • An adult must be confident in his strengths and actions, and if in doubt, then better exercise not to do.
  • With dynamic gymnastics, the risk of falling is high.
  • The risk of injury increases if you start exercising after 6 months, since the ligaments are not trained, and the child's body weight has increased significantly.
  • The optimal age for starting classes is 1.5 months.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies includes the following basic exercises:

  • pendulum by the hands;
  • pendulum for the legs;
  • pendulum for the arm and leg;
  • swinging back and forth by the arms and legs;
  • a cross for the legs and a cross for the arms;
  • hand casts;
  • turns for the arm and leg.

Contraindications to dynamic gymnastics: hypertonicity or hypotension associated with neurological diseases; dysplasia of the hip joints, joint mobility and other orthopedic disorders. Parents may not always notice these deviations. Therefore, before starting classes, you must definitely consult with a neurologist and orthopedist.

Gymnastics for babies can be therapeutic and general wellness. Remedial gymnastics should be carried out by a specialist in exercise therapy. But if the child does not have any violations, parents can independently master simple, safe exercise and perform them daily.


Among the services of schools for young parents, such type of developmental activities as dynamic gymnastics is increasingly common. Moms and dads have many questions about this: how useful or dangerous are these exercises, how to deal with the child, at what age, are they suitable for everyone? We will tell you what it is - dynamic gymnastics for babies, and how to carry it out.

The essence of the technique

Exercise is beneficial for the development of the baby, this is undeniable. Dynamic gymnastics is a separate system for the physical development of babies. It differs from the usual one by the presence of a dynamic component. In ordinary gymnastics, the child lies most of the time, and the parents exercise his body. In dynamic complexes, the child is often in the air and is subject to active manipulations: he is lifted by the arms or legs, thrown, turned over, rocked, rotated, thrown over the hand or shoulder of an adult.

It is clear why there is a lot of controversy around this technique. Some consider it a great start for a small organism, others see in it only an unjustified risk of injury in an infant.

What is the beneficial effect of such activities on the child's body?

  • First of all, they contribute to the normalization muscle tone with which every baby is born.
  • Thanks to active movement, such gymnastics helps to systematically strengthen muscle tissue and improve joint flexibility.
  • Moving in space perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus. The skill to keep balance is necessary, in particular, for the timely development of independent walking.
  • Dynamic exercises help to harmonize the activity of the nervous system, strengthen the immune system.
  • They improve blood circulation and contribute to better saturation of the tissues of a small organism with oxygen.
  • Develop the respiratory system.
  • The crumbs adapt the body to the stresses of the environment.
  • They help the child to establish trusting relationships with parents, and accordingly - with the whole world around them, contributing to mental and intellectual development.

Many parents are scared off by the shortcomings of this system, which sometimes look intimidating:

  • high risk of injury (dislocations and subluxations, sprains, joint hypermobility, bruises);
  • stress for the child caused by a temporary loss of a sense of security, which, according to many neurologists, may cause hyperactivity in the future;
  • an obstacle to the natural extinction of the reflexes of the newborn, on which dynamic gymnastics is based and which should normally fade away in the region of 4 months;
  • weakening of the instinct of self-preservation, which may in the future lead to an underestimation of the possible danger in different situations.

In any case, choosing this method for the development of their baby, parents take full responsibility for the possible consequences.

When you can and can't do

Of course, dynamic gymnastics can be beneficial for the development of all healthy children. But it acquires special significance for children born by cesarean section. The baby is removed from the uterus a few minutes after the start of the operation. And the baby is deprived of a long adaptation period of childbirth, in which he, passing through the birth canal, prepares for new living conditions, developing the necessary adaptation reactions. Accordingly, there is no adaptation. The kid does not get the first experience of overcoming stress, which in the future, according to perinatal psychologists, can significantly reduce his sense of purpose, will and endurance.

It is in such situations that dynamic gymnastics can teach a small body (respectively, and the baby's psyche) to endure high loads and adapt to stressful situations.

However, there are a number of cases when classes with children using such a system are contraindicated:

  • increased or decreased tone, which is not physiological;
  • neurological diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • dysplasia of the joints or their increased mobility, etc.

Therefore, before starting dynamic activities with their baby, parents must certainly show him to a pediatrician, orthopedist, neurologist.

When and how do we start?

So, if parents choose such a system of physical development for their child, where and when to start dynamic gymnastics for babies?

As for age, it is not recommended to start classes earlier than one month of age, when the child's muscles and bones are still too fragile. Parents should show not fanaticism, but prudence, thinking, first of all, about the well-being of their child, and not about what and how much he will be able to "outrun" familiar children. On the other hand, starting classes after 4, and even more so 6 months, if the baby did not have experience of dynamic exercises before, is also harmful, since the child is already gaining weight, and his muscles and ligaments by this age are not as elastic and pliable as in 1-1.5 months. Accordingly, the risk of injury and sprains will be higher.

You need to do this kind of gymnastics every day. The complexes usually begin with a warming massage (it includes stroking, kneading and rubbing), they continue their usual simple exercises for arms and legs (swings, bending, lifting), and only then the dynamics are connected. As examples of the simplest dynamic exercises, you can name the child swinging back and forth with support by the hands, vertical rotation (the baby is held by the hand or leg), swinging on a fitball, and others.

Before starting classes, objectively assess your strength. Watching a video on the Internet will most likely not be enough. Let at least the first few sessions be conducted by a qualified specialist (chiropractor or rehabilitologist), from whom you will learn how to properly manipulate the baby's body, especially how to properly grip its joints in order to prevent injuries. Better yet, ask him for a training program in which the types and amount of exercises will be selected in the desired progression.

Rules are important

So, whether or not to choose dynamic gymnastics for their kids is the will of the parents. But if they have already made such a choice, it is necessary to organize the process in such a way that the child receives from him only positive emotions and practical benefits. To do this, it is important to exclude the risk of injury, take into account the age and condition of the baby. If he is not in the mood or is sick, you should not practice.

What do you need to know to do everything right?

  • Consider the physical state baby. The lesson should take place either 1 hour before meals, or one hour after. At the same time, the baby should be in an active state (not just woke up, not going to sleep). By the way, after a month and a half, the periods of wakefulness begin to increase, which contributes to an increase in the arsenal of exercises performed.
  • To achieve the hardening effect, the baby is completely undressed, and the temperature in the room is maintained around 22 degrees. To do this, you can either open the window or ventilate the room in front of the gymnastics.
  • An adult's hands should be soft and warm. Therefore, at least they need to be thoroughly grinded.
  • The surface on which the baby will be engaged must be flat and firm (it can be an ordinary table), it must be covered with a flannel diaper or a terry towel.
  • Children under one year old get tired very quickly from any physical or psychological stress, so do not exercise for too long: 15 minutes a day is more than enough.
  • Increase the load gradually. Remember that initially this is stress for the crumbs, do not make it excessive. A couple of simple exercises are enough to get you started. It would be wrong, for example, from the very first day to start throwing the baby over the head or thigh of an adult. Gradually increase the amount to 2 exercises for each muscle group. The amplitude of movements, as well as their intensity, should also be increased gradually. That is why it is better for the classes to be conducted not by the parents themselves, but by experienced specialists.
  • Each exercise is repeated at least 3 times. In this case, it is recommended to alternate different kinds load.
  • If in the course of classes the child protests against an increase in the load, which can be expressed by dissatisfaction, whims, crying, muscle tension, it is worthwhile to stop at the achieved level for a while without raising the bar, and sometimes it is even useful to "roll back" a little. Remember that each child develops individually, masters various exercises- too. Therefore, when building a program of such classes, you need to focus primarily on the condition of the baby himself, on his progress, and not on any standards. Activities should bring joy to the baby, not deplete.

What does it look like?

There are many dynamic exercises of varying degrees of difficulty and intensity. As an example, here are some fairly simple ones.

  • The adult's thumbs are embedded in the baby's fists, and he squeezes them. At the same time, the rest of the fingers of the adult's hands grab back sides children's hands. The child is slowly lifted by the handles so that he hangs vertically. It needs to be shaken in different directions, then rotated vertically.
  • Having laid the baby on his tummy, he is lifted up by the ankles, spreading the legs in different directions. In this case, you need to be careful and control efforts so as not to stretch the tendons.
  • In the position on the tummy, the baby is taken by the lower leg and wrist, raised and lowered several times. Repeat on the other side.
  • The baby's arms are spread apart, at the same time smoothly lifting it up, then returned to its original position.
  • The baby is lifted by the handles and rocked, gradually increasing the amplitude. You can swing it by holding an arm and a leg.

Dynamic exercises are controversial for a reason. Even considering their usefulness for babies, parents are often afraid negative consequences... By the way, many mothers note that in the future, children with whom they were engaged in dynamics constantly need an adrenaline rush, getting used to it with early childhood... Have to look for them sport sections, often the way out is extreme views sports ...

But if the benefits for parents seem more obvious, it makes sense to study with a professional so as not to harm your child with your own hands.

After birth, the baby needs not only food, sleep and mother's care. She needs physical activity. For the development of the musculoskeletal system and joints of the baby, you can use standard exercises recommended by a pediatrician. But many parents resort to dynamic gymnastics - a very energetic set of exercises. Its application requires special skills from parents; otherwise, the child may be harmed.

What is dynamic gymnastics?

The unique complex was developed by our compatriots L. Kitaev and M. Trunov at the end of the 80s of the last century. Its task is to form and strengthen the muscles of the baby, as well as train its vestibular apparatus.

Dynamic gymnastics (DG) is considered as a way of interaction between a parent and a child of the first year of life for a more harmonious development of the baby.

From the outside, the exercises may seem unusual, because they include active rotations and tossing crumbs. For parents who decide to practice DG, it is very important to carefully study the sequence of the exercises and the load in general in order to avoid unwanted consequences.

Nobody claims that the kid with whom they did gymnastics will later become a champion, but his development will be more complete and profound.

What is dynamic gymnastics for?

DG is a technique that is an effective tool for solving a wide range of problems directly related to physical development child.

Pathologies that dynamic gymnastics helps to correct:

  • asymmetry;
  • muscle hypotonia;

A number of exercises are aimed at enhancing the functional activity of the intestines, helping with frequent and.

Important: it is safe to say that dynamic gymnastics is applicable in all areas where massage helps, and is in no way inferior to it in terms of effectiveness. At the same time, it is designed not for specialists, but for parents. All exercises are easy to learn and can be practiced daily at home.

Dynamic gymnastics is characterized by versatility in terms of the overall development of a young child... In the course of classes, not only the bones and muscles are strengthened, but also a positive effect on all organs and systems of the baby is exerted. He is improving the vestibular apparatus, and improving the coordination of movements has a beneficial effect on the psyche. In addition, he begins to navigate faster and better in space.

Dg plays important role in the prevention of child injuries. A baby who regularly performs a set of exercises with parents has much better reaction and stronger joints. He controls his body confidently in potentially dangerous situations.

Note: there is an opinion that DH to a certain extent compensates for the lack of so-called. "Generic experience" in children born through .

Gymnastics goes well with... When performing a complex, it is recommended that the child be completely free from clothes.... During outdoor activities, such an important factor as insolation is added to the physical impact. The time spent in the cold can be gradually increased, which will help the body to adapt to temperature factors and strengthen the immune system.

Undoubtedly, dynamic gymnastics contributes to the development of the cardiovascular system.

During the execution of the DG complex nervous system a small child receives a huge variety of signals, which contributes to its development in general. The baby's motor reflexes are regularly stimulated, and reactions to external factors are constantly being trained.

DH is a great opportunity to establish trusting relationships between a newborn and others.

Note: exercise can promote nervous relaxation, which is important for ... A well-chosen complex, on the contrary, will help to activate a too sluggish baby.

All parents who practice dynamic gymnastics with their children note that they rarely get sick, sleep soundly, have a great appetite and are almost not capricious.

Despite the enormous possibilities, dynamic gymnastics should not be regarded as a self-sufficient system. It goes well with active and passive massage, hardening and pool exercises (). Any active work with a baby can always be carried out in parallel; it is only advisable to shift the emphasis in one direction or another, depending on the individual characteristics of your child.

The dynamic gymnastics complex includes:

  • massage;
  • hardening procedures;
  • exercise in the air;
  • exercises with a ball of large diameter.

It is important to combine all types of activities for a comprehensive and most effective effect on the body.

Possible negative consequences

Any system of occupation has opponents. One of the main arguments of ill-wishers is possible stress, since DH is recommended to start as early as 4 weeks after birth. It is believed that an increase in the synthesis and release of stress hormones in a newborn can cause hyperactivity in older preschool age.

A number of DH exercises are based on reflexes, which normally disappear at the age of 2-4 months. It is believed that their excessive stimulation is useless.

Important: if the child has not been engaged since 4 weeks, then at the age of six months it is better not to start - such exercises will do more harm than good!

Some psychologists believe that quick exercises without support, they prevent the formation of a fear of heights, which in turn is regarded as one of the causes of increased traumatism in adolescence.

The main argument "against" is a completely possible insufficient preparation of the parents.... Excessive exercise can cause sprains and even joint dislocations. In addition, chronic microtraumas are not excluded, which in the future may provoke the development of serious pathologies.

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