The best reaction in the world. Speed ​​reaction

We greet all readers of our site "I and the World". How many knows the fastest animal in the world? Of course, you say: a cheetah. And you will be right! He is the fastest living on land. Today you will read about the top 10 fastest-running sushi animals and a little touch on those who from the fauna quickly swim and fly.

Opens our top ten Leopard - 58 km / h

Yes, he will definitely not catch up with the cheetah if they compete. When the Leopard pursues prey, it does not waste energy, but neatly lures it into an ambush. It hunts for antelopes, rodents, warthogs. Leopards live in Africa and Asia for 10-15 years, if poachers do not kill them earlier because of their beautiful fur. In the 20th century, these big cats were included in the Red Book.

The size of forest leopards is smaller than those that live in open places, apparently making their way through the thickets is more difficult and big size only gets in the way. The weight of the largest males reaches 75 kg. It is very similar in color to the cheetah and jaguar, and the color ranges from pale straw or gray to rusty brown. In Southeast Asia, there are absolutely black leopards called Panthers.

9th place - Coyote - 65 km / h

They are not only sprinters, but also excellent swimmers - fish hunters. They move in an interesting way, jumping in length from 2 to 4 meters. In mass, they are significantly inferior to real wolves and weigh up to 21 kg, when wolves weigh up to 60 kg. The fur is more brownish, and the elongated muzzle resembles a fox. Maybe Coyotes are the children of wolves and foxes, and for some reason intermarried in ancient times?

Coyotes are inhabitants of the plains and try not to appear in the forests. But on the outskirts of large cities, they are periodically noticed, where they like to rummage through the garbage. They hunt mainly at dusk for hares, marmots, ground squirrels and other small animals. In the fall, they love to feast on berries and nuts.

The Hyena dog reached the 8th place - 70 km / h

Its name is translated as "painted wolf". But there are also black dogs. Once they were very common in the African steppes and savannas, but now they are found mainly in national parks. And although it is a relative of the wolf, it is very similar to a hyena.

Low, lean, weighing 36 kg. They hunt during the day and always in flocks of up to 15 individuals on ungulates: antelopes, old zebras, wildebeest, reed rats. They do not eat carrion. All in the pack live together, feed and take care of the old and sick.

7th place - Elk - 75 km / h

It is hard to believe that this handsome and rather heavy (up to 600 kg) forest beauty is capable of developing such a high speed. But it is so! Elks run fast on the plain, which may be why they are not always tough for predators. They defend themselves with blows of their front legs, and even bears are afraid to attack Elks in open areas - only among trees or bushes, where Elks are restricted in movement.

They live in the forests of the Northern Hemisphere, less often in the forest-tundra and forest-steppe. In total, about one and a half million individuals live on earth, 730,000 in Russia alone. Elks are quite tall, and their legs are very elongated, making it difficult to drink water. They have to go deeper into the pond or kneel down to get drunk. Males grow large horns, in a span of up to 180 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg. In summer, due to the heat, they are nocturnal. They feed on plant foods, lichens and mushrooms, and in winter they bite off tree branches.

6th place - Thomson's Gazelle - up to 80 km / h

The gazelle is the most delicious prey for fast cheetahs, but they can rarely catch up with it due to high jumps while running. Although after 4-6 km constant running, Gazelle gets very tired and at this time cheetahs still attack easily. Gazelles live in the steppes of Kenya and Tanzania.

They live in herds of several hundred or thousands of individuals, consisting either only of females, or only of males. But there are also single males. They feed mainly on grasses, but they can also eat tree shoots. The weight of large males reaches only 35 kg.

5th place goes to Leo - 80 km / h

These strong kings of nature are very mobile animals and at a distance of already 20 meters develop the highest speed. Some males weigh up to 250 kg. In captivity, Lions reach large sizes since there is no need to run after prey in the cage. In nature, they live up to 14 years, and next to a person up to 20.

White lions are found in national parks. These are not albinos, just such a subspecies of Lions. Differing from other felines, they do not live alone, but in families - by prides. They eat, of course, animal food. They hunt at night, sneaking up to prey at a distance of up to 30 meters, surround and attack. Sometimes they attack a person and then become cannibals, trying to kill a person more often.

4th place - Grant's Gazelle - 85 km / h

They can run at a constant speed for quite a long time without getting tired, with a weight of up to 65 kg. They live on the open plains of East Africa, avoiding tall vegetation, where they cannot see predators in time.

They easily survive where there is almost no water, only on one, even sparse vegetation. They move in herds, but some males prefer a permanent territory. In some areas, the Gazelle is completely destroyed, but in others it is quite common.

The third place is assigned to the Pronghorn - 89 km / h

Although the usual speed of this Pronghorn antelope ranges from 60 to 70 km / h, the maximum speed was fixed at 89. Therefore, it can easily escape from any predator, because it does not need rest. A beautiful, slender animal weighs 60 kg. Live in the steppes North America from Canada to Mexico.

In autumn and winter, they gather in herds with a leader, and in summer they are divided into pairs until next winter. Older males usually live alone. They feed on herbaceous food: common and poisonous plants, cacti. They drink a little, therefore, if there is not enough water, they survive on herbs.

2nd place belongs to Jaguar - 93 km / h

A beautiful, spotted cat cannot boast of endurance, and such a high speed can only be developed at short distances. If the victim notices the Jaguar at a great distance and runs away, then the predator does not even try to catch it, because after a few minutes it will fizzle out.

It attacks only if it can get very close. Dwells in the North and South America... In mass, the Jaguar reaches 113 kg. They live alone on their territory up to 50 sq. km. They hunt small animals at dusk, they can eat a snake, a turtle, and fish. They prefer not to attack ungulates.

And we rightfully give the first place to the Cheetah - 120 km / h

The fastest land animal - the Cheetah, usually develops a speed of up to 98 km / h and can run up to 400 m on flat terrain. But catching up with prey can develop in 3 seconds. maximum speed up to 120 km / h, this is almost 2 times the speed of their victims. But he is not capable of running long distances.

The weight of an adult male reaches 65 kg. During the day they hunt medium-sized ungulates: gazelles, wildebeest calves, as well as hares or ostriches. They catch up with prey by jumping 6-8 meters. They do not attack from an ambush, because where they live there is simply no place to hide. Lives in Africa and the Middle East.

I would like to focus on the fastest animals in the water and in the air. What place do they occupy among their own? Of course the first one!

The fastest marine animal -, develops a speed of up to 130 km / h

Studies have shown that fish have oil in their jaws, which they release into the water. By spreading around the head, the oil reduces water friction.

There is another fast sea animal with the same speed - the Black Marlin.

Who is the fastest bird? Handsome Sapsan, accelerating after prey and diving, is capable of accelerating to 390 km / h

When struck with claws at such a speed, it can tear off the prey's head.

We showed photos and descriptions of the fastest animals on the planet. There are others, but we will not dwell on them today. Did you like the article? Share information with your friends. In the meantime, we say goodbye to the next entertaining articles.

Jump and little RikkiTikkiTavi deftly dodged the poisonous teeth of the terrible snake. Jump again and the animal is safe. Agility and quickness have defeated strength! Who among us in childhood did not admire the hero of R. Kipling's fairy tale and did not envy the magnificent reaction of the mongoose RikkiTikkiTavi! And we? How quickly do we react to various stimuli of light, sound, pain, etc.?

In our age of scientific and technological progress, it is very important to have a quick reaction. We need it at work, at home, on the street.

A turner, for example, when processing a part, must carefully monitor the cutter and stop the machine at the right time; if he is late for a split second, there will be a marriage.

The stream of cars flows like an endless river along the roads. A traffic light signal, a traffic controller's gesture, an unexpected obstacle, the driver's response must be quick and accurate, otherwise an accident is inevitable. Sluggishness, slow response of a pedestrian can also lead to a road traffic accident.

I think there is no need to prove that the reaction time is one of the most important qualities of a person. Usually, this means the time from the moment of exposure of any stimulus to the body to an arbitrary response. Naturally, different reactions follow to different stimuli. The fastest response to sound and tactile stimuli, when the response time fluctuates within 105,180 milliseconds (thousandth of a second). On Visual signals, the response usually follows in 150-225 milliseconds. It is the visual-motor reactions that are most significant: after all, over 90 percent of information from the outside world enters our brain through the organ of vision.

... Psychophysiological laboratory. A small remote control with two light bulbs and two switch buttons. “As soon as the red bud-lamp lights up,” explains the experimenter, press the “A” button.

Index finger on the button; the light bulb flashed, the subject immediately presses the button. The electronic stopwatch froze 286 milliseconds. The result is modest. "Be attentive!" the experimenter advises.

Signal! The answer took 190 milliseconds. Another beep, and so on at least 10 times. Then the average is calculated; this is the speed of a simple visual-motor reaction. Experts believe that a result of less than 200 milliseconds is quite good; 200,250 milliseconds is an average response rate, over 250 milliseconds indicates a slow response.

Let's return to the experimenter's table and the device that measures the reaction rate, the chronoreflexometer. New task: press the button "A" if the red light comes on, and not react if the green light flashes at the same time. This is how the discrimination reaction is evaluated.

Attention! Signal! A red light flashed: it took 300 milliseconds to respond. More than in previous experience. It couldn't be otherwise. After all, before pressing the button, it was required to assess the situation and make a decision. The difference reaction with correct answers within 300-350 milliseconds is considered good, in the range 351380 it is satisfactory, and over this time it is unsatisfactory.

Again the task changes: the red light will light up, you need to press the "A" button, the green one will light up on the "B" button. Naturally, this also lengthens the response time by 3040 milliseconds compared to responses to simple (monotonic) signals.

The experimenter proposes to check the reaction to a moving object. The hand of the electric stopwatch moves in a circle, it makes one revolution per second. It is required to stop her running at a given point. The arrow approaches the mark. Stop! 40 milliseconds late. A new attempt now the arrow stopped 30 milliseconds earlier. After a series of repetitions, it becomes clear which reactions are leading or lagging, prevailing in the subject and what is the average deviation in one direction or another.

From the psychophysiological laboratory, let's mentally move to the stadium. The runners froze at the start, all their thoughts are subordinated to the expectation of the starter's shot, and now they instantly break off the starting blocks, rushing in a whirlwind along the running track. The reaction is simple, the answer is always the same, pre-programmed.

The situation is different.

The footballer swiftly walks along the edge of the field, a defender rushes towards him: a false swing, deceiving movements. To succumb to the opponent's trick means to let the player go to the goal. To react or not to react? In this case, we can talk about a complex reaction of discrimination.

Hockey match. One team has a numerical advantage, its players are constantly "shelling" the opponents' goal. However, the goalkeeper acts clearly, masterfully beats the pucks flying at him from different directions. This is how the choice reaction manifests itself. What about volleyball? The pass of the game takes off over the net, evaluates the trajectory of the ball, and at some point hits it sharply. And the point wins: the opponents could not accept the ball Reaction to a moving object is the fourth type of visual-motor responses.

A good reaction is extremely important not only for an athlete, but also for any employee of modern production. That is why more and more various psychophysiological studies are used in the process of career guidance and professional selection. Experienced specialists, having analyzed the psychophysiological indicators, not only express their opinion about the abilities of this or that person, but also help him choose the right profession. Do I need to explain how important this is, especially for young people entering an independent life.

Before answering the question of what the reaction rate depends on, I will tell you briefly about some physiological mechanisms.

Any stimulus is perceived by the corresponding senses. From receptors (peripheral sensory nerve formations), nerve impulses enter the cerebral cortex, where signals are recognized, classified, and their significance for a given situation is estimated. Then the motor sections of the cortex are involved in the process, and a specific motor response immediately follows. Naturally, a certain time delay occurs at each of these stages. So, with a simple reaction to light, the time of which fluctuates within 150-225 milliseconds, it takes up to 60 milliseconds. so that photochemical processes on the retina are transformed into nerve impulses.

Their processing in the cerebral cortex takes up to 60 milliseconds. The rest of the time is spent on direct muscular motor response. In the process of complex reactions, the time of analysis and decision-making increases, which affects the slowdown in response. Is our reaction stable? No, it is changeable. The best indicators are noted, as they say, in a state of high efficiency. The actions of a tired person are usually slowed down. And if at speed simple reactions this affects less, then the speed of complex ones usually slows down very noticeably, and the number of erroneous actions also increases. Reactions are also slowed down under the influence of alcohol, nicotine. The mental state of a person is of great importance. For example, negative emotions lead to lengthening the time of all types of reactions, while positive ones, on the contrary, accelerate them. The highest rate of responses is observed in the 1840s; it slows down over the years. It was noticed that the fastest motor responses, all other things being equal, are recorded in the middle of the day.

You can also evaluate your own reaction. I propose several simple methods, but with the proviso that the estimates will be very conditional, approximate.

Take in left hand a small, flat object, such as a key to an English lock. Open your fingers, release the key, and right hand try to catch him. If out of 10 attempts you succeeded in at least 7 cases, you have a good reaction.

Complicate the task: release the key from your hands with your eyes closed, and as soon as it starts to fall, open them. The key has become more difficult to catch. If you still managed to catch him at least 6 times out of 10, this indicates a good reaction.

The third option. Have your assistant drop the key unexpectedly, while uttering certain words and signals. Agree that if, say, he says "one", you should catch the key, if he says "two", you shouldn't. This is how the discrimination reaction is tested. Further: at the signal "one" you must catch the key or at least touch it with your right hand, at the signal "two" with your left hand. This is how the choice reaction is evaluated.

If, in all cases, you succeed in at least 50 percent of the samples, then you have a good reaction. If the tests are less successful, think about why this is so, and try to improve your reaction.

It is known from the practice of sports that a means that optimizes speed qualities is the ability to do everything as relaxed as possible. Muscle stiffness is the enemy of fast movement. From here, the first advice to those wishing to improve their reaction is to learn to relax.

The second tip is to learn to concentrate. The response to the expected signal is always shorter than to the unexpected. First, learn to do different tempo movements. Standing or sitting, extend your arms forward. Increasing the pace, clench your hands into a fist and unclench. Faster, faster, even faster, to the point of fatigue! Do some more work, learn to overcome fatigue. As you train, they will not. only to improve speedy skills, but a mindset for speed will also be formed, and, consequently, there will be a desire to improve this quality.

Gradually complicate the exercises. At the same time, you will have favorite exercises that train certain muscle groups of the arms, legs, back. However, as already mentioned, it is important not only to perform movements quickly, but also to learn not to strain non-working muscles.

Watch yourself: do you feel how the muscles of the forearms, shoulders, back are gradually tightening? Throw your hands down sharply, let them hang like whips. Try to completely release the tension, then after 1.52 minutes of rest, repeat the exercise again.

Let's change the condition. First, on the other hand, tighten all the muscles in the body for 1015 seconds, and then relax. You will feel a pleasant feeling of coyness. Repeat this exercise several times. Remember the sensations that arise during tension and relaxation, learn to recognize them in the process of your activity, learn to relieve stiffness.

Well, what about the reaction time? At the same time, it will necessarily be reduced.


Jerry Mikulek is a shooting instructor who has tried almost every type firearms... He is known as one of the fastest shooters in the world: he shoots 5 bullets from a revolver into a playing card in 0.57 seconds. Mikulek currently holds five world records for revolver shooting.

In addition, Mikulek is a skilled gunsmith who tweaks and tweaks his own revolvers to improve them.

He is backed by Smith & Wesson, who created the 625JM S&W in honor of him.

The fastest Rubik's cube collector is Shotaro Makisumi. He became famous even before he set several world Rubik's cube records. Quick solutions: 2 × 2 × 2 2.82 seconds and also 3 × 3 × 3 in 12.11 seconds!

3. The world's fastest secretary - 100 stamps in 20 seconds

Miit is the most quick secretary in a world that can stamp (seals) at breakneck speed. She is from Japan and looks like the famous Japanese robots.

David R. Adamovich is the fastest knife thrower. He has set and broke more world records than any other thrower. Currently, David holds the record for the fastest throwing a knife, catching a thrown knife, the fastest throwing a knife next to a person. This guy was recorded throwing 3 knives in less than 1 second (0.97 seconds).

Kent French is the man who developed his own clapping technique. He combined his unique style with agility and stamina to set the world clap record - 721 times in 60 seconds! No one has yet been able to beat this record.

6. The fastest reloading weapon

Travis Tomesi has been billed as the fastest reloading weapon ever. What he does is difficult to describe. Just watch the video.

7. Fastest drinking person - 1.5 liters in 4.88 seconds

We do not know who it is, but it is claimed that this guy is the holder of the world record for the speed of drinking water. Either way, the speed is impressive: 1.5 liters of water in 4.88 seconds.

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What are the fastest animals on earth? What about the sea? Which birds fly faster than others? To answer these questions, we've compiled a list of the 25 fastest animals on land, sea and air.

Speed ​​is one of the most interesting traits of living things. If you ask any person about the fastest animal on earth, most people will think of the cheetah. But it turns out that the cheetah is not the fastest animal, as there are a dozen others whose speed is much higher. However, the cheetah still holds the record in several categories: as the fastest mammal, the fastest land animal and the fastest cat. Read on to find out who is at the top of this list.

25. Greyhound

It is the fastest dog breed that can reach a top speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

24. Elk

Elk is the largest species in the deer family. He can run at a speed of 72 kilometers per hour.

23. Grape-horned antelope

Despite the fact that there are a lot of hunters who want to get trophy horns, the horned antelope is not so easy to catch. She develops a speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour and can easily escape from a bullet.

22. Leo

The lion is considered not as dangerous as the tiger. This is because lions are very lazy and predictable. However, these big cats are still dangerous as they run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

21. Blue Wildebeest

This representative of artiodactyls runs very fast, at a speed of 80.5 km per hour.

Planet Earth is an amazing place that concentrates a colossal number of different creatures. The sight of some of them hurts the eyes, while others can be admired like fire - without stopping. There are very large creatures that weigh more than 30 tons. At the same time, insects are a great danger to human life. The slowest animal (sloth) moves at a maximum speed of 30 meters per minute. But there are also really fast animals, the speed of which exceeds the speed of many cars. We will consider their rating.

Top 10 fastest animals in the world


80 km / h (jerk)

The rating of the fastest animals is opened by the majestic king, capable of accelerating to 80 km per hour. Not many people know that females are much faster than male lions. At the same time, males respond faster. As a rule, they take maximum acceleration over large areas. It should be added that every year there are fewer and fewer lions in the world. They belong to the feline family, hunt in large groups. They regularly compete in speed with antelopes.

The next fastest among animals is the brown hare, capable of surpassing the mark of 80 kilometers per hour. It has a very fast and sharp start, which allows the hare to avoid many predators. In addition to a quick reaction, this animal has good agility. But, the most important is the trick. A very smart animal can easily confuse a predator due to its unpredictable amplitude and running style. It can run in a zigzag fashion, which is exhausting for many animals.

If zebras were as dexterous as hares, surely they could easily hide from lions. However, not all representatives of these fast animals manage to escape. The maximum speed range varies from 59 to 85 km / h. Naturally, the color of the zebra does not allow it to simply disguise itself. Speaking of other interesting facts, it is worth noting that the animal distinguishes its relatives by stripes. At the same time, about 10% die all over the world precisely because of being hit by cars.

It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised to see a horse in the rating of the fastest animals. Even the average speed is 61 kilometers per hour. Maximum record was recorded in 2008. Unfortunately, we do not know the name of the horse that managed to reach 87 kilometers per hour. Describe all Interesting Facts the behavior of this noble animal is rather difficult. Maximum speed horse drawn by a man is equal to 72 kilometers per hour. Maybe, best result was simply not registered.

Unexpected but true - dogs faster than horses... The fastest dog breed is the greyhound. The hunting dog is distinguished by extraordinary grace, intelligence and beautiful eyes. The maximum speed is 89 kilometers per hour. On average, speaking about all dogs, we can distinguish the following indicators:

  • average parameters - 30-50 kilometers per hour;
  • Borzoi's average speed is 65 kilometers per hour;
  • the maximum speed of hunting dogs is 75-80 kilometers per hour.

The golden mean deservedly goes to the representative of the antelope family, namely the Wildebeest. This fast animal lives in Africa and develops a speed of up to 90 kilometers per hour. It feeds exclusively on plants. The herbivore weighs a maximum of 250 kilograms at a height of one and a half meters. It saves itself from leopards and formidable lions only through its rapid acceleration. Even from the spot, the antelope manages to escape from the lion, which is trying to overtake it with acceleration, but not always. As a rule, it leaves the predator with a sharp movement to the side.

Among the specified species of animals, the fastest is the Thompson's gazelle. It attracts with its unique color and habitat in only two places:

  1. Kenya;
  2. Tanzania.

It can accelerate to 95 kilometers per hour. On average, gazelles run at a speed of 85 kilometers per hour. As you may have guessed from the name, the gazelle was named after the scientist who first discovered the species in South Sudan. The Scottish specialist saw a gazelle as a result of research of a completely different species.

It's time to talk about the three fastest and most amazing animals on Earth. The top 3 fastest animals are opened by a swift antelope from South Africa. Her results:

  • the highest travel speed - 114 kilometers per hour;
  • average speed - 88 km / h;
  • from start to maximum acceleration it takes 3-5 seconds.

Thus, the South African antelope is able to accelerate faster than sports cars. The fastest antelope is called Gemsbok. Surprising, agree? In this case, follow on ...

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