Three fast horses. Russian troika - a symbol of Russia

Russian troika

“Eh, three! bird three, who invented you? you could only be born with a lively people ... "" And what Russian does not like fast driving? " N.V. Gogol

Troika has long enjoyed the love of the Russian people and has always surprised foreigners who find that there is no more dashing ride than the Russian troika.

The need for troikas was especially manifested in the middle of the last century, in that era when the internal and external trade of the country, which was on a capitalist track, was growing rapidly, railways did not yet exist, and subsequently their network was insignificant.

There was no special breed of three horses in Russia. Yamskie troikas were selected from horses of different breeds, possessing strength, endurance and sufficient agility. The Vyatka and Bashkir, Kirghiz and Trans-Baikal, Don and Black Sea troikas were famous throughout the country. The beauty of the gait for the pit triplets was a secondary matter.

However, from amateur triplets, as they were called "hunters," it was required that either the whole troika flew at a gallop, or that the rostrum walked at a regular trot, and the strangers crawled at a gallop. Such triplets were also used when all three horses walked at a measured trot.

In accordance with the customs of the Russian people and the widespread practice of triple riding, triples competitions were introduced, for which special prizes were assigned in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lebedyan. Poltava, Romny, Kursk, Voronezh, Tula, Penza, Saratov and other cities.

This is how V. Koptev described the interest of the population in triple tests... “Almost every day, Moscow residents went and went out to the wide Khodynskoye field to admire the excellent trotters, which rushed beautifully and quickly on the run. But then, on July 2, 1847, even more curious people left and came out: they densely covered the entire field, they climbed onto the roofs of small houses that stood near the run, climbed pipes, humiliated the fences, and everyone unanimously, with intense attention awaited the national spectacle - a quick driving dashing and daring triplets ".

it interesting competition was carried out at the three-verst Khodynsky hippodrome for 11 circles or 33 versts. The winner was the Karaulov Yamskaya troika, which covered 35.2 km (33 in) in 1 hour 21 minutes. 18 sec. The three won by endurance. It was a three, many miles in its lifetime, galloping along the main road. The horses rode ugly, they galloped, ran and galloped again.

The second three, made up of Don horses, well-bred and running excellently, should, by all accounts, win. 97g of the circle or 30.4 km, the troika of the Don led the other triplets and ... paid for it with defeat. On the sand, in the heat, the tired horses could no longer carry a rather light cart and stood up, allowing the Yamsky troika to overtake them, which rode almost the entire distance in their backs.

The black troika of the VNIIK Experimental Stud at the Moscow Hippodrome.

Troikas went from town to town a hundred or more versts in order to return the next morning. It is known, for example, that the three Bashkir horses of the owner of the postal station covered the distance from Ufa to Sterlitamak - 120 km - in 8-9 hours, that is, 115 km per hour.

Before the construction of the Siberian railway, most of the Siberian population was concentrated along the large postal road. The peasants were engaged in mail chase and carriage, or served the needs and. tract needs.

Those who traveled to Kyakhta in the summer and to the Irbit fair in winter could appreciate the wonderful Russian troikas that carried the traveler along the steppe roads 70 miles in 4 hours. About the Trans-Baikal horses, which are distinguished by their mobility and endurance, they wrote that in harness they are more suitable for triple riding and that dashing troikas along the tract from Baikal to Sretensk are known to everyone traveling from Russia.

Collecting a good three is a kind of skill; horses need to be aligned in temperament, in stock and in ail. Horses of different breeds need their own riding techniques and special conditions riding, associated both with the constitution, the type of higher nervous activity and the size of the horses themselves, and with the prevailing terrain, climate, etc.

In order for the roost to keep up with the galloping harness, while trotting, he must be of good class. If he does not have enough energy and a playful trot, he will get confused, he will not carry, he will shift all the work to the riders and "slaughter" them. If the straps turn out to be rather weak and will only jump without pulling the post, and do not carry, the root rod will fizzle out. A lot of skill, attentiveness, strength is required from the rider. When stopping the troika, it is important to simultaneously and gradually restrain all three horses so that the straps do not interfere, do not knock down the wheel and vice versa.

If the troika of the merchant Karaulov, which we talked about at the beginning, covered 35.2 km in 1 hour 21 minutes. 18 sec., Then on next year everyone was amazed at Smagin's troika, which very briskly traveled 28.8 km (27 versts) in 57 minutes. 01 sec., Which is 2 min. by 1 km.

However, triplets of blood horses often showed even better agility, passing 30 miles in 1 hour 13 minutes. The troika of S.S.Lansky, with great knowledge of the matter, made up of thoroughbred racehorses and excellently ridden, overtook the troika of all other breeds with such ease that any thought of competing with it became impossible. This troika traveled in Moscow along the highway 30 miles in 56 minutes. 42 sec. The speed for every 10 versts was: 17 minutes, 19 minutes. and 20 minutes. 42 sec. Thus, on average, these three covered 1 km in 1 min. 46 sec.

The victories of the race trios, although they proved the superiority of their agility and an amazingly long swing unprecedented before in harness, which has no equal, did not convince, however, that tens of thousands of Russian triplets traveling in all directions of a thousand kilometers of Russia could be at least partially replaced race triplets. Therefore, in order to encourage triplets formed from Siberian, Vyatka, Don, Kalmyk, Kyrgyz, Bashkir, Black Sea or Bityug horses (united at that time under the code name of simple Russian breeds) and to eliminate unnecessary rivalry, it was forbidden to let blood race horses with them. ...

Particular attention was paid to troikas with rods, walking at the correct trot. According to the organizers of the trials, the Oryol trotting breed, which quickly spread throughout Russia, adapting well to the conditions of different climates, terrain features, and harness work, had to fully meet the emerging need for beautiful, strong and fast horses for long trips, capable of trotting in one team up to 35 kilometers.

In Russia, purely trotting triplets were also used, when three horses, matched by type and height, walk the entire distance at a trot. In this case, the heads of the attachments are slightly turned.

However, more often only a stable correct trot was required from the root, while the tied ones walked at a gallop (or an arbitrary gait). The roost should carry his head high, and the riders — often riding horses — had to bend their necks into a ring and, turning their heads to the sides, bow them low - "there is snow." With such a spectacular, but tiring system for horses, agility naturally decreased and the horses could not sustain a gait for a very long time.

The triple tests were carried out in winter - in January, February and early March, and in summer - in June, July and August.

Usually two triplets were allowed at once. If 4 or 5 triplets were recorded for one prize, then the first two were allowed first, and after the second two or three; the flag was set at 60 and 200 meters. The winners competed among themselves on a run, which was arranged for more short distance... But it also happened that the troika traveled alone. In this case, in order to win a prize, it was necessary to drive faster than the norm, which was, depending on the distance, 2-3 minutes per 1 km. The troika with trotting rods covered the distance from 6.4 km to 10.7 km with agility of 3 minutes. 02 sec. up to 3 min. 16 sec. at 1600 m.

This agility with modern point vision may seem inadequate. However, we must not forget the main thing - the length of the distance. If we introduce hippodrome troika competitions at 5-8 km, then high agility should not be required.

Well-chosen and well-knit triplets showed excellent performance. So, in St. Petersburg, the Saltykov troika with blood ties while riding at a gallop successfully performed for 10 miles with the following frequency: January 13 and 27, February 3, 47 and 24 with an average speed of 17 minutes. 43 sec. The next year, the same troika performed on January 29,

February 2, 9, 23 and March 2 with the same average agility. The troika jumped in a week, then in two weeks. At the same time, the attachments remained the same, and the two rootstocks were replaced; in the third year, the troika galloped even faster.

Best Age for Treating Horses is 6-8 years old. Approximately three-quarters of all three-horse horses were of this age. Horses under 5 years old were not taken for triplets at all.

V recent times there are sometimes disputes about what gender and color the horse should be in order for the three to be considered well matched.

Among the 186 three-horse horses we dismantled, there were 97 geldings, 45 stallions and 44 mares. These triplets were either symmetrical - most often a stallion at the root and two geldings for a tie, or asymmetric - more often a gelding is a root, and an attached gelding and a stallion. It also happened that a trotting mare followed the root.

However, there were many unsuited and not symmetrically matched triplets. There were, for example, the following: black root, one pinion pinto, the other red or chestnut root, and black and gray tie-downs.

Most often, the driver's triplets were unsuited. This was due to the fact that the horses of the Yamskaya troika were selected primarily for their working qualities. On the contrary, amateur "hunting" triplets were carefully selected according to all the characteristics, including the suit.

If someone undertook to pick up excerpts from the works of Russian and Soviet writers about triplets and triplets, and supplement them with reproductions from paintings and drawings of our artists, then an interesting work could turn out that reflects one of the brightest aspects of the life of the Russian people. We will give just one small example in connection with the question of the suit.

NV Gogol, a very subtle observer, not without reason gave his Chichikov three simple, unwise horses with a chestnut root, brown (red-haired) and forelock geldings as attachments ("Dead Souls").

G. P. Danilevsky, referring to the long trip, wrote about the "measured step of a troika of well-fed, cheerfully snorting savras" ("Burnt Moscow"). M. Yu. Lermontov wrote in a letter about a troika of Savras Bashkirs, presented to him by his grandmother E. A. Arsenyeva: “They are so hardy that it’s a miracle. I will go to Petersburg (from Tsarskoe Selo) - and I will come, they have not sweated. " LN Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" repeatedly and very correctly describes troikas and triplets driving.

His Nikolai Rostov drives a troika of savrases, the manager Alpatych sets off on a long journey on a troika of well-fed savras, etc. Vyacheslav Shishkov writes "The troika of kauryh rushes fast, not horses-animals" (Gloomy river). Konstantin Sedykh tells how the thousand Platon Volokitin breaks ahead in his troop of his kauryhs, so that he knows the village whose horses are the best ”(Dauria).

The number of examples could be increased many times over, but that is not the point. It is interesting that writers, who truthfully reflect life even in small things, give us in a few words a description of constitutionally strong, necessarily well-gripped, sometimes calm, sometimes strict, but always tireless horses of local breeds of "wild" colors. Savras, brown, mousey, forelock - these are the horses on which you can ride a long journey day after day, year after year, without fear that they will let you down.

Russian troikas have been demonstrated more than once abroad of our homeland. In 1911, in connection with the coronation of King George V of England in London, an international horse show and horse competition was held in the huge Olympia arena. There were shown, in particular, different kinds harnesses: fours, couples, urban singles, etc. Two Russian troikas were also shown - a gray and a black one. The 13-year-old Ratnik-Turetsky, a well-known prize trotter, winner of a number of distance prizes, was the root of the gray troika. Streltsy stallions were attached - brothers, the weather. The well-chosen and well-knit troika made a very good impression. The root trotter of the black troika was also the prize trotter Mucius II, and the bracers of the Oryol-Rostopchins of the Limarevsky plant. The troika was even — the horses were large, prominent — but on the whole less elegant than the gray one.

Russian troikas made such an extraordinary impression that, despite the sympathy of the English judges for their horses, the gray one won the first prize at Olympia, and the black one - the second. One London sport Club proposed a competition for the beauty and agility of harnesses, and, in particular, triplets. The Russian gray troika also received the first prize here for both beauty and agility (arrived at about 2 min. 26 sec. 1600 m). Our troikas were so successful that they had to show them every day, although according to the program they were supposed to leave only once.

Over the past decades, triplets have been shown from time to time at hippodromes, have taken part in various races, triplets have been shown at stadiums and agricultural exhibitions, but all this was done from time to time.

When selecting horses in threes it should be borne in mind that the rootstock in. the trotting troika should be somewhat larger than the attached troika, should walk in a correct, clear, measured trot, carry the head high, beautifully. Strong, hardy, fairly playful and properly built trotting horses should be selected for the root horses, which do not require eyecups, muffs or shields, horns, nagavka, kaburs, etc. items of harness that do not correspond to the style of Russian triple riding. This will contribute to the selection of horses of a strong, balanced type of higher nervous activity, with the correct structure of the limbs, clear, rhythmic movements. The attachments must be very well chosen in order to be as similar as possible to each other and, at the same time, to be in harmony with the root of the troika.

The selection of attachments is somewhat easier if you take the brothers of the sisters, the weather sisters, or at least half-brothers. For triplets of factory breeds, primarily trotting, it is desirable to select suited or, if unsuited, then with observance of symmetry. For aboriginal triplets, along with the usual suits, it can be recommended to attract horses with savras, kaura, chubar suits.

V triplets collected from horses of local breeds, the pacer can also be the root, or the troika can walk with an arbitrary gait. In triplets with trotting roosts, there may be riding breeds.

Three-point trials held in summer in carts, tarantulas, cabs, wheelchairs; in winter - in a yam sled or carpet, etc.
V. Lipping, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Almost a century has passed since those times from the streets of Russian cities swept by three harnessed horses, personifying the daring Russian soul. They will forever remain a national symbol, and Nikolai Gogol's catchphrase: "What Russian doesn't like driving fast?", - relevant to this day.

Visiting foreigners who for the first time saw firsthand Russian troika flying along the pavement, froze in amazement: such beauty and dizzying speed could not be seen in any other country in the world. The memory of this unique famous team, thanks to the picturesque canvases of the artists, has survived to this day. "alt =" (! LANG: Ilya the Prophet in a chariot of fire." title="Elijah the Prophet in a chariot of fire." border="0" vspace="5">!}

According to one version, the idea of ​​a three-horse harness was borrowed from epics and myths. northern peoples relating to Elijah the Prophet. Since ancient times, in some villages of the Russian North, every year on Ilyin's Day locals arranged ritual horse races on troikas, which were a symbol of the fiery chariot that lifted Elijah to heaven. "alt =" (! LANG: "Departure of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich for the review of the army in 1664." Author: NE Sverchkov." title=""Departure of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich for a review of the army in 1664".

The appearance of the paired harness of horses "for departure" became a prerequisite for the appearance of a triple harness, which did not immediately take root and was an extremely rare phenomenon on the eternally bad Russian roads. However, over time, the troika gained wide popularity and at the turn of the 17th-18th century it began to be successfully used for postal purposes, which significantly reduced the delivery time for postal items and baggage.

Having appreciated the incredible speed, amazing endurance, high carrying capacity and good cross-country ability, the troika was officially legalized and began to be used not only for mail delivery. They transported civil servants, couriers and passengers using sleighs, tarantasses, wagons, and strollers. However, the troika was never harnessed to carriages. "alt =" (! LANG:

In the center of the harness harnessed"коренника"- сильную и !} large horse, which had to go "clear and fast trot", and on the sides - "jury" horses galloping and bending their heads to the side. This arrangement of "horsepower" in the harness made it possible for the horses to develop a dizzying speed. It turned out that the horse-barn was carried along by the pull-up horses, as it were. This was the secret of low fatigue and great speed Russian triplets. Well, if the daring coachman wanted to "play a little", he let the wheelchair gallop and then it seemed that the troika was flying over the ground. "alt =" (! LANG: Three.

There is still a story that says that during the reign of Catherine the Great, the Emperor of Austria Joseph visited St. Petersburg. The Russian empress, deciding to surprise the distinguished guest, wanted to take him on a Russian troika ride to Moscow." alt="They carried it.

And here in time it will be time to remember the words of the Russian classic N.V. Gogol, who described the image of Russia in this way, comparing it to the "bird-three": "Не так ли и ты, Русь, что бойкая необгонимая тройка несешься? Дымом дымится под тобою дорога, гремят мосты, все отстает и остается позади... Остановился пораженный божьим чудом созерцатель: не молния ли это, сброшенная с неба? Что значит это наводящее ужас движение? И что за неведомая сила заключена в сих неведомых светом конях?" !}

Selection of trotters for triple harness "alt =" (! LANG: Russian troika of Oryol trotters.

Russian troika decoration

Harness decoration is a special article of the cult of the Russian troika, so it was impossible to imagine a wheelchair without an arc decorated with gilding. A little later, the arches were decorated with ornamental paintings or carvings. Moreover, this was not only aesthetic in nature, but also served as a talisman against evil forces, from a wild beast and from robbers.

Each “troechnik” coachman tried to decorate his troika in an unusual, bright and recognizable way, so the troikas were unique. In the second half of the 19th century, gilded arcs were replaced by picturesque, carved, inlaid with copper, and by the end of the century they began to be painted in one color and wrapped in multi-colored ribbons.

Threes with bells ringing

Over time, horse-drawn vehicles filled the streets of cities, and since they ruled road traffic did not exist, then bells and bells began to be used for high-speed triple harness, which could be heard 2 miles away. This made it possible for the townspeople and cabbies to clear the way in time for the rapidly rushing "bird-three".

At the very beginning, they were allowed to hang only on postal troikas and courier ones carrying important state dispatches. Hearing the ringing of the bell, the postal workers had time to prepare a removable troika of horses so as not to delay the delivery of urgent mail. And a little later, riding in triplets with bells became widely popular not only among postal drivers. "alt =" (! LANG: Igor Pautov. Russian Troika" title="Pautov Igor. Russian troika" border="0" vspace="5">!}

The era of the famous Russian triplets came to an end in the middle of the 19th century, they were gradually replaced by rail and road transport in rural areas. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the two-hundred-year history of the troika ended, but it remained popular and indispensable in traditional folk festivals. "alt =" (! LANG: Festivities.

The popularity of the triplets had no boundaries and always evoked a competitive spirit. Therefore, starting in 1840 in Moscow, equestrian competitions began to be arranged at the hippodrome. And in 1911, the Russian troika was first seen in Europe, namely in London at the World Exhibition. During Soviet times, troikas for competitions almost always consisted of Oryol trotters, which looked unimaginably gorgeous.

Russian troikas were also a worthy present for dignitaries of many states. To this day, the competitions, where Russian troikas take part, are very spectacular and popular.

There are many unimaginable ones in the world that delight with their exotic look.

The Russian troika ... It is found in many poems, songs and even in the prose works of Russian classics. Why exactly three, and what is so special about it?

From Trinity to Three

in Russia it has always played a special, one might say, sacred role. Let's start with the Christian Trinity, and also remember the common saying: "God loves the Trinity." There are other sayings and sayings: "They forgive up to three times", "You will become more limp on three legs", "Remember three things: pray, endure, work", "There were three wives, but they all did not have their hair cut", "Trade for a year, steal two, and sit in a pit for three "," I served three summers, served three turnips, but not a single red one! " In Soviet times, there was a popular expression "to figure out for three."

The word "troika" itself had several meanings. This is a boat for three oarsmen, a pair of oars for each, and a kind of folk round dance, and a card with three glasses, and even a tray with three bowls filled with wine, honey and mash, which in the old days was served to guests at weddings.

But most often the three was called the classic team of horses with a root horse in shafts and two tie-downs. Troikas appeared for the first time in the 18th century with the introduction of the state postal service. Before that, on narrow roads they often rode simply on horseback or harnessed two horses. Now the roads were widened, and it was possible to harness three, which means that it was quick to get to the place.

When approaching an outpost or station, it was necessary to notify the employees of their arrival. Western European horns-pipes somehow did not take root in our country. The Russian coachman-driver simply put two fingers in his mouth and whistled dashingly. Although the authorities did not approve of this and even punished it, the coachmen made excuses: they say, under the brave whistle, the horses run faster, and the whistle is even louder than the sound of a horn ...

In the end, they came up with the idea of ​​using bells on threes. They were cast from a bronze alloy, like large church bells. Due to their small size and voice, they gave a high, thin voice. The bell was hung under the arch of the root. A harness with bells was often hung around the neck of the guards. The troika raced, the bells rang, the cheerful chime drove away boring thoughts on the way. On the bells, funny inscriptions were often carved: "It rings - it travels, the horses is in a hurry", "I ring a lot - the road is more fun." Noblemen, merchants, and common people rode with bells. Everyone liked such a ride with a ringing, although the tsarist Senate, by a special decree, ordered the use of bells "only for the post chase."

The image of the troika in Russian literature

Troikas became widespread, hired for wedding and festive festivities. And, of course, they began to be sung in literary and folk art:
Do not catch up with you a mad three
The horses are strong and well fed and strikers
And the driver is drunk ... And on the other
A young cornet rushes like a whirlwind.
(N.A. Nekrasov)
The three rushes, the three gallops,
Dust curls from under the hooves
The bell is crying loudly
Now he laughs, then rings.
(P. Vyazemsky)
The blizzard has settled; the path is illuminated ...
The night looks with millions of dull eyes
Put me to sleep, bells ringing,
Carry me out, three tired horses!
(Ya.P. Polonsky)
Eh you sleigh! And horses, horses!
Apparently the devil brought them to earth.
In the dashing steppe acceleration
The bell laughs to tears.
(S.A. Yesenin)

Russian writers have often compared the Russian troika to a swift-winged bird. Indeed, the horses, heated up in the run, rushed so dashingly that it was breathtaking, and the ride resembled a flight. No one, perhaps, wrote about the troika as piercingly as Nikolai Gogol in his poem "Dead Souls":

“... Eh, three! bird three, who invented you? to know, you could only be born to a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but scattered evenly across the world ... Is it not you, Russia, that a lively, unattainable troika is rushing? The road is smoking under you, the bridges are thundering, everything lags behind and remains behind ... The bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; air ripped into pieces thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on the earth flies by, and, looking sideways, sideways and give her way to other peoples and states ... "

Why has the troika become our national symbol? The fact is that she personified such traits as daring, scope, cheerfulness, fun. Rumor has it that the Russians take a long time to harness, but they drive fast, and what Russian does not like fast driving?

Troika march across Europe

In the 40s. XIX century at the Moscow Hippodrome, triples competitions began to be held. And in 1911 the Russian troika went to Europe for the first time - to the World Exhibition in London. During the Soviet era, troikas were used mainly in equestrian sports, in figure riding competitions. They were composed, as a rule, of the Oryol trotters. In 1982, the Soviet troika, which included the Oryol trotter and two horses of the Terek breed, won the international equestrian fair "Equitana" held in Germany.

In the 90s. The Russian association "Sodruzhestvo" began to hold competitions for the Cup of Russia for Russian triplets. The stages of the competition were held in ancient Russian cities - Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Saratov, Vladimir, Kaluga, Vologda, and the final in Moscow. Also, Russian troikas continued to participate in international competitions, for example, "Days of Russia" in France.

Elegant triplets with cheerful riders harnessed to a sleigh can be seen today on the roads and squares and during festive festivities.

Remember Gogol's "Dead Souls" and a wonderful passage that many of us learned at school and remembered for the rest of our lives ... even if not all ... even pieces ... but remembered!

“And what Russian does not like fast driving? Does his soul, striving to spin, take a walk, sometimes say:“ Damn it all! ”- can his soul not love her? Seemingly, an unknown force grabbed you on the wing to itself, and you yourself fly, and everything flies: miles fly, merchants fly towards them on their wagons, a forest flies from both sides with dark lines of fir and pine trees, with a clumsy clatter and a crow's cry , the whole road flies into the disappearing distance, and something terrible is contained in this rapid flickering, where the disappearing object does not have time to signify - only the sky overhead, and light clouds, and the wading month alone seem motionless. triple, who invented you? to know, you could only be born to a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, and evenly scattered about half the world, and go count miles until it hits you in your eyes. it seems like a road projectile, not captured by an iron screw, but a Nazca Oro alive with one ax and a hammer equipped and assembled you by a smart Yaroslavl man. The coachman is not in German jackboots: beard and mittens, and the devil knows what; but he got up, and swung, and started a song - the horses like a whirlwind, the spokes in the wheels mixed into one smooth circle, only the road trembled, and a pedestrian who stopped screaming in fright - and there she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. And you can already see in the distance, how something makes dust and drills the air. "

Hey you, daring troika!
Reborn! Fly forward!
Let, sweeping away the obstacles,
The spirit of Russia will revive!

Samarskaya Elena Mikhailovna

Oh! You are a daring three
Why is it good.
A troika rushes, this triple -
Like a Russian soul!

Song by Lyudmila Zykina. Lyrics by O. Levitsky
Composer V. Temnov

Samarskaya Elena Mikhailovna

The three rushes, the three gallops,
Dust curls from under the hooves
The bell is crying loudly
And he laughs and squeals.
(P. Vyazemsky) But, God, how I love,
As a troika, the coachman removes the wagon
Will rush - and hide ...
And for a long time, I think
The sound of a bell flutters in silence.
(A. Fet)

Samarskaya Elena Mikhailovna.

What Russian doesn't like driving fast? And fast driving in our tradition is inextricably linked with the Russian troika. She can reach speeds of up to sixty kilometers per hour, which is unattainable for any harness in the world.

The word itself "troika" began to be applied in relation to a horse-drawn carriage 200 years ago. At that time, the number of horses in a harness depended solely on how many passengers were carried in the wagon.

If one person rode, then they harnessed one horse, if two, then two horses, and, accordingly, if three people sat in the wagon, then they harnessed three horses.

In tsarist times, the troika was used not only by the rich, but also by those who were supposed to move quickly by profession: postmen, firefighters, etc. at a gallop.

Samarskaya Elena Mikhailovna

Troika is an old Russian horse harness. The Russian troika was invented so that the ride was as fast as possible over long distances. This triplet is the only harness with different paces in the world. Let's see what are the features of the Russian troika, how it works and how it appeared.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Shrilev.

1. The mystery of the appearance

When did the Russian troika appear? Historians say that at the beginning of the 18th century, when the troika harness began to be used by the tsarist courier service. However, given that in conservative Russia any innovation was sometimes "insisted" for centuries before entering "mass production", this date raises some doubts. There is a version that the troika was borrowed by state services from secret "horse" cults dedicated to Elijah the Prophet, which have been practiced in some areas of the North of Russia for centuries. Every year, on Ilya's day, ritual horse races were arranged in troikas, which symbolized "a chariot of fire and no fiery one" that lifted Elijah to heaven. To break during the "ascension" was considered a manifestation of Grace: they said, "Ilya took him to heaven."

Mikhail Nikolaevich Shrilev

2. Uniqueness

The innovation of the troika was that all horses ran with a different gait.

In the center there is a horse - a rootstock, which should go at a clear and fast trot, on the side - strapped horses. They usually gallop. As a result, the team can reach a fairly high speed of up to 60 kilometers. The main mechanism of the triplet is that the pulling horses seem to "carry" the central wheel. It is for this reason that horses tire slowly and can maintain a developed speed for a long time.

3. Speed

The troika was capable of speeds up to 60 km per hour. No other harness in the world could achieve such a result. There is such a bike. Once, during the reign of Catherine II, the Austrian Emperor Joseph arrived in St. Petersburg on a visit. The Empress set out to impress the distinguished guest and ride him in a troika. The most daring coachman was brought to the palace, from whom Catherine asked: "Will you take the emperor to Moscow in thirty-six hours?" The dashing man answered the queen: “I'll take you, mother. But I'm not sure if I will bring his soul. " It remains to add that, on average, the journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow on the checkpoints was two or three days.

Unknown artist.

4. Breed of horses

As a rule, the Russian troika used horsepower hardy breed of the Vyatka horse. Wealthy gentlemen could afford to harness the three Oryol trotters.

AI-Sheloumov "Party-on-triplets".

The best Russian triplet is the one where all three horses are matched.

Root, by the way, should be much larger than the attached ones. Beginning in 1840, equestrian competitions began to be organized at the Moscow hippodrome, where troikas competed in speed. In 1911, the Russian troika was first seen in Europe, namely in London at the World Exhibition. The troika included: the root-horse - the Oryol trotter Ratnik Turetsky, the winner of the Imperial Prize, and riding archery horses as tethering horses. There were very few masters who possessed the necessary skills, however, as well as suitable trotters. However, they still managed to save one of the main symbols of Russia.

If we turn to today, then the competition where Russian troikas are involved are very popular.

As a rule, they take place in two stages.

Stage 1. Smart horses decorated with ribbons, bells and bells (by the way, riders must also dress appropriately) go out to compete in figure riding. One rider drives three horses at once, which must perform various figures, for example, "volts", "eights", etc.

Stage 2. This is the so-called speed test. Horses are harnessed to a special harness, protective equipment is put on against injury. The rider and his assistants put on the usual sports uniform with protective helmets. It is in this part of the competition that the rider, more than ever, needs the help of assistants: he himself controls the root, and the assistants control the pull-horses.

5. Application

The three-point harness, as already mentioned, was used in the courier service. At the end of the 18th century, important passengers began to be transported in the troika. Over time, the troika has become an indispensable attribute of weddings and festivities on big holidays.

6. Decoration

The three-piece harness was necessarily richly decorated. For example, at first, the arch of the root was painted with gilding. This was not just foolishness: gold symbolized the lightning that accompanied the ascension of Elijah the Prophet.

Later, the arcs began to be painted with ornaments and artistic carvings. Moreover, it was not just decoration: saddlers applied so-called protective paintings to the harness, capable of protecting the troika from evil forces, from a wild beast and from robbers.

Konstantin Korovin.

7. "Yamskaya accordion"

If the gilded arch of the root symbolized lightning, then the ringing of bells and bells, accompanied by a triplet, was a metaphor for thunderclaps. The people called this "musical set" "accordion hole". Almost every trio had a unique sound. It is interesting that in some places in Russia it was believed that having taken a ride on a "loud" troika, a person is able to get rid of the spells sent by witches and sorcerers. It was believed that most often unkind people damage weddings, so the trip of the newlyweds in a troika with bells became an indispensable wedding ceremony.

Peter Gruzinsky Christmas market

For a Russian person, the troika of horses has always been a national symbol. The Russian troika is mentioned many times in verses (N. Nekrasov "Troika", A. Pushkin "Winter Road", P. Vyazemsky "Another Troika", etc.), songs (romance "V moonlight"," Here is a troika rushing by ", etc.), literary works (for example, the well-known passage about the Russian troika in N. V. Gogol's poem" Dead Souls ").

For me personally, the "Russian troika" is always associated with a wonderful movie "Serf actress"

Zimushka-winter from the movie "The Serf Actress"

Here the daring troika rushes
Along the pillar road,
And a bell, a gift from Valdai,
It hums sadly under the arc.
The driver is dashing - he got up at midnight,
He felt sad in the silence -
And he sang about clear eyes,
About the eyes of the girl-soul:
"Oh, eyes, blue eyes!
You have crushed the fellow;
Why, oh people, people are evil,
Did you tear their hearts apart?
Now I am a poor orphan! .. "
And suddenly he waved all three -
And the fellow amused himself with a triple,
And he was filled with a nightingale.

Fyodor Glinka

Simonova Olga Georgievna

A. Baumgartner-Stoilof

Egorov, Andrey Afanasevich A trip along a snow-covered path.

Racing troika - Samokish N. S.

Creative Association Artemis Creative Association.

Turkevich Tatiana Alexandrovna

What Russian doesn't like driving fast? And fast driving in our tradition is inextricably linked with the Russian troika. She can reach speeds of up to sixty kilometers per hour, which is unattainable for any harness in the world.

The mystery of the appearance

When did the Russian troika appear? Historians say that at the beginning of the 18th century, when the troika harness began to be used by the tsarist courier service. However, given that in conservative Russia any innovation was sometimes "insisted" for centuries before entering "mass production", this date raises some doubts. There is a version that the troika was borrowed by state services from secret "horse" cults dedicated to Elijah the Prophet, which have been practiced in some areas of the North of Russia for centuries. Every year, on Ilya's day, ritual horse races were arranged in troikas, which symbolized "a chariot of fire and no fiery one" that lifted Elijah to heaven. To break during the "ascension" was considered a manifestation of Grace: they said, "Ilya took him to heaven."


The innovation of the troika was that all horses ran with a different gait. The root horse, the center horse, was galloping at a trot, while the lighter tie-down horses galloped at a gallop, bending their heads to the side. Such a combination of "horsepower", where the riders, fastened to the root by strings, as if "carried" the root, was aimed at making all three horses get tired more slowly, while maintaining a high speed.


The troika was capable of speeds up to 60 km per hour. No other harness in the world could achieve such a result. There is such a bike. Once, during the reign of Catherine II, the Austrian Emperor Joseph arrived in St. Petersburg on a visit. The Empress set out to impress the distinguished guest and ride him in a troika. The most daring coachman was brought to the palace, from whom Catherine asked: "Will you take the emperor to Moscow in thirty-six hours?" The dashing man answered the queen: “I'll take you, mother. But I'm not sure if I will bring his soul. " It remains to add that, on average, the journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow on the checkpoints was two or three days.

Horse breed

As a rule, the Russian troika used the horsepower of the hardy breed of the Vyatka horse. Wealthy gentlemen could afford to harness the three Oryol trotters.


The three-point harness, as already mentioned, was used in the courier service. At the end of the 18th century, important passengers began to be transported in the troika. Over time, the troika has become an indispensable attribute of weddings and festivities on big holidays.


The three-piece harness was necessarily richly decorated. For example, at first, the arch of the root was painted with gilding. This was not just foolishness: gold symbolized the lightning that accompanied the ascension of Elijah the Prophet.

Later, the arcs began to be painted with ornaments and artistic carvings. Moreover, it was not just decoration: saddlers applied so-called protective paintings to the harness, capable of protecting the troika from evil forces, from a wild beast and from robbers.

"Yamskaya accordion"

If the gilded arch of the root symbolized lightning, then the ringing of bells and bells, accompanied by a triplet, was a metaphor for thunderclaps. The people called this "musical set" "accordion hole". Almost every trio had a unique sound. It is interesting that in some places in Russia it was believed that having taken a ride on a "loud" troika, a person is able to get rid of the spells sent by witches and sorcerers. It was believed that most often unkind people damage weddings, so the trip of the newlyweds in a troika with bells became an indispensable wedding ceremony.

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