Cheerleading is interesting information. Interesting facts about cheerleading

Cheerleading has a rich history in the United States. Many fans start their activities in primary school and can continue to participate in high school, high school and university. Even professional sports teams have fans, so those who like to cheer can continue the sport into adulthood.

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According to the book " Complete guide in cheerleading, an organized cheer began at Princeton University in 1884 when the crowd called out a cheer to inspire their team. In 1898, Tom Peebles became the first cheerleader when he led the crowd at the University of Minnesota. That same year, a six-member group at the University of Minnesota continued this trend and expanded into cheerleading. In 1923, cheerleading expanded to include women.


Cheerleading has grown significantly since its inception - most college football and basketball teams now have their own teams. Also, every team in the NFL has a cheerleading team, as well as most NBA teams. In 2003, the Florida Marlins became the first MLB team to introduce a cheerleading team, which other teams have since duplicated.


According to the book Cheerleading and the Law: Risk Management Strategies, with all the high flying associated with cheerleading, injuries can happen. Between 1982 and 2006, 45 serious injuries occurred in early high school, with two of those injuries resulting in death. Of the 45 injuries, 14 resulted in permanent disability, including paralysis. During the same years, one female college student died after a cheerleading stunt, while an additional five ended up with disabilities and 11 were seriously injured. Men accounted for two injuries leading to disability and two other serious injuries during this time period.


To maintain safety in the sport, the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators has put in place some rules that members must follow. During practice, teams must have a coach and receive all necessary training before making the move. During the front throw, the top man must start in an upright position and maintain melee contact with the two bases. These steps should also include a spotter that can protect the top person's head and neck in the event of a fall. During partner tricks, bases that support another cheerleader cannot hold props. For elementary, middle schools, and junior senior fans, there are additional sanctions against throws and the number of twists in takedowns.

They say that pathos and luxury are alien to American fashion, the style of most girls and women can be described as "simple and comfortable." But all this is irrelevant when we are talking about cheerleader outfits. See for yourself!

Cheerleading is an energetic sport and dance fun of American schoolchildren and students, known all over the world. Slender, fit girls with harmonious shapes and bright pom-poms in our hands are strongly associated with the cheerleading team of world teams. In Russia, cheerleading is not yet as common as in the homeland of the sports movement, but every year the situation is changing for the better.

Beautiful, slightly erotic movements of a close-knit team arouse admiration among the fans of the stronger sex and the desire to have a spectacular costume among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. This winter, cheerleading has taken to the heights of the fashion catwalk in the form of bright, colorful, sexy outfits.

How it all began?

Like many other interesting things, cheerleading was created by men and for men. The history of the popular trend dates back to the late nineteenth century. At that time, spectacular tricks and acrobatic numbers, which modern cheerleading is famous for, were not yet in use. And the support group included only men. The main tasks of the cheerleaders were to turn on the crowd and chant chants. To draw attention to themselves, they waved bundles of hay, which, you guessed it, are the progenitors of pompoms.

Gradually, the popularity of the movement gained momentum, women began to take cheerleaders. In the 40s of the twentieth century, when most men were forced to go to the front, the number of girls in the team began to exceed the number of men. This only benefited the movement, making it more spectacular, interesting, and exciting. After all, it was the cheerleading girls who came up with a complex dance and acrobatic program. This is how cheerleading became feminine look sports and to date, it is 97 percent of the fairer sex.

Famous faces of cheerleading

In their youth, cheerleaders were many of the world's stars who shine today in the Hollywood sky. Among them are Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Lindsay Lohan, Alicia Silverstone and Halle Berry.

The choice of celebrities is difficult to dispute, because doing such a spectacular sport perfectly develops endurance and physical abilities. To complete a complex performance program, which includes tricks and jumps, you have to train for a long time. And the role of cheerleaders does not end there.

Girls from the support group should create a favorable atmosphere in the stadium, minimize aggression and negativity. If cheerleaders see excitement and skirmishes between fans in the stands different teams, they must take action - chant chants or perform a number and draw the attention of the militant parties to themselves.

Cheerleading Trends in World Fashion

The latest collections of the Haute Couture brands are full of colorful dresses inspired by the popular sports movement. So, the Italian brand offered its fans laconic A-line sports mini-dresses.

The provocative brand distinguished itself by tops with team numbers. From the models of past years, modern products differ in an interesting cut with overhead details.

Glamorous versions of dresses, performed with deliberate pomp, brilliance and chic, play on the fashion podium in performance.

Mini-skirts combined with tight-fitting turtlenecks, as an undoubted classic of cheerleading, are found on shows. Fashion experts approve design solution brand as a great adaptation of team cheerleading outfits for everyday life.

An outstanding global brand included in its shows a typical detail of a cheerleader uniform - a triangular neckline with stripes. A free-cut vest, bright in a contrasting play of red and black, worn over a gray turtleneck, looks bohemian and glamorous in the best traditions of sport chic.

But cheerleader outfits are not the only component of the women's outfit that has been perfected on the fashion catwalk. Such an element of the costume as a pompom also finds echoes in fashionable images of our time. Short fur coats of the brand can serve as an eloquent example of this.

Cheerleading Code

Style experts are sure that in order to feel the atmosphere of the famous American movement, it is not enough to put on a spectacular suit. Every self-respecting cheerleader must learn and follow a special code of honor.

So, members of a close-knit team are forbidden to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages while they are dressed in uniform. Underwear should not be visible through the elements of the costume.

Cheerleading is not just a sport and dance fun, it is a lifestyle with a great future.


Cheerleading is a relatively new and specific sport, but it is gaining popularity, and more and more young people are enrolling in sections and starting classes. If you want to join the ranks of cheerleaders, then first evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of training and find out what it will take.

What is cheerleading?

What is cheerleading? It's relative the new kind sports that combine spectacular sports movements borrowed from acrobatics, gymnastics, as well as elements of the show. Initially, cheerleaders supported sports teams, but today they perform independently and even take part in competitions.

The name of the direction of sports consists of two words: "cheer" - an invocative, encouraging or approving exclamation, a call and "lead" - to manage, lead.

Cheerleaders working with sports teams perform several basic tasks:

  • Support for the participants of the match, encouragement, instilling faith in victory, maintaining an optimistic mood.
  • Attracting a large number of fans and spectators to sports halls and stadiums, and not only to extract maximum profit, but also to promote a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, sports.
  • Advertising campaigns, development of an attractive image at sporting events.
  • Control the emotions of the fans, prevent the aggressive mood, create a friendly and positive atmosphere, maintain the spirit of healthy fanaticism without the manifestation of anger and conflicts between the fans.

Interesting fact! Many famous people have been involved in cheerleading, including Madonna, Steve Martin, Tom Cruise, Ronald Reagan, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Douglas, Meryl Streep.

History of occurrence

Cheerleading as a separate sports direction originated in the United States of America in the 70s of the nineteenth century before last. In 1989, at the University of Minnesota, one of the meetings considered the issue of helping a team that constantly won defeats. At the meeting, ways of support were discussed, and it was decided to create a separate group, which was supposed to inspire confidence in victory before the match. After the establishment of the cheerleading team, she entered the field, but still it did not bring the expected results: the athletes again lost with a devastating score of 0:28.

Initially, only males were accepted into the ranks of cheerleaders. But after the first performance of the girl, it became clear that the female energy makes the spectacle much more attractive and sets the team, inspires the fans. At the moment, most of all teams are female (up to 97%), although the guys are present and usually support.

Today, sports cheerleading clubs exist in more than five dozen different countries, and in the United States, every sports team has a cheerleading team, even school teams. The direction is in demand in Japan, and in Russia it arose in the 96th year of the last century and is gradually gaining popularity. The first world championship was held in 2001, and now it is held regularly - every two years.

For your information! Today, cheerleaders perform not only at competitions, but also at other mass and cultural events: city holidays, concerts, competitions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider the benefits of cheerleading:

  • It is beautiful. In many countries, the cheerleader girl is a symbol of youth, youth, beauty and energy. And the members of the teams are really attractive: they are slender, dressed in the most open form, perky.
  • This is relatively new for many countries and therefore interesting, prestigious.
  • You can not only do it for your own pleasure, but also take part in competitions.
  • This great option for a girl, as regular training helps to maintain harmony, look attractive.
  • Cheerleading strengthens muscles, trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Professional classes teach to work in a team, develop leadership skills.
  • Coordination, endurance, agility develop.
  • Classes at an early age strengthen the team spirit, promote socialization.

There are also disadvantages:

  • High risk of injury. If you believe the statistics, then in America, about half of all injuries in sports occur in cheerleading. And during the execution of complex elements, girls really often fall.
  • Professional pursuits require constant travel: to sports with a cheerleading team, to cheerleading competitions and other performances.
  • Requires special equipment.
  • Not everyone can get into the team, there are restrictions.
  • Intense loads during training.

What is needed for classes?

If you want to practice cheerleading for the purpose of physical development, then you will probably be enrolled in the section, but the training will be easy, intended for beginners and different from exhibition performances. For serious work, you need to have several qualities:

  1. Good diction. Cheerleaders shout out calls and slogans, so the speech must be correct, and the voice must be pleasant, sonorous and loud.
  2. Sense of rhythm. All performances are energetic, rhythmic, tied to fast music. If you do not know how to feel the melody and keep the beat during the movements, then you are unlikely to be able to practice.
  3. Physical training. Firstly, performances include complex elements, including acrobatic ones. Secondly, the movements are performed quickly, which requires training. Thirdly, when performing, it is also necessary to shout out slogans, and there must be enough breath for this.
  4. Flexibility, stretch. They are necessary for performing acrobatic elements: leg raises and swings, jumps, racks, somersaults.
  5. Attractive appearance. This is not the main criterion, but all cheerleaders are slender and pretty, because they must inspire athletes, attract spectators.

For cheerleading, you will need a uniform, which usually consists of short shorts or a skirt, and a top or short vest. Clothing should not interfere with movements, and there cannot be untied, detachable, dangling parts on it. Shoes - Lightweight sneakers with good cushioning. Fluffy pompoms to match the shape are also needed, and they can be two-tone.

In professional cheerleading, there are restrictions on appearance and age. Cheerleaders are girls over 18-19 and under 30 years old. Also, upon admission to a professional team, height and weight are measured. But if you want to practice for yourself, there are no restrictions.

How are the classes

Workouts are like rhythmic fast music, all movements are performed to the beat. Team members work together and move in sync. Often all kinds of supports are included in performances, including complex ones that require the participation of several people. Maintaining straight limbs, speed, sharpness, clarity, coherence are important.

Exercises such as stunts (supports and throws of cheerleaders), pyramids (ligaments of several stunts), regular and low touchdowns, all kinds of static and dynamic figures are performed: low V and high V, regular and broken T, punch, right El, left K.

Cheerleading is a new sport. And to start doing it, find out all the nuances and weigh the pros and cons. Good luck!

Kovaleva Alina

Relevance. Modern children grow and develop in the era of artificial intelligence, where computers, laptops, smartphones and phones attract their attention, holding them in front of the monitor, reducing adolescents' interest in physical exercises, reducing their physical activity and, as a result, worsen health, physical and functional fitness. It has long been proven by scientists around the world that every child should go in for sports. And how to choose for yourself what will be not only useful, but also interesting. After all, it is possible to achieve high results only when there is a desire, interest. Many do not even know that at present there are sports that do not require certain parameters for height, weight, physical data, where there is practically no selection, and most importantly, there is no age limit. One such sport is cheerleading. Everyone can do it: thin, plump, full of health and weakened, lively and shy. Physical development, communication with peers, a friendly approach help to identify creative inclinations, leadership qualities, overcome complexes and strive for success! Therefore, cheerleading is a promising direction. A sea of ​​positive, drive, positive emotions, new acquaintances, figure improvement, competitions, performances - all this is available for those who are engaged in cheerleading!



Municipal budgetary educational institution

middle secondary school No. 20 Vyazemsky

the name of the Hero Soviet Union Theodosius Porfiryevich Kotlyar

Vyazemsky municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory


"Cheerleading is my favorite sport"


Kovaleva Alina Alexandrovna, student of 9 "A" class


Lesnyak Elena Alekseevna, teacher physical education

MBOU secondary school No. 20 named after. F.P. Kotlyar, Vyazemsky

Vyazemsky 2017


Chapter 1 All About Cheerleading

1.2 Cheerleading in Russia.

1.3 Basic rules for the competition

1.5 Interesting Cheerleading Facts

1.7 Why I love cheerleading

Chapter 2 The influence of cheerleading on the physical and harmonious development of students.

2.1 How it all began

2.3 Interviews with cheerleaders and team coach

2.4 My progress in cheerleading





The surrounding world is rich and diverse in its manifestations. It provides great opportunities for the harmonious development of the personality of students. One such phenomenon in modern life is cheerleading. Cheerleading is a system of specially selected physical exercises and methodological techniques used to promote health, harmonious physical development. Cheerleading is my favorite sport. That's what I want to talk about.

Relevance. Modern children grow and develop in the era of artificial intelligence, where computers, laptops, smartphones and phones attract their attention, holding them in front of the monitor,reducing teenagers' interest in physical exercises, reducing their motor activity and, as a result, worsening health, physical and functional fitness.It has long been proven by scientists around the world that every child should go in for sports. And how to choose for yourself what will be not only useful, but also interesting. After all, it is possible to achieve high results only when there is a desire, interest. Many do not even know that at present there are sports that do not require certain parameters for height, weight, physical data, where there is practically no selection, and most importantly, there is no age limit. One such sport is cheerleading. Everyone can do it: thin, plump, full of health and weakened, lively and shy. Physical development, communication with peers, a friendly approach help to identify creative inclinations, leadership qualities, overcome complexes and strive for success! Therefore, cheerleading is a promising direction. A sea of ​​positive, drive, positive emotions, new acquaintances, figure improvement, competitions, performances - all this is available for those who are engaged in cheerleading!

Purpose of the study:To interest students in cheerleading, which contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle and interesting leisure activities.


Study and analyze various sources of information;

Conduct interviews with cheerleaders and team coach to determine the importance of this sport in their lives;

Tell about your successes in cheerleading;

Conduct a survey of classmates;

Awaken the desire to explore, analyze, independently draw conclusions;


Guess cheerleading is the most effective remedy to attract young people to mass sports and a healthy lifestyle, everyone can do it, regardless of age and physical fitness.

Object of study:student personality.

Subject of study:the influence of cheerleading on the formation of a healthy and harmonious development of the personality of students.

Research methods:

Search for information;

Selection of information;

Work with documentary sources;

Systematization of own experience;


Conducting interviews;

Processing of results.

Chapter 1 All About Cheerleading

1.1 History of cheerleading

Cheerleading is a sport that combines elements of show and spectator sports (dance, gymnastics, acrobatics).

Cheerleading originated in the United States in the 1870s and became most widespread by the middle of the 20th century.In the 1860s, it became fashionable for students in Great Britain to cheer athletes during competitions, and this trend soon spread to the United States. The first cheerleading club was organized in New Jersey at Princeton University in 1865. They say on one football game at Princeton, Thomas Peebles gathered six people who lined up in front of the stands with students and chanted chants throughout the game, encouraging the rest of the audience to cheer for their favorite team. But 1898 is still considered to be the year of the birth of cheerleading. It was in this year that the football team of the University of Minnesota clearly did not have a season. And before the next game, a meeting was held at the university, which was attended by students from all faculties. One of the professors present there put forward a brilliant scientific thesis in favor of spectator support for athletes at competitions. He argued that the incentive of several hundred students focuses on the positive energy that is directed to the team and helps it win. His final line was, “Let's go to Madison! Let's go to Madison! Apply the law of positive incentives!”

The game took place, but, contrary to all expectations, the team of the University of Minnesota was defeated with a score of 28:0. Hasn't this support worked? It was necessary to come up with something else. And then there was Johnny Campbell, a first-year medical student. It can be called the first cheerleader. Johnny explained that someone had to lead the chant and the chants had to be varied. So at the next game, led by Campbell, the audience chanted the chant that went down in history: “Rah, Rah, Rah! Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Hoo Rah! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!"

Thus cheerleading was born in the United States. It's hard to believe, but at first this sport was more popular among the stronger half. However, when a huge number of men went to the front in the 40s, the situation changed dramatically, and now more than 90% of cheerleaders are women.Active participation in cheerleading by women began in the 20s of the last century. At the University of Minnesota, cheerleaders have introduced elements of gymnastics and jumping into their programs, and the idea for a dedicated area for cheerleaders belongs to Lindley Bothwell of the University of Oregon. In the late 40s, when the men returned from the front, elements such as twists and turns were added to cheerleading. Gymnastic elements, as a rule, were performed by men, while the girls danced. This marked the beginning of the formation of dance teams.In 1948, Lawrence Harkimer organized the first cheerleading camp. This took place at Southern Methodist University, where 52 girls took part. At the same time, the National Cheerleading Organization was founded. In the 1950s, cheerleaders began to hold special seminars in colleges, where they taught everyone the basics of this sport.In the 1930s, universities and colleges began to actively use pompons - an attribute that to this day is calling card cheerleading. The modern vinyl pompom was invented by Fred Gastoff in 1965 and introduced international organization cheerleading.In 1967, it was decided to compile an annual ranking of the "Top 10 College Cheerleading Teams" to determine contenders for the America's Cheerleader competition.In the early 70s, cheerleading became more and more popular. In addition to playing cheerleaders at football and basketball games, cheerleaders began to appear at school sports. The first television broadcast of the cheerleading championship among college teams, organized by the initiative of the International Cheerleading Organization, took place in the spring of 1978 on CBS-TV.In 1980, official safety standards and rules were established that prohibited some traumatic somersaults and pyramids. Cheerleading competitions among junior and senior teams were already held all over the United States. This sport began to develop on a national scale, special courses and cheerleading coaches began to appear.In 1995, the European Cheerleading Association (ECA) was founded and took over the leadership of the cheerleading movement in Europe. The first European Cheerleading Championship took place in 1995 in Germany, in Stuttgart.
Founded in 2001 International Federation cheerleading (IFC), which subsequently, in addition to the member countries of the European Association, included Japan, where in 2001 the first world cheerleading championship was held.

1.2 Cheerleading in Russia

In Russia, cheerleading has existed relatively recently. It got its start simultaneously with the advent of American football in our country. The first cheerleading team in our country was created in 1996 under the Children's League of American Football (DLAF). Soon, girls' interest in the original sport increased so much that in January 1998, the Autonomous non-profit organization "Leisure Club" Assol "" established by DLAF appeared, main task which was the development of the sports team support group program.In August 1999, at the initiative of the Assol club, the Cheerleaders Federation - Support Groups for Sports Teams NGO was registered. The popularity of cheerleading continued to grow rapidly: already in 1999, the first cheerleading competition for the Federation Cup took place at the Dynamo Sports Palace. On February 12, 2007, cheerleading in Russia was officially recognized as a sport, and on December 1, 2008, the Russian Cheerleading Federation was officially registered.

1.3 Basic rules for holding cheerleading competitions.

Cheerleading is a separate independent sport. It hosts competitions of the Russian scale, European and world.

Cheerleading championships are held in several categories:

Chir - elements of gymnastics and acrobatics, the construction of pyramids and dance rebuilding to loud chants. Cheer-dance - sports dances with elements of gymnastics, with the presence of plasticity, good choreography and grace, amazing synchronicity. Chir-mix - performances of mixed teams (women and men). Stunt - the collective construction of pyramids. An individual cheerleader is the solo number of the main instigator of the team. For the initial cheerleading lessons, special physical data are not required, therefore, everyone at the age of 5 who is admitted to sports for medical reasons is accepted into the teams of the younger age category. Athletes (cheerleaders) are divided into teams according to age: younger children (5-6 years old), children (7-11 years old), juniors (12-16 years old), adults (16+).

Chir programs have sports orientation, include a fairly large number of acrobatic elements, require insurance when performing difficult moments programs. Cheer programs use chants, it is possible to use propaganda tools: posters, megaphones, flags, banners, pompons, etc. Mandatory elements cheer programs are jumps, pyramids, support stunts, cheer dances, cheer chants, chand chants, acrobatic elements(somersaults, coups, rondates, etc.). Dance programs are built on the principle of combining various styles of music (jazz, funk, pop, rap, lyrical style, etc.), fit well into any show, can be performed both on sports grounds and on the parquet. The program always uses pompoms. Mandatory elements of the Dance program are pirouettes, splits, jumps and swings, which are performed by all team members. In Dance programs it is forbidden to use acrobatics, support, chants. Cheerleading is a team sport. The minimum number of team members in Cheer and Dance nominations is 8 people. Maximum amount unlimited. Team performance time is up to three minutes. Competitions are held on a standard site measuring 12 x 12 meters. Violations of the size of the site (steps) lead to the award of penalty points. Cheer and Dance programs are accompanied by arbitrary musical compositions at the choice of teams, depending on the style of the program. In one program, music of different styles can be used, harmoniously blending into each other. Music can be stopped for multiple counts to perform chants. The team must be dressed in a uniform (special suits). The use of removable parts of the uniform is not allowed and it is not allowed to remove clothes during the performance. Underwear should not be visible. The lower part of the uniform can be skirts, shorts or trousers. Top part- top, light jacket, vest, etc. All team members must use sports shoes on a solid sole, mostly tightly laced sneakers. Each team in the Chir nomination must take care of insurance during the execution of the program by their team.

According to the results of the competition, 1,2,3 places are assigned in each nomination and in each age category. Winners are determined by the highest number of points scored. In cases of an equal number of points, the winner is determined by the decision of the judging panel, taking into account the complexity of the program (the score for complexity is decisive).

1.4 Perspectives on cheerleading

Cheerleading is a young and rapidly developing sport. This is not only a hobby, the social circle is practically a whole system and way of life with sports holidays, festivals, preparation of show programs for various levels of competitions, including those acceptable for many team sports. This is the most effective means for attracting young people to mass sports and a healthy lifestyle, to prolong sports career. Cheerleading classes allow you to get not only the necessary physical activity, which consists of elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics, but also fully allows you to maintain yourself in optimal sportswear, but every day to feel on top. Cheerleading for modern schoolchildren is becoming not only a place for an active sports lifestyle, but also turns into a real friendly family. That is, the appointment of cheerleading as a means of educating a healthy lifestyle is a reality. And correct posture, flexibility and plasticity are just a few of the benefits that those who choose this sport for themselves receive. Cheerleaders are not just taught to set goals, but also to overcome difficulties and achieve victory. Cheerleading is developing all over the planet by leaps and bounds. The tasks that this sport set for itself at the time of its inception, namely, to entertain spectators and cheer up athletes, are now only a small part " big game". Cheerleading makes any sport spectacular. Bright and unforgettable performances of cheerleaders accompany sports competitions around the world.

1.5 Interesting facts

This sport, like the term itself, is synonymous with success, beauty and health. At one time, Alicia Silverstone, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Sandra Bullock, and Madonna were engaged in cheerleading. Moreover, among the cheerleaders we will find presidents - Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and George W. Bush. Cheerleading was part of the opening program Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. The first cheerleading textbook appeared in 1927. 7 films have been made about cheerleading.

1.6 Main tasks of cheerleading

Cheerleading helps to solve the following most important tasks: It develops leadership qualities, promotes the harmonious development of the personality, favorably affects the psycho-emotional sphere of the child, develops a team spirit, mutual understanding, which generally corresponds to the tasks of physical culture. Perfect for developing children's coordination, as it includes elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, aerobics, sports dances. It has no medical contraindications and requires an individual approach. Develops the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

1.7 Why do I love cheerleading?

Cheerleading is a way of self-expression, a splash of emotions, exactly the kind of sport where I can be myself. If we talk about our training, it is important that here they will teach you how to maintain your figure, show yourself correctly, teach you to understand that you can really achieve something. Of course, in this sport, always and everywhere the most important thing is optimism. Cheerleaders are people who bring joy, we, as our coach says, are a real decoration. Decoration of any holiday, any event. Wherever we are, not only bright costumes are immediately visible, but smiles and crazy energy. Our team has not just a common hobby - we already have a single, common spirit, common emotions, a common mood. It was the love of cheerleading that prompted me to take up this job.

Chapter 2 The influence of cheerleading on the physical and harmonious development of students

2.1 How it all began

In September 2013, on City Day, I saw the performance of cheerleaders for the first time and I wanted to become a member of the Fresh team. After much deliberation, I finally decided to sign up. I was surprised that when enrolling in the section, I was not tested for physical qualities, height, weight and age parameters, which are usually required in other sections. A friendly atmosphere, help from older girls added optimism and desire to continue attending trainings.

After a year of classes, I became a participant in the open regional festival "Golden Autumn" in the city of Khabarovsk, where we took second place in the Chir discipline. Two months after these performances, I was promoted to the junior category by flyer. At the championship of the Primorsky Territory "On the Wings of Sport" in 2014 in Vladivostok, our team already took first place. That's how I got interested in cheerleading and for three years now I can't imagine myself without training and competition. My teammates also like classes, and many of them want to connect their future lives with sports (Appendix No. 1. Photos "My hobby").

2.2 Cheerleading in MBOU secondary school No. 20

When I leave for the next competition, my classmates are always interested in where I am going this time. They support me, cheer for my result and wish me victories. So that they know what I do and what I receive awards for, I decided to introduce them, and the guys from other classes of our school, to this sport. Having discussed this issue with the teacher of physical culture Lesnyak Elena Alekseevna, we decided that it would not be bad to invite our team with demonstration performances to sports events that take place in our school. And since 2015, my friends and I have been active promoters of our cheerleading in MBOU secondary school No. 20. Over the past 1.5 years, 7 people have signed up for our group, and all these girls are students of our school. I decided to conduct a study and count the number of cheerleaders studying at school No. 20. Here is what I got (Appendix No. 2. Table No. 1 and diagram No. 1 "Composition of the cheerleading group"). To date, out of 26 people attending the cheerleading group, 14 girls (63%) are students of school number 20. This means that our work to promote cheerleading was not in vain.

2.3 Interviews with cheerleaders and team coach

After the research, I interviewed the guards of our group Romanchenko Victoria and Lisovskaya Snezhana. They told me about the role cheerleading played in their lives.

Interview with Romanchenko Victoria.

Cheerleading for me is a sport of the strong, a sport of real leaders who can make something not only for themselves, but also for others. This sport developed leadership qualities in me, such as self-control, discipline, restraint, thanks to which I changed every day only in better side. It was this sport that helped me to be who I am. The cheerleader must be quite selfless, sociable, positive. When a real fan enters a room, a hall, a stage, he must immediately fill the entire space around him with his energy.

Interview with Lisovskaya Snezhana.

Cheerleading for me is favourite hobby the most suitable sport for me. You can always come to the hall - and you immediately forget about your problems, completely surrender to dancing. I have been studying for the fourth year, and during this time I have learned not only the elements of acrobatics, stretching, but also to be bright, positive, cheerful, not shy. I love cheerleading and would like to become a cheerleading coach in the future.

This is how my friends think about cheerleading. Of course, many may think that everything is so easy and simple. This is an erroneous opinion. This sport has its challenges. He is very traumatic. It is necessary to be focused and attentive during the execution of the program, so as not to drop the flyer from the support, it is necessary to constantly improve your physical qualities, especially the flexibility that makes the program of performances more spectacular and interesting. And in general, you need to work hard and hard to achieve results. Our team of cheerleaders under the guidance of coach M.V. Medvedeva is climbing the stairs of mastery every day higher and higher. Here is what my coach has to say about us.

Interview with M.V. Medvedeva.

- Cheerleading is the most successful symbiosis of sport and dance. I like it because it is democratic, because all children can play this sport, regardless of their performance. If, for example, in gymnastics there are restrictions on height, weight, foot length, then we take everyone to cheerleading. Strong girls become bases in the pyramids, the lightest ones are at the top or become flyers, beautiful and charismatic girls mostly dance during the performance and are a kind of "decoration" of the team. I think that everyone good coach there can be no bad athletes. I quickly become attached to my cheerleaders, I love them like family. Of course, their always positive attitude cannot be ignored, they are never afraid of something new, they are not afraid to perform rather complex acrobatic stunts and exercises. This will help them not only succeed in cheerleading, but also get everything they want from later life.

2.4 My progress in cheerleading

In March 2016, in the cup of the city of cheerleading "Orlan" Komsomolsk-on-Amur, we were awarded the first youth category, and in December of the same year we completed the third adult category, taking first place in the open cup of Primorsky Krai in cheerleading in the city of Ussuriysk (Appendix No. 3. Diplomas).

For active participation in the sports movement in 2016, I was awarded a ticket to Artek. Of course, nothing would have come of me if it were not for my wonderful coach Maria Valerievna Medvedeva, who is ready to work with us day and night, if only there was a positive result.

The main goal of cheerleading is not only victory and awards. This sport also educates children, helps to understand the main values ​​of today's life. In the rules of cheerleading competitions, a clause has been added"Code of the Cheerleader". Everyone must comply with it, otherwise he is excluded from the section.

Cheerleader Code.

A cheerleader must not drink alcohol, take drugs or doping substances. It is forbidden to use abusive vocabulary in your speech and swear. A cheerleader must treat his opponents, coach, jury members and fans with respect. It is forbidden for a cheerleader to smoke, as bad habits defame the honor of the team and are harmful to health.

2.6 Questionnaire classmates

Having studied the rules of cheerleading competitions and listened to the opinion of my friends and coach about this sport, I decided to conduct a survey of my classmates and find out their attitude to this sport (Appendix No. 4. Questionnaire No. 1). The survey involved 21 people (12 girls and 9 boys).

All students gave a positive answer to the first question of the questionnaire, i.e. 100% of respondents are familiar with the sport - cheerleading. The second question also did not cause any difficulties for my classmates. Acquaintance with cheerleading took place on demonstration performances at our school, as well as on city holidays: City Day, Children's Day, May 1, etc.

To the third question, three classmates (14%) answered that cheerleading is not good for health, because it is very traumatic (Appendix No. 5. Diagram No. 2 The third question of the questionnaire “Do you think this sport is healthy, necessary for physical and harmonious development of students?). The remaining 18 people (86%) agreed that this sport is good for health, necessary for the physical and harmonious development of students. What is its usefulness? (Appendix No. 6. Diagram No. 3 "What is the usefulness of cheerleading?"). 23% of students decided that cheerleading helps to find loyal and true friends, 10% noted that cheerleading develops good flexibility, 53% noticed that with the help of cheerleading, those involved acquire healthy lifestyle skills.

The answer to the fourth question startled me. 16 students (76%) of our class answered that the boys will find something to do in our trainings. They feel sorry for the girls who perform lifts and believe that boys should fill this role. Of course, their opinion is absolutely correct. My coach and I would be happy to have boys on our team. But five classmates (23%) categorically stated that cheerleading is only for girls.

To the last question, about what kind of sport our guys are passionate about, I received the following answer (Appendix No. 7. Diagram No. 4 and table No. 2. “Sports sections attended by students of grade 9 “A”). One student in our class (4%) plays chess, five girls (23%) attend the cheerleading section, three (14%) basketball, two (9%) volleyball, one (4%) dance, two students (9%) are pupils club "Fatherland", one (4%) attends martial arts, one (4%) is an athlete, and five (23%) people are not fond of sports and do not attend sport sections. From which we can conclude that our class, with the exception of 5 people, consists of guys who are passionate about sports, five of whom (23%) attend the cheerleading section.

The conducted research allows us to state:

Firstly, cheerleading is a great way to improve health.

Secondly, it forms the inner culture of a person, character, discipline, will, brings up collectivism, develops a sense of obligation and responsibility, disciplines, expands the circle of contacts.

The work I have done has prompted me to develop recommendations that will help parents of future cheerleaders take the right first step and enroll their children in the cheerleading section (Appendix No. 8.


Cheerleading classes allow you to get not only the necessary physical activity, which consists of elements of gymnastics, choreography and acrobatics, to fully maintain yourself in optimal sports shape, and also to feel at your best every day, cheerleading for modern schoolchildren is becoming not only a place for an active sports lifestyle, but also turns into a real friendly family. That is, the appointment of cheerleading as a means of educating a healthy lifestyle is a reality.

The hypothesis has been proven, cheerleading is an effective tool in the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the harmonious development of students. In the course of this work, the goals set were achieved, the tasks were successfully solved. My assumption that cheerleading carries a lot of useful things was confirmed.

Cheerleading is not yet popular view sports. I set myself the task for the coming years with my work, hard training, victories in competitions to correct the prevailing opinion of people and achieve recognition of this sport as one of the most important and best sports on earth. In addition, involve your friends, acquaintances, adults and children in physical education and sports in all its forms.

List of sources used

1. Karnavskaya N.V., Chernysheva I.V., Egorycheva E.V., Shlemova M.V. Cheerleading as a sport // International Student Scientific Bulletin - 2016. No. 5-2. - S. 301-301.

2. Mayseychik A.N. Cheerleading. The program of extracurricular activities for students of grades III - VI of educational institutions. – Minsk, 2010.

3. Noskova S.A. Cheerleading as an innovative sport in the teaching of physical culture in higher education. - M .: Moscow Humanitarian and Social Academy, 2010.

4. Sokolova E. Cheerleading. How to prepare a team. Toolkit for cheerleading coaches. - M., 2008.

5. Russian Cheerleading Federation website.

Application No. 1

Photos "My hobby".

Application No. 2

Table No. 1 The composition of the group of cheerleaders.



Karaseva Angelina

№ 20

Klimovich Anna

№ 2

Zotova Veronika

№ 2

Yakimenko Veronica

№ 2

Popovchenko Vika

№ 20

Sarapkina Daria

№ 20

Pishchik Diana

№ 20

Sokolenko Ilona

№ 20

Tashlykova Camilla

№ 2

Klimovich Ekaterina

№ 2

Sinitsina Christina

№ 20

Haliman Milania

№ 1

Pashkova Anastasia

№ 20

Verchenko Natalia

№ 1

Lisovskaya Snezhana

№ 20

Dimova Julia

№ 2

Korneeva Yana

№ 20

Rykhlitskaya Vasilisa

№ 1

Shchetinina Elena

№ 20

Bukova Alina

№ 20

Karpuk Anastasia

№ 1

Moiseeva Veronika

№ 20

Kovaleva Alina

№ 20

Pink Polina

№ 20

Maletina Polina

№ 1

Koreneva Anastasia

№ 1

Chart #1

Application No. 3


Application No. 4

Questionnaire No. 1.

1. Are you familiar with the sport - cheerleading?

2. Where did this acquaintance take place?

3. Do you think this sport is good for health, necessary for the physical and harmonious development of students? What is its usefulness?

4. Do you think boys can play this sport?

5. What sport are you into?

Application No. 5

Chart #2

The third question of the questionnaire is “Do you think this sport is good for health, necessary for the physical and harmonious development of students?”.

Application No. 6

Chart #3

What is the benefit of cheerleading?

Bukin Maxim


Bukkova Alina


Galyutin Igor


Gerasimchuk Anton

club "Fatherland"

Dmitryuk Anastasia


Zhabsky Artur


Kovaleva Alina


Karpov Alexander


Korneeva Yana


Mikhailenko Anton

does not attend

Nemtyreva Isabella

does not attend

Nikiforova Angelina


Pavlushin Maxim

club "Fatherland"

Pink Ksenia


Pleskach Mikhail


Rotashnyuk Daniil


Slepukhina Ekaterina

does not attend

Topchevod Valery


Timofeeva Yana

does not attend

Sherkunova Vera


Annex No. 8.

Where to begin

To understand whether such a sport as cheerleading is suitable for a child, you just need to try it. Come on trial lesson, chat with coaches, with parents of other athletes, look at the reaction of your child and his impressions after attending the class. Just attending a cheerleading class can be the first step to your daughter's personal success.

Why cheerleading?

Children and teenagers who have started cheerleading can take part in competitions as soon as they reach the proper level of training. Cheerleading is not just dancing in colorful costumes with pompoms in your hands. This is discipline. This is the upbringing of leadership qualities, this is a bright, eventful life, interesting acquaintances, unforgettable trips. These are speeches and applause. And yet, this is a sport that is ideal for girls, because it is cheerleading that combines choreography, gymnastics, acrobatics, stretching, stage preparation and much more. An active lifestyle today is the norm and the key to success in the future. This should be taught to the child from an early age.

1. The girl will have beautiful posture, flexible, plastic body.

2. Your child will learn many dance styles, learn to perform acrobatic and gymnastic elements.

3. Through cheerleading, your daughter will learn how to work as a team, achieve results, perform in front of an audience, and always strive for victory and excellence.

Rida Khasanova April 30, 2019, 17:00

Cheerleading is an organized cheerleading group in various types sports. At the moment, this is not just a performance of beautiful fans, but spectacular staging numbers with the implementation of complex elements. This sport, and cheerleading really is, has its own history of origin and development, which deserves attention.

What is cheerleading and its features

Cheerleading appeared in the United States at the end of the 19th century, but gained real popularity only in the middle of the last century. Initially, he was exclusively male sport, but everything changed when the first girl joined the support group. Then it became clear that female cheerleading looks much more attractive and spectacular.

At the moment, about 98% of cheerleaders are women. They perform in short sports shorts and T-shirts. Girls perform complex elements, using pom poms.

Cheerleading is an independent sport that successfully accompanies sports competitions, providing support to teams

Cheerleading is of two types:

  1. Sports. Representatives different groups compete for the title best team. They are obliged to follow clear rules and requirements in the process of setting programs. Athletes receive ranks and titles for prize-winning places.
  2. Corporate. This type represents the cooperation of cheerleaders with sports teams, clubs and federations. The cheerleading team must attract spectators, mitigate the aggressive mood of the fans and support the athletes during the game.

sports cheerleading

In Russia, cheerleading has existed since August 1999, but only in 2007 was it recognized as an official sport. It is not so developed in our country, but is gradually gaining public recognition.

Cheerleading is not just a performance of beautiful cheerleaders, but real art. There are several unknown facts about this sport that will interest everyone:

  1. Cheerleading was practiced by many American celebrities- for example, Jimmy Stewart, Cameron Diaz, Madonna, George W. Bush, Michael Douglas and Steve Martin.
  2. Pompoms began to be used only in the 30s, before that cheerleaders performed without any attributes.
  3. Cheerleading is one of the most traumatic sports, but despite this, millions of girls dream of being in a cheerleading group.
  4. Suits cheerleaders are directly dependent on the performance. If the number is performed in support of a sports team, then the design of the clothes will be made in the colors and symbols of this particular club. On the sports competitions each group performs in the costumes of their dance group.
  5. In America, every educational institution has its own support group, and in some countries cheerleading is studied as part of the school curriculum.

Cheerleader Uniform

Myths and reality

This sport has given rise to many myths that people continue to believe in. Because of this, many miss the opportunity to try themselves in cheerleading and get to know him better.

Myth #1 – Anyone can join a support group

No, it's not. In order to become a full-fledged member of the team, you must:

  • have good physical fitness;
  • have an attractive appearance;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • be a balanced and stress-resistant person, since cheerleading is a tough sport.

Myth #2 - Only unmarried high school students and students can get into the group

In fact, the stamp in the passport does not affect a sports career in any way. Both 18-year-old girls and women of 30 years old can join the group. For example, in Japan there are teams whose members are 40-50 years old.

Myth #3 – Only a Model Girl Can Become a Cheerleader

The support group takes girls of different builds. Miniature athletes are always at the top of the pyramid, and large young ladies are chosen to support the lower tier.

Myth #4 – You will need a new costume for every performance.

This question is decided by the coach. Usually professional groups have at least 20 numbers in their arsenal and prepare a certain set of clothes for each.

Myth #5 – Cheerleading is a non-intellectual sport

85% of all athletes have an average score of "4" or higher. Cheerleaders must be able to think quickly, connect with the crowd, and focus on the task at hand.

This sport is great for developing memory, because during a performance you need to remember the exact sequence of elements.

Cheerleading is beautiful and difficult sport. Only physically prepared people with an attractive appearance, charm and talent can get into it.

You can learn more about cheerleading by watching the video:
