Isolation exercises. Basic and Isolation Exercises in Women's Workout

In bodybuilding, there is a huge variety of exercises and even more terms to describe them. And it often happens that when a person first comes to the gym, he hears from the coach or experienced athletes such words as "basic" or "base" and "isolating". Accordingly, the question arises, what is it, and what is the difference between basic and isolating exercises?

Basic exercises

An exercise is called a basic exercise, for which several muscle groups are involved in the work, and two or more joints are involved (polyarticular).

Basic exercises are hard to overestimate as they are the foundation of bodybuilding. Just as building a house starts with a foundation, so doing gym classes should start with the basics - basic exercises. Their great advantage is the fact that in addition to the main, target muscle groups, they also use stabilizing muscles. Therefore, when performing the base, a very large number of muscles are involved in the work, and the more they are loaded, the more the whole body grows and, accordingly, grows.

They also stimulate an increase in the production of growth hormone in the body. In other words, if you want to build overall muscle mass, then basic bodybuilding exercises are great for this. For the same reason, when a beginner first comes to the gym, an experienced trainer puts him in basic exercises.

There are three main basic exercises in bodybuilding:

  1. Bench press
  2. Deadlift
  3. Barbell Shoulder Squats

But in general, there are a lot of basic exercises and they are aimed at the most different groups muscles.

Isolation exercises

It is very difficult to build a beautiful and embossed body, performing only the base. For this purpose, it is the isolating ones that are perfect for us, since they act in the role of grinding exercises in adjusting the muscles, giving them correct shape and relief.

Isolating is called an exercise in which one joint is involved (single-joint). Their main goal is to maximize the load on the desired (target) muscle, while not involving other muscle groups. If you have enough muscle mass, but you need to dry out the muscles and give them a relief - isolation exercises with high repetitions are made for this purpose.

It is hard to imagine modern bodybuilding without a reasonable combination of basic and isolation exercises in training - they are integral. Only depending on the goals set, you can slightly shift the emphasis towards one of the types.

Video: “Basic and Isolation Exercises. What is the difference?"

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Hi friends!

I apologize right away for the two-week break, I got a little distracted by other projects - this is not a plus for me. Also welcome to everyone who recently joined us during these two weeks. So, today we will talk about the sequence of performing certain exercises. To be more precise: which exercises should be performed first, basic or isolating? This is very important point especially for beginners. Your further progress will depend on the sequence of execution.

Which exercises should you do first?

To begin with, let's remember what basic and isolation exercises are. Basic exercises are when several work at once muscle groups, they are also called multi-joint exercises ... Isolation exercises are the work of only one muscle group, or otherwise - single-joint exercises.

The main basic exercises are:

  • Bench press or dumbbells lying or at an angle (CHEST + shoulders + triceps)
  • Standing or Seated Barbell or Dumbbell Press (SHOULDERS + Triceps)
  • Barbell Squat (glutes + quads)
  • Deadlift (lower back + glutes + front and back thighs)
  • Pull-ups with medium or wide grip(biceps + latissimus back)
  • Row of a barbell or dumbbells to the belt in an incline (back + biceps + back deltas)
  • Dips on the uneven bars or from the floor (chest + triceps + shoulders)

Basic isolation exercises:

  • Barbell or dumbbell curls (biceps)
  • Barbell or dumbbell extensions (triceps)
  • Swing dumbbells in front of you (front delta of the shoulder)
  • Side Dumbbell Swing (Back Shoulder Delta)
  • Lying dumbbell breeding (pectoral muscles)
  • Extension legs on the simulator (quadriceps)
  • Exercise machine leg curl (hamstring)

Do you remember? Excellent. Let's get to the point. Always try start training with basic exercises- this will have a positive effect on the development of your muscles and the growth of strength. Strength = growth... Strength is one of the main criteria for muscle growth.

If you start with an isolating exercise, such as barbell curls, you won't be able to fully work on the pull-ups. hammered biceps will prevent you from doing this. As a result, they will receive less load. Another example: tired triceps will interfere with the bench press, etc.

But there are options when you can start training with isolating muscles, if they are not involved in the basic exercise. For example, French press for triceps and beyond deadlift or squats, but count your energy. Isolation exercises can be exhausting as well as basic exercises. Therefore, I practically always start my workouts with basic exercises. This is especially recommended for beginners, mainly for laying the muscle foundation.

That's all for today. Follow the sequence.

Good day, friends. Today, we will discuss (perhaps you have ever heard) such expressions as: "basic" or "isolating" exercises, and you are wondering what it is .. Absolutely all novice athletes face this question, moreover, there is a possibility that these words for you sound like some complex "terms" from the bodybuilding environment, however, I assure you, there is nothing complicated at all, so do not worry, after reading the article, you will know everything that I also know, with regards to this topic.

The fact is that very often GYM's overloaded with various multifunctional simulators, therefore, a newcomer who comes into the gym in severe confusion, he does not know what and where to do, because there is a lot of everything around ... however, in addition to various simulators, there should also be free weights (barbells / dumbbells / pancakes) , which, by the way, are much more efficient in terms of recruiting muscle mass and strength, rather than all these multifunctional simulators from which you are confused ... What am I leading - you ask. => Besides, you need to UNDERSTAND WHAT THESE TERMS MEAN: BASE and INSULATION, after all, from what you choose (from the right choice exercise), your SUCCESS (muscle growth rate) will depend. Do you understand?

In bodybuilding, there are basic and isolation exercises:

  • Basic(polyarticular)
  • Isolated(single-joint)

Basic exercises- these are exercises in which a large number of muscles are involved (more precisely, more than one, i.e. if more than 1 muscle group is involved in the exercise (for example, 2 or 3) = then it is BASIC!). So, these exercises require a lot of physical labor of the whole body and the work of several joints. That is why "BASE" is the basis strength training and is the main component of all training programs.

But here, too, there are some nuances. The fact is that n That is, all basic exercises are multi-joint. A striking example of this, which is considered a classic basic exercise although at correct technique execution involves only one joint (elbow), and if you think about it, then it should be called isolated. It is logical? =) => Nevertheless, the practice has developed to call a number of exercises that are basic in terms of effectiveness as basic.

Isolation exercises, unlike the base, work out one muscle (no more), i.e. involve only one joint (muscle),<= эти упражнения являются лишь вспомогательными, не ОСНОВНЫМИ (как базовые), т.е. я например, использую 3 базовых упражнения (ОСНОВНЫЕ), после чего выполняю не более 1 изолирующего упражнения (ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНОЕ). И все, конец тренировки. <= Это просто пример, понимаете? Сначала тяжелая работа (базовые движения), потом более легкая (изолированное). <= И это ещё для более менее продвинутых ребят, а для новичков, я бы вообще порекомендовал игнорировать ИЗОЛЯЦИЮ, и сконцентрироваться только на БАЗЕ! Почему так, читайте далее.

The fact is that by composing a training program in the gym from basic exercises, you will receive a huge gain in terms of muscle growth (muscle growth), but if you do single-joint (isolating) exercises that are aimed at working out one specific muscle , then the effectiveness of your workout will be very, very much reduced.<= Я это к тому, что, очень часто, многие новички, когда проходят в зал часто совершают ошибку: они игнорируют базу и концентрируются на изолирующих упражнениях.. они не понимают, что это считается грубой ошибкой. Ведь изолированные упражнение нагружают только одну конкретную мышцу, и механика данных движений не достаточна для стимуляции роста мускулатуры (мышц)… следовательно, их походы в тренажерный зал в надежде «накачаться» приравниваются к нулю, посему не допускайте такой грубой ошибки. Сейчас, для полной картины событий, я приведу вам полный список БАЗОВЫХ / ИЗОЛИРУЮЩИХ упражнений (дабы вы воочию видели что да как), надеюсь, вам это также поможет.

Basic basic exercises:


Pectoral muscles:

  • bench press on an incline bench upside down
  • Dumbbell press on a horizontal bench
  • Dumbbell press on an incline bench upside down

Deltoid muscles (shoulders):




Isolation exercises:

Breast: all types of wiring (for example) and exercises performed on blocks (for example,

In the field of bodybuilding, there are three main types of exercise, endowed with a number of specific features. These include shaping, base and insulating power loads. They are differentiated by the number of muscles involved in the training process and the effect on the athlete's body. Today we will talk about isolation exercises, their definition, differences, purpose and role in the training process.

Definition of the concept

What does isolation exercise mean? This type of physical activity deliberately affects only one muscle group (or an individual muscle tissue). Advanced bodybuilders call them Isolation for short.

When performing isolated exercises, one joint is involved (in some cases, two symmetrical joints). Such physical activity is easier for the body, because doing Isolation is easier both physically and mentally. There is no post-workout stress after the lighter sessions, which in itself is a plus. Localized training requires a lot of technical equipment: special equipment, simulators, pancakes, barbells, dumbbells. Gym beginners should forget about introducing such exercises into the training program. Even professional bodybuilders give them an insignificant 15-20% of the total exercise program.

What is the difference between basic exercises and isolation exercises? To begin with, the base loads (Base) are aimed at pumping several groups of muscles, several joints are involved in the process, so the body is forced to work to the maximum. They form the backbone of any training program and are the dominant component of any bodybuilder's physical activity. As a result, the athlete builds muscle mass, becoming stronger. Isolation exercises are just an addition to the Base, endowed with auxiliary functions.

The role of isolation exercises in the training process

Having described the insignificant role of Isolation, a completely fair question arises, and what is isolation exercises for at all? Despite the modest functionality, such physical activities are very useful. With their help:

  1. In the working muscles, the blood flow increases, contributing to pumping (when performing Isolation at the final stage of training).
  2. The proportionality and relief of the body improves.
  3. The neuromuscular connections are stabilized, the selected muscle groups are preliminarily tired (during Isolation before the main set of exercises).
  4. The "lagging" muscle groups are worked out, separate parts of the body are formed.

Both sexes use isolation exercises for specific tasks.

List of isolation exercises for different muscle groups

Isolation exercises for a separate group of muscles allow you to achieve a visible aesthetic result of the bodybuilder's work. Exercises for different muscles of the body are described below.


For localized abdominal workouts, crunches are suitable. Raises of the lower limbs are not included here, because they work out the quadriceps.

Oblique abdominal muscles

Tilts of the body in different directions are suitable. Possible addition in the form of cable traction, burdening.


The following exercises can mainly be classified as isolated:

Advice! Isolation exercise is best done at the end of your workout.


Let's list the isolated exercises for this muscle group:

Advice! It is not worth raising the bar above the chin - the peak contraction of muscle tissue occurs in the middle of the chest.


Isolated exercises for this muscle group include:

Advice! To increase the effect, a pause is made at the bottom point, as a result of which the triceps are stretched.


For pumping legs with insulation, the following exercises are suitable:


To isolate your back are great:

Isolation exercises are a great help for bodybuilders looking to target one muscle group or work out "lagging" body parts. It is better to discuss the inclusion of such activities in the general training program with the trainer.

Basic isolation exercises

Isolation exercises are aimed at developing only one muscle, or a small muscle group. They are used when it is necessary to achieve an aesthetic effect from training, in corrective training to correct posture and habitual posture, and also as auxiliary ones to strengthen muscles lagging behind in strength. For the most part, such exercises are performed in simulators or on specialized equipment, but there are also a number of classic isolating movements with pancakes, dumbbells, and a barbell.

Purpose of Isolation Exercise

In strength training

Human anatomy is such that the length of the bones, the proportions of the body determine which muscles will work predominantly in basic movements. Muscles that are less stressed do not strengthen as quickly. But if you include them in the work too, the main competitive exercises will be performed with a lot of weight.

Isolation in strength training also gives greater stability to the body under stress. For various lifts, certain isolation exercises are selected:

  • bench press - recreating dumbbells lying down, mixing in the "pitch-deck" simulator, breeding with dumbbells to the side to the middle delta, swings in the slope to the back delta, reverse "pitch-deck" to the back delta;
  • deadlift - resistance leg raises, reverse hyperextension, and cable pull swings or in the buttock and hip flexor flexor trainer, leg flexion and extension in the leg muscle trainer, shoulder blades with weights in the arms for the rhomboid back muscle, shrugs for trapezoidal;
  • squat - all of the machine's isolation leg movements listed above

In strength training, isolation is introduced after the athlete has worked out the technique, reached serious enough weights, and discovered his weaknesses. Usually exercises are performed with 60-70% of the weight that an athlete can lift in a given movement, in a "pump" style, for a relatively large number of repetitions.

Isolation exercises in bodybuilding

Bodybuilding and fitness uses these movements more widely, as they allow you to achieve hypertrophy of an individual muscle, and to create the desired body aesthetics. The most common use of isolation is for the shoulders and buttocks in the women's training, and for the biceps, quads, hamstrings and triceps in the men's.

How is the insulating effect achieved?

It is possible to isolate a certain muscle only if it is “forced” to perform the movements characteristic of it in everyday life and in everyday life with a load. For example, we can straighten the knee by putting on a sock, but we are not wearing weighted socks? Unusual weight-bearing movement patterns are one of the reasons many strength training fitness professionals deny widespread use of isolation movements. However, this is too radical - the lay athlete can also benefit from isolation. It is only important not to overload his muscles with an unbearable load.

Typical ways to achieve isolation

  • the use of special simulators that allow you to create resistance in movement, where the muscle dominates. Examples - leg extension with weights, leg flexion in the simulator, arm flexion for biceps in the simulator, etc.
  • method above, but with restriction of blood movement. The athlete puts on a rubber band that "closes" the vessels in the working muscle. Provide fullness of muscles with blood, and helps to work them out with the least stress on the joints, since the minimum weight of weights is used;
  • mental concentration on the "target" muscle in the basic movement and various shifts of the center of gravity. This variation is a bodybuilding myth. In basic exercises, for example, in squats, there is no way to turn off the quadriceps and "turn on" only the buttocks, since hip flexion-extension is still carried out. These things are designed to relieve the female novice from the fear of "pumping" something wrong, as well as to increase sales of personal training. They only "sound" good, but they don't work in practice.

Examples and rules for performing isolation exercises

There are only three rules for wellness fitness

  • observe the proportion - one basic, and no more than 2-3 isolating movements per muscle group. Try not to go beyond 12 working approaches in total, so as not to disrupt recovery;
  • use less weights than they could lift to the maximum;
  • strive for volumetric (many repetitions, drop-sets, "rest-pause", etc.), rather than strength training. Power style is best used with a base

Isolation exercises for muscle groups:

  • Shoulders - swinging with dumbbells or in the simulator to the sides or in an incline;
  • Biceps - all types of biceps curls with dumbbells, barbells, cable traction, etc.
  • Triceps - all types of extensions with dumbbells, cable traction and in the simulator (from behind the head, lying on a bench from behind the head, tilted with a cable, etc.);
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