Where to start fitness. Fitness is an easy way to get in shape

Fitness represents wellness system aimed at maintaining and improving physical indicators, body shaping, weight normalization. In order for fitness classes to bring the desired effect to beginners, you should familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations and tips. This will avoid typical mistakes, achieve an improvement in physical fitness without any harm to health.

It is not enough just to regularly practice sports hall, it is also necessary to pay increased attention to proper nutrition, that is, to follow a fitness diet. Most begin to practice fitness in order to lose weight and shape their figure. You can get this result only if you completely change both the daily routine and the menu, excluding them from it, replacing them with healthy food.

You can do it in the gym or at home. The main thing is that training, regardless of the venue, will help solve not only the problem of excess weight, but also prevent the risk of developing or cure many systemic disorders and diseases.

Through fitness you can achieve:

  • significant improvement in the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • getting rid of joint pain;
  • cure spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis and other pathologies of the spine;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the body's healing processes.

Fitness can help you cope with depression and certain other mental disorders without resorting to medication. This effect on the body is due to the production of serotonin, which occurs during exercise. This special connection causes joy and satisfaction with life in the human brain. It is found in most antidepressants.

Fitness and health have the same meaning. Systematically performed exercises are aimed not only at maintaining muscle tone, but also preventing apoptosis - premature genetically determined cell death. This phenomenon is one of the main causes of aging. In other words, a person practicing fitness gets the opportunity to prolong youth.

Types of fitness

This type of physical activity has several varieties, each of which is intended for certain categories of people, solves specific sports or health-improving goals. There are power and sparing systems, male and female species fitness.

Along with the above, there are the following varieties:

A popular fitness area that includes dance, kick, slide and water aerobics. Exercises performed to music correct the figure, develop a sense of harmony and rhythm, and have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

A set of exercises based on calm, smooth, slow movements. It does not involve high loads. Its main advantages are the absence of any contraindications to exercise, low injury risk. help to strengthen muscles without pumping up, increase flexibility, make joints more mobile.

This system is based on the principle of correct breathing when performing all exercises of the complex. Bodyflex is ideal for people who want to get rid of extra pounds, it helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

It consists in performing a variety of exercises with a special ball. Ideal for those who want to correct, improve coordination, tighten the buttocks, strengthen the back muscles.

A relatively new form of fitness, whose style was borrowed from boxing and Asian martial arts. Classes are held under energetic and invigorating music, requiring a huge amount of energy, strength, endurance from a person. An hour's tibo training is comparable to a ten-kilometer race.

What is the right way to get started with fitness activities?

Fitness should not be viewed as incredibly hard and exhausting work that needs to be done in order to achieve the cherished goal - perfect body... You don't need to perceive training as a tool for achieving high results in sports. An exceptionally positive mood, getting positive emotions from the process, should be paramount. This is possible only if the training program fully meets the set goals and corresponds to the physical capabilities of the person.

In many wellness modern clubs you can go through a procedure such as fitness testing. It takes place under the strict guidance of a specialist - a sports doctor, who needs to be provided with all the information about the injuries suffered, diseases, including chronic ones, and the general state of health.

A sports doctor, based on the information received, selects a suitable training program for the client, gives advice on which activities are completely contraindicated, and which, on the contrary, contribute to a speedy recovery.

The specialist measures the indicators of pulse and pressure, such physical parameters as weight, height, chest circumference, hips, waist. Some clubs offer a stress test, that is, taking a cardiogram during rest and under conditions of increased stress.

Right choice fitness program for beginners consists in selecting a system that is not capable of harming health. You need to start doing that kind of fitness that will fully correspond to all physical capabilities. When classes are held with a personal trainer, they are not only more productive, but almost completely eliminate mistakes and excessive overtraining.

The club in which the classes will be held is also important. Before buying a subscription, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the reviews about the institution by contacting Special attention how good the professionals are in the health club.

They are quite simple and consist of seven points:

  1. You can't treat fitness as a hobby. This is full training... You should not give slack, skip classes because of a bad mood or because of laziness. If you indulge your own weaknesses and attend workouts irregularly, it will slow down your progress.
  2. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes. After all, they learn from them.
  3. A schedule should be planned. Training should take place at least three to four hours a week.
  4. Excessive zeal during classes will only lead to overtraining muscles and will not allow the body to recover on days of rest, will reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of subsequent trainings.
  5. Failure to comply with special diets will minimize all efforts and efforts. Not only nutrition requires attention, but also the observance of the correct drinking regime, which replenishes the spent fluid.
  6. Necessarily need to encourage yourself for each stage passed in the training process.
  7. It is necessary to be in constant contact with your coach, keep a diary, writing down the advice and recommendations of the instructor.

A set of exercises for beginners

The basis of classes on initial stage experts recommend doing three exercises:

  1. Aerobic... Aimed at training blood vessels and the heart - walking and running in place.
  2. Power... Designed for the development of a specific muscle group, including lifting a small weight.
  3. Flexibility. It should be static, slow, flowing exercises. If you overdo it, you can damage your ligaments.

Your workout should start with a good warm-up. This allows you to warm up the body, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of injury.

Fitness classes at home

You can train not only in the club, but also at home. The main thing is to correctly and competently approach planning. Experts advise purchasing such Sports Equipment like a treadmill, dumbbells, fitball, rug. At home, you can do exercises that involve your own weight, such as lunges and squats. The only drawback of such classes is the lack of a coach.

Who is contraindicated in fitness classes?

Moderate physical exercise tend to suit everyone. However, when starting training, it is best to consult with a specialist. There are a number of medical indications in which you can do fitness in a sparing mode or completely refuse to train:

  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of endoprostheses;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychological pathologies;
  • diabetes.

Pregnant women should only use specially formulated types of fitness.

Fitness in the broadest sense of the word is constant support of the body in good physical form... This term also means a healing system that allows you to change the physical indicators of the body in better side, make body correction and normalize weight.

Fitness for beginners includes a set of recommendations, rules and tips, adhering to which, beginners will be able to avoid common mistakes and engage in improving their shape without harming their health.

Beginners in fitness (the word comes from the English fitness) should know that not only systematic exercise in a gymnasium or gym is important, but also proper nutrition(fitness diet). In most cases, people practice fitness for weight loss and body shaping: this goal implies revising the daily regimen and changing the menu (excluding some foods and foods from the diet, but including others that are more beneficial to health).

By purchasing a subscription to a fitness club or starting homework, you can not only improve your figure or lose excess weight: This system helps to cure a variety of diseases and systemic disorders. With the help of fitness you can:

  • Significantly improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Get rid of joint pain;
  • Heal sciatica, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other vertebral pathologies;
  • Improve metabolic processes;
  • Stimulate the overall health of the body.

This is a great alternative drug treatment some mental disorders- for example, depression. During exercise, serotonin (a substance belonging to the class of neurotransmitters) is produced. This compound gives the brain a sense of satisfaction and joy in life: it is this compound that is found in many antidepressants.

Health and fitness are words with the same meaning: Regular exercise prevents premature programmed cell death (apoptosis), a phenomenon that can be considered a major cause of aging. Fitness, thus, prolongs youth, and postpones old age indefinitely.

Types of fitness

Exist different kinds fitness, designed for different categories of people and performing special health and sports tasks. There is a female, male fitness, sparing systems and strength fitness... There are also the following areas:

  • Aerobics (dance aerobics, slide aerobics, kick aerobics, water aerobics) is one of the most popular types of fitness. Exercises are performed to music and contribute not only to correction appearance, but also the development of a sense of rhythm and harmony. Aerobics has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
  • Pilates is a system of exercises that does not involve excessive stress on the body, but is based on slow, smooth and calm movements. The advantages of Pilates are low invasiveness and almost complete absence of contraindications. Pilates increases flexibility, joint mobility and strengthens muscles without building them up.
  • Bodyflex is a system based on correct breathing during exercise. This type of fitness is good for burning excess fat and normalizing metabolic processes.
  • Fitball - exercises with a special ball. Suitable for people who want to correct posture, develop coordination of movements, strengthen the muscle tissues of the back and buttocks.
  • Taibo is a relatively new system that borrows its style from Asian martial arts and boxing. Exercises are performed with cheerful, energetic music. This type of fitness requires special endurance and strength: in terms of energy consumption, an hour of training can be equated to a 10 km race.

How to start classes correctly

Beginners should by no means consider fitness as a grueling hard labor, to which they doom themselves in the name of ideal figure... You should also not treat classes as a way to achieve high athletic performance... The main thing in the class is a positive attitude. Successful practice largely depends on choosing the right program - it must match your strengths.

Most modern health clubs offer their clients a fitness testing- a procedure that takes place under the guidance of a sports doctor. The client should be sure to tell the doctor about the state of his health, past and chronic diseases, ever received injuries and injuries.

The specialist will select the most suitable program for you, tell you which classes are categorically contraindicated for you, and which ones will, on the contrary, contribute to a quick recovery. The doctor also measures physical parameters(height, weight, waist, chest, hips), records blood pressure and heart rate. Some clubs offer to conduct a more in-depth medical examination - to take a cardiogram at rest and under stress conditions (do a stress test). This test allows you to determine the level of permissible physical activity.

To choose the right start program, you should be guided by the principle of "do no harm" and choose a type of fitness and a set of exercises in accordance with your physical capabilities. If you have a personal fitness trainer, your workouts will be more productive, and the likelihood of excessive stress and mistakes in training will be minimized. Therefore, before purchasing a subscription to a particular club, read the information and reviews about it, paying attention to the professionalism of the staff.

  1. Fitness is not a hobby, but regular, full-fledged exercises. Skipping workouts because of a bad mood or elementary laziness means slowing down your own progress: try to be serious about classes.
  2. Do not be afraid to make mistakes - as you know, people learn from them.
  3. Plan your time in advance - wellness training takes about 3-4 hours a week.
  4. During exercise, do not show excessive zeal - overtraining will not allow the body to fully recover in between days of fitness, and the productivity of training will decrease.
  5. Exercising without a diet is wasted time. Observe also the drinking regimen - the body must necessarily restore fluid consumption.
  6. Reward yourself for each step you pass in the training process.
  7. Maintain constant contact with your coach, keep a diary where you will write down useful advice from your mentor.

Exercises for beginners

You need to start small: for basic training, experts advise you to choose three types of exercises:

  • Workouts for the heart and blood vessels ( aerobic exercise) - walking, running on the spot;
  • Strength exercises for development specific groups muscles (if you are using shells, start with a low weight);
  • Flexibility activities - choose slow, static exercises and do not overdo it: it is very easy to damage the ligaments.

Before exercising, it is imperative to do a warm-up to warm up the body and improve the blood supply to the muscles: this will reduce the risk of injury.

Fitness at home

Any workout can be done at home - you just need a competent, planned approach. Do squats, lunges, and other exercises that use your own weight. Experts advise purchasing a minimum set of equipment: a fitness mat, treadmill, dumbbells and special ball(fitball). The only problem with home training is the lack of a mentor.


Moderate physical activity is rarely completely contraindicated in any disease, but nevertheless, you should begin to start classes only after consulting a doctor. Fitness is not recommended or recommended in a dosed and gentle form for:

  • High fever and infectious diseases;
  • The presence of endoprostheses;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Serious mental illness;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

During pregnancy, you can only do special types of fitness.

Do-it-yourself fitness is gaining popularity. Fitness for beginners at home - great option for newbies. This form of training helps save time and money. Fitness classes for beginners will not be difficult at any age. Fitness classes at home allow you to work out comfortably in a familiar environment. So you've chosen fitness for beginners - where to start? Fitness exercises for beginners will be a good alternative to exercise in the gym as they prepare for his visit.

Fitness exercises for beginners are available to most. At the same time, they need a certain psychological and physical preparation. With the right approach, home fitness exercises will be effective. Fitness at home for beginners should not be taken as a hobby. Fitness training at home is carried out in compliance with all the basic rules. When planning your first fitness lesson, one should proceed from individual characteristics. Fitness classes are carried out at home on their own or with the help of a trainer.

What is fitness?

Photo 1. This set of exercises for beginners has a positive effect on the spine

Fitness for beginners - the way to stay in sports uniform... The word "fitness" is translated from English as "efficiency, fitness." Fitness training for beginners implies an effective wellness system. They help to reduce excess weight and create an attractive silhouette. In addition to this, activities contribute to the overall health of the body in many ways.

Fitness has become ubiquitous in such varieties as aerobics, body flex, Pilates, fitball, taibo and other areas. Existing species workouts include a variety of physical activities. An integral stage is preparation for them.

Fitness Preparation

Muscle fitness at home saves time because there is no need to attend sports centers or clubs. The correct start of classes will guarantee a positive result. If you have decided on independent fitness classes, then seriously prepare for them and take into account the set of recommendations, rules and tips from experienced athletes.

Photo 2. Cycle of training for pumping up the press and getting rid of excess weight

Effective motivation

Determination and motivation are at the core of the fitness process. Consider the first fitness classes for beginners in a positive way. Doing fitness on your own in a good mood will benefit someone who has started struggling with overweight.

In a broad sense, fitness is general physical fitness. And this concept includes many types of training that develop your body. Find the most suitable training direction for you. Try to be in gym, for step aerobics, fitball, yoga, callanetics, pilates, water activities, dancing or martial arts... Choose what you like.

Individual capabilities and health status

Photo 3. Be motivated by successful people (in the photo - Maria Zinkina, Russian Champion 2016 in the Fitness Bikini category).

How to start doing fitness? Fitness training for beginners takes into account the basic physical indicators. An adequate assessment of one's abilities and state of health is required. Training is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • malignant tumors;
  • severe mental disorders;
  • epilepsy

Before starting fitness training, a doctor's consultation is required. Most of the activities include cardio exercises, which are unwanted for heart disease. Due to neglect of this important point the risk of exacerbating health problems increases.

Fitness classes at home for beginners are individual. It is important to choose the right training regimen and set of exercises.

Choosing the right clothing and mat for your home fitness

The choice of sportswear is of the utmost importance for home fitness workouts. Fitness clothing is made from natural fabrics and does not hinder movement. Good option is light sports suit or a T-shirt with leggings.

Photo 4. Sets of clothes and shoes for fitness in the gym (tops, shorts) and outdoors (pants, sweaters with sleeves)

The exercise mat is available from trusted stores. Consider some details when choosing this accessory:

  • a good rug is soft and absorbs moisture;
  • does not stretch or deform, not slippery;
  • when planning classes for sports ground choose a thicker rug

To extend the lifespan of the accessory between workouts, store it rolled up.

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Availability of inventory

Fitness program for the home provides for the availability of equipment and simulators. Home fitness classes will become more effective if you have:

  • collapsible dumbbells;
  • weighting materials;
  • fitness ball;
  • skipping ropes;
  • barbells

These attributes are optional. Much depends on material capabilities. Decide on a workout space as well.

Photo 5. Exercising on a treadmill helps to normalize weight.

The importance of diet and sleep

Losing weight and maintaining slim figure- the main goal of fitness training. The improvement in physical performance is secondary, but also significant. Before starting training, the usual diet is subject to correction - to improve metabolism. Products useful for the figure will be vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy and seafood. It is recommended that you take small meals an hour before class. Their nutritional value should not exceed 300 calories.

Adequate sleep is also important. It will give your body muscles the rest they need between workouts.

Photo 6. Healthy and healthy food contains dairy products, vegetables and berries.

Fitness classes at home for beginners is an individually directed process. It is important to choose an exercise regimen and a set of exercises.

Where to start

How to start fitness classes? Slim stomach and fit figure in fashion. You can lose weight with fitness exercises while exercising at home. For this purpose, an appropriate course of exercises should be chosen. The ideal solution would be to work from home with a fitness trainer. Under his control, classes will become more productive. A fitness trainer at home will help you avoid incorrect load distribution and deterioration of your well-being during exercise by choosing effective exercise.

Photo 7. Fitness coach will select suitable exercises and will tell you how to perform them correctly.

A large selection of video tutorials on the Internet compensates for the lack of specialist supervision. Professional advice and watching video tutorials will do a lot for beginners.

The standard training program implies that trainings are held from 3 to 4 times a week, before or after lunch.

The lesson begins with light loads: walking, running and developing flexibility. Then the home fitness program gets complicated.

Warm-up is an obligatory stage of training. It is carried out to increase the effectiveness of loads and prevent possible injury. The warm-up begins and ends with stretching exercises and lasts 10 minutes. Simple exercise options - jumping rope or dancing - are carried out at a pace. Fitness classes at home lasts 20-45 minutes.

The set of exercises takes into account the smallest details. Conducting male and female classes has its own characteristics.

Photo 8. During the exercise "chair" back and hips make a right angle

Fitness workouts at home for girls

Fitness program for beginners at home involves moderate exercise. Fitness classes at home are aimed at different groups muscles. The feeling of warmed-up muscles after a warm-up is an indicator of readiness for work.

Universal program fitness for home promotes early weight loss. This purpose is served by aerobic and strength exercises... They will reduce excess fat around the waist and provide a slim silhouette without compromising your health.

An exercise Replays Approaches
Forward bends 10-15 3
Squats with wide legs 15 3
Squats with narrow legs 15 3
Lunge Forward, Alternating Both Legs 12-15 2
Swing your legs to the side 15 2-3 for each leg
Raising the torso to the knees from a prone position before the onset of fatigue 3
Jumping rope at least 10 minutes
Push up from the floor 12-15 3
Raising arms to the sides with dumbbells 15-20 3
Elbow plank within 1 minute

The table shows exercises for adjustment problem areas body.

It will be useful to have a ball in a set of exercises for home fitness. Fitball, a special training ball, complements the basic activities. Fitness at home for girls also includes barbell exercises. Working with it will help form a beautiful relief. It starts with a minimum weight and is carried out at a moderate pace.

Home fitness exercises for women burn calories. This process lasts for two days after training. The system of fitness for weight loss at home is carried out in stages. At the initial stage, the number of repetitions of the exercises is 8-10 times. Muscle pain after the first workouts is normal. This is an indicator of effective work.

Fitness at home for men

Photo 9. Exercise onpumping back muscles and tricepson a strength simulator.

A set of exercises for home fitness will help correct imperfections in the male figure. To make the contour of the body embossed, you need to do:

  • squats - putting your feet shoulder-width apart, smoothly sit down and rise from an imaginary chair;
  • lunges and kicks - sitting on the floor, make circles in the air with both legs in turn;
  • exercises for the press - lying with your hands behind your head, simultaneously raise your legs, shoulder blades and head;
  • exercises with weights to train the biceps and triceps of the arms;
  • barbell exercises to develop back muscles

Home fitness for men will strengthen the abs and create an attractive shape.

During classes, the pace and duration of training is increased. The number of repetitions is calculated by analogy with women's fitness.

Frequent beginner mistakes

Home fitness exercises break the rhythm of your life. This is uncomfortable for most beginners. Your fitness start should be gentle. Having chosen exercises for exercising at home, master fitness without haste.

Photo 10. Excessive loads at the initial stage of fitness classes lead to increased fatigue.

Fitness exercises at home for weight loss imply systematics and uniform loads. When doing fitness exercises at home, do not allow:

  • excessive depletion of the body;
  • lack of warm-up;
  • dehydration;
  • shallow breathing;
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes

Fitness classes do not weaken the body, but give the body strength and energy. Feeling unwell after exercise is a major sign of overwork. If the excess weight does not go away, then the diet was neglected.

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You are a lucky owner of a fitness club card, but the services of a fitness trainer are not included in it. How to draw up your own training plan so that they bring the maximum effect?

When the euphoria from a bargain purchase of a club card recedes a little, thousands of questions arise, the answers to which, as a rule, the beginner does not have. Where to begin? What simulator is needed for what? What are they doing in this lesson? How do I turn on the treadmill? How many times should the exercise be done? How will this fitness lesson be useful for me personally?

Questions, questions ...

What we have? On the one hand, a "program" with a schedule of classes in an incomprehensible language, several hundred square meters, equipped with various simulators, similar to space objects. On the other hand, a personal trainer, ready to help, of course, for an additional fee. If you are facing global training tasks, you need to remember the main thing: you want to lose weight in as soon as possible or to add relief to the muscles, while your doctor insists that training process took place under the supervision of a specialist - in this case, you cannot do without a personal trainer. By doing this, you will not regret and, most importantly, you will be able to avoid the mistakes that self-confident beginners in fitness training certainly have. Indeed, in personal trainer unique qualities are combined - professional knowledge, experience and intuition. Personal coach is the best motivator for regular exercise. He will literally become your conscience, a living reproach for being lazy and missing classes.
And what is more important to start self-study? The answer is simple: the right plan! Let's figure it out ...

Activate it!

When drawing up independent plan it is important to take into account what the classes will be aimed at and what type of load you need.

... Types of training that cause changes in the ratio of muscle to fat content in the body. This is strength and cardio training and their various combinations. The key characteristic of such activities is concentration, tension.

... Classes and accompanying healing procedures aimed at harmonizing the physiological processes of the body. These are yoga, Pilates, stretching, massage, sauna, steam bath, swimming pool, spa treatments. The key characteristic is relaxation, stretching.

In details

An independent program should include muscle training (strength training), for of cardio-vascular system(cardio training) and for stretching and recovery (relaxation training). What should be the ratio of these workouts during the week? The exact answer depends on your age, health condition and the task at hand.

POWER. At the age of 40-45 years, 3-4 are recommended power training a week lasting 30-60 minutes - this approach will be quite effective. You will be able to make muscles embossed, lose overweight, be in good shape and maintain normal weight.
After 40-45 years, two workouts will be enough. At this age, the body needs at least 48 hours to fully recover. Otherwise, in the first place, the joints and ligaments will wear out faster. Overwork in general can negatively affect your health: spontaneous colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.

With age, the amount of muscle tissue decreases, while the percentage of adipose tissue, on the contrary, increases. To prevent losing the first, women over forty are advised to make sure to include strength training in their weekly fitness plan.

CARDIO. It is optimal to include cardio training 1-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes. With continuous movement during this time, the blood and muscles are enriched with oxygen, the body temperature rises, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Such exercises are necessary for the good work of the heart and blood vessels, and for weight loss. But there is also a small minus of cardio lessons - the load on the joints. That is why they should be approached with caution.
If there overweight and a predisposition to diseases of the joints of the legs, be careful with exercising on a treadmill, do not run, walk. It is also better to forget about group aerobics and step aerobics classes. Healthy alternatives are the bike, rowing, and ellipsoid varieties.
Having reduced the weight to normal, move on to classes in groups. It's fun and stress-relieving. To make cardio workout bring desired results, monitor the pulse (it should not be higher than 130-135 beats / min), combine them with strength training and choose the safest type of exercise for the musculoskeletal system.

RELAX... Stretching lessons and relaxation treatments are a must. It is impossible to overtrain here. Don't underestimate the full benefits of stretching, pilates, or yoga. The results may not come as quickly, but over time you will realize how important they are not only for physical, but also for mental health. Where to begin? For example, leave an hour a week for a sauna and a relaxing swim in the pool, and 60 minutes for stretching. If an hour long stretching is difficult to handle, do a 15-minute cool down at the end of each strength lesson. The sauna can also be split into two half-hour visits per week. In short, arrange your recovery schedule the way you like. Remember that what more strength you spend for developmental training, the more acute is the body's need for restorative stress.

To action

What, ideally, should a training week look like for those taking their first steps in fitness? Does this mean that to spend in sports club will have to go all night? Not at all! It will be optimal to attend several classes in one day, but do not overdo it: for example, pedal a stationary bike or walk on a path for 15-30 minutes, then set aside 45 minutes for strength training and 15 minutes for relaxation (stretching, sauna, swimming in the pool). Three times a week for a maximum of 1.5 hours - this training regimen will lead to early visible results.


The main strength exercises for a beginner who trains on his own. 1-2 sets of 20-25 repetitions are performed.

1. Exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks:
- leg press;
- straightening the legs;
- bending the legs in the simulator.

2. Exercises for back muscles:
- frontal thrust;
- vertical thrust.

3. Exercises for the pectoral muscles:
- chest press.

4. Exercises for hands:
- press for biceps (curl of the arms);
- straightening the arms to strengthen the triceps.

5. Exercises for the abdominal muscles:
- twisting (3-4 sets of 30-35 reps).

Good day, dear beauties. Today I will tell you how to start doing fitness and what you need to do. To begin with, set yourself a clear guideline and say several times “I want to start doing fitness! I want a beautiful and sexy body! ”. Repeat this to yourself regularly, it really works. Thoughts are material.

The first step is to sign up for fitness at a fitness club

First of all - you must sign up for a fitness center. Maybe you thought it was possible to do fitness at home? Based on my experience, I can say with confidence that this is a utopia. Achieving results at home is incredibly difficult. At home it is very difficult to concentrate - something is constantly distracting. Forcing yourself to exercise at home is much more difficult and boring than in a fitness center. In the fitness center, you will put out much better, and therefore the effectiveness of training will be higher.

Want to get results? March to the fitness club!

I recommend choosing a fitness club as close to home as possible. Forcing yourself to exercise regularly is not easy, but it will be doubly difficult for you if you still have to travel somewhere. It's okay if the club is located within a 10-15 minute walk from your home - a walk before and after workouts will be beneficial for your body.

Group training in a fitness club. Step aerobics.

If this is your first time going non fitness, I recommend starting with group workouts. Group training always takes place with a coach, so you will be “supervised”. The coach makes sure that you do the exercises correctly, do not be lazy, and can give recommendations on nutrition. At the initial stages, by by and large, no matter what kind of fitness you do. The main thing is to develop the habit and discipline of regularly visiting the club. Try different types of activities and you will find out which suits you best. Depending on your level physical fitness may suit you or high-intensity workouts with high loads, or less intense.

When you purchase a membership to a fitness club, you will most likely be offered an initial free consultation, which will tell you about the different types of fitness activities.

I want to warn you, most likely you will be offered paid personal fitness training (after all, trainers also want to eat). At the initial stage, you do not need them - start with group lessons... Buy paid personal training you will always have time.

Before purchasing a membership to the fitness club, check the schedule of classes. Class time should be convenient for you. It's good if there are several gyms in a fitness club, then several classes can take place at the same time, and you can choose where to go.

So, the club card is in your pocket and you are ready to go to your first training session. But before we start collecting the bag with you, I want to draw your attention to another important point.

Set yourself a goal

The goal is very important, because, to come somewhere, you need to know where to go! Your goal should be clear and understandable to you.

There is a great system for setting a SMART goal that works well for setting a fitness goal as well. How to set a goal for SMART training and what should be your goal?

  • Specific. The result must be precise and specific. You cannot set a goal, for example “I want to go to fitness”. The rule will be: "Visit the fitness club 3 times a week, within 3 months."
  • Measurable. The goal should be such that it can be measured in something (yes even in parrots). Wrong: "I want to lose weight", right: "Lose weight by 5 kg in 2 months."
  • Achievable. Don't set unrealistic goals. If you weigh 150 kg, then you will definitely not get a model appearance even in a year. Therefore, assess your capabilities realistically. That's right: "I will attend training 3 times a week and eat right in order to lose 3 kg in a month."
  • Important to you. Your goal should really be important to you. Remember, you may have to choose what is more important to you and overshadow other matters. If the goal is not important, it is extremely difficult to achieve it. Is it really important for you to have a beautiful and healthy body? Or are you already loved the way you are, and it is more important for you, for example, to study cooking and try new recipes or to embroider, instead of going to a fitness club?
  • Defined in time. Be sure to set a deadline (deadline) by which your goal must be met. You can't just set a goal, for example, “remove your belly”, you need to set a goal, defined in time, “Reduce your waist to 65 cm in 2 months”.

Correct setting fitness goals

Now take a pen and write some goals on paper. Pick the most important goal, articulate it regularly, and strive relentlessly towards it.

An example of a good target:

Until the end of the year (December 31), I must weigh 55 kg with a waist volume of no more than 65 cm, for this I must visit a fitness club 3 times a week and eat right (no more than 1500 kcal per day).

What do you need for fitness training? We collect the bag.

Finally, let's pack a bag for your first class.

Let's start with the bag. What bag do you need to go to workout at the fitness club? There are two main options: backpack or gym bag?

Training bag, what to take with you to fitness

The backpack is handy if you walk for training. It is much more convenient to carry things on your back (the weight is evenly distributed over the spine) than in the hand or on the shoulder. When walking with a backpack, hands remain free, which is also important. But there is also a minus of the backpack. It is tall and deep, things are more difficult to get out, they have to be stacked in several rows.

A sports bag is more convenient in this regard. It is easier to get and fold things. But the bag is harder to carry over long distances.

I believe if you go to training by car - take a gym bag, if you walk - a backpack.

The main thing is that the bag or backpack is roomy enough to put all the things you need for training in them.

Things you need for training in a fitness club:

  • Sportswear. Of course, you need to change your clothes. You need sweatpants, breeches, leggings or shorts, and a tank top or top. You can read more about how to choose fitness clothes in the article
  • Sport shoes. These can be sneakers or sneakers. Some workouts are done barefoot (like yoga).
  • Small towel. It is needed in order to wipe sweat from the face and body. You also need to wipe sweat off the shells after you work out with them.
  • Shower accessories. Showers are available in all normal fitness clubs. Take a shower after your workout. The shower is much cleaner than the hall, because they wash there, and do not sweat. The shower will soothe your muscles, wash away the sweat and just relax. For a shower, you will need slippers, a towel, a bathrobe (or you can wrap yourself in a towel as you like), shower gel and shampoo.
  • Changeable underwear. I don’t think that after a shower, you will want to wear the underwear in which you trained.
  • Water bottle. Drinking during training is not just possible, but necessary. Therefore, a water bottle should definitely be in your fitness bag.

That's all! You are ready for your first visit to the fitness club and your first workout. Start and don't stop. Reading as much information about your workouts as possible is a great motivator.

And motivation is now very important for you. The correct attitude is 90% of the result. You should not force yourself to go to the fitness room, but look forward to training day... Perhaps at first it will be difficult for you to force yourself, perhaps at first your muscles will ache and you will be very tired. But over time, training will become a habit, will become an integral part of your life.

Rule 21 workouts when visiting a fitness club

There is a 21 day rule to develop a habit. It lies in the fact that in order for the action to become a habit, it must be performed regularly for 21 days.

I believe this rule applies to fitness activities as well. The first 21 workouts you need to get used to them, but from 22 workouts, visiting the fitness club will become a habit that will already be difficult to give up.

If you want fitness and a cool figure, it's better not to even think about buns!

To make it easier for you to get used to it, break the habituation process into several stages.

  1. One-time visit to the fitness club.
  2. Attending 3 workouts during the week.
  3. Attend workouts for one month (4 weeks x 3 = 12 workouts).
  4. Visiting workouts for 2 months (more than 24 workouts).

I am sure that by the end of the second month you will already be going to training with pleasure. In addition, during this time the body will get used to the stress, and training will seem much easier.

Last but not least a couple of tips for beginners to do fitness.

Do not be shy. Even if your body is not perfect, you shouldn't hesitate to go to fitness. For each model figure and model appearance there is a lot of work on yourself. You should not be ashamed of yourself, but be proud of yourself. Be proud that you have enough strength and desire to make your body healthy and beautiful.

And feel free to go wrong and do something wrong. The trainer will always prompt and help you perform the exercise correctly.

Not only the goal is important, but the training process itself. Don't live in the past and the future, learn to enjoy every moment of your life now.

Eliminate all bad habits and get good ones. Smoking and alcohol - no (not even a sip), walking, going to the cinema and the theater, traveling - yes.

Smile and create around you good mood... We create our own environment.

And, of course, read our magazine. Write in the comments your impressions of the article and ask questions.

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