5 golden exercises. Christopher S

Many are surprised at longevity Tibetan monks who live in ascetic conditions and spend their days in meditation and spiritual practices. The secret to their youthfulness lies in part in the exercises they do on a daily basis. They are aimed not only at developing flexibility and mobility, but also at opening the chakras and spiritual knowledge of oneself. This technique is called the "Eye of Rebirth" or "Five Tibetan pearls».

The benefits of gymnastics

Those who practice or have once tried to do yoga will recognize the basic asanas in the exercises presented. It is respiratory and physical static poses, which in this technique are used with dynamic repetitions. Like almost all yoga exercises, this practice is aimed at activating nervous system human, the development of flexibility and endurance, as well as the rejuvenation of the whole organism.

If you engage in this type of gymnastics every day and perform every Tibetan pearl with high quality, the following changes will occur in your body:

  1. Your body will rejuvenate, you will feel a surge of strength and energy;
  2. Endurance levels will increase significantly;
  3. Posture will improve, your spine will become stronger and more flexible;
  4. The muscles of the whole body will strengthen, become stronger and more enduring;
  5. You will better balance and feel own body in space;
  6. The emotional state of the nervous system is stabilized;
  7. Vision, potency and memory will improve, even if you started doing exercises at a fairly mature age;
  8. Stress levels go down.

Also, as Tibetan and Indian monks say, "Five pearls of Tibet" affect the chakras, which are responsible for the work of the glands in the body. The development and strengthening of these chakras, which affect the correct and healthy functioning of the glands, and leads to a rejuvenation of the body and an overall improvement in both physical and mental health.

  • Start performing the complex gymnastic exercises"Five Tibetan Pearls" stands with three repetitions. You do each exercise three times, adding two additional repetitions every week. That is, in the first week you do three repetitions of each exercise, in the second week you do five repetitions, in the third week you do seven repetitions, and so on, increasing the number of repetitions by two every week until you reach twenty-one repetitions of each exercise. This process should take you nine weeks.
  • You need to perform the complex daily at sunrise or sunset. If you do the exercises in the morning, then remember to do them on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. Even if you do not have the opportunity to do the exercises strictly at dawn, you can do them later, but morning complex must fall on time strictly before noon. The evening set of exercises should also be performed with an empty or, in extreme cases, a half-empty stomach (two to three hours after eating), so as not to overload the organs. It is not recommended to do the exercises in the evening right before bed, it is better to set them aside about an hour before bed.
  • During exercise, do not overstrain or discomfort in the body. Exercise at a comfortable pace, slowly. Stop if you feel pain or discomfort. This will only lead to negative consequences.
  • Never miss a workout. If you miss one day, then you will have to start over - with the minimum number of repetitions and count down the new week from the day you missed the complex. This is a pretty powerful practice that greatly affects the health of the whole body, so you should not treat it like a regular exercise or morning exercises.
  • A short rest should be done after each ritual exercise. Here's how it should go: stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on your waist, relax. Take several smooth and even breaths in and out. Close your eyes and while breathing, concentrate your attention on the sensations in the body - scan the body, feel your limbs, head, feel the floor under your feet and the air around you. Continue breathing for 5-10 seconds, then move on to the next exercise.
  • Finish the Five Tibetan Pearls Exercise with some rest. Perform the pose of a corpse from yoga - lie on the floor on your back, stretch your legs, place your hands exactly along the body at a distance of fifteen to twenty centimeters from the body of the body. Close your eyes and breathe evenly, calmly. Try to feel the touch of the body to the floor, the feeling of clothes on your body, analyze the sensations, starting from the top of the head, gradually descending through the body down to the neck, chest, shoulders, pay attention to what you feel in the abdomen and hips, then scan the legs to the heels and fingertips. Lie in a relaxed state for five minutes, then open your eyes and become aware of yourself in the here and now. Come to your senses, take a deep breath and stand up after 10-15 seconds.
  • Control your breathing as you exercise. Below we describe in detail the technique for performing each exercise - with which movement you need to exhale, and with which - inhale.

Warming up exercises

Before moving on to the basic set of exercises, you can do a warming warm-up. If you have a bad physical training or you have not been involved in sports for a long time and are afraid to stretch or damage your muscles or ligaments, then by all means spend five minutes before training doing a few light exercises.

  1. Head tilts. Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Tilt your head in left side and hold on for a few seconds. You can help yourself with your hands, applying light pressure to your head to stretch your neck more. Next, tilt your head forward, also freeze for three to five seconds, then tilt to the right side. Then tilt your head back, but do not be painful. After that, go back to starting position and proceed to the next exercise.
  2. Shoulder rotation. Take the same position as in the first exercise. Start performing circular motions shoulder joints forward, do ten repetitions, then make the same rotational movements with your shoulders back.
  3. Body tilts to the sides. Take the same starting position as in the previous exercises. Place your hands on your waist or hips. Bend to the left and right alternately without moving your hips to the sides. They should remain clearly perpendicular to the floor. Perform the exercise gently until you feel a slight tension in your side.
  4. Leaning forward. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your arms along your body. Lower the body to the floor, trying to reach the floor with your fingertips. If the stretch allows, try to lower your entire palm to the floor. At the same time, do not arch your back, try to press your stomach against your legs when bending over.

A set of exercises "5 Tibetan pearls"

Do not do these exercises until you are exhausted; you should be in a relaxed state. You need to try to feel harmony with your body and unity with the surrounding space.


Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms to shoulder level so that they are parallel to the floor, and straighten them in opposite directions. Begin to rotate around your axis. Most importantly, you need to rotate to the right, that is, clockwise. Start slowly but surely. Continue the exercise until you feel a little dizzy. But remember to start with three repetitions, increasing the number every week. Even if your head does not start spinning during the first week when performing three rotations, do not continue. Stop after three repetitions.


This Tibetan gem is worth a special attention. It is very effective for many diseases and problems with internal organs, but in order to deal with any internal problems, you need to carry it out with the utmost quality and correctly. This exercise helps with:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Back pain;
  • Arthritis;
  • An unstable menstrual cycle;
  • Symptoms of menopause;
  • Stiffness and little mobility of the legs and neck.

Lie on your back straight. The tailbone should touch the floor, the back is completely pressed against it, the hands can be placed behind the head and locked into the lock. Exhale forcefully before doing the first repetition, emptying your lungs completely. As you inhale, lift your head off the floor, pressing your chin to your chest. At the same time, raise your fully straightened legs to the ceiling, pull your socks towards you. You can stop on raising your legs up to ninety degrees, but if possible, stretch further. Freeze in this position - with your legs and head raised, then as you exhale, lower yourself to the starting position - the pose of a corpse.


Starting position - kneeling straight, the body should grow up from the knees, the back is straight, the arms are lowered along the body. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders to maintain balance, your hips should be clearly perpendicular to the floor. Next, place your palms on the area under the buttocks, rest your hands on your hips so that it is comfortable. Press your head to your chest, lowering your chin. This is the starting position. As you inhale, tilt your head backward, pushing your hips slightly forward and arching your spine. You do not need to do a deep backward bend, just slightly stretch the spine. Freeze in a slight tilt, then, with an exhalation, return to the starting position. Please note that inhaling and exhaling when performing the exercises of the "Eye of Rebirth" or "Five Pearls of Tibet" complex should be as deep as possible. This contributes to the better saturation of the body with oxygen, being in different positions.


Sit on the floor. Stretch your legs straight in front of you, pull your socks over yourself, keep your back straight and straight. Spread your legs slightly, about shoulder-width apart. Place your hands, palms down, on the floor on both sides of your hips. Press firmly on the floor with your fingers pointing forward towards your feet. Tilt your head with your chin to your chest. Then do the inhalation exercise - tilt your head back; leaning on your legs, raise your torso so that it is parallel to the floor, your feet should rest on the floor, your knees should be bent. Hold this position for a few seconds, tighten all the muscles in the body, then gently return to the starting position - sitting on the floor, legs straightened, socks pointing up, straight arms resting palms on the floor. Take a second or two rest and do as many reps as you have for this week.


The starting position is the yoga cobra pose. Lie on the floor with your stomach down, perform a lying position - rest your palms on the floor and straighten them, lifting your head, neck, chest and abdomen off the floor. Rest your toes on the floor, tighten your muscles. If possible and with sufficient stretch with your hips and knees, do not touch the floor. The palms should be placed with the fingers forward, keep your hands straight under your shoulders, they should be clearly perpendicular to the floor. Legs are also shoulder-width apart. The head is thrown back. The exercise itself consists in the transition from the cobra pose to the downward facing dog. With this transition, press your head with your chin to your chest. With your body, you need to try to form an acute angle, the top of which will be your buttocks. Keep your legs straight, try to press your heels to the floor if possible. Hands should be in the same plane with the back. Freeze for three to five seconds in this asana, then slowly return to the starting position - the cobra pose.

Now pay attention to breathing during this exercise - when performing the transition to the downward dog pose, take a maximum breath, and returning to the starting position, exhale strongly, emptying the lungs. This is a slightly unconventional breathing style when performing exercises, but it is this technique of performing it that has the most beneficial effect on the entire body. At the end points - in the cobra pose and the downward dog pose - hold for a few seconds, while holding the air in a natural way.

At first, this exercise may seem the most difficult of all five, but over time it will become easier and easier for you, and even an increase in the number of repetitions will not bring heaviness to you, but rather lightness and desire.

Completion of gymnastics

After completing all the exercises, give your body a rest. Take the corpse pose - lie on your back with your legs and arms extended straight. Place your legs a little wider than your shoulders, move your arms to the sides of the body by about fifteen to twenty centimeters. Close your eyes and rest.

Performing the set of exercises "Five Tibetan Pearls" will give you a second youth, and you will find inner harmony!

It is customary for different peoples to not equally maintain their body in good shape. Someone just does exercises every morning, someone travels to fashionable resorts and health resorts, and for someone it is difficult to imagine life without regular walking. The practice of "Eye of Rebirth" or 5 Tibetan exercises came to us from warm countries, developed by yogis from the monasteries of Tibet. It is not simple gymnastic complex, therefore, requires a special attitude from the student. Indeed, if used incorrectly, it can do harm. To prevent this from happening, be careful, careful, strictly follow all the recommendations and do not be afraid of anything.

In fact, there is no clear indication of how exactly this amazing set of exercises originated, which has a very strong general health effect. The practice is actually like collecting rituals. Most likely, in the old days it was used as something cult. It has been known for more than two thousand years, and this is a long time.

Some believe that the "Eye of Rebirth" or "Five (six) Tibetan Pearls" technique originated with the authentic Indo-Tibetan Tantric lineage. However, it is known for certain that they knew about it long before the yogic tradition itself was formed. It turns out that even despite the striking similarity of gymnastics, its rituals, movements, this is a completely separate and independent line Eastern practice spiritual plan. At the same time, the set of exercises "Five Tibetans" contains not only theory, but also the practice of keeping your body in order for many years without much effort.

The Eye of Rebirth by Peter Kelder

In 1938, the English naturalist Peter Kelder published a book of the same name with the method of spiritual practice. It describes a unique system of exercises and rituals designed to maintain youth and vigor over the years.

In the preface, the author describes his friend, British Colonel Sir Henry Bradford, who told him about the monastery lost in the mountains. There allegedly lived lamas, whose appearance in no way betrayed their true age, and seventy-year-olds there looked like strong men of forty. He himself looked very deplorable, like a man who devoted the last decades of his life to serving in India. Kelder was extremely interested in the technique.

The adepts of the "Eye of Rebirth" doctrine did not pose, did not play games with their followers from across the ocean. All who got to the coveted monastery, responsible yogis agreed to teach exercises, practices, rituals that were designed to improve the human body, bring health and longevity.

The book describes how Henry moved to Tibet, where he found the coveted place, and also learned how to correctly perform all the necessary manipulations with his body and mind. According to the text, after seeing Bradford after returning to England, Peter did not recognize his old friend. He became much younger, slimmer, fitter and stronger. Thus, he realized that the system of five exercises really worked.

Returning to his native Britain, former colonel could not remain indifferent. He recruited a group of several enthusiasts who also wanted to look forty in their seventy. Mastering gymnastics, which was tightly intertwined with the special philosophy of "5 Tibetan Men", they really became much healthier, old ailments receded, and their appearance improved significantly.

The benefits of doing gymnastics: who is suitable

To be completely honest, the exercises were originally not five, but six. However, few of the modern adherents of the doctrine go to the last. They are all ritual movements, and the sixth is no exception. But it is permissible only for someone who has managed to completely abandon sexual relations with the opposite sex. Therefore, in the future, we will only talk about the options that precede it.

Exercises "5 Tibetan pearls", the benefits and harms of which we are interested in, is a rather versatile complex. First of all, they are designed for those who urgently need to improve their condition, rejuvenate the body, make it more mobile, enduring, strong at any age. This type of gymnastics is especially suitable for the heavily busy. modern people who are unable to incorporate long sports or other spiritual practices into their busy schedules.

Just ten to fifteen minutes a day will be as beneficial as regular. The main condition here will be discipline and regularity. Only they will help you achieve really good results. Moreover, the technique is not exclusively health-improving in nature. According to the author of the book, they not only make the body healthy, but also cleanse the mind, soul, give enlightenment, cleanse from all kinds of negativity.

If done correctly, all these exercises cannot do harm in any way, only benefit. After passing full course the work of all vital systems of the body is restored, hair and nails are improved,

  • Improving the work of the musculoskeletal system. Some patients even noted relief of pain in arthrosis and / or arthritis.
  • Strengthening immune system, a clear immunostimulating effect.
  • Significant improvement of the digestive tract. Nutrients from food begin to be absorbed better, faster, and the stool is normalized.
  • Generally positive effect in relation to the reproductive functions of the body. In men, erectile dysfunction disappears, and women note the improvement of the cycle.
  • It is believed that the set of exercises is also aimed at developing willpower. Therefore, it is recommended to be performed by everyone who decided to get rid of bad habits, for example,. Already 10-14 days after the start of classes, the craving for alcohol, tobacco, narcotic or psychotropic substances noticeably weakens.

In fact, all this gymnastics is aimed at stretching, which it talks about in such an interesting and accessible way. The complex is based on the correct combination of physical actions, clearing your own thoughts, as well as a combination energy flows... To achieve harmony, which becomes the main goal of almost any Eastern teaching, you need to learn how to correctly combine all of the above.

Restrictions on the practice of "Five Tibetan Pearls"

A rash, irresponsible approach to any practice can be harmful to health. Therefore, instead of the desired rejuvenation, in some cases, you can get very unpleasant surprises. Before you start doing such gymnastics, go to your doctor, take all the tests and take tests. Only after that, you can start practicing the "Eye of Rebirth" without a twinge of conscience. The following possible diagnoses are considered contraindications.

  • An increase in body temperature for any reason.
  • The risk of heart attack, pre-infarction state.
  • Constantly increased blood pressure(hypertension).
  • Pregnancy at any time, lactation and breastfeeding.
  • Menstruation.
  • Intervertebral hernia.

Many trainers in this complex are sure that it is generally contraindicated for women to practice according to the Tibetan method. The thing is that initially the exercises were developed by men for men, because there was simply no woman in the monasteries, they could not, had no right to be there. However, modern research in this area proves that, subject to restrictions, such gymnastics is equally useful for both boys and girls.

Eye of Rebirth: 5 Tibetan Exercises and Videos

In order to achieve harmony, first of all, with yourself, you need to be liberated, to put worldly problems aside, to establish correct thinking. All this in a complex is aimed at the general improvement of the body. It's not just gymnastics, warm-up or sports complex movements that can be performed thoughtlessly, mechanically repeating certain movements.

Method principle

The Tibetan practice of five pearls is aimed at improving a person, his all-round development, which just helps to come to final harmony. According to the author's theory, the human body contains exactly five energy currents, which Kelder calls vortices. In their youth, they rotate in the right direction at the right speed. But when a person gets sick or gets old, then some begin to "rotate" incorrectly or stop.

The task of the adept of the teaching is to launch these vortices in such a way that everything again "works" as it should. It is necessary to force the flows of energy to flow in the right direction, which can be done with the help of the presented complex. For this, five basic exercises have been developed that anyone can perform, if not for medical reasons.

Strict rules for performing the ritual

Since the set of exercises "5 Tibetans" is far from gymnastics, but rather a ritual, you will have to clearly follow all the rules.

  • Exercise is best done early morning, immediately after waking up on an empty stomach.
  • If you do the complex later, then keep in mind that at least one and a half to two hours should pass after the last meal.
  • Exercise should become your daily habit.
  • You can take a pause, but no more than one day. If you stop practicing for two or three days, then all the progress gained before that will be considered lost.
  • During exercise, you should not think about problems or troubles. All vain must be discarded, as in moments of meditation, one must renounce the world.
  • It is advisable to get quiet for classes, quiet place where no one bothers you. Carrying children, cats and dogs around the house, a yelling TV or a turntable are far from the best accompaniment to a workout.
  • Gradually increase the load by increasing the number of repetitions. Approximately by the tenth week of classes, the number of approaches should be 17-21. This is the maximum you can stop at.
  • After each exercise in the complex, you need to stop and take three deep breaths. Only then can the ritual be continued.
  • After you have completed all the exercises, simply stretch out on your back on a flat surface, such as the floor. In this position, it does not hurt to stay from five to twenty minutes. If you fall asleep, it's not scary.
  • After classes, you need to limit contact with water for a while, especially cold water. Therefore, it is better to take a shower somewhere in an hour or two.

Particular attention will have to be paid to breathing. It should be deep, smooth, measured. There should be no delays. To prepare for proper breathing, you can do breathing exercise... It is not difficult to make it. Breathe in deeply through your nose while inflating your belly. Fix your position for two seconds, and then breathe in again, without exhaling, but already briefly. Then exhale slowly and relax completely. Repeat the steps several times.

Thought forms for each exercise

All the recommendations given by us belong to the author of the book, and he already got them from Tibetan monks. The tips are simple, but it will not hurt to follow them unquestioningly, because, as we have already said, this is a kind of ritual. At the same time, for each action there is its own thought form, that is, a description of what your consciousness should be occupied with during training. There are five of them, as well as the exercises themselves.

Power energy

You need to feel, on yourself to feel the impact of the force passing right through your body. Those streams that descend from space and permeate you through and through. At first, they can simply be imagined, for example, as glowing pillars and stripes.

The joy of life

The second exercise should usually be done in a positive way, so you have to tune in to joy, fun. To do this, you need to think that everything around us is joy, happiness, and the world is filled with harmony and pleasure. After looking around you can see a lot of beauty.

Beauty and will

This ritual action is aimed at allowing you to capture your own beauty, but not only that. Look at the world around, it is beautiful, and you are its crown, its creation. You need to accept yourself, believe that you are young, beautiful, cheerful, attractive.

Love and peace

This exercise also has its own thought-form. She says to completely detach from the environment, to feel love, its energy coming from everywhere. Believe me, waves of love and peace are constantly flowing around us, you just need to learn how to perceive it correctly, absorb it.

the beauty of the world

In addition to being beautiful yourself, the world around you is beautiful too. There are many facets of the universe and each is good in its own way.

How to perform ritual actions: a diagram of all exercises

Tibetans need to do gymnastics every day, without taking long breaks between classes. After the initial adaptation, you can switch to exercise not once, but twice a day. It is better to start them long before sunset, at least an hour. Then there will be no risk of insomnia from a physical shake-up of the body, metabolic processes, increased tone.

Particular attention should be paid to the duration of the "Eye of Rebirth" training, as this is important. At first, three repetitions of each exercise separately will be enough. Add a few extra reps each week. The maximum number of them should not exceed twenty one.

This movement is aimed at unwinding energy vortices, as the name implies. It is believed that it not only spurs the untwisting of the streams, but also gives strength to continue the execution of the complex.


  • Stand up straight with your back straight. Set your feet shoulder-width apart. The position must be completely stable.
  • Stretch your arms in front of you, turn your palms down. Spread your arms horizontally to the sides.
  • Slowly moving your legs, begin to rotate around your axis. Direction - clockwise.
  • When you feel a dizziness attack, or at least mild signs of it, stop. Listen to the sensations, feel this movement of the energy vortices that have been launched.

It is very important not only to do all the movements correctly, but also to tune in to them correctly. Think that the streams of energy charge, feed you, taking with them, sweeping away all unnecessary, unnecessary, harmful.

With the help of this exercise alone, you can find yourself on the vortex of energies in two ways. First of all, it is aimed at stabilizing them, and on the other, it increases the speed of their rotation.


  • Starting position: lying on your back with arms extended along the body.
  • Raise your head so that you press your chin against your chest as much as possible.
  • Without lifting your buttocks off the floor, while inhaling, begin to raise your legs. Do this very slowly.
  • You need to raise your legs until you feel that the next step will be to raise your pelvis or bend your knees. After that, as you exhale, also slowly lower your legs to the surface of the floor.
  • Lie down for a few seconds, trying to relax all muscles.

As you take deep, slow breaths in and out, think about the energy that is now circulating around you. Imagine how it envelops you and penetrates you through and through. As you relax, think about how quickly you are energized.

The third ritual is aimed at working out the most central energy axis of the human body. The descending stream passes in the region of the sacrum, and the ascending one rises along the spine.


  • Get on your knees keeping your torso completely straight. Do not hump your shoulders; your arms should be free.
  • As you inhale, move your palms back, rest them on back part thighs. Lower your chin as far down as possible, trying to press it to your chest. The back cannot be rounded at this moment.
  • As you exhale, throw your head back. In this case, you need to simultaneously bend the lower back, and move the chest as far forward as possible.
  • It is necessary to return to the starting position again while inhaling.

Performing the "Eye of Rebirth" exercises, you will have to learn to clearly control your breathing, since the whole complex is based on it. It is necessary to inhale through the nose, slowly, smoothly, as if filling with energy from the surrounding world, like a glass of water. It is better to exhale sharply, with the characteristic sound "Ho!" or "Heh!" This, as it were, symbolizes the fact that you are abruptly discarding all the previously accumulated negative.

This exercise is aimed at creating a kind of swing of the energy plan. Straining the right muscles, you will launch currents and vortices in the desired direction. At the same time, having relaxed, you slightly reduce the speed of their rotation.


  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight out in front of you. Spread them slightly to the side, as if you are going to play a child's game with a ball.
  • Lower your head, keeping your back straight. Press your chin firmly against your chest.
  • Place your palms on the sides of the body. Place your fingers on the floor with your palms facing forward.
  • Tilt your head called as you exhale, while simultaneously lifting your buttocks off the floor. In this case, the knees need to be bent.
  • Leaning on your feet and toes, lift your torso so that it is, if possible, in line with the legs to the knees.
  • Fix the position for a few seconds, tensing all the muscles in the body.
  • Return to starting position.

For some, this exercise is not given, it is difficult to perform it. Indeed, it can be difficult for an unprepared person to do everything clearly according to the instructions, but there is a simplified version of the ritual. You just need to rise above the floor to a level that is easy. Gradually, your body will come to the point where it will allow you to do everything as it should.

This ritual trains not only the spirit, deals with energies, like the previous ones, but also the endurance of your body. This last exercise is not given to everyone at once. You have to work hard to do it correctly, without mistakes. It will require maximum concentration on your body, as well as detachment from negative thoughts.


  • Lie on a flat surface, for example, on the floor, on your stomach, that is, with your face down.
  • Place your palms on the floor, just in the area of ​​your thighs. Bend at the waist while lifting your head and shoulders, trying to raise your torso as high as possible. In this case, you need to rely on outstretched arms.
  • Slowly bend in the pelvis, lifting it, and lower your head down. As a result, you should get something similar to the yoga asana "Adho Mukha Svanasana" ("Downward-facing dog").

It would seem that static exercise It cannot take away a lot of strength and energy in any way, but in practice it is very difficult. Returning to the starting position, it makes sense to let the breath recover before doing the reps.

"Uddiyana bandha" or the sixth pearl

Since we have already mentioned that in the original gymnastics of 5 Tibetans there is also a sixth exercise, it is worth giving its description in our article. Although it is recommended to carry it out strictly after the adept of the teachings finally "get even" with sex life. In addition to abstinence, serious preparation is required. Therefore, even if you lead the monastic life of an ascetic, first study the five previous exercises perfectly, and only then proceed to the sixth.


  • Stand straight with your back straight, arms along your body.
  • While inhaling, squeeze all available sphincters with the muscles of the perineum.
  • Lean forward, resting your hands on your hips, exhale sharply.
  • Inhaling again, straighten up, pull in your stomach, and press your chin against your chest.
  • Exhale as slowly as possible. When the air runs out, you must try to relax all the muscles in the body.

Those who have been practicing such gymnastics not for the first day say that it is better not to rush to switch to this ritual. If your body, and even more so your spirit, is not ready for changes, then it is better to refuse to fulfill it. Only fully consciously, understanding what you are going for (and giving up your intimate life is not at all easy), you need to make such decisions.

According to the philosophy of Tibetan lamas, physical health a person directly depends on his spiritual state, the health of his energy component. Lamas carry the teaching that the human body consists of energy centers, which they call vortices. In total, 19 vortices work harmoniously in the body of a healthy person, 7 of which are of primary importance, and the other 12 are auxiliary and are located on the joints of the limbs. The physical and spiritual state of a person depends on the strength and speed of rotation of the vortices, the higher it is, the more a person is able to receive the energy of prana and light.

In 1938, Tibetan lamas revealed secret practices to Peter Kelder Tibetan gymnastics, capable of turning back the flow of internal time, rejuvenating and healing the human body, filling it with vitality. In the popular book "The Eye of Rebirth", Peter Kelder described a method of 5 ritual exercises, also called Tibetan pearls, each of which is aimed at restoring the strength and speed of rotation of a particular group of vortices, while simultaneously toning muscles, helping to transform the body's shape.

When starting to practice the 5 Tibetans, it is important to know:

  • regularity is the main rule of the technique, only daily activities able to restore the depleting flow of vortex energy;
  • one of the main rules to start exercises on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning, but the time of day does not really matter;
  • practice the exercises, start with 3 repetitions of each movement once a day, adding 2 repetitions with each subsequent week, so that after 9 weeks you reach 21 repetitions of each exercise. According to Tibetan monks, this number of repetitions maximally contributes to the improvement of a person's energy health;
  • pearls of Tibetan exercises are associated with both physical activity and breathing. Correct breathing contributes to the saturation of the body, prevents the rapid overload of the body;
  • to begin with, do not try to perform exercises through force, going beyond the limits of personal physical capabilities, do the exercises close to the original, and gradually, thanks to patience and regularity, you will achieve mastery;
  • beginners are advised to rest after every two exercises, performing 3-4 full inhales and exhales in a standing position, hands on the waist.

So, here are 5 Tibetan exercises that restore youth, health and vitality to the body:

1. First exercise

The first pearl is aimed at activating the body, helps to awaken energy channels. Performed in a standing position. Spread your arms out to the sides parallel to the shoulder line. Having taken the starting position, you begin rotation in the clockwise direction. Initially, the movement should be performed at a slow pace, gradually increasing the pace. As already mentioned, practice according to the Tibetan method should be started with three repetitions. If, after doing 3 rotations, you feel a little dizzy, you can sit down for a few minutes. After a few regular exercises, you will train, including the vestibular apparatus.

2. Second exercise

The second exercise may seem difficult for a physically unprepared person, but here the main principle is patience and regularity of classes. The exercise is aimed at accelerating the rotation of energy in the chakras of the throat, abdomen and lower spine. It activates the digestive and genitourinary systems, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Be sure to pay attention to the synchronization of movements with breathing. The exercise begins with a deep exhalation, then take a lying position, face up. Slowly, at the same time raise your head and lower limbs towards each other, while inhaling deeply, fix the position, and when lowering, exhale slowly. Hands parallel to the body, firmly pressed to the floor. Try to keep your legs straight, but do not force the body. When tired, pause while continuing to breathe deeply at the same pace. It is the depth of breathing that improves the effectiveness of the ritual.

3. Third exercise

Starting the third exercise, we enhance the effect of the second, having a positive effect on the joints, toning the neck and back muscles, helping with sinusitis, sinusitis, with irregular monthly cycles. Exhale fully again before taking the starting position. Then get down on your knees, slightly apart. Put your palms with the front side to the muscles of the thighs, under the buttocks, press the chin to the chest, exhale again. The exercise begins with a slow bend of the back and head back with maximum amplitude, help yourself, resting your palms on your hips. During the deflection, take a deep breath, taking the starting position - exhale;

4. Fourth exercise

Quite a laborious exercise, but even the elderly and people with disabilities have mastered it. And in this ritual, do not forget about the coordination of breathing with exercise. Starting position, sitting on the floor, keep your back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet raised, toes look forward, arms apart, fingers look forward, chin is pressed tightly to the chest, then exhale completely. The movement begins with tilting the head back, lifting the entire body from the floor so that the body is parallel to the floor, leaning on the arms and legs - the "table on legs" position. Performing movements, take a deep breath, in the achieved position, strain the muscles for a few seconds, then reverse movements and exhale completely.

5. Fifth exercise

Starting position - bending in the sternal region, throwing your head back as much as possible, you lean on your palms and feet (toes). The fingers of the hands are facing forward and tightly closed with each other. Beginning to inhale, begin the movement, folding the torso in half to a triangle shape, with the top up. Pull your chin up to your chest. The upper and lower limbs are straight, hold in this position for a couple of seconds, tensing the muscles as much as possible. Then take the starting position, try to bend your back, at the expense of the thoracic region, and not the lumbar.

By practicing the "Eye of Rebirth" technique, you will heal your physical and energetic body, tighten up.

There is a very interesting legend about an ancient monastery lost somewhere in Tibet, whose monks knew the secret of eternal youth and longevity. Despite the fabulous areola surrounding this story, it is not devoid of some credibility. In fact, there are 5 exercises of Tibetan monks who allegedly lived in this monastery, and they have already managed to collect a huge number of the most positive and grateful reviews. According to them, this unique gymnastics, which is called the "eye of rebirth", improves health, cures a wide variety of diseases, and most importantly - prolongs the years of life and rejuvenates the body. What is the basis for such a healing power of these Tibetan exercises on the human body?

"Whirlwinds" and "chakras" of Tibetan gymnastics

For all those who doubt the magical rejuvenating power that gymnastics "the eye of rebirth" possesses, there is a completely logical explanation for this miracle. And it comes from the same Tibet. Local lamas asserted the following postulates about human body which are at the heart of anti-aging exercise.

1. Each person has 7 energy centers inside him, which are called either "vortices" or "chakras". They are powerful energy fields that are invisible to the eye.

2. Each of the 7 chakras concentrates on a specific endocrine gland and promotes the production of hormones that regulate body functions, including aging.

3. 1st chakra (lower) is responsible for the work of the reproductive glands.

4. The second is focused on the work of the pancreas, in the abdominal cavity.

5. The 3rd controls the functioning of the adrenal gland in the solar plexus area.

6. 4th ensures uninterrupted work of the thymus gland (thymus) in the chest and in the region of the heart.

7. 5th focuses on the thyroid gland in the cervical region.

8. 6th - on the pineal gland in the back of the brain.

9.The 7th (highest chakra) is concentrated on the pituitary gland in the front of the brain.

10. In a healthy body, according to the Tibetan gymnastics "eye of rebirth", each of these chakras rotates at a high speed, thereby allowing vital energy to be carried up through the endocrine system.

11. As soon as one or several chakras die out, reduce the speed, the flow of vital energy weakens, which provokes rapid aging and deterioration of health.

12. Accordingly, the surest and fastest way to restore health, youth, vitality is to make the vortices rotate again at the maximum speed. To achieve this goal, gymnastics of Tibetan lamas offers 5 exercises, which the monks themselves call rituals or ceremonies.

Even a single exercise from this unique complex is very useful for healing and rejuvenating the body. If you do them regularly all together, respectively, their effectiveness will increase several times. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the effect of this unique gymnastics on the human body, you can find the book "The Ancient Source of Youth" by Peter Kelder: "The Eye of Rebirth" owes its popularity to this literary and scientific masterpiece. What kind of exercises are recommended to always remain young and beautiful?

Tibetan Exercises: Technique

Explore the rituals offered for daily execution gymnastics "eye of rebirth": the exercises are quite simple, so that everyone can master them.

First exercise

1. Stand up straight, stretch your arms horizontally.

2. Rotate from left to right (in the direction of movement of the clock hands) until dizzy. For the first time, 3-4 spins are enough. With the regular execution of this exercise, the number of revolutions around its axis should be increased to 21.

3. If at the onset of dizziness you want to sit down or lie down, be sure to do it.

4. To keep your head from spinning as long as possible, before doing this exercise, focus your gaze on a specific point in front of you. Once you start spinning, try to keep your gaze on her for as long as possible. Lost it - immediately turn your head and try to find it again.

5. Tibetan lamas believed that this exercise should not be driven to fanaticism: maximum amount rotations that can be done - 21, but even then only physically well prepared. For an ordinary person, 12-15 rotations will be enough to bring the chakras into action.

Second exercise

1. Lie on your back, face up. This exercise best done on a thick rug or some kind of padded mat.

2. Lying on your back straight, stretch your arms along your torso, placing your palms on the floor with closed fingers.

3. Raise your head off the floor, pressing your chin to your chest.

4. Having done this, raise your legs, without bending, to an upright position.

5. If physical fitness allows, bring your legs to the head above the body, but continue not to bend them at the knees. If it is not possible to keep your legs in a strictly upright position, you can bend them as much as necessary. However, during the subsequent exercise, you need to try to straighten them as much as possible.

6. Slowly lower your head.

7. Just lower your legs slowly, without bending your knees, to the floor.

8. Relax all muscles.

9. Repeat the exercise.

10. Each time, observe the breathing rhythm: inhale deeply when raising the legs and head, exhale fully when lowering the legs and head. Between repetitions, while relaxing the muscles, monitor your breathing without losing rhythm. The deeper the breath, the better.

Third exercise

1. Get on your knees, straighten your body.

2. Put your hands on your hips.

3. Tilt your head and neck forward, pressing your chin to your chest.

4. Throw your head back as much as possible, at the same time leaning back, bending the spine. In this case, you need to lean on your hands on your hips.

5. Return to the original position, start the exercise again.

6. Follow the rhythm of breathing: bend in the back, take a deep breath. When returning to an upright position, exhale. Deep breathing is the most beneficial, so you need to take in as much air as possible into your lungs.

Fourth exercise

1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you, spreading them 30.5 cm.

2. The torso should be straight, put your hands with your palms on the floor along the body.

3. Press your chin to your chest.

4. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

5. Raise your body so that the knees are bent, and the arms remain straight, the body should be in a straight line with the hips horizontally to the floor.

6. Hands and feet below the knees are lowered perpendicular to the floor.

8. When returning to the original sitting position, relax the muscles.

9. Relax before repeating the exercise.

10. Monitor your breathing: take a deep breath when lifting your torso. With muscle tension, hold your breath. Going down, exhale fully. Continue breathing at the same rhythm during rest.

Fifth exercise

1. Turn your face down towards the floor.

2. The torso is supported by the hands, palms rest on the floor, the fingertips are bent.

3. Arms and legs are straight, at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

4. The back is lowered so that the torso is in a bent position.

5. Tilt your head back as far as possible.

6. Bending the lower back, put the body in the opposite position of the letter "V".

7. Press your chin to your chest.

8. Return to starting position.

9. It is necessary to try to descend from the top position to a point almost touching the floor. Tighten the muscles both in the extreme upper and in the extreme lower position.

10. Follow the same deep breathing as in the previous exercises. Raising the torso, take a deep breath, lowering it - exhale completely.

These are the 5 exercises offered by the gymnastics of Tibetan monks: with a certain complexity, specificity, they are designed to heal and rejuvenate the body. If someone found the execution technique incomprehensible, you can watch a special video "The Eye of Revival 5 Exercises Video", in which trained people clearly show their implementation. Conquers a large number of positive reviews about this unique system. Having become familiar with it in theoretical terms, many want to put it into practice. To make it as effective as possible, you need to adhere to certain recommendations.

It should be borne in mind that the gymnastics of Tibetan lamas requires endurance, endurance and regularity. If you approach its implementation with all responsibility, the results will not be long in coming.

1. First, each exercise must be repeated a total of three times. Each subsequent week, the number is doubled and eventually brought to 21.

2. Exercises can be done in the morning or in the evening, at any convenient time. The load can be varied. For example, in the morning do the full number of repetitions (21 times), in the evening - 3-6, gradually increasing the rate, until the number 21 is reached in the evening. Especially nice results gives morning exercises Tibetan lamas after awakening, literally at dawn.

3. The five exercises work in concert with each other. They are all equally important. However, under no circumstances should you overexert yourself. You need to gain strength gradually.

4. Is it only in the complex that the “eye of revival” works: 5 exercises are so strong that even if one of them is excluded, then with regular performance of the full number of the other 4 exercises, excellent results will be achieved.

Those women who aim to live a long and happy life staying young and beautiful until old age, you should definitely try this wonderful Tibetan gymnastics that opens the body's chakras. To resolve controversial issues and gain more confidence, be sure to watch the video "eye of rebirth", which tells in detail the history and basic principles of gymnastics that came down to us from Tibet.

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If a person searches the net for 5 Tibetan exercises for every day, then most likely he has read Peter Kelder's book "The Ancient Source of Youth" (or heard about it). It is difficult to judge whether the author is presenting a fictional story, or whether it is taking place. It is not even known for certain whether the author himself, P. Kalder, existed. In any case, no evidence of his stay on Earth has survived. Perhaps the name and surname are fictitious, since the book was, first of all, a message and, secondarily, a work of art with an intriguing plot and a touch of mysticism.

Rules for the exercise "5 Tibetan pearls"

But, be that as it may, wellness system, set out in the book and including five exercises of Tibetan monks, recommendations for breathing, exercise technique, nutrition, is quite effective and has already helped many men and women. Thousands of people have tested on themselves its positive impact, and the number of followers of the "Eye of Revival" is steadily growing. This means that the message has achieved its goal.

When doing the Five Tibetan Pearls exercises, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • You need to do it on an empty stomach.
  • Pay attention to breathing technique. Breathing should be deep, even, synchronous with body movements. Between inhalation and exhalation, always take a short and comfortable pause with a breath holding, during which you will hold one or another position. In the description of each exercise, we will focus on breathing technique.
  • The order of the exercises cannot be changed.
  • Start with a 3-fold repetition of each exercise. Increase the number of repetitions by 2 each week until you reach 21 times the count.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring yourself to overwork, calculate your strength.
  • It is necessary to perform exercises in an even, unclouded state of mind. It is recommended to purify oneself by prayer, meditation before classes - what is closer to whom.
  • For exercising, you need a rug that is warm and dense so that it is comfortable to perform exercises from a lying position for a long time.

It is imperative, after each exercise, to pause, during which you need to stand up straight (hands on the belt) and take several deep and slow breaths in and out, watching the sensations in the body

Let's go directly to the description.

Exercise five pearls of Tibet. Diagram of all exercises

The first exercise of the five "pearls of Tibet"

This is more of an energy exercise that simultaneously trains the vestibular apparatus.

Starting position: standing, feet - foot-width apart, arms - spread apart, palms down, head - straight. Execution: at a uniform speed, begin to rotate around the axis clockwise. Make turns until the first dizziness. It is possible to push back the vertigo threshold using a dance technique called "point holding". If you feel dizzy after three times, it means that each in the following days, perform three turns until the dizziness disappears. Then gradually increase the number of turns.
Never turn on your axis more than you can without feeling dizzy. Even if you are already doing the rest of the exercises in full. Despite the seeming simplicity, mastering the first ritual action (training the vestibular apparatus) can take a year or more. Be patient.

The second exercise of the five Tibetan pearls

Starting position: lying on your back. Legs are straight, brought together, arms are along the body, palms are pressed to the floor. Performance:

Exhale deeply. On a smooth and deep breath, raise your head and press your chin to your chest, raise your shoulders, your hands rest on the floor with your palms, then raise your straight legs as close as possible to you. Do not lift the pelvis, do not lift the lower back off the floor. Feet - in a neutral position, do not pull the toe. The main thing is to watch your knees - they should be retracted, legs - straight.

As you exhale, slowly lower your legs. And only then - the shoulders and head. If you return to the starting position in reverse order, an unwanted load on the lumbar spine will be created.

The alternating inhalation and exhalation should be slow, calm and deep and the same in duration. Try not to beat the rhythm of breathing. Even if you decide to rest, breathe at that pace and as deeply.

The third exercise from the set "5 Tibetans"

Starting position:

Kneeling, the hips are strictly perpendicular to the plane of the floor, the knees are at a distance of the width of the pelvis, the position of the feet is vertical with the pads of the fingers on the floor. The back is straight, the shoulders are unfolded. The palms of the hands lie on the back of the thigh muscles, the fingers "look" forward, the elbows are directed backward, the chest is unfolded.


At the beginning, the exercise is a deep exhalation. On exhalation, stretching the spine, tilt the chin towards chest... Then - on a deep and slow breath, we bend the spine back. At the same time, we throw our head back, slightly resting our palms on the hips, bend the chest. On exhalation, we return to the starting position.

You can inhale and exhale, resting, and repeat the exercise from the beginning.

In the third ritual action, the deflection is carried out at the expense of the thoracic region, but not the lumbar. Pay attention to this.

Fourth exercise of the five Tibetan pearls

Starting position:

Sitting on the floor, legs are extended and spread shoulder-width apart. The back is straight. Put your palms on the floor on the sides of gluteal muscles... The fingers are closed and directed forward.


On a deep exhalation, stretching your back, lower your chin to the chest. While inhaling, we perform the following actions: throwing our head back, raise the body, resting our hands and feet on the floor. The arms remain straight, the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 °. It turns out to be such a "bridge in reverse". As a result, the torso and hips should be in one straight line, raised above the floor. Having reached this position, hold your breath, strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds. Then relax and as you exhale, return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. If you need rest, rest, but remember to breathe deeply and evenly as well.

Fifth ritual act

Starting position:

The emphasis is lying bent over. In this case, the fingers are closed, the hands are located at hip joints, arms are straightened. Pay attention to the shoulders! The head should not fall between the shoulder joints. Stretch the top of your head up, extending your neck. You lean on your palms and toes. The legs are at the same distance from each other as the hands. The shins, thighs and pelvis do not touch the floor.


On exhalation, throw your head back and up, bend in the thoracic region. The pelvis and legs remain motionless. While inhaling, we smoothly transfer the chin to the chest, while simultaneously lifting the pelvis up. Legs and arms remain straight, heels touch the floor. The body turns out, as it were, folded in half in the area of ​​the hip joints. Do not bend your knees. Hold for a while in this position, "sag" in the shoulders, relax (the chin is pressed against the chest). Then, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Please note that after performing the ritual actions, you must take a warm or summer shower. But by no means cool. Douche cold water- is excluded. This is a safety technique.

It will be a little difficult in the beginning. But very soon you will be doing the Tibetan complex with ease. It is best to practice every morning at sunrise. Although, it is not forbidden even after work, in the evening - at sunset.

Time will pass, and you will understand that the five Tibetan exercises for every day are not easy. wellness gymnastics, it is one of the tools for personality transformation and will training.

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