Can an adult learn to ride a bike? Cornering and braking

Many people want learn to ride a bike and forget that this requires special skills. If you have never ridden a bicycle (or: a scooter, moped, scooter, motorcycle, etc.), you will face difficulties, first of all, in the part that you will not be able to keep your balance and will constantly fall on some side, not having traveled a dozen meters. It doesn’t matter, it’s fixable, even the most not gifted students in a few days comprehend the technique of riding a bicycle. However, if you learn wrong, the task can be too difficult, to the point that you lose all desire to learn and ride a bike.
In order to ride a bike, you need two conditions: serviceable bike and an asphalt road. My advice: Immediately, lower the saddle as low as possible, this saddle position is only necessary for training, when the necessary driving skills are mastered to. The saddle must be lowered in order to avoid possible more serious consequences in case of falls, and also, we will almost eliminate or reduce the number of falls to a minimum. For the future, if you do fall, do not be discouraged and do not try to quit studying, show me at least one child who would not fall while learning to walk? Such are unknown to me, and nevertheless, everyone goes through it. It will be better if the asphalt surface is a little shallow, that is, there is a slight slope. The road should not be congested with traffic.

How to learn to ride a bike?

At the top of your chosen road, hop on your bike. Both feet should reach the pavement completely when in the saddle. Not for nothing, I advise you to choose exactly a gentle section of the road, because you don't have to pedal, you can just roll off it. Learning to balance and pedal in one moment is much more difficult than doing it individually. Start lifting your feet off the asphalt, the bike will move, don't worry, the movement will be slow and predictable. You drove a couple of tens of centimeters and your foot was again on the asphalt, did you stop? Congratulations, the first step is over! Keep repeating it, look ahead a few meters and lift your feet off the asphalt again. After all, for the tenth time, you have already driven a little more? When you are below, walk upstairs with your bike :), this will give you time to think about how best to maneuver the steering wheel to keep your balance and you will begin to appreciate the distance covered
It is unlikely that such training will last long, most likely in a couple of hours, or in the evening today, the descent will be completed without touching the ground. Do not let yourself accelerate very quickly, if the speed increases and bothers you, use the brakes lightly, the rear brake is better. With the front brake, at first, you should be careful, if you squeeze it, there is a chance to fly out through the steering wheel.
Once you have learned how to keep your balance and drive downhill without any problems, it's time to move on to even asphalt. We take the starting position on the bike. At the same time, as your legs are torn off on the asphalt, push them back, with the help of such a jerk, the bike with you will travel several meters, repeat the push with your feet. If you succeed, that's great! So it's time to keep balance (which we already know how) and pedal at the same time. Determine which jogging leg you have, for this remember which leg you put first on the stairs up. Place the same foot on the pedal with the pedal on top. Step on the pedal, the bike will start (do not forget about balance: D), now put your other foot on the pedal, you will have enough time, because the bicycle by inertia moves from the depressing of the first foot on the pedal. Start pedaling forward. If something doesn't work out, wait to put your other foot on the pedal, just push one pedal and ride using inertia. Just a little bit left and now ... both feet are already on the pedals, the bike is moving - most of the work is over.

Learning to turn and turn on a bicycle

When the sense of balance is mastered, and your legs get used to pedaling, you can ride for a very long time, but sooner or later, you will need to turn or turn around. For learning, we need a wide road, as wide as possible, but without cars. You can go to the free sports ground, say, basketball. Sit on the bike and ride forward, for starters, learn to just turn right or left. Do not make a sudden movement of the steering wheel, just slightly turn it in the direction where you are going to turn, you need to feel it. When you learn to turn, you will learn how to turn, but remember, the less room to turn, the more difficult it will be to go through. Here you will have to practice, be especially careful in the reversal, for beginners, this is where falls lurk.

All of the above is suitable both for teaching a child and an adult. Also, it is rumored that learning to balance is easier on a scooter. Unfortunately, I will not say for sure if this is true, tk. I myself have never ridden it, but I learned to ride a bike exactly according to the technique that I told you today. Thank you for the attention! Learn, ride. A bicycle is useful.

The bicycle for many modern active people remains a favorite means of transportation. Everyone can master the riding technique if they wish and have free time. We suggest finding out how to quickly learn to ride a bike.

Which bike is easier to learn to ride?

If you want to learn as soon as possible, you can use a low bike with a low or oblique frame. In this case, there must be such an opportunity to touch the ground with your feet. If you will be learning on a bicycle according to your height, then you need to lower the seat lower. It is good if in the event of a fall there is special protection in the form of a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and cycling gloves.

How to learn to ride a bike?

Learning how to ride a bike is actually not that difficult. To do this, first of all, you must follow these simple rules:

  1. Learn to balance and not use the pedals. Position the pedals so that the cranks remain parallel to the ground. Then you should put one foot on the pedal and push down on it. At the same time, push off with the other foot. After starting the movement, put the other foot on the pedal. After the point, you need to try to drive as long as possible. There is no such need to pedal. The purpose of the exercise is to maintain balance. While driving, it is important to keep an eye on the steering wheel - you do not need to twist it sharply in different directions. At this stage, it is necessary to maintain balance not by steering, but by the body of the body.
  2. Master the skills of proper distribution of body weight between arms and legs. It is very important here that the movements remain smooth and at the same time confident, without sudden steering movements. When learning, you need to understand that a very high speed requires experience and a very good reaction. It is very difficult to control the bike at a slow speed. Average pace is optimal. At the very beginning, you need to learn to confidently drive in a straight line, making minor turns with the steering wheel.
  3. Master cornering where they have a small radius. An example would be treadmill stadium. When making turns, it is important that the body is tilted slightly towards the side of the turn. Place your hand inside the circle on the steering wheel. With the other hand, you need to pull the shoulder in the direction of the turn and up.

How to ride a bike at speeds?

Experienced cyclists advise, when learning how to learn to ride a bike, not to change speeds while climbing. This is required for the reason that the pedaling rhythm will be lost and, moreover, there will be excessive fatigue. In addition, when moving upward during such manipulations, parts wear out. For this reason, it is recommended to shift before lifting, when the chain is most relaxed.

Many cyclists rarely use the front derailleur. And there are also cyclists who prefer to use the forward gear during sharp changes in the slope of the road. Such a shift will be several times more effective than 2-3 reverse gear changes. Here it is very important to set the middle position on the rear sprocket well in advance. When you have to go before a good descent, it is better to change the speed in advance, since there is simply not enough time for this during descent.

When studying, it is important to understand at what speeds to ride a bike. Most modern bicycles have 2-3 sprockets and 7-10 sprockets. The large chainring is recommended when driving on a good level road when there is no headwind. It is also customary to use 4-8 driven stars. The middle guide sprocket is best for driving on dirt roads, poor asphalt and not very loose sand. In addition, slaves 2-6 are used with it. The small chainring should be used when climbing, driving through mud, swampy soil, sand, thick grass.

How to turn on the bike?

Not every beginner cyclist knows how to turn the bike correctly. You can learn this by maintaining balance. There are two ways: using the rudder and tilting. The first is used during low speeds, and inclines - during high speeds. First, you should work out narrow and short, and then long and wide turns in two directions at low speeds.

How to turn around on a bike?

You can learn to ride a bike at any age. One of the stages of this training is cycling turns. Turning maneuvers can be performed in the following ways:

  1. The cyclist needs to move from the edge to the middle of the road during a U-turn and slowly make a 180-degree U-turn along a smaller radius. Such turns should be used when there is little traffic on the road.
  2. The turn is carried out from the edge of the carriageway, when the cyclist moves in the same direction for a certain time, or while standing still, he waits for a “free” window to appear in the passing vehicle, and then begins to turn around.

How to brake properly on a bicycle?

Many children and adults want to learn how to learn to ride a bike. To keep cycling comfortable at all times, it is important to understand how best to brake the bike. Experienced cyclists advise beginners:

  1. Brake in such a way that does not block front wheel.
  2. If the wheels are blocked, release the brakes a little before the wheels start spinning.
  3. During braking, shift your body weight as far as possible in order to add additional weight to the rear wheel.
  4. Combine braking and maneuvers.
  5. In bad road conditions, brake with the rear brake.
  6. Braking with both brakes is most effective.
  7. Apply the rear brake slightly earlier than the front brake lever.

How to brake on a bike without brakes?

Do you want to know how to quickly learn to ride a bike? Not everyone modern bicycle there are special brakes. It is very important to understand how to brake on a bicycle without brakes. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to slow down the speed by stopping pedaling. When the bike starts to stop, you should touch the asphalt with your feet and thus stop traffic.

How to ride a bike backwards?

Not all cyclists know how to ride a bike backwards. To do this, turn to the rear wheel and lean on the pedal with one foot. To start moving, you need to transfer your body weight to the steering wheel and press the pedal with your free foot. Once you get moving, you will need to focus on maintaining balance. To do this, use the rear wheel, which must be perpendicular to the path of travel. When it turns out to be able to overcome more than ten kilometers, you can try to turn the pedals.

How to ride a bike without hands?

Once you've mastered the basics, you can learn how to ride a bike hands-free. Initially, you can try to drive with one hand on the steering wheel. When you feel confident while riding, you can try to remove two hands for a few seconds. In this case, it is better to keep your hands close to the steering wheel in order to take the steering wheel in time if necessary. When you learn, you can try to ride this way in an open area with a slight incline.

How to ride the rear wheel of a bike?

If you already know how to ride a bike, you can learn to ride a rear wheel... To do this, you will need to engage the required gear. The speed should be 10-15 km / h. It is important to make sure that the rear brake is working properly. When riding on the rear wheel, you will need to keep one or two fingers on the brake lever. The seat should be lowered. In this case, you will need to block the rear shock absorber. The front wheel will need to be lifted up. To raise the front wheel, press down firmly on the pedal and pull on the steering wheel.

Of course, everything starts from childhood, and one of the main tasks that parents face is to instill in their child a love of sports. And this can be done with the help of such seemingly banal things as a ball, etc. That is why almost every child is bought a bicycle for the next holiday or "just like that". And now the parents are faced with an intermediate task: to teach the kid to ride this "unit".

The result largely depends on the age and on the child's desire to learn how to ride a bike. Sometimes it happens that he remains unclaimed for several years, and when the child grows up, he suddenly shows a strong interest in cycling. And sometimes it happens that an unsuccessful attempt to learn for a long time, and sometimes forever, "kills" the desire to ride a bike.

MirSovetov strongly recommends that parents and grandparents be patient in such a difficult matter as teaching a child to ride. Usually children are already quite confidently driving without your "safety net" after about a week, so it will not take much time.

What do parents need to know when they want to teach their toddler to ride a bike?

  1. If the child is 2 to 4 years old. At this time, the kid will have to get acquainted with a three-wheeled bike. Be prepared for the fact that at first the child perceives it as a new, colorful toy. Give him time to get to know her, to study all the "shiny things", screws, nuts, pieces of iron. Only then get on the bike. The first lessons can be done at home; a flat paved area is also suitable.

    Start rolling the child, show how the steering wheel works, let the child choose the direction where to go. Only when he understands how to steer can he move on to studying the pedals.

    This will take quite a long time, because it is difficult for young children to synchronize the movement of their legs. You can show how to pedal on the move, but it's much easier if you secure the bike with the idler wheel in the suspension. Place the baby's feet on the pedals and show how to push them. Please be patient, the child will soon master this technique and will be able to ride on his own.

  2. If the child is between 4 and 6 years old. Suitable for this age two-wheeled bicycle with two additional (auxiliary) wheels, which must be installed a few centimeters higher than the main ones. These auxiliary wheels will hedge the child and teach him how to maintain balance.

    Do not delay with such a ride - when you see that the child feels confident, remove the auxiliary wheels, but do not forget to psychologically prepare the child. Tell him that it's time to ride like an adult, that he needs to be a little more careful, but you (or someone from your family) will definitely be there until he learns. And, of course, for the first few days you will simply need to run after your child. It is necessary to insure by holding the bike only in the most extreme cases, so that the child is alert, but feels that you are near. Remember, if you swear or just force things, you can discourage your child from continuing their lessons.

  3. If the child is 6 years old or more. An adult child can immediately be put on a two-wheeled bicycle, only for the first few days it is necessary to secure him by running after him and holding him so that he does not fall. Remember to be calm and patient, and then you will succeed.

Useful advice: If there is no way to buy a bicycle for your child, which is really very expensive today, then buy it for the first time. He will teach you how to maintain balance, and the kid can be explained that a scooter is a training session before riding a real "adult" bike!

Also, do not forget about the safety rules. Any cycling is not complete without falls, so be sure to buy a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads - this will reduce the number of abrasions and scratches, as well as protect against more serious injuries.

How to learn to ride a bike as an adult?

There are times when a grown-up person has absolutely no idea of ​​himself on a bicycle. This may be due to a hundred reasons: starting with the banal absence of a bicycle in childhood and ending with some psychological problems... But if you have a desire to learn to ride a bike by all means, then remember - nothing is impossible at all. The main thing is to adhere to several important rules and master the bike gradually.

First you need to "fit" your vehicle for yourself. This is one of the most important steps you should take. The seat should be so high that your leg is almost fully extended on the pedals, but at the same time you can freely reach the ground, this will help you when you learn the technique of movement.

You will also need knowledge of the brakes. To begin with, you only need the rear ones - it is better not to use the front ones, as the bike can simply turn over.

Further instructions assume a step-by-step study of cycling. Take your time and ask a friend who knows how to ride a bike to keep you company - this way you will feel much more confident.

When you can confidently complete all the previous lessons, lengthen your distance: you will need to drive from point A to point B, the distance between which is no more than 100 meters, and then turn around and return to your starting place. If you managed to do this without a single stop, then we can say with confidence that you already know how to ride a bike, and the rest is a matter of practice!

Learning to ride a bike is easy for both an adult and a child. To do this, you need to be patient, always remember about safety and not overwork during the first workouts. In this article, we will provide several recommendation articles on how to learn how to ride a bike as an adult. We will also give three simple steps on how to start the movement.

How to learn to ride a bike for an adult?

It is easier for an adult to learn how to ride a bicycle than for a child due to the more developed muscles and a sense of balance. However, learning can be hindered by an adult's fear of falling and, as a result, stiffness in movement, which is practically absent in children. Therefore, as in the case of children, you should start by maintaining balance. To do this, the bike saddle should be lowered all the way down so that you can easily get on the ground with your feet, and remove the pedals so as not to injure your shin.

You can start your workout on flat asphalt, and then go to a small hill. This will allow you to accelerate and practice some of the simplest driving maneuvers. The saddle and pedals are then replaced.

It is also important to remember not to pedal when cornering: speed can greatly increase the turning radius and cause a fall. To maintain balance, the handlebars should always be turned in the direction of the tilt of the bike.

The training load should be increased gradually. In the first days, 1 kilometer is enough; by the end of the week, the distance can be doubled. At first, it is enough to cover a distance of 10 km in 30-32 minutes. After this pace seems too easy, you can increase the mileage.

Recommendations for teaching an adult to ride a bicycle

  • When cycling, look forward at 5-10 meters
  • The steering wheel should be held freely, without tension.
  • Keep feet and knees parallel to the bike frame
  • You need to pedal smoothly, without jerking, without lifting your feet from the pedals
  • To maintain balance, the handlebars should be turned in the direction of the tilt of the bike.
  • The higher the speed, the higher the stability
  • Braking should be confident but smooth

The most important thing is to set up the bike correctly. Adjust the height of the seat so that you can touch the ground with your foot whenever you need it. The bike should be comfortable to sit on, you should not feel any discomfort. Stock up on protective clothing - gloves, tight pants, sweaters. Choose clothes that you won't mind throwing away if they break. Also determine the training location. Better if it is a site with dense, loose earth. The wheels should not get stuck in it.

Drive without pedaling. The first step is to hone your balance. To do this, place one foot on the ground and the other on the pedal. With your foot on the ground, push forward, and relax the other, do not apply any effort. Try to drive as far as possible in this way without tilting to one side. Do not twist the handlebars too much, the balance is maintained by your body and not by this control.

Move on to driving. It's time for the third stage - the ride itself. When you get on your bike, don't panic and relax your muscles. Distribute the weight across the four points of support - arms and legs - equally. The movements of the limbs should be consistent, without jerking. Keeping balance important role eyes play. Do not look under the wheels, only look forward. The body will instinctively keep its balance based on the change in the position of your body in relation to large objects. You only need to learn to drive in a straight line, turning the steering wheel only slightly turning the steering wheel towards the roll of your body. And one more important detail: driving too fast requires some experience, and too slow makes it much more difficult to maintain balance, so try to drive at an average pace.

Many adults still do not know how to ride, and many children really want to learn. There is nothing to be ashamed of here. Better to quickly join the most useful and convenient form of personal transport. Preparation, tips, and a few falls are essential, but anyone can learn to ride a bike.


Part 1

Safe driving rules

    Find a suitable place. A comfortable place away from traffic will work for training. It is best to choose a flat area without holes or bumps (driveway or sidewalk). If there is no suitable place near the house, then you can study in the parking lot or in the park.

    • At first, it is better to ride on a lawn or on fine gravel so that the fall is not as painful as on the asphalt. Note that it is more difficult to balance and pedal on soft surfaces.
    • If you want to learn how to balance and pedal on hills, then find a place with a gentle slope.
    • Find out if you can ride on sidewalks and other places in your city.
  1. Cycling clothing. Knee pads and elbow pads protect joints from damage and scratches, therefore it is recommended to use these shields. Long-sleeved trousers and sweatshirts will also provide additional protection against falls.

    • Do not wear baggy pants or long skirts as they can snag on the sprocket or wheel.
    • Choose closed-toe shoes to protect your toes from falls and touches of the bike's moving parts.
  2. Wear a helmet. Helmets are recommended for both beginners and experienced cyclists. Nobody knows when to get into an accident. Broken bones heal fairly quickly, but common head injuries in accidents can have lasting consequences. In some cases, a helmet is a legal requirement.

    Go out to study in the afternoon. You can ride a bike at night, but beginners are advised to study during daylight hours. It will take a long time to learn how to maintain balance. Over time, you will begin to travel to less secure areas, so it is important to see obstacles. At night, it is more difficult for drivers to spot a cyclist.

    • if you have free time only at night, wear light-colored clothing, and install reflectors and headlights on your bike.

Part 2

How to get on a bike
  1. Study on a flat surface. The bike is more stable in the driveway, sidewalk, traffic-free road, and park path. There are no slopes, so the fall is not high, it is easier to keep balance and stop.

    • Low grass and fine gravel will become good choice... Falling on them is not so painful, but it is difficult to pedal for movement.
  2. Adjust the seat height. Lower the seat so the cyclist can sit with both feet on the ground. The lower the seat, the easier it is to stop with your feet and not fall. Adults do not need extra wheels, but they will help children maintain balance, just like special bicycles without pedals.

    • You can remove the pedals so they don't get in the way, but this is not necessary.
  3. Check the brakes. Understand how brakes work. Get off your bike and roll it alongside you. Squeeze the brake levers to get used to the position, operation and pressure required. The brakes make cycling easier by allowing you to make an emergency stop at any time.

    Place one foot on the ground. You can sit on either side of the bike, but it is much more comfortable when it is on the side of the dominant hand. For example, a right-handed person might be standing to the left of the bike. Lift up right leg, throw it over the bike and place it on the ground on the other side. Hold the bike between your legs.

    • Feel the mass of the bike between your legs and keep your balance as you try to sit on the seat. Use your legs as support so you don't fall to one side.
    • Stay in the center of the bike and distribute the weight evenly on both sides of the frame. Sit up straight and do not bend over.
  4. Start moving smoothly. Do not use the pedals and push off with your feet. Raise your legs and step on the pedals. Try to maintain balance as you move. If the bike begins to tilt to the side, then stick out one leg and gently push off the ground.

    Look straight ahead. If you look at the obstacles, the bike will hit them directly. Try to direct your eyes along the chosen route of movement. It will take some time to get used to and not be distracted by the sides.

    Start pedaling. Place one foot on the ground and rest the other on the upward pedal. Push off, put your other foot on the lower pedal and start moving! Maintain your balance for as long as possible.

    • The faster the movement, the easier it is to maintain balance, but at speed it is more difficult to control the bike.
  5. Get off the bike. Do not brake with your feet. Learn to use the brakes. Stop pedaling, place your weight on the lower pedal and press both brake levers on the handlebars. At the moment of stopping, raise yourself a little and place your feet on the ground.

Part 3

How to ride the slopes

    Practice going down gentle slopes. Roll your bike to the top of the slope, sit down and descend without pedaling under the influence of gravity. Climb off and then repeat the descent as many times as you can to learn how to balance and control the bike as you move.

    Brake when descending slopes. If you are comfortable with keeping your feet on the pedals, then gently apply the brakes the next time you descend. Learn to slow down your bike so that you don't lose control or topple over the handlebars.

    Learn to turn. Once you have learned to go down without pedals, with pedals, and braking when driving in a straight line, try going down the slope again. Turn the steering wheel to change direction without losing control. Feel how the bike will behave when turning on the slope to adjust and maintain balance.

  1. Advice
    • With a confident ride, you can lift the seat higher and only touch the ground with your fingertips.
    • Always use personal protective equipment, including helmet and face shields.
    • It is more difficult for beginners to learn to ride bicycles with gears. On such a bike, you need to shift up to a higher gear in order to climb a steep slope.
    • Do not rely on other road users. Always keep an eye on cars and other cyclists.
    • Look in front of you while driving. If you look to the sides, then the bike will also tilt to the sides.
    • Learn to ride with an assistant (parents or adults). Help will not hurt at any age.
    • Learning with a company is more fun. If you are afraid of falling off your bike, then take inspiration from other beginners who learn without fear.
    • If you don't have a helmet and visors, learn to ride on the grass and away from busy roads.


    • Check local laws. In some cities it is necessary to always wear a helmet or it is forbidden to ride on the sidewalks.
    • Cyclists are often involved in accidents. Always wear a helmet to protect your head from injury. Shields will protect you from scratches and fractures.
    • Learn to ride a bike first, then learn about road safety, do not exceed the speed limit, watch out for cars and obey road signs.
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