Cycling Technique: Bunny Hop. What is BunnyHop? How to raise the front wheel high on a bmx

One of the set of standard basic tricks is the bunnyhop or "bannik" - a jump used to pass a variety of obstacles. It is used in the following disciplines: bmx, rarely found on the highway.

Before tackling more complex elements, cyclists are advised to first hone their bunny hop technique. This trick, in addition to jumping, also helps to simplify the passage of normal turns.

Before starting to practice on a bicycle, you should pay attention to a detailed study of the theoretical part.

Preparing for bunny hop

Bannik - a sophisticated version of such an element as hop, which is lifting above the ground at the same time at a high speed of the vehicle.

To perform a hop, you need to cuddle up to the bike and push off sharply upward. When pushing off, the initial position of the limbs on the handlebars and pedals does not change.

  1. Front-pool is a movement during which the front wheel of the bike rises. The initial position of the element consists in the horizontal position of the cyclist's legs slightly bent on the pedals and the body tilted forward at a slight angle.

    To lift the front wheel off the ground, you must continue to carry it backwards while pulling the steering section towards your stomach. The body needs to be straightened.

    It is important to remember that the wheel is lifted not by jerking with the hands with the application of great force, but by moving the center of gravity in back bike.

    The end point of the front pool is fully extended arms and legs, as well as the torso. It is worth considering an important detail - lifting the wheel for bunny hopping does not require.

    To return to the starting position from this movement, you must move your weight back and slowly lower the bike onto both wheels.

  1. Back-hop, on the other hand, is a jump with the rear wheel. The starting position of this element is similar to the initial position of the front pool - the pedals are horizontal, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted forward at a small degree.

    To perform the movement, you first need to quickly, but without making a jerk, transfer your body weight to the front wheel, in parallel, starting to straighten your arms. After, you need to fully straighten the limbs. The feet take a toe-down position, which must be lowered by 45 degrees.

    In order to return to the starting position, you only need to straighten your legs. But it should also be remembered that you must not put weight on the bike to perform the return to the starting position.

    If, during an attempt to lift the rear wheel of the bicycle, the feet do not remain on the pedals, they fly off, the angle of inclination is insufficient.

You can only try bunny hop after the front-pool and back-hop techniques have been honed through separate workouts for each exercise.

How is bunny hopping done

After the technique of the components of the bath has been perfected, you can start connecting them.

  1. The front pool bunny hop begins.
  2. Next, the cyclist must shift the weight own body forward, parallel slightly bending the legs at the knee joints.
  3. Then you need to transfer the weight to the rear wheel, straightening the limbs.
  4. The body gradually straightens, leaning back. Together with the tilt, it is required to further stretch to the abdominal area, not forgetting about the technique - the front wheel is lifted not with the help of a jerk with the hands, but by moving the weight.
  5. The rider reaches a straightened position with legs and arms.
  6. Back-hop is performed immediately after reaching the torso position specified in the previous paragraph. With your feet, you need to rest against the pedals, placing them vertically. Using the muscles of the legs, you need to start lifting rear wheel... The arms are used to steer the bike forward at the desired height.
  7. The next step is for the cyclist to squeeze the knees while continuing to pull the handlebars forward.
  8. After that, the center of gravity must be shifted back, tucking the legs. This position is typical for the maximum height of the element being executed.
  9. During the landing, the main efforts are made lower limbs as the rider will need to maintain balance.

Landing is softer on the rear wheel than on both.

Bunnyhop on BMX

Very rarely used by riders for movement. The main purpose is tricks.

The technique of performing a bannik on such a bicycle is almost the same as described above. But there are several factors that will help achieve have a good jump to a great height.

The increased extension of the bike can only guarantee a low jump, but it is much easier to pull it back at the moment of performing the trick. It is best to set the steering wheel to center position, as it not only promotes easy dragging, but also a high jump.

Correct foot placement means placing your feet under the pedal. This "pull-up" achieves better contact with the pedal, which helps to achieve greater effect when lifting the rear wheel.

At the moment of pulling up the arms, it is advisable to bend a little to tighten the steering part.

With the help of these tips, it will be easier to learn how to make the coveted bannik.

  1. on any of the bicycles is a rather traumatic event. Especially at the moment when the rider is just learning a new element, it will be better to provide protection - a bicycle helmet, knee pads and elbow pads, closed-type shoes.
  2. Holding the wheels in a locked position with the help is necessary until the bike lands.
  3. The first attempts to bunny hop on a bike should not be accompanied by the installation of obstacles, as the probability of failure is high.

    Only after the cyclist is confident in his abilities and is good at jumping without obstacles, you can try to perform the trick through a small obstacle, such as a box, stone, curb.

    The box is one of the safest options for a beginner, as it will crumple when hit and will not cause a fall off the bike.

  4. There should be plenty of space on the training ground, which is required for acceleration and subsequent landing. You should not choose a place with many irregularities, a large slope.
  5. Don't be afraid of falling. It is imperative to believe in what will eventually come out to bunnyhopping.

In the field of cycling, basic exercise belongs bunny hop - jump with acceleration over obstacles. Without the ability to master this, to learn other, more complex exercises, it is unlikely that it will work, therefore everyone who wants to classify himself as an extreme cyclist starts with him.

An important stage in mastering a jump is a correct understanding of its technical side. This does not mean that you will have to study some theory for a long time, no. On the contrary, on bikes the more practice the better. However, it is imperative to take a few minutes to read how this is done.

Execution technique

As a trick, bunny hop is a slightly more difficult variation of hop - bouncing at speed with both wheels. To do the hop exercise, you need to accelerate strongly on the bike, press into the bike, and then push upward, without changing the position of the arms and legs relative to the frame. When jumping, you cannot move the center of gravity and rotate the pedals.

Hop to the highest point

Bannik, as the cyclists call what we are talking about here, differs from the hop in that the push-off when jumping occurs only by the rear wheel. It turns out that the bicycle "rears up" before passing the obstacle. The sequence of performing the trick is as follows:

  1. Accelerate strongly and coast before jumping. Fix your legs clearly on the pedals.
  2. Lean over and place some weight on the front of the bike. This is the so-called jump entry.
  3. Straighten up and shift the weight of the whole body back. In addition to the torso, it is necessary to straighten the legs with force and pull the handlebars towards you - this way the bike will assume an inclined position.
  4. Once the rear wheel is off the ground, the knees need to be bent and the handlebars continue to be pulled up to the chest.

If the technique is correct, then the bike should land on the rear wheel. The position of the cyclist after the jump: the legs are bent, the arms are straight (as if they are still pulling the handlebars), the body is thrown back, and a significant part of the weight falls on the rear wheel.

Jumping BMX

Various BMX stunts are a native element. We can say that such bicycles are practically not used for riding, but they jump and fly well in the air. The sequence of performing the trick, in principle, was described above. However, there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account in order to obtain an accurate and high jump.

The more the steering wheel is out, the lower the jump will turn out, while it will be easier to pull it back when jumping. It is best to keep the handlebars in mid-position so that you can haul it easily, and at the same time, the bike will fly high enough. The legs should be properly held in the "pull-up" position, that is, the pedal is located above the foot. This gives the shoe better contact with the surface of the pedal and more effectively pulls up the rear wheel. At the peak of raising the front wheel, it is recommended to bend your arms slightly to tighten the steering wheel. Bunny hop is performed in several stages:

  • Pulling the rear wheel through the pedals.
  • Flexion of the legs.
  • Pull the steering wheel towards you.
  • Flexion of the elbows.
  • Landing on the rear wheel.

More clearly how to do this correctly is presented in the video:

Jumping obstacles on mountain bikes

This type of bike is designed for rough terrain and off-roading, but in the city you can often find a mountain bike cyclist jumping on curbs or jumping speed bumps. These jumps are nothing more than a regular bunny.

The principle of performing a trick for MTB is completely analogous to jumping on a bmx: acceleration, lifting the rear of the bike off the ground, lifting the front wheel over an obstacle and flying over it. It will be more difficult to perform the exercise on a mountain bike with wheels with a diameter of 29 inches. Because of big size wheel inertia increases, which prevents the bike from bouncing too high. In addition, larger wheels are more susceptible to impact damage.

Bouncing on the bike always carries a high risk of the cyclist falling. Therefore, first you need to protect yourself with protective equipment:

  • Bicycle helmet.
  • Knee pads with elbow pads.
  • Closed shoes.

All items of equipment must be clearly fixed!

Keep the wheels in a locked position until the bike comes to a complete stop after landing.

It is better to start doing the exercise without obstacles. As soon as it starts to work out and confidence appears, you can put small objects on the road: hemp, stones, cardboard boxes. The latter option is more acceptable for beginners, since there is no risk of falling off the bike when hitting.

It doesn't take much time to learn - two days maximum. The trick is simple to master, but it will help open the way to learning how to perform and do more complex things in the field of cycling.

Bunny hop(from the English "bunny hop") is a cycling trick, jumping over obstacles or over a barrier with the help of a bicycle. At the beginning of the trick, the cyclist (rider), quickly lifting the front part, moves to the back of the bike, then rises the rear without lowering the front part. It is necessary to descend, usually, either on the rear wheel, or on 2 at once. Jumping with 2 wheels at once is not bunny hop.

Bunny hop is useful in almost any discipline of mountain biking, bmx, and sometimes even on the highway. However, what may be more important is that the “bannik” is the basis for so many other movements that help both to make jumps and to simply take turns more quickly.

Execution technique

For training, it is easiest to use a small light bike with a low saddle - for example, BMX. However, a hardtail, and even a double suspension will do. But the latter are quite heavyweight, and to achieve desired result may take longer.
It is best to start your workout on a straight, level road without inclines. It is better to use small unbreakable objects as obstacles that will not damage the bike in case of an unsuccessful jump: for example, a cardboard box or several plastic bottles.
Bunny hop is based on two basic movements - Front Pull and Back Hop.

Front Pool

Raising the front wheel.

Step 1

The pedals are horizontal. The legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is slightly tilted forward.

Step 2

Step 3

The center of gravity is shifted back behind the saddle. Legs and arms begin to straighten.

Step 4

Continuing to lean back and pulling the steering wheel to the stomach, straighten the body. The front wheel of a bicycle is lifted not by the force of the hands, but by shifting the center of gravity back.

Step 5

This is a complete front pool. It is important to note that pedaling was not used to raise the wheel as with a wheelie. To return to the starting position, again shift the center of gravity back and gently lower the bike onto the front wheel.

As a result of training this exercise it is important to learn how to evenly distribute the pulling force transmitted from the back through the hands to the handlebars. Keep your arms straight when lifting the front wheel. If this is not the case, then you need to lean back more. It is also important to learn how to apply equal effort with both hands. Otherwise, after the front-pool, the bike will change its trajectory.

Back hop

Rear wheel jump.

Step 1

We accept starting position- the pedals are horizontal, the legs are slightly bent, the body is slightly tilted forward.

Step 2

Quickly enough, but smoothly without jerking, we transfer the weight forward. At the same time, the arms begin to straighten.

Step 3

The arms and legs are straightened, the feet are turned toe down by about 45 degrees.

Step 4

Bend your knees, resting on the pedals. We use only the strength of the legs, the angle of inclination of the body practically does not change.

The return to the starting position is done by simply straightening the legs. It is important here to try not to put all your weight on the bike.

As a result of training this exercise, it is important to learn how to confidently lift the rear wheel using the muscular strength of the legs. If, when trying to lift the bike, the legs fly off the pedals, then this means that the angle of inclination of the feet is insufficient - the feet must be turned vertically.

Bunny hop

After training the main components of bunny hop movements - front pool and back flip, you just need to connect them together.

Step 1

We start with the front pool.

Step 2

Slightly squatting, shift the body weight forward a little.

Step 3

We shift the center of gravity back, legs and arms straighten.

Step 4

We begin to straighten the body, continuing to lean back and pulling the steering wheel to the stomach. At this stage, it is important to remember that the front wheel is not lifted by the force of the arms, but by shifting the center of gravity back.

Step 5

The legs and arms are completely straight, the body is straightened.

Step 6

Starting from this step, we move on to back-hop. We place our feet vertically and resting on the pedals, we begin to pull the rear wheel upward with the help of our legs. The arms help to pull the bike forward as high as possible.

Step 7

The legs are squeezed at the knees, we continue to pull the bike forward with our hands.

Step 8

The weight shifts back, the knees tighten even more. This is where the peak jump height is reached.

Step 9

When landing, all the effort is on the legs. It is important to maintain balance here.

Bunny Hop completed successfully. It is important to ensure that the bike lands on both wheels at the same time, or first on the rear and then on the front.

Jumping BMX

Various BMX stunts are a native element. We can say that such bicycles are practically not used for riding, but they jump and fly well in the air. The sequence of performing the trick, in principle, was described above. However, there are some peculiarities that must be considered in order to get an accurate and high jump.

The more the steering wheel is out, the lower the jump will turn out, while it will be easier to pull it back when jumping. It is optimal to keep the handlebars in mid-position so that you can easily drag the bike and fly high enough at the same time. The legs should be properly held in the "pull-up" position, that is, the pedal is located above the foot. This gives the shoe better contact with the surface of the pedal and more effectively pulls up the rear wheel. At the peak of raising the front wheel, it is recommended to bend your arms slightly to tighten the steering wheel. Bunny hop on BMX is performed in several stages:

  • Pulling the rear wheel through the pedals.
  • Flexion of the legs.
  • Pull the steering wheel towards you.
  • Flexion of the elbows.
  • Landing on the rear wheel.

Jumping obstacles on mountain bikes

This type of bike is designed for rough terrain and off-roading, but in the city you can often find a mountain bike cyclist jumping on curbs or jumping speed bumps. These jumps are nothing more than a regular bunny.

The principle of performing a trick for MTB is completely analogous to jumping on a bmx: acceleration, lifting the rear of the bike off the ground, lifting the front wheel over an obstacle and flying over it. It will be more difficult to complete the exercise on a 29-inch mountain bike. The large size increases the wheel inertia, which prevents the bike from bouncing too high. In addition, larger wheels are more susceptible to impact damage.

Bouncing on the bike always carries a high risk of the cyclist falling. Therefore, first you need to protect yourself with protective equipment:

  • Bicycle helmet.
  • Knee pads with elbow pads.
  • Closed shoes.

All items of equipment must be clearly fixed!

Keep the wheels in a locked position until the bike comes to a complete stop after landing.

It is better to start doing the exercise without obstacles. As soon as it starts to work out and confidence appears, you can put small objects on the road: hemp, stones, cardboard boxes. The latter option is more acceptable for beginners, since there is no risk of falling off the bike when hitting.

It doesn't take long to learn how to bounce on a bike - two days maximum. The trick is simple to master, but it will help open the way to learning how to perform and do more complex things in the field of cycling.

  • If you want to learn how to jump really high, you have to work on your technique and watch how high you can lift the rear wheel. Train - it’s the same principle as in weightlifting, and it’s great for shaking your arms.
  • Jumping on a flat surface to a great height for no apparent reason is not easy. It will be easier for you if you jump over something.
  • Start training on small, light bikes. The difference in weight and mobility is critical in order to jump start.
  • Start jumping over cardboard boxes or small pieces of wood that will easily fall from the impact.
  • Try the manual, then lift the rear wheel as if you were doing the nose manual, push the pedals at an angle, then yank up, then yank both wheels out at the same time!
  • If you have a bmx, raise the front wheel as if you were doing a wheelie. Then shift your weight forward until you reach the highest point (do this quickly, but so as not to fly over the handlebars).
  • To bunny hop back (first lift the rear wheel off the ground), do a stop (after accelerating, hit the front brakes so as to lift the rear wheel off the ground), transfer the weight to the front wheel, then, firmly holding onto the steering wheel, sharply throw the weight back (the rear wheel is still in the air at this point).
  • If you have Mountain bike, you can use the force of the front shock absorbers: load the front wheel and use the resulting push to lift and raise the bike.


Bunny hop bmx- basic biking, looks like jumping on bmx. Would you like to know how to do bunny hop? Then you need to first of all carefully read this article "how to jump on bmx". And also read the information in the lesson "bunny hop video training" (how to) at the bottom of the page. Mindfulness will help you learn to jump high and good banihop using the site. Since the abilities of each person are individual, everyone will understand how to make bunny hop on bmx in their own way. But it is still worth reading and trying to catch for yourself the main features of performing a trick on a bicycle. bunny hop... A cool banik will make it easier to learn tricks like tailwhip.

If you master the trick called bunnyhop at a good level, then the other elements associated with it will be much easier to learn. So, bunny hop training(bmx jump) I advise you to start by learning to lift one rear wheel. You can learn more about this in the video below. At first glance, it might seem incredible to blow a bike into the air without the clipless pedals (they are the mechanism for attaching the boot to the pedal). It's a delusion. To lift one rear part of the large (this is necessary to be able to know how to learn how to bunny hop) ride standing on the bike with bent legs, the cranks (the part of the bike going from the pedal to the frame) should be in a parallel position relative to the ground - correct technique bunny hop. Tilt your feet forward a little, about 30 degrees ( important point in jumping training). Pay at first to this Special attention, in the future, this movement will be brought to automatism during banihop (it is clearly noticeable in the training on video). It will certainly help in training elements such as smith grind and others.

How to bunny hop bmx - jumping description

And so, shift the center of gravity (or simply lean a little) forward and try to make the movement with your feet, as it were, back up. If your feet are not tilted, and you just move your legs up, then you will come off the pedals with them, and the bike will remain in place (the main difficulty at the moment when you want to understand how to do bunny hop and how to jump on bmx). And so try this element until you feel that you are confidently doing it (for clarity, see video training). Further, as a transitional stage, we can advise you to learn how to just hop. This is a bmx jump with two wheels at the same time. It can be useful (according to the user Nalim), but learning it is not necessary at all, since similar jumping on bmx will never be as high as pure bunny hop on bmx. To hop, you need to combine the leg movement described above and the upward pull of the steering wheel. Before that, you must sit down on your feet in order to lift the wheels off the ground as high as possible.

It is worth realizing the fact that if you are not able to jump high without a bike on the ground, then you will not be able to make a good and high bunny hop with a bike. So the height of the bmx jump directly depends on your physical strength... Consider the next step after hop. This will be the study of the "bunny hop" itself, also known as bunny hop. By the way, the trick got this name precisely because of the similarity with the jump of a rabbit. That is, when you first rise up the front part, and then the back follows it (to learn, watch the video how to). To understand how to bunny hop, You need to go to bent legs, shift your body weight backward, lifting the front wheel at the same time. At the same time, you should push off with your lower limbs, then lift the rear part of the bmx. If you are tired of reading, you can come off for a while and play bmx master on our website. What you should pay attention to is the choice of the average speed when teaching a bunny hop (as in how to). When driving fast, fear will interfere with learning a new element (you may not understand how to jump on a bmx), at low speed, unpredictable behavior of the bike is possible for various reasons, such as, for example, the friction force of the tire on the asphalt. It will increase at low speed, and the jerk you make during bunny hop on bmx will be misunderstood by the great.

How to jump bmx - make a good banihop

Bmx bunny hop- this is such a trick when it is necessary to merge with the bike together, so that it repeats all your movements during the jump (for clarity, carefully study the lesson with the video training banik). The movements themselves should be moderately sharp. I.e bunny hop it shouldn't look like you first rode the manual for some time, and then jumped (this will be more correct to learn). On the first day of one meter in height, you are unlikely to make a jump, stability and height comes with experience. The more often you try to do a banihop, the better your body will remember the movements and bring them to automatism. When building up the height with a bunny hop, it is worth paying attention to this moment, when you raise the rear, the front should not be at its maximum point, and also rise. Remember that the choice

The full name of this Bunny techniques Hop (Rabbit jumping) in the people is simply called a bouncing. Everyone has probably heard about her more than once. So what is bhop? This is a technique that allows you to move in Counter-Strike by jumping, so to speak, jumping. The speed in good bhop is higher than when running. Therefore, everyone wants to learn this technique.
And I want to remind you once again that bhop is based on the same Strafe Jump technique, so how good your Strafe Jump is, the easier it will be for you to learn bhop. You can learn bhop in 20-30 hours. You probably won't be able to master bhop perfectly in 6 months. So I advise you to be patient before learning bhop.

How to do it?

The most important thing is to put the jump command on the mouse wheel (bind mwheelup + jump - wheel up or bind mwheeldown + jump - wheel down. Almost everyone jumps on the wheel down, including me). If you had a jump command on Space, then it would be more difficult for you to guess the moment when you need to jump, and when you jump on the mouse wheel, you perform several jump commands at once.

Now the technique itself:

1. Hold down the "W" button and hold until you reach the maximum speed.
2. Now that you have gained speed, jump on the wheel and perform the Strafe Jump technique, but without squatting: release W immediately after the jump, after releasing "W", hold down "D" (strafe to the right) and smoothly move the mouse to the right.
3. As soon as there is a little bit to the ground, we release "D" and stop moving the mouse to the right. Immediately upon landing, turn the wheel (jump). As soon as we pushed off the ground, hold down "A" (strafe to the left) and move the mouse smoothly to the left.
Then we simply alternate the strafe to the right, the mouse to the right and the strafe to the left, and the mouse to the left.

A common mistake for beginners when running a bhop is to control the buttons. After jumping for a week it will pass. When performing bhopa, in order not to lose speed, it is to move the mouse smoothly in the air from the start of the jump to the landing. Often people just turn the mouse in the first half a second in the right direction, and then fly straight. Speed ​​is gained during bhop not by jumping on a wheel, but by performing smooth strafe in the air. It is the strafe that increases your speed in the air.

You can also do bhop while sitting down. The technique of its execution differs only in that you just need to hold down "Ctrl" while executing bhopa. In practice, with the help of such a bhopa, it is easy to jump out of windows, to crawl through narrow cracks. If you train your bhop well in a squatting position, you can use it to crawl much faster in places with a low ceiling.


Don't rush to train on bhop cards. First you need to master bhop out of the blue. It will be difficult to remember the keystroke order right away, so set sv_gravity to “500” and practice until you memorize the entire keystroke order. Feeling that you have figured out the bhopa technique, jump in standard gravity (sv_gravity 800).

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