"Our Colonel was born with a grip: Servant to the Tsar. Father to soldiers..." (The Sword of Stalingrad)

Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing

Moscow burned by fire

given to the French?

After all, there were fighting battles,

Yes, they say, what else!

No wonder the whole of Russia remembers

About the day of Borodin!

- Yes, there were people in our time,

Not like the current tribe:

Bogatyrs are not you!

They got a bad share:

Few returned from the field ...

Do not be the Lord's will,

They wouldn't give up Moscow!

We retreated silently for a long time,

It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle,

The old people grumbled:

“What are we? for winter quarters?

Do not dare, or something, commanders

Aliens tear up their uniforms

About Russian bayonets?

And here we found a large field:

There is a roam where at will!

They built a redoubt.

Our ears are on top!

A little morning lit up the guns

And forests blue tops -

The French are right here.

I scored a charge in the cannon tight

And I thought: I will treat a friend!

Wait a minute, brother Musyu!

What is there to be cunning, perhaps for battle;

We're going to break the wall

Let's keep our heads up

For your homeland!

For two days we were in a skirmish.

What's the use of such nonsense?

We waited the third day.

Everywhere speeches began to be heard:

"Time to get to the buckshot!"

And here on the field of a formidable battle

The night shadow fell.

I lay down to take a nap at the gun carriage,

And it was heard before dawn,

How the French rejoiced.

But our open bivouac was quiet:

Who cleaned the shako all battered,

Who sharpened the bayonet, grumbling angrily,

Biting a long mustache.

And the sky just lit up

Everything suddenly stirred,

The formation flashed behind the formation.

Our colonel was born with a grip:

Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...

Yes, sorry for him: struck by damask steel,

He sleeps in the damp earth.

And he said, his eyes sparkling:

"Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us?

Let's die near Moscow

How our brothers died!”

And we promised to die

And the oath of allegiance was kept

We are in the battle of Borodino.

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke

The French moved like clouds

And all to our redoubt.

Lancers with colorful badges,

Dragoons with ponytails

All flashed before us

Everyone has been here.

You will not see such battles! ..

Worn banners like shadows

Fire gleamed in the smoke

Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,

The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,

And prevented the nuclei from flying

A mountain of bloody bodies.

The enemy knew a lot that day,

What does the Russian fight remote mean,

Our hand-to-hand combat!..

The earth shook like our breasts

Mixed in a bunch of horses, people,

And the volleys of a thousand guns

Merged into a long howl ...

Here it is dark. Were all ready

In the morning start a new fight

And stand until the end...

Here the drums crackle -

Yes, there were people in our time,

Mighty, dashing tribe:

Bogatyrs are not you.

They got a bad share:

Few returned from the field.

If it weren't for God's will,

They wouldn't give up Moscow!

I learned about Yakov Petrovich Gaverdovsky while studying my family tree, which, according to sources known to me, goes back to the 16th century. The search for information about this man, which I continue to this day, revealed to me an amazing personality whose life is worthy of general attention.

Traveler, explorer, warrior - this is the main line of my hero's life. The very life of Yakov Petrovich was short - in his thirties he died in the Battle of Borodino. The name of Gaverdovsky today can be seen in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on the marble plaque of the so-called "11th wall", where it is the sixth among those killed at Borodino.

I will say more about the military prowess of Yakov Petrovich in the Patriotic War. No less significant was his previous activity related to the promotion of Russia's interests in Central Asia and the development of the northern part of the Great Silk Road.

One of the first mentions of this person dates back to the end of the 18th century: “Yakov Gaverdovsky, a lieutenant of the quartermaster, in his “Notes on the consideration of the Orenburg Territory”, compiled in 1799-1800, noted that 293 people were serving on the southern border line of the region ". Probably, Yakov Gaverdovsky served on these borders of Russia from the Siberian provinces to Astrakhan.

It is known that the officers of the quartermaster unit were in demand mainly in wartime. And in peaceful days, they were filming locations in various parts of the empire. Special attention then turned to the removal of plans for the border areas. Probably, Yakov Petrovich also performed similar tasks. And soon he was entrusted with an important state mission.

Russia sought to develop trade and economic ties with the countries of the East. In 1802, the Minister of Commerce, Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsev, pointed out that the richest countries are those that play an intermediary role in trade between Asia and Europe. England was a good example of this. Russia could take a similar position by taking control of Central Asia, into which it already had three routes: through the Caspian Sea, Orenburg and Troitsk and the road laid in 1800 by mountain officers Burnashev and Pospelov from the Irtysh line to Tashkent through the Kazakh steppe. The most convenient and open was the road through Orenburg. Local, Moscow, Rostov, Kazan merchants walked along it. It was Orenburg and Astrakhan, according to Rumyantsev, who were to become strongholds on the trade route to Khiva and Bukhara and further to China and India.

To ensure the safety of caravan roads, the Minister of Commerce considered it useful to send an official to the Central Asian khanates, who could "claim various benefits and advantages in the trade of Russian subjects and give here correct information about the affairs of the local region and the state of the surrounding lands." It was this mission that fell to Yakov Gaverdovsky, who arrived in Orenburg in early 1803.

Rumyantsev drew up instructions for him: Yakov Petrovich had to convince the Bukhara Khan "to supply the Russian merchants with protective sheets on their way to Asia, assuring that the Bukharians who wish to go to Europe will also be granted protection." Soon an embassy of lieutenant Yakov Petrovich Gaverdovsky was organized in Orenburg with a trade and political mission to Bukhara. In July 1803, an embassy of 43 people set off from Orenburg along with a trade caravan. The travelers were accompanied by local guides.

It was impossible for the caravan to pass unnoticed in the steppes. What happened was what was to be expected: on September 9, 1803, robbers, numbering about a thousand people, surrounded the caravan in the Hodzha-Bergen tract, 780 miles from Orenburg. Despite the desperate resistance of a small convoy, the caravan was almost completely looted, and many members of the embassy were captured. Retreating with a fight, Gaverdovsky returned to Orenburg on September 27.

He left the following notes about the incident: “According to the announcement of the foremen again sent from the enemies to us, they did not want to let us go before, as we would pay them kun, or bribes for all those killed and wounded, according to their law. The merchants who remained with us, to whose arbitrariness we gave this demand, regretting more about their lives than about their property, undertook to fulfill the required payment to save everyone, because in previous years the satisfaction of a tax like this unjustly demanded by robbers always saved their caravans. They also persuaded the Kirghiz to take an oath under Alkoran that upon receiving the kun they would leave us calm. ... By the fifth o'clock in the afternoon, they had given out 6000 red coins and moreover ... cloth, leather and kinglets ... Above our expectations, the Kyrgyz, breaking the oath given to us and thinking to find us weakened, again began to attack us ... From our side, 6 people were wounded, but we cannot say anything reliable about the enemy, because they, like all Asians, did not leave the wounded and killed on the battlefield ... ".

It is characteristic that the robbers were loyal to their co-religionists. It was considered heroism to plunder Russian caravans. According to the estimates of the State Councilor Zhukovsky, in 1797-1800. 250 people were taken prisoner. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that the embassy mission of Gaverdovsky did not reach the final point of his campaign, Bukhara. Alexander I, having considered the reports of Yakov Petrovich, decided to partially compensate the merchants for their losses. The embassy clearly demonstrated that the main condition for the development of trade with Central Asia is the security of trade routes.

However, there was also positive result expeditions. Yakov Petrovich managed to collect original geographical and ethnographic materials about Kazakhstan. They were reflected in several notes submitted by him to the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in a special manuscript study "Review of the Kirghiz-Kaisak steppe". Doctor of Geography from Alma-Ata Aldar Gorbunov in the article “The first researchers of Kazakhstan. From Yakov Gaverdovsky to Aleksey Levshin", telling about the dramatic fate of Yakov Petrovich, reports that in the years following the embassy mission, Gaverdovsky collected information about the territory of Kazakhstan and adjacent regions of China and "wrote" Review of the Kirghiz-Kaisak steppe in two parts ", but from -due to the death of the author in the Battle of Borodino, this voluminous manuscript lay for almost 200 years in the Russian State Military Historical Archive, where it was recently discovered by Kazakhstani researchers. The author points to the undoubted benefit of this work: "Gaverdovsky carried out the first physical and geographical division of flat Kazakhstan." In addition, the description of Yakov Petrovich helped to determine the exact location of the Anyrakai battle - the last and most dramatic in the long-term war of the Kazakhs with the Dzungarian conquerors (1723-1730), which is compared in its significance with the Battle of Kulikovo for the Russians.

By 1812, Yakov Petrovich was a senior officer of His Imperial Majesty's retinue for the quartermaster unit, was chief quartermaster under the commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, the future war hero and Minister of War of Russia Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn (1764-1822). These two people had a strong male friendship.

On August 19, by order of Kutuzov, who had just been appointed commander-in-chief, a common rearguard of the united armies was created. Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn was placed in command of it. His right hand was Yakov Petrovich Gaverdovsky. More than 30 thousand soldiers entered the rearguard. From that moment until Borodino itself, the rearguard daily waged heavy, exhausting battles with the pressing French, giving the main Russian forces the opportunity to calmly retreat and prepare for a decisive battle. According to the memoirs of the future Decembrist General Alexander Nikolayevich Muravyov, “General Konovnitsyn ... had full power of attorney to Gaverdovsky, who really was the head of the rear guard, because nothing was done without his consent and nothing was refused. ... He had a rare ability every evening to dictate suddenly and at one time orders for movement and battle the next day to seven or more regimental adjutants and orderlies who came for orders. He was a glorious warrior in every respect. It is a pity that we lost him in the battle of Borodino. Konovnitsyn himself noted in a report to Kutuzov: “... Gaverdovsky was my best assistant in everything. His vigilant activity in the execution of all my orders, I must attribute most of all the successes of the rearguard.

And then the day of the Battle of Borodino came. On the morning of August 26, the French made their first powerful attack in the area where the command of the 1st Army was located. At a critical moment, Barclay de Tolly gave the order to Gaverdovsky, who had recently been appointed Quartermaster General of the 1st Western Army. Yakov Petrovich touched the horse and galloped to Borodino, where a desperate battle broke out between the Russian chasseurs defending the village and the French. After some time, Gaverdovsky's horse with a bloody saddle returned to his own.

The Konovnitsins had an estate in the town of Kyarovo, nine kilometers from the town of Gdov in the Pskov province. After the war, the whole family, taking into account the employment of Pyotr Petrovich in high government positions, lived in St. Petersburg, led a court life, but for various reasons traveled to Kyarovo, which continued to be a center of attraction for her. Gradually, some memorable signs began to appear in the estate. So, Pyotr Petrovich erected a monument in the park in honor of his friend Yakov Petrovich Gaverdovsky. Its special value was that the body of Yakov Petrovich was not found on the battlefield, therefore there was no his grave.

I feel an amazing feeling today, re-reading the lines of Lermontov's "Borodino", they are downright about Yakov Petrovich:

“Our colonel was born with a grip:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him: struck by damask steel,
He sleeps in the damp earth."

Yuri Goverdovsky

- Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing
Moscow burned by fire
given to the French?
After all, there were fighting battles,
Yes, they say, what else!
No wonder the whole of Russia remembers
About the day of Borodin!
- Yes, there were people in our time,
Not like the current tribe:
Bogatyrs are not you!
They got a bad share:
Few returned from the field ...
Do not be the Lord's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!
We retreated silently for a long time,
It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle,
The old people grumbled:
“What are we? for winter quarters?
Do not dare, or something, commanders
Aliens tear up their uniforms
About Russian bayonets?
And here we found a large field:
There is a roam where at will!
They built a redoubt.
Our ears are on top!
A little morning lit up the guns
And forests blue tops -
The French are right here.
I scored a charge in the cannon tight
And I thought: I will treat a friend!
Wait a minute, brother Musyu!
What is there to be cunning, perhaps for battle;
We will go to break the wall,
Let's keep our heads up
For your homeland!
For two days we were in a skirmish.
What's the use of such nonsense?
We waited the third day.
Everywhere speeches began to be heard:
"Time to get to the buckshot!"
And here on the field of a formidable battle
The night shadow fell.
I lay down to take a nap at the gun carriage,
And it was heard before dawn,
How the French rejoiced.
But our open bivouac was quiet:
Who cleaned the shako all battered,
Who sharpened the bayonet, grumbling angrily,
Biting a long mustache.
And the sky just lit up
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born with a grip:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him: struck by damask steel,
He sleeps in the damp earth.
And he said, his eyes sparkling:
"Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us?
Let's die near Moscow
How our brothers died!”
And we promised to die
And the oath of allegiance was kept
We are in the battle of Borodino.
Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And all to our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
All flashed before us
Everyone has been here.
You will not see such battles!
Worn banners like shadows
Fire gleamed in the smoke
Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,
The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,
And prevented the nuclei from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.
The enemy knew a lot that day,
What does the Russian fight remote mean,
Our hand-to-hand combat!
The earth shook like our breasts;
Mixed in a bunch of horses, people,
And the volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl ...
Here it is dark. Were all ready
In the morning start a new fight
And stand until the end...
Here the drums crackle -
And the basurmans retreated.
Then we began to count the wounds,
Count comrades.
Yes, there were people in our time,
Mighty, dashing tribe:
Bogatyrs are not you.
They got a bad share:
Few returned from the field.
If it weren't for God's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

Arrests in corruption cases related to the construction of the Kresty-2 pre-trial detention center near St. Petersburg continue

Imprisonments continue in high-profile cases related to corruption in the construction of a new prison near St. Petersburg (“Trud” spoke in detail about the scandalous construction site in the July 21 issue). The construction of the largest pre-trial detention center in Europe, worth more than 12 billion rubles, turned into another scandalous long-term construction.

On the last day of summer, the general contractor for the construction of the Kresty-2 pre-trial detention center, the head of the Petroinvest company, reserve lieutenant general Ruslan Khamkhokov, was detained at his home. He is suspected of giving a bribe of 350 million rubles to the former deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Colonel internal service Sergei Moiseenko, responsible for the building block of the department. A criminal case was initiated under article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Giving a bribe in large size within an organized group. The honored builder of the Russian Federation, who supervised the construction of the Palace of Congresses and the palace and park ensemble in Strelna, has not yet admitted his guilt.

According to investigators, back in March 2010, Moiseenko offered Khamhokov a deal: he must give 10% of each receipt of budget funds allocated for the construction of the prison, and the customer will sign acts of supposedly completed work for this. The general director of Petroinvest agreed to take part in this criminal scheme. “Further on, from March 2010 to August 2015, Khamhokov, through intermediaries, repeatedly gave Moiseenko bribes totaling at least 350 million rubles,” the Investigative Committee reports.

Recall that Moyseenko has been in custody since March 2017 on charges of organizing the murder of Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Chernov, head of the department for technical supervision and operation of construction facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service. He did not agree to sign acts of acceptance of outstanding work, fixed corruption violations. And he was shot in his car on the way home.

Another high-profile defendant is actively cooperating with the investigation - the general director and owner of the largest General Construction Corporation (GSK) Viktor Kudrin. In the asset of this company ski resort Igora, she also built the palace and park ensemble in Strelna, the second stage of the Mariinsky Theater, the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter. Kudrin at one time worked as deputy chairman of the committee on improvement and road facilities in the administration of St. Petersburg. The investigation believes that Kudrin participated in "embezzlement in an organized group on an especially large scale" and embezzled budget money intended for the construction of the detention center. He told how 10% of the billions allocated for construction went to kickbacks.

If Ruslan Khamkhokov was arrested in a luxurious apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, then Viktor Kudrin was detained at night in a luxurious mansion in the Leningrad region. The head of the GSK was already preparing to join his family, which he had previously taken to the United States, but ended up in the old "Crosses" - the new ones were never completed. Apparently, this change of fate impressed the businessman so much that he started talking about bribe-intensive processes at the construction of the Kresty-2 pre-trial detention center. According to investigators, he was also an intermediary between the bribe giver Lieutenant General Ruslan Khamhokov and the bribe taker Colonel Sergei Moiseenko.

The latter is located in the “magic house” - this is how the people call pre-trial detention center No. 3 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia on Zakharyevskaya Street, 6, the second entrance from Shpalernaya Street, 25. “There is a magic house on Shpalernaya Street - you go there as a boy, and you will come out an old man ”- such ditties were in use in the 1930s. Unlike Stalin's times, today in the pre-trial detention center on Shpalernaya, people under investigation are emphatically polite, there are only 34 cells, each of which contains no more than two people. But the inmates are absolutely isolated from the outside world. It seems that this had such an effect on the former curator of the construction of Krestov-2 that he also began to cooperate with the investigation.

It remains to add that combat officer Sergei Moiseenko served in the Pacific Fleet, commanded a special unit of the Marine Corps, visited hot spots in the Caucasus, among his awards is the medal "For Courage". After his dismissal from the army, he came to serve in the Federal Penitentiary Service, graduated with honors from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And here on you...

"For the love of money is the root of all evil." You can't really say.

M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Borodino" is read by Valery Barinov

"Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing
Moscow burned by fire
given to the French?
Were there fights?
Yes, they say, what else!
All of Russia remembers not for nothing
About the day of Borodin!

- Yes, there were people in our time,
Not like the current tribe:
Bogatyrs are not you!
They got a bad share:
Not many returned from the field ...
Do not be the Lord's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!

We retreated silently for a long time,
It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle,
The old people grumbled:
“What are we? for winter quarters?
Don't the commanders dare
Aliens tear up their uniforms
About Russian bayonets?

And here we found a large field:
There is a roam where at will!
They built a redoubt.
Our ears are on top!
A little morning lit up the guns
And forests blue tops -
The French are here.

I scored a charge in the cannon tight
And I thought: I will treat a friend!
Wait a minute, brother, Musyu!
What is there to be cunning, perhaps for battle;
We will go to break the wall,
Let's keep our heads up
For your homeland!

For two days we were in a skirmish.
What's the use of such nonsense?
We waited the third day.
Everywhere speeches began to be heard:
"Time to get to the buckshot!"
And here on the field of a formidable battle
The night shadow fell.

I lay down to take a nap at the gun carriage,
And it was heard before dawn,
How the French rejoiced.
But our open bivouac was quiet:
Who cleaned the shako all battered,
Who sharpened the bayonet, grumbling angrily,
Biting a long mustache.

And the sky just lit up
Everything suddenly stirred,
The formation flashed behind the formation.
Our colonel was born with a grip:
Servant to the king, father to the soldiers...
Yes, sorry for him: struck by damask steel,
He sleeps in the damp earth.

And he said, his eyes sparkling:
"Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us?
Let's die near Moscow
How our brothers died!”
And we promised to die
And the oath of allegiance was kept
We are in the battle of Borodino.

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And all to our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
All flashed before us
Everyone has been here

You will not see such battles! ..
Worn banners like shadows,
Fire gleamed in the smoke
Damask steel sounded, buckshot screeched,
The hand of the fighters is tired of stabbing,
And prevented the nuclei from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.

The enemy knew a lot that day,
What does the Russian fight remote mean,
Our hand-to-hand combat!
The earth was shaking like our chests
Mixed in a bunch of horses, people,
And the volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl ...

Here it is dark. Were all ready
In the morning start a new fight
And stand to the end...
Here the drums crackle -
And the basurmans retreated.
Then we began to count the wounds,
Count comrades.

Yes, there were people in our time,
Mighty, dashing tribe:
Bogatyrs are not you.
They got a bad share:
Not many returned from the field.
If it weren't for God's will,
They wouldn't give up Moscow!
