Swami give your real name and surname. Osho disciple and master of oriental practices, mysterious swami dashi

Swami Dashi is the most mysterious participant in the 17th season of the "Battle of Psychics" show. Little was known about the biography of the psychic before the filming of the TV show began, but this did not prevent him from becoming a favorite of the public, passing all the tests and bypassing competitors.

Biography of Swami Dashi (Petra Smirnova)

There is no publicly available information about when and where Swami Dashi was born. The master does not talk about his childhood, in what family he grew up, where he studied and worked. To compile a biography for Swami Dashi, one has to extract data from a grain of his interview.

According to some fans, the psychic himself was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg. There is no data on the year of birth, but many believe that he is about 50 years old. It is known that the psychic Swami Dashi has a loved one who is much younger than him. He has four children, while the eldest son is 34 years old, and the youngest is 6 years old. There is no more data - the master prefers to keep his personal life a secret.

Swami Dashi traveled a lot in Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, lived in India for over 20 years. While traveling, in the land of contrasts, he communicated with the Teachers, comprehended Eastern and Western practices. He began to practice oriental massages, meditation and yoga, Osho's bodily pulsations. He changed his birth name - Peter Smirnov - to the pseudonym Swami Bodhi Dashi, which fully reflects his personality. In Judaism, "Swami" means a person freed from feelings.

Swami Dashi - participant of the "Battle of Psychics"

From the first issue, it became clear that Swami Dashi is a real contender for victory. He easily found a man in the car, talked about Natalia Sumburskaya's strong connection with her father, who went to prison when the actress was very young. The psychic surprised the jury and TV viewers throughout the filming: he easily coped with all the tests, as if he read the characters from notes and told their secret pages of life. Especially brilliantly he coped with the test, during which it was necessary to find a way out of a building full of armed people.

Swami Dashi - winner of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics (2016)

The best psychics claimed the first place: Marilyn Kerro, Daria Voskobaeva, Masha Gan, Denis Vysotsky, etc. It was not easy to snatch victory from the hands of rivals - everyone deserved to receive a prize. At the final test, the psychic Swami Dashi and the witch Daria Voskobaeva proved to be the best. The finalists were so good that the jury was unable to determine the winner and they had to resort to a white envelope. According to the results of the draw, Swami Dashi became the best of the best.

Swami Dashi after the "Battle of the Psychics"

After participating in the television show "Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi became incredibly popular. This led to the fact that a flurry of letters and calls from fans fell upon him, and in in social networks dozens of fake accounts appeared. It is easy to distinguish a real account from a fake one - Swami Dashi does not provide remote consultations, does not answer questions in social networks, does not take prepayment for an individual appointment.

Those who want to change their lives for the better come to the master, to find themselves with the help of bodily oriental practices. Swami Dashi has an official website in the public domain, and there are several Meditation Centers. The master uses the author's methodology based on energy practices with a thousand-year history. He focuses on a combination of Eastern and Western approaches, spiritual practices, the balance of physical, spiritual and mental activity. Practicing massages, teaching meditation and yoga, Osho bodily practices.

Swami Dashi does not engage in predicting the future, magic and rituals that can be harmful. If you want to tell fortunes, make a love spell or lapel, spoil the damage, you better not contact the master with such requests. But if you want happiness and health, dream of getting rid of emotional garbage, trauma, fears - you are welcome. Swami Dashi will help you take a step towards yourself.

One of the most extravagant participants in the new season of the "Battle of Psychics" - spiritual practitioner and mystic Swami Dashi has become almost the most popular and discussed participant in the show. Almost nothing is known about the origin of the mysterious and strangely dressed psychic, except that he lives in St. Petersburg and has four children. Nevertheless, Dashi has had a successful business for more than one year - the mystic conducts seminars and is the founder of the "Spirit - Soul - Body" project, where she helps people find harmony with themselves. Nevertheless, any phrases about his personal life, accidentally dropped by Dasha, arouse the colossal interest of all his fans. In an exclusive interview with Life, the psychic himself spoke about 20 years spent in India and why he hides his family.

According to the stories of the practitioner, until the moment when he decided to come to the "Battle of Psychics", for a long 20 years he did not get in touch with the world around him. All this time, Dashi was in the ashram - a temple remote from civilization for members of the religious community. In the temple, the mystic studied the philosophy of Osho, an Indian spiritual leader, and meditated. After returning to Russia, Dashi began to believe that his possibilities were endless.

- I sometimes miss India, - Swami Dashi told Life. - I spent many years at Osho Ashram in Pune. He was engaged in various practices, studied, starved, meditated, rested from society and got rid of its influence. I was lucky, in my life I met several real teachers who gave me a lot. Those who radically changed my life, and those who gave such knowledge and experience, which are still the core of my life.

At the time of the project, Dasha closed his personal life so much from prying eyes that when Life declassified his real name - Peter Smirnov - and his family, he several times thought about leaving the project. According to the psychic himself, he built a barrier for his family through which strangers should not step over.

I love solitude and silence, I consider my life and the life of my family a taboo for others. Names, dates, specific data give people an extra opportunity to penetrate the protective barrier that I have painstakingly created for many years in order to protect myself and my family from strangers.

As it turned out, the name Dasha was also given to the practice in India. Moreover, the psychic no longer responds to the name given at birth, because, according to him, he has already become a different person. By the way, the mystic even has an honorary title in Hinduism.

The name Dasha (Darshi) was given to me by my Master. When your master gives you a name, he sees the vector of your development, and one day you must begin to correspond to your name. Getting a new name means meeting oneself. At first, once an hour you have to ask yourself whether I live up to my name or not, then once every 3 hours, then once every half a day, then once a day, and so on. And one day you stop asking, because you are already becoming the vector that the master gave you, and you have only one name. "Swami" is an honorary title in Hinduism, meaning "self-possessed" or "free from the senses."

Swami Dashi is a famous Russian psychic with a mastery of yoga and excellent skills in the field of alternative medicine. He gained his popularity after participating in the 17th season of the famous TV show "The Battle of Psychics".


There is little information about Dasha's biography. His real name and surname is Peter Smirnov. It is believed that his birthday is August 22. Place of birth - St. Petersburg. The exact date of birth is carefully hidden by a psychic. He does not disclose it to anyone and even tries to confuse everyone, each time providing incorrect information. According to Internet sources, his approximate age is now 61 years.

Dasha describes her life in more detail in her autobiographical book "Rebirth". In it, he reveals many secrets and secrets from life that have never been mentioned in the media before. For example, why did he starve for 40 years, how he hid from bandits, how he sees his death and others Interesting Facts... In the book, Dasha paid attention to the previously unknown Marina Mikhailovna, the teacher of his whole life. It was she who always healed the wounds on the heart of the psychic.

Dasha possesses tall and most of his body is covered in tattoos. On his chest is painted his totem animal - a wolf, and snakes and birds flaunt on his arms. The psychic does not hide his love for animals. It is in them that he finds inspiration and connection with humanity.

Education and religion

In his younger years, the psychic entered the pediatric institute, but soon dropped out. According to Dasha, the decision to leave school is the most important and correct one in his life.

After that, he left for India, where he spent a lot of time studying spiritual practice and the culture of working with the body. His religion is Sufi Islam, which preaches asceticism and heightened spirituality. Therefore, Dashi is a vegetarian and refrains from eating meat.

Participation in the battle of psychics

On the project of the 17th season of the popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics", Swami Dashi was remembered by all viewers for his unusual behavior. The methods and techniques that the psychic resorted to were not previously used in this TV show. The sounds he made sounded like the cries of animals and birds, and his Sufi attire attracted the attention of even the organizers of the show.

While in a trance state, the psychic demonstrated his unusual abilities throughout the project. In the 8th episode, he even solved the murder of Grigory Rasputin, which aroused an unprecedented interest in his personality from the historian invited to the program.

Dasha confidently overcame all difficulties and trials and became the winner of the 17th season. As the main prize of this TV show, he received the "blue hand", a symbol of victory over other psychics.

But the participation of the magician in the project did not end there. He was invited by the organizers to the final of the next season, where he presented and gave his "hand" to Zhanna and Dan Alibekov, favorites of the 18th season.

Dashi took part in other TV shows: "Psychics are investigating" and "The battle of the strongest."

Personal life

There is not enough information about Swami Dashi's family. He lost his parents early. He has neither a sister nor a brother, and only a wife and children are left of his close relatives. But the psychic himself does not confirm this information, arguing that he is trying to prevent other persons from interfering in his personal life. According to Internet sources, the name of his wife is Irina Nogina. She is an administrator in the business of the famous magician.

The meaning of Swami's name

Swami is a special title in Hinduism, which in translation from the ancient language means "self-controlled" or "free from feelings." This title is used by clairvoyants to denote the skill of the yogi.

Meaning of letters

The meaning of the letters in Swami's name is as follows:

  • C - sentimentality, prudence, prudence;
  • B - sublimity, creativity, attentiveness;
  • A - swiftness, perseverance, leadership;
  • M - calmness, shyness, love;
  • And - discernment, ingenuousness, success.

The meaning of Dasha's name

The meaning of the name Dasha implies happiness and prosperity. People with that name help others unselfishly. They try to protect their loved ones and will sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one.

Meaning of letters

The meaning of the letters in Dasha's name is as follows:

  • D - kindness, poise, predisposition;
  • A - the beginning, hard work, initiative;
  • W - ambition, independence, meticulousness;
  • And - honesty, peacefulness, romance.

The story of the stolen bentley

In November 2017, traffic police stopped a Bentley car. Dasha was the driver. He was very nervous and behaved suspiciously, which caused him to be carefully checked. vehicle... As a result of the inspection, it was revealed that the vehicle identification number was forged. As a result, the driver and his car were sent for a check to the nearest police department.

The news that Swami Dashi was detained on suspicion of stealing a car quickly spread and caused outrage among his fans.

Work and activity

Dasha conducts her magical activities aimed at helping people in directions, which include:

  • conducting various trainings, seminars and lectures;
  • participation in meditation;
  • charging protective amulets.

Throughout his life, the psychic studies the Eastern and Western teachings. He takes only the best and most effective from them. His teaching is based on a balance of 3 forms: mental, spiritual and physical.

Trainings, seminars and lectures

Dasha's trainings, seminars and lectures were popular even before the psychic's participation in the famous TV show. They are aimed at:

  • to the exits of a person beyond his Everyday life;
  • destruction of primitive stereotypes;
  • search for solutions to human internal conflicts;
  • reasoning about life after death;
  • awareness of everything that is happening around, etc.

All practices are focused on the human body, since most of Dasha's time in her studies is devoted only to him. Sportswear and comfortable shoes are required to participate in the seminars. They can last from 1 to 6 hours. Some of them are even designed for several days.

Reviews of Swami's seminars are only positive. The training participants are always satisfied and after a while they turn to the psychic again.


Dasha's main project is a meditation center. This center has no address. Therefore, meditations are carried out in various sports complexes in cities where groups gather for this type of activity. Meditations conducted by a psychic are of the following types:

  1. Beating, Tibetan pulsations. This group view meditation involves using a person's pulse as a source for reincarnation. Through special touch and action, the body is energized, activating the natural healing of the entire body.
  2. Dynamic meditation. This is a type of meditation where physical activity plays a central role. This technique is considered preparation for other types of meditation and is designed for a person who has undergone psychological impact.
  3. Chakra run. This type of meditation is based on human movement. While running, his body is filled with positive energy and activates endorphins. As a result, a person gets a healthy toned body and normalization of the chakra system.

Amulets and protection

During his magical practice, Dashi realized that a person's ability to control their energy flows allows you to achieve desired result... Various charged talismans and charms have always helped to correctly direct this energy. During his participation in the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" Dasha resorted to the use of this kind of amulets many times.

Psychics charge their amulets with powerful energy. In addition to good luck, the amulet from Swami Dashi can be charged for money and wealth. Such a talisman will attract good luck and stable cash flows.

The owner of the amulet begins to pay attention to situations in life that he had not paid attention to before. Each of his actions is accompanied by a favorable coincidence. All this contributes to the growth of income and protects against various problems and troubles in life.

Prophecies and predictions

Like all other famous psychics, Dashi also predicted the near future for Russia - for the current year. Unlike the predictions of his colleagues, Dasha's predictions are more positive and optimistic.

He argues that economic and political relations between Russia and the United States will remain at a low level and will not be improved soon. Also, the psychic predicted the appearance in 2018 of a large number of sanctions that would negatively affect the Russian economy. But thanks to the development of farming, the economy should pick up.

In his predictions, Swami Dashi named the next president Russian Federation... It turned out to be the current leader of the country - Putin V.V., who won the elections.

The news that the psychic voiced the name of the new president of Russia quickly spread throughout the country and received wide publicity in the media.

According to Dasha's predictions, Russia's policy towards other world powers will change. It will retain its position in the international arena, and the United States will lose its leading position and its influence over other states. Trump's decision to oppose Russia will turn out to be his main mistake, which will entail the emergence of an economic crisis in America.

The psychic foreshadows large-scale disasters in the United States in 2018, which will be expressed in the form of floods and volcanic eruptions. It should be borne in mind that the economic collapse of America is predicted by other psychics.

According to Dasha's visions, this year, deposits of diamonds, gold and oil will be found on the territory of the self-proclaimed LPR and DPR. Such discoveries will allow these countries to improve their well-being and reach the world level.

According to the psychic, carefully planned changes play an important role on the path to a new life of a person. As soon as a person feels that he is ready for global changes in his life, he needs to act immediately.

First you need to compose full list their problems and difficulties that need to be overcome. In this list, you must indicate the dates and how to fix them. After that, you need to make room for future changes in life. You should start with simple cleaning of the house.

the main task such cleaning consists in deciding which things to part with and which ones to attract. Things with which negative moments in life are associated should be got rid of immediately. According to the psychic, all the negative energy with which they are saturated will leave the house with them. For example, with unnecessary medications, various diseases will leave the house, with unworn clothes - problems with obesity, with stacks of waste paper - thoughts about unfulfilled dreams and mistakes made in life.

After that, it is necessary to limit communication with those people who do not play in a person's life. important role... This can be achieved by clearing your phone and social media contacts. It is recommended to pay more attention to family and friends.

You should also devote more time to your development. It is necessary to go in for sports and walk more in the fresh air.

According to the psychic, a person needs to listen to his thoughts and feelings, analyze his actions and deeds, ask himself questions and give answers to them.

Swami Dashi's advice helps to guide a person and change his life for the better. He actively shares his thoughts with fans. They comment on his quotes, agree with them and at the same time try to refute them.

Exposing the magician

Internet blogger Mikhail Lidin tried to expose the famous psychic. Mikhail does not trust Dasha and considers him a fraud. The blogger claims that the actions of such deceivers and charlatans are aimed at causing harm to people who turn to them for help.

He presented his revelation in the form of a video. In it, Mikhail begins his investigation with the 1st episode of the 17th season of the show "The Battle of Psychics", where Dashi was introduced to viewers as a follower of Sufi Islam. In his video, the blogger refutes this statement, based on the behavior and testimonies of the psychic himself. His exposure also touched the TV show itself.

Mikhail found evidence where, before the beginning of the 17th season, a list of all its participants is visible and the winner is indicated, as well as the minor twists and turns of the plot. This indicates that there is a script for this project.

In his video, Mikhail pays attention to the increase in the cost of services provided by Dasha after the end of the 17th season of the TV show. The blogger claims that the technique and technique of this psychic harm the health of people and can lead to death, as evidenced by the confession of Dasha himself, shown in his video.

At the end of her video, Lidin urges people not to be naive, to do a useful job and in no case turn to psychics for help. More on video:

How to get an appointment with Swami Dashi

The question of how to get an appointment with the famous magician is being asked by more and more people. This can be done through its official Internet portal or through profiles on social networks. He is a master of meditation and alternative medicine, and his fame is growing every day.

It should be noted that Dasha does not practice online techniques. Only a fraudster can provide such a service, posing as a psychic. The technique of the famous magician is based on personal interaction with a person and direct impact on him.

Psychic people have been interested in humanity since time immemorial. Periods of favor for sorcerers and sorcerers were replaced by severe persecution and executions, but a person's curiosity associated with paranormal phenomena never faded away.

The era of enlightenment and tolerance that has come now is again driving the curious closer to the fire of the supernatural - television programs are released, books are written, seminars are held. Someone proclaims himself a sorcerer or a telepath, someone is trying to prove their abilities in live... Someone even succeeds, such people are honored and closely watched by the public. Let us lift the veil of secrecy that the participants of the "Battle of Psychics" project are dropping in front of themselves, and find out more about one of its most famous winners - Swami Dashi.

Swami Dashi is a renowned diagnostician and bioenergy specialist. He studies oriental practices, is a real student of Osho and conducts thematic seminars and individual sessions for over 20 years. Swami believes in the ability to combine Eastern and Western views on, and everything that exists, therefore he travels to different countries, studies the views on the life of different Masters and creates from the collected knowledge a single philosophy, to which he is committed.

Swami does not call himself Master, Guru or Teacher. He considers the body to be the only honest indicator of the inner state of a person and his level of development. Thoughts, says Swami Dashi, can be substituted, one can deceive oneself for years, but reactions cannot be faked. He is well-versed in Eastern physical practices dealing with body development, and therefore can help other people diagnose their problems.

Important! Swami only conducts his teaching meetings in real life. He does not send any online courses or electronic instructions. On the Web, you can find many doubles of a real teacher, so you only need to trust the information on Dasha's official website.

It will be fair to say that the exact biography of Swami is not known to anyone from the media or close circle - Dashi diligently protects her privacy. But his worldly name, given to him at the time, is known - Peter Smirnov. Peter was born and raised in St. Petersburg, in his youth he was fond of pole vaulting. Apparently, she did not ask because of a physical discrepancy, so he was carried away by the teachings on the development of spirit, soul and body, which, as they believe in the East, are interconnected.
The sports field gave Peter something more valuable than success - a loving family. His wife, Irina Nogina-Chernyshova, is a master of sports in. They met presumably back in those young years. The couple have several children - 2 sons and a daughter. Peter Smirnov was married twice, his first wife bore him a son, who is now 33 years old. His son's name is Roman, he excelled in sports much more than his father: Smirnov Jr.- multiple champion Russia on athletics and participant Olympic Games in Pekin.

Before becoming a master of oriental teachings, Pyotr Smirnov studied at the then Leningrad Medical Pediatric Institute. Disappointed with its possibilities, he, as we have already said, became interested in Eastern philosophy, so he left for India, where he stayed for a long time and received his spiritual name. After that he traveled to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, communicated with Sufis and spiritual leaders, and then brought the acquired knowledge to Russia. Now he lives in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, conducts educational lectures and continues his studies.

Mostly Swami relies on his enormous life experience purchased on the road. He began his journey 23 years ago, when he decided to leave his usual way of life and turn to wanderings. The first country to which Swami went for spiritual enlightenment became. This trip has enriched Dasha with new knowledge about the nature of the human body. He lived in Pune, where he perfected his method of working with the human body with the female master Ma Modak. She explained to him the principles of yogic and taught him.

A trip to India gave Swami Dashi the opportunity to settle in the ashram, join the rhythm of life of its inhabitants, get used to meditations and take a course from the greatest Indian master Osho, thus approaching the neo-Hinduism professed by that. Osho's course prompted Swami to develop further in the direction of Divine healing - he became interested in Chinese medicine and tantric teachings. Dasha was initiated into the art of tantra by the master Ma Krishna Rada, whom he also met in India.

It was learning from the Indian mystic Osho that became a defining moment in Dasha's life. Then he received his spiritual name, which eventually replaced the name given to him by his parents, and continued his spiritual quest, traveling through Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. At the same time, he lived with an order of Sufis - dervishes who call themselves Naqshbandi.

Dashi did not consider himself a psychic at all, but believed that he had the skills sufficient to participate in the project. He was supported by his wife, also practicing and accompanying philosophy. Swami came to the project as an ordinary competitor, just like everyone else, he passed the qualifying tasks and rounds and got higher and higher, becoming a clear favorite. The number of Dasha's fans multiplied from series to series, so even after the completion of the project, he found many opportunities to realize himself as a healer and mentor.

Did you know? There is a Harry Houdini Prize in Russia. Its size is 1 million rubles. They promise to award the prize to someone who, under the conditions of a scientific experiment, can prove their paranormal psychic abilities in front of a selected committee. Not a single psychic has yet managed to pass this test. A similar prize, only in the amount of $ 1 million, was established by the American illusionist and skeptic James Randi. The prize is still awaiting its owner.

Popularity literally fell on Dasha. He himself, who has lived for more than 20 years in places remote from the civilized world, said that a huge number of letters, comments, people eager to learn more about him, at first heavily burdened him.
Swami did not use the people's love to the extent that he could, preferring massive seminars and remote consultations to personal meetings with small audiences. Mysticism and magic tricks would have brought him more fans, but Dashi emphasizes that he is mostly a physiotherapist and spiritual practitioner who made an exception to participate in the "Battle".

The name he received in India means a monk who has moved away from worldly temptations and is pure in soul. "Swami" means "free", so it was good for Peter. In spite of big name, Swami is attached not only to his family, but also to his clients, from whom there is no end after the "Battle". Master has social media accounts, own website with brief information and the schedule of upcoming seminars.
He truly reveals himself only with those who come to listen to him. He rarely talks about him and does little to prevent his rivals from hurting him. The faces of his children are always blurred in photographs, and his wife, like an adult, does not hide, but appears in the background.

Important! The yoga and meditation practices promoted by Swami require a certain physical fitness... Sign up for a seminar only if you are confident in your ability to devote several days in a row to many hours of physical and spiritual overcoming of yourself.

Previously known only in narrow neo-Hindu circles, Dashi brings Hinduism, self-improvement and foundations to the general public. The famous Russian witch Marilyn Kerro speaks of him with warmth, calling him a strong psychic and a bright gifted person. Swami is the author of the book Rebirth, published on September 5, 2017.

Dashi holds meetings with by different people in different countries of the world. He said that he travels with his teachings in order to conduct a mutual exchange of experience and find new opportunities for. True, most of his lectures are based in Russia. Organizational issues for lectures and seminars are handled by Dasha's wife, Irina, her e-mail is indicated in the contacts on the official website.

Dasha conducts lectures on the topic healthy eating, biorhythms, strengthening the body. In many ways, they are similar to lectures about from various religious groups. Lectures last from 1 hour to 3-4 hours, seminars last several days in a row. Their topics are different so that each of the fans can choose an educational course to their liking. Swami teaches a lot - from spiritual liberation to self-organization and Tibetan pulsations, which helps to better feel your body.

In her seminars, Dasha touches on pressing problems - quality,. He teaches how to properly monitor your body, stretch the necessary groups, do therapeutic massage for yourself and people who need it, and heal by focusing on yourself. During the seminars, Dasha not only contacts the audience, but also encourages close communication between the seminar participants.

There are a large number of groups on VKontakte and on Facebook that gather people in different cities into lists pre-appointment... Seminars are held once a week, and Dasha's pre-ordered schedule is packed for the whole winter. He himself draws the attention of followers to the fact that he never communicates online, preferring live communication. If you are offered to pay for a distance cultivation course from Swami Dashi, you have come across scammers.

Did you know? Despite the popularization of parapsychology and extrasensory perception and their popularity among the people, not a single scientific explanation for this kind of phenomena has yet been put forward. For example, the National Science Foundation of the United States classifies extrasensory perception as one of the properties that the largest percentage of the world's population is deluded about.

The healing direction is the foundation of Master Swami's philosophy. He teaches his followers to look within themselves, to see their imperfections and positive sides, increase the good and change the bad. He stands for balance and that are at the core of Hinduism. The body's resistance, its ability to recover largely depends on how a person listens to his body and controls it. During the collective ones, which Dashi conducts for everyone, people learn to throw out the unnecessary and remain in silence, alone with themselves and what many call the Universe. Meditations are short, for an hour and a half, there are marathons and author's compilations that take more than 4 hours in one approach.

Swami Dashi: "Rebirth"

The book was released in September 2017 and has already managed to go both online and on the shelves of Ayurvedic and esoteric stores. The publishing house "Eksmo" was engaged in its release. On the pages of the book, Swami recounts episodes from his long and eventful life with humor and inspiration. He shares the experience he gained during his travels and life in the ashram, talks about meetings and acquaintances with incredible people... In fact, this book describes Swami's journey in life that led him to himself. Dashi shares how the decision to change irreversibly turns a person into a new being, and that there is no way back.

Member Name: Swami Dashi

Age (birthday): 22.12.1967

City: Saint Petersburg

Job: Leading meditation and body-oriented practices

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

Swami Dashi is already called one of the most mysterious personalities of the 17th season of the "Battle of the Psychics". Little is known about him, while he himself is quite popular in his environment.

The real name of the psychic is Peter, and he was born under the sign of a lion, on August 22, the year is hidden. For what reason Dasha does not want to disclose personal information about herself, it is not known. There is evidence that St. Petersburg is considered his hometown - whether this is true, no one knows.

Swami Dashi pays more attention not to his past, but to the present - the gift and skills acquired by him over the past 20 years, the guru uses for the benefit of people. The yoga and meditation master owns a network of centers in different cities Russia, where he conducts master classes and seminars.

Interestingly, at the first such meeting, Dasha appeared in an Armani jacket and a gold chain in the company of two guards. But as he studied the practices, improved spiritually and physically, Swami's priorities and attitude towards luxury changed.

Dashi took such a pseudonym for himself, because Swami in the teachings of neo-Hinduism is a title that means a person devoid of feelings. Swami is also pronounced "with you", that is, the guru is open to communication and help.

Dasha works in the Spirit-Soul-Body system, emphasizing the importance of the balance between the two. In his work, he uses sounds, accompanied by special breathing and movements, revealing the secret abilities of the body and spirit.

At the "Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi attracted the attention of even the witch Natalya Panteeva - she easily agreed that he had massotherapy known only to yogis.

Dasha found the man in the car very quickly, making rhythmic sounds and spinning in a man's dress, he bewitched all observers. When asked to repeat the success, Dashi easily agreed to a recheck and again chose the right car.

In communication with Nastasya Samburskaya, who plays the role of Miss X, Swami also gave comprehensive information. And so much so that Nastasya herself began to worry, because her secret thoughts are now known to everyone.

Swami Dashi will definitely amaze viewers in every episode, but it will definitely be interesting to watch him. Perhaps at some test he will still tell about himself ...

Photo by Swami Dashi

Swami Dashi is always wearing a hat on the show, but due to the fact that he is not an unknown person, you can find his earlier photos.

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