A complete list of reservoirs where trolling is allowed in Belarus. "Catching cannot be prohibited"

Few people think about legislation when going fishing. But, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. Therefore, before folding the hooks, uncovering spinning rods and digging worms, you should study where, how, what and when it is allowed to fish. So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful for a thinner wallet and ruined rest. Fishing ban 2019, deadlines and penalties.

☸️ TAXES for calculating the amount of damage caused to aquatic biological resources are valid from November 3, 2018:

For 1 copy. regardless of size and weight:

  • beluga 206 625 rub.
  • Russian sturgeon 138,024 rubles
  • Atlantic salmon (salmon) 13675 rub.
  • nelma 10811 rub.
  • lamprey 5685 rub.
  • sima, trout 5128 rub.
  • pike perch RUB 3305
  • grayling, asp, carp, carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, freshwater catfish 925 rub.
  • burbot, bersh, sabrefish, tench, ide, bream, silver bream, blue bream 500 rub.
  • roach, dace, crucian carp, chub, podust, freshwater perch 250 rub.
  • other types freshwater fish RUB 100
  • cancer 115 rubles

Caviar / per 1 kg .:

  • beluga 82,200 rubles.
  • other sturgeon fish 54910 rubles.
  • salmon species of fish 27455 rubles.
  • other fish species 2288 rub.


When calculating damage caused to aquatic biological resources during periods prohibited for fishing and (or) in areas prohibited for fishing, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources", in addition to the rates provided for by this document, 100 percent of the tax per copy (kilogram) of the corresponding type (subspecies).

For each kilogram of sturgeon caviar, in addition to the rates provided for in this document, 100 percent of the rate for a specimen of sturgeon fish of the corresponding species (subspecies) is taken into account, and for each kilogram of salmon caviar 50 percent of the rate for a specimen of salmonids of the corresponding species (subspecies).

Let's study the laws for anglers together!

☸️ What kind of fishing is considered illegal in the Russian Federation, and where is it prohibited to fish?

You can learn more about forbidden fishing from the relevant laws. For example, from ФЗ-№166 (note "On fishing ..."). According to this law, you can fish for free and freely if you do it on water bodies for which there is no special / mode of use. Even so, you may be subject to legal restrictions.

The main list of restrictions is regulated by the federal agency - Rosrybolovstvo.

☸️ These include ...

  1. Banning fishing in certain areas and banning certain types of fish.
  2. A certain weight and size of the fish caught.
  3. Number, type, size and design of fishing devices and fishing methods.
  4. Permitted / prohibited fishing periods.
  5. Sizes, number and types of fishing vessels.
  6. Catch volume for 1 private person or 1 vessel.

... And other restrictions.

As for the permitted specific places for fishing in Russia, they are determined by each region independently.

☸️ Prohibited places everywhere are the following ...

  1. Near bridges, sluices, near dams and waterworks, near fish / factories and rearing cages.
  2. On water bodies of spawning farms.
  3. In the fairway from the boat.
  4. In nature reserves.
  5. In fish hatcheries.
  6. In pond / fish farms.
  7. In spawning grounds during spawning.
  8. At the facilities of fish hatcheries during the release of "young".

☸️ Forbidden fishing gear - what is forbidden to fish?

  1. Networks of any type / kind.
  2. Traps of any design / type (except for crabs).
  3. Passive fishing gear (approx. - zakidushki, poke, etc.) on those rivers that are known for salmon habitats.
  4. Pneumatic weapons (except for devices designed for spearfishing).
  5. Fishing rods / spinning rods of any type, system, structure with a total number of hooks - over 10 pcs per person.
  6. Trawls, bottom seines.
  7. Hook self-contained devices.
  8. Network devices / devices (seines and televisions, drills and capes, kerchiefs, etc.).
  9. Lifts / scoops with a size over 1x1 m and a mesh pitch over 10 mm.
  10. Traps and catfish.
  11. Sharps and other piercing tools for fishing.

☸️ Prohibited fishing methods - how can you fish?

  1. For sweeping and backlighting.
  2. By jamming fish.
  3. Trolling using a sail and a motor with more than 2 lures.
  4. By means of barriers that become an obstacle to the free movement of fish (dams, etc.).
  5. With the help of circles / girders with the number of hooks - more than 10 pcs per person.
  6. With the help of crayfish with their quantity of more than 3 pieces per 1 person, with a mesh size of less than 22 mm and a device diameter of more than 80 cm.
  7. With the total number of hooks - over 10 pieces per person.
  8. By diving or manually wading when catching crayfish.
  9. Close.
  10. Combines and cake traps.
  11. Descent of reservoirs.
  12. With the installation of huts on ice.
  13. From vessels and other floating craft that have not been properly registered and with missing statutory identification marks on board.
  14. Electric shock and firearms.
  15. Electric fishing rods.
  16. With the use of watercraft during spawning.
  17. Scuba diving, underwater.

☸️ Terms of prohibited fishing - when is it prohibited to fish?

As for the timing of the ban on fishing, they are set by the regions in individually, and change every year, according to the situation. For example, pike spawning - late winter, early spring +/- 2 weeks. And the spawning of perch begins after the water warms up to +7.

Be careful! Fishing during spawning is strictly prohibited!

☸️ Changes in the legal framework of the fishing industry in the Russian Federation in 2019

In 2019, the fishing industry of the Russian Federation will face major changes. Changes in the federal law on fisheries appeared back in 2016, but they will begin to operate only this year. What do fishermen need to prepare for?

☸️ Large-scale changes

The amendments made earlier to the law on fisheries are starting to take effect. First of all, the revised quota system will be changed. Catch quotas for investment purposes will appear, with the help of which the authorities want to stimulate the creation of new enterprises for the processing of harvested aquatic biological resources and the production of fish products. In addition, they should "push" the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation to build new modern vessels at their shipyards. The function of allocating investment quotas will be entrusted to the federal executive authority exercising control over fisheries and the safety of aquatic biological resources. The granting of quotas for investment purposes will be governed by agreements concluded for a 15-year term with the owners or lessees of investment objects. In total, it is planned to conclude about 7 thousand contracts. In the near future the Government Russian Federation will draw up and approve a list of water resources for all regions of commercial fishing, requirements for investment objects, as well as the procedure for calculating and distributing the investment quota. It is already known that projects will be selected on request. If the requested limits exceed 100% of the shares of the investment quota, then it is planned to carry out a selection based on fair competition. According to the assurances of the current head of the department I. Shestakov, this procedure will be as transparent as possible, under the supervision of representatives of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

☸️ Updated inshore fishing rules

Drastic changes are expected in the offshore fisheries sector. Even during the discussion of the future law, "coastal" became almost the most acute topic. Many questions were raised, from limiting the size of floating craft to the locked up of certain types of processing of extracted resources directly on ships. For example, freezing of caught fish and overloading of catches will be prohibited. The authorities of one or another coastal region of the Federation will determine the place of unloading. In addition, in the coastal zone, it was previously possible to extract not only aquatic biological resources falling under the TAC (total allowable catch), but also those whose harvest is not subject to quotas at all. However, the new law leaves the "coastal" only the Odurable species of fish. The federal security body of the Russian Federation will control the transportation and shipment of caught biological resources, as well as products produced on ships. The law provides for the deprivation of the right to catch for all violators, with the subsequent compulsory termination of their activities.

☸️ Distribution of investment quotas

Investment quotas are included in the Regulation on the distribution of TACs. This document regulates the procedure for the distribution of the extracted resources in relation to the types of quotas. The list of limits includes quotas for investment purposes provided for industrial and coastal fisheries. Investment quotas will be distributed among those participants who already operate investment objects. According to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1154, this function is assigned to the Federal Agency for Fishery. The principle remains the same: the share of the enterprise is multiplied by the TAC determined in relation to the investment quota. The deadline for approving such a distribution for a specific fishing period is December 30 of the previous year. After that, within 5 days, the department is obliged to post the results of the distribution on its own website. The decree should come into force on April 1 this year.

☸️ Internal ODE

On January 1, the Rules for the allocation of quotas for inland water bodies came into effect. They do not apply to sea waters and those objects for which the TAC is determined within the region. Rosrybolovstvo will distribute quotas on the basis of proposals prepared by fishery research organizations and reviewed by specialists of basin research and fishing councils. When preparing recommendations, the regional features of the water body, quotas for the previous period and the latest changes introduced by scientific organizations will be taken into account.

☸️ Types of bioresources quota in certain regions

From the beginning of the year, the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 764 came into effect. The document approves a list of some types of water resources extracted in different regions of the country, in respect of which investment quotas are allocated. The list has been compiled of the most attractive field facilities for investors. For example, the Commander squid in the North Kuril zone and the Petropavlovsko-Komandorskaya subzone, or the birdie crab in the Kamchatka-Kuril subzone.

☸️ No checkpoints

Ships operating in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, according to the amendments to Resolution No. 486, are obliged to deliver all harvested water resources and products made from them to the customs territory of the Russian Federation. This innovation entailed the need to resolve the issue of control points (points) that such ships passed in mandatory... This requirement has long become outdated, which has been repeatedly noted by the fish producers themselves. By canceling the passage of checkpoints, they will be able to significantly reduce temporary losses.

☸️ New TSK

In 2016, the Ministry of Agriculture issued Order No. 294 regulating the procedure for equipping fishing vessels with technical control devices. According to this document, only devices of the satellite communications company INMARSAT (14 pieces) and the only domestic model of the Gonets system equipped with AIS (automatic identification system) are allowed for use on ships. All others should be replaced by them. technical means previously used. On ships with a displacement of up to 300 tons, not crossing the 75th degree of southern and northern latitudes, the installation of the AIS was supposed to be completed by January 1, 2018, but this period was extended for another six months. Later, the specialists of the monitoring center came up with a proposal to postpone the installation of permitted devices on such ships until 2019.

Trolling is a very catchy way to catch if it comes about pike perch. So, we dedicate the weekend to this method. fishing, which is carried out on a watercraft.

Today it is not a problem to find a reservoir where intensive is allowed. But not all of them carry pike perch. Fortunately, there are enough of them in the Narochansky region. From the documents we need a ticket of a member of the Belarusian Public Association of Hunters and Fishermen, which gives the right to engage in intensive fishing methods. In addition, if the reservoir belongs to a national park, you should take care of purchasing a voucher.

For fishing, we choose a boat with a motor capable of pushing the boat at low speed for a long time. Internal combustion engines of production of the USSR did not cope well with this. An echo sounder is highly desirable. We will use it not only as a depth gauge to determine promising places, but also for constant visual contact with the bottom topography. No matter what anyone says, trolling is not as easy as it might seem. For good result it is not enough to put the rod in the holder and roll on the pond. Moreover, when it comes to pike perch. This pike can attack a wobbler, which will be even a meter above it. With a fanged one, such a number will not work. You need to constantly work with spinning, stretching the bait at the very bottom. And it is never even in promising places. Hooks are also inevitable. Therefore, we add a cut to the "must have" list. Losing an expensive and even catchy wobbler is an impermissible luxury.

Many readers, I am sure, are now waiting for a list of effective baits. It will not be. And not because I'm too lazy or sorry to declassify my favorites. The names of working wobblers have long been known to everyone. Any self-respecting manufacturer has a line of zander lures. The internet is full of information. But the fact is that each of them works only in its own conditions. Let me explain. The super-sloping "Japanese" with a depth of 4 meters is completely useless at depths of 6 meters or more. And vice versa: the deep-sea wobbler will dig the bottom here and hit the hook on the very first pass. To some extent, the depth of the wobbler can be adjusted by releasing the braid and even its thickness. But these possibilities are not endless.

How to determine the optimal bait release? I usually do this: I lower or cast a wobbler not far away and start moving. When he starts to poke a spatula into the bottom, I wind up the coil to feel a clear working vibration that is emitting into my hand. And then I remove another meter or two of the cords. In order not to do this procedure every time, I strongly advise you to purchase either a cartoon reel with a line counter, or a multi-colored cord, every ten meters of which is painted in a certain color.

The second point is the shape and size of the bait. Small wobblers with an elongated body, reminiscent of bleak or gudgeon, are suitable. Even trophy pike perch greedily attacks lures 4–5 centimeters long.

For fans of certain brands, I will separately note that in my collection there were penny "Chinese" who easily made super-technological and expensive Japanese "megabass". With manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom, there is another problem: the repeatability of copies is very low. Of three completely identical baits, only one can work.

Well, in conclusion, I will describe one rig that can help out when fishing for zander at great depths, even if you do not have deep-sea wobblers. We knit a triple swivel to the end of the cord. To him a leash made of fishing line for the load and a leash made of fluorocarbon for bait (the second should be twice as long as the first). I do not recommend using a cord here: it will be terribly confused. The leash for the load should be less strong than for the wobbler - in this case, if the load sits among the stones, we will be able to save the wobbler. The weight of the load when fishing at a depth of 8 meters can be 30-40 grams. One more point: I do not advise you to abandon this structure. Better to just lower it to the bottom and get off the boat. Checked - it works!

Additional Information:

From May 31 to July 1 in the fishing grounds of the Minsk region there is a ban on fishing for common catfish. It will end a little earlier in the Gomel and Brest regions - on June 20.

The increased catfish catch, including poaching, led to a significant decrease in its numbers. Since 1981, at the suggestion of scientists, European catfish (common) was included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus as a species of fish that is greatly reduced in number and subject to full protection. Thanks to forbidden activities, the populations of this fish species were gradually recovering. Currently, the European catfish is removed from the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

Illegal catch of one catfish during the ban will cost violators 12 basic units. They will also be subject to an administrative fine - up to 50 base units. And if the damage from illegal fishing is 100 or more base values, a criminal case may be initiated.


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26-06-2014, 11:05

How does the new version of the rules for the conduct of fisheries and fisheries, which will come into force on June 26, differ from the previous one, which has been in force since 2010? The changes affected both ordinary fishermen and the "water" business. We will not touch the business - we will tell you what you need to pay attention to for those for whom fishing is a hobby.

Learn the terms

From now on there is no poaching - there is “illegal fishing”. The term has been brought into line with the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses. Previously, fishing in violation of the rules was called poaching, but illegal fishing is “fishing without proper permission, either at prohibited times and (or) times, or in prohibited places, or by prohibited tools, or by prohibited methods and techniques.

What else is new in the wording? Bagging was called a prohibited fishing method, the fishing control bodies were replaced by "state bodies exercising control over the conduct of fishing and fishing", and these are:

  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and its territorial bodies
  • State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora
  • state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Office of the President

Remember spring and other bans

The spring fishing ban is a traditional and inevitable misfortune for fishing fans. As before, it will be introduced during the spawning season. But if previously a single deadline for introducing the ban was established throughout Belarus - from April 1 to May 30, now in different regions it can be different. What can you do: the climate has changed. Here are the new timelines:

  • Brest and Gomel regions - from March 20 to May 18
  • Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno regions - from April 1 to May 30
  • Vitebsk region - from April 10 to June 8

Recreational fishing during the days of the ban will still be allowed. But now anglers need to meet the following criteria. You can fish with one rod with one hook or one spinning rod equipped with artificial bait, with one single, double, or triple hook, during daylight hours from the shore (without entering the water) or from ice, from artificial structures, except for prohibited fishing methods ... The latter include rumbling, the use of firearms or pneumatic weapons, weapons, the principle of which is based on the use of an electromagnetic field, ultrasound, and others. A complete list can be found in the text of the new rules (paragraph 109.3).

As for the additional prohibitions, they also remained and even underwent changes. So, it is forbidden to catch pike from March 1 to April 15, and in Vitebsk region- from March 9 to April 25. As for ordinary som, the situation is similar: for the Brest and Gomel regions, the ban will be in effect from May 19 to June 20 and from November 1 to March 31, for other regions of Belarus - from May 31 to July 1 and from November 1 to March 31.

Attention: the new ban is on fishing for pike perch. For the sake of preserving the population, it is forbidden to catch it from April 15 to May 30.

Remember to be clean

For amateur fishermen, one of the mandatory requirements enshrined in the rules is the mandatory observance of cleanliness in water bodies. In other words, the angler “is obliged to maintain the proper sanitary condition of the fishing grounds”.

What does it mean? Garbage must not be left on the banks or on ice, other pollution of fishing grounds must not be allowed, signs, shields, notice boards installed near fishing grounds, in water protection zones and coastal strips must not be damaged.

Count the fishing gear

The updated rules have reduced the number of simultaneously used fishing gear of one or different types with a total of up to 5 hooks per angler. For comparison: earlier their number could reach 10.

At the same time, the quotas for catching fish from the stock of fishing grounds have not changed. Maximum - 5 kg of fish per angler per day. At the same time, you need to settle down no closer than 50 m from the designated fishing tools. This innovation is caused by the recurring conflicts between amateur fishermen and fishermen.

Remember important "little things"

The territories exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are prohibited for fishing. Including the zones of subsequent resettlement, from which the population was resettled and on which a checkpoint regime was established.

Watercourses of the fourth category (up to 5 km long) have been added to the list of types of fishing grounds.

When organizing paid amateur fishing, there should be preferential payment terms for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of groups I and II, minors under 16 years old, as well as local residents.

The term "intensive fishing methods" is no longer there. In the process of paid fishing, the permissible total number of hooks per person has been reduced from 11–20 to 6–10. In winter, this is especially true: girders, stakes, etc. during this period are super popular. At the same time, the procedure for fishing on the track (or trolling) and spearfishing in the reserve fund has been simplified. Previously, the "track" meant a way of catching predatory fish species with a spoon, wobbler or other artificial bait moving behind a swimming device. From now on, it is "a method of fishing in which bait or bait is towed using vessels, including those with engines." These fishing methods can only be carried out by members of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen.

Persons carrying out the protection of leased fishing grounds are given the right to stop vehicles in these territories, to inspect things, Vehicle, fishing gear, fishery products, as well as personal searches of persons who have committed offenses.

Alexander Nesterov

Alexander Kraskevich (Nesvizh, Belarus) Already scribbled a petition which was supported by 2096 people.

Alexander Kraskevich:

Has nothing to do with fishing.
The underwater hunter impudently breaks into the house, while the ordinary fisherman is outside.
In late autumn and in the winter months before freezing, when the fish loses activity and rolls into wintering pits, plunging into a state of sleep, a real feast for underwater hunters begins, it is not difficult for them to explore these pits and shoot the defenseless passive fish located there, which does not even able to swim away and react to danger due to its biological state.
Underwater hunters knock out the elite of the fish herd, adults capable of producing high-quality offspring, clearly going beyond the established catch rate of 5 kg.

We see the most reasonable solution to this problem:

Complete prohibition of spearfishing in small and medium-sized rivers and lakes on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

The introduction of restrictions on the implementation of spearfishing in November-March, i.e. months when the fish is inactive and is practically in a state of suspended animation (it has been scientifically proven that in these months carp, carp, catfish, grass carp are inactive, and the fish in the wintering pit can almost be picked up and it does not attempt to swim away);

Adoption of more effective measures to identify violations by underwater hunters and toughening the penalties for them for violations of the legislation governing fishing rules;

Creation of specialized reservoirs for spearfishing, stocked with fees paid by underwater hunters.
We urge you to take appropriate measures to respond to the emerging situation!

And the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus echoes it.

Dmitry Umpirovich, “SB. Belarus today "

Fishermen are indignant: if earlier our reservoirs were swarming big fish, now - underwater hunters, and every year there are more of them. “Because of them, fish cannot feel safe anywhere in the body of water. Especially in late autumn and in the winter months before freezing, when it loses activity, plunges into a state of sleep and slides into wintering pits. Underwater hunters knock out the elite of the fish herd, capable of producing high-quality offspring. Leaving no chance After all, if a fisherman can simply let go of such an individual, then, shot through, it will die in any case, even if it has fallen off the arrow. Water bodies - mostly small - are cleaned out like locusts. Where can we fish? " Similar petitions and letters to the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President are flying from all over the country. The last two - from the fishermen of the Stolbtsy region and their colleagues from Nesvizh. To immerse themselves in the problem, SB correspondents went to the scene.

Stolbtsy district and its surroundings are quite a pleasant place for a seasoned fisherman. The point of attraction is the upper Neman, its tributaries and oxbows. Fans of fishing tackle respect them for a huge variety of fish (apart from the full range of river predators and "vegetarians", there are especially valuable breeds here). Underwater hunters - for the excellent transparency of the water: it is as easy as shelling pears to discern future trophies in it. However, fishing activists are in no hurry to equate such "divers" with the same brush. They make a reservation: it's just that among really decent people there are individual characters - and there are more and more of them - just waiting for free conditions for their illegal fishing, which more resembles not fishing, but mass extermination.

The head of the Stolbtsy interdistrict inspection for the protection of flora and fauna, Vladimir Loiko, lists these almost by surname. About ten people keep the local underwater world on the fly. Some have already been caught red-handed, others are in operational development, they are being watched. Only local customs are such that local residents, seeing people in noticeable costumes on rivers and lakes, are in no hurry to immediately call nature conservationists - they prefer to make the “last column warning” on their own ... Vladimir Loiko explains the letter of the law:

- Underwater hunters automatically become violators if they hunt on bodies of water prohibited for such an occupation (for example, on our Stoltsovskoe lake or Neman within the city, small rivers - Sula, Usa and others), at night, using breathing devices and more than a five-toothed harpoon, shoot from the shore or from a boat, and, of course, if they are not members of the BOOR and they do not have an underwater hunter's certificate. And also if their total catch is more than five kilograms. Although it is still allowed to catch one large individual. But even if they act according to the law, the pressure on water bodies is incredible.

Vadim and Alexander (they ask you not to name their names, they are in the editorial office), the very Colonial fishermen who wrote their "work proposals" to the State Inspectorate, show photographs from specialized Internet forums. And sadly they comment:

“It will take us a season to catch such a huge carp. Imagine, three or four people are able to clean out a reservoir of 300 by 400 meters in autumn! Outrageous facts are the extermination in 2016-2017 by underwater hunters of the broodstock of carp on a rented fish-breeding reservoir in the village of Pertsy (they even knocked down a dam there so that the water level would drop), lakes of the reserve fund near the villages of Lyubkovshchina, Sudniki, Skomoroshki, Yablonovka, Knotovshchina ... There is reliable information that underwater hunters visit other rented water bodies of the region at night. Moreover, many tenants seem to be unaware of this. The feeling of impunity plays a role - it is difficult to determine the presence of such "divers" on the reservoir at night. The algorithm is as follows: one swims, the other on the shore, monitors the situation.

Typical portraits of underwater poachers: or local, who wants to earn extra money, or a citizen of Minsk who has a “family estate” in the vicinity. They are actively monitoring forums for the still-preserved "fish spots". And the fish are sold not on the market - by their own people. I notice:

- After all, equipment, especially with the prefix "thermo", and equipment are not cheap. V Belarusian Federation underwater sports say that for it you can pay the average monthly salary in the country ...

- One such admitted to me honestly: the cost of a wetsuit can be recaptured in a season, - Alexander retorts.

So, the opinion "from the ground": there are several ways to solve the problem. Relatively painless - say, prohibit underwater in November - March, when the fish is in a state of suspended animation. Or more radical - to return to the practice, when the relevant ministries approved the list of not prohibited water bodies, but allowed ones. Moreover, they will then be stocked with fish precisely at the expense of underwater hunters.


In some countries - for example, in Sweden, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic - spearfishing is prohibited. And in Germany you can get up to 10 years in prison for doing it. In Lithuania spearfishing is allowed only on seven reservoirs out of three thousand. Moreover, on the basis of a fisherman's ticket. In Estonia, fishing in this way is possible on only two lakes - Kuremaa and Saadjärv. In Belarus, until 2006, a corresponding list of water bodies was approved annually. It included 34 points throughout the country (in the Minsk region, by the way, this list did not include any water body).

Tatyana Titova, head of the department for control over the protection and use of wildlife objects of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animal and Plant World under the President:

- For discussion working group, which will revise the Rules for the conduct of fisheries and fisheries, we will make a number of proposals regarding spearfishing. Among the main ones is to issue a state certificate for the right to spearfishing only to those who have passed real, not formal training and passed a serious exam. Those who received such a document should be included in the register of underwater hunters. And in the event of a systematic (more than two times within one year) violation of the conditions of underwater hunting or bringing a citizen to criminal responsibility for crimes against environmental safety and the natural environment, recognize the certificate as invalid. Another proposed innovation is to oblige submariners to indicate their location in the water with a brightly colored buoy and keep the caught fish until the end of spearfishing by attaching it to the buoy or to the belt of equipment. This is necessary for both safety and effective control, in many countries similar practice already exists. We are also in favor of revising the list of reservoirs for spearfishing.

Summer is the time for active recreation on the water. And not only on sea beaches. More and more Belarusians spend weekends and vacations on their rivers and lakes with a fishing rod or spinning rod in their hands. A wonderful vacation will not be overshadowed by anything if you know and follow all the norms of behavior in nature. Otherwise, you can run into not only a huge fine, but also a criminal case. On April 30, 2007, the President issued Decree No. 207, by which he made changes and additions to the Rules for Fisheries and Fisheries Management. To help you better navigate the norms of this document, we asked the head of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail ARESHKO to answer the most pressing questions for amateur fishermen.

Mikhail Adamovich, today a large army of amateur fishermen is motorized. How do you know where and when you can, and where and when you can't use the motor?

- According to Art. 53 Water Code Use of the Republic of Belarus water bodies for sailing on small boats (rowing and motor boats, boats, sailing yachts, etc.) is permitted in accordance with the procedure established by local executive and regulatory bodies in agreement with the state administration bodies for natural resources and protection environment and government shipping authorities.

Specific information can be obtained from the relevant executive committee or regional inspectorate of natural resources and environmental protection. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the use of floating craft in specially protected natural areas may be regulated by the provisions on these areas.

How to find out where recreational fishing is organized in intensive ways (on a track with a motor, spearfishing)? Who and where should be paid for such fishing?

- In the fund of the stock of fishing grounds, intensive fishing methods are carried out free of charge. The list of reservoirs where intensive fishing methods are allowed is determined by the decision of the regional executive committee, coordinated with the regional inspection of natural resources and environmental protection. The catch rate of fish is the same 5 kilograms as with conventional fishing methods.

In leased fishing grounds, intensive fishing methods are carried out for a fee, the amount of which is set by the lessee. He also sets the fish catch rate.

What is the responsibility today for illegal fishing methods, for example, nets, spiders? Where is it registered?

- Responsibility for violation of the Rules for the conduct of fisheries and fisheries is established in the Presidential Decree of December 8, 2005 No. hunting grounds, fishing and hunting ”. This document provides for administrative responsibility individuals for catching fish during prohibited times, prohibited places or prohibited tools and methods in the form of a fine from 20 to 50 base units.

- In what cases is criminal liability for violation of fishing rules provided?

- If the amount of harm caused to fish resources by the violator is more than 40 basic values, criminal liability arises. In addition, criminal liability is provided for illegal fishing using explosives, poisonous substances, as well as electric current.

How to determine what belongs to the fund of fishing grounds provided for free use by the decision of the President? What is the regime of this fund? Is there a place for an amateur angler?

- Water bodies provided for free use by the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and to which user they are provided, must be indicated in a normative act adopted by the President. For fishing in such areas, the user must also have a special permit (license).

If the user in the license indicates that he carries out fishing by organizing paid recreational fishing, then the user organizes paid recreational fishing on his waters and determines the mode of recreational fishing in accordance with the fish catch quotas established by the Ministry of Agriculture. If these reservoirs are located in a specially protected natural area and are transferred to the use of, say, a national park, then the regime of amateur fishing in these reservoirs is primarily regulated by the statute on this national park.

- What is the stock of fishing grounds, how to define it? What is the regime of this fund?

- The fund of fishing grounds that are not leased for fishing or for free use by the decision of the President is a fund for the stock of fishing grounds. Recreational fishing in these waters is carried out with permitted fishing gear free of charge. The catch rate for one amateur angler is 5 kilograms. In addition, as we have already said, on the reservoirs of the reserve fund, by the decision of the district executive committee, fishing by intensive methods can also be organized free of charge.

Is it possible to catch fish that have not reached the commercial size in the amount of up to 20% of the amount caught? That is, out of five fish, one can be less commercial? Or how?

- Yes, the catch rate for fish that has not reached the commercial measure is set at 20% of the amount caught. But it is considered separately for each of the species for which a commercial measure has been established. From this it follows: if an amateur fisherman has ten pikes in his catch, then two of them may be smaller than the fishing measure (35 cm). The rest of the small pikes must be released by the angler.

A car in nature should be at least 30 meters from the water. What is the penalty if he stands, for example, 20 meters away?

- According to the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, violation of the regime for maintaining water protection zones and coastal strips entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of 10 to 50 basic units.

- Is it allowed to fish with two spinning rods in a hitch?

- Yes, it is.

- Is the commercial measure of fish established for amateur anglers only for 12 species?

- The commercial measure has been established for 11 fish species and one crayfish species.

- How to correctly measure the length of the fish?

- The length of the fish is the size of the fish from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin. The fish should be placed on a flat surface, mark the indicated points and measure with a ruler.

- Can a hobby angler use a fish finder?

- Yes, you can use the echo sounder.

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