The most terrible fish in the world caught by man (22 photos). Largest Fish Caught Largest Fish Ever Caught

The fish, which is at least 200 years old, was caught off the coast of Alaska. The 104cm long giant sea bass was caught by a Seattle man and weighs over 17kg. Henry Liebman, who caught the fish, set the record for the largest seabass caught using sport fishing tackle... In addition, it may become the oldest fish in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Now the exact age of the perch is being established in the laboratory, but experts say that it may be about 200 years old, and it sailed back in the days when Alaska belonged to Russia. The age of the seabass can be determined by the number of growth rings on the ear bone. The previous record holder is much smaller, and he was 175 years old. Northern seabass are among the longest-lived in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and can live for over 120 years. They live at a depth of 25 to 1.2 km.

The largest fish (photo)

The largest fish caught in the world

The largest catfish

The largest catfish, 2.7 meters long and weighing 293 kg, was caught in the Mekong River in Thailand.

The largest stingray

A giant freshwater stingray weighing 255 kg was also caught in Thailand.

Largest salmon

This animal, 1.2 meters long and weighing 40 kg, was caught by biologists in the state of California, USA.

The biggest marlin

Indo-Pacific blue marlin, 5 meters long, caught in Hawaii in 1984, weighed 751 kg.

The largest black sea bass

It took over an hour to catch this 181kg black sea bass.

The biggest shark

The largest whale shark was caught by Pakistani fishermen off the coast of Karachi. The monster was almost 11 meters long and weighed over 7000 kg.

Largest carapace

A huge Mississippi shell 2.5 meters long and weighing 104 kg was caught in Texas, USA.


January 22nd, 2015

What fisherman doesn't dream of catching a big fish. Some arrange hunting for a large "beast" in order to claim records, others just want to show off their catch among familiar fishermen. But whatever the goal, not everyone succeeds in getting such a trophy for their collection. The larger the fish, the more difficult it is to catch it, and standard tackle is no longer enough here. "Oak" fishing rod and line, capable of withstanding maximum loads, give at least some chances that the fish will not swim past, waving its tail after. One of the most desirable trophies for many fishermen is the catfish - the largest fish in freshwater. Those who live close to the ocean choose their prey more seriously and arrange a hunt or accidentally catch its main predators - sharks.

Continuing our topic, let's take a look at the 10 largest sharks that have just been hooked.

Shark Weight: Unknown

In 1945, during a planned fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico, 6 fishermen accidentally caught the most dangerous species of sharks for humans - a great white shark. The length of the karcharodon was 6.4 meters. In honor of the village where they came from, the fishermen named the trophy “the monster from Kojimar”.

Shark weight: 807 kg.

Walter Maxwell has written his name in history as a fisherman who was lucky enough to catch one of the largest tiger sharks. Off Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in 1964, it preyed on an 807-pound tiger shark. No one could surpass his record for 40 years.

Shark weight: 810 kg.

At the moment, the absolute reigning record for the largest tiger shark ever caught by weight belongs to Kevin James Clapson. Off the coast of Ulladullah, Australia, in March 2004, a fisherman caught a tiger shark weighing 810 kg.

Shark Weight: Unknown

In 1983, a great white shark was caught in the net of fisherman David Mackendrick near Prince Edward Island. A 6.1 meter female hit the net. The shark entered the top of the largest sharks, which were measured by specialists from the Shark Research Center of Canada.

Shark weight: 907 kg.

In 2012, after another fishing trip, the Mexican fisherman returned as a local hero. His main catch, for which he went to the Sea of ​​Cortez, was a 907 kg great white shark. The shark was 6 meters long.

Shark weight: 1208 kg.

One of the largest sharks caught on record by the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies was the shark caught by Alf Dean. On the coast of Australian Sidoun in 1959, a fisherman caught a 5-meter shark weighing 1208 kg.

Shark weight: 1520 kg.

The laurels of fame as a shark hunter in 1992 went to Dion Gilmour. Off the coast of South Australia, he pulled a shark weighing 1520 kg from the ocean. and a length of 5.2 meters.

Shark weight: 1750 kg.

Through the efforts of 10 fishermen in 2012, a great white shark weighing 1750 kg was caught in Taiwan. and 6 meters long. The inhabitant of the underwater depths turned out to be so heavy that the fishermen dragged him aboard the ship for an hour.

October 24, 2013

The pride of any fisherman

In the seas and rivers, there are real giants, the capture of which will do honor to any fisherman. Therefore, the rating, which includes the largest fish caught, can be compiled for the freshwater and marine categories of underwater inhabitants.

Capturing marine fish, especially if it comes about sharks - it is always a battle that is designed to reveal the most courageous men who can resist a predator. Therefore, it is customary to display your trophies in order to earn public respect. Sometimes dangerous underwater killers prevail over a person, but there are many examples in history when fishermen caught fish of record size and mass.

"White Death" on the hook

If we talk about the largest shark that has ever been caught by man, then we can recall the "monster" that was caught off the island of Baba (not far from Pakistan). This shark was caught in 1949. Its weight was 20 tons, and its length was 2.5 meters. Since then, no one has been able to show an even more impressive result. fishing... The catch was the largest shark on the planet - the whale. The harpooners hunted for her for profit, they sold the carcass in parts.

We must not forget about the biggest predatory fish that has ever been caught by humans. She became a great white shark more than five meters long and weighing 1.2 tons. It is noteworthy that this battle was not for fun, it became the only chance to keep the fishermen alive. This event took place in the Azores (San Miguel harbor) in 1978. The White Death (this is the nickname the predator received from the locals) vigorously resisted attempts to curb it. In the process of catching, she killed two people, one of whom she simply bite in half, and the second broke her spine.

Catching a shark with a fishing rod

All previous trophies have been harpooned. But there are large fish caught, for which a fishing rod was enough. Elf Dian from Australia can be proud of his record set in 1959. To capture a huge and dangerous cannibal shark, he needed a small powerboat and durable steel line. Not far from the coast of Cedune, he was able to become the owner of the most significant (at that time) trophy in history - the length of the predator was 5.3 meters, and the weight was 1.2 tons.

17 years later, this record was broken by another Australian daredevil Clive Green. He was able to catch a shark weighing 1.5 tons and a length of 5.4 meters with a fishing rod. But, it should be noted that this record was not counted, since the fisherman used several parts of a whale carcass as bait, which is prohibited by the rules.

In the past ten years, many outstanding specimens of marine life have also been caught. A huge 4.7 meter hammerhead was caught near the Palm Beach resort. The battle lasted more than 3 hours, and it took the efforts of three experienced fishermen to capture. They were never able to lift the huge carcass onto the boat, although the fish stopped resisting, exhausted. During transportation, she died, tied by ropes to the side of the boat. Weighing showed that the shark weighed 436 kilograms. This figure became a record in, as it became the largest fish of this species.

In any case, none of the caught sharks hold an absolute record among all fish living in the ocean. There are also those specimens weighing more than 25 tons. Perhaps they, too, will someday be found and caught.

Fish that amazes the imagination

The rivers are also home to fish that amaze the imagination with their size. Of course, a catfish cannot weigh several tons, but it can contain several centners. The official record, recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, confirms the catch of catfish, the mass of which reached 292 kilograms. It was caught in Thailand. The event happened recently - in 2005 on the Mekong River. This reservoir has always been famous for good catches, until industrial pollution led to the almost complete disappearance of fish. The catfish did not want to kill, intending to leave the special service for observation, but he did not endure the catch and died.

Not all catfish caught by humans were officially measured, weighed, and the results were recorded. It is believed that the largest of them was a giant caught in the 19th century in Russia. Its length was 4.5 meters, and its weight was close to 350 kilograms. An adult could get into the mouth of an incredible creature, and for this he did not even need to bend over. Legends about wonderful fish survived to this day.

Unfortunately, the ecological situation in the world continues to deteriorate, so there are fewer and fewer favorable conditions for the growth of huge freshwater fish. Perhaps there will be no new messages about the capture of such huge fish.

Who among the fishermen does not dream of catching a record fish, not even to eat it, but rather to be proud of their skill, their prey, and, why hide, show friends and family photos of a giant fish, a fish that can get into the Guinness Book of Records ... Unfortunately, fish stocks are being depleted and it is no longer possible to find in the rivers those giant fish that were caught by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. However, record fish can still get hooked. You just need a little luck, ability and knowledge. What fish records are included in the Guinness Book, and what record fish got there.


Let's start to get acquainted with freshwater fish fish records. We will find out which largest and smallest freshwater fish were caught, which fish are the oldest and which fish have become the most valuable in history. Read more about the freshwater fish records below.

Largest freshwater fish

In the XIX century. In Russia, an ordinary catfish (Silurus glanis) was caught with a length of 4.6 m and a weight of 336 kg. Nowadays, any freshwater fish that is more than 1.83 m long and weighs 90 kg is already considered large.

The smallest freshwater fish

The smallest and lightest freshwater fish is the pygmy pandaka (Pandaka pygmaea). This colorless and almost transparent fish lives in the lakes of about. Luzon, Philippines. The body length of males is 7.5-9.9 mm, and the weight is only 4-5 mg.


The smallest commercial fish is the sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis), an endangered species of goby that lives only in Lake Bukhi. Luzon, Philippines. Males are only 10-13 mm in length, and 70,000 fish are required to produce a 454 g briquette of dried fish.

The oldest fish

In 1948, an 88-year-old female European eel (Anguilla anguilla) named Patti was reported from the Aquarium of the Helsingborg Museum, Sweden. She is believed to have been born in 1860 in the Sargasso Sea, North Atlantic, and was caught somewhere in a river at the age of 3.

The oldest goldfish

Golden crucian carp
There have been numerous reports from China of goldfish - goldfish (Carassius auratus) that have lived for more than 50 years, but only a few of these reports can be considered reliable.

The most valuable fish

The most expensive fish is the Russian beluga (Huso huso). A 1227 kg female caught in the Tikhaya Sosna River in 1324 yielded 245 kg of the highest quality caviar, which would cost $ 200,000 today.

Far Eastern carp (C. Carpio) 76 cm long, champion of the most prestigious nationwide Japanese koi shows (koi -Japanese name carp) in 1976, 1977, 1979 and 1980, in 1982 it was sold for 17 million yen. In March 1986, this ornamental carp was acquired by Derry Evans, owner of the Kent Koi Center, near Sevenox, c. Kent, UK, price was not disclosed; after 5 months, the fish, which was 15 years old, died. A stuffed animal was made of it.

A fish that can climb a tree

Anabas, or creeper fish, found in South Asia, is the only fish that goes out onto land and even climbs trees. She walks the earth in search of a more suitable habitat. The gills of the climbing perch are adapted to absorb oxygen from humid atmospheric air.

The largest whale shark was caught by Pakistani fishermen off the coast of Karachi. The monster was almost 11 meters long and weighed more than 7000 kg.


The largest fish

The world's largest fish is the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), which feeds on plankton and is common in the southern Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The largest specimen, according to precise measurements carried out by scientists, had 12.65 m in length, 7 m in girth of the thickest part of the body and a weight of 15-21 tons. This shark was caught near about. Baba, near Karachi, Pakistan, November 11, 1949

The smallest fish

Of all sea fish, the most short body in the dwarf goby (Trimmatom nanus), which lives in the Indo-Pacific region. According to the results of measurements carried out in 1978-79, the average body length of males was 8.9 mm, and of females - 9 mm.

The deepest fish

It is believed that of all vertebrates, fish belonging to the genus Bassogigas (family Brotulidae) live at the greatest depths. From the research vessel John Eliot managed to catch bassogigas at a depth of 8000 m.

The most ferocious fish

The most dangerous freshwater fish are piranhas from the genus Pydocentrus and Serrasalmus. They live in the wide, slowly flowing rivers of South America and attack any living creature, regardless of size. In 1981 in Obidus, Brazil, they killed 300 people in the water as a result of a shipwreck.

The most poisonous fish

The largest poisonous glands are in wart, fish belonging to the species Synanceidae, living in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, and in particular the species Synanceia horrida. Touching the spines of her fins can be fatal. The Pufferfish (Tetraodon), an inhabitant of the Red Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans, secretes the deadly poison tetrodotoxin, one of the most potent non-protein poisons.

The largest jellyfish

The largest jellyfish, the Arctic cyanea (Cyahea capiltata arctica), widespread in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, was washed ashore near Massachusetts Bay, USA in 1970.The diameter of its umbrella, or bell, was 2.28 m, and tentacle length 36.5 m.

The most poisonous jellyfish

Box jellyfish
The Australian box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri is the most venomous of all cnidarians, or cnidarians. Its venom, which affects the heart muscle, has killed at least 70 people in our century off the coast of Australia, and some of the victims died within 4 minutes. One effective remedy is women's tights, which were once used by lifeguards at a surfing competition in Queensland, Australia.

The most poisonous clam

Two octopus species, Hapalochlaena maculosa and H. lunulata, found throughout coastal Australia and parts of Southeast Asia, contain nerve poison that can cause death in minutes. It is believed that the poison of one octopus is enough to paralyze (or even kill) 10 people. Fortunately, these octopuses appear to be non-aggressive and usually only bite if taken out of the water or irritated.

The most poisonous gastropod

Snails of the genus Conus, when bitten, inject their victims with a fast-acting nerve poison. He instantly kills fish, and larger specimens of snails have killed people more than once. Most dangerous species cones Conus geographus.

The most dangerous sea urchin

Sea urchin
Pedicellaria toxin (small grasping organs) sea ​​urchin Toxopneustes pileolus causes severe pain, respiratory failure, and paralysis.

Slowest growth

The deep-sea bivalve Tindaria callistiformis, which lives in the North Atlantic Ocean, grows more slowly than all other animals. It takes 100 years to grow to 8 mm.

Largest bivalve


Among bivalve molluscs, the largest shell is the giant sea tridacna (Tridacna gigas), which lives on the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. In 1956 on the island. Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan, a tridacna 115 cm long and 333 kg in weight was found. Scientists who studied this specimen in August 1984 suggested that the tridacna weighed 340 kg during its lifetime.


The DIVO Book of Records of Russia is famous in many ways even more than the Guinness Book for fish records. For example, the Astrakhan Museum has two record beluga:

  • one 4-meter beluga (slightly smaller than the one that Nicholas II donated to the Kazan museum);
  • the second is the largest - 6 meters high. They caught her at the same time as the four-meter tall one, in 1989. The poachers caught the world's largest beluga, gutted the caviar, and then called the museum and told where to pick up a fish the size of a huge truck. Russia, however.

Well, here are some of Russia's fish records registered there:

Record pike long-liver - 200 years

At the end of the 18th century, the Tsaritsyn ponds near Moscow were cleaned. During the cleaning, they caught a planted pike with a gold ring in the gill cover and an inscription that Tsar Boris Fyodorovich had planted it in the pond. It is known that Boris Godunov died in 1605, therefore the pike was planted no later than this year, that is, it lived for about 200 years.

Catch a hundred years ago

In October 1891, when the wind drove water from the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov, a peasant passing by the exposed shore noticed in one of the puddles beluga, which pulled 20 pounds, of which 3 pounds fell on caviar.

But the main fishing took place then on the Black Sea, near Batum, where two 70-poods were caught at once. beluga... The most "caviar" in 1891 was 57 pounds beluga caught near Astrakhan. Her womb contained 9 poods 20 pounds of selected caviar.

Fish records

  • The largest sturgeon caught in the Volga reached a length of 7 meters 80 centimeters and weighed about one and a half tons (1440 kilograms).
  • A 9-meter beluga weighing 2 tons was caught in the Caspian Sea.
  • During a spring duck hunt, a Lithuanian biologist, Professor Tadas Ivanauskas, killed a 76 kilogram pike on Lake Druksiai in 1904. And in 1930, a pike weighing 34 kilograms was caught in Lake Ilmen.
  • In 1940, 40 kilograms of cod was caught in the Barents Sea.
  • In 1960, a stellate sturgeon 220 centimeters long and weighing 67 kilograms was caught in the Don River.
  • In 1990, Vladimir Nikolaevich Kaplun, a resident of the city of Krasny Luch in the Luhansk region, smiled extraordinary happiness - at the Tsimlyansk reservoir he caught a catfish weighing 124 kilograms and 2 meters 61 centimeters long.
  • Scuba divers Vladimir Voikov and Sergey Soldatov found near the island of Khortitsa on the Dnieper giant catfish... He got stuck in the side of a sunken tug at a depth of 15 meters. The catfish was lifted to the surface, measured and weighed. The length of the fish was almost 5 meters, and the weight was 355 kilograms.
  • Well, what if you take a smaller fish? What are the domestic "champions" here? There were ruffs weighing 400 grams, chubs of 8 kilograms, lines of 3.7 kilograms, bream of 6 kilograms, roach of 1.7 kilograms, crucians of 2 kilograms, perches of 5 kilograms, carps of 19 kilograms, ides of 8 kilograms , carp 35 kilograms, pike perch 20 kilograms, eel 6 kilograms.

Fishing happiness

The record-holders of 1991 among fishermen were A. Vasiliev from Bishkek, who caught a cupid weighing 8 kilograms 600 grams in the summer, V. Usachev from Ashgabat - catfish 2 meters 20 centimeters, G. Oreshnikov from Baku - a beluga 116 kilograms, V. Bobrik from Dnepropetrovsk - carp 21 kilograms 50 grams, S. Churikov from Fergana - carp 21 kilograms 600 grams, I. Kutakin from Saratov region - pike 14 kilograms 200 grams.

While the pike dozed

On a hot day, a resident of the city of Omutninsk V. Nizhegorodtsev and his grandson Dima decided to swim in a local pond. Emerging from the water, the boy drew his grandfather's attention to some strange object, shaped like a toy boat. The grandfather quickly determined that the object, motionlessly frozen on the surface of the water, was the fin of a dozing pike. A well-timed blow to the head of the predator with a fist - and in a few moments she was already lying on the shore. The weight of the prey exceeded 10 kilograms. Such a surprise was presented to Nizhegorodtsev on July 1991 day.

Giant beluga

In 1990, in the Astrakhan fisheries was caught beluga weighing about a ton. She had a "height" of 4 meters 26 centimeters. It contained about a centner of caviar. Ichthyologists have determined the age of the giant fish - about 70 years. She belonged to the generation of the "pre-dam" herd of red fish, which used to freely go to spawn along the Volga to the Belaya River. Perhaps this is the last huge beluga in the Volga waters. Experienced specialists made her a stuffed animal for the museum.

Fish torpedo

King fish kaluga from the sturgeon family, it is found only in the Amur River and in the Amur Estuary. The fish reaches an average of 5-6 meters in length. The officially registered weight of the largest fish is 1270 kilograms. It is almost impossible for other fish to hide or run away from kaluga. Seeing the prey, Kaluga rushes forward with a torpedo. Kaluga is capable of riveting the aluminum seams of a river boat with a terrible force of vibration of its muscles. A seal can fit in its huge mouth.

Two-headed catfish

On the Kiev reservoir, where the Pripyat River flows, the Kiev resident E. Zolotovversky repeatedly pulled out torn tackle from the water, and once - a melted spoon. Finally, after a long night fight, he led into shallow water ... a catfish with two heads, which possessed an electric discharge. Fortunately, there were dielectric gloves in the trunk of the Kiev resident's car.

In the morning he took the fish to the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where scientists tried to give an answer to the next riddle of nature: what is "this"? Monster, mutant, creation of Chernobyl or "Siamese twins"?

The most agile fish

The golomyanka fish lives only in one place on earth - in Lake Baikal. Total weight according to experts, it is 150 thousand tons, that is, 67 percent of the weight of all Baikal fish. Golomyanka is not only the most numerous in the lake, but also the most mobile. She never gathers in flocks, does not hide under stones or in algae - she swims day and night, stirring the water at all depths. She serves as a voluntary orderly for the lake, helping the Baikal water to be saturated with oxygen.

The smallest fish of our seas

In the coastal waters of the Black and Azov Seas, the smallest marine fish of our seas, the Knipovich goby, is found. The maximum size of a mature individual is no more than 5 millimeters.

The most frost-resistant fish

The rare fish dallia, or black fish, living in small rivers and swamps of Chukotka, is considered the most frost-hardy fish. When reservoirs freeze to the bottom, dallia buries in silt and hibernates there. Sometimes it even freezes into the ice and is in this state throughout the long winter. In the spring, she thaws and continues to live normally.


The largest shark catfish

At the end of June 2005, in the Mekong River, Thai fishermen caught the largest representative of the largest freshwater fish in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records - a giant shark catfish weighing 292 kg. For WWF specialists working in Southeast Asia, this rare fish and its habitat is a subject of study and protection.

The capture of the record large catfish in the Mekong is a controversial event. On the one hand, it is obvious that such large fish are still found there, but on the other hand, the number of this species, which has decreased by 90% over the past two decades, is alarming. The Mekong provides over 70 million people with fish. The annual catch is estimated at $ 1.4 billion. What happens if this rich source of fish dries up? Fish grow all their life and therefore the number of giant fish is an indicator of the health of the river. Previously, large shark catfish were found throughout the Mekong, but now it is considered a rarity to catch a large specimen.

« This situation is very similar to what is happening here on the Amur. The capture of giant fish has become a rarity, and the number of famous kalugas and other large fish: sturgeon, catfish and taimen has greatly decreased. Although in other years the great Far Eastern river could well challenge the status of the Mekong as the home of the largest freshwater fish", - comments Petr Sharov, employee of the program for the conservation of freshwater ecosystems of the Amur.

Considerably inferior to the Mekong in species diversity, Amur has no less fish biomass and significant productivity. The Guinness Book of Records is quite possibly wrong and the largest freshwater fish in the world are found here, and they have no less problems than their southern counterparts.

The largest Amur fish is the Kaluga, an endemic representative of the sturgeon family.... There are known specimens with a length of more than 5, 6 m and a weight of 1140 kg. It is quite possible that kaluga can reach a length of more than 6 meters and a weight of up to one and a half tons, which is confirmed by scattered testimonies of fishermen days gone by... Kaluga could rightfully be called the largest freshwater fish in the world, but it also spends a significant part of its life in brackish and sea waters going out to feed. Kaluga spawns in the main channel of the Amur, where it was caught in the past by fishing brigades, and now by poachers.

The small number listed in the Red Book of Russia reaches large sizes Soldatov's catfish, which also lives in the Amur. There are known specimens weighing over 260 kg, which is comparable to the giants of the Mekong. The number of soldatov's catfish is also at a low level in the past.

Another representative of the Amur fish fauna, one of the great-grandfathers of salmonids, is also capable of striking in size - Siberian taimen... The taimen reaches more than 2 m in length and weighs about 100 kg. The ancient fish, previously widespread in all tributaries in the Amur basin, has now become almost rare. Many small populations have disappeared, and the taimen is going through hard times.

Record halibut, largest halibut in the world

In 2013, a German fisherman caught the largest Atlantic halibut in the world in Norway using a reel-equipped rod.

The halibut was so large that it could not even fit into a six-meter boat. Marco went fishing with three friends. The fight with the fish (pictured) lasted 90 minutes, only then it was possible to raise it to the surface. But as soon as the fishermen saw its size, they realized that it would not work to drag it onto the boat, it simply would not fit. Having tied a strong rope around the tail of the superklove, they towed the halibut to the nearest port. But in order to weigh the fish, I had to rent a small crane.

The huge halibut weighs 235.17 kilograms. This fish surpassed the previous record, which was awarded by the International Sport Fisheries Association and was recorded in 2004 with a halibut weighing 190.2 kilograms.

Atlantic halibut is the largest bony fish in the world. Giants live in an area stretching from the Barents Sea to the shores of Greenland. An adult halibut can reach 4.5 m in length and 320 kg in weight. The average life span of this fish is 50 years.

The oldest lucky fishermen

Sometimes it is not the giant who is caught by enthusiasts that is surprising, but the fisherman himself. Halibut - a white-barked one caught off the coast of Alaska by this grandmother.

In 2010, an incredible fish was caught by a 70-year-old amateur fisherman from Magdeburg, Germany. Gunter Hansel fished on the high seas in the western fjords of Iceland. There he picked up a giant halibut 2.5 meters long and weighing 220 kilograms. Halibut was caught on the line with breaking load 13.6 kg per plastic bait... The fight against halibut lasted more than two hours. And in order to drag the record trophy to the coast, the help of five more fishermen was needed, who helped with the tug. A halibut of this size could make over a thousand fillets. But, apparently, Hansel is not such a master in cooking as in fishing, so he preferred to sell his catch to one of the local residents for 2,500 pounds (almost 4,000 dollars). And the lucky grandfather told reporters: "It was the catch of my whole life!" Halibut live in most cases in the northern waters - the northern part of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as in the Barents, Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas. Fish is highly valued for white meat - a very tasty and healthy product, rich in vitamins, nutrients and microelements. The liver of these fish contains more vitamins A and D than the liver of cod. Halibut caviar is highly valued. Halibuts live more than 30 years, reaching commercial sizes by 10-12 years. Some species are over 4 meters in size and weigh over 400 kg.

The previous record for catching halibut was held by Boss Karlsson and Zans-Olof Nilsson, who caught a 210 kg fish off the coast of Norway in July 2009.

In 2011, the Norwegian halibut catch record with a fishing rod was broken. Then a German fisherman caught a halibut weighing 245 kg near the island of Senja.

The world's largest carp

In 2007, two fishermen caught a record carp weighing 120 kilograms in Thailand.

To fix the world fishing achievement, the proofs of the superrulov were sent to the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records. Previous world record was established by a resident of the French city of Bordeaux, who in May of this year caught a carp weighing only 40 kilograms. And all the records began in 1981, when a giant mirror carp weighing 37 kilograms on the Youn River was caught by Marcel Vuviere.

Since that time, hunters for large carp have attributed fish over 30 kilograms to the outstanding catches. Note that the usual weight of carp is 1 - 3 kilograms, specimens up to 15 kilograms are periodically found.

Record carp from Germany

The largest common carp caught in Germany on pop-up V-Pops and the liquid attractant Monster DIP by Dieter Markus Stein. The weight of the captured individual was 38 kilograms and 150 grams!

In the photo, the record holder himself, who caught the record carp.

The record holder himself shares his impressions.

Until now, I have not yet fully realized what has happened, and I am overwhelmed with an endless feeling of joy and incredible pain in the muscles of my arms, which I have never experienced while playing carp.

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, there was exactly one week before Christmas, and the temperature was really wintry. Since I had some problems at home, I decided to run away from them for a while and go fishing in one of the ponds where I planned to fish in 2007. I had four hours of fishing, so I decided to go to the pond where will maximum amount sunlight so that fishing is as effective as possible.

Since in the reservoir that I chose carp are caught very often, I began to think about this method of fishing, with which the carp is least familiar, and which will least of all be able to scare him away.

In his aquarium in recent times I have often watched my domestic carp feed. I have noticed that immediately after they swallow food, they take a horizontal position in order to either swallow the food or spit it out. I found that during such a procedure, carp's attention sharply increases: their eyes begin to quickly and fearfully look around. Usually at this moment the carps hovered above the bottom at a height of about one and a half of their "height" - the distance from the belly to the back. I explain this behavior by the fact that during the process of choosing food and nutrition in carp, all the organs of perception are maximally activated, in particular, vision improves and concentration of attention sharply increases. I observed this so often that I completely stopped believing in the randomness of such behavior, and decided that we somehow must use this useful information, namely the information that visual attention increases in carp precisely at this height.

In this regard, I thought that the pop-up at this height would look very appetizing to the carp. Fortunately, I had on hand the white Visible Pop Ups that Max Nollert provided me during one of the carp shows in Braunfels. I had to literally win them back, since Max only had samples (so thank you very much again, Max).

I put everything I needed in the car, and in a few minutes I was already at the lake. I was very lucky because: 1) the area where I wanted to fish was free and 2) the area was literally bathed in the sun.

Possessed by my thoughts, I calculated the length of the leash for the average height at which the carp swim, it turned out that the leash should be about 75 centimeters. At the end I fixed the white V-POP, as it is officially called, and in order to make it more attractive, I dipped it in Carptrack Amino Monster DIP liquid attractant from Imperial Baits.

I cast two rods with the same rigs at a depth of 4 and 6 meters. To avoid confusion when casting, I used a PVA. I threw a very small amount of pellets at a distance of 3 meters from the nozzles to prove my theory that even one piece of pellets is enough to bring the carp to my pop-up. I turned on the alarms and lay down on the cot. I wanted to fall asleep as quickly as possible. But as soon as I had time to close my eyes, my signaling device simply yelled with jerks. The swinger was jumping up and down like crazy. The reel on my right fishing rod reeled off the line by meters. During the time while I was running to the fishing rod, I managed to fall twice, apparently due to the excess of adrenaline. After I hooked, I felt the full weight of the power that the fish was transmitting along the line. The fight lasted for several minutes, and I was able to bring the fish 5 meters from the shore. At the sight of the size of the carp, my heart sank into my heels. It was something huge, something I had never seen before. After that, I became very nervous because of the understanding that he could break. But to catch such a carp, and so that it breaks off - it's not this time, and not with me, - I thought! It looks like it was one of the largest females in this lake. For fear that the fish would fall off, I blew off some line. Feeling weak, she tried to make her last and most powerful jerk, but thanks to luck, I still managed, standing up to my knees in water, to lead her into the landing net.

I looked into the landing net and just couldn't believe my eyes: the carp is incredible in size! I tried to lift him, and immediately felt all of his weight. I immediately called all my friends in carp fishing, and within 10 minutes there were seven people from the carp clubs in our region. In front of witnesses, we carefully took out and weighed the fish. 14 eyes were captured on the scales of 38 kilograms and 150 grams!

The most record-breaking perch

The fish, which is at least 200 years old, was caught off the coast of Alaska. The 104cm long giant sea bass was caught by a Seattle man and weighs over 17kg. Henry Liebman, who caught the fish, set the record for the largest seabass caught with sport fishing tackle. In addition, it may become the oldest fish in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Experts say he may be about 200 years old and sailed back in the days when Alaska belonged to Russia. The age of the seabass can be determined by the number of growth rings on the ear bone.

The previous record holder is much smaller, and he was 175 years old. Northern seabass are among the longest-lived in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and can live for over 120 years. They live at a depth of 25 to 1.2 km.

The largest black sea bass looks like this (pictured on the right). It took a fisherman over an hour to catch this record 181 kg black sea bass.

Spearfishing records

Among underwater hunters there is a hierarchy of river fish caught under water. We introduce our readers to some of them.

Record white carp

Hunter's name: Averin Alexander
Fish weight: 30600
Length: 1200cm
Shotgun: Zelinka
Shotgun length: 50cm
Body of water: Lower Volga
I swim slowly, combing a transparent section of the river in a zigzag, I emerge from the thickets of grass onto an underwater lawn and almost simultaneously with me from the left side this monster comes out onto it, at first I did not even understand what kind of fish it was, the first thought is a fathead, Zelinka seems to be catfish sends a harpoon to the target. I see that only the tip entered the body, which means that the flags did not open and any jerk of the fish will give it freedom. I'm waiting for a dash, but instead I see this giant in an arc upward belly rises above me to the surface. Didn't I hit the spine, not believing in such luck, I rush to the fish in order to send the harpoon, but the first attempt did not lead to anything, there was a feeling that the arrow was sticking out in the log, but still, to be sure, I had to pierce the fish through and through, I grab the harpoon and rested fish into the bottom and using all my strength I still send the harpoon. Now, taking the harpoon by the two ends sticking out from both sides of the body, I begin to transport my prey to the boat. Only now, breathless with happiness, I properly examined the fish and realized that it was grass carp and what a huge one!

Record catfish

Name of the Hunter: Alexey Klimov
Fish weight: 110,000
Length: 245
Shotgun: Riffe mt1s
Shotgun length: 96
Reservoir: r. Volga

We hope our readers will visit the fishing luck and they will get record fish... No tail, no scales!

About 50 species of tuna live in the oceans of the world. This large fish is one of the main commercial species on Earth. Some tuna specimens grow to astonishingly large sizes... The largest tuna was caught in Canadian waters. Its weight is 667 kg with a body length of 459 cm. For centuries, fishermen around the world have considered tuna to be an excellent prey.

In restaurants in the USA, Japan and Europe, this fish is considered a delicacy. Tuna is especially prized in Japan, where it is important element nutrition. Fresh tuna is used to make sushi, salads, fried steaks and a host of other dishes. Canned tuna is consumed by people in different countries the world.

What does tuna look like and where does it live?

The body of the tuna is fusiform with a large leathery keel on the back. This fish has well-developed blood vessels and blood rich in hemoglobin. This fish is predatory, it eats shellfish, small fish, shrimps and other marine life. Its length reaches 400 cm, and its weight is up to 600 kg. Tuna can be found in all oceans, in the Barents, Japanese and other seas. The tuna is multiplying intensively.

The female lays up to 10 million eggs at a time. This is a very strong fish, so it is not easy to get it. The fishermen have to endure the whole battle while they pull the giant out of the water. But the loot is worth it. Tuna has very tasty and healthy pinkish meat. Fishermen of all countries are constantly trying to catch a record large specimen of this fish, but only a few of them succeed.

1. The largest Can Foster tuna caught in Canada. This giant fish was caught by Can Foster in 1979 near the Nova Scotia Peninsula in Olds Cove. A huge tuna caught by a Canadian fisherman turned out to be 677 kg in weight and 459 cm long. Thanks to this catch, for which he spent 45 minutes, Ken Foster became famous all over the world.

Inspired by Foster's example, the MIKRA fisherman decided to catch the same big fish. After several weeks of fishing on a boat, together with the fishermen of Nova Scotia (Canada), they caught a tuna weighing about 500 kg and 400 cm long.

Before that, they had come across large specimens of tuna, but the boat crew was only allowed to take fish weighing at least 180 kg, which had already given offspring several times. The rest of the tunas were set free by the fishermen. The government of Canada passed such a law in 2010.

3. Donna Pascoe's tuna, caught in New Zealand. New Zealand citizen Donna Pasco and her four comrades caught Pacific bluefin tuna weighing 411 kg and about 350 cm long. The giant was caught near the Aupouri peninsula. The battle with this huge fish lasted 4 hours.

This huge copy was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Donna Pasco's production was estimated at $ 2 million. This tuna would make 2,800 sandwiches or 1,700 cans. But the fisherwoman decided to make a stuffed animal out of her. He was given the name Marine Picasso.

The largest tuna fish sold at auction in Tokyo

  • In 2013, a new price record was set. Tuna weighing 222 kg was sold for $ 1.8 million.
  • In 2012, a large tuna weighing 269 kg was sold for 56.49 million yen (728 thousand dollars). Bidding took place at the Tsuzuki Market Fish Auction.

  • In 2017, a huge Pacific bluefin tuna was sold at auction for 74.2 million yen or 640 thousand dollars. He was caught off the coast of Japan, he weighed 212 kg.
  • The buyer of the huge tuna was the sushi company Kiyomura. Trades for big tuna in Japan take place right after the new year, and the big price for this fish is considered good sign for the country's economy. A kilogram of such tuna costs up to 8 thousand dollars.

  • Trading at the Tsuzuki Fish Market is a very interesting sight. Lined up in rows, giant fish are sold at gourmet auctions in large restaurants.
  • The largest types of tuna are: common tuna (up to 684 kg), blue or pacific tuna (up to 450 kg), bigeye tuna (up to 210 kg), Australian tuna (up to 260 kg), longfin tuna (up to 60.3 kg).
  • Tuna are one of the fastest inhabitants of the ocean. Acceleration helps them develop a large tail. The narrow body makes it possible to overcome water resistance well.
  • Most of the time, young tuna are in the water warmed by the sun's rays. Large adult fish dive for food in the depths of the sea.

  • Tuna are unique bony fish. They can keep their body temperature higher than the water temperature.
  • When moving, the body of the tuna is motionless, only the tail moves.
  • Tuna migrate during the seasons and swim great distances in search of food.

  • In order to increase streamlining, this fish can hide its fins in grooves on the body.
  • Up to 4 million tons of this fish are caught in the world per year.
  • Tuna meat in France is compared to calf meat, it contains 95% protein. Tuna is suitable for the diet, since 100 g of this fish contains only 100 kcal.
  • Tuna contains iodine and selenium, which are beneficial for the thyroid gland, metabolism and hair nutrition.
  • Eating tuna is good for strengthening the heart and improving brain function. In the United States, this fish is necessarily included in the diet of scientists.
  • Fresh tuna is the basis of Japanese cuisine, thanks to which the Japanese live longer than the rest of the people on earth.

Tuna is one of the largest fish that live in the waters of our planet. It is a commercial fish that feeds many people. V last years catches of tuna have increased significantly. Therefore, ecologists urge to strictly observe the rules for catching this valuable fish so that people can continue to have delicious tuna dishes on the table.

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