Make a snap on cupid. Methods for catching grass carp

This fish belongs to the carp family, which means that the same gear is suitable for fishing it as for fishing carp. As a rule, these are powerful rods equipped with a powerful reel on which the required amount of line of a certain thickness is wound. Very often, after bites of grass carp, fishermen have broken rods. Therefore, the equipment of the tackle should be approached responsibly. If bites of large individuals are expected, then it is better to use a "braid" with a thickness of 0.3 mm and hooks of sizes 10-12. You can use a regular bell as a bite alarm, although in Lately very few people use it.

The spring is a kind of feeder designed for bottom rigging. It is better to use modern rods as a rod. They are convenient in that the bite is transmitted to the tip of the rod, which is the bite signaling device. It is better to bait on the hooks with foam balls so that they do not get lost at the bottom, but are in the water column. Alternatively, this is a combination of a foam ball with some kind of bait. In this case, you need to make sure that the hooks with the bait are raised up from the bottom.

Other types such as "method", "teat" or regular cylindrical or square feeders are also suitable as feeders.

Catching cupid with a float rod

The use of float gear is possible if the subtleties of fishing for this fish are taken into account. The main condition is to find the bait at a certain depth, which is controlled using foam and a shot, which is part of the rig. The bait should be 5-20 cm above the bottom level, which is determined experimentally during fishing.

With the advent of technoplankton, catching grass carp has become much easier. What types of bait were not used when fishing it, given the fact that grass carp is a herbivorous fish. Technoplankton barrels can be used for any fishing method: both bottom fishing and float fishing. The hooks, as in the previous cases, are supplied with foam balls or a combination of foam with attachments of various origins. Once in the water, technoplankton creates a cloud of nutrients that attracts grass carp. Very often fishermen leave the hooks naked, but camouflaged in a barrel of technoplankton. In the process of absorbing technoplankton, grass carp also sucks in hooks, which it is unlikely to get rid of.

Boilie rigs are used, including hair rigs. Either floating boilies, peas or corn are attached to the hair. If corn or peas are used, then there is a need to combine such baits with foam. In this case, the sequence of the location of the bait and foam must be observed. The foam is inserted last so that the hair with corn or peas sticks out of the ground.

Video "Tackle for catching cupid"

Catching a specific type of fish in most cases begins not with throwing the rig into the water, but with a preliminary study of its habits, diet, determination of fishing methods and methods, etc. In this case, there is every reason to count on success. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, at first, you manage to catch a fish that you were not tuned in to, and only then start studying its "pedigree", pursuing the goal of catching in the future, already consciously. It was according to this scheme that my acquaintance with the fish, which bears the primordially divine name - cupid, developed.

First meeting

(photo 1) That first "amorous" fishing almost ten years ago I remember as the last. She left such a vivid mark in her life. Moreover, the conclusions drawn after it remained unshakable over time, because they completely fit into the generally recognized concept of catching this strong and beautiful fish. Of course, thanks to practice, in the future the number of inferences increased significantly, but that was later. And then I just came in mid-May to fish on a large lake, which was dominated by carp, crucian carp and roach. From baits and baits he took with him corn, pearl barley, a worm, bloodworms and maggot.

The overgrowth of the water area of ​​the lake was weak. Only the coastal edge was tousled with reeds and other green vegetation. Somewhere it went into the depths of the reservoir about twenty meters, and somewhere only a meter. Having fed a small pool, edged with a potion, practically from the first casts of maggot-bloodworms on the sandwich, roach began to be caught. True, at the same time I was somewhat upset by the fact that the sandwich bait very quickly lost its original appearance, as it was enveloped by green filamentous algae. It seemed to me that they would deprive the bait of its attractiveness, so before each casting of the rig, I invariably tried to clear it of the green cobwebs as much as possible. But it was still unrealistic to fully cope with this task, the vegetation was so delicate. Excessive efforts could lead to damage to the larvae. Therefore, in fact, I served a maggot-bloodworm-algae sandwich on the fish table. As a result, it turned out that my fears were in vain. The roach did not reduce activity, every now and then forcing the float to dive. But there were no bites on the corn used as an attachment on the second rod rig. This continued until a bite of a different format followed. The float squatted slightly and moved swiftly on its way. When I made the cut, I felt a powerful resistance. The fish rushed in the direction of clear water, but there was little joy from this, because despite the seemingly well-adjusted friction, the 0.16 mm thick lead line could not stand it. The fish is gone. Taking all the blame for what happened at my own expense, I tied the leash, using a line with a section of 0.18 mm, weakened the friction even more. We had to wait for the next bite for about half an hour. This time, the float literally rushed right off the bat, without giving me time to recover. In an instant, the fish covered a distance of seven meters and disappeared into the thickets of grass. It was unrealistic to pull her out of there. As a result, the leash was again torn off.

Assuming that this was another trick of the carp, I realized that if I wanted to put the fish in the cage, I had to change the rig. I tied the leads of both rods using a 0.2 mm vein, put in more powerful hooks, and rechecked the friction clutch. Since both idle bites followed the maggot with the bloodworm, I decided to use only this "living creature".

The day was drawing to a close when the float set sail for the third time. A short, hard hook and again a pleasant weight on the other end of the line, which this time did not disappoint. However, another problem immediately arose. A few meters from the shore, the fish nevertheless wedged into the thickets of grass and stood rooted to the spot. The plan of further actions in my head matured somehow by itself, and almost at lightning speed. Pulling the string-line to the limit, I applied the tactics of catfish fishermen. With the brush of one hand he held the rod, and with the fingers of the other he clicked on the line, creating an acoustic background unpleasant for the fish, instantly transmitted to my "buried" opponent. The calculation was justified. A minute later the fish tried to jerk out of the shelter in the opposite direction, but I was on the alert and extinguished its impulse at the root, deploying the landing net to the visor. It was then that I saw that the fighter was by no means a carp, but a two-kilogram grass carp, which I met for the first time (photo 2). And in the morning of the next day, my catch was replenished with five more of its congeners weighing from one to one and a half kilograms. Moreover, absolutely all bites were implemented. And even despite the presence of several weighty carps in the cage, it was the cupids that gave the greatest pleasure.

Follow-up observations

After that fishing, cupid, like a coveted trophy, firmly established itself in my fishing mind. As a result, despite the increased love for other fish, every year I make several trips to the reservoirs in which this arrow fish of the carp family lives. At the same time, I preach both float fishing and bottom fishing. But first things first. First, I would like to note that grass carp is a fish that appeared everywhere in our reservoirs just half a century ago. His homeland is East Asia. Cupid was acclimatized in Europe not for gastronomic purposes, but for cleaning water bodies, primarily ponds, reservoirs, irrigation canals, cooling reservoirs of power plants, from aquatic vegetation. She is akin to a cow - a herbivore. More than once I have seen the bare shores of water bodies, from which the cupid managed to eat all the representatives of the flora, in fact, crawling out of the water. But in addition to “salads”, cupid also favors “meat” in the form of bloodworms, crustaceans, worms, etc. (photo 3).

As for the time of year, I happened to catch grass carp in the May-October interval, but I know that my friends successfully fished in November as well. True, in the warm waters of a canal of one of the hydroelectric power plants. And yet, spring is the best time to catch grass carp, since the vegetation has not yet stirred up in the reservoirs, which means that carp is more eager for another food offered to him. Plus, the risk when fishing in areas of water bodies that are traditionally heavily overgrown in summer decreases significantly. Plants are just starting to grow.

But in terms of time of day, I would not make much difference. Cupid is excellently caught day and night. More importantly, the other is warm weather, which is an indispensable condition for an increase in fish activity. When the cold weather sets in, you should not plan amorous adventures. It should always be remembered that Cupid remains an extremely cautious inhabitant of the depths. For those who are accustomed to fishing "with a ball", as well as loud fishermen, success is unlikely to come.

Despite the fact that green aquatic plants are a favorite haven for fish, it can often be found on clean stretches, sometimes even shallow ones. True, reeds must grow nearby, where the fish can hide if something is alarmed. I generally love these areas, using bottom rigs... They are good because it is easier to compete with a spotted cupid. There is an opportunity to calmly release the fish for subsequent revenge. The risk of breaking the rig or entangling it about water obstacles is significantly reduced (photo 4).

Well, it should be noted, so to speak, the outstanding physical condition of Cupid. In this regard, a case that happened with one of my acquaintances is a good example. Together with a friend, he flashed a pike, being in one two-seater rubber boat, and accidentally hooked a tee on the tail fin of a four-kilogram cupid. As a result, the fish dragged along the lake a "inflatable" with two healthy men on board about several hundred meters, until it got tired and became. Since she did not manage to get to the thickets of reeds, the fishermen managed to get closer and pick her up with a landing net.

Baits and baits

Perhaps, the issue of using baits and baits is the most important for effective purposeful catching of grass carp, because other components of success are in many ways related to approaches to catching other strong fish.

I remember that in the literature of past years there is information that cucumber ovary, young pea leaves, stalks of corn, clover, and other "greens" can serve as bait for grass carp. I have no doubt that these "ancient" attachments will work in our days, but from my point of view, this is still yesterday, and here's why. Firstly, few will decide to use such advice due to the complexity of their practical application. Secondly, cupid is not roach and machine-gun bite of countless flocks to wait is simply stupid, therefore, having planted a green leaf, you can sit for a day and leave with nothing. Thirdly, there are other "delicacies" that Cupid grants with his attention no less than the above. Fourthly, it is not reasonable to use baits, which other fish living next to grass carp, and, first of all, its "relative" carp will ignore. Therefore, in fact, you can successfully catch several "birds with one stone" at the same time, but keeping the cupid under constant sight.

Again, this is purely my personal opinion, but it is based on practice, and quite successful. Therefore, I proceed from these root causes and apply the following two basic attachments. The first is canned corn. In carp-amur reservoirs, these both fish show an increased interest in it. I hook several grains of corn on the hook, hiding the sting in one of them. The second is dumplings made from bread crumb, previously mashed with steamed cake and banana. At the expense of the cake, I think everyone understands everything, but I will explain about the banana. I do not know who this angler was, who was the first to add banana to both the bait and the bait mixture, but he hit the spot. It was this fruit that made it possible to attract the attention of cupid to the baits previously intended primarily for carp and crucian carp.

As for the baits, I use a couple of them again - maggot and worm. The latter can be either red or rainy. A very good effect is given by a "mixed" sandwich - corn-maggots or corn-worms. And one more addition. Given Cupid's addiction to aquatic vegetation, and mindful of the very first successful fishing, I never remove from the hook green algae and all kinds of blades of grass that cling to during the period of rapid flowering. Their presence next to baits and baits certainly does not harm the bite. Moreover, I have repeatedly managed to catch not only cupid, but also carp, crucian carp and roach on such a sandwich.

However, this list of baits and baits will not be entirely complete, if I do not mention one more "combination" bait, which has brought success several times. This is a worm sandwich and granulated feed (photo 5). Everything is clear about the worm, but I will explain about the compound feed. It is attached to the hook using silicone rings, which can be stretched simply with a special factory tool, which is commonly sold in fishing stores. Silicone rings are again on sale, although you can always find a replacement for them on occasion (photo 6). On such a bait, the granule of compound feed for the time being works as a nozzle, and after a long stay in water it breaks up and acts as a bait (photo 7). The worm stays on the hook anyway, so you don't have to worry. Nevertheless, individual captures of grass carp, crucian carp and some other fish species with such a bait do not yet allow me to conclude about the possibility of its widespread use with high efficiency. This issue has yet to be explored in practice.

Well, in conclusion of the subsection, I will say that if you have to fish in an area with a heavily overgrown bottom, when using the bottom rig, I certainly put a foam ball on the hook, which lifts the bait, putting it into the zone of increased attention of the cupid - the tops of the vegetation. Typically, the nozzle scheme looks like this: corn - styrofoam - corn or corn - styrofoam - worm - maggot. The main thing is that the buoyancy of the foam is sufficient to lift the "edible". This must be taken into account and checked before casting.


Now it would be logical to outline the principle of lure, but I will move on to the question of equipping the rods, and why, it will become clear in the future.

I use two types of rods - float and bottom. In this sequence I will put them in the "bones".

Obviously, catching cupid requires a strong fishing rod, which, moreover, will allow you to do long casts... Hence the conclusion - a rod can be either a narrow-profile carp rod, or a match rod. In extreme cases - a solid universal analogue of a lapdog.

It is preferable to put the reel with a baitrunner, which provides free line travel. If we fix the usual one, then we should remember about the weakening of the friction clutch, otherwise - write the cupid was gone. I use a line from trusted manufacturers with a thickness of 0.25-0.27 mm, elastic and always sinking. I switched to it after, on one of the fishing trips, Cupid nevertheless managed to halve the braid with a section of 0.13 mm and I was forced to resort to fishing line. Since then I have not cheated on her. Force of habit.

Leader line thinner than 0.2 mm for the "amorous rendezvous" practically do not knit. I invariably select the length of the leash on the pond, but it cannot be shorter than 30 cm. The presence of a swivel is required, it will "take care" of the integrity of the rig while playing. For many years I have been using hooks with carp profiles in the range of numbers 6-8, and if I have a wide range of brands when fishing for other fish, then with an eye on carp and carp I use only Cobra. I'm not afraid to say that these are some of the best, if not the best hooks on these fish (photo 8).

If I knit others, which happens more often in the order of experiments, then invariably from strong thick wire and always with a ring on the head, and not with a spatula. I think it's safer this way. Sinkers on the fishing line are most often arranged as when fishing for roach - in a chain. The first from the float is about half the weight of the entire "necklace" of three or four "beads" -beads.

The float is in most cases sliding, because casts often need to be performed at a considerable distance to points of interest. Only if I settle in a place bounded by reeds or other vegetation at a close distance from the coast, as well as for fishing at night, I use a float fixed at two points. The configuration of the float is not critical, but it is better if it is "squat", drop-shaped. Carrying capacity from 4 to 10 g. Amur is a strong man and if he bites, there will be no noticeable deviations of the float from the "norm". He will instantly swallow the bait and drag it aside.

Now about the donkies.

They are especially good for fishing at a considerable distance from the coast, where there are also many potentially cupid places of deployment. Plus, it is effective to fish with them in the daytime in the hot summer months, when the fish is kept deep and it is practically impossible to reach with a fishing rod from the shore.

I don't use carp rods, because I am not an ardent supporter of this caste of fishermen. I use two types of rods. The first is a classic feeder. I equip it with an invariably cylindrical plastic feeder weighing 20-30 g, the main advantage of which I see is that when the line is drawn out, it reaches the surface much faster, minimizing the number of possible hooks-delays for the bottom vegetation. I use all other elements of the equipment by analogy with the float ones.

It makes sense to change the feeder to a sinker only if the casting is to be carried out at a short distance from the shore and the feeding is carried out manually. But as for me, it is better in such a situation to switch to a float rod. With it, fishing is more varied and, if you like, aesthetic.

The second type of bottom rods I use is a durable budget spinning rod up to 3 m long. To them I throw a spring with porridge, popularly called "Japanese" (photos 9 and 10). This option is interesting in that it represents a different way of fishing, which, so to speak, is not sporty, but effective. The principle of operation of the spring, I think, does not need to be explained in detail. Five to six hooks of the above size on short nylon leashes are disguised in porridge. Cupid sucked the brew with a hook and, count, hit. When there are no bites for a long time, it is useful to leave the hook of one leash free, having planted several corn kernels on it (photo 11). In this case, the snap comes out like a two-in-one. Both the spring and the leash retracted from it work.

Groundbait and more

Considering that Cupid loves to eat, a lot of groundbait is required. For two with a friend, we mix a couple of kilograms of ready-made universal or carp-crucian bait with a kilogram of millet porridge, a brick of soaked black bread. Then add a glass of steamed cake or sunflower meal, as well as a couple of bananas. Mix everything thoroughly and add canned corn to the finished mixture. If the fishing coincides with the ripening period in the fields of corn on the cob, then it is a good idea to split a couple and add raw kernels. It remains only to blind the balls and scatter them in the fishing zone, not forgetting about the subsequent feeding.

Such a bait recipe is suitable not only for successful float fishing, but also for stuffing the feeder into the feeder, but I do differently with respect to the feed under the spring. The fact is that the consistency of this porridge should be different - more viscous, so that the cobbled ball does not disintegrate for a long time. Otherwise, the hooks will be bare and it is useless to wait for a bite. But at the same time, the porridge should remain soft so that the cupid can easily absorb it. For these purposes, at home, I usually boil a kilogram of millet and a few potatoes in uniforms until I can eat them myself. Upon arrival at the pond, I mix millet with grated potatoes, a crumb of a loaf of bread and again a couple of bananas, steamed cake and corn. I don’t soak bread. The density of the bait is achieved precisely due to the bread crumb and the binding properties of the potatoes. For better adhesion of the mass, add a little semolina.

On the pond

Any trip is usually preceded by the study of the features of the reservoir. If the choice is made in favor of a lake, where grass carp was introduced relatively recently and therefore slightly reduced the amount of vegetation, I usually rely on a fishing rod. I base myself, as a rule, at points overgrown with the same reeds or other greenery, but not in narrow gaps, so as not to endure the ordeal, periodically tying up entangled by cupid or carp on live barriers and subsequently torn off hooks and leashes. The fishing area should be sufficient in order to be able to compete with the fish without pulling it onto the blacks (photo 12). I noticed that sometimes cupid himself suggests the places of its dislocation, as evidenced by the stalks of green plantations walking about. However, in such cases, applying the bait "for good luck" to one of these points never brought me success. Remembering the proverb “you can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty,” you had to thoroughly feed the place, throwing in from half to two-thirds of the bait mixture.

The rig is methodically sent to this place. I start the working descent of the rig from the bottom, gradually raising it higher if the fish does not react. Often cupid "hatched" half a meter from the bottom. As mentioned earlier, the bite of grass carp is specific, therefore it is not difficult to distinguish it among the bites of other fish, which also favor the offered treat with their attention. Of the more desirable by-catch, these are carp and crucian carp, from less - roach, rudd, perch, gudgeon. In my practice, there was a case when this row was supplemented by a small trout, greedily grabbing a sandwich of three corn kernels and two maggots. Increasing the size of the bait on the hook allows you to minimize the catch of such trifles. If after that confident bites continue, then you can count on catching large enough individuals, which will give you some pleasure. The main thing is to be patient and not be captivated by delusions that cupid will bypass the place with attention.

When the long-awaited bite "led", or rather even "dragging" occurred, after a slight sweep I try to instantly determine what size fish I am dealing with. If I feel that my opponent is not one of the "heavyweights", I force the game whenever possible. I noticed that in such situations, Cupid himself often goes to meet him, headlong rushing to the shore. But this should not be misleading that the fish surrenders without a fight. On the contrary, she is preparing to offer worthy resistance, using a kind of tactical move. To forestall its subsequent turn, which sometimes occurs under the very feet, and then a jerk in the opposite direction, it is required to exhaust the line as quickly as possible, without weakening control over the situation (photo 13). One of my friends turned out to be so unprepared for such behavior of the fish that on the first "cupid" fishing he realized no more than a tenth of all bites, which caused him extreme indignation and unwillingness to deal with this fish in the future. True, in the aftermath, he nevertheless adapted himself and now finds weighty counterarguments.

In general, I want to say that the trajectory of the detected cupid is extremely unpredictable and you can not immediately adapt to this. Moreover, he is much stronger than that the same carp. Therefore, to make your life easier, you should not initially use more than two rods for fishing at the same time, and if more than one rig is thrown, then ask friends or unfamiliar fishermen fishing nearby to help in the prompt removal of “sticks” that interfere with pacifying the fish after the cupid was detected ...

And even when playing, it is imperative to take the cupid as far as possible from the vegetation in which he now and then strives to hide. For these purposes, it is very good to use bridges for fishing, especially those that go far into the reservoir. From them it is convenient not only to play cupid and other large strong fish, but also to make casts in general, significantly expanding the range of fishing. When I find myself in such conditions, I usually direct the bait along the line of reeds, reeds or carpet of vegetation, against which the fish constantly nestles. In this case, not only the likelihood of a bite increases, but also the risk of snagging is reduced.

However, even if the whole process was successful, and the cupid was curbed, I never pull him out of the water with a drag, no matter how large this fish is. Only with a landing net. Other experiments will sooner or later fail.

As for catching cupid with a donkey, it does not have any fundamental features from a fishing rod. Is that the reservoir should allow you to make long casts without fear of breaking the rig. Usually water bodies are suitable for this, in which grass carp is aboriginal. In them, he eats up aquatic plants cleanly over large areas, leaving only narrow strips along the coast and islands. There are practically no obstacles for fishing with a "spring", and even more so for using a classic feeder trough. True, in this case it is worth looking for a place with the maximum proximity of green spaces. Here cupid can be lured faster, without forgetting that five or six hooks are not one. Mistakes during playing increase the risk of parting with the tackle at times. A couple of years ago I had a chance to help one fisherman, whose "spring" Cupid pulled into an oasis of reeds, located 50 meters from the coast, and entangling her by the stems became rooted to the spot. I was fishing pikes from the boat and saw a guy asking for help. Coming closer on the oars, he grabbed the line of his rod with his hand and soon freed it from the captivity of the stiff stems. Smooth stretches stirred Cupid, forcing him to go to clean water... The fish was really not small. Not less than five kilograms. But, unfortunately, I did not succeed in pulling her into the boat. There was no landing net with me, and it didn’t work out the fish darting from side to side, which was spotted with just one hook. The rest of the spring hooks did not "grab" it, as it happens sometimes. As a result, having made a dash, Cupid got off the hook, splashing rain at me goodbye.

Unlike a feeder, there is no need to keep an eye on the "spring" rod. When a cupid or carp bites, it often flies off the spear, so I make sure that in case of a weakening of attention, it does not float on the water. To do this, I securely fix the butt of the rod with improvised items and hang a bell on the flyer stand. Well, in order not to sit next to him in vain, I uncover the fishing rod and catch it next to him. In fact, fishing is a kind of combined. When I use a "clean" feeder, I set the hardest tip and catch according to the classical scheme, without leaving the workplace.

Night fishing

Cupid is active not only during the day, but also at night, as a result, the pleasure of fishing is extended around the clock. There are no fundamental features in fishing it under the arches of the starry sky. Unless one should be careful and not leave the rod unattended - at best, it will mix up the equipment, at worst, it will pull it along. In addition, due to the reduction of extraneous noise, you should be even quieter. Cupid loves to move to the shore for feeding, while behaving much bolder than during the day. At night, you can witness how this fish comes close to the coastal edge and rustles in the coastal grass. True, she is not stupid enough to go out to the very feet of people. More than a dozen meters away from me, I have never seen such night outings.

As an illumination for both the float and the tips of the bottom rods, catalytic nozzles, popularly called "fireflies", are suitable. Catching on Japanese springs, some fishermen do not attach them to the tip of the rod, but place them in a specialized signaling device that is hung on the line. I tried this option, but in the end I chose a different one - I just turn on a powerful flashlight, which I hang on a regular factory flyer. In this case, I direct the beam of light not to the water, but along the coast. Simple, convenient, practical.

For those who are not captivated by stereotypes that it is impossible to catch a certain type of fish in a reservoir, or are ready to break free from such delusions, I recommend paying attention to such fish as grass carp. With appropriate preparation, a meeting with him will certainly take place and will bring a lot of pleasure (photo 14).

White amur can grow in length up to 1.2m, while reaching a weight of about 30KG... This fish is widespread in East Asia and in the Amur River basin, from which it got its name.

The basis of the diet of grass carp is the vegetation of reservoirs. The fry of this fish can feed on bloodworms or other invertebrates, but as they grow, they quickly switch to plant food. Due to its herbivorousness, grass carp began to be launched into reservoirs overgrown with algae to clean these reservoirs. The second name of this fish is grass carp. It not only cleans water bodies of unnecessary vegetation, but also has tasty meat. Moreover, grass carp grows rapidly, which makes it possible for its industrial cultivation. Based on this, grass carp is a valuable species of fish intended for industrial cultivation.

Initially, this fish was very difficult to catch due to its nutritional base, which was aquatic vegetation, but over time, grass carp began to eat other types of food offered to him and he began to fish with baits traditional for anglers. The active nibble of grass carp can be observed in the morning and evening hours, but sometimes, for some reason, it shows its activity in broad daylight. The grass carp is frightened by unnecessary noises on the shore, so you should prepare quite seriously to catch it. If there is food in the pond, this fish is unlikely to pay attention to anglers' baits.

Some anglers resort to some tricks to lure out grass carp:

  1. They throw the bait in the immediate vicinity of the thickets.
  2. Self-cleaning part of the reservoir, making a kind of windows.
  3. Fishing is carried out at night, when there is a minimum of noise, near the reservoir.
  4. They are engaged in groundbait of grass carp for several days before fishing.

The best moments for catching grass carp are considered to be warm, cloudless days without the presence of wind.

Choice of tackle and equipment

For catching such a powerful fish, ordinary and familiar tackle is not suitable, since they do not withstand the resistance of grass carp.

The main gear when fishing for grass carp are:

It is a long rod, reaching a length of about 13 meters, capable of withstanding the force when playing large specimens. The most important advantage of such a rod is its durability. The tackle used simulates a freely falling lure in the water column, which works very well for attracting grass carp. The basis of the plug-in fishing rod are: rubber, 1.4 to 2.1 m long, fishing line, 0.14 to 0.22 mm in diameter and hook No. 10, attached to the fishing line.

A fishing rod of at least 4m in length is selected. It is also possible to use shorter blanks: it all depends on the fishing conditions, the main thing is that it is strong. As a rule, standard carp rods equipped with powerful reels for catching large specimens are chosen for catching grass carp. The fishing line is chosen with a thickness of about 0.4 mm, and a rigid cord is used as a leash.


It is used for catching grass carp in the spring, when there is still no green vegetation at the bottom of the reservoir. The length of the feeder can be within 4 meters and is equipped with a reel of size 3500. The feeder is equipped with a monofilament line with a diameter of 0.3 mm, as well as braided leads, the length of which is chosen experimentally. When fishing for this fish, it is very important that the bait is raised above the bottom level up to 20cm.

Best baits

Initially, grass carp was caught on:

  • cabbage leaf;
  • pieces of green cucumber;
  • dandelion leaves and stems;
  • green pods of peas or beans;
  • various algae.

Such baits are promising in our time, but the fish have become accustomed to new reservoirs, and do not mind trying such baits as:

At the same time, grass carp does not refuse peas, corn, wheat, etc. Given his versatile addiction to different types feed, it is sometimes very difficult to find an effective bait or bait. Therefore, when going fishing, it is better to take several types of attachments with you and calculate the preference of grass carp, alternately sending them into the reservoir.

Some anglers use tiger nuts to catch grass carp. This bait has a peculiar aroma that quickly spreads in the water and lures the fish.

To cook nuts, you need:

  1. Boil them in water for 1 hour.
  2. After the end of cooking. Nuts are insisted in a bowl, wrapped in cloth.
  3. After cooling, an attractant is added to the mass to enhance the aroma.
  4. Ready-to-eat nuts are dried in the sun.

Animal baits work well in stocked ponds, but traditional plant baits are best used in ponds where fish are scarce.

Complementary feeding technique

Most of all, grass carp loves corn, so it should be present in all types of bait.

For the preparation of bait mixtures, the same components are used as for most carp:

  • peas;
  • Hercules;
  • corn grains;
  • sunflower cake.

For the most part, grass carp is attracted by the strong aroma of corn, which even the most cautious fish cannot resist. The grass carp eats a lot, therefore, a sufficient amount of groundbait is required. As a rule, when fishing for this fish, bait is not spared and is poured into one place up to 2 kg of corn. You should not immediately feed the place, but try to catch fish first without and only after negative result, feed the place.

If there is a desire to catch a large fish, then it is better to throw the tackle a little further than the fed area, where larger specimens are circling. As a rule, biting is always better at the point of fishing, but smaller individuals eat up.

Habitat and fishing areas

Starting from a depth of 1m and ending with a depth of 4m, one can hope for a successful biting of grass carp. Based on the fact that it is artificially bred, it can be found in irrigation canals, reservoirs near thermal power plants, as well as in ponds that require constant cleaning from aquatic vegetation. It can also be found in heavily overgrown lakes and ponds, where there is enough food for it. This fish feels safe near fallen trees, driftwood and other objects in the water.

The seasonal nibble of grass carp

From late spring to mid-autumn, you can safely hunt for this fish.

In the spring

During this period, grass carp is caught at moments of slow growth of aquatic vegetation, at a water temperature of +12 to + 16C.


With the onset of real heat, the bite of grass carp is activated, but it is not so easy to catch it, since there is enough natural food in the reservoirs. In the summer, it is very difficult to find the right bait for the grass carp to start an active bite.

In autumn

This is the best period for hunting grass carp, as the fish senses the arrival of winter and begins to stock up nutrients... During this period, he bites on almost all the baits offered to him. It is caught until the water cools down to + 10C. In the autumn, the growth of aquatic vegetation stops and natural food is not enough for it.

In winter

V winter period grass carp ceases to eat at all, being in deep pits.

When biting a large specimen do not make sudden movements on the shore, since grass carp is rather shy and its reaction can be unexpectedly powerful, as a result of which the tackle may break.

When using bottom tackle such as a feeder, you need to think about how to lift the bait with the hook above the level of the bottom vegetation. As a rule, foam balls are used for this.

When using float tackle, you need to play along with the rod for additional attraction of fish.

Be careful when fishing with baits such as reeds or cabbage leaves. A sluggish twitching of the tackle indicates that the fish is calmly eating the bait and an immediate hooking is required.

When playing large copies should not fuss, but try to weaken the fish, thereby reducing its resistance. To do this, it is advisable to use a friction brake, loosening it from time to time, allowing the grass carp to calm down somewhat and, at the same time, keep it under control.

The feeder is an excellent tackle that allows you to catch various fish, and even quite large ones, for example, such as carp and grass carp. The use of a feeder gives the fisherman special advantages in the pursuit of trophy fish.

First, it is a long and accurate casting of the rig. Secondly, by throwing the feeder at the same point, you simultaneously catch and feed the fish. And thirdly, the highest sensitivity of the feeder, which in combination with braided line becomes even more sensitive.

Tackle for catching cupid

White carp is a very strong fish that reaches a weight of twenty kilograms, and it follows from this that if you get such a big trophy, then your tackle must be extremely strong and reliable, so that grass carp does not cut your line, and even worse, does not break the feeder rod and reel. That is, the tackle used in feeder fishing for cupid must be very strong, approximately the same as in carp fishing.

Feeder cuts (video)


The larger the potential fish, the stronger the tackle should be, but for a medium-sized grass carp (4-7 kilograms), a 3.6-4 meter long feeder rod with an upper dough corresponding to the cast weight (50-150 grams) is suitable.

Feeder coil

The size of the reel should also be matched to the feeder rod, and to the size of the fish, the best option there will be coils in size 4000-5000. good work of the clutch is very important, which should absorb the jerks of the fish

Main line

As the main line, it is worth using a braided line or mono line with a diameter of 0.25-0.4 mm, although most fishermen use a mono line when catching large fish, since its ability to absorb jerks is much more important than sensitivity when biting.


As with any other fishing, the diameter of the leash used in the rig should be less than the diameter of the main line, and this is due to two factors. Firstly, if the leash snaps tightly to the bottom, then only the leash will break off, and the feeder will remain intact.

Secondly, the thinner the leash, the less noticeable it is for fish, in this case for grass carp, from this it follows that fish bites will be more confident and frequent, which as a result can increase your catch. To make feeder leads, you need a piece of line 20-90 cm long and 0.2-0.25 mm thick. The length of the leash also plays a role, and the length is selected by the fisherman independently, by trial and error.


The hook is the element of the equipment, which in no case should you save on, the hooks must be the best. The main requirements for hooks are their sharpness, shape, size and quality. For large cupids, the hooks should be larger, and their shape should correspond to the bait used in fishing.


For catching cupid on a feeder, the usual feeder rigs such as anti-twist tube, paternoster, symmetrical and asymmetrical loops.

In stagnant bodies of water, rigs work in approximately the same way. With regard to the application feeder troughs, then a fisherman in his arsenal should have both classic "cages" and constructions of the "method" type, the feed from which is washed out for a long time, which attracts cupid to the feeder, and, accordingly, to the bait.

Bait and baits for catching cupid

Previously, grass carp was caught on vegetable baits:

  • bean and pea pods
  • willow, corn, cabbage leaves
  • dandelion stems and leaves

But with artificial cultivation, the fish liked the classic baits:

  • Worm
  • Bloodworm
  • Maggot
  • Wheat


The most important thing in groundbait for grass carp is that there should be a lot of it. On a fishing trip, the daily rate of dry groundbait can be up to seven kilograms. Regular store-bought carp baits are suitable for fishing with a feeder. For fishing with flat, you need a special bait, which has such a viscosity as plasticine. In general, catching carp with a feeder is not much different from catching other fish, the main thing is that carp is in the reservoir, and there you are already as lucky.

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Catching grass carp on a spring is considered the most popular and effective method catching this strong and big fish... Many fans of float fishing will say that this is not the case, but this has long been proven empirically. In the article we will try to reveal all the subtleties of fishing with bottom gear.

It's no secret that Cupid is quite difficult to catch, as he is quite smart and very strong. Yes, a small cupid can be caught on a worm with the help of an ordinary float, but for a large cupid you need a completely different approach and a lot of effort.

As mentioned above, the fish is quite smart and cunning, very often even experienced fishermen are left empty-handed. But if you choose right place for catching cupid on a spring, choose the right tackle and suitable bait, that is, there is a high probability of going home with a normal catch.

The most important thing is to choose the right place, because only those who stand where needed have all the chances to catch fish. Cupid is inhabited in all ponds artificially, since it reproduces only in the river of the same name, from where it does not migrate further. White cupid needs warm water in order to leave offspring, and there are very few warm water bodies in central Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Yes, that is why in the middle lane carp is populated only artificially.

This gives pond owners paid fishing privileges, since you can often find cupid only there. In small bodies of water, the need to choose a place for catching grass carp on a donkey abruptly disappears, since it is almost everywhere there. But with large reservoirs, certain problems are obtained, here it is already necessary to look for promising places, because grass carp is unevenly distributed over the reservoir.

In one place, cupid can only hold food, if it is not there, then he will move around the entire reservoir in search of food. This leads to the fact that whoever feeds and catches. We strongly recommend that you feed the carp fishing spot well.

Since grass carp is characterized by a very cautious fish, the closer the bait is to the shore, the less often and more carefully it bites. If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to cast the bait far away, there Cupid is not particularly picky about the tackle, but the bait must definitely suit his taste, otherwise he will not be caught.

The closer to the shore, the smaller the size of the caught fish will be, this must be understood and put up with it. Therefore, to catch a large cupid, you need to throw far. Of course, the size of the caught fish also largely depends on the bait, but more on that later. Large individuals were often seen near the shore, presumably the cupid is there to eat reeds, but when people see people it immediately goes to the depths. Well, the younger the fish, the more “stupid” and less cautious it is.

You have a huge chance of catching a large grass carp when fishing in narrow reservoirs. If it turns out to throw the rig under the opposite bank, throw it, the probability of catching a large cupid there is very high. But such a counter can only pass if the opposite bank is free from fishermen. It is worth giving preference to places with abundant vegetation, near reeds and bushes, the likelihood of catching a large grass carp is very high.

Make a cloudy cloud of bait at the bottom - this will definitely lure the fish to the place of fishing. And all you have to do is feed him an attractive, sharp hook attachment.

To summarize: the choice of a place for catching grass carp on a donk depends largely on the reservoir and the skills of the fisherman; the most promising places can be: opposite the shore and near thickets of reeds and bushes.

The bait for grass carp creates a rustle among fishermen, and this rustle is quite justified. The choice of bait is a perennial topic of controversy for fishermen, experienced and not so. And the main reason for these disputes is the individual preferences of grass carp. The choice of bait largely depends on the characteristics of the reservoir. And precisely because in one body of water, grass carp will never pass by one bait, and in another, it will not pay attention to this bait at all, and a huge number of disputes arise. For example, my father thinks cucumber is the best bait for catching cupid, and my uncle, who constantly catches on other bodies of water, claims that he never takes a cucumber. And such disagreements arise only because they fish in different bodies of water.

Even if there is no approximate idea of ​​cupid's preferences in the selected reservoir, then only experiments can help. Sometimes the bait can surprise fishermen, and sometimes it can be quite familiar. Tell me please, many of you have ever fished for a cucumber? I think that not very much, but in many bodies of water, cupid prefers only him.

Here is a list of baits for catching grass carp on a donk:

  • cucumber;
  • reed;
  • seaweed;
  • boilies;
  • corn;
  • muckworm;
  • crawl;
  • maggot;
  • cabbage.

And this list is not exhaustive, here are only the most effective baits, tested on personal experience... They are all effective, but only on certain bodies of water, for your water area they may not be suitable at all, so you always need to select the bait empirically. It is quite simple and many cope with the task even on the first fishing trip. All you need to catch grass carp is to be patient, choose a suitable time for catching grass carp, a place and pick up the bait.

The grass carp is very fond of warmth and the activity of its feeding completely depends on the temperature of the water - the higher it is, the more active the fish. There is one thing but, just at the peak of fish activity, often this summer, the natural food base of grass carp is full. And getting him to eat your bait will be a little tricky. Therefore, the best time for catching grass carp with a spring is the time when natural vegetation is already or still not enough, but the water is already warmed up enough. Cupid starts to activate when the water temperature reaches 16 ° C.

And the catching of carp begins in May, and ends around October. This time is considered optimal for catching carp, but many fishermen are known to catch carp in winter. But sometimes cupid even at water temperature special attention does not pay and seeks to eat it even in cold water, in view of the lack of natural food, and it happens in two cases when it has not yet grown after winter and when it is no longer suitable for consumption, before winter.

well and best time days for catching grass carp, however, like many other fish, it is considered morning. Just in the morning, the main share of the large fish caught falls out, and in the morning the cupid's nibble is the most stable. In the morning, the activity is the most stable, but at night, cupid is also caught and quite successfully. Sometimes at night, cupid does not bite at all, but if it does bite, then it bites confidently, fishermen believe that his uncertainty and caution are dulled in the dark. Still, it is more difficult to stay without a bite in the morning than at night.

In the afternoon and in the evening, cupid can also be caught, but it is a little more difficult. The main thing is to have the right bait and the weather to help you.

For catching grass carp on a donk, it is best to use a strong and proven rod, a carp rod is perfect, but something else is possible, the main thing is that you are confident in its strength. If you catch other fish, then cupid sometimes also slips, but as a rule it is very small, but when fishing this large fish directed, you should be fully prepared to catch a large specimen.

Anyone who thinks branded, expensive rods are the best in the world are grossly mistaken. You can catch big fish with a cheap stick. I have dozens of fishing experiences large fish, including cupid, caught on the cheap and well-known "Crocodile".

But there are many disadvantages in cheap tackle, and the main one is the casting distance of the rig, because a high-quality stick allows you to cast the bait many times further and much more accurately. Close fishing distances can lead to fewer bites.

Well, less noticeable, but still a minus is the fishing of a large cupid. With carp spinning special problems did not arise, but it was quite difficult to pull a 3-kilogram fish onto the Crocodile. Here, the depreciation of cheap spinning did not help in any way, and it seemed to me that at the other end of the line was a diver tied to a tree. But on the one hand, this is cool, because the sensations are completely different and even with a relatively small fish you can compete perfectly.

I had to catch cupid on a donk with a feeder more than once, and I noticed that he bites on her much less often than on a hair rig. Surely it's all about the feeder, so here's a tip for you: feed the fishing spot abundantly and remove the feeders from the tackle so that they do not frighten the fish.

We tried to make long leashes and leave the feeder, and so it works. Only now it is worth using tackle with one hook, if two hooks are placed on half-meter leashes, then they will at least get tangled and interfere with playing fish.

Why are there two, very often one hook is confused, and this leads to a "dead" expectation of the fish. To avoid this, it is best to lightly stick the hook to the feeder while casting. After getting into the water, the bait dissolves and the hook will fall off on its own.

Optimal equipment for catching grass carp on a donk:

  • rod - 3.6 meters (optimal);
  • coil - 3000-3500;
  • fishing line with a minimum diameter of 0.25-0.3 mm, with the likelihood of a cupid biting over 4-5 kg, fishing line up to 0.6 mm. the cord can be set thinner than the line, but about the same breaking load;
  • the hook can be used carp No. 5-8.5 according to the domestic classification (No. 10-3 according to the international)
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