How to make floats at home. How to make a float: sliding, long casting, flowing

And starting today homemade floats They have practically lost their relevance among fans of outdoor activities on the banks of the river, since many people prefer to go to the store and buy a modern factory model, yet there are enthusiasts who trust their hands much more.

And the pleasure that you get while fishing with your own float will be much higher. A few questions remain to be answered: what kind of floats can be made and what materials are better to use?

Homemade fishing floats: materials and types. Video

A homemade float can be made from almost anything that falls under the arm or on the eye. But the most common materials are the following:

  • Styrofoam;
  • kuga (or dried reed stalk);
  • Cork;
  • goose feather.

As a rule, homemade floats are made for fishing in calm waters, but if you take into account some peculiarities, you can make specialized floats of the following types:

  • float for long distance casting;
  • float for flow;
  • sliding float.

Making a float


Usually, foam floats are very sensitive... To make the simplest model, you need to make a ball 6-7 mm in diameter - the top is painted red or orange, the bottom is blue. In the center of the ball, it is required to make a hole into which a beech rod with a thickness of up to 2 mm and a length of 6-7 cm will be inserted.The upper part of it must be painted with stripes of several colors, an eight is put on the bottom to attach the fishing line. To adjust such a float, weights are hung slightly above the hook, which will immerse exactly half of the foam ball under water.

No one should have any special difficulties during work, but you should listen to a couple more tips.

  1. First tip - applying a protective coating... Since the materials used are quite porous and can quickly lose their properties under constant exposure to water, it is recommended to cover the entire surface with varnish or epoxy glue (the second option is more preferable). The surface is pre-degreased to make the crust stronger. It is recommended to apply 4 to 6 coats, each of which must dry completely before applying the next one.
  2. Second tip - heat treatment... Another way to give the foam strength is to heat it with a regular iron. To do this, a prepared ball is rolled over a perfectly flat surface with a weakly heated device. As a result, pores will be removed from it, and the color will acquire a glossy shade.

From kuga

Kuga (or reed stalk) used for the manufacture of cylindrical floats... The material must be harvested in the fall and dried well during the winter. After drying, it is cut with a clerical knife into 3-6 cm segments.At the top of the float, you need to glue the antenna - a rod of wood 4-4.5 cm long and 2-3 mm thick so that it protrudes 2-2.5 cm above the surface. a metal loop is glued in. With a wire or a thin thread, both ends are tightened, aligned and the entire structure is covered with a waterproof varnish.

You can take pieces of dried bamboo as a rod. The float made of kuga silently lays down on the water, responds perfectly to a bite, has little resistance as it has a streamlined shape. Disadvantages - fragility of the product and low weight.

From cork

The quality of the cork float is comparable to the previously described bamboo float. For the manufacture of such a product need to cook:

  • bamboo long rod;
  • cork olive;
  • loops with a wire rod.

With the help of a clerical knife, a round-shaped blank is cut out of the cork and carefully rubbed with a sandpaper. The holes (pores) must be sealed with a waterproofing compound, allowed to dry and the product must be sanded again. Then the blank is thoroughly degreased and covered with oil paint.

Next, a hole is made in the cork and a bamboo or wooden rod sits down, to which the forend of the hook No. 9-10 with a ring is preliminarily squeezed and the sting is bite off - the hook will act as a hinge. Insulation from the wiring is put on the dangling tube, which will hold the line. The rod must be coated with linseed oil and painted with two or three colors - it is recommended to use natural dark shades.

How to ship a float from a cork to water? The first sinker, which is placed near the hook, should submerge the float 1/3 into the water, but without the olive. The second sinker, heavier, is placed 10-15 cm higher than the previous one, and almost all the olive should be in the water. With the bait, such a float will completely submerge, leaving only half of the rod on the surface. When the fish bites and the olive appears above the water, it's time to cut.

Goose feather

This type of float - simplest... The nib must be carefully cleaned to avoid damaging the base. Many people use scissors, after which they carefully scorch the excess with a lighter. The lower part is cut at an angle to form a tongue. It is bent, then a small wire ring is inserted, the tongue is bent again, this time completely, pressed against the rod and wrapped with a thread.

The float needs to be painted, but it is not recommended to use bright colors. It is better to paint the product in two colors: the part immersed in water - in a dark natural shade, the part located above the water - in a bright shade. On upper part it is required to put on a rubber ring through which the fishing line will pass.

For the flow

Usually, for fishing on the current, flat floats are selected, which today can be easily found in specialized stores. Cheap models do not always live up to expectations, and high-quality ones are very expensive. A flat float can be easily made with your own efforts.

Stage one- selection of material. It should be easy to process, not heavy, not soaked in water, not lose its properties after exposure to varnish or paint. The most suitable option is polypropylene. You will also need: nitro varnish, thin steel wire, glue.

Stage two- choice of size and shape. The most optimal sizes of the float for the flow: thickness - 6 mm, diameter - 60-65 mm. With such parameters, the carrying capacity will be 9-10 grams. The shape of the float is as follows: it is made in the form of a semicircle, while the flat edges should be slightly rounded (the greater the thickness, the greater the radius of curvature). The edges should also have a semicircular shape (achieved by sanding).

Stage three- manufacturing. Having processed the workpiece, using a thin drill, two holes are drilled for the antenna and the keel, the angle between which is 35-40 degrees. The keel can be made of stainless wire with a diameter of 0.8-1 mm and a length of 35-40 cm. It is recommended to bend the shoulder on both sides for more secure fixation. The line will be attached to rubber rings.

Now it remains to glue the antenna and cover the product with nitro varnish. The required number of layers is 5-6. To make the float look good, it is recommended to paint it with a dark natural shade.

For long distance casting

A float for long distance casting is made in the same way as a regular one, but its lower part should be an order of magnitude heavier (usually 20 grams or more). The blank is attached closer to the bottom of the product. The wide and heavy bottom section will pull the rig with it while casting and guarantee stability in the water.

For long-distance casting, floats, as a rule, make one attachment point- from below. Antenna length can vary from 40 to 50 mm, diameter - 5-6 mm. In some cases, to increase the sensitivity to the bite, a composite antenna is made - the upper, narrower part is equal in length to 1/5 of the entire float.

But the best option would be to use a sliding float, the manufacture of which is described below.

Sliding float

For making a sliding float for long casting will be required:

  • two empty refills: from a ballpoint pen and a helium pen;
  • Styrofoam.

A cylinder larger than the desired size is cut out of the foam and they begin to roll it out between two flat surfaces - to seal it. Then, with the help of a clerical knife, the ends are trimmed and also sealed.

In the resulting workpiece, a coaxial hole with a diameter of 3.5-4 mm is drilled. A 55-60 mm long tube is cut from the helium pen rod and inserted inside. Styrofoam moving part should rest against the tip of the rod, on the other hand, insert the tube from the ball rod.

Through both rods, the fishing line sags, along which the product will slide. It remains to paint the float in a dark red or blue color (it all depends on the preferences of the fisherman, but it is not recommended to use bright shades that frighten off fish).

In custody

Of course, it is impossible to describe all the features of making homemade floats and their types, and everyone who wants to work for sure will make its own corrections or improvements, in his opinion, improving the characteristics of the product.

We will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself float at home without making a lot of effort with our article.

With a homemade float is popular and is often used by anglers. After all, it is done with a soul, on different kinds fish and from inexpensive, improvised materials. This article will tell you how to make a float quickly so that it pleases you, is noticeable and comfortable when fishing.

Float good quality must be made of materials that easily adhere to the surface of the water. The most accessible and sensitive materials:

  • Bird feather (duck, goose, swan)
  • Plastic tube (cotton candy, flag, balloon)
  • Styrofoam
  • Small cork

Before making a float, you need to decide what kind of fish it will be designed for. For a medium-sized crucian carp or rudd, floats made of a plastic tube or bird feather would be a good option. And for predators such as perch or pike, a cork or foam float is more suitable. Such floats hold live bait well, and do not allow it to entangle the line. Therefore, powerful bites are always noticeable.

The most sensitive is considered bird feather float due to its keel shape, it responds well even to light pushing of the bait by fish. This makes it possible to make a successful strike. In addition, it is easy to make, or rather nature itself made it, and you only need to improve it a little. Moving on to the lesson on how to make a bird feather float.

  1. We carefully clean the rod from the fluff so as not to damage its waterproofness. Can be cut with a knife and cleaned with fine sandpaper or scorched with a lighter or match flame.
  2. To attach the fishing line, you need to put on a rubber ring at the bottom of the keel on the thin part. It can be cut from a 5 mm long nipple.
  3. For better visibility on the water, paint must be applied to our invention. To do this, use a waterproof or ordinary paint, which it is desirable to varnish. But the best option is to take a nail polish of a suitable color from your wife or daughter and cover the float. Usually two colors are applied, one part black, the other red or bright orange.
  4. We stretch the line, attach the weight and our float is ready.

A float made of plastic straws, not inferior in sensitivity to a feather, but more durable, has a proportional, attractive appearance. The manufacturing process is simple:

  1. We measure the required length and cut it off.
  2. The edges of the tube must be sealed so that no water gets into it. To do this, heats one end of the tube at a distance of 5 mm from the edge, with a candle fire or a lighter until the material softens.
  3. As soon as a kind of bubble appears, we twist the tube with a pigtail. After cooling, the tightness is ensured. We do the same procedure on the opposite side of the tube.
  4. Then we take any edge and heat it up again and flatten it with pliers.
  5. We make a hole for the lock, a nipple will be put on it, through which the fishing line is pulled.
  6. We cut off all the extra ends and paint the float.

NS it's turn to tell you how to do small cork or foam float... Let's combine these two materials into one section, since they have the same manufacturing principle.

  1. We cut out a blank from a cork from wine or foam and give a smooth look with a grinder with an emery nozzle.
  2. We make a through hole and push through it an ampoule from a pen, a stick from a chupa - chups, a plastic tube or something like that. It is not necessary to seal the ends of the rod, since the buoyancy is provided by the foam itself or the cork.
  3. We put a nipple on a stick, and paint our float
  4. Once completely dry, it is ready to fish.

As you can see, making homemade floats is not at all difficult. Of course, the first copy may not turn out to be ideal right away, but you will already be doing the next one much faster and with an attractive look. A big plus of such floats is that they can be made in a large number and in a short period of time.

The fishing market has a large number of fishing products, including floats of various colors and sizes. Only experienced fishermen, for the most part, prefer to do fishing gear do it yourself. After making it yourself, you can observe the required weight, color and size. How to make a float yourself will be discussed in this article.

The choice of material for the manufacture of the float

Making a float yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to decide what type of rod you need it for. And of course, you must follow several rules for making such a tackle:

  1. The depth of the reservoir where fishing is planned;
  2. At what distance from the coast will fish be caught;
  3. Flow;
  4. Features of the surface of a lake or river, such as the presence of reeds.

Putting together all the features, you can start choosing the necessary material. It should be borne in mind that the selected material must be sufficiently stable on water, the strength of the material also plays an important role. A homemade float should be bright enough, since the weather conditions when fishing can be different, and it should be clearly visible in any weather.

Necessary materials

So what can you make a float out of? Many materials can be used to make this fixture. But still, one of the most common is the manufacture of this bite indicator from a goose feather. Various devices will also be required, which include bright acrylic paints of various colors, a drill, waterproof glue, stationery glue and sandpaper.

How to make your own goose feather float

To cook necessary materials and tools;

  • You do not need to clean the feather from fluff, it is best to do this with a clerical knife or an ordinary blade, and then hold the feather over an open fire several times. This procedure allows you to remove the remnants of fluff and the smallest burrs;
  • The upper part should be painted with acrylic waterproof paint or brightly colored nail polish, this will improve its visibility on the water surface.
  • You can attach the finished tackle to the fishing line using two rubber rings, which can be made from a tube from a medical dropper, which should be fixed on the lower edge of the float and in its middle.

Make a long casting float

First you need to figure out how the float for long casting differs from the usual one. The difference between this tackle lies in its weight, that is, it is much heavier. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cast over a long distance. Here are some tips for making such a fishing gear.

  1. The antenna for the float is best made of bamboo, while remembering that the end should be no more than 1 mm thick and the base no more than 2.5 mm thick.
  2. For the manufacture of the case, foam plastic or wine corks are usually used. Its height should not exceed 7 cm.
  3. The ring through which you need to pass the fishing line is fixed on the top.
  4. To make it heavier, a hole is drilled in the lower part, into which a special lead cone with a loop for fishing line is inserted. Attach the cone with waterproof glue.
  5. Once the tackle is assembled, it can be painted with any bright acrylic paint. According to the advice of experienced anglers, it is best to use scarlet paint.

Video on how to make a fishing float with your own hands:

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How to make a wine cork float?

This article discusses two options for making wine cork floats. One of the simplest and most affordable options for making floats from Chupa-Chups. The second, more complicated one, is made from a barbecue tube.

Making a float from a stick from "Chupa-Chups"

The body of the float will be wine stopper... We also need a stick from the Chupa-Chups candy. We take any wine cork and cut it in half.

We make a hole inside the cork using a drill with a suitable drill or self-tapping screw so that the tube enters with effort. We insert it halfway along with a piece of fishing line:

There is a slit on the tube. When we thread the float onto the main line, it is necessary that this hole is located at the bottom of the float. We will lead the lower part of the line into it. As a result, it will fit snugly to the tube and this situation will turn out:

This float can be used when fishing in waves and in quiet places... It is well suited for boat fishing. You can use a longer tube and a whole cork. Then we get a more stable, but less sensitive float. Or vice versa, cut off only a third of the cork and thread it onto a shorter tube. Thus, we get a lighter and more sensitive float.

Sliding float made of cork and kebab sticks

Let's make a more complex float. For this we will use a kebab stick of this type:

Then we pass the stick through the cork and see how tightly it will adhere to it:

After that, remove the cork and cut off the sides.

Our task is to get a neat oval blank with an elongated body. To do this, we cut off the sides and grind each side evenly with medium-grit sandpaper:

The work is not as tedious as it might seem. The cork lends itself well to processing. This is not a tree that takes a long time to clean. Within 10 minutes, we will get such a neat barrel for the float:

We put it on a stick and see how the elements will be in harmony with each other. Against this background, we see how well the keg turned out.

Next, you need to coat the lower part of the float with transparent and water-repellent wood glue, on which we will then stretch the barrel. Then we coat the entire barrel to protect it in the future from moisture and water ingress:

The antenna can be lubricated with varnish to protect it from water when fishing. After that, we make a hole in the stick on the side where the barrel is attached. For this we take a drill and a drill with a thickness of 1 mm. We drill strictly in the center.

In this hole, we put a previously made ring and a wire with a thickness of 0.8 mm.

First we coat it with glue and insert it into the hole. It should look like this.

The ring can be attached in another way - with the help of threads. It is necessary to attach it to the stick and make turns over the entire surface, and then grease this place with glue.

The top of the antenna can be painted with acrylic paint or a marker. As a result, we get a sliding float like this:

Do not forget that the float should be immersed so that only the painted part is visible from the water.

Are you familiar with the situation when in a fishing tackle store it is difficult to choose exactly what you need - either the size is not the same and the functionality is disappointing, or the price significantly hits the budget? The easiest way out here is to make the tackle yourself. Do you want to make a self-locking float with your own hands, a homemade supersensitive float with your own hands or a nod float for summer fishing with your own hands? Welcome - study the information, recommendations for manufacturing and you can probably make those yourself. The materials from which the floats are made can be freely purchased, and sometimes even found in the closet among the things left there on the principle of "someday come in handy."

Self-made floats with your own hands

When the decision to make a float on your own is made, it is worth careful preparation. On preparatory stage the angler needs to decide what kind of float he will make and figure out how to make a float with his own hands.

The fisherman needs to decide what material the float will be made of

A good choice will be made if the following parameters are taken into account:

  • fishing method;
  • the type of fish for which the tackle is designed;
  • fishing conditions, in particular, the presence of a current;
  • the intended type of bait.

In addition to these factors, the question is being resolved whether the float needs to be loaded. And only after analyzing all the important parameters, a decision is made which material to use to make a float with your own hands.

Correctly selected and competently made largely determine its effectiveness, because a good float helps the angler to see the bite, catch the catch in time and, even in conditions of long casting, should be clearly visible and sufficiently informative.

It is possible that at first it will be quite difficult to craft floats for fishing with your own hands, the manufacturing process will take a lot of time, but professionals who have repeatedly practiced this claim that the result is worth it.

Determination with float material

Homemade floats High Quality made with their own hands from materials with high buoyancy, capable of holding the desired position on the water even in adverse conditions.

Fishing depends on a properly crafted float.

Usually floats are made from materials such as:

  • cork (cork), wine bottle cork;
  • wood;
  • plastic tubes;
  • Styrofoam;
  • bird feather;
  • cane.

A wide selection of materials is also associated with their various purposes - for a fishing rod, net or other fishing devices. Special antennas for floats, made by hand from plastic hollow rods or bamboo sticks that do not absorb water and have a fairly high buoyancy, provide better visibility. The most affordable material for an antenna is a culinary accessory - kebab sticks, which are specially processed.


It is quite problematic to make a wooden float with your own hands without a special tool. The process of processing wood will require certain skills from the angler in working with blanks, in addition, such a float is not permissible to be made of any piece of wood - balsa wood is considered the most suitable, a blank from which is not found in the pantry of every amateur fishing... Another type of raw material for a good float is bamboo.

Wooden floats are characterized by high sensitivity, correct balancing and long casting capability.

It is quite problematic to make a wooden float without special equipment.


A goose feather float is considered a classic option among the whole variety of floats, and almost everyone can make it with their own hands without much difficulty. With such a float, many anglers start a period of familiarization with fishing tackle.

The popularity of feather floats has earned due to their inherent shape, close to ideal, lightness and extreme sensitivity, the ability to fix even the slightest touch of fish.

Styrofoam or cork

Despite the differences inherent in materials such as foam and cork, the technology for making floats from them is almost identical. Even knowing how to make a foam float with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that it will not be as sensitive as the previous species, but more suitable for catching predatory and large fish, because in order to submerge a float of this kind, the fish must have sufficient strength.

When choosing polystyrene, be sure to pay attention to its density. The material should not fall apart easily, otherwise there will be problems with its subsequent processing. The best choice would be high density extruded foam.

When making a foam float, you need to pay attention to its tightness

A do-it-yourself cork float has the property of porosity, as a result of which it becomes heavier when the voids are filled with water. To avoid this, large holes, and often the entire surface of the workpiece, are treated with a water-repellent putty or heavily crushed cork mixed with glue. After drying, the cork blank is sanded and painted with oil paint. To keep the cork float well on the water, it is surrounded by at least two sinkers, which, with their weight, float it to the required mark.

Plastic straw

A do-it-yourself float for a fishing rod, made of a thin plastic tube, has a rather presentable appearance and, at the same time, is not inferior to a similar pen model in terms of sensitivity.

The difference from the pen is the need to seal the ends during manufacture plastic tube to prevent water from entering the float. For the rest, the manufacturing process and the method of mounting a float from a feather and from a plastic tube on a fishing line are practically the same.

Plastic holders from balloons, cotton candy or any other plastic analogue of a goose feather.


Reed fishing floats are increasingly preferred for their inherent properties:

Reed float has its advantages
  • do not make a loud sound when falling on the water;
  • the ability to use this float with light loads, since it itself is loaded directly during the manufacturing process;
  • low resistance in water due to the cylindrical shape of the float;
  • excellent stability in the current and the appearance of strong ripples.

The materials necessary for work can be found in everyone in the house. The main condition for a successful result is right choice workpieces of suitable color, elasticity and length. DIY fishing floats from cane they are painted in the desired color so that they meet not only functional requirements, but also have an aesthetic appearance.

Which homemade float is best for certain conditions

Homemade floats for the flow

The allocation of floats for fishing in the current into a separate group occurred due to the inconvenience of using their other types due to the following reasons:

  • the constant movement of the float downstream;
  • the difficulty of observing the float, since the angle between it and the water surface is large enough;
  • imitations of bites that occur when an ordinary float is immersed in water under the influence of underwater currents that melt the bait and line.

Homemade floats for the flow

Floats for fishing on the current are divided into the following types:

  1. Flat float.
  2. Float type Wagler.
  3. Stick, or as it is called in fishing slang, "stick".

A flat float for a strong current is made by hand in the form of a disk equipped with an antenna on top and a keel on both sides, below and above. During the manufacturing process, they are given a different shape - pear-shaped with an extension at the top or bottom.

In any case, such floats have the following advantages:

  1. Constantly maintain the desired position on the surface of the water.
  2. Glide easily against the current, with little or no movement.
  3. They have low water resistance.
  4. Convenient to use in case of fishing on strong current.

Wagler-type floats have an elongated shape and are equipped at the end with a replaceable antenna, the color of which is matched to the color of the water. They are used if fishing takes place in the middle course and at great depth. Wagler floats are indispensable on lakes with dense vegetation.

Sticks ("stick" floats) are used when fishing from the shore at a depth of up to three meters. The floats of this type are intended for close casting. Their main advantage is that while in the water, the sticks practically do not tilt to the side and slide very easily.

Flow floats are designed for close casting

It is not difficult to make a flat float used when fishing in a strong current with your own hands, since it can be used as a material plastic bottles, Styrofoam or common plastic.

Homemade standing water floats

Making a float for fishing in standing water do it yourself, it is better to do it with a narrow body, which will make it possible to reduce resistance when immersed in water. When making such floats, it is advisable to use a metal keel that provides a stable standing position even in windy weather.

It is better to make the antenna plastic and load the float itself well, which will significantly increase its sensitivity.

Homemade floats for long distance casting

Do-it-yourself long-range floats should have the following properties:

  • be light enough;
  • have a narrow foam tip;
  • reducing wind resistance, the float should not be wide;
  • fastening must be done at one point;
  • the total length of the float must not exceed 15 centimeters.

To make a budget match float with your own hands, you will need:

  1. 4 hygiene sticks (can be purchased at any store or pharmacy).
  2. Heat-shrink tubing that holds the antenna parts together and forms the body of the float.
  3. Steel wire fastening eyelets.

Long casting floats should be light enough

Sliding float

Many anglers are wondering - how to make a sliding float with your own hands without spending a lot of money and time on it? A float of this type is simply vital in the arsenal of an angler if he is going to fish with a long cast at great depths. The essence of the functioning of this float is that it can move freely along the line. His freedom of movement is limited by two stoppers - one in the upper position and the other in the lower position. The upper stopper determines the fishing depth, and the float moves to the lower one when casting.

The float itself can be of any known type that an angler can make on his own, and stoppers are purchased in a specialized tackle store, they are inexpensive.

Underwater float

Such floats are most often used as a component of bottom tackle, wanting to catch trophy catfish and other large predators. A do-it-yourself underwater float for catfish is made from a cork from a wine bottle.

Used fireflies left after night fishing... If necessary, they are painted in a bright color or a bright crimping tube is put on them.

The underwater float is used as a component of the bottom tackle

Water-filled float

When making a water-filled float with his own hands, the angler can use a small transparent container with a colored lid (in these are the shoe covers sold in pharmacies).

Using an awl or other sharp object in the transparent part, make a hole into which a ring made of steel wire is mounted. Inside the container, a weighting agent is installed on a wire, which serves as a weight for the float and helps it to be held in correct position on the water.

How to highlight a float

Fishermen are very passionate and enthusiastic people, so they do what they love not only during the day, but also at night. On night fishing, hand-made glowing floats are a very convenient thing and in some cases simply irreplaceable, as a signaling device for fish bites. There are even battery-powered LED floats in stores. But in addition to a fairly high price, purchased tackle has other disadvantages - cumbersome, only one-time use (like a firefly float) and the ability to find a fairly wide range of goods for night fishing only in online stores.

Glowing floats are a handy item for night fishing

At the same time, almost any float tackle can be made independently at home. One of the most simple ways to make luminous float- attach a reflective tape to an ordinary float and illuminate it with a flashlight. In addition to it, by modernizing the design of a lighter with a flashlight, you can make a night float on its basis, powered by a miniature round battery. Schemes of such tackle are often found on fishing forums or groups on social networks.

Float painting

When the manufacturing process is completed, it is time to paint the float. It begins, as a rule, with coating the sanded surface with varnish, which fills existing pores in wood, and in foam - protects the material from the destructive effects of the paint itself. The process of painting the float can also be done at home with your own hands using the dipping method, as a result of which the paint lays down evenly. If painting is done with autoenamel, then preliminary varnish coating is optional.

In most cases, floats are painted in bright contrasting colors to improve their visibility, and night floats are painted with fluorescent or fluorescent paints. After painting, the floats are dried for at least a day and only after that the assembly and installation of the tackle is carried out.

Self-made floats for nets

Many fishermen know how to weave a net, but self-production Few practice floats for nets with their own hands, since such an activity does not tolerate the lazy and requires a sufficient amount of time and effort.

The most popular among them are the do-it-yourself foam polystyrene floats, the advantages of which include high buoyancy and lower cost than PVC floats, although they are less resistant to aggressive UV rays and salt water.

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