Online how to put fishing nets in one. Choosing a place to install networks

Fishing has been an accessible trade since ancient times. Nowadays it does not lose its popularity.

It is a hobby for a lot of people, and also a great way to relax. When planning a day off, it will be a good decision to spend it outdoors.

A wide variety of tackle is used for fishing. The web is one of the first devices capable of bringing big catch.

Therefore, wishing to combine your favorite hobby and outdoor recreation, you should choose this particular tackle. You can create it yourself.

How to knit a fishing net, expert advice, as well as diagrams of this process, will help you figure it out. This is not difficult. You need to buy a nylon thread, and you can make all the tools and fixtures yourself. Weaving of nets is performed according to different patterns. For a beginner in this business, simple schemes are more suitable. They should be considered before starting work.

To understand how to start knitting a fishing net, you need to consider the materials involved in the process. Threads are required first.

The fishermen call them delhi. Modern nets are woven from synthetic materials (nylon, nylon, etc.)

etc.). At the same time, delhi turns out to be more durable, do not rot and do not collapse for a long time.

Experienced fishermen claim that synthetic nets are more catchy.

To keep the net in a certain shape, it is woven on special ropes called landing laces. It can also be wire.

It is also necessary to select the material for the sinkers and floats. They should be smooth, preferably rounded. For floats, foam, birch bark or wood are suitable. So that the material does not collapse, it is covered with an appropriate paint.

After creating the first cell and knot, you need to tie the entire ring. Experienced anglers will tell you in detail how to knit a fishing net. The scheme of this process follows the above procedure. The thread is laid over the template again. Then it passes underneath it and is threaded through the ring.

Then the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with 50x50 mm cells with a total of 20 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the wire ring.

All knots must be made at the same distance. After 21 loops have been dialed (or other required number), the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted.

The technology presented above allows you to understand how to knit fishing nets with your own hands. The node diagrams may differ slightly. Some of them are easy to knit, but it takes a long time.

To make the process go faster, it is necessary to master the technology of weaving complex knots. After the thread has been placed on the template and pressed, it is lowered down. Next, the fishing line is grabbed with the little finger of the left hand. At the same time, it stretches between the template and the finger.

Next, you should pay attention to the shuttle. The index finger of the right hand is pressed against it. By moving towards you, the thread is captured and left on the shuttle. Then the captured fishing line is pulled over itself. The right hand is made with a finger downward movement and at the same time away from oneself.

The thread is crossed. Right hand with the shuttle is carried to the cell. The index finger moves away from him. The tip of the shuttle is threaded into the next cell. The thread is thrown off for him. The hook is threaded further and the thread is pulled.

When learning how to properly knit fishing nets, it is necessary to tighten a complex knot. The template moves close to the captured cell. The place where the knot will be tightened later is clamped with the left hand. Now the line is dropped from the little finger. Then the knot is tightened.

This process can be time consuming at first. But the hands will gradually get used to it, and the net will turn out to be knitted with almost automatic movements. You can even watch TV and get work done.

How to put a fishing net

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place for their installation. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can, by trial and error, quickly find the places of concentration of fish and the paths of its migrations.

But when an endless water surface spreads around, then you can experiment blindly for a long time and unsuccessfully: set kilometers of network orders and get out of them only individual, accidentally caught fish.

While the fisherman, who has thoroughly studied the reservoir and the habits of its fish population, removes a brilliant catch from a single net.

It makes little sense to give any advice on this issue, it all depends on the specific reservoir, on the fish inhabiting it, on the season, weather, etc., etc.

- on large bodies of water, fish always go to the leeward (surf) shore - here the waves wash out a large amount of food from the bottom and the shores; less visible monofilament nets are placed in clean water before the surf turbidity, and the twisted thread nets - into the turbidity itself, but not far from the border of a clean and turbid water;

The most competent option is the option when you did not get caught by the inspection fish, but in general the net should be placed in a quiet place so that it does not fill with debris and is not carried away by the current.

the net should be placed in a hole where it is not strong current, preferably if it is located just below the confluence with some stream or rivulet, if there is a sea nearby, then it is generally ideal

In general, there are several options for fishing with nets, this is set and smooth fishing, but in general, if you do not have practice, then it is better just not to do these yourself, but to take an experienced person, otherwise you will definitely not catch anything besides troubles.

On small rivers, nets can be set up without a boat, just wading. In this case, the net is placed along the coast or perpendicular to it. This method is especially effective in spring and shallow waters. In this case, for your own protection, wear a special rubber suit. Be careful not to get entangled in your own web.

On a narrow river, the net can be placed without even going into the water, using the overwhelming method. This requires the participation of two fishermen.

They are located on opposite banks of the river. The first angler throws a thin line with a load on the other side.

The second ties the cord to the end of the floating cord and begins to etch the net. The first fisherman at this time pulls the line on his side.

This method of placing nets is best used in combination with a surge of fish, which is especially appropriate on rivers with steep banks and deep pools.

On a small river, the net can even be placed alone. To do this, fasten one end of the cargo cord on the shore. Gently lay out the net, and tie a load to the other end of the cord. Throw this end into the pond, it will pull the entire network along with it. Keep in mind that this method is not entirely reliable, the net can get confused and you have to start all over again, while scaring away all the fish.

Most often, nets are placed from boats or other watercraft. It is convenient to place the nets together, for example, one person is rowing with oars, and the second one slowly pushes the net into the water.

Nets are installed even in winter, under the ice, but this is a rather laborious task. To do this, cut two holes on the ice in one line at a distance of about 2-3 m from each other. Then, using a boat hook and a pole with a rope between the holes under the ice, pull the rope. Tie a net to the rope and stretch it under the ice as well. This method is especially suitable for first ice.

  • Cargo, anchor
  • Rubber suit or boots
  • Boat, oars
  • License, where it is stated: the size of the net and its cells, fish catch rates

Having chosen a reservoir for fishing, it is desirable to know its depth, relief and bottom composition. Immediately you need to decide on the desired catch.

The choice of the length, width and even the height of the net itself, as well as the size of its mesh, depends on this. It is also necessary to take into account the speed of the river flow - this affects the preparation and choice of cargo for setting up the network.

On rivers with strong currents, a small anchor may be needed to hold the net in place.

Two people should install the network on the river, this simplifies the work and guarantees safety on the water. You can put the net from the boat and alone, but it is dangerous and difficult, especially in windy weather. An overview of some of the methods and activities will help you figure out how to properly place the net on the river, so that it is an easy and enjoyable activity when fishing.

On not big rivers ah or in high water, where the banks are overgrown with reeds, the willow net should be put in hand (out of the way). A fisherman in a suit, and in warm weather, swim across or along the river and coast.

On narrow rivers, where it is possible to throw the cord to the other side, the net is placed in a tug, pulling on both sides of the banks. First, the cord is thrown, and then the net is set along it along the floating cord.

In this case, there must be enough weight on the lower cord so that the net is not lifted by the current.

On deep rivers, the net is installed from a boat. In this case, one person paddles in the direction of delivery, and the second, straightening, lowers the net into the water, starting from the place where the anchor is installed to hold the net in place.

In deep places, for the best catch, it is necessary to choose the horizon for installing the net, and know how to put the net on the river, for this it is fixed with several anchors at a given level and the cargo cord should pull down sufficiently compared to the lifting force of the floating cord.

In winter, setting up a network is a rather laborious task. Smaller lanes are cut into a line from the cut main lane at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Then, with the help of a pole, a cord is transferred from hole to hole, and so on for a sufficient length. Then, with the help of this cord, lowering the net into the main hole, it stretches to the full length.

At the same time, enough load must be put on the load cord to give the network a vertical position.

  • A boat
  • Permission to fish with nets

In order to set up a network on the lake, you need to start with preparatory work... First of all, get a permit to fish with nets.

Since in many countries fishing with a net is considered poaching and is punishable by law. Then, it is worth deciding which fish you will put the net on and, based on this, choose the size of the net cell.

Well, and the last thing is to solve the issue with the boat, because it is not realistic to put the net from the shore. Arriving at the lake, it is worth inquiring about its relief, perhaps in the lake, especially in the forest, many snags are hidden under the water, which will entangle and break the nets, usually locals know about such things and will be able to tell you what to watch out for.

So, having solved all the organizational issues and swimming out into the water, you can proceed directly to the solution of the question of how to put the nets on the lake. There are several general rules for setting up networks. The first mandatory rule is to install nets, from the leeward side, otherwise, by straightening the nets, they will not lie on the water, but on the contrary they will be blown away in your face and hands, significantly complicating the work.

There are many ways how and when to set your fishing net. If you install the net from a boat, you need to choose the course where you will install it.

After that, you tie a stone (load) on one side and lower it into the water, when the load touches the bottom, then you can slowly row in the right direction while throwing the net from the boat behind the weights and floats.

After you reach the end of the net, you must secure the load and pull the net a little and then lower the load.

The second method, if you put the net from the shore in the ford, you need wagons or a large basin in which you will fold the net. Also tie the load (or maybe tie the net to the posts in the water) and gradually start pouring out the net and holding the basin in the right direction. pull the net.

The third way to install the network in winter is the most difficult option, since it is cold, uncomfortable, and wet. You need a stick between 3 and 6 meters long to launch the net under the ice, or a torpedo. If you launch with a stick, then you need to cut holes in the ice and use a stick to launch the net under the ice, but if you have too much money, buy a torpedo and it will save you time and effort)

In fact, fishing nets are a legal means of fishing, only they can be used in permitted places and it is imperative to obtain a license for fishing with nets in advance.

How, where and when can you get permission to set up a network on the river? On what rivers and in what places is the network allowed? How to properly prepare for a network installation? What kind of fish is allowed to be caught on rivers? How and what networks can and should be purchased for installation on the river? How and how, and what is necessary to load the network?

edelrock, It is extremely difficult to put a fishing net on the river, because they are large - you need to put paths, they are usually 7-14 meters long and are much more convenient to install than traditional networks - an elastic band (Hungarian) is taken, and a load of 5-10 kilograms, depending on the current. She throws herself on the other side of the river, the Hungarian woman stretches herself and slowly we lower the path into the river.

edelrock, Fishing nets in summer can be installed by professional fishermen and amateur fishermen under a license or documents issued by the Federal Agency for Fishery. The list of permitted rivers in the region you need can be found on the Internet.

If, for example, you received a license for a piece, you take a standard Chinese forest net, load it with small ones. and along the edges - with large loads and put the net in the creek-pit, avoiding snags.

edelrock, In the summer, netting is poaching. But you want to! We put nets along the coast and at an angle. We caught a lot. We lived on the lake, in a fishing hut. And they set up the guests for the arrival. The guests themselves went to check it, they are not so important about the fish as the process itself. They swam for fish on a motor boat or oars. Depending on the distance from the hut.

edelrock, The fishing net on the river in summer can be put on pegs from a boat along the shore at the border of aquatic vegetation. To the upper edge, the rope on which the netting is attached, we attach the foam floats, to the lower edge, lead weights, usually in the form of rings, about every one and a half to two meters.

We take two pegs the size of the net height, we tie the upper edge on top of the stakes, the lower one from the bottom. Having driven the first stake into the bottom, smoothly raking off the stake on the boat, for this it is advisable to be in the boat together, one on the oars, the second is installing the net, throwing out the net and strengthening the second stake.

This method is good for shallow rivers with weak currents. The fish rising from the channel to the shallows for feeding will fall into your net.

Happy fishing))).

How to set up a fishing net: Most of the nets are installed from boats, boats and other watercraft. It can be installed both together (one rowing, the second corrodes the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns paddling with oars, then sending the tackle overboard.

Handy tool

When studying how to knit a fishing net, you should remove the attention to the improvised tool. First of all, you need a shuttle. This is a kind of needle with which the net will be knitted. You also need to prepare a bar or ruler. It is also called a template. This is a plate with smooth edges. It determines the size of the cells.

The shuttle can be bought in the store or made by yourself if you wish. To do this, you need to prepare a sheet of plastic or plywood. The workpiece is cut according to a specific pattern. Its edges must be rubbed with sandpaper. The middle is easier to knock out with a chisel.

The material must be tough enough. This requires plastic or plywood no thinner than 2-3 mm. The hook width is approximately 3 cm and the length is about 25 cm. If the bar (template) used to determine the mesh width is small, then the hook width should be even smaller.

Methods for setting up networks

How to fish with a net when the bottom is flat, and there are no viscous deposits on it, and horsetail and reed prevail from the vegetation? In this case, the nets must be installed near the coast, while wearing a special overalls for chemical protection.

Predatory fish are more active at dawn, and therefore, it is advisable to set the network at dawn. Under certain conditions, this method of fishing can give a good catch.

On rivers, the mouth of which is rather narrow, the nets are installed in the overwhelm, throwing the cord from one bank to the other. With such an installation of networks, in order to prevent the network from being lifted by the current, a load is hung on the lower cord.

It is also possible to install nets from a boat. This option is considered better.

It is most convenient to put the nets together, then one person sets up the net, and the other is on the oars. To install nets from a boat, you need to find a cape protruding into the water.

It will be better if it is a rocky promontory in a reservoir with reed thickets. The depth of the place where the network is installed should be 2 meters.

When installing networks, you need to take into account the speed and direction of the wind. The fish will go along the coast, and, bypassing the cape, will fall into the nets.

When choosing a net, you should be aware that the most "catchy" nets are nets made from nylon line. They are good because they are not visible in the water. However, they are quite difficult to install. Moreover, such networks require proper storage. Nets made of nylon are much easier to use.

How to fish with nets? What other ways to install networks are there? The nets can also be installed at depth dumps. In such places, perches and pike perch are found.

In winter it is especially difficult to set up the nets. First, the main lane is cut, and then, at a distance of 2-3 meters, smaller lanes are cut into the line.

After the done actions, with the help of a pole, a cord is transferred from hole to hole to the desired length. And only after that, with the help of a cord, the net is lowered into the main lane, and it is stretched to its full length.

The load is put on the load cord. This is done to keep the network upright.

However, when fishing with a net, in addition to purchasing a license, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible to fish in one or another body of water.

Today, fishing equipment stores have a wide variety of different nets that are intended not only for experienced fishermen, but also for beginners.

Most of the nets are installed from boats, boats and other watercraft. It can be installed both together (one rowing, the second corrodes the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns paddling with oars, then sending the tackle overboard.

The second method is difficult in case of strong wind or current, and sometimes, first, the cord is pulled tightly between the two stakes, and only then, fingering the cord with your hands, they put the net.

ATTENTION! The materials in this section are intended solely for informational reading!

Weaving the net

Interested in how to knit fishing nets with your own hands, you need to consider the subsequent weaving. It is not removed from the wire ring until about 10 rows have been created. In this case, you get a network with 5 cells in length.

If you stretch this product, you get a structure about 2 m in size. When assembling (planting) the network will decrease. The reduction will be about 1/3. In this case, the network will be 1.3-1.5 m long.

This work is painstaking, requiring a sufficient amount of time. To shorten the process, you can try to make knots using a different technology.

Delay repair

When studying technology, how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the repair of cases. Sometimes it is required to tie pieces damaged during fishing. If you need to reduce the row, then at subsequent levels the number of cells is reduced. To increase the width of the trays, the shuttle is threaded through one window 2 times.

To cut off damaged cells, mark this area along the edge. Next, near the node, the damaged segments are taken away. In this case, 2 threads are cut off at once, coming out of it. You can remove a whole row this way. The cells are also cut obliquely.

If necessary, 2 pieces of nets can be connected and made from several old ones into a new one. For this, pieces of nets are hung on a nail by the extreme segments. The folded edges of the two pieces are pulled together. The shuttle is threaded 2 times through each pair of windows. A knot is made every 5-7 cells.

You can bind a thread alternately to segments of one and the other network. This is a more reliable way. In this case, the movements of the shuttle are performed in the same way as when weaving a regular delhi. The thread should be the same thickness as in both pieces of old nets.

Repair will be required sooner or later. There are no big difficulties in this process either.

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you can independently create a catchy tackle. Over time, the weaving process will take very little time.

Therefore, creating delhi on your own will not be difficult. When using nets, the fisherman does not need to be involved in the fishing process all the time.

After installing the tackle, you can enjoy outdoor recreation, and return home with a big catch.

Varieties of networks

There are many types of fish, and therefore, nets differ depending on the installation method. Nets can be installed: at the surface of the water, at depth, at the bottom.

Nets that are secured with weights, i.e. anchors are called fixed nets. Nets that drift with the flow are called smooth nets.

If you decide to go fishing, then you must first decide: what types of fish you are going to catch, in which bodies of water, at what depth.

In addition, you need to establish the basic characteristics of the network. For example, fine mesh nets are used for small fish. Having decided on all of the above parameters, you can start choosing a network.

Installation rules First you need to choose a flat horizontal place, if possible free from all kinds of roots or stones. Then clear it, removing unnecessary branches, twigs. You should look around to be sure that nothing is in danger of the tent: neither,

Types of networks, their design and components

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Planting nets

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Methods for setting up networks

Methods of installing networks Installing networks in winter, under the ice, is a very laborious task. An ice lane is cut in the ice, holes are drilled from it into a line at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. Then a pole is lowered into the lane with a rope tied to its end (the length of the pole is 0.5-0.8 m

Making nets

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Choosing a place to install networks

Choosing a Place to Install Nets The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to install them. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error, you can quickly find

Tying nets for fishing traps

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Classification and structure of networks

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Manufacturing (planting) nets

Making (planting) nets Determining the parameters of nets for specific types of fishing Buy a ready-made net or make it yourself - everyone decides for himself this issue. About twenty to thirty years ago, when network tools could only be bought from under the floor and for

Methods for setting up networks

Methods of installing nets Most nets are installed from boats, boats and other floating facilities. It can be installed both together (one rowing, the second corrodes the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns paddling with oars, then sending the tackle overboard. Method two

Choosing a Place to Install Nets The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to install them. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can quickly find by trial and error

Smooth network design

The design of flowing networks The river flowing network is a rectangular netting with a mesh size corresponding to the size of the intended production. The length of the net in the landing is from 50 m and more, the height is from 1.8 m (both sizes depend on the width of the river and other local

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2.1.2. Installation features

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Installation method

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Many fishermen fish with rubber-band donuts, this tackle saves time and has a number of other advantages over conventional donks. The method that will be discussed is practically the same, only instead of a donkey, a mesh is installed on an elastic band and crumbles bait wholesale in large quantities.

First of all, we will describe how to make such a tackle. A sinker is taken from lead or other metal weighing 300-500g. A 1.5-3mm nylon cord is attached to the sinker. The cord should be approximately 70-80cm long. Next, a small carabiner, or an ordinary small nut, is attached to the cord. On the other side of the carabiner, a 0.8-1mm fishing line is attached. The length of 60-70 meters will be enough. The tackle is attached to a metal coil or wooden winding (you can make thick plywood) with one elongated end so that you can stick it into the ground. After making the tackle, a net is attached to it, 20-30 meters long and a standard cell of 25-45mm.

A load with an elastic band is thrown at a distance of 40-50 meters. The nylon cord, to which the sinker is attached, helps to achieve such an effective throw. When casting, the sinker on the cord unwinds and is thrown into the reservoir. Even a person who does not have the skills of a good throw can easily and calmly perform this action. Well, it is even more easy for a real fisherman to do this.

When the load settles and is firmly fixed, you will need to pull the fishing line with an elastic band towards you. After that, it should be cut off near the junction in the place with the carabiner. A net is fixed to the carabiner itself, at the end of which there is a fixed fishing line cut off from the carabiner. Then the net, following the elastic, is lowered into the reservoir, the remaining excess fishing line is unwound to avoid tangling. The network is installed.

In the same way, you can install other available similar gear. By the way, after installation, you can fish with an ordinary fishing rod, using it as bait maggot wholesale, bought on the site. Remember to check your installed networks periodically. Most good catch usually at night.

The advantage of this method is that you don't need a boat at all and you don't have to wet your feet. The net is pulled up to the shore, the catch migrates to your cage, and the net easily and quickly returns back to the reservoir. The place of installation can be fed by throwing balls made from bait there. This will increase the efficiency of the catch.

The disadvantages of installing tackle without a boat - you will not be able to install them in all places you like, due to their remoteness or inaccessibility. In addition, there will be restrictions on the size of the networks. If they are more than 30 meters long, then their establishment will already become problematic.

And finally, to return home with a rich catch, you need to buy worms and be able to choose the right place to install the network. It is best to place it next to grassy thickets, or reeds. As a rule, a lot of people feed and hide there. different fish... And the fisherman's chances of a good catch are much higher here than in places with clean water.

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place for their installation. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can, by trial and error, quickly find the places of concentration of fish and the paths of its migrations.

It makes little sense to give any advice on this issue, it all depends on the specific reservoir, on the fish inhabiting it, on the season, weather, etc., etc.

- on large bodies of water, fish always go to the leeward (surf) shore - here the waves wash out a large amount of food from the bottom and the shores; less noticeable monofilament nets are placed in clear water in front of the surf turbidity, and twisted thread nets are placed in the mud itself, but not far from the border of clear and muddy water;

  • Cargo, anchor
  • Rubber suit or boots
  • Boat, oars
  • License, where it is stated: the size of the net and its cells, fish catch rates

Having chosen a reservoir for fishing, it is desirable to know its depth, relief and bottom composition. Immediately you need to decide on the desired catch.

The choice of the length, width and even the height of the net itself, as well as the size of its mesh, depends on this. It is also necessary to take into account the speed of the river flow - this affects the preparation and choice of cargo for setting up the network.

On rivers with strong currents, a small anchor may be needed to hold the net in place.

Two people should install the network on the river, this simplifies the work and guarantees safety on the water. You can put the net from the boat and alone, but it is dangerous and difficult, especially in windy weather. An overview of some of the methods and activities will help you figure out how to properly place the net on the river, so that it is an easy and enjoyable activity when fishing.

On small rivers or in high water, where the banks are overgrown with reeds, willow the net should be placed manually (out of the way). A fisherman in a suit, and in warm weather, swim across or along the river and coast.

On narrow rivers, where it is possible to throw the cord to the other side, the net is placed in a tug, pulling on both sides of the banks. First, the cord is thrown, and then the net is set along it along the floating cord.

In this case, there must be enough weight on the lower cord so that the net is not lifted by the current.

On deep rivers, the net is installed from a boat. In this case, one person paddles in the direction of delivery, and the second, straightening, lowers the net into the water, starting from the place where the anchor is installed to hold the net in place.

In deep places, for the best catch, it is necessary to choose the horizon for installing the net, and know how to put the net on the river, for this it is fixed with several anchors at a given level and the cargo cord should pull down sufficiently compared to the lifting force of the floating cord.

In winter, setting up a network is a rather laborious task. Smaller lanes are cut into a line from the cut main lane at a distance of 2-3 meters.

Then, with the help of a pole, a cord is transferred from hole to hole, and so on for a sufficient length. Then, with the help of this cord, lowering the net into the main hole, it stretches to the full length.

At the same time, enough load must be put on the load cord to give the network a vertical position.

Fishing has been an accessible trade since ancient times. Nowadays it does not lose its popularity.

It is a hobby for a lot of people, and also a great way to relax. When planning a day off, it will be a good decision to spend it outdoors.

A wide variety of tackle is used for fishing. The net is one of the first devices capable of producing a large catch.

Therefore, wishing to combine your favorite hobby and outdoor recreation, you should choose this particular tackle. You can create it yourself.

How to knit a fishing net, expert advice, as well as diagrams of this process, will help you figure it out. This is not difficult. You need to buy a nylon thread, and you can make all the tools and fixtures yourself. Weaving of nets is performed according to different patterns. For a beginner in this business, simple schemes are more suitable. They should be considered before starting work.

To understand how to start knitting a fishing net, you need to consider the materials involved in the process. Threads are required first.

The fishermen call them delhi. Modern nets are woven from synthetic materials (nylon, nylon, etc.)

etc.). At the same time, delhi turns out to be more durable, do not rot and do not collapse for a long time.

Experienced fishermen claim that synthetic nets are more catchy.

To keep the net in a certain shape, it is woven on special ropes called landing laces. It can also be wire.

It is also necessary to select the material for the sinkers and floats. They should be smooth, preferably rounded. For floats, foam, birch bark or wood are suitable. So that the material does not collapse, it is covered with an appropriate paint.

After creating the first cell and knot, you need to tie the entire ring. Experienced anglers will tell you in detail how to knit a fishing net. The scheme of this process follows the above procedure. The thread is laid over the template again. Then it passes underneath it and is threaded through the ring.

Then the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with 50x50 mm cells with a total of 20 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the wire ring.

All knots must be made at the same distance. After 21 loops have been dialed (or other required number), the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted.

The technology presented above allows you to understand how to knit fishing nets with your own hands. The node diagrams may differ slightly. Some of them are easy to knit, but it takes a long time.

To make the process go faster, it is necessary to master the technology of weaving complex knots. After the thread has been placed on the template and pressed, it is lowered down. Next, the fishing line is grabbed with the little finger of the left hand. At the same time, it stretches between the template and the finger.

Next, you should pay attention to the shuttle. The index finger of the right hand is pressed against it. By moving towards you, the thread is captured and left on the shuttle. Then the captured fishing line is pulled over itself. The right hand is made with a finger downward movement and at the same time away from oneself.

The thread is crossed. The right hand with the shuttle is held to the cell. The index finger moves away from him. The tip of the shuttle is threaded into the next cell. The thread is thrown off for him. The hook is threaded further and the thread is pulled.

When learning how to properly knit fishing nets, it is necessary to tighten a complex knot. The template moves close to the captured cell. The place where the knot will be tightened later is clamped with the left hand. Now the line is dropped from the little finger. Then the knot is tightened.

This process can be time consuming at first. But the hands will gradually get used to it, and the net will turn out to be knitted with almost automatic movements. You can even watch TV and get work done.

There are many ways how and when to set your fishing net. If you install the net from a boat, you need to choose the course where you will install it.

After that, you tie a stone (load) on one side and lower it into the water, when the load touches the bottom, then you can slowly row in the right direction while throwing the net from the boat behind the weights and floats.

After you reach the end of the net, you must secure the load and pull the net a little and then lower the load.

The second method, if you put the net from the shore in the ford, you need wagons or a large basin in which you will fold the net. Also tie the load (or maybe tie the net to the posts in the water) and gradually start pouring out the net and holding the basin in the right direction. pull the net.

The third way to install the network in winter is the most difficult option, since it is cold, uncomfortable, and wet. You need a stick between 3 and 6 meters long to launch the net under the ice, or a torpedo. If you launch with a stick, then you need to cut holes in the ice and use a stick to launch the net under the ice, but if you have too much money, buy a torpedo and it will save you time and effort)

In fact, fishing nets are a legal means of fishing, only they can be used in permitted places and it is imperative to obtain a license for fishing with nets in advance.

On narrow rivers (and on bays, bays and channels of significant water bodies), nets are occasionally set up, without entering or swimming into the water, from two banks, using the tug method. The fisherman throws a thin line with a load on the other side, then slowly pulls it back, after a colleague ties the line to the end of the floating line and begins to etch the net.

For small and light nets, it is possible to use a spinning rod with a sufficiently strong line.

This method is very effective in combination with a surge (botany) on narrow rivers with deep whirlpools with steep banks: two fishermen, pulling a net of reduced length from shore to shore and driving fish into it, can catch a river over a long distance in a day and return from great catch.

Finally, you can throw the net into the pond alone: ​​the net is neatly laid out on a clean and flat bank, one end of the cargo cord is attached to a stake, bush, and the like, to the second it is tied heavy load and is thrown into the reservoir, pulling the net behind it.

The method is inconvenient and unreliable, the upper and lower cords can easily overlap, and you will have to take out the net and repeat all over again, scaring the fish with a splash of the load.

It is much more convenient when fishing with a net alone from the shore to use rubber shock absorber... For catching large, careful fish (for example, salmon), nets are sometimes not set in a straight line, but form all kinds of shapes that make it difficult for the fish to leave the place enclosed by nets.

Basically, fishermen are engaged in this, building real labyrinths from their long nets. Such constructions are not available to amateurs (the permitted length of networks is too small in most regions).

But sometimes it is useful to put even a small net in the shape of the letter "L" so that the end of the net touches the bank and so that one part of the net stretches across the river, and the other parallel to the bank. Naturally, the tackle is oriented so that the rising or rolling fish is surrounded on three sides; the place of the net bend is fixed by a stake driven into the bottom or by an anchor and a buoy.

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place for their installation. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error, you can quickly find the places of concentration of fish and the paths of its migration by trial and error.

But when an endless water surface spreads around, then you can experiment blindly for a long time and unsuccessfully: set kilometers of network orders and get out of them only individual, accidentally caught fish.

While the fisherman, who has thoroughly studied the reservoir and the habits of its fish population, removes a brilliant catch from a single net.

Handy tool

When studying how to knit a fishing net, you should remove the attention to the improvised tool. First of all, you need a shuttle. This is a kind of needle with which the net will be knitted. You also need to prepare a bar or ruler. It is also called a template. This is a plate with smooth edges. It determines the size of the cells.

The shuttle can be bought in the store or made by yourself if you wish. To do this, you need to prepare a sheet of plastic or plywood. The workpiece is cut according to a specific pattern. Its edges must be rubbed with sandpaper. The middle is easier to knock out with a chisel.

The material must be tough enough. This requires plastic or plywood no thinner than 2-3 mm. The hook width is approximately 3 cm and the length is about 25 cm. If the bar (template) used to determine the mesh width is small, then the hook width should be even smaller.

How to correctly put nets on the river

The most competent option is the option when you did not get caught by the inspection fish, but in general the net should be placed in a quiet place so that it does not fill with debris and is not carried away by the current.

the net should be placed in a hole where there is no strong current, preferably if it happens just below the confluence with some stream or rivulet, if there is a sea nearby, then it is generally ideal

In general, there are several options for fishing with nets, this is set and smooth fishing, but in general, if you do not have practice, then it is better just not to do these yourself, but to take an experienced person, otherwise you will definitely not catch anything besides troubles.

On small rivers, nets can be set up without a boat, just wading. In this case, the net is placed along the coast or perpendicular to it. This method is especially effective in spring and shallow waters. In this case, for your own protection, wear a special rubber suit. Be careful not to get entangled in your own web.

On a narrow river, the net can be placed without even going into the water, using the overwhelming method. This requires the participation of two fishermen.

They are located on opposite banks of the river. The first angler throws a thin line with a load on the other side.

The second ties the cord to the end of the floating cord and begins to etch the net. The first fisherman at this time pulls the line on his side.

This method of placing nets is best used in combination with a surge of fish, which is especially appropriate on rivers with steep banks and deep pools.

On a small river, the net can even be placed alone. To do this, fasten one end of the cargo cord on the shore. Gently lay out the net, and tie a load to the other end of the cord. Throw this end into the pond, it will pull the entire network along with it. Keep in mind that this method is not entirely reliable, the net can get confused and you have to start all over again, while scaring away all the fish.

Most often, nets are placed from boats or other watercraft. It is convenient to place the nets together, for example, one person is rowing with oars, and the second one slowly pushes the net into the water.

Nets are installed even in winter, under the ice, but this is a rather laborious task. To do this, cut two holes on the ice in one line at a distance of about 2-3 m from each other. Then, using a boat hook and a pole with a rope between the holes under the ice, pull the rope. Tie a net to the rope and stretch it under the ice as well. This method is especially suitable for first ice.

  • A boat
  • Permission to fish with nets

In order to set up a network on the lake, you need to start with preparatory work. First of all, get a permit to fish with nets.

Since in many countries fishing with a net is considered poaching and is punishable by law. Then, it is worth deciding which fish you will put the net on and, based on this, choose the size of the net cell.

Well, and the last thing is to solve the issue with the boat, because it is not realistic to put the net from the shore. Arriving at the lake, you should inquire about its relief, perhaps in the lake, especially the forest one, there are many snags hidden under the water that will confuse and break the nets, usually the locals know about such things and will be able to tell you what to watch out for.

So, having solved all the organizational issues and swimming out into the water, you can proceed directly to the solution of the question of how to put the nets on the lake. There are some general rules for setting up networks. The first mandatory rule is to install nets, from the leeward side, otherwise, by straightening the nets, they will not lie on the water, but on the contrary they will be blown away in your face and hands, significantly complicating the work.

Weaving the net

Interested in how to knit fishing nets with your own hands, you need to consider the subsequent weaving. It is not removed from the wire ring until about 10 rows have been created. In this case, you get a network with 5 cells in length.

If you stretch this product, you get a structure about 2 m in size. When assembling (planting) the network will decrease. The reduction will be about 1/3. In this case, the network will be 1.3-1.5 m long.

This work is painstaking, requiring a sufficient amount of time. To shorten the process, you can try to make knots using a different technology.

Delay repair

When studying technology, how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the repair of cases. Sometimes it is required to tie pieces damaged during fishing. If you need to reduce the row, then at subsequent levels the number of cells is reduced. To increase the width of the trays, the shuttle is threaded through one window 2 times.

To cut off damaged cells, mark this area along the edge. Next, near the node, the damaged segments are taken away. In this case, 2 threads are cut off at once, coming out of it. You can remove a whole row this way. The cells are also cut obliquely.

If necessary, 2 pieces of nets can be connected and made from several old ones into a new one. For this, pieces of nets are hung on a nail by the extreme segments. The folded edges of the two pieces are pulled together. The shuttle is threaded 2 times through each pair of windows. A knot is made every 5-7 cells.

You can bind a thread alternately to segments of one and the other network. This is a more reliable way. In this case, the movements of the shuttle are performed in the same way as when weaving a regular delhi. The thread should be the same thickness as in both pieces of old nets.

Repair will be required sooner or later. There are no big difficulties in this process either.

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you can independently create a catchy tackle. Over time, the weaving process will take very little time.

Therefore, creating delhi on your own will not be difficult. When using nets, the fisherman does not need to be involved in the fishing process all the time.

After installing the tackle, you can enjoy outdoor recreation, and return home with a big catch.

Varieties of networks

There are many types of fish, and therefore, nets differ depending on the installation method. Nets can be installed: at the surface of the water, at depth, at the bottom.

Nets that are secured with weights, i.e. anchors are called fixed nets. Nets that drift with the flow are called smooth nets.

If you decide to go fishing, then you must first decide: what types of fish you are going to catch, in which bodies of water, at what depth.

In addition, you need to establish the basic characteristics of the network. For example, fine mesh nets are used for small fish. Having decided on all of the above parameters, you can start choosing a network.

Methods for setting up networks

How to fish with a net when the bottom is flat, and there are no viscous deposits on it, and horsetail and reed prevail from the vegetation? In this case, the nets must be installed near the coast, while wearing a special overalls for chemical protection.

Predatory fish are more active at dawn, and therefore, it is advisable to put the net at dawn. Under certain conditions, this method of fishing can give a good catch.

On rivers, the mouth of which is rather narrow, the nets are installed in the overwhelm, throwing the cord from one bank to the other. With such an installation of networks, in order to prevent the network from being lifted by the current, a load is hung on the lower cord.

It is also possible to install nets from a boat. This option is considered better.

It is most convenient to put the nets together, then one person sets up the net, and the other is on the oars. To install nets from a boat, you need to find a cape protruding into the water.

It will be better if it is a rocky promontory in a reservoir with reed thickets. The depth of the place where the network is installed should be 2 meters.

When installing networks, you need to take into account the speed and direction of the wind. The fish will go along the coast, and, bypassing the cape, will fall into the nets.

When choosing a net, you should be aware that the most "catchy" nets are nets made from nylon line. They are good because they are not visible in the water. However, they are quite difficult to install. Moreover, such networks require proper storage. Nets made of nylon are much easier to use.

How to fish with nets? What other ways to install networks are there? The nets can also be installed at depth dumps. In such places, perches and pike perch are found.

In winter it is especially difficult to set up the nets. First, the main lane is cut, and then, at a distance of 2-3 meters, smaller lanes are cut into the line.

After the done actions, with the help of a pole, a cord is transferred from hole to hole to the desired length. And only after that, with the help of a cord, the net is lowered into the main lane, and it is stretched to its full length.

The load is put on the load cord. This is done to keep the network upright.

However, when fishing with a net, in addition to purchasing a license, it is necessary to find out whether it is possible to fish in one or another body of water.

Today, fishing equipment stores have a wide variety of different nets that are intended not only for experienced fishermen, but also for beginners.

Most of the nets are installed from boats, boats and other watercraft. It can be installed both together (one rowing, the second corrodes the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns paddling with oars, then sending the tackle overboard.

The second method is difficult in case of strong wind or current, and sometimes, first, the cord is pulled tightly between the two stakes, and only then, fingering the cord with your hands, they put the net.

ATTENTION! The materials in this section are intended solely for informational reading!

Installing nets under the ice is a laborious task. An ice lane is cut in the ice, holes are drilled from it into a line at a distance of 2-3 m from one another.

Then a pole is lowered into the lane with a rope tied to its end (the length of the pole is 0.5–0.8 m longer than the distance between the holes) and is pulled with the help of a boat hook from one hole to another. Then the rope stretched under the ice is tied to the upper line and the net is pulled under the ice.

In shallow water, in no case should the floating line touch the lower edge of the ice or be near it, since in severe frost the ice thickness grows up to 10 cm per day, and you can lose the frozen tackle or pick it up only in spring, filled spoiled fish.

On rivers, sometimes a chain of holes is not drilled, but the force of the current is used to pull a rope under the ice, tying a buoy to it (a large piece of foam, empty plastic bottle etc.).

This method is especially convenient on the first ice, in places with a thin and sufficient transparent ice through which the displacer is clearly visible. Towards the middle of winter, most fish avoid the current, accumulating in calm pits.

On reservoirs where fishing is carried out constantly, it is possible in advance, in open water, to lay several cords with weights at the ends along the bottom in convenient places, marking them with buoys. In this case, the first trip to the reservoir after freeze-up should not be delayed, so as not to engage in long searches for buoys under the snowdrifts.

For safety reasons, after the end of fishing, it is necessary to fence off the lanes with well-visible landmarks. They are chopped enough big size and, covered with snow, can provide another fisherman or a person who accidentally went out on the ice an unplanned water procedure.

Installation rules First you need to choose a flat horizontal place, if possible free from all kinds of roots or stones. Then clear it, removing unnecessary branches, twigs. You should look around to be sure that nothing is in danger of the tent: neither,

Types of networks, their design and components

Types of nets, their design and components In the central, most densely populated regions of Russia, amateur fishing with nets is practically not developed: somewhere it is prohibited, somewhere obtaining a permit is associated with a disproportionate expenditure of time or money ... In addition, installation

Planting nets

Planting nets For planting, a planting thread wound on a shuttle is used. The correct landing of the net begins with this very winding ... And the wrong one too. If the shuttle is not rotated around its vertical axis, as shown in fig. 57 - one turn for each wound on

Methods for setting up networks

Methods of installing networks Installing networks in winter, under the ice, is a very laborious task. An ice lane is cut in the ice, holes are drilled from it into a line at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. Then a pole is lowered into the lane with a rope tied to its end (the length of the pole is 0.5-0.8 m

Making nets

Manufacturing of nets Buy a ready-made net or do it yourself? Everyone decides for himself this question. Twenty or thirty years ago, when netting tools could only be bought from under the floor and for a lot of money, they were available only to poachers fishing for

Choosing a place to install networks

Choosing a Place to Install Nets The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to install them. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error, you can quickly find

Tying nets for fishing traps

Knitting nets for fishing traps It is not difficult to buy a net or tops or net materials suitable for their manufacture in large cities, but in remote areas it is difficult to buy them.

Classification and structure of networks

Classification and arrangement of nets Set nets are one of the most ancient fishing tools, although it appeared somewhat later than trap and hook gear, but it has been known since the Paleolithic times.

Manufacturing (planting) nets

Making (planting) nets Determining the parameters of nets for specific types of fishing Buy a ready-made net or make it yourself - everyone decides for himself this issue. About twenty to thirty years ago, when network tools could only be bought from under the floor and for

Methods for setting up networks

Methods of installing nets Most nets are installed from boats, boats and other floating facilities. It can be installed both together (one rowing, the second corrodes the net), and alone - the catcher takes turns paddling with oars, then sending the tackle overboard. Method two

Choosing a Place to Install Nets The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to install them. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can quickly find by trial and error

Smooth network design

The design of flowing networks The river flowing network is a rectangular netting with a mesh size corresponding to the size of the intended production. The length of the net in the landing is from 50 m and more, the height is from 1.8 m (both sizes depend on the width of the river and other local

Durability and maintainability of buildings and external networks

Fire safety of intra-house power supply networks

Fire safety of in-house power supply networks Ensuring fire safety of electrical installations and prevention of emergency modes in power grids is extremely important. The number of fires in the residential sector for electrical reasons on average

2.1.2. Installation features

2.1.2. Installation features As noted above, a car electric motor pumps water from the washer reservoir. The dropper nozzle is also used standard - it can be purchased at automotive stores or at outlets of goods for

Installation method

Installation Method The terms "patch lock" and "mortise lock" identify locks by the way they are installed. The surface lock is designed so that it can be installed on the surface or on the edge of the door (Fig. 1.13 - 1.15). Rice. 1.13. Surface mounted key lock with a bit (C

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place for their installation. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can, by trial and error, quickly find the places of concentration of fish and the paths of its migrations. But when an endless water surface spreads around, then you can experiment blindly for a long time and unsuccessfully: set kilometers of network orders and get out of them only individual, accidentally caught fish. While the fisherman, who has thoroughly studied the reservoir and the habits of its fish population, removes a brilliant catch from a single net.

It makes little sense to give any advice on this issue, it all depends on the specific reservoir, on the fish inhabiting it, on the season, weather, etc., etc.

However, some of the most common patterns a fisherman fishing with nets should be aware of:

On large bodies of water, fish always go to the leeward (surf) shore - here the waves wash out a large amount of food from the bottom and shores; less noticeable monofilament nets are placed in clear water in front of the surf turbidity, and twisted thread nets are placed in the mud itself, but not far from the border of clear and muddy water;

In winter, under the ice, as well as in summer heat, fish go to sources of oxygen-rich water - to springs, to the mouths of tributaries, and the ways of its approach are blocked by nets; the presence of springs in winter is determined by the later freezing of such places and gullies on the ice, in summer - by measuring the temperature of the water (the thermometer is lowered to the bottom on a fishing line with a sinker);

According to the observations of some fishermen, fish in deep and large reservoirs rises to feed from the depths to the shores not along a flat bottom, but along underwater hollows, and they need to be covered with nets; the underwater relief is determined either by an echo sounder or by an ordinary lot (a load on a cord, marked with nodules every meter);

In the spring (on lakes and river floods with a slow current), the first reconnaissance installations of the nets are made from the very coast to the depth, at an angle of 45 degrees; further fishing depends on which part of the net and from which side the fish comes across.

In addition to the movement of the fish, it is necessary to take into account side factors: movement in the reservoir motor boats, as well as the actions of other fishermen - mainly netters, spinners, donochniks and road workers.

The presence of other people's nets is checked when installing with an anchor-"cat", and motorboats are not afraid of nets, the upper pick of which is separated from the surface by a distance of 1.5 m or more. It is possible to get rid of interference from the side of donors and spinning fishing from the shore by setting the tackle at a sufficient distance exceeding the casting distance from coastline(or vice versa, almost close to the line of continuous aquatic vegetation - water lilies, reeds, cattails). It is more difficult to fish with a spinning rod from a boat and to flash on the track with amateurs, here it depends only on the culture of the fisherman whether he neatly detaches the spinner from someone else's net or cut it out with a knife, while trying to disfigure the tackle as much as possible. Much more likely, alas, the second option, and cases of banal theft of networks are not uncommon.

However, networkers do not remain in debt. They have enmity with the spinningists at some direct genetic level. Social moments are also present in this enmity: a local resident living on the shore does not have time to "play around" with a spinning rod, he puts his net not for sport, but for the family to have fish on the table. And then a "city" one comes with a spinning rod, which sometimes costs more with a reel than a rural fisherman earned in his agricultural enterprise over the past three months; arrives and begins to drag fish onto expensive and super-catchy spoons, and, having hooked on the net, is outraged by the “damned poachers” and strives to cut it up, or even pull it ashore and throw it into the fire ... Moreover, news of “pike Eldorado” spreads, thanks to the Internet, between sportsmen-spinning players instantly, and where one has successfully caught, tomorrow there will be ten and twenty. Predators stunned by overseas baits and super-thin lines will appear and gather a rich harvest, and then they will leave to look for new "Eldorado". And the local fisherman with his net will remain, but whether the expected fish will fall into it is a big question.

As a result (at least in the Leningrad Region), local residents, near whose houses the reservoirs are experiencing the greatest pressure from urban athletes, began to engage in very original fishing: they put nets not on fish, but on spoons! Sometimes there are more holes in such an old tackle than surviving cells - it doesn't matter, as long as the anchors are heavier. The catch, especially after the weekends, in monetary terms, is much higher than the fish allowed for catch. Sometimes some underwater inhabitant gets entangled in such a network - and goes to the frying pan. And the main catch is sent to the city's fishing markets, where it is sold at half price.

By the way, they are engaged in a similar business in the sections of the rivers of the Kola Peninsula, set aside for licensed salmon fishing for spinning. True, they don't put nets there - the rivers are stony, there are enough hooks and cliffs without that. When the licensed fishing season ends, the water subsides and the stormy stream turns into a barely babbling rivulet - the locals collect spoons, abundantly decorating the boulders that appeared from under the water. Of course, you have to clean them of plaque and replace the rusted tees, but the game is well worth the candle. Moreover, sales are ensured on the spot, fishing tourists, thirsty for salmon, will buy the catch for the next season, as soon as they tear off the stock of baits brought with them.

Choosing a place to install networks

The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place for their installation. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water, on a small lake or on a narrow river, by trial and error, you can quickly find the places of concentration of fish and the paths of its migration by trial and error. But when an endless water surface spreads around, then you can experiment blindly for a long time and unsuccessfully: set kilometers of network orders and get out of them only individual, accidentally caught fish. While the fisherman, who has thoroughly studied the reservoir and the habits of its fish population, removes a brilliant catch from a single net.

It makes little sense to give any advice on this issue, it all depends on the specific reservoir, on the fish inhabiting it, on the season, weather, etc. - on large bodies of water, fish always go to the leeward (surf) shore - here the waves wash out a large amount of food from the bottom and the shores; less noticeable monofilament nets are placed in clear water in front of the surf turbidity, and twisted thread nets are placed in the mud itself, but not far from the border of clear and muddy water;

in winter under ice, as well as in summer heat, fish goes to sources of oxygen-rich water - to springs, to the mouths of tributaries, and the ways of its approach are blocked by nets; the presence of springs in winter is determined by the later freezing of such places and gullies on the ice, in summer - by measuring the temperature of the water (the thermometer is lowered to the bottom on a fishing line with a sinker);

according to the observations of some fishermen, fish in deep and large bodies of water rises to feed from the depths to the shores not along a flat bottom, but along underwater hollows - they need to be covered with nets; the underwater relief is determined either by an echo sounder or by an ordinary lot (a load on a cord, marked with nodules every meter);

- in spring (on lakes and river floods with a slow current), the first reconnaissance installations of the nets are made from the very coast to the depth, at an angle of 45 °; further fishing depends on which part of the net and from which side the fish comes across. In addition to the movement of the fish, it is necessary to take into account side factors: movement of motor boats across the reservoir, as well as the actions of other fishermen - mainly netters, spinningists, donochniks and road workers.

The presence of other people's nets is checked when installing with a "cat" anchor, and motorboats are not afraid of nets, the upper pick of which is separated from the surface by a distance of 1.5 m or more.

It is possible to get rid of interference from the side of donors and spinning fishing from the shore by setting the tackle at a sufficient distance from the coastline that exceeds the casting range (or, conversely, almost close to the line of continuous aquatic vegetation - water lilies, reeds, cattails).

It is more difficult to fish with a spinning rod from a boat and to flash on the track with lovers - here it depends only on the culture of the fisherman whether he neatly detaches the spinner from someone else's net, or cuts it out with a knife, while trying to disfigure the tackle as much as possible. Much more likely, alas, the second option, and cases of banal theft of networks are not uncommon.

However, networkers do not remain in debt. They have enmity with the spinningists at some direct genetic level. Social moments are also present in this enmity: a local resident living on the shore does not have time to "play around" with a spinning rod, he puts his net not for sport, but for the family to have fish on the table. And here - a "city" with a spinning rod, which sometimes costs more than a rural fisherman has earned in his agricultural enterprise over the past three months, comes and begins to drag fish on expensive and super-catchy baits, and, having hooked on the net, is indignant: "Damned poachers!" and strives to cut it up, or even pull it ashore and throw it into the fire ...

Thanks to the Internet, news of the "Pike Eldorado" spreads instantly between urban spinning athletes, and where one successfully caught one, tomorrow there will be ten and twenty. Will appear and gather a rich harvest of predators, stunned by overseas baits and super-thin lines, and then leave to look for new ones. " fish spots". And the local fisherman with his net will remain, but whether the expected fish will fall into it is a big question.

As a result (at least in the Leningrad Region), local residents, near whose houses the reservoirs are experiencing the greatest pressure from urban athletes, began to engage in very original fishing: they put nets not on fish, but on spoons! Sometimes there are more holes in such an old tackle than surviving cells - it doesn't matter, as long as the anchors are heavier. The catch, especially after the weekends, in monetary terms, is much higher than the fish allowed for catch. Sometimes some underwater inhabitant gets entangled in such a network - and goes to the frying pan. And the main catch is sent to the city's fishing markets, where it is sold at half price.

By the way, they are engaged in a similar business in the sections of the rivers of the Kola Peninsula, set aside for licensed salmon fishing for spinning. True, they don't put nets there - the rivers are stony, there are already enough hooks and cliffs. When the licensed fishing season ends, the water subsides and the stormy stream turns into a barely babbling rivulet - the locals collect spoons, abundantly decorating the boulders that appeared from under the water. Of course, you have to clean off their plaque and replace the rusted tees, but the game is well worth the candle. Moreover, sales are ensured on the spot, fishing tourists, thirsty for salmon, will buy the catch for the next season, as soon as they tear off the stock of baits brought with them.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Television antennas the author Ryzhenko Valentina I

Choosing an antenna location An antenna will not provide high quality TV reception if the antenna location is not selected correctly. Antennas are installed either on the roof of a building or on a free-standing mast. When choosing an antenna installation location on the roof

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From the book Lifts, Traps, Casting Nets author Shaganov Anton

Choosing a location The bottom should be level, horizontal or slightly sloping. Usually they catch from year to year in the same favored places, but nevertheless, before starting fishing, it does not interfere with checking the bottom with a hook or an anchor-cat, and if foreign objects are found,

From the book Catching fish with nets author Shaganov Anton

The choice of the place and time Fishing is made on small rivers and streams, but they must be chosen carefully: small tributaries of large rivers not far from the place of confluence, streams flowing into lakes rich in fish are very good.

From the book Fishing nets and screens author Shaganov Anton

Choice of location Places that are too deep, with fast flow, with a snaggy or boulder-covered bottom, with abundant underwater vegetation. Steep underwater slopes - the so-called "edges" - also do not allow capturing

From the book Mugs, Zerlitsy, Postavushki - Fishing Without Punctures the author Smirnov Sergey Georgievich

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Choosing a place For river fishing, the most convenient are small, slowly flowing streams, in which whirlpools alternate with shallow water rifts. If on the river, where fishing is carried out constantly, the pools are too rare, and a couple have to walk from one place of fishing to another

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Choosing a Place to Install Nets The most important and most difficult thing in fishing with nets is to choose the right place to install them. This statement is especially true on large bodies of water - on a small lake or on a narrow river, you can quickly find by trial and error

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Choosing a location The best places for fishing for perch are deep dumps covered with snag, the upper borders of the brows, overgrown with horsetails (perch tries to avoid herbaceous, filamentous algae). For fishing, it is advisable to choose places where the perch periodically comes to the surface

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From the author's book

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Choosing a fishing spot Bream is a fish that will neither feed nor inhabit anywhere. No matter how you try to attract the bream with bait to a place where it feels uncomfortable, it will still not come there. Therefore, before starting fishing, it is very important to determine the most comfortable for

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