Fish pond. What kind of fish to breed in Central Russia? Fish farming as a business

  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose

Today in Russia there are a large number of unclaimed reservoirs, from which you can make a real fish farm. Fish farming is perhaps one of the few areas of agriculture that is least exposed to the risk of adverse weather conditions. Thanks to this, the profitability of carp breeding remains at the level of 20%.

The most difficult thing in organizing such a business is administrative barriers. It turns out to be not so easy to get a pond for rent. You need to go through a series of approvals, paperwork and competitive bidding for the right to rent a specific reservoir. Apply for rent water body necessary to the local administration.

It is important to know that not every body of water can be rented. The limitation by law is imposed, first of all, on water bodies with the status of a natural monument. It is also difficult to rent ponds that are located near summer cottages and cities, since complaints from the population to the tenant will go immediately.

When choosing a reservoir for fish farming, you should pay attention to its area, depth and bottom type. So, the optimal size is considered to be a pond (lake) with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares. This will allow carp to breed and provide paid fishing services. If the reservoir is smaller, then it will not be possible to grow large volumes of marketable fish, and even more so to serve the fishermen.

If the pond rental is used exclusively for paid fishing services, then the distance to the nearest large cities is important. Large settlements and cities should be within a radius of no more than 50 km. In this case, it is important to take care of the availability of good access roads to the reservoir.

The carp pond must be equipped with a drainage system. For this, a special outpost or sluice is built, which serves to block water on the leading ditch and control the depth level in the pond. The sluice is necessary not only for the outflow of water, but also for catching marketable fish. Many collective farm fish ponds are built on this principle.

The depth of the reservoir should be at least 1.5 m, otherwise the fish will not overwinter. The bottom of the reservoir should be silty and soft. The optimum temperature for the growth and reproduction of carp is from 14 to 24 degrees. Carp feeds only in the warm season, and hibernates in winter and does not eat anything.

It should be said about the methods of feeding carp. There are two main ways of growing carp - extensive and intensive. With extensive cultivation, carp feeds only on natural food that is in the reservoir. This method can only be used in large reservoirs. The growth and development of carp directly depends on the natural food base. The main advantage of this method is the low costs of carp maintenance (or rather, their complete absence). The main disadvantage is the low growth rate of the fish.

An intensive way of growing carp fish involves the creation of a system for feeding fish with a rich food base. Fish with this method is fed at least 2 times a day. As a rule, planting material is purchased in early spring, and already in the fall, fish is caught. Thanks to multiple feeding and maintaining a high density, up to 6 t / ha of marketable carp can be obtained. The disadvantage of this method is high feed costs. But they are more than compensated for by the growth rate of the fish and the rapid turnover of the invested funds.

Stocking with carp should be done at the rate of 250 kg of fish per 1 ha of pond area. The fish grows very quickly. And in general, carp is considered one of the most unpretentious, which cannot be said about trout or sturgeon. For example, 10 tons of carp in three years will turn into 100 tons - the mass will increase 10 times! Carp is also distinguished by its fertility. One fish is capable of giving from 200 to 300 thousand eggs, from which tens of thousands of individuals will be obtained.

After stocking with carp, a small part should be allowed into the reservoir predatory fish- pike or pike perch. This is done in order to knock weedy fish out of the pond, such as bleak, ruff and high melt. You need to be careful not to let in many predators, otherwise they will eat carp fry too. Therefore, it is recommended to stock carp fry from 1 year old. The predator eats them much less. In this case, the survival rate of the fry will be at least 80%.

According to experts, the amount of investment in business depends on the area of ​​the reservoir and the ambitions of a businessman. So, fisheries with a reservoir area of ​​100 hectares will cost about $ 80 thousand. The main costs include construction work (creation of the relief of the reservoir, construction of locks, etc.) and the purchase of fry. The cost of carp fry, weighing 100-150 grams, starts from 70 rubles / kg. In order to stock a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, it will take about 1.5 million rubles for the purchase of fry.

The cost of fish farming in an intensive way is 40 rubles / kg. And the wholesale price is about 60 rubles / kg. The profit of a businessman grows manifold if the fish is sold in a live state - in special vehicles that deliver live carp to retail outlets. In this case, the selling price of fish is at least 90-100 rubles / kg. The marginal income per kilogram is 50-60 rubles.

From each hectare, you can get up to 1.5-2 tons of marketable fish. Income from a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, after deducting wages and taxes, can reach 4-5 million rubles per year.

In addition to selling fish, paid fishing services can be an additional income. The cost of such pleasure in the suburbs starts from 500 rubles per person. And in the "elite" ponds stocked with sturgeon, trout, grass carp and silver carp, the cost of the voucher is at least 1,500 rubles per person. In order for fishermen to know when to stop, a fish catch limit is set. For example, over 5 kg of catch, each subsequent kilogram will be paid, depending on the type of fish. If the caught fish is less than the established size (25 cm), it is released back into the lake.

Places fishing should be equipped so that the distance between the fishermen is at least 50 m. The interest in fishing in this case will be much higher. If investments allow, then a good solution would be the construction of summer houses for vacationers, a shop, a kitchen, a fishing house, a toilet. In the fisherman's shop you can sell fishing tackle, bait and feeding. This is all in great demand. The presence of a summer kitchen with a chef allows you to take orders from those wishing to taste their own catch.

If you also build a beach, then the fishermen will come with whole families, which will only increase the entrepreneur's income. However, you need to make sure that the rest does not interfere with the main fishing process. Therefore, the beach should be located at a respectful distance from fishing spots - at least 100m.

The construction of such an infrastructure justifies itself well not only near large cities and megalopolises. Residents of the periphery and small settlements are also willing to pay for such a service. There are still not enough picturesque and well-groomed places in our country, and the demand for outdoor activities is growing every year.

A step-by-step plan to discover where to start

To open your carp angler you need Special attention to give the place of fish farming. A piece pond or pond is suitable for carp. Beforehand, it is advisable to monitor and analyze the activities of competitors, to establish links with points of sale. You cannot do without a well-defined business project, taking into account preliminary costs and estimated profits.

The profitability of the business in the early stages will depend on this. Having improved the reservoir and the surrounding area, you can start purchasing the necessary equipment, fry and feed for them.

How much can you earn

Before moving on to profit, let's look at costs. If you grow carp in a natural reservoir, then the main expenses are associated with the purchase of feed, about 20 rubles per 1 kg. For a small fish farm, it will take up to 5,000 rubles a month. Purchase of fry: 100 pieces = 400 rubles. To this should be added the cost of equipment, transportation costs, insurance premiums, etc.

It takes 2-3 years for carp to reach the marketable weight. Thus, there is no need to wait for a quick profit. You can sell fish at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg. An additional income channel is paid fishing, together with the rental of fishing rods / boats, paid parking and other equipment. The profitability of the business, taking into account the well-established sales market, is at the level of 10%. The resulting profit can be used not only to expand the business, but also to acquire profitable assets. There are many possibilities for this, for example, investment in apartment buildings. This is a time-tested way that works.

How much money is needed to start a business

The start-up costs for such a business depend on the breeding method. If you create an artificial reservoir with a closed water supply device, you will need up to half a million rubles, and in some cases even more. Breeding carp in natural reservoirs will significantly reduce this figure, by about 10-20 times.

Which equipment to choose

To run a carp farming business effectively, you will need to purchase fishing rods, boats, camping tents and other paid fishing equipment.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Fisheries business plan (21 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Paid fishing business plan (20 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Fishing store business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a business, you must specify OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

A novice businessman will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which will require a passport, a copy of the IND code and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

It is worth paying attention to the grants existing in Russia from the Ministry of Agriculture. Upon registration of which, there is a chance to receive significant start-up capital or half of the funds invested in the business.

What taxation system to choose for business registration

For doing business, the best option would be to tax a peasant, farm, farm with a loss of 6% of profit.

Do I need permission to open

Obtaining a special veterinary certificate issued by the epidemiological committee is mandatory for stocking a reservoir. To also lease the territory from the state will require several additional papers related to maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. Are you thinking about making quick money or dreaming of your own home? Does the mortgage seem overwhelming? Learn about the mistakes of the recipient of the mortgage and about how to do it right. Do not lose your nerves and money by giving to the bank for more than 10 years.

Growing fish as a business is quite an interesting and profitable direction, but the implementation of such a project is fraught with many difficulties. On the one hand, the water infrastructure in Russia is quite well developed, and on the other, most of the enterprises in this sector are trying to simply survive. For those who are determined to engage in this particular type of entrepreneurial activity, it will be useful to know about all the pitfalls.

Fisheries directions

The purpose of this type of farming is to breed different types fish in natural reservoirs and artificially created pools. Among the main directions are the following:

  • growing fish in a pond - suitable for all types of waterfowl;
  • arrangement of the pool - ideal for salmon, pike, carp, perch, bream;
  • cage breeding - exclusively for large fish species;
  • mini-ponds in the form of barrels or baths - for small fish.

Before embarking on the implementation of such a project, it is necessary to draw up a clear business plan that will help calculate all the upcoming costs and projected profit.

Choosing a place

You can place a fish farm both in a small village and in a large city. To do this, you will need to install a special pool or dig a new reservoir. A custom-made metal container is also quite suitable. It all depends on what size of fish and profit you are going to aim at.

It must be taken into account that your reservoir must fully comply with accepted standards in order for the development of fish to take place correctly.

Main criteria:

  • depth - not less than 1.5 meters;
  • the bottom should be free of silt or peat;
  • vegetation should be presented in moderate proportions;
  • some part of the body of water must be in the shade;
  • do not get involved with those reservoirs that are located in the lowlands: they cannot avoid spring flooding as a result of water runoff;
  • the bottom topography should be complex, with alternating shallow waters and deep-water places, with ledges and rapids.

Do not forget that small reservoirs require a lot of effort to maintain them, and large ones are too expensive initially to purchase or rent. Hence the conclusion: the optimal size of the pond is 30-50 square meters.

Farming fish as a business doesn't just involve keeping fish in your pool. The main purpose of this activity is the breeding of waterfowl, selection of eggs, incubation of new offspring.

For those who decide to establish a farm in a natural reservoir, it will be useful to know that they are all subdivided into the following types: channel, girder, floodplain. The first two are distinguished by good flow, but are less profitable in economic terms.

According to another classification, natural reservoirs are divided into:

  • wintering;
  • growing up;
  • spawning;
  • feeding.

It follows that the first step should be to decide what kind of fish you will breed and for what purpose.

Features of doing this business

Some technical issues cannot be ignored. For example, equipment. Coming from a wide variety of themselves water basins and the types of fish farmed, it becomes clear that the technical equipment in each case will be different. Only the gravity filter, which filters the water, and the ultraviolet sterilizer, which fights water bloom, remain unchanged.

Other issues to consider:

  1. How difficult is the process of raising certain types of fish.
  2. What kind of feed is needed for the variety you have chosen.
  3. What ailments can befall your charges in the process of development.
  4. What are the features of spawning and incubation of new offspring.

Meeting these goals will determine your income level and prevent unwanted results.


Many entrepreneurs are more interested in selling fish as a business, but in order to get to this stage, everything must be calculated correctly.

Following the selection of the location of the farm, the purchase of fry follows. The price usually depends on the weight, the variety of the fish itself and the stage of development. It should be noted that what less fry, the more expensive they are. For example, trout will cost you about 250-400 rubles per 1 kg.

When purchasing the inhabitants of your pond, it is necessary to take into account possible losses, which often amount to about 10% of the total mass.

Many advise to acquire not fry, but already fertilized eggs.

The cost of arranging a carp breeding pool may look like this (all figures are in rubles):

  • fry - 10-11 thousand;
  • salaries - 30 thousand;
  • feed - 7 thousand;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand.

The total result is 68,000 rubles. Do not forget about buying or renting a reservoir and equipment.

Gross profit in this case can be about 100 thousand rubles. Accordingly, it is not at all difficult to calculate the net income - 32,000 rubles. The big disadvantage of this type of entrepreneurship is a considerable payback period.

We equip the farm at home

Many enterprising citizens are trying to choose as a business fish farming at home. Especially it concerns exotic species waterfowl.

The organization of the farm in this case looks like this:

  1. You buy food.
  2. Set up multiple aquariums with good filters, lights, and other accessories.
  3. Cover the bottom with pebbles.
  4. Study the feeding features of your chosen variety.
  5. Get acquainted with the temperature regime of their content and the possible ailments that can befall them.
  6. Launch your pets into the pool.

The advantage of this way of organizing a business is the ability to create ideal conditions for keeping fish. As a rule, the main goal of this direction is breeding rare species aquarium ornamental fish for further retail sale.

When planning the creation of a fish farm, you need to take into account the seasonality factor. It is especially difficult for the owners of such a business in the summer, when the younger generation has not yet matured, and the adult has already been sold out. The way out is to increase prices for products, which immediately affects the level of demand for it.

In addition, the development of fish always depends on the temperature regime of the water, which is much easier to observe in closed conditions than in an open reservoir. Before the onset of cold weather, an approximate calculation of the fish in the pond should be made in order to prevent it from suffocating from lack of oxygen if the reservoir is overpopulated.

But as an additional income, you can organize such a type of service as paid fishing. In Russia, this method of earning money is in great demand.

Growing fish: Video

Fish farming is a suitable business for those who like to fish for hours in water bodies. With the skills in this area, it is enough to devote 4-5 hours a day to production to make a profit. You can breed fish on summer cottage: in a pond or pool. The market appreciates the products of small farms, considering it environmentally friendly.

First of all, when starting a business, you need to decide where you will breed fish. Possible options:

  1. In vivo (pond breeding).
  2. In the pool - the method is suitable for growing salmon, carp, bream, perch, pike.
  3. In cages - for large fish.
  4. In barrels or tubs with artificial air aeration system.

Draw up an individual business plan for your future enterprise. Be sure to include in it:

  • stages of project implementation;
  • necessary equipment and personnel;
  • calculation of costs and payback period;
  • marketing strategy.

An example of a business plan can be found below. When planning, take into account the peculiarities of feeding and maintenance - they differ depending on the type of fish.

Scheme of an automated fish farming farm - several pools and a water supply and purification system

Benefits and risks

The fish farming business remains profitable even during periods of declining market prices for finished products. So, with the cost of carp 60 rubles / kg, the profitability of medium-sized production is 10%.

Organizing your own pond or pool is associated with some difficulties, such as:

Company registration documents

You can register a fish farm in the form of a limited liability company (LLC), an individual enterprise (IP) or a peasant farm (KFH). Required documents for company registration:

  • application for state registration of a legal entity;
  • protocol on the creation of an organization (for individual entrepreneurs - the decision to create);
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • the organization's charter in duplicate and a request for a certified copy of the document (except for individual entrepreneurs);
  • copy of the passport (for individual entrepreneurs).

Be careful when filling out the application, since the registering authority has the right to refuse to accept documents, even if it finds an error in the formulation of proposals or page numbering.

Application forms:

  • Р21001 - for an individual entrepreneur;
  • Р11001 - for LLC;
  • Р21002 - for peasant farms.

To get started, you also need permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Location and installation of the reservoir

When choosing a pond for fish farming, you must:

  • estimate its area, depth and volume;
  • check the acidity and temperature of the water. The optimal range for trout is 16-19 degrees, for carp - 24 degrees Celsius;
  • find out information about settlements within a radius of 50 km from the reservoir and access roads for transporting fish.

In large reservoirs, an even temperature regime and a hydrochemical structure. To adjust the parameters, use cleaning and disinfection installations, oxygen generators. Clean the bottom of silt and algae, watch out for the amount of vegetation in the reservoir.

Types of ponds of natural origin:

  • channel;
  • floodplain;
  • beam.

Reservoirs for breeding and rearing fry:

  • feeding;
  • growing up;
  • spawning;
  • wintering.

The pool or bath can be installed in a utility room on your own site. To maintain an artificial reservoir, closed water supply installations are required.

Scheme of the organization of a fish farm based on several ponds

Fry rearing equipment

The process of growing fish is ensured by the installation of a closed water supply (RAS). They create an artificial environment close to natural, exclude wintering regimes, and accelerate the process of population growth.

RAS components:

  • pool;
  • filtration systems - mechanical and biological;
  • a group of pumps for supplying purified water;
  • denitrification plants;
  • acidity adjustment settings;
  • oxygen generators for oxygenation of water;
  • heat generators.

In natural reservoirs, gravity filters, compressors providing oxygen access to fish, and ultraviolet sterilizers are used. The equipment differs depending on the size of the reservoir and the species of its inhabitants.

Elements of the system of keeping fish in the pool

What type of fish to choose for breeding

Fish species suitable for artificial breeding on an industrial scale:

  • tench;
  • crucian carp;
  • perch;
  • trout;
  • carp and others from the carp family.

Study the literature on the characteristics of different types of fish. If you decide to grow several at once, then select them in such a way that they do not conflict with each other. So, perches are predators and can eat fry.

Garden ponds are becoming more and more popular among lovers of summer cottages. Yes, not simple, but "live" - ​​that is, inhabited by fish.

The inhabitants of such summer cottages and their homes require close attention and careful care so that the owner can proudly talk about his fish farming experience. We will talk about who, how and why lives in the garden pond.

Usually, for such a responsible matter as the construction of a pond for fish breeding, enthusiastic summer residents who are not afraid of "neither rain, nor slush" are taken. In our case, year-round maintenance of the reservoir and its residents. Especially - for the tenants ... But that's all later. First, the thought appears: I want a pond. Then the second: why not put fish there ... A start has been made! Now it's a matter of technology.

How to properly equip a fish pond

Some people think that a "living" pond in the country is a pit of water. I dug it, filled it with water, started the fish. Others invite specially trained craftsmen who do everything necessary calculations, and as a result, a whole hydraulic structure is obtained, the maintenance of which and repair (if necessary) costs a lot of money. But since for most dachas it is still six hundred square meters, not sixty, but everything should be beautiful and well-groomed on them, we choose the golden mean.

You can arrange an artificial reservoir for fish farming with your own hands. But in order for everything to function properly, you need to adhere to some mandatory rules when arranging and choosing the location of the pond.

Site requirements

The garden pond, in which the fish will settle after a while, should be located not far from the house. You can place it among flower beds, thereby killing two birds with one stone - both decorate the landscape and equip the dwelling for aquatic inhabitants.

When choosing a place for a pond, you definitely need to think about lighting. It is best if it will be in partial shade or in the shade most of the day. It is permissible if the reservoir will be under the rays of the sun for no more than six hours. If there is too much sun, algae, bacteria and other microorganisms, but not fish, begin to actively multiply in the reservoir.

If, taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape of our site, we understand that there is no secluded corner for the pond, it is worthwhile to specially shade the area around it - for example, plant small trees. Too wide and tall will not work: they pollute the water with fallen leaves, and powerful roots will destroy the banks over time.

Determining the parameters

Having chosen a suitable place, we move on to such parameters as depth, shape, size... The easiest thing is to choose shape reservoir. Its outline can be sinuous or geometrically clear - for example, oval or round. The pond can protrude from the ground or be recessed into it.

The last option, perhaps, looks the most organic and is more suitable for fish farming and planting (both aquatic and coastal). Otherwise, when choosing a shape, you can rely on your imagination and taste.

The size of the pond varies from 5 to 50 sq.m. Depends, again, on personal preference and the area of ​​the site. Do not chase the size: if the pond is used for decorative purposes and fish breeding for morning fishing, then it should be small. Which, oddly enough, requires more maintenance. If you need to create a fish farm, then 5 sq.m. not enough. But this is no longer a dacha story.

Depth a reservoir depends on who settles in it, and whether it will winter. The standard depth is 1-1.5 meters. It is optimal for different types fish.

For the wintering of the inhabitants in the pond, wintering pits are equipped. These are sections of the reservoir specially deepened to 1.7 meters. We will talk more about the conditions for a safe wintering later, but for now the pond continues to prepare for settlement.

What will we build from?

One of the most crucial moments - choice of material for the "fish house". The easiest option is to use ready-made stamped forms. They are relatively inexpensive, quickly assembled, have a large selection of outlines, and are suitable for small ponds up to one meter deep. One "but" - fragility.

Much more reliable is another option, which is advised by experienced builders or summer residents who have gone through the construction of a pond to beginners: either concrete, or liquid rubber or butyl rubber film.

To make the fish feel comfortable after going to the bottom, it is necessary to cover this very bottom with pebbles or sand.

Accommodation of tenants

So the main nuances of building (or re-equipping, if there was already a pond) of a house for fish have been taken into account. It's time to populate it. Important: it is better to stock the pond not immediately, but in the second or third season.

A pond, albeit a garden pond, is an ecosystem. It will take time for it to be finally formed. Two weeks after the first run, the water can be dropped off aquatic plants- they are necessary. Then observe the state of the water. If everything is in order, then the plants remain in their places. Over time, they will grow, organisms necessary for the nutrition and existence of fish will start in the reservoir. Only after this is the pond ready for “delivery” and fish settlement.

What types of fish are best kept in a garden pond

Selection of fish breed Is a tricky business. No matter how beautiful the exotic fish are, it is better to give preference to the species that live in the region in natural reservoirs. The launch of such breeds significantly increases the chances of successful breeding, since the fish will reproduce more actively and will not die during adaptation (it will not be too harsh). But this does not mean that you need to run to the nearest lake or pond to catch fry. It is better to buy them in a special store - this way there is much less risk of bringing pathogens into the garden pond, which are difficult to fight with.

Koi carps, or Japanese carps

The most popular inhabitants of garden ponds. Beautiful fish with very unusual coloration, which can change with age. There are koi that are entirely white, but they are mostly spotted. By nature, Japanese carps are very slow and friendly. They are absolutely not afraid of people, they take food practically from the hand. Koi love to swim near the surface of the water, allowing them to be seen in all their glory.

Another of them favourite hobby(by the way, like other carp breeds) - to lift the mud from the bottom. Therefore, you should not run them into a large pond - there they will quickly grow and will muddy the water even more. Behind the mixture of water and mud from the bottom, it will become very difficult to see the fish themselves. But by settling koi in a small pond, you can enjoy their unhurried "fuss" at the surface of the water at least the whole day or "catch" them while sleeping. And the koi sleep on their side.

Important! A filtration system is needed to keep koi as they only live in oxygen-rich water.

Such carp hibernate either in a deeper reservoir (if possible), or in an aquarium with special conditions... For the rest, japanese carp- a very undemanding tenant.

The length of a sexually mature individual can reach 70 cm.Of course, it is not worth letting such giants into the pond, but babies 15 cm or even 5 cm each.For example, for one square meter of the water surface, three fish 15 cm each or nine fish 5 cm. When buying, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the fact that all individuals were the same size so as not to upset the natural nutritional balance. Large specimens will quickly eat up all plants and algae, depriving the little ones of food. Indeed, in addition to food, they also feed on plants in the pond. And just too big fish will become cramped in a modest summer cottage.

gold fish

Who didn't want to have their own goldfish ?! Of course, she will not be able to fulfill her wishes, but she will certainly please.

Goldfish of various varieties are not inferior in popularity to koi carp. They have been known for more than a thousand years, since it was then that they were bred in Ancient China, and adorned the imperial ponds.

Goldfish are also mostly unpretentious. Required for their existence only three conditions:

  • water temperature from +10 to +28 degrees
  • acidity from 5 to 8 ph
  • hardness from 6 to 28

A happy and contented fish can reach a weight of 1.5 kg, its length reaches 45 cm. Goldfish quickly master in the reservoir, they are not afraid of people. They swim in small flocks.

When choosing, please note that under the general title " gold fish»Two types of fish are hiding: pond and decorative... Pond fish (common goldfish with golden-red scales, shubunkin with transparent scales and comet with an undivided tail fin) can easily overwinter in the pond and acclimatize easily.

Ornamental (veil tail, fan tail, oranda, sky-mouthed and others) can also survive in a garden pond. But costs and attention will require more. For the winter, they must be placed in a special aquarium with aeration and a water temperature of no more than +5 degrees.

Therefore, professionals advise to pay attention to the tail. The smaller it is, the more likely it is that the individual will overwinter and adapt well.

Hard roots of plants or protrusions in the pond itself can injure fish. Therefore, it is worth considering whether the planted plants are suitable for living goldfish. The disadvantages of the species include gluttony. These fish sweep away everything that suits them for food. They show their character by muddying the water and raising silt from the bottom. It is most logical to place goldfish in a medium-sized pond, otherwise the water will be completely cloudy and contaminated with their waste products. If the fish do live in a small pond, you will have to do more thorough cleaning.


The cleanest fish. She does not tend to lift silt from the bottom. The fish is golden or pink in color, very mobile, nimble. When adapting to the pond, it may try to jump out of it. Ideal for a small pond (about 4 sq m).

It is better to keep the Orff in flocks, since single individuals do not seek to show themselves to humans and simply huddle under driftwood or plants. By the way, orff are very fond of eating water insects and plants.

Important! Orff live only in water with a high oxygen content. They reluctantly breed in an artificial environment, so you should not expect abundant offspring.

Upper and silver carp

Verkhovka is a team player. You need to start them at least 10 pieces. Each individual is 5-6 cm long, can grow up to a maximum of 12 cm. It looks very beautiful due to the silvery scales, especially in the sun. Watching such a fun flock is a pleasure and nothing more.

Important! Verkhovka loves ponds with abundant vegetation and stones.

Strongly overgrown ponds love and silver carp with grass carp... They destroy almost everything - from delicate plants to nymphs. It's almost impossible to watch them. Fish are constantly "encrypted", letting you know that they are still in place, only by splashes of water.

Carp, crucian carp and company

The king of the artificial reservoir. The only fish that is absolutely unpretentious. It is very profitable to keep carps, because they grow very quickly (you populate a baby weighing 30 grams, and after two years it weighs already 2 kg); live long (about 30 years) and reproduce actively.

Carps are not afraid of pollution, lack of oxygen and food. At a minimum cost - the pleasure of observing, fishing and fish soup on the table.

The royal first place for unpretentiousness with carp shares crucian carp... For garden ponds, either silver or golden crucian carp is usually purchased.

There is no need to harbor illusions about observing them near the surface. Karasi - bottom fish, they are looking for food that went down there. They are fearful and very careful. it is not always possible to understand whether they are alive at all. Although crucian carp is very tenacious and winters well, buried in silt.

And here minnow lives only 3-4 years. The fish is small, nimble, very nice brownish color. Feels good in water with a high oxygen content, but absolutely does not tolerate warm water.

In the same reservoir with carp, but not with crucian carp, you can populate a couple of tench. - bottom fish. Carp will not compete in terms of food source, but it can deprive carp of food.

Usually, the line is not very fond of taking to garden ponds. On the surface, he does not appear, he spends almost all the time, buried in the silt in search of food. No aesthetic pleasure.

Suitable for a large pond bleak... Although the fish itself is small, it needs a lot of space.

Bleaks live in flocks. At first, people are afraid, but they quickly get used to it. Therefore, they float freely on the surface.

Ideal is also ideal for a large pond. Ide- the fish is sociable. So mobile that at first she strives to jump out of the pond. Therefore, you will have to lower the water level. An adult ide reaches 50 cm in length.

True connoisseurs and experts can afford such infrequent guests of garden ponds as sturgeon, pike and perch.

Several important nuances of choice

  • You need to choose fish, considering the depth and size of the reservoir.
  • Fish color: Bright views - yellow, white, red, and so on - will look best. Also spectacular are silvery or golden schooling fish, whose scales shine near the surface of the water in the sun.
  • Aquarium fish, even if they survive in the pond, can get lost among others. Their place in the aquarium.
  • When purchasing fish, you need to check the integrity of the scales, mobility, the brightness of the color of the eyes and the shape of the fin (it must be erect). Never take the fish is lethargic, with whitish spots on the scales and dull eyes.

Feeding garden fish

The issue of garden fish nutrition is very important, especially for those who have just embarked on the fish farming trail. Fish should not be hungry or overfed.

What to feed

Exists two types of food: natural and additional feeding. The fish get their natural food for themselves. It includes insects, larvae, algae, daphnia, organisms living in bottom mud - the so-called phyto- and zooplankton. So the fish will not stay hungry, they will get food for themselves, if their owner takes care that there are other inhabitants in the pond.

But at certain times the fish need more food. They are not always able to find it at the bottom of the garden pond. Then additional feeding comes to the rescue. It can be purchased in granular form at any pet store. You can choose from both regular and fortified foods.

You can make feeding yourself from "human" products. Carps and crucians will be happy with slightly steamed barley or oatmeal, bread, boiled potatoes and even minced peas.

Home-made compound feeds are also going "with a bang". The most popular recipe: steam 50 g of oatmeal in water, then pour a glass of cold water and leave for 20 minutes. Mix the resulting gruel with 15 g of peas passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. Then add 10 g of the herbal mixture (chopped dandelion or salad, spinach is possible). As a mineral additive to the mixture, chalk is used (just a little) and crushed multivitamins (1 tablet). Then we lay 10 g of semolina, boiled potatoes and bloodworms. Everything is thoroughly mixed in a blender and packed in a bag. This compound feed can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week.

If the fish grows poorly, the herb paste will become the "growth vitamin" for it. It is a mixture made from any aquatic and terrestrial plants. Contains essential proteins, proteins and trace elements for active growth. For example, mix together dandelions, plantains, nettles, and lettuce. Pasta is added to compound feed in a ratio of 30% paste and 70% compound feed.

How to feed

It is better to feed from special feeders in the morning or evening. Some feed both in the morning and in the evening. To determine the desired interval, just take a closer look at the pets, they themselves will not eat if they do not want to.

You can make your own feeders by adapting, for example, an old basin or a large bowl. A fishing line is tied to the dishes for lowering to the bottom. Now it remains to lay the food and carefully lower the fish. You don't need to add a new one until the old one is eaten. If the fish dragged it all over the pond and did not eat it, then the residues floating in the water must be removed.

It is better to clean the feeder once or twice a week in order to prevent the development of microorganisms harmful to fish. In general, the water should always be free of food debris. It is very important. Otherwise, decay will begin, which takes away valuable oxygen.

If the fish have undergone stress or are in the process of adaptation, it is not necessary to give them a lot of food, since all their natural processes are inhibited. It goes without saying that the feed must be fresh. You don't have to worry about the quality of what you have done yourself, but the purchased one should be checked by putting it down a little bit for a start.

Any food will be beneficial if it retains the taste and vitamins and minerals necessary for life. You should not be negligent in the issue of fish nutrition. Yes, we do not see them as often as cats or dogs - they swim and swim. However, they can also develop diseases. gastrointestinal tract due to excessive or malnutrition... Then the pleasure of breeding your own fish will surely turn into a constant problem.

Overwintering garden fish

Another serious question for dacha fish farmers. It is clear what to do with the inhabitants of the pond in summer. But the summer cottage season ends - and what ?!

We are talking about unpretentious fish species that do not leave the reservoir for the winter. Exotic fish are rarely bred, and if they are bred, they are relocated for the winter to aquariums with a full set of conditions. Those who remain can freeze and die. A properly planned wintering will help prevent a sad ending.

When the reservoir is covered with the first ice, life inside it freezes, and the fish sink to the bottom. There they look for the deepest and warmest places to survive until spring. But the owner should not relax yet.

After waiting until the ice is about 2.5 cm thick, you need cut a hole and pump out water so that an air "cushion" 15-20 cm high is formed between the water and ice. This is enough for the supply of oxygen. In severe frosts, the holes are wrapped in straw, saving them from freezing.

The popular way of supplying oxygen to the pond is with bundles of reed frozen into the ice. A plant of a tubular structure is good air permeability. Experts advise purchasing a foam float or a professional aerator for these purposes.

The float is a ring and cover structure. The water under the ring does not freeze if its lower part is submerged. There are special chambers in the ring, into which sand or stones are poured. If at temperatures below –8 degrees the water under the ring freezes, you will have to insert a special heater.

  • Fish are bought late spring - early summer when the water warms up to at least +8 ... + 10 degrees.
  • You should not buy small copies. Much easier to move in medium - 10-12 cm long... They will get used to new conditions better and faster.
  • A single individual of any breed will feel uncomfortable among others. Will have to buy several pieces of the same type.
  • Don't overpopulate the pond... Fish cannot live like herring in a barrel. If they are not enough for a reservoir of a certain size, then you can always buy more.
  • Out of shops fish are transported in a package, preferably in the dark and cool. Then the bag is lowered into the pond, removed after a couple of hours and a little pond water is added. After 10-20 minutes, the fish are carefully released.
  • Do not interfere with the colonization of frogs, tadpoles and dragonflies. And here snails and pond snails are best avoided.
  • Do not feed the fish because it grows faster. This the process takes 1-2 years... Crucians and tench may need three years.

The main thing is that if the idea to start a fish has already come, enthusiasm has appeared, do not be lazy, gain patience and knowledge. Then by all means garden pond will come to life and sparkle with colors of scales shimmering in the sun.

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It is quite possible to breed fish at home. It's best to start doing this wonderful thing in the spring. Then avid fishermen, who find it very difficult to live without fishing, will be able to fish in August.

In order to breed fish, you will need:
free area (perhaps even small);
a pool, or a container for fish (it is better if it is larger, since during the spawning period this will play important role in the survival of individuals);
fry of a certain type of fish, which can be bred at home.

The costs are small. And, of course, the soul is warmed by the fact that they will pay off very soon. This will take approximately two seasons. Indeed, in the warm months, each individual has the ability to work up about one kilogram of growth, and also give offspring.

It should be noted that before starting to grow fish at home, you must thoroughly study all the individual characteristics of the species that you want to grow in the future.

Fish selection

So, first you need to decide what kind of fish to breed. According to statistics, the most popular are two types: carp and trout. They grow well and are in great demand among consumers and buyers.

It is easier to grow carp - they are tenacious and unpretentious; most bodies of water are suitable for them. To grow them, you do not need any special knowledge - it will be enough to read the relevant literature and, if possible, talk to people who are already growing this type of fish. But trout is a more sensitive fish, for which certain conditions need to be created in the reservoir, here you cannot do without an experienced qualified fish breeder. Growing costs will be almost the same, but trout in the markets costs three times more than carp.

If you don't know what kind of fish to breed, you can use freshly caught fish from any river or lake. But you need to remember that in the process of moving fish from one environment to another, it is important to observe the temperature regime. Otherwise, even a slight difference of two or three degrees can lead to the loss of fish.

Starting a business - renting or creating a reservoir

When choosing a reservoir for fish farming, you should pay attention to its area, depth and bottom type. The optimal size is considered to be a pond or lake with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares. If the reservoir is smaller, then it will be expensive to grow large volumes of fish.

Keep in mind that it makes sense to breed fish in ponds only if you have reliable and powerful wintering devices at your disposal. If there are none, then it would be more appropriate to engage not in fish cultivation, but in growing in the spring and summer.

If you have at your disposal some part of a well-cleaned and, of course, fenced-off channel, that's good, but if not, you can dig a pond. Its sizes may vary. For example, 4x6 meters, and up to one and a half meters deep. This will provide water heating up to 26° C. Thus, your home pond will be quite suitable for several dozen crucians weighing up to 300 g.

Optimal conditions

The health of fish and their growth depends on temperature, water saturation with oxygen, the balance of a closed biological system, and the level of acidity.

To determine if a reservoir is suitable for breeding fish, it is necessary to conduct a survey before settling fish there. It will not be superfluous to conduct such surveys once a season.

If you decide to grow trout, then the most optimal water temperature for it is 16-19° C. If the temperature in the reservoir rises above 24° C, then the fish will stop feeding and may die. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the temperature of the water.

The best type of reservoir for trout would be a deep quarry, at least 5 m deep, since already at a depth of 4 m the water temperature never rises above 16° C.

If we talk about carp, then it is much easier to breed it - it is not so capricious. The only thing that carp hates is high level pollution of the reservoir. The water temperature should be in the range of 24-25° C. The depth of the reservoir can be very small - up to 1.6-1.9 m. At such a depth, the natural food base is actively developing. It is advisable to make sure that the carp pond has a descent: this will greatly facilitate the fishing process in the fall. For this, a dam is being built. This is especially convenient when the reservoir is fed by the river.


For feed, it is necessary to take into account 50-60% of all foreseen costs. Of course, you can simply release the carp into the pond and wait for it to grow up, feeding on its own. But in this case, it will take a very long time to wait. In addition, from 1 hectare of water surface it will really be possible to get an increase of only about 120 kg of fish. If you use special feed, then you can safely multiply this figure by two, since fish farming is carried out according to a high-intensity method. The main components of this method are a high density of fish stocking in the pond plus the use of extremely nutritious feed, rich in vitamins, containing a large amount of protein (at least 26-28%) and fat (at least 5-7%). These feeds are usually more expensive, but they are much more effective than conventional compound feeds.

Trout feeding is much more difficult. For trout, you have to buy better quality feed, which is even more expensive. If you use cheap compound feed, then the trout meat will not be red, but white.

The huge difference in the price of feed for carp and trout is justified by the amount of necessary feed that is used to feed them, since at a cost of only 1 kilogram of feed for trout, you can get a kilogram of gain in fish weight. But for a kilogram of carp growth, it will be necessary to spend already 4 kilograms of feed.

Restraint and measure when feeding fish is also important, since when the pond is oversaturated with food, the hydrochemical composition of the water will change - and the fish will stop growing. Carp should be fed daily no more than 3% of total weight fish in the pond, given the water temperature. How colder water, the less feed the fish will eat, because in cool water the fish metabolism slows down.

If you provide the fish with good feeding, then the increase per day will be up to seven grams. To increase the productivity of weight gain, resort to proper feeding and dense plantings. It should be remembered that when planting five times, special granules or dough are used. And if the density is normal, then the carp are not fed.

Feed the fish in the pond at the same time twice a day.

The main risk in fish farming

The main risk in industrial fish farming is a variety of fish epidemics and diseases. Therefore, the health of a large population must be monitored. To do this, every 10 days, it is necessary to carry out a control catch and study the total increase in the fish population, the state of all internal organs and gills.

For the treatment of fish, special medicinal feed with antibiotics and special immune-strengthening drugs that increase immunity are added to the diet. But this must be done under the supervision of veterinarians.
If you miss the beginning of the epidemic, then all the livestock raised can be destroyed.

Optimal fish weight and size

Of course than larger fish, the more it will be in demand on the market. For carp, the optimal weight should be about 1.5 kg, but for trout - about 1 kg. To this weight, carp will grow for about three years. During the very first summer, carp gains about 25 grams, but over the second summer, about 200 grams more, and, finally, about 1 kilogram in the third summer.

Trout has a growth cycle of approximately 2.5 years. But after all, trout can be sold earlier, for example, after a year and a half, at which time it will reach a weight of about 300 grams. Unfortunately, such trout will only be in demand in restaurants. A 300-gram fish, which is 30 cm long, will lie nicely and neatly across the plate.

The growth cycle of carp usually ends in autumn. At this time, all ponds of the farm are fished. Therefore, it is in the fall that carp appears on sale in stores and on the market, but prices for it decrease during this period.

Today, more and more people are starting to breed fish at home. The industry is becoming more profitable and more promising every year, and almost everyone - both a city dweller and a farmer - can achieve success in this area.

Fish is a very valuable product on the food market, which is in no way inferior in usefulness to the same beef, and in some cases even exceeds it in terms of the content of nutrients.

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