Children's playground with mini golf. Mini golf business plan: course sizes, equipment needed, costing and customer acquisition methods How to make a golf game out of paper

There is no need to go to a special club if you want to play mini golf. This is another great summer entertainment if you know the size of a small football field / tennis court or you have enough space in your summer cottage or near a country house. Using common household objects such as cereal boxes, paper towel tubes or plastic water pipes, books, plastic bottles, and more. - you can build your own fun and original mini-golf course with "9 holes" and entertain the whole family and guests on it.

1. The easiest place to start is with the balloon arch. Inflate 6-7 balloons in half and tie them to a thick wire bent in an arch. Do not forget to leave long "legs" at the arch to reliably stick the structure into the ground or bend these legs in the form of stable stands on the right and left. Choose colored balls if you want to complicate the task, and white ones to make it easier to concentrate and score a ball right in the center of the “goal”.

2. Mini golf without a mill is not mini golf. Take a plastic bucket or a large, round, opaque plastic bottle... In the case of a bottle, cut off the top of the bottle. Then turn the source upside down and cut a fairly free "entrance" from the side - a large one so that it is easier to hammer the ball inside. On top of an inverted container with an "entrance" - to make the mill heavier so that it does not fall - glue an inverted clay flower pot. Crosswise glue two rulers or any 2 identical matching parts and glue to the pot as mill blades. You can even drill a hole in the pot and "put" the blades on a pin so that they spin in the wind.

3. Castle - another one required element mini golf course. You will need one large cereal box (or whatever) and two smaller ones. In the large box at the bottom, cut through the arches in the front and back, but completely symmetrical. Do not cut along the bottom of the arch, as you will bend them back and forth, respectively, and they will serve as "draw bridges". To stabilize the boxes, place some small, large, stable stones on the bottom. Then paint the boxes or seal them with colored paper or colored masking (or any other adhesive) tape. Cut jagged edges on top of small boxes, or draw windows, or paste them from colored paper, for example. Make windows on a large box, fold back the drawbridges and attach chains or strings to the sides and to the entrance. On top of a large box, you can glue a gabled roof, or you can cut out the same jagged edge there as on small ones. Stick the small boxes firmly on the sides of the big one.

4. Open the books in the middle and place them in an uneven row of houses to make something like a maze for a ball. Check that the ball fits well inside. If you are not sorry, you can glue a retainer in the corner between the pages so that the books remain in a given position.

5. This alligator is very fond of "eating" balls. From felt / craft felt / thick cardboard cut out 1-2 alligator body shapes (one for the top, one for the bottom) and staple them together around a plastic or cardboard tube. But first, check to see if the golf ball goes smoothly into the tube. Decorate the top of the alligator: add eyes, teeth (made of felt, paper or plastic, etc.), and more as you wish. The back can be drawn with a permanent marker.

6. To make a water hazard, fill an aluminum or plastic sump with water. You can even take an unnecessary baking dish for these purposes. For a ramp, lean a small piece of plywood / thin wood / heavy cardboard against the edge of the pallet. The goal is for the ball to fly over the water and not hit the sump.

7. If you have garden gnomes or any other mobile garden decorations, place several of them next to each other to create a labyrinth with a free path through it, through which the ball will not be so easy to punch.

8. By analogy with a water barrier, we make a barrier with sand. Here, it is advisable to take the pallet wider, because the ball is simply pulled out of the water when it hits and belongs to the original one, but it will need to be knocked out of the sand with a club.

9. "9th hole" in slang is the place to go for a drink after golf. And our 9th miniature golf course will reference summer drinks. Tie a string between the necks of two beer or soda bottles, and hang a light cloth or thin postcard / cardboard on it, just a little missing from the bottom. This gate is lifted when a ball passes underneath.

10. Print circles with numbers found on the Internet or made in a graphic editor (or even in MS Word). Glue them to the flags of a thin, but opaque fabric. Stick the flags on wooden skewers, which you will then stick into the ground, or glue directly to the objects of mini-golf.

11. If you don't have real golf clubs, you can make them with plastic tubing and tape wrapped around the bottom of the club.

Addition: if you organize golf on the grass, the ball will best "run" on the shortest mowed lawn.

In any case, if you do not have these materials, but there are others, this article is just an example for your imagination. Use it and the tools at hand to assemble your mini golf with other elements. Happy summer to you!

Golf course on your site

Golf is ancient game, the mention of which still dates back to 1457. The essence of the game is as follows. Using different clubs such as wood, iron and putter, which should be from 2 to 14, you need to drive the ball into 18 holes. A hole, in turn, is considered as the hole itself in the ground where it is necessary to roll the ball, as well as a whole platform several hundred meters long. Such a specially prepared area consists of a start area (tee), a main area (fairway) and a special area (green) where the hole is cut. All standard golf courses have 18 holes, but each course is unique in its own way. It is a colossal joint work of architects, technologists, landscape designers and ordinary lawnmowers for many days, in addition to the fact that it takes a lot of money to create and maintain this beauty. All areas on the golf course differ in the height of the grass and the presence of obstacles such as sand dunes, water bodies, bushes, flowers, etc. The height of the grass stands varies from the rough (almost no streaks) from which it is very difficult to knock out the ball, the fairway that occupies most of the field (flat short grass) to the green (grass height no more than 4mm). Interesting geoplastics of fields, created by landscape architects, looks beautiful and impressive.

An excellent pastime and a beautiful vacation offers you creating a golf course on your own site.

Fresh relaxation, great mood and the purest water excitement - these are the main positive features of the competition on the golf course.

This type of cultural recreation is very popular in the West. Whole golf clubs are created there for the mighty of the world this, to be in the ranks of which is very prestigious. It's simple, because golf, like tennis, is also the prerogative of the elite.

The game itself implies the presence of certain psychological qualities that distinguish the golfer from other athletes. First of all, it is not physical strength, although it is also needed for right hit on the ball, but fortitude, the ability to assess the situation, correctly calculate the trajectory of the ball, and, of course, calmness, poise and perseverance. It is thanks to these qualities that golf is obtained from a simple ball game - one of the best games on fresh air.

The point of the game is to drive small ball into a tiny hole. In professional golf, the distance between the hole and the starting point is counted for hundreds of meters, with the most prestigious being hitting the hole the first time. And, believe me, this fact is not something out of the ordinary, since professional players know how to calculate the distance, relief, wind direction and force of their blow to the millimeter in order to achieve an optimal result. Naturally, home, non-professional golf is not so picky about distances, so a golf course can fit into a very small area.

In addition, it can also be used for other outdoor games, so by ordering the creation of a golf course project, you will definitely not go wrong - the excitement and a hefty dose of adrenaline as a result of playing golf on your new golf course will be provided to you. !

Types of mini golf courses

Most of the sports and outdoor games in which the ball is played on special grounds (football, basketball, tennis, croquet) have strict requirements for the size and shape of playgrounds. Each golf course (with the exception of modular designs) differs from others in size and shape. And it is in the significant differences in the playgrounds themselves that the wide variety of mini-golf manifests itself.

By size, type, design features, the materials used for mini-golf courses can be divided into separate types:

compact devices for playing mini-golf; modular platforms; stationary platforms of strict geometric shape; Putting Green; landscape sites; realistic mini golf; adventure mini golf courses; “Crazy-golf”; billiard golf; accessories - obstacles for playing mini-golf.

Mini-golf includes two more types of grounds that use the elements of the game of “big” golf:

Driving Range; “Pitch and putt” (Pitch & Putt).

Mini golf can be called any training devices and golf simulators - complex gaming multifunctional electronic devices that are used for both sports and entertainment purposes.

Compact mini golf equipment.

A variety of both industrially manufactured and home-made floor fixtures:

"Tracks" of various lengths from artificial materials imitating "green" and ending with a hole or deepening it imitates; various devices that imitate a hole (“horseshoes”, petal holes, holes on a small elevation); various “ball return devices” - devices imitating a hole, which, when a ball hits it, return it to the player or throw it back; gift sets for playing mini-golf (collapsible pater, petal or horseshoe-shaped hole and several balls).

Compact fixtures are widely used:

for training purposes for practicing the technique of “pata” (playing on the “green” in “big” golf); when holding competitions in office mini-golf; - for individual relaxation exercises; as group entertainment.

Modular mini golf.

Playgrounds consist of separate modules (sections) and are prefabricated structures made of wood, plastic, metal from 2 to 10 meters long. Covering from various artificial materials (wood, plastic, various floor coverings, artificial grass). There are various types of modular platforms in terms of size, geometric shape, design features.

Modular pitches of specific geometries and sizes are used in sport mini golf.

On modular sites different types play either with ordinary golf equipment or with special clubs and balls for sports mini-golf.

The main advantage of modular sites is their portability.

The sites can be installed both in open areas and indoors.

Stationary platforms of strict geometric shape.

Such sites usually consist of a concrete base or a solid timber frame rigidly embedded in the ground.

Stationary grounds of certain geometric shapes and sizes are used in sports mini-golf.

Many types of stationary sites are similar in their geometric shapes to modular sites, but there are sites of complex configurations, which are also elements of the decoration of a specific area.

Typically installed in parks and resort areas.

"Putting Greens"

Putting Green is a golf course simulating a green golf course. Such sites are often used for serious training- improving the "putting" technique. Therefore, they are also called “Practick Green”

Many “greens” of golf courses have slopes and special irregularities, due to which the ball on impact deflects to the side, making it difficult to hit the hole. Training "putting greens" can have more difficult terrain and not one, but several holes in different places, which allows:

conduct full training practicing the putt in different conditions; have fun playing various holes; organize a mini golf competition.

Natural grass ground putting greens require the same serious maintenance as the greens. And "putting greens" with artificial grass cover can be arranged both outdoors and indoors.

Landscaping sites - design features

Landscaping sites are fixed sites, usually outdoors. They do not have strict geometric shapes. Their outlines and sizes can be very diverse and obey only two mandatory conditions... First, it should be fun to play (convenient, but not easy). Second, the playgrounds themselves should gracefully fit into the surrounding landscape, not violating, but complementing it. Many of the landscaped grounds are beautiful in themselves. There can be any number of them, but like big golf - numbers divisible by 9. These are 9, and 18, and ... But the presence of two playgrounds already requires a certain stylistic solution and compositional approach.

In landscape mini-golf, the aesthetic component dominates, but this is the second condition. And there is also the first condition - the game itself. Each site, having its “own” shape, should be no less and no more than those sizes that will ensure the convenience, interest and level of difficulty of the game. The relief that changes the trajectory of the ball is largely dependent on the type of coating, its material and the length of the pile. The location of the sites relative to each other and a certain sequence (route) of playing on them, in addition to the compositional and artistic idea, simultaneously depends on many factors:

ease of movement from site to site; injury safety when playing a large number of people; increasing the difficulty of the game along the route; sufficiency of space for the execution of strikes; availability of a place to observe the game of partners; minimization various factors, distracting players, etc.

It is not out of place to correctly orient the sites, taking into account:

natural and artificial lighting; shadows from trees and buildings; movement of the sun; wind roses.

Unusual design solutions, the use of various building and decorative finishing materials are possible. There is a wide scope for imagination when “filling” the space between the sites themselves, both in terms of floristry and small architectural odds.

Landscaping sites can be divided into several types based on their location:

city ​​parks; in open suburban areas; on the banks of reservoirs; forest.

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From simple materials you can make an excellent mini golf with your own hands. Children will be delighted with such a toy. However, adults will also be happy to join the game, while away another hour with such mini golf, because you can play it at any time of the year

In order to make mini golf we need:
1.Green and gray cloth (felt).
2. Wooden sticks (large wooden skewers).
3. Thick yellow paper or cardboard.
4. Scissors, brushes, hot glue, glue gun, pencil, sheet of paper.
5. Paints of various colors.
6.Very thin wood plywood, blade.
7.Wood twig, pebbles (for decoration).
8. Pack of disposable sink cleaners, green.
9. Balls with a diameter of one centimeter.

First you need to draw a complete sketch of the mini golf course on paper. A sketch that will suit you.

Then, according to the sketch, of course, everything is approximately by eye, we cut out green areas of the field and holes along the contour. The diameter of the holes is one centimeter.

Now a little fantasy. So that the field does not look monotonous, you need to decorate it, add small touches. We can glue pebbles, twigs, pieces of fabric imitating sand, even mini - benches.

We glue each lawn along the contour with disposable green brushes, hot glue will help us. It looks better this way, and the clearing will be much more stable.

What is golf without golf clubs? We make an oval out of thin plywood and glue it to a wooden stick at an angle of slightly less than 90 degrees, then paint our future club and cut it to the desired size.

We make flags from yellow paper and wooden sticks, glue small pieces of brushes and felt mugs to them.

We put everything in its place and the field is ready to play.

So that the children do not get bored in the country while their parents work hard in the garden, and if you have some free space on the lawn on your plot, such a playground for a summer cottage with mini golf will solve this problem.

For a playground in a dacha with mini golf, we do not need certified components designed for international tournaments that are sold in specialized firms. For a pleasant pastime with children, a simple set of several obstacles on the track is sufficient. You can buy them in the plastic version in stores.

And here you can learn how to make them yourself. Play elements are easy to make from plywood for models with a thickness of 1.5 mm. You can buy it in modeling stores. This plywood is convenient in that it can be bent and at the same time it is quite strong.

The manufacture of individual mini golf elements is similar. A more or less complex yellow snail will serve as an example. If you make this element, master others.

Let's start with a template.

This most difficult element of mini golf is a must-have on your playground in the country. All parts must be bent into the desired shape, therefore it is necessary to look at the direction of the wood grain (see pictures).

Detail of the snail mini golf course.

First, we make a template from paper or cardboard (using paper in a cage). Then we will transfer the details of the template to the plywood.

We cut out the details with a sharp knife or a hacksaw. The sheet should be thin.

Some parts of the game have bumpers to prevent the golf ball from flying off the track, so you need to add 2 cm on the sides, on which the bumpers will be glued.

Strongly curved parts must be bent into the desired shape and wetted.

In order for the ball from the grass to fly onto the track smoothly, you need to grind off the transition from the grass to the track as sharply as possible.

We will make holes from a tube, closed with a cork, with a diameter of 70 mm. We glue the tube with glue for plastics.

After we cut out all the details, you can begin installation. For more complex figures the board is taken as the basis. To it we will nail the bottom with carnations (hammer the donako so deep that when necessary, they can be taken out. Then we connect the bottom to the sides again with the help of nails.

Below the dotted line drawn on the added 2 cm, glue small pieces of plywood, on which the track will then lie.

When the glue has hardened, take out the inner studs, put down and glue the track.

To keep the shape, we will use small clamps.

So that the joints are not visible, cover them with acrylic sealant and carefully smooth it out. Finally, paint the finished "snail" with cheerful paint.


As with other raster images of quadrics, it is 2x2 cm. The drawing shows the halves of each part, to get a "horseshoe" you need to draw the other half in a mirror image.


This is not as light an element as it seems at first glance. The ball must be thrown very precisely in the middle, because the arc of the goal has side rails that attract it like a magnet.


This is the only element that cannot be made from plywood. Since the parts do not have to be constantly outdoors, it can be made from thick cardboard with a thickness of 2 mm. Ready to paint the "volcano" with acrylic paint.


This simple design element will make you sweat a lot while playing. If you hit too hard, the ball will fly over, which means two more hits. After gluing the parts, you need to carefully grind them with a small file.

"Roller coaster".

Despite the apparent complexity, the manufacture of this element is much easier than it seems at first glance. Two circles are cut out of plywood, which are cut in one place (see the second figure), bent and stretched to the sides for the width of the track.


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How to build a mini golf course?

Perhaps today you cannot find a person who does not know about the existence of golf. This game has over 100 million fans in the world. In Russia, interest in it is also steadily growing. The minimum area required for a golf course is 50 hectares. Not many can boast summer cottage this size. In addition, the development of a golf course requires serious financial investments. Mini golf - great alternative great golf... It is quite possible to build such a site even on your site.

Our mini-golf is still new and several exotic view country recreation, but the affordable cost of the playground device, and the fact that there are no age, gender, weight and other restrictions for playing it, certainly makes it a serious competitor to the standard summer cottage set brazier-deckchair-garden. In addition, mini-golf at the dacha is evidence of the high status and good taste of its owner.

To set up a mini golf course or course will require a much smaller area than a real, large golf course. Enough free area 100 sq. meters.

Mini golf is 9 holes different sizes(in the large - 18), but the total length and area of ​​the hole is in strict accordance with the parameters of a large golf hole, which gives players all its possibilities. The holes should be located in such a way that a certain rhythm of the course is created: between the short and long holes there should be middle holes. The game ends when all nine holes have been completed.

When developing a plan for the future mini-golf course, the designer solves a very important task: to fit the site into the existing landscape and, if necessary, supplement it with various elements so that the game is interesting to play, and the site is in harmony with the surrounding buildings and the overall design of the site. That's why creation of a mini-golf course project is a task for professionals, as it requires a whole range of specialized technical knowledge in the field of architecture and landscape design, as well as, creative intuition and creative thinking. Mini-golf courses are decorated with trees, flowering and ornamental shrubs, flower beds, artificial reservoirs are created on them, and a system for the location of obstacles is being developed. The skillful combination of all these elements makes the game extremely exciting and exciting.

Usually mini golf is done in the Parkland style. Both natural obstacles (trees, shrubs, reservoirs) and artificial ones (bunkers, labyrinths) are used here. Of all the varieties of mini-golf courses suitable for a suburban area or summer cottage, stationary and modular are the most popular.

Modular systems are very common due to the convenience and ease of installation. They consist of modules - sections connected by clamps. This makes it possible to quickly change the configuration, and hence the degree of complexity of the passage of the site, adding or dismantling sections. Modules made of wood, metal or plastic are covered with soil and roll lawn on top.

Stationary mini golf is a playground built into the ground. Dismantling and adding sections in it is difficult, but it fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape. The stationary site is characterized by smooth lines and harmonious forms.

Mini golf course, whatever its type, does not require specific care... It is enough to mow the grass on it with a trimmer every 2 weeks. A lawn mower will not work here, since there are too many obstacles for it, and the trimmer will do this job perfectly, but the head must be selected not with a fishing line, but with plastic knives, since when it comes into contact with obstacles, the line can break, while the knives, having stumbled on obstacle, they will simply fold.

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