How the pool is arranged in the country. How to make a pool in the country from improvised materials with your own hands

Pools in the country have long ceased to be a rarity. Only the sizes of such structures and their shape vary. can be either full-fledged, fully equipped with appropriate equipment, or small, designed only for bathing children.

Types of country pools and their features

First you need to decide which of the summer cottage pools you plan to place on your site. According to the installation methods, they are divided into:

According to the materials of manufacture, pools for summer cottages are divided into products from:

It is better to protect a stationary pool with at least the simplest canopy. In this case, less debris and fallen leaves will accumulate in it.

Filtration system

Without a high-quality filtration system, stationary summer cottages will simply be overgrown with mud in a very short time. Depending on the way water circulates in them, you can choose any of the purification systems:

Monolithic concrete pool for summer cottages

From durable reinforced concrete, you can make both a small pond for bathing, and a full-fledged swimming pool equipped with modern equipment. But in both cases, the process of its arrangement is in many ways similar. We will describe in detail how to build a pool in the country with our own hands from concrete.

Location selection and site preparation

In order for the water in the pool to warm up as quickly as possible, it is placed in an open space, away from tall buildings and trees blocking the sun. The close location of vegetation is also undesirable because in the fall, crumbling foliage will clog the pool, and it will take much longer to clean it. The growing roots of such powerful plants as poplar, willow or birch can easily destroy even concrete.

Who wouldn't want to splash and cool off in their own pool on a hot summer day? How much joy and endless pleasure an artificial reservoir would bring to the adult owners of the dacha and the restless younger generation. Imagine, this seemingly "rainbow" dream is quite feasible.

For those wishing to build a pool in the country with their own hands, we offer a number of proven methods of organizing it. Here you will learn how to make a temporary and stationary option. You can compare which of the methods is easier for you to implement personally, which is more acceptable in terms of price and device method.

The presented article has clear answers to all your questions. Construction technologies are thoroughly analyzed. Valuable recommendations are given for determining better place under the pool, the choice of the optimal type of material for the construction of the bowl, for the implementation of waterproofing and finishing.

Even an inexperienced master is able to carry out the construction of a summer cottage pool. It is only necessary to follow the construction technology of the selected structure.

But first you need to choose a suitable place for the swimming facility and its type. Not every site will be able to arrange a large reservoir for swimming on long distances or jumping from a three-meter springboard.

To build a warm structure with a roof for swimming for the pool in the country all year round costly and difficult, however, an option with a light cover made of polycarbonate is possible

Structurally, the baths of the pools can be made:

  • With burial in the ground. A bowl of pools is installed in a pit; it can be ceramic, fiberglass, monolithic concrete, built of foam blocks or bricks.
  • Surface mounted. These are structures for temporary use, there are frame (collapsible) or inflatable. To install them, you will need a flat, rammed or concrete-filled platform.

Their bowl shape can be round, rectangular, oval or complex geometry. The simplest option is a large barrel-shaped bath near the bathhouse. But it is difficult to call such a structure a full-fledged pool.

For a device in the country, an outdoor pool in a stationary or mobile version is most often chosen.

Both options, due to the lack of a roof, will only be able to be used for their intended purpose in the summer, but these structures will be quite enough for a summer vacation at the weekend. Their device does not require too serious investments and is quite simple when done independently.

It is much more difficult to build an indoor pool with your own hands. For him, he will have to order a project of a full-fledged building in the form of an extension to a country house with laying pipelines, installing equipment, and heating.

If the site is not guarded, and in winter the owners visit the dacha occasionally, then it is irrational to build such a structure.

Inflatable structures are inexpensive and quickly assembled, but any sharp object can quickly turn them into worthless rags.

To finish the walls and bottom of the bowl of a stationary pool from the inside, use:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Polypropylene.
  3. PVC film.
  4. Mosaic or tile.

A thick film of polyvinyl chloride is used in both frame and monolithic structures. And the rest of the materials are only for the construction of stationary structures with partial or full burial into the ground.

If the sides are uneven, then they will have to be plastered using a reinforcing mesh. It can be metal, but it is better to take a more expensive composite made of polymer materials. The latter will cost more, but it will definitely not rust from exposure to moisture.

Without a grid, the leveling layer of plaster in the structure under construction will not last long. The energy of the shock waves from a passing person will inevitably and quickly destroy him.

You can decorate the formed bowl of the country pool:

  • mosaic;
  • PVC film;
  • tiles.

The decorative layer should not only decorate the pool structure, but also reliably protect the concrete from the effects of water.

If at this stage you cheat and make mistakes, then the concrete pool will soon have to be overhauled. In some cases, it will be necessary to completely disassemble the spoiled structure, and then re-fill everything.

The sides and bottom of a monolithic pool can be made without the use of formwork by spraying concrete, but this requires certain skills and special equipment

The easiest way is to decorate the bowl with PVC foil. You just need to spread it out and straighten it, and then solder the individual flaps into a single sealed canvas. Use ribbed foil on the steps, otherwise they will be too slippery.

The use of tiled decorative materials allows you to create a suburban pool of a more attractive look. But it is much more difficult to carry out such a cladding with your own hands. And it is extremely important to take glue only of waterproof brands, and grout only with antifungal additives.

Option # 3 - made of wooden shields

To make a wooden pool in the country, you will need 60x60 mm bars and planed boards with a thickness of 30 mm or more. The structure will be in the shape of an octagon. First you need to knock down eight shields deep into the bowl.

All wood must be treated with antiseptics, otherwise the lumber pool will have to be re-done several times over the summer

A wooden pool structure can be partially buried in the soil or simply placed on the ground. In the first case, the bottom is best done according to the classical scheme with digging a shallow pit, laying reinforcement and pouring concrete. And in the second, it will be possible to get by with thick boards knocked down tightly to each other.

After assembling all shields into a single structure, the necessary technological holes should be made in them. Then a PVC film is placed in the thicket for waterproofing. At the end of the work, it remains only to install the ladder and refine the upper edge of the sides.

In addition to the three above options, a summer cottage pool can be built from bricks or expanded polystyrene blocks with concrete pouring inside them, as well as from plastic bottles or oversized tires. There are a lot of ways, the choice here depends on the wishes of the owner of the cottage and his financial capabilities.

How to improve the area around the pool?

The main thing in the design of the pool structure in the country is the shape and color of the bowl. Intricate shapes with curves are always eye-catching.

And in order for the pool to visually look deeper than it actually is, its inner surface should be made white. In this case, the adjacent area must, on the contrary, be performed in dark brown shades.

Towering above the ground frame pool with a small area next to it, surrounded by a garden, it does not look as cumbersome as alone in an open area

To decorate the area adjacent to the bath, it is enough to place garden figurines and flower pots next to it. It is strictly forbidden to plant any ornamental plants directly into the pool, as is the case with an artificial pond.

For most city dwellers, the dacha has become a place of relaxed relaxation. A do-it-yourself pool will surely find its fans.

Before embarking on the construction of such a large object, it is better to first build a small body of water, for example, a fountain or pond.

There are many technologies and methods for building a pool with your own hands. Let's consider several options.

Do-it-yourself monolithic pool. Photo step by step

To build a pool with your own hands, you need to follow a series of sequential steps. The main steps are as follows:

  • creation of a plan and drawing of a structure;
  • organization of drainage and installation of thermal insulation;
  • installation of reinforcement;
  • installation and wiring of communications;
  • pouring concrete mortar;
  • sealing, waterproofing and finishing.

How to build a monolithic pool with your own hands?

The instructions for building a pool in the country will help to get a high-quality result. The first stage of work does not depend on what kind of pool is to be built. It can be very small or very large, but in any case, first you need to for it choose a place... To do this, take a detailed site plan and select options that are suitable for a number of criteria.

It is not advisable to have large trees nearby. If the space is open, and not shaded, then the water will warm up faster. Tree roots can damage the bowl, and falling leaves in the water can become unpleasant debris.

When planning a pit for a pool, it should be borne in mind that the depth of the reservoir for an adult

th person should be one and a half meters, with less it is not comfortable to swim. Additionally, it is required to lay half a meter on the drainage layer and concrete walls.

Before digging a pit, you need to determine the location communications and make a plan for their layout. Next, they proceed to excavation. The pit walls are made with a slope of five degrees. This will protect against soil crumbling.

Let's consider further how to build a pool. The next step is laying waterproofing. First, a pillow is set up from a fifteen-centimeter layer of sand and the same layer of rubble. Then two layers are laid roofing material... Its edges should rise above the pit surface by at least twenty centimeters.

do-it-yourself pool in the country. Photo step by step

Further, when arranging the pool with your own hands in the country, it is performed reinforcement... For this, a frame is created from reinforcement A3. Used material with a diameter of twelve millimeters. After reinforcement is carried out concreting... Ideally, the bowl is poured simultaneously, in one step. However, this is difficult to accomplish, especially if the pool is made by a non-professional with his own hands.

instructions for building a swimming pool in the country. Photo

Usually the work is done in several stages. First, the bottom is concreted, making a slope of two degrees towards the drain, then they are taken for the walls.

So that the resulting screed is best quality, you need to use vibration compactors... While the concrete at the bottom hardens, communications can be laid.

When the concrete at the bottom hardens, the walls are concreted. To do this, set formwork... The thickness of the resulting wall should be at least forty centimeters. With phased concreting, reinforcement is also performed in two approaches. After the installation of the formwork, a frame is made, which is connected to the horizontal elements. Concrete is poured and compacted with vibrating compactors. When it hardens, you can start finishing the surface of the bowl.

do-it-yourself pool in the country. Video

DIY multilevel pool in the country. Step-by-step instruction

Detailed step-by-step instructions for building a pool are presented in twenty photographs. This is a detailed answer on how to build a pool yourself and at no extra cost. There is no filter, drain and other communications in it. Water is poured into the bowl, and after a while it is pumped out by a submersible pump and replaced with a new one.

First, a location was chosen and a plan was drawn up. Then a pit is dug. Since it is stepped, the size of each step was calibrated. Concreting was carried out as it was dug up and so on to the very bottom of the pool. A test flooding with water shows if there are leaks. If they are absent, then the water is pumped out and the concrete surface is painted in a nice color.

how to build a pool with your own hands in the country. Photo

DIY pool construction blog 2016. Photo

This option for arranging the pool with your own hands in the country does not require laying sewers for drainage. No need to install cleaning devices. All this makes such a pool cheaper and easier to maintain.

DIY polypropylene pool

Pools are built from different materials, one of possible options is an polypropylene... It is reliable, durable, frost-resistant and does not require regular maintenance.

do-it-yourself polypropylene pool. Step by step photos

After choosing a place, space markup for the pit. It is better to make it about a meter more so that you can easily move around the bowl when connecting pipes and other communications. The height mark is fixed where the side should be. Deeper than the pool bowl will also need to be dug about half a meter. The bottom will be laid geotextile, and on it a layer of rubble thirty centimeters thick. The remaining twenty centimeters - reinforced concrete.

The pit can be dug by hand or by an excavator. The soil is taken out or distributed over the site.

The pit surfaces are leveled at elevation marks, geotextiles and crushed stone are laid, which are carefully tamped. For reinforcement, a mesh of twentieth reinforcement is knitted. The sides of the cells are twenty-five centimeters. So that the reinforcement does not lie on the crushed stone, they put bricks.

How to build a polypropylene pool with your own hands. Photo

If a large amount of concrete is required, then it is better to order it ready-made, in a mixer. This will allow the baseplate to be poured in one go. Before pouring concrete, beacons are installed from round metal pipes, which will become the basis of the finished floor. The concrete base is poured more sizes bowls half a meter on all sides.

While the base plate hardens, the constituent parts of the bowl are made from polypropylene. For such work you will need welding extruder equipped with attachments for making different seams. Polypropylene sheets are used four meters by one and a half, five and eight millimeters thick. Five-millimeter propylene is needed for collecting Roman stairs, because it bends more easily.

do-it-yourself polypropylene pool in the country. Photo

Seams on the outside are welded using shoe designed for 90 degree seams. Seams inside welded with an oval bar using hot air gun.

The bottom is welded directly in the pit. First, a seam is made with a hand extruder on the back side, and then on the other side with a hot air gun and an oval bar.

Before laying the polypropylene sheet for the bottom, the concrete base is covered with geotextile with high density. Then a layer of extruded expanded polystyrene... Before making a do-it-yourself pool from polypropylene, you should familiarize yourself with the welding technology recommended by the material manufacturer.

After connecting the polypropylene sheets for the bottom, markings are made on it for attaching the walls. The presence of markings allows you to make a container of exact dimensions with specified radii. A welded wall is installed, from the inside, a connection is made with a hot air gun. However, it is not basic, but is only required so that the structure does not move while the extruder is welding from the outside.

After installing the walls, the Roman staircase is attached.

When the bottom, walls and stairs are assembled into a single structure, the construction of the pool with your own hands continues with fastening stiffeners... They are welded with a welding rod using a hot air gun. The distance between the stiffeners is about sixty centimeters. For them, polypropylene is used, which has a thickness of eight millimeters. Holes are pre-drilled in the strips to fix the reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The holes are made with a distance of half a meter. There is no need to put ribs on rounded places, since there the rigidity of polypropylene is maximum. The walls of the bowl are insulated with foam, which is placed between the stiffeners.

Four are installed in the pool bowl. injectors, skimmer and bottom drain... A hole should be provided for the drain in advance. If you forget about it, then the drain is placed in the wall, but in this case, a submersible pump will be required to remove all the water from the bowl completely. All holes in polypropylene sheets can be drilled with a tool, pre designed for wood.

The nozzles are tied with pipes made of polyvinyl chloride... They are glued together using a special glue. The gluing process is simple. The pipe is sanded for the length of the gluing and the inner side of the connecting element (coupling, angle). The end of the pipe is chamfered at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees. Glue is applied to the pipe and to the connecting element with a brush. Insert the pipe all the way. The glue hardens in about four minutes.

The installed pipes are put on insulating material... When pouring concrete, it can be torn off, therefore, in addition, the surface is wrapped with tape.

step by step instructions for building a pool. Photo

The correct connection will help ensure the same water pressure in all nozzles. First, they are combined in pairs, and then a highway is introduced in the center of the paired connection.

Filtration installations, heat exchangers and other devices are best installed in the basement. Pipes are laid in trenches and insulated.

To prevent the concrete from pressing too hard on the walls of the pool, the formwork is installed from the outside and inside. The inner formwork is fixed relative to the ground surface and the sides. The procedure for pouring concrete is as follows. A formwork with a height of 30 cm is placed, 30 cm of water is collected in the pool and a layer of concrete of the same thickness is poured. After a day, the pool is recruited by another 30 cm, the formwork is transferred and the next layer of concrete is poured.

The making of the pool with their own hands is being completed with finishing processes.

What could be a suburban pool?

The design of a summer cottage can be almost anything. A general idea can be given by photos of pools in the country.

Every summer resident dreams of the early onset of summer, imagines himself on vacation on sunny hot days. In order to refresh yourself in comfort in cool water on vacation, you need to take care of building or buying a bath in advance. Many owners refuse this idea, considering it too costly and time consuming. In fact, making a small pool in the country with your own hands is within the power of any novice builder. You just need to study different manufacturing methods, choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions in steps.

What materials at hand can be used to build a summer cottage pool

You can, of course, buy ready-made from expensive materials and invite a team of installation specialists, but often a modest budget does not allow you to deploy a large-scale construction project. Many summer residents give up, and the reservoir remains a pipe dream for them. But the zealous owner will certainly find available and inexpensive materials, and independently make a durable and beautiful pool, which will last more than one year and will become a real decoration of the site.

Walking around your possessions, do not miss the following useful materials and things:

How to make a pool in the country with your own hands - step by step instructions with a photo

It is very important to choose a suitable location on the site for the pool installation.

The choice of the place has been made, now it is necessary to draw a sketch with dimensions and mark the dimensions of the structure with pegs in place, prepare necessary tools.

For a pool of any type, it is necessary to make a platform so that the bowl is level and firmly throughout the season.

Foundation preparation stages:

  1. Remove the top loose soil layer with grass, eliminate potholes, irregularities, remove stones, debris, uproot protruding roots. If a decision is made to deepen the bowl, then dig a pit with a reserve of space for the outer sheathing of the sides.
  2. Align the surface with a level strictly horizontally, pour a small layer of crushed stone, tamp it thoroughly.
  3. Cover it with geotextiles if possible, which will protect the pool from gnawing by insects and germination of weeds under it, as well as strengthen and level the base.
  4. Pour a 10 cm thick sand pillow, lay insulation or a special polypropylene backing under the bottom.

Manufacturing a pool from pallets

This structure can be built in less than a day and will cost very little.

To work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • old wooden pallets, at least 9 pieces, depending on the size of the structure. They are made in standard dimensions 80x120 cm;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and cord for marking;
  • jigsaw;
  • a plane for processing boards;
  • boards;
  • nails;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws,
  • tie straps for fastening pallets into a single frame;
  • film for lining the bowl inside;
  • construction stapler;
  • siding or boards for decoration;
  • felt;
  • Scotch;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • paint and varnish.

Installation steps:

  1. Prepare a site or dig a pit if you want to deepen the pool. Lay out with foam or other insulation so that the water heats up faster. Spread the tarpaulin or underlay on top.
  2. Treat all wooden elements with antiseptic and antifungal impregnation to prevent wood from rotting and decaying.

    Spread the substrate on the site and start sequentially mounting the pallets

  3. Place the pallets vertically, forming a round shape, with the planking inward and knock them down with the boards at the top, bottom and middle to create a single frame structure. Reinforce it with tie straps, clamps or other materials at hand.

    For reliability, fasten the pallet structure with planks and special belts

  4. Sheathe the structure from the inside with siding, upholstery, cover with sand, cover inner part waterproofing film.

    Prepare the inside of the pool

  5. Then put felt or old blankets and towels on the bottom and sides for softness, secure them with tape or a construction stapler.

    For softness, lay out old blankets and towels

  6. Cover the top of the side and bottom of the pool with a finishing layer of film, straighten it. The material will look great in blue. Nail the boards from the planks on top, securing and removing all protruding edges and edges. Now you can draw water and check the bowl for leaks.

    Place the film in the pool, and sheathe it outside with finishing material

Tire pool

First you need to find a larger tire, for example, a BelAZ tire has a diameter of more than 300 cm and a width of over 95 cm and prepare the necessary tools and building materials:

  • a hacksaw or sharp knife;
  • level;
  • bag of cement M-300;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • liquid soap;
  • paint and any decorative elements;
  • a container for mixing a solution, a drill with a mixer attachment;
  • shovel.

Stages of work:

The properties of rubber will allow you to enjoy such a product for more than one year, without fear of leaks and destruction.

Foil pool

This method is the fastest - it allows you to create a budget version of the bath in two hours, which can be equipped right in the garden. It should be noted that such an express bowl will serve until the first puncture of the film.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

If necessary, such a reservoir is quickly removed until the next hot season.

Swimming pool made of plastic pipes

On sale there are ready-made prefabricated pool models, the frame of which is made of PVC pipes and the bowl is made of thick soft material or also plastic. Such a structure can be made on its own from the pipes left over from the repair or purchased. They are inexpensive and are sold in any hardware store.

For work you will need:

  • PVC fabric that does not allow water to pass through and is used for the manufacture of awnings and inflatable boats, it is very durable and is sold in various densities, an excellent solution for a homemade pool;
  • shovel shovel;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • marker;
  • an iron for soldering pipes or a hair dryer with a special nozzle for welding film;
  • insulation;
  • geotextile.

The assembly takes place in several stages:

The bath is usually small to medium in size, it can be disassembled in the fall and hidden in the closet until next summer.

Care rules

For a homemade pool to last for several years, it needs proper care.

A private pool on the site is not a luxury item, it is quite affordable for an ordinary summer resident and can be made independently without significant financial costs. Through the use of simple designs and helpers inexpensive materials, as well as simple rules for the care and purification of water, the pool will become a decoration of the cottage and will serve for a comfortable stay for more than one season.

Not every summer resident is lucky to have his own house near the reservoir, where after physical work you can relax and enjoy the cool water. The rest have to either get into the car and go in search of the nearest river, or make a pool with their own hands in the country. More often they choose the second option, because in addition to relaxation, the pool also gives side advantages:

  • warm settled water, which can be used to water flower beds and a vegetable garden (if you did not add chemical disinfectants to the pool!);
  • the ability to switch children who are keen on tablets, mobile phones and laptops to a healthier vacation;
  • improvement of the body, etc.

It remains to choose from a variety of stationary pool options the one that suits the needs of the family and the landscape of the site.

To simplify the maintenance of the built pool, consider the following points already at the planning stage:

  1. It is better if there is clay soil on the pool area. If the waterproofing breaks down, it will stop the leakage of water.
  2. Choose a location with a natural slope of the soil. So you will make it easier for yourself to dig a pit and immediately decide where to put the drainage system.
  3. Tall trees should not grow near the future pool, because their root system, sensing the proximity of moisture, will stretch to the walls of the structure and can spoil the waterproofing. The most "aggressive" are poplar, chestnut, willow. If trees are already growing on the site, then you will have to part with them in advance. It is cheaper than repairing a damaged pool.
  4. Low-growing trees are also undesirable, because you have to constantly remove the leaves from the bowl, and during the flowering period the water turns yellow from pollen.
  5. Pay attention to which direction the wind most often blows in your summer cottage, and try to place the pool so that the air moves along the bowl. Then all the dirt and debris will be nailed to one wall, along the edges of which it is recommended to install a drain system.
  6. Try to place the pool closer to the water supply to make it easier to fill it.

Preliminary calculations - sizing

The width and length are determined based on the purpose of the pool. If it is intended for swimming, then choose a rectangular shape, making the bowl elongated. If for relaxation, splashing and rest for the whole family, then it is more convenient to communicate in round bowls.

The more important criterion is depth. It is believed that in order to feel free, swim easily, turn around under water and jump from the side, one and a half meter depth is needed (and no more!). But ski jumping requires a deeper bowl - at least 2.3 m. True, it is enough to make such a depth in the diving zone, creating a smooth transition from the main size (1.5 m).

If the construction of a pool in the country is intended exclusively for children's recreation, then the depth of the bowl should not exceed half a meter. This is enough for fun games and floundering without risk to health.

The most complex structure is a combined pool, in which everyone will swim. In this case, different depths are created for the children's and adult zones, and both zones must be separated by a solid partition that starts from the very bottom. So you will hedge against accidental falling of children into the adult zone.

Important! In any pool with several different depths, it is necessary to make the bottom shallow and smoothly transition from one size to another. Depth jumps are unacceptable for safety reasons. A person walking along the bottom can gape and miss the border, beyond which another depth begins, and in a panic, when the legs immediately go down, the risk of choking is very high.

Choosing a bowl: buy a ready-made one or make it yourself?

The most time-consuming work is associated with the preparation of the pit and pouring the bowl. But manufacturers have figured out how to build a pool in the country faster and easier. They created ready-made bowls that only need to be dug into the ground and fixed. In addition to the obvious advantage in ease of installation, ready-made structures are also beneficial in that they are available in all kinds of shapes and colors, which cannot be said about concrete. In addition, during operation, concrete bowls can crack if the ground begins to move.

Types of finished bowls: plastic and composite

There are two types of ready-made bowls on sale: plastic and composite. The principle of their installation is absolutely the same. Differ only specifications materials.

The plastic bowl requires additional insulation of the pool walls from the outside

In plastic structures, polypropylene is the main material. It is not afraid of burnout, does not require draining water for the winter, is environmentally friendly, resistant to mechanical stress. And the smooth surface prevents the formation of plaque and sediment on the walls and bottom. Such bowls do not require additional interior decoration, because they look aesthetically pleasing. The only drawback: if the pool is installed in a place where there is no shade, then in the heat, polypropylene can expand, which makes the bottom and walls “wave”. But as soon as the temperature drops, the bowl takes on its normal appearance.

Composite bowls are made of fiberglass, which is not afraid of frost or heat

Composite structures do not have such a problem. The main material in them is fiberglass, which is bonded with polymer resins. All the advantages typical for plastic bowls are inherent in this material. But there is a small "but": the composite is quite expensive.

DIY bowls options

And yet, some summer residents still prefer bowls that are created on site, because you will not always find a container with a size and shape that ideally suits a particular landscape, and very large pools (about 10 m in length) make it difficult to transport. The overwhelming majority of owners make their own pools for summer cottages from concrete. This material is always available for sale. If it is impossible to deliver it to the site in the form of a liquid solution, an ordinary concrete mixer is placed, and a mixture with the addition of sand is created on site.

The bowl made of polystyrene foam blocks is easy to assemble due to the lightness of the material and perfectly keeps the water temperature

It is possible to create the entire bowl from concrete, including the walls, but this requires a long time and enormous labor to set up the formwork and pour it.

Resourceful summer residents came up with a simpler arrangement of the pool at the dacha: they kept only the bottom concrete, and the walls began to be made of expanded polystyrene blocks or steel sheets. In the first version, the pool turns out to be warm, since polystyrene foam has low thermal conductivity. Steel walls are very easy to install, as they are sold ready-made with everything additional equipment in the form of a cladding film and fixing fittings.

Installation of a pool with a ready-made bowl

Consider how to make a pool in the country using a factory bowl.

Site markup

  1. We carefully measure the bowl delivered to the site.
  2. We mark the place of the future pit on the ground using pegs and a rope. We drive the pegs into the corners of the future bowl, and pull the rope between them. The more irregular the shape of the pool, the more often you drive in the pegs.
  3. We retreat from the stretched rope by a meter and make outlines around the entire perimeter (we cut off the soil, hammer in new pegs, etc.). It is from this markup that you will begin to dig a foundation pit. Such a reserve is needed to make it easier to lower the bowl, insulate its walls and create a solid foundation.
  4. We remove the internal markings and start digging the foundation pit.


The pool pit must have an even and stable bottom, so it is concreted

The pit should be half a meter deeper than the size of the bowl itself. Now we create the base on which we will place the bowl:

  1. Pour the bottom with a 20-centimeter layer of coarse sand and tamp it.
  2. We spread it on the sand metal mesh for the fortress and over it we pour concrete mortar, 25 centimeters thick. We wait until dry.

The concrete layer with which the bottom is poured must be reinforced so that it does not crack when the ground moves

After that, we insulate the pool:

  1. We lay geotextiles on the entire concrete base, and on it - three-centimeter foam polystyrene slabs. They will insulate the pool bottom from the cold ground.
  2. A thick, durable film is laid on top of the insulation.
  3. While the bowl is at the top, you should insulate its walls. The outer surface of the walls is "packed" in expanded polystyrene and insulated with polyethylene.

The outer walls of the bowl are insulated with expanded polystyrene for isolation from cold soil

Installing the bowl and connecting communications

  • We lower the prepared bowl to the bottom of the pit.
  • We connect all the necessary communications to the bowl. We put on a protective sleeve on the pipes and fix it with tape so that it does not move during concreting.

The spacers will not allow the bowl to bend when the concrete reinforcement of the pool is poured; And all pipes must be packed in a protective sleeve so that they do not freeze in winter.

  • We concretize the remaining voids between the soil and the pool walls as follows:
  1. We install spacers inside the bowl so that the plastic or composite does not bend under the pressure of the concrete mass;
  2. We put the formwork, and lay the reinforcement around the perimeter;
  3. We do not fill the solution all at once, but in layers: we fill 30-40 cm with water into the pool and raise the concrete to the same height. We are waiting for solidification, then water again - and then concrete. Thus, we bring the concrete layer to the soil surface.
  4. We wait a day before the pouring solidifies and only then we remove the formwork.
  5. We fill the voids from the formwork with sand, spilling it with water and tamping it.

It remains to refine the pool area and let water into it.

For outdoor pools, it is advisable to create a hinged roof that will protect from dirty precipitation, or at least sew an awning with which you will cover the structure when you leave the country.

If the arrangement of swimming pools in the country seemed to you challenging task- buy an inflatable or frame version. Such pools are quite suitable for water recreation, and for the winter you can easily disassemble them and hide them in the attic.

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