Diy scoop for cleaning holes in winter. Winter fishing ladles

I want to offer a very simple, cheap in terms of manufacture, but at the same time reliable design of a scoop for winter fishing... Anyone can make it. On a fishing trip, he can become a lifesaver. It often happens that the working part of the store scoops is made of metal, to some extent this is justified: after a long fishing from one hole in frosty weather, the frozen edges can be cleaned up. But there are also disadvantages of such a ladle: it is easy to drown; frozen ice can not be removed by nothing more than tapping on a hard, often metal object (and as news the fish is afraid of noise); And the loss promises new spending.

In general, we take an ordinary polyethylene lid, with which our women close glass jars, we make holes in it as we please, but the main thing is not to overdo it with the size of the holes (Fig. 1.). Do not forget about the small hole through which we will attach the handle to our scoop.

As a handle, you can choose any stick with a diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of 25-30 cm. Drill a hole in it for a tie (Fig. 2).

There is little left to do: screw the leaky cover to the handle using a screw (Fig. 3). Why such a ladle is convenient:
1) Frozen ice can be easily removed by simply crushing the nylon cover absolutely silently.
2) The cost of such a scoop is equivalent to the cost of a nylon cap.
3) The design of such a ladle is absolutely buoyant, unless, of course, the handle is made of metal.
4) And last but not least, such a scoop can be easily made directly at the fishing site, with simple tools.

I advise all fishermen to have a spare scoop of the described design with them, you will not regret it. In addition to using a scoop to free the hole from ice, it can be used to catch live bait from a kan.

The scoop, aka a skimmer, used in most types of winter fishing, is also important element in winter fishing. Therefore, in this article we will talk about this contraption, which is difficult to do without. There are three main types of slotted skimmers on sale: stamped steel in the form of a saucer, mesh made of steel wire and plastic.

Mesh is the least popular - they do not live long, quickly breaking down when ice is knocked down. But there are admirers of these skimmers, whose advantages are the highest performance when picking out sludge from the hole, plus noiselessness in this case, which is essential when catching cautious fish in the shallows, and it is very convenient to get the machine ginger out of the canna with a "net".

There are more and more plastic skimmers on the ice every year, they could become the main ones, but reliability fails - in severe frost the handle often breaks, even branded Scandinavian models have such troubles.

In addition, with these scoops, it will not be possible to knock down the ice from the drill, to clean up the hole that has been caught by the frost.

Plastic scoops are appreciated for their low weight, which is important during long transitions, and for the material of the spoon, which almost does not freeze. If the ice does freeze, it can be easily removed by squeezing the spoon with your hand.

The undisputed leaders are the classic metal scoop. The best-selling ones are the most powerful ones, with teeth, thanks to which it is easy to break the upper edges of the hole from frozen ice. And also chipping it off the drill, which must be done, because when the auger gets clogged with ice and frozen snow, it just stops drilling.

Someone does without teeth, they just sharpen one edge of the spoon like a knife (it breaks the hole with this side), the opposite edge is dull - they gently tap the drill with it, trying not to damage the paint.

The most popular is the round spoon, this shape is ideal for working in a round hole. There are also fans of rectangular slotted spoons - with such a spoon it is sometimes possible to free a jig or a spoon that is hooked onto the lower edge of the ice. If, of course, the handle is long enough, and often they try to have just such (if only the scoop fits in the box), so that the lower part of the hole can also be processed, where the sludge likes to hide, interfering with fishing.

The bettors often use the scoop as a shovel, adding snow to the working holes so as not to freeze over. And digging after a bite, removing excess snow, ice crust that can interfere with playing. V otherwise the pike can get a concussion, hitting the frozen top of the hole, get off the hook, and then eat only millet and algae all its life ...

A good stainless steel scoop for ice fishing. This tool is practically eternal, if not lost. And it is not without reason that many paint a pen (foam, cork, wood, rubber) in a bright color, then the chance of detecting a loss is much higher. The diameter of the spoon of any scoop, of course, should be slightly less than the diameter of the auger, otherwise there was a case - a fisherman bought a drill, and the scoop was old, large and got stuck in a narrow hole, pulled out a little ...

With all due respect to the winter scoop, quite a few winter roads have excluded it from their equipment altogether. It is especially common for jiggers and spoon baitters without scoops at shallow depths. Part of the sludge is pumped through with a drill, part remains in the hole so that it is not strongly exposed.

The hole for passing the bait is made with any suitable stick. Someone makes a special stick made of strong, solid wood (as an option - a leg from an old stool) that fits in a box. It is handy to knock down ice from a drill with the same piece of wood, without worrying that the paint will be damaged.

Avid fishermen who love winter season anglers know that forgetting the fishing ladle at home will be very difficult and inconvenient to do without it. It is curious that for some reason many amateur publications and specialized stores devote an undeserved little time to this issue, and some beginners generally go on the ice without this device, after which they stand over a drilled hole with a pile of snow inside, not knowing what to do with it.

This is where you start to scoop up the extra pieces of ice by hand. To put it mildly, the activity is not very pleasant, especially in strong winds and frost. Specifically for such purposes, we need a ladle.

You can buy it at a fishing store or make it yourself. In terms of the price range, there is different options which depend on the material of manufacture: it can be a solid plastic, a metal bucket with a wooden handle, a metal handle and a mesh bucket, etc.

Let's dwell on each in more detail.

Metal spoon and wooden handle. Positive sides: simple design, does not sink (thanks to the handle), durable, so it can break thin layers of ice. Negative points: heavy weight, there is no "knob" on the handle, because of which it can slip out of the hand. The junction of the scoop and the handle is not reliable (as a rule, this section most often breaks).

Everything is the same, only the foam handle. Non-sinking, the handle is unreliable, designed exclusively for raking the snow mass from a freshly drilled hole. It has no other purpose and functions. In general, it resembles an ordinary kitchen slotted spoon.

Mesh spoon, metal holder with neoprene part. An "elegant" accessory, lightweight, and the mesh structure allows you to remove even the smallest pieces of ice and snow from the hole. Main disadvantages: They can scoop ice out of a newly drilled hole, but cannot break it, since the rim is made of soft metal that bends. If you accidentally missed it, forget it, it will drown.

Plastic skimmer. Light as a feather, it does not sink, does not harm the tackle in the box, but it is completely unsuitable for breaking through the thinnest ice crust. But, on the other hand, it has a low cost.

You can make it yourself easily, quickly and simply. The most basic way is to upgrade your kitchen skimmer. Using a drill, expand the holes a little, additionally weld the junction of the scoop and the handle, in order to make it buoyant - equip the holder from cork material or foam. In a situation where it is not possible to build a similar handle, make a loop and, when using, fasten it to your hand. As you can see, everything is very easy.

For added versatility to the fixture, jag on one of the edges. This element is especially important when it is necessary to carefully unhook the line that has caught on the edge of the drilled hole. Yes, this can be done with other tools, but this is much more convenient. Also, it is important that our tool has a long handle (sitting on, it is more convenient to choose a snow mass), which needs to be painted in a shade of a bright color (so that it can be clearly seen).

Some anglers construct a scoop from a ladle. In this case, it needs to be flattened a little to make the implement look proper.

From the general parameters, the diameter of the holes on the spoon should be distinguished - should be moderate. The versatility of this tool also lies in the fact that it comes in handy when cooking fish soup, and in the summer it is very convenient for them to get the larvae from the bottom, therefore, it is an important element in the fishing set.

Yandex.Taxi will launch a cargo transportation service
The new service will provide an opportunity to order cargo transportation at two rates. It will also be possible to use the loader service. The first tariff allows you to order a passenger car (Citroen Berlingo and Lada Largus) with a cargo compartment with a total carrying capacity of no more than 1 ton. The second tariff includes vans with a carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons, for example, Citroen Jumper and GAZelle NEXT. The cars will not be older than 2008, Kommersant reports.
Also, customers will be able to order transport with loaders, but if the driver works alone, he will not receive such orders. Yandex.Taxi promises “special bonuses for some partners and drivers” who subscribe to the new tariff.

Winter ladle, whose second name is a slotted spoon, is an important fishing tool used by fishermen in most types of ice fishing.

V fishing There are 3 main types of these products in trade: stamped steel scoops in the form of a saucer, mesh made of steel woven wires and plastic. Mesh models have received the least distribution, since they do not "live" for long, they soon fail when they are knocked down by ice.

But they still have admirers among anglers - winter roads, who see their advantages in mesh skimmers - high productivity during the process of scooping up sludge from the holes and, moreover, noiselessness in such a case, which is quite important when catching overly careful fish in shallow areas. Plus such a slotted spoon - it is convenient to "catch" live bait from the canna with a net.

Plastic scoops
With each new ice season, plastic skimmers are more and more popular with ice fishing fans. Such products could well become the main ones, but they also have a significant drawback - they are not very reliable. In severe frosts, the handle often breaks with plastic slotted spoon.

Such troubles happen even with relatively high-quality Scandinavian models. In addition, such products will not work to knock the ice off the knives of the drill, to clean the holes that are well gripped by the frost. But they are appreciated by fishermen for their small mass, which is of no small importance when crossing long distances, and for the very reliable material of the spoon, which practically does not freeze even in severe frost. If ice does form, then it can be easily and quickly removed by squeezing the spoon itself with your hand.

Metal scoops
Yet the undisputed leader among many winter anglers is the classic metal slotted spoon. The best-selling products in stores are the most powerful models with teeth that can easily break the upper edges of the holes and free them from frozen ice.

Such ladles it is convenient to break off the ice from the drills, which is quite necessary to do, since the auger, if clogged with frozen snow and ice, drills very poorly. Some anglers do without teeth, they just sharpen one edge of the scoop like a knife. Then, with such a sharp side, the frozen holes are broken.

And the opposite side remains dull - the drill covered with ice is gently tapped with it, while you need to try not to damage the paint layer, so that later there would be no unnecessary problems.

Popular scoop shapes
The most popular are round spoons, this kind of shape is optimal for working in round holes. But there are also fans of rectangular slotted spoons - with such spoons it is often possible to free catchy jig or a vertical spoon hooked onto the lower ice edge.

This can often be done if the slotted spoon has a rather long handle. Fans of winter fishing often try to take models with long handles on the ice, so long as they fit in a fishing box. With such scoops, you can easily handle the very lower parts of the holes, where the sludge is often hidden and interferes with the whole fishing.

Lovers of bet fishing often use a slotted spoon as a shovel. It is convenient for her to drop holes on the ice with snow so that they do not get too frozen over. They also dig holes with a slotted spoon after an effective hooking, removing snow or excess ice crust, which can interfere with the game of the trophy. Otherwise, the predator can get a strong concussion, hitting well against the frozen up hole, get off the hook, and then it will eat exclusively algae and millet for the rest of its life ...

An excellent quality scoop is made of stainless steel, and it is almost eternal, of course, if it is not forgotten on the ice and not lost. After all, it is not for nothing that experienced winter roads try to paint the handles (made of cork, foam, wood, rubber) of their skimmers in bright colors. In this case, the chances of finding the lost item are much higher.

When purchasing any slotted spoon, you need to remember that the diameter of its spoon should be slightly less than the diameter of the screw itself. This is necessary in order to avoid any incidents - it happens that a fisherman buys a weaving drill, and he takes an old, large slotted spoon and it gets stuck in an already narrow hole, you have to pull out with difficulty ...

With all the big fishing respect for the winter skimmer, a considerable number of fishermen have excluded this thing from their equipment altogether. Nowadays, you can often find jiggers or lurers without any scoops at all, but fishing in shallow areas.

They simply pump some of the sludge with a drill, and leave some in the working holes so that they are not strongly illuminated. The hole required for lowering the bait is not difficult to make a suitable size with a stick.

Some people make a stick in advance from a strong and solid piece of wood (as a good option from a leg from a broken old stool). If only the size allows you to fit in fishing box... It is convenient to knock down the ice from the auger with such a wooden stick, without worrying that the paint layer will be damaged.

Finishing the skimmer with your own hands
Modern fishing often separates from the old classic. This concerns the techniques of fishing, tackle, equipment. The new often laughs at the good old classics as outdated, uninteresting, elusive. The old often reciprocates, they say, all these modern bells and whistles - some "show-off" that have no practical value. It seems that this confrontation is not worth a damn.

Judge to everything - practice, which puts everything in its place. The simplest example from my fishing is a winter bucket skimmer. I bought a modern plastic scoop, but the frost doesn’t care that it is a branded Finnish, took it and broke off the handle. This often happens - this plastic handle is bad. And the slotted spoon itself is very good - lightweight, does not rust, ice is easily removed from it - squeezed, and it is gone.

A pen it’s very bad, it’s obvious that these Finns don’t understand anything about the handles of skimmers, even though the ice season they have more than ours. And I myself made a pen in the image and likeness of an old Slavic ice scoop.

Firstly, it is wooden, it is impossible to break it in any frost, and the hand does not cool, it is warm almost like polystyrene. Secondly, I made a handle specially with a knot, which has two main tasks.

The most important thing is that when passing from hole to hole, you do not need to push the handle into a boot or felt boot, this is inconvenient, unreliable - I will just hook a knot over the edge of the boot. In addition, it is convenient to grip the handle with a knot with your hand when the scoop is on ice, especially snow-covered, and no matter in which position - with a knot up or down. I connected the handle with a slotted spoon in a simple way, wrapping it tightly with tape.

You can think of a more aesthetic way. It makes no difference to me, scotch tape will do, the main thing is that the tackle is reliable and functional, clearly fulfills its tasks. Although, on the other hand, aesthetes from fishing can see in my "finishing-rework" even their own special beauty, a kind of brutal scoop, where the modern organically merged with the classic.

Generally picky angler-It's not easy for a winter man to buy a scoop in a store that satisfies one hundred percent. Even branded models are altered, and even more often they are repaired after breakdowns, which is quite a shame when a considerable amount has been paid for the "company".

And all because in the pursuit of lightness and cheapness, they began to actively use plastic, which does not always withstand harsh operating conditions in severe frost. Although there are good plastics that are as reliable as possible, in the form of a pipe, which is unlikely to be broken. Let's say an inexpensive plastic water pipe, from which I made a handle for my homemade scoop.

If you start listing, in order of necessity, the elements of equipment for ice fishing, then the scoop stands right after the ice screw, you can do without a scoop exactly as much as you can do without a drill, without specialized clothing, without a box, in other words, you can - but it's better when you have one. The scoop, in spite of its primitive design, must have a number of characteristics, namely: not freeze up, have sufficient strength to break the edges of the hole and not sink. As a rule, the ice of the borax also gets lost with a scoop, you can do this with a mallet, but after some time of fishing I came to the conclusion that it is still more convenient to do it with a scoop. And so, from the moment I started fishing in the winter, the modernization of the ladles began. The ice on the scoop, which grows from each dive, should be knocked down every time, but this is not always convenient, and when the scoop is already freezing well, I knock down the ice with one blow on the ice, chair, drill ... Not a single store scoop could withstand such a blow, the spoon flew off, the handle broke in half, the handle flew off, bent at 360 degrees))) And when once again the spoon of the scoop flew off on a fishing trip at -25 with a wild wind, I decided to make my own scoop that would not freeze too much, was strong and hard and with this is lightweight.

The Tonar scoop was taken as a basis, the wooden handle, which was constantly frozen over, was replaced by an aluminum handle of suitable length. The attachment to the spoon was carried out using two screws (so that the spoon does not rotate along the axis of the screw), in order to avoid loosening, the nuts planted through the grover are additionally soldered. The hole in the tube is sealed with silicone glue on the bottom side. A warm handle on a ladle nafig is not needed, you only need a handle so that the metal does not burn your hands, electrical tape does a good job with this.

The mass of the scoop turned out to be less than that of a titanium one with the same dimensions (lumin is almost two times lighter than titanium). Low adhesion of aluminum almost does not collect water and therefore almost does not freeze, a slight icing of the scoop, due to the high hardness of the materials, falls off with even a slight knock, which cannot be said about scoops with wooden handles. So that the scoop was not lost, did not drown and was always at hand, I attached it to the chair with the help of a retriever (now a very common phrase on fishing that I hear "look, but the scoop is tied")))))).

The scoop crash test showed its very high strength: you can beat from the heart, chop ice in a hole of any thickness, beat off frozen screws, you can clean the hole in mittens without fear of drowning it, when you release the scoop, the retriever pulls it strictly under the chair and now you do not need to look where did you throw last time scoop.

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