The boat crosses a river 600 m wide. Speed ​​test

Over the past five years, I have been teaching at the senior level of the school according to the module-rating system, which allowed me to change not only my attitude to such a difficult subject as physics, but also to some extent change the learning process itself.

New goals and guidelines for general secondary education, the variability of its content at the senior level of the school, the diversity of educational systems have led to the emergence of largely new organizational forms, methods and teaching aids.

One of the most promising among the innovative forms and methods of teaching that can be successfully used both at the university and at the senior level of school is the credit-modular or modular-rating system of education.

Othe main stages of building a modular rating system in preparation for the exam.

  1. definition of educational goals - analysis of educational material and its presentation in a modular version
  2. analysis and preliminary assessment of students' capabilities - setting goals and determining planned learning outcomes focused on achieving these goals, as well as assessing the possibilities for achieving goals;
  3. sequential arrangement of the course material by modules - development of didactic material in the form of modules, designing teaching activities and the corresponding "learning steps" that meet the abilities of students;
  4. definition of criteria for evaluating the results achieved by students

When developing a modular-rating system in the study of the topic "Kinematics", the task was not only to implement the basic level of education, but also to introduce possible ways for mastering the profile level. It is not possible to complete such tasks within the framework of a two-hour physics course, so a system was used for motivated students additional education in small groups (school component in preparation for the exam.)

The advantages of this method include, first of all, the fact that the student can choose for himself the amount of material (although a certain part is mandatory). The flexibility of such a solution is based on the variability of the content and levels of complexity of educational activities. Modular learning provides the student with the opportunity to choose the most suitable way for him to organize the learning process (for example: attending only scheduled lessons or also working in the system of additional education in the subject) and the desired level of mastering the educational material (A, B or C). Level A is basic and mandatory for everyone. To achieve level B or C, the student is offered a set of activities that best suit his interests and needs (various information resources are widely used in additional education lessons). Modular education fully realizes the differentiation of education in the subject, creates a mode of psychological comfort during training, and at the same time, students motivated for high results or passing the exam receive the necessary knowledge.

Modular construction of the content of education as a means of systematizing knowledge in preparation for the USE.

The module as a basic unit of the curriculum represents a relatively complete element of education in terms of content. The duration of the course may be different - for example, the topic "Mechanics" in the two-hour program for grade 10 is designed for 24 hours of study time. In accordance with this definition, large components of the content of education (courses, sections, topics) can be divided into several didactically ordered in terms of their goals, content, means and methods of program units - modules.

The section "Mechanics" - "Kinematics" should be divided into the following modules: "Uniform motion", "Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion", "Vertical motion. Free fall" "Circular motion", "Movement of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon". Each of these modules is logically divided into small elements - verification tasks, which in without fail implemented in every lesson. The list of test papers according to the rating system is necessarily available to the attention of students, which allows for a more thoughtful organization of the educational process for each student. Moreover, the last work of each module is designed for students motivated for successful knowledge in this subject and for students who pass the USE in the subject. One of options modules on the topic "Kinematics"

Topic: "Kinematics"

"Equal Movement"

  1. Verification work No. 1 "Path, displacement, projection of the displacement vector and velocity on the coordinate axes, action with vectors" (§§ 6-8)
  2. Verification work No. 2 "The equation of uniform rectilinear motion, graphic problems" (§§ 9-10)

"Uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion"

  1. Test #1 "Acceleration and Velocity while Moving at Constant Acceleration, Graphic Problems" (§§1316)
  2. Verification work No. 2 "The equation of motion with constant acceleration" (§§13-16)
  3. Verification work No. 3 "Solving problems of an increased level"

"Vertical movement. Free fall"

  1. Verification work No. 1 "Dependence equations for the projection of velocity and coordinates when moving in a vertical plane" (§§ 17-18)
  2. Verification work No. 2 "Solving problems for movement in a vertical plane"
  3. Verification work No. 3 "Solving problems of an increased level"

"Circumferential Movement"

  1. Test work No. 1 "Testing on the topic of movement in a circle" (§§ 19)
  2. Test work No. 2 "Solving problems on the movement of a body in a circle" (§§ 19)
  3. Verification work No. 3 "Solving problems of an increased level"

"The movement of a body thrown at an angle to the horizon"

  1. Verification work No. 1 "Solving problems on the movement of the body at an angle to the horizon"
  2. Verification work No. 2 "Solving problems on the movement of a body thrown horizontally"
  3. Verification work No. 3 "Solving problems of an increased level"

The integrity, completeness, completeness and consistency of building educational material in the form of block-modules, within which the educational material is structured in the form of a system of educational elements, gives a complete picture of the material being studied. From blocks-modules, as from cubes, they construct curriculum on the proposed topic.

Each student can choose one of the most suitable organizational scheme of learning or combine several options, in our case, these are classes within the school schedule and outside them, providing for independent work with the module when using technical means training, consultations with more successful students or a teacher, etc. The main purpose of this model of building the content of education is the organization of the educational process, which allows developing cognitive independence, individual capabilities and abilities of students.

In each module for students, criteria are indicated that reflect the level of mastery educational material that is, the maximum rating score. This rating score allows you to assess the degree of mastering the standard of education and the level of preparation for the Unified State Examination. Each proposed module assumes, when active at all training sessions a fixed number of rating points that reflect the level of knowledge on the topic of this module. In order to confirm the student's understanding of the learning objectives, oral control is carried out during seminars on solving the problems of this module. When performing written work, both test tasks, calculation tasks and theoretical surveys on the topic are used.

Rating system of evaluation.

In the context of modular training, the assessment of the training of students will also have to undergo changes, in particular, the function of current control will change significantly. In particular, I use a cumulative scoring system. Since each module consists of at least three written works. Each of the works, according to the number of completed tasks, makes a certain contribution to the rating score for this module. Extra points students can receive during oral answers in seminars, when working independently with the proposed Internet resource, or when completing an individual assignment within the current module. Final result The points scored are recalculated into a five-point grade for this module, and then for the entire topic of the educational material.

Analyzing the results of student performance for last years, with a sufficient degree of certainty, it can be argued that the module-rating system increases the level of responsibility in the study of the subject and improves the results of the educational process.

Positive and negative aspects of using the modular-rating system of education.

The analysis carried out allows us to identify a number of positive and negative aspects of using the module-rating system of education.

The positive ones include the following:

  1. The modular rating system allows you to more effectively organize the independent activities of students. Thanks to its capabilities, it is possible to more effectively implement an individual approach to learning, since each student can draw up his own plan of educational activities.
  2. Students develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.
  3. Due to the presence of immediate landmarks (in the form of tests, tests, etc.) and incentives for regular and systematic studies, the strength of knowledge increases.
  4. The assessment system is able to take into account a larger number of types of educational activities (in thematic control and current certification); increases the objectivity of the final assessment.
  5. Information about the current ranking stimulates students. The level of healthy competition between students increases.

The negative aspects of using the modular test system include the following: the teacher's labor costs increase when developing options for control materials, checking control results (especially in large groups), and updating materials.

These are only the very first, rough estimates of the positive and negative aspects of the system. Much remains to be considered and tested in experiment, and this problem is interesting and promising.

I propose for consideration some teaching materials, forming a bank of tasks of varying degrees of complexity, test tasks, etc. Examples of rating works of varying degrees of complexity

Verification work No. 1 "Path, movement, projection of the displacement vector and velocity on the coordinate axes, action with vectors"

  1. Which of the following quantities are vector quantities:
    a) path
    b) movement;
    c) speed?
  2. The chair was moved first by 6 m, and then by another 8 m. The value of the total displacement in this case is equal to:
    a) 2 m;
    b) 14 m;
    c) cannot be said.
  3. A body thrown vertically upwards reaches greatest height 10 m and fell to the ground. Indicate the path L traveled by the body and the displacement S?
    a) L= 20 S= 10;
    b) L= 10 S= 20;
    c) L= 20 S= 0.
  4. The car twice traveled around Moscow along the ring road, 109 km long. What is the distance traveled by the body L and the displacement S?
    a) a0L= 109 S= 0;
    b) L= 218 S= 218;
    c) L= 218 S= 0.
  5. A body thrown horizontally from a tower 6 m high fell at a distance of 8 m from the foot of the tower. The amount of body displacement is equal to:
    a) 6 m;
    b) 8 m;
    c) 10 m.
  6. A stone thrown from a window on the second floor, from a height of 4 m, falls to the ground at a distance of 3 m from the wall of the house. What is the stone displacement modulus?
    a) 5 m;
    b) 4 m;
    c) 3 m.
  7. Two cars are moving along a straight highway in the same direction. Let's direct the OX axis along the highway. Velocity projections on the OX axis:
    a) both are positive
    b) both are negative;
    c) have the same signs;
    d) have different signs.
  8. Two cars are moving along a straight highway in opposite directions. Let's direct the OX axis along the highway. Velocity projections on the OX axis:
    a) both are positive
    b) both are negative;
    c) have the same signs;
    d) have different signs.
  9. The velocity projections on the OX and OY axes are 0 m/s and 4 m/s, respectively. In this case, the angle between the velocity vector and the OX axis is:
    a) 30°;
    b) 45°;
    c) 90°;
    d) 135°.
  10. A truck is approaching the intersection with a speed of V 1 = 10m / s and a passenger car with a speed of V 2 = 20 m / s (see Fig.) What direction does the speed vector of a passenger car V 21 have in the reference frame associated with the truck.

For this work, we can offer the following scoring system:

The number of tasks involves at least two options. In the same verification work it is advisable to use the didactic cards of Sklerin L.I., which also allow for the differentiation of work according to the level of complexity. The maximum possible score within the school schedule for this work is 20 points. Each student is given the opportunity to correct the situation in case of unsuccessful work or, if necessary, receive more material in the framework of additional classes after school hours.

In additional classes, it is easier for the teacher to organize the independent work of the student in an individual mode.

Module "Uniform motion" (advanced level)

  1. Two boats are moving from one point at an angle of 60° towards each other with the same absolute speed relative to the shore. One boat moved to the other side along the shortest path equal to 20m. What is the distance from the second boat to the shore at this moment?
  2. The speed of the river flow and the speed of the boat relative to the shore are the same and form an angle of 60°. At what angle to the direction of the current is the speed of the boat relative to the water?
  3. The boat crosses a river 600 m wide, and the helmsman keeps a course perpendicular to the shore all the time. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m/s, the speed of the river is 3 m/s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?
  4. A material point moves in a plane uniformly and rectilinearly according to the law: X=4+3t Y=3-4t What is the value of the body's speed?
  5. The point moves along the OX axis so that its coordinate changes according to the law X=6t-0.25t 2 Find the acceleration and speed at the time t=2 s, plot x(t), S(t) and V(t) , Determine the average speed for the first 30s of movement.
  6. The car passed the first half of the way with the speed V 0 . The second half of the way, moving in the same direction, with a speed V 1 What is the average speed of this car?
  7. The car passed the first half of the time with the speed V 0 . The second half of the time, moving in the same direction, with a speed V 1 What is the average speed of this car?
  8. The car passed the first half of the time with the speed V 0 . The rest of the way he moved half the time at a speed of V 1 , and the last section at a speed of V 2 . What is the average speed of this car during the entire journey?
  9. Two cars are moving at constant speeds V 1 and V 2 on roads intersecting at right angles. When the first car has reached the intersection, it remains for the second car to travel the distance L to this place. After what time t after that will the distance between the cars be the least? What is this distance Smin?
  10. A boat travels from A to B along the river at a speed of 3 km/h relative to the water. Towards the boat, simultaneously with it, from B to A, a boat is sent at a speed of 10 km / h relative to the water. During the movement of the boat from A to B, the boat manages to go back and forth twice and arrives at B at the same time as the boat. What is the magnitude and direction of the current?


  1. Intensive preparation for the Unified State Examination 2009 Physics collection of tasks Moscow, Eksmo publishing house, 2009.
  2. FIPI USE universal materials for the preparation of students Physics publishing house "Intellect-Center", 2009.
  3. FIPI USE universal materials for the preparation of students Physics publishing house "Intellect-Center", 2010.
  4. V.A. Orlov G.G. Nikiforov "Thematic and final test papers to prepare for the exam. Physics. Moscow. Education, 2006.
  5. Didictic test materials LAT MIKPRO in physics Moscow, 1999.
  6. L.N. Korshunov "Kinematics" Moscow, publishing house Kontur-M, 2004.
  7. THEM. Gelfgat L.E. Gendenstein L.A. Kirik "1001 problems in physics" publishing house "Ileksa" "Gymnasium", Moscow-Kharkov, 1997.
  8. V.A. Shevtsov Physics simulator for students in grades 9-11 and those entering universities. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2008.

Test questions on the basics of kinematics, dynamics and momentum 1. What is the main unit of time in international system? A. 1s. B. 1min. B. 1 hour. G. 1 day. 2. Which of the following quantities are vector quantities? 1) Path 2) movement. 3) speed. A. Only 1. C. Only 3. B. Only 2. D. 2 and 3. 3. The car drove around Moscow twice along the ring road, the length of which is 109 km. What is the distance traveled by the car l and the modulus of its displacement S? A. l = 109 km, S = O km. B.1 = 218km, S = 0km. B.1 = S = 218 km. G. l \u003d S \u003d 0 km. 4. A stone is thrown from a window on the second floor from a height of 4 m and falls to the ground at a distance of 3 m from the wall of the house. What is the stone displacement modulus? A. 3 m. B. 4 m. C. 5 m. D. 7 m. 5. A train 200 m long enters a tunnel 300 m long, moving uniformly at a speed of 10 m/s. How long does it take for the train to fully exit the tunnel? A. 10 s. B. 20 s. V. 30 p. D. 50 p. 6. Movements of two bodies are described by the equations x1 = 2t and x2 = 4-2t. Determine the time and place of the meeting analytically. A. 1s; 1m. B.2s; 2m. B.2c; 1m. G.1s; 2m. 7. The helicopter rises vertically evenly. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body? A. Point. B. Direct. B. Circumference. G. Helix. 8. A swimmer floats down the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank, if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1.5 m/s, and the speed of the river is 0.5 m/s? A. 0.5 m/s. B. 1 m/s. B. 1.5 m/s. D. 2 m/s.

30 test questions on the basics of kinematics, dynamics and momentum.doc


Test questions on the basics of kinematics, dynamics and momentum 1. What is the main unit of time in the International System? A. 1s. B. 1min. B. 1 hour. G. 1 day. 2. Which of the following quantities are vector quantities? 1) Path 2) movement. 3) speed. A. Only 1. B. Only 2. C. Only 3. D. 2 and 3. 3. The car drove around Moscow twice along the ring road, the length of which is 109 km. What is the distance traveled by the car l and the modulus of its displacement S? A. l = 109 km, S = O km. B.1 = 218km, S = 0km. B.1 = S = 218 km. G. l \u003d S \u003d 0 km. 4. A stone is thrown from a window on the second floor from a height of 4 m and falls to the ground at a distance of 3 m from the wall of the house. What is the stone displacement modulus? A. 3 m. B. 4 m. C. 5 m. D. 7 m. 5. A train 200 m long enters a tunnel 300 m long, moving uniformly at a speed of 10 m/s. How long does it take for the train to fully exit the tunnel? A. 10 s. B. 20 s. V. 30 p. D. 50 p. 6. The motions of two bodies are described by the equations x1 = 2t and x2 = 42t. Determine the time and place of the meeting analytically. A. 1s; 1m. B.2s; 2m. B.2c; 1m. G.1s; 2m. 7. The helicopter rises vertically evenly. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body? B. Circumference. G. Helix. A. Point. B. Direct. 8. A swimmer floats down the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1.5 m/s and the speed of the river is 0.5 m/s? A. 0.5 m/s. B. 1 m/s. B. 1.5 m/s. D. 2 m/s. 9. The raft floats uniformly along the river at a speed of 6 m / s. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 8 m/s. What is the speed of a person, in the frame of reference associated with the shore? A. 2 m/s. B. 7 m/s. H. 10 m/s. D 14 m/s. 10. The boat crosses a river 600 m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course in such a way that the boat swims perpendicular to the banks all the time. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m/s, the speed of the river is 3 m/s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore? A. 120 p. B. 150 p. V. 200 p. G. 90 p. 11. With what acceleration did a stone fall if it traveled 19.6m in 2s? A. 19.6m/s2. B. 9.8 m/s2. H. 9 m/s2. D. 15.68m/s2. 12. A bar located on the horizontal surface of the table was given a speed of 5 m / s. Under the action of traction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. What is the distance traveled by the block in 6 seconds? A. 6 m. B. 12 m. C. 48 m. D. 30 m. 13. What is the speed of a freely falling body after 4 seconds? A. 20 m/s. B. 40 m/s. H. 80 m/s. D. 160 m/s. 14. How far will a freely falling body travel in 3 seconds? A. 15 m. B. 30 m. C. 45 m. D. 90 m. 15. What distance will a freely falling body cover in the fifth second? 16. A body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 30 m/s. What is the maximum A. 45 m. B. 50 m. C. 125 m. D. 250 m. lift height? A. 22.5 m. B. 45 m. C. 90 m. D. 180 m. What is the car's acceleration? A. 1 m/s2. B. 2 m/s2. H. 5 m/s2. D. 0 m/s2.

18. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 10 m. The period of its revolution is 20 s. What 19. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 5 m at a speed of 20 π m/s. What is the frequency equal to the speed of the body? A. 2 m/s. m/s. B. π C. 2 π m/s. D. 4 π m/s. appeals? A. 2 with 1. B. 2 π with 1. V. 2 π 2 s 1 D. 0.5 s 1. . 20. Two boys joined hands. The first boy pushes the second with a force of 120N. With what force does the second boy push the first? A.0H. B. 80H. G.120N. 21. The speed of the car is given by the equation Vx 2+2═ B. 60N. t. Find the resultant force acting on it if its mass is 1t. V. 200N B. 20N. A.2H. G. 2000N. 22. A car with a mass of 1000 kg passes a turn with a radius of 200 m, moving at a constant modulo speed equal to 20 m/s. Determine the resultant of all forces acting on the car. 23. Which of the following formulas expresses Hooke's law? A. F=ma. B. F =µN. B. Fх =k∆х. G. F=G∙m∙M / R². 24. Two forces F1 = 30 N and F2 = 40 N are applied to one point of the body. The angle between vectors F1 and F2 is 90°. What is the modulus of the resultant of these forces? A. 10 N B.50 N. V. 70 N. G. 35 N. 25. By how many times will the force of attraction to the Earth of a spacecraft decrease when it moves away from the Earth's surface by a distance equal to two radii of the Earth? A. Decrease by 2 times. B. Decrease by 9 times. B. Decrease by 3 times. D. Will not change. 26. On the floor of the elevator is a load of 50 kg. What is the modulus of the weight of this load when the elevator is at rest and when it starts moving vertically upwards with an acceleration of 1 m / s 2? G. 500N, 550N. A. 50N, 55N. B. 500N, 500N. V. 550N, 550N. 27. What expression determines the momentum of a body? A. m∙a. B. m∙V. B. F∙t. D. m ∙ V² / 2. 28. What is the change in the momentum of the body if it is acted upon by a force of 15N for 5 s? A. 3kg∙m/s. B. 5kg∙m/s. B. 15 kg∙m/s. D. 75 kg∙m/s. 29. What is the momentum of a body with a mass of 2kg moving at a speed of 3m/s? A. 1.5 kg∙m/s. B. 6 kg∙m/s. B. 9 kg∙m/s. D. 18 kg∙m/s. 30. A cart of mass 2kg moving at a speed of 3m/s collides with a stationary cart of mass 4kg and engages with it. What is the speed of both carts after the interaction? A. 0.5 m/s. B. 1 m / s. B. 1.5 m / s. D. 3 m / s.

4. The movements of two pedestrians are described by the equations x1 = 0.5t and x2 = 5-t. Describe the nature of the movement of each pedestrian, find the module and direction of their velocities, build motion graphs, speed graphs and graphically determine the place and time of their meeting.

5. Movements of two bodies are described by the equations x1 = 12-3t and x2 =2+ 2t. Determine the location and time of the meeting analytically.

A. 4m; 2s. B. 2m; 6s. V. 6m; 2s. D.2m; 4s.

6. An electric train with a length of 200 m enters a bridge with a length of 500 m, moving uniformly at a speed of 5 m/s. How long will it take for the train to cross the entire bridge?

A. 100 s. B. 40 s. V.140 p. D. 50 p.

Option 1.1

1. The helicopter rises vertically evenly. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body?

A. Point. B. Direct. B. Circumference. G. Helix.

2. A swimmer swims along the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1.5 m/s and the speed of the river is 0.5 m/s?

3. The raft floats uniformly along the river at a speed of 6 m / s. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 8 m/s. What is the speed of a person, in the frame of reference associated with the shore?

A. 2 m/s. B. 7 m/s. H. 10 m/s. D 14 m/s.

V1 Rice. B

Rice. A

A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

5. The boat crosses a river 600 m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course in such a way that the boat floats perpendicular to the banks all the time. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m/s, the speed of the river is 3 m/s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?


Option 1.2

1. The helicopter rises vertically evenly. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body?

A. . Circle. B. Helix. B. Point. G. Direct

2. A swimmer swims along the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1 m/s and the speed of the river is 0.5 m/s?

A. 0.5 m/s. B. 1 m/s. B. 1.5 m/s. D. 2 m/s.

3. The raft floats uniformly along the river at a speed of 3 m / s. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 4 m/s. What is the speed of a person in the reference frame associated with the shore?

A. 2 m/s. B. 7 m/s. H. 4.6 m/s. D 5 m/s.

4. A truck is approaching the intersection with a speed of V1= 10m/s and a passenger car with a speed of V2= 20 m/s (Fig. A). What is the direction of the speed vector V21 of the passenger car in the reference frame of the truck (Fig. B)?

2 Fig. B

V1 2 Fig. B

Rice. A

A. 4. B. 3. C. 2. D. 1.

5. The boat crosses a river 800 m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course in such a way that the boat floats perpendicular to the banks all the time. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5 m/s, the speed of the river is 3 m/s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?

A. 120 p. B. 150 p. V. 200 p. G. 90 p.


Option 2.1

A. Point. B. Circumference.

B. Direct. G. Helix.

2. The swimmer swims against the current of the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is

1.5 m / s, and the speed of the river is 0.5 m / s?

3. The crane evenly lifts the load vertically upwards at a speed of 0.3 m / s and at the same time moves uniformly and rectilinearly along horizontal rails.
itself at a speed of 0.4 m/s. What is the speed of the load in the reference frame associated with the Earth?

A. 0.1 m/s. B. 0.35 m/s. B. 0.5 m/s. D. 0.7 m/s.

Rice. B

1 4

Rice. A

A. 1. B.2. AT 3. D.4.

5. The speed of a boat moving downstream relative to the shore is 3 m/s, and the speed of the same boat moving against the current is 2 m/s. What is the current speed?


Option 2.2

1. The helicopter rises vertically evenly. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the Earth's surface?

A. Point. B. Direct.

B. Helix. D. Circumference.

2. The swimmer swims against the current of the river. What is the swimmer's speed relative to the river bank if the swimmer's speed relative to the water is 1 m/s and the speed of the river is 0.5 m/s?

A. 0.5 m/s. B. 1m/s. B. 1.5 m/s. D. 2 m/s.

3. The crane evenly lifts the load vertically upwards at a speed of 0.3 m/s and simultaneously moves uniformly and rectilinearly along horizontal rails at a speed of 0.4 m/s. What is the speed of the load in the reference frame associated with the Earth?

A. 0.35 m/s. B. 0.1 m/s. B. 0.7 m/s. D. 0.5 m/s.

4. A raindrop flying at a constant speed, V vertically downward, hits the vertical surface of the glass of a car moving at a constant speed U (Fig. A). Which of the trajectories in figure B corresponds to the trace of a drop on the glass?

Rice. B

4 3

Rice. A Fig. B

A. 1. B.2. AT 3. D.4.

5. The speed of a motor boat moving downstream relative to the shore is 4 m/s, and the speed of the same boat going against the current is 2 m/s. What is the current speed?

A. 0.5m/s. B.1m/s. B.1.5m/s. D.2.5m/s.

Option 1.1

V .a = 0

D. The direction can be any.

2. According to the plot of the dependence of the module V ,m/s

speed versus time given
in the figure, determine the acceleration
a body moving in a straight line, at the moment
time t= 2s.

A. 2 m/s2 B. 9 m/s2.

B. 3 m/s2. D. 27 m/s.2

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body in three seconds.

A. 9 m. B. 18 m. W.27m. D. 36 m.

4. The car after 100m after the start of movement acquires a speed of 30m / s. How fast was the car moving?

A. 4.5 m/s2. B. 0.15 m/s2. H. 9.2 m/s2. D. 11m/s2.

V x = 2 + 3 t

A. Sx = 2 t + 3 t2 (m). V. Sx = 2 t+ 1.5t2 (m).

B. Sx = 1.5t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m)

5 m/s. Under the action of friction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. What is the distance traveled by the block in 6 seconds?


Option 1.2

1. The speed and acceleration of a body moving in a straight line and uniformly accelerated are shown in the figure. What is this movement?

V a X

A. Resting. B. Moves uniformly.

B. Moves. evenly. G. Moves uniformly.

2. According to the graph of the dependence of the speed module

from the time shown in Figure V , m/s

Determine acceleration rectilinearly 80

moving body at a time

t= 20s. 40

A. 2 m/s2 B. 9 m/s2.

B. 3 m/s2. D. 27 m/s.t, s

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body for t= 20s.

A. 820m. B. 840m. W.1000m. D. 1200m.

4. With what acceleration did the stone fall if it traveled 19.6m in 2s?

A. 19.6m/s2. B. 9.8 m/s2. H. 9 m/s2. D. 15.68m/s2.

x = 2 - 3 t(m/s). What is the corresponding equation for the projection of the displacement of the body?

A. Sx = 2 t - 3 t2 (m). V. Sx = - 1.5t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t- 1.5t2 (m). G. Sx =2 t +1,5 t2 (m).

6. A bar located on the horizontal surface of the table was given a speed of 5 m / s. Under the action of traction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. What is the distance traveled by the block in 6 seconds?

A. 6 m. B. 12 m. C. 48 m. D. 30 m.


Option 2.1

1. The speed of a body moving in a straight line and uniformly accelerated has changed when moving from point 1 to point 2 as shown in the figure. What is the direction of the acceleration vector in this section?

V. a = 0

A V. a = 0.

Can be anyone.

2. According to the dependence graph V ,m/s

shown in the figure, 10

determine the acceleration 5

at the time t=1 With.

A. 2 m/s2 B. 5 m/s2.

B. 3 m/s2. D. 7.5 m/s.t, s

4. Car moving with an acceleration of 2m/s 2 , travels 100m. What speed does he gain?

A. 40 m/s. B. 100 m/s. H. 80 m/s. D. 20m/s.

5. The equation of dependence of the projection of the velocity of a moving body on time: V x = 3 + 2t(m/s). What is the corresponding equation for the projection of the displacement of the body?

A. Sx = 3 t2 (m). V. Sx = 3 t+ 2 t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t+ 3 t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m).

6. A bar located on the horizontal surface of the table was given a speed of 4 m / s. Under the action of friction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1m/s2. What is the distance traveled by the block in 4 seconds?

A. 8m. B.12m. W. 28m. D. 30m.


Option 2.2

1. The speed and acceleration of a body moving in a straight line are shown in the figure. What is this movement?

A. Uniform. B. Uniformly accelerated.

B. Uniformly slow. D. Peace.

2.According to the V dependence graph , m/s

Shown in the figure, 20

determine the acceleration 10

rectilinearly moving body 0

at the time t=2 ct, s

A. 2 m/s2 B. 10 m/s2.

B. 3 m/s2. D. 5 m/s.2

3. According to the condition of task No. 2, determine the movement of the body in two seconds.

A. 5 m. B. 10 m. H.20m. D. 30 m.

4. What distance will the car travel with an acceleration of 2m/s 2 , if at the end it acquires a speed of 72 km / h?

A. 40 m. B. 100 m. C. 80 m. D. 20 m.

5. The equation of dependence of the projection of the speed of a moving body on time:

V x = 3 - 2t(m/s). What is the corresponding equation for the projection of the displacement of the body?

A. Sx = 3 t2 (m). V. Sx = 3 t- t2 (m).

B. Sx = 2 t+ 3 t2 (m). G. Sx = 3 t + t2 (m).

6. A bar located on a horizontal surface of the table was given a speed

4 m/s. Under the action of traction forces, the bar moves with an acceleration of 1m/s2. What is the distance traveled by the block in 4 seconds?

A. 6 m. B. 12 m. C. 24 m. D. 30 m.



1. In the tube from which the air is pumped out, at the same height there are a pellet, a cork and a bird's feather. Which of these bodies will reach the bottom of the tube faster?

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body after 4 seconds?

A. 20 m/s. B. 40 m/s. H. 80 m/s. D. 160 m/s.

3. What path will a freely falling body take in 3 seconds?

A. 15 m. B. 30 m. C. 45 m. D. 90 m.

4. What path will a free-falling body cover in the fifth second?

A. 45 m. B. 50 m. C. 125 m. D. 250 m.

5. A body is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 30 m/s. What is the maximum lifting height?

A. 22.5 m. B. 45 m. C. 90 m. D. 180 m.



Take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

1. The body moves vertically upwards with a speed V. How is the acceleration directed

free fall, and what kind of motion is subject to?

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body after 10 seconds?

A. 20 m/s. B. 40 m/s. H. 80 m/s. D. 100 m/s.

3. What path will a freely falling body take in 5 seconds?

A. 25 m. B. 30 m. C. 50 m. D. 125 m.

4. What path will a freely falling body take in ten seconds?

A. 45 m. B. 50 m. C. 95 m. D. 100 m.

5. The body is thrown vertically upwards at a speed of 50 m/s. What is the maximum

lifting height?

A. 2 m. B. 20 m. C. 100 m. D. 125 m.



Take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

1. In the tube from which the air is pumped out, at the same height there are a pellet, a cork and a bird's feather. Which of these bodies will be the last to reach the bottom of the tube?

A. Shotgun. B. Cork. B. Bird feather.

D. All three bodies will reach the bottom of the tube at the same time.

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body after 3 seconds?

3. What path will a freely falling body take in 4 seconds?

4. What path will a freely falling body take in the sixth second?

A. 55 m. B. 60 m. C. 180 m. D. 360 m.

5. The body is thrown vertically upwards at a speed of 20 m/s. What is the maximum lifting height?

A. 10 m B. 20 m C. 100 m D. 80 m



Take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

1. The body moves vertically downwards with a speed V. What is the direction of the acceleration of free fall, and what kind of movement does this movement obey?

A. Up, uniformly accelerated. B. Down, uniformly accelerated.

B. Up equally slow. G. Down with equal slowness.

2. What is the speed of a freely falling body after 9 seconds?

v0 = 0m/s, take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

A. 15 m/s. B. 30 m/s. H. 45 m/s. D. 90 m/s.

3. What path will a freely falling body take in 2 seconds? v 0 = 0 m/s, take gravitational acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

A. 20 m. B. 40 m. H.80m. D.160 m.

4. What path will a freely falling body take in the second second?

v0 = 0 m/s, take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

A. 5 m. B. 15 m. C. 18 m. D. 36 m.

5. With what speed is the body thrown vertically upwards if the maximum lifting height is 20m? Take the free fall acceleration equal to 10 m/s2.

A. 10 m. B. 20 m. C. 40 m. D. 80 m.


clockwise direction. How

the acceleration vector is directed, with such 1


2. The car moves on a turn along a circular path with a radius of 50 m with a constant modulo speed of 10 m/s. What is the car's acceleration?

A. 1 m/s2. H. 5 m/s2.

B. 2 m/s2. D. 0 m/s2.

3. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 10 m. The period of its revolution is 20 s. What is the speed of the body?

A. 2 m/s. B. 2 π m/s.

B. π m/s. D. 4 π m/s.

4. A body moves along a circle with a radius of 5 m at a speed of 20 π m/s. What is the frequency of circulation?

A. 2 s - 1. B. 2 π 2 s -1.

B. 2 π s -1. D. 0.5 s -1.

R1 = R and R2 = 2 R With

the same speeds. Compare their centripetal accelerations.

A. 1 m/s2. H. 5 m/s2.

B. 2 m/s2. D. 0 m/s2.

3. The body moves in a circle with a radius of 20 m. The period of its revolution is 20 s. What is the speed of the body?

A. 2 m/s. B. 2 π m/s.

B. π m/s. D. 4 π m/s.

4. A body moves along a circle with a radius of 2 m at a speed of 20 π m/s. What is the frequency of circulation?

A. 2 s-1. B. 2 π 2 s-1

B. 2 π s-1. D. 5 s-1.

5. Two material points move along circles with radii R1 = R and R2 = 2 R With

the same angular speeds. Compare their centripetal accelerations.

A. a1 = a2. B. . a1 = 2a2 V. a1=a2/ 2 G. a1 = 4a2



1. The body moves uniformly in a circle in 2

counterclockwise direction. How

Test 1 “Speed. Relativity of motion"
Option 1
1. Two cars are moving along a straight highway in the same direction at different speeds. Distance between them:

2. A swimmer swims against the current of a river. The speed of the river flow is 0.5 m/s, the speed of the swimmer relative to the water is 1.5 m/s. The modulus of the swimmer's speed relative to the shore is:
1) 2m/s; 2) 1.5m/s; 3) 1m/s; 4) 0.5m/s.
3. Two cars are moving along a straight highway: the first one is moving at a speed v, the second one is moving at a speed 4v. What is the speed of the first car relative to the second?
1) 5v; 2) 3v; 3) – 3v; 4) - 5v.
4. Two cars move along mutually perpendicular roads from the intersection with the same absolute speeds of 20m/s. In one second, the distance between them increases by the value:
1) less than 20m; 2) equal to 20m; 3) more than 20m; 4) equal to 40m.
5. A column of cars moves along the highway at a speed of 10m/s, stretching for a distance of 2km. A motorcyclist leaves the tail of the column at a speed of 20 m/s and moves towards the head of the column. How long will it take to reach the head of the column?
1) 200s; 2) 60s; 3) 40s; 4) will not reach at all.
6. The values ​​of the speed of the river current and the speed of the boat relative to the water are the same and form an angle of 120º. At what angle to the direction of the current is the speed of the boat relative to the shore?
1) 30º; 2) 60є; 3) 90є; 4) 120º.
Test 1 “Speed. Relativity of motion"
Option 2
1. Two cars are moving along a straight highway in opposite directions at different speeds. Distance between them:
increases; 2) decreases; 3) does not change; 4) may increase or decrease.
2. When they say that the change of day and night on Earth is explained by the rising and setting of the Sun, they mean the reference system connected:
1) with the Sun; 2) with the Earth; 3) with the center of the Galaxy; 4) with any body.
3. Two boats are moving on the lake: the first one is at a speed v, the second one is at a speed of -3v relative to the shore. What is the speed of the first boat relative to the second?
1) 4v; 2) 2v; 3) – 2v; 4) - 4v.
4. The raft floats uniformly along the river at a speed of 6 km/h. A person moves across the raft at a speed of 8 km/h. What is the speed of a person in the reference frame associated with the shore?
1) 2km/h; 2) 7km/h; 3) 10km/h; 4) 14km/h.
5. Helicopter steadily rises vertically upwards. What is the trajectory of the point at the end of the helicopter propeller blade in the frame of reference associated with the helicopter body?
1) point; 2) straight; 3) circle; 4) helix.
6. The boat crosses a river 600m wide, and the helmsman keeps the course perpendicular to the shore all the time. The speed of the boat relative to the water is 5m/s, the speed of the river is 3m/s. How long will it take for the boat to reach the opposite shore?
1) 120s; 2) 150s; 3) 200s); 4) 90s.

Option 1.
Moving in a straight line, one body travels a distance of 5m every second. Another body moving in a straight line in one direction travels a distance of 10m every second. The movements of these bodies:
1) uniform; 2) uneven; 3) the first - uniform, the second - uneven; 4) it is impossible to say about the nature of the movement of bodies.
2. What is the initial coordinate of the body moving according to the equation:
x= - 1 + t: 1) 1m; 2) - 1m; 3) 0m; 4) - 2m.
Which function describes the dependence of the modulus of speed on time for uniform rectilinear motion?
1) v=5t; 2) v=5/t; 3) v=5; 4) v=-5.
4. Two motor boats move along the river towards each other. The speeds of the boats relative to the water are 3m/s and 4m/s, respectively. The speed of the river flow is 2m/s. How long after they meet will the distance between the boats be 84m?
1) 12s; 2) 21s; 3) 28s; 4) 42s.
5. Two material points move along the Ox axis according to the laws: x1=5+5t, x2=5-5t. What is the distance between them after 2s?
1) 5m; 2) 10m; 3) 15m; 4) 20m.
6. During 2s the body moved at a speed of 1m/s, during the next 3s - at a speed of 2m/s. What is the average speed of movement in 5 seconds?
1) 1m/s; 2) 1.5m/s; 3) 1.6m/m; 4) 2m/s.

Test 2. "Uniform movement"
Option 2.
What is the relationship between the displacement s and the value of the distance traveled l?
1) s (l; 2) s 2. What is the projection of the speed of a body moving according to the equation:
x= - 1 + t: 1) 1m/s; 2) – 1m/s; 3) 0m/s; 4) - 2m/s.
3. The boat, moving uniformly, travels 60m in 2s. Calculate how far he will travel in 10 seconds, moving at the same speed.
1) 300m; 2) 500m; 3) 100m; 4) 1000m.
4. A train 200m long enters a tunnel 300m long, moving uniformly at a speed of 10m/s. How long will it take for the train to leave the tunnel completely?
1) 10s; 2) 20s; 3) 30s; 4) 50s.
5. A material point moves in a plane uniformly and rectilinearly according to the law x=4+3t, y=3-4t. What is the value of body speed?
1) 1m/s; 2) 3m/s; 3) 5m/s; 4) 7m/s.
6. For the first second of movement, the body moved at a speed of 1m/s, the next 5s at a speed of 7m/s. The module of the average speed for the entire time of movement is equal to:
1) 4m/s; 2) 5m/s; 3) 6m/s; 4) 7m/s.
