Red fish farming business. How to breed fish in a small pond at a summer cottage

After choosing and ennobling a natural reservoir or an artificial device, the question inevitably arises as to which fish (fish) to give preference to breeding, because the success of the enterprise depends on a competent choice.

Basically, the choice of fish is influenced by the factor of the zone where the farm is located, climatic conditions, and, mainly, the temperature regime of the reservoir.

It is far from a fact that the varieties of fish that develop well in the southern regions of the country are suitable for the central and even more so for the northern ones. Accordingly, there is an inverse relationship. In addition, the quality of the water supply and its capacity should be taken into account. In any case, the key condition for successful fish farming is knowledge of biological characteristics and useful properties cultivated fish.


It would not be an exaggeration to call it the most common fish that is grown in pond farms in Russia. It is valued for its biological properties and useful economic properties. Carp is thermophilic. Of all freshwater fish, it is one of the fastest, hardy, omnivorous and tastes good. In addition, carp is not too whimsical to the conditions of detention, it adapts well to changes in the chemical composition of water, food supply and other factors. The best temperature for feeding, development and reproduction of fish is within the range of 18-30 ° C.

Sexual maturity occurs when the age of 2-5 years is reached and is determined by the temperature regime of the reservoir. In the northern and central regions of Russia, females mature at the 4th-5th year of life, in the southern ones - at the 2nd-3rd year, and males reach maturity earlier than smoke. If the high temperature is constant, then the individuals mature in 1 year.

This type of fish is quite fertile, which is directly related to the conditions of detention. Under natural conditions, carp spawns, as a rule, at a temperature of 17-20 ° C near the beret, where there is meadow and aquatic vegetation, which is used as a substrate for sticky eggs.

The duration of embryonic development is determined by the water temperature and is 3-6 days. After 2 to 3 days after the appearance of the fry, they begin to actively feed. At the same time, natural food is of great importance: first, zooplankton (rotifers, daphnia, cyclones), after which larger creatures go into business. Older children feed mainly on benthic organisms: bloodworm larvae, oligochaetes, molluscs. The fish eats well the additional plant or animal feed.

Carp is a fairly large fish. Its weight can reach 25 kg, and its length is over 1 m. The fish grows rapidly. If the conditions of detention are favorable, then in the first year of life the weight reaches 0.5-1.0 kg, in the second year - 15-2.0 kg. For pond farms located in the central regions of Russia, the standard will be carried: underyearlings - 25-30 g, two-year-olds - 400-500 g, three-year-olds - 1000-1200 g.

Depending on the type of scaly cover, scaly, mirrored scattered, mirrored linear naked or leathery carps are distinguished. The first two are best for breeding in temperate climates (Figure 1).

Reservoirs for fish should be small enough, warm well, non-flowing or weakly flowing, the volume of soft vegetation is medium.

The body of the fish is high, the shape is round, the head is small, the color of the sides is copper-red, the mouth is devoid of antennae. Loves stagnant water with a high degree of siltation. Crucian carp is very hardy and resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions. It is not afraid of acidic waters with a pH of up to 4.5, as well as low oxygen content. In stagnant reservoirs overgrown with grass, he is usually the only representative of fish.

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 2-4 years. Fertility varies from 100 to 200 thousand eggs. Spawning occurs in waves with an interval of 10-15 days. For food, an adult benthic organisms and elements of aquatic plants.

The weight of the fish can reach 3 kg, although, as a rule, it fluctuates around 500-600 g. If the food supply in the reservoir is well organized, then already in the 2nd year of life the mass of crucian carp will be 200-300 g. There will be no problems with fish breeding regardless of the type of reservoir.

By crossing crucian carp with carp, goldfish, etc., they achieve hybrids that are characterized by a significant growth rate and increased viability. Fish meat is of great gastronomic value (Fig. 2).

Silver carp

In this fish, in contrast to the above-described species, the shape of the body is angular, the sides of the silvery color of the Pocht have large rough scales. This species is characterized by multiple branchial stamens and some other features.

Just like its golden counterpart, the goldfish withstands adverse conditions well.
Wednesday, but it grows faster and underyearlings reach a weight of 20-30 g in the pond, two-year-olds - 250-300 g.

For food, fish consume zoo- and phytoplankton, and two-year-olds also feed on benthos.

The goldfish has an interesting biological property: in the water bodies of the Far East and in some places in central Russia in spawning populations, the number of males, in general, corresponds to the number of females, while in other regions of the country there are only females. In this case, males of other fish, for example, goldfish, carp, tench, contribute to reproduction. Moreover, only females are born from such mating in goldfish. This offspring can be used for breeding fish in reservoirs with a stressful hydrochemical regime (Fig. 3).

This fish develops rather quickly, reaching a weight of 40-50 kg and exceeding 1 m in length. The body is rolling with large scales. Cupid, like other carp fish, has no teeth on its jaws, crushing food with strong teeth, like a saw, which are located on the bones of the lower jaw (Fig. 4).

Under natural conditions, the fish lives in the rivers of the Far East and in the adjacent diets of China. Fish came to the central part of Russia in the 50s. XX century. and is now widespread in domestic fish farming. Such rapid popularity came to cupid due to the peculiarities of its nutrition. In the first year of life, when the body length is about 30 mm, he already consumes higher aquatic vegetation for food. Then the main elements of the diet are aquatic and terrestrial vegetation, which turns out to be flooded with water during floods or
which enters the body of water. Among the plant species loved by cupids, one can indicate hornwort, elodea, urut, pondweed. Most of all, fish like young vegetation, although in the absence of it, adults can also feed on hard vegetation, for example, reed and cattail.

Among the land plants loved by this fish are clover, alfalfa, and cereals. The intensity of nutrition, growth and puberty is determined in large part by the temperature of the water. If the temperature reaches 25-30 ° C, then the amount of food per day may be more than the mass of grass carp. Active nutrition does not decrease with a further increase in temperature. When the temperature becomes lower than the optimum, the intensity of feeding decreases, up to a complete cessation at a temperature of 10 ° C and below.

In the south of the country, temperatures are consistently high enough that nutrition and growth continue throughout the year. The ability to eat vegetation in significant quantities makes grass carp a good biological ameliorator of reservoirs with high overgrowth.

The growth potential is very high. For example, in the tropics, where optimal conditions (temperature, oxygen, nutrition) are maintained all year round, a one and a half year old grass carp reaches a weight of 8-10 kg. Of course, in Russia the conditions are not so ideal, but all the same, in the southern regions the mass of a two-year-old can exceed 600-1000 g.

The term for reaching sexual maturity is determined by the amount of heat in the pre-spawning period - for the maturation of the gonads, a sufficient number of days is required when the water temperature remains at the level of 15-20 ° C. If the temperature is lower, then ripening is delayed for 1-2 years. In the Krasnodar Territory, fish ripening occurs at the age of 4-5 years.

In addition to the temperature regime, the period of puberty depends on the feeding conditions. Lack of food inevitably causes a delay in puberty, and fertility decreases.

As a rule, white carp weighing 6-8 kg spawns up to 1 million eggs. He does it directly into the water, like other herbivorous fish. In nature, fish spawn in the beds of large rivers with a fast flow and a water temperature of 18.5 ° C. Mass spawning is carried out at a temperature of 23-28 ° C. The duration of the period of appearance of larvae is determined by the water temperature: about 1 day - at a temperature of 28-29 ° С, up to 3 days - at a temperature of 18 ° С. Thus, by adjusting the temperature of the water in artificial reservoirs, you can hatch the offspring at the scheduled time.

In nature, the fish inhabit the rivers of the Far East and China. The shape of the body is similar to the white carp, but it is distinguished by a dark, almost black, color, the scales are large. If conditions are favorable, then the weight of this fish is no less than grass carp: up to 55 kg. For a fish to thrive, it needs optimal nutrition and a favorable habitat. Cupid feeds on mollusks. It has powerful pharyngeal teeth with a wide chewing surface. The larvae eat zooplankton. Young fish consume benthos, while older fish prefer only shellfish. If there are no mollusks, then the grass carp begins to eat other representatives of benthos.

White and motley silver carp

They are quite large fish, the mass of which can exceed 50 kg. Growing fast. Appearance differs in a large head with low-set eyes.

These types of silver carp differ both externally and certain biological features. The variegated has a larger head and a higher body. The color of the back surface is brownish-gray, the sides are silvery with large brownish spots. In white, the back is grayish-green, and the sides are silvery, there are no spots. In the variegated gill stamens are long and often located, while in the white they are connected to each other in the form of a net that helps to fish out small algae and zooplankton from the water.

The specificity of the nutrition of both types of fish depends on the structure of their filtration apparatus, the composition and size of food objects. The peculiarities of nutrition are noticeable even at a weight of 3-5 g. At this time, differences in the structure of the filtration apparatus become obvious (Fig. 6).

No matter how old the silver carp is, the distance between the stamens will not change.

For food, he mainly consumes phytoplankton and detritus, and the share of the latter can be more than 90%. The fish begins to switch to phytoplankton after reaching a body length of 35 mm. Loves diatoms and green algae. In their absence, it can feed on blue-green algae, including macrocystis, that is, algae that causes water bloom. Artificial feed will not be eaten.

The variegated species of fish can eat artificial food, but prefers zooplankton, as well as carp. This factor must be taken into account when breeding them together.

Both species reach sexual maturity at different ages and depending on climatic conditions. For example, females of silver carp in southern Russia mature at 3 years old, variegated at 4 years old, in the central regions, white silver carp ripens at 7 years old, and variegated at 8 years old. Fish weighing 7-10 kg spawn up to 1 million eggs.

If the conditions are favorable and the food supply is sufficient, the silver carp gains a mass of 2-2.5 kg over the summer, and the white carp - 1.5-2 kg.

The fish is appreciated for its fatty, tender and tasty meat. In fish farms, a hybrid of both silver carp species was obtained, which is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures and the possibility of eating phytoplankton and zooplankton, which is important, since they usually develop in water bodies at different times.

In nature, fish is found in America. In the early 1970s. three species were brought to Russia: largemouth, smallmouth
and black. According to their external data, they resemble carp: they are just as large and grow quickly. The weight of the largest specimens of largemouth is 45 kg, smallmouth - 15-18 kg and black - 7 kg (Fig. 7).

All varieties of this fish have different sizes, as well as different structures of the oral and gill apparatus, respectively, there are differences in the nature of nutrition.

The filter apparatus is best developed in the largemouth, the other two have a lower mouth, a small number of stamens on the branchial arches, and the stamens themselves are thicker and shorter.

Underyearlings of both species, weighing up to 15 g, feed on zooplankton in the same way. As their weight increases, black and smallmouth species prefer benthos, while zooplankton remains the bigmouth's favorite food.

In the event that there is little benthos in the reservoir, the black and smallmouth feed on large zooplankton. Regardless of the type of fish, they are supportive of compound feed. Another difference in species is manifested in the nature of behavior. Largemouth and smallmouth swim in the water column, black hides in the bottom layers.

These are schooling fish, they like quiet, calm water, they thrive in ponds. The main factor on which the success of their growth depends is the temperature of the water: in comparison with the buffalo carp, it loves heat more.

The nature of reproduction also makes them similar to carls. Males reach sexual maturity at 2 years old and females at 3 years old. Females of black and smallmouth "mature" for 1-2 years longer than females of largemouth. Fish breeding takes place in spring, and for throwing eggs, water with a temperature of 17-18 ° C is needed. Small sticky eggs are laid on the grass, recently flooded with water, or on the remains of old vegetation. Larvae appear in 5 days at a water temperature of 18-21 ° C.

If there is a lot of natural food in the pond, then the weight of buffalo fingerlings can be 200-500 g, and two-year-olds - 1500-2000 g. The nutritional value fish are higher than carp.

A fairly large fish, often weighing over 30 kg. Brought to Russia from the USA. Loves warmth. The most acceptable temperature for reproduction and development ranges from 24-30 ° C, although soybeans will not live badly for 3-4 months in ice-covered reservoirs. Picky about the oxygen content in water (Fig. 8).

Catfish feeds on almost everyone. In nature, larvae and fry eat zooplankton, and older fish prefer chironomids, caddis flies, mayflies, molluscs, etc. Catfish over 300 mm long can eat small fish.

Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 5-8 years. Large yellow sticky catfish caviar spawns in summer when the water temperature is 20-22 ° C. Fertility is not very impressive and is about 7-10 thousand eggs per 1 kg of fish weight. If the water temperature is 28-30 ° C, then large larvae (20-30 mg) appear after 4 days, and if 20-23 ° C, then after 9 days. As soon as the yolk sac dissolves, the fish can be raised on artificial feed.

In Russia, this type of catfish, taking into account its love of warmth, is bred, as a rule, in cages placed in cooling ponds and pools with a controlled temperature regime, and in the southern regions and ponds together with other fish.

Catfish matures extremely quickly. Delicious meat. In the case of growing in cages and pools, you need to pay close attention to feeding. The feed should contain a lot of high-quality proteins and vitamins. Fodder can be slaughterhouse waste, minced fish mixed with mixed fodder;

A predatory fish that lives in the fresh waters of North America. In Russia, she took root in the Krasnodar Territory.

The dietary habits depend on the age and size of the fish. The fry begin to feed intensively when they reach 7-8 days of age, eating green algae, small crustaceans and detritus. Insects, tadpoles, frogs, small fish, and the volume of the latter can reach 80% of the total diet. If there is not enough food, then cannibalism is noticed, in connection with which the trout-fish should be well fed.

The period of puberty is determined by temperature conditions. In the Krasnodar Territory, fish matures at the 2nd year of life, while in the tropics, children appear already at the 1st year of life. Fertility per 1 kg equals approximately 45 thousand eggs. Spawns at a temperature of 18-25 ° C. The male builds a shallow nest with a diameter of 400-600 mm in the ground, into which the female lays eggs of a light yellow color with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm. The temperature of the water directly affects the development of eggs, which lasts 2-7 days. For 3-4 weeks, the male protects the offspring by flapping the fins over the nest, forming water flows, which contributes to the renewal of water and cleaning the eggs from silt deposits. During the spawning period (6-8 weeks), the female can spawn 1-5 times. From one female, 5-25 thousand fry are obtained.

The trout pitcher develops quickly enough. If the water temperature is 25-30 ° C, the food supply and oxygen regime are favorable (8-11 mg / l), in the first year the fish weighs 300-500 g, in the second - 1-2 kg. The top bar for these fish can be considered 10-12 kg.

The meat is white, low-fat, with high taste, somewhat similar to trout meat. Fish can be successfully used as an object of sport fishing (Fig. 9).


For some time now, fish farmers have begun to pay more attention to sturgeon fish, which are bred in cages, pools, ponds. Growing sturgeon is one of the most profitable fish farming enterprises. A number of sturgeon fish and their hybrids are involved in commercial cultivation, for example, the result of crossing the Russian and Lena, sturgeon, paddlefish, sterlet, beluga, bester (the result of crossing between beluga and sterlet).

This hybrid was bred in the middle of the twentieth century. and combines the best properties of the parental species: from the beluga it got predatory instincts, accelerated growth and high taste, from the sterlet it got the ability to early puberty.

It is as a result of this versatility of traits that the fish perfectly adapts to a variety of breeding conditions, feeling great in fresh and brackish water. Ponds, cages and pools are used as an environment. In the first summer the bester gains 50-100 g of weight, in the second it already exceeds 800 g (Fig. 10).

Externally and in terms of biological characteristics, it is similar to a sterlet, but it has larger dimensions, for example, its weight is 20-25 kg. It lives in fresh water, eating the larvae of insects, molluscs, worms, crustaceans and fish. Under natural conditions (in the Lena River) it develops slowly and only in 15-20 years, the weight is 3-4 kg with a body length of 800-1000 mm. Although it has significant growth potential, which manifests itself if grown in favorable conditions.

It reaches sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 years, spawns in summer at a water temperature of 14-18 ° C. Spawns in a fast-flowing zone on stony-pebble ground. The size of the female directly affects her fertility, which ranges from 16 thousand to 110 thousand eggs.

Fish will feel good even when the temperature rises to 30 ° C. The fastest growth is observed at a temperature of 15-25 ° C (Fig. 11).

For Russian fish farmers, this is a new fish that was brought from the United States in the mid-1970s. The only representative of the sturgeon, feeding on zooplankton, phytoplankton and detritus. In terms of food content, it resembles a silver carp, which is mainly determined by the structure of the gill apparatus, passively filtering food from the water using a system of multiple long gill rakers. In addition, fish can eat small fish and mixed feed, and this significantly expands the range of nutrition.

Paddlefish is also a freshwater species.

The fish is large and fast-growing, in length it can exceed 2 ml and weigh 80 kg. The body is elongated, flattened, tapering towards the tail.

The back is dark gray, the sides and belly are light. The snout similar to an oar is long, it can reach 1/3 of the body length. Scales and bugs typical of sturgeon are absent. The fish adapts quite easily to any body of water. In southern Russia, males reach sexual maturity at 6 years old, females - 9-10. Paddlefish spawn in spring when the water temperature rises to 15-20 ° С. Spawns on sandy-pebble soil. Fertility is influenced by the size of the fish and the conditions of keeping. Females weighing 10 kg lay 80-100 thousand eggs.

The paddlefish is bred separately or in company with herbivorous fish and buffalo. It can grow very well, which primarily depends on the sufficiency of food. The optimum water temperature for this fish will be 20-25 ° C. The weight of fingerlings is 150-900 g, of two-year-olds - 3-4 kg. Adults, on the other hand, in the absence of competitors for food, gain 4-7 kg per season.

A valuable property of paddlefish can be considered that it is able to winter in water bodies that are under ice for a long time. This makes paddlefish in demand in any region of Russia. In addition, the meat of this fish has high taste. It resembles beluga meat, and sturgeon caviar, so paddlefish can be considered one of the most valuable fish farming objects (Fig. 12).


The main species of this fish, which has become widespread in fish farming, is European.

The body is long, rounded in front, flattened in the back - the dorsal, caudal and anal fins form one fin. The pectoral fins are small and round (Fig. 13).

The eel is an anadromous fish that reproduces in the ocean. The European eel spawns in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Sargasso Sea region. For spawning, a water temperature of 16-1 7 ° C is needed. Caviar is small with a diameter of 0.9-1.4 mm, it develops in the water column. Transparent eggs look like a leaf, being strongly flattened from the sides. The warm current of the Gulf Stream moves the eggs to the shores of Europe, and there they fall into their native rivers.

In the rivers, as well as in the lakes and reservoirs connecting with them, the fish live until they grow up, after which they go back to the Sargasso Sea.

Cultivation of eel is on a grand scale in Taiwan, Italy, Japan, and France. Do it in piles and pools. It is best if the reservoirs are long and narrow.

Eel is a predatory creature and eats small fish, caviar, frogs and small crustaceans, and therefore, when breeding eels, it is necessary to use feed with a high content of animal protein. The best temperature for fish development is 20-28 ° C, and the amount of oxygen should not be less than 6 mg / l.

Females tend to develop faster than males. Fish gains 100-200 tons per year. The productivity of eel farming can reach 5 kg / m 2. The meat of this fish is very fatty and tasty.

Under natural conditions, this fish is found in the waters of Africa and the Middle East, where since ancient times it has been considered an important food source. Nowadays, its popularity is also high. This is facilitated by such valuable qualities as omnivorousness, rapid growth, ease of reproduction, resistance to various diseases, as well as tasty meat.

There are many types of fish, grouped into 4 genera. In fish farming, the genus Oroochromis is the most widespread, among which the popular tilapia Mozambique, tilapia aurea and red tilapia are popular. A feature of this genus tilapia can be recognized as the fact that they incubate eggs in the mouth.

This type of fish reproduces without problems in ponds, cages, pools and aquariums. Reproduction in native conditions is seasonally expressed and repeated several times throughout the year (up to 16 times). Sexual maturity is reached at an early age, and this, for the most part, is determined by the temperature regime of water bodies. Sexual maturity of representatives of this genus occurs at the age of 3-6 months, after which the fish are able to spawn every 3-6 weeks.

Fertility is rather low. For example, tilapia of Mozambique weighing 800-1000 g is capable of producing less than 2500 eggs. However, taking into account the incubation in the mouth, at least 90% of the larvae enter the big life.

Tilapias can live both in fresh water and in brackish water with a low concentration of salts (15-2 1 g per 1 liter of water). Lack of oxygen will not be a critical factor for them. For example, at a water temperature of 25 ° C. will be content with 1 mg of oxygen per 1 liter, and die at 0.4 mg / l. For fish farming, it is important that these fish can breathe in the surface layers of water and live in reservoirs where there is such a content of organic matter, when other representatives of the ichthyofauna simply do not populate them.

Despite the fact that tilapias love warmth, they are able to live in a fairly large temperature range. Dangerous for life is a temperature less than 1 ° C. Fish develop best at temperatures between 23 and 35 ° C. If the water is salty, then they become more resistant to extreme temperatures.

Basically, these fish are universal in terms of nutrition, although there are species that prefer something specific (phytoplankton, higher aquatic vegetation or zooplankton).

Tilapias are often grown for both commercial and decorative purposes (Fig. 14).

Its high palatability and ease of rearing have given this fish a priority over all other cold water rearing targets. The color of the fish is silvery, the body and fins are covered with multiple black spots.

During spawning, males are darker than females. On the sides there is a bright red stripe of iridescent shades, because of which the fish was given such a name. Females have a characteristic rounded head, the stripe is lighter, and they themselves are larger than males. The lower jaw of males bends slightly upward.

Trout develops best at a water temperature of 16-18 ° C with an oxygen level of 10-12 mg / l; The condition of the fish deteriorates when the oxygen level drops to 5 mg / L, and at 3 mg / L the trout dies.

Eats caddis flies, beetles, dragonflies, frogs, mosquito larvae. At the age of 1-2 liters, it also eats fish. When breeding in ponds, pools and cages, it is recommended to feed the fish with compound feeds with a significant protein content. The growth rate of trout is quite high: the weight of underyearlings exceeds 20 g, fish at the age of 2 years 150-200 g, at the age of 3 years - 900 g. In cages and sea water it will take only 2 years for the fish to gain 2- 3 kg.

Sexual maturity is reached at 2-3 years. Fertility is directly influenced by age and weight. Fish at the age of 4 years produce about 2.5 thousand eggs, at the age of 7 years - about 4.5 thousand. The eggs are large with a diameter of 4-5 mm, the color is orange-yellow. The color brightness is determined by the quality of the feed. In the south of Russia, spawning occurs from December to March, in the center and in the north - from March to early May. The optimum water temperature for spawning is 7-8 ° C. Caviar develops in about 40 days.

It is imperative to remember that successful breeding of trout requires a large amount of quality water with a high oxygen content (Fig. 15).

It is a lake-river whitefish. It feeds, as a rule, in lakes connected with the riverbed by channels. It easily adapts to a variety of conditions and has excellent taste. Usually eats zooplankton, phytoplankton, detritus and benthos.

The growth rate is high: the weight of underyearlings is 80-1000 g, fish at the age of 2 years - 300-450, at the age of 3 years - 700-1000 g. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 3-4 years. Caviar spawns in November - December at a water temperature of 3-5 ᵒС. Fertility, which varies from 10 to 85 thousand eggs, is influenced by the weight of the female and the conditions of detention. The diameter of the eggs is about 1.5 mm, the color is yellowish-orange.

For dilution, water with a temperature of 15-20 ° C is best suited. Peled is not so picky about the level of oxygen in the water and develops well at 5-8 mg / l (Fig. 16).

Whitefish Chudskoy

The native home of this fish is Lake Peipsi. Well acclimatized in the lakes of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. Reaches a length of 500 mm, gaining weight 3.5 kg. Growth rate depends on the availability of feed, water temperature and oxygen level in the water. For cultivation, the best water temperature is 15-20 ° C, oxygen from 8 mg / l or more.

It eats zooplankton, benthos, and large whitefish can also eat fish. In pond farms, the mass of underyearlings reaches 70-90 g, fish at the age of 2 years gain in weight 300-400 g. Whitefish reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2-3 years. Its tender and tasty meat is of particular value (Fig. 17).


His native reservoirs are the reservoirs of the Arctic, where the summer is very short. The fish is characterized by rapid growth, which is close to carp (for example, in the Leningrad region fish at the age of 2 years weigh 600 g). Some specimens weigh up to 16 kg.

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 6-7 years. Fertility varies from 13,000 to 135,000 eggs. The caviar is large, about 4 mm in diameter. The boil spawns at the end of November, when the first ice forms.

Fish breeders are of considerable interest in a hybrid of peled and seafood under the combined name of pelchir, which has significant advantages over the parental species: it can eat more varied, using zooplankton and zoobenthos, the growth rate is 1.5-2.0 times higher than that of peled, more resistant to diseases (the survival rate of underyearlings is several times higher than that of the chir) (Fig. 18).

Fish that is raised in stagnant cold water ponds. Valuable for delicious meat, low fat and high protein content. There is no need to form any specific conditions for it - enough plentiful food. The pike is a predator that feeds on both dragonfly larvae, leeches, frogs, tadpoles, and fish: roach, tench, ruff, perch, crucian carp, gudgeon, etc. If there is not enough such fish, then the pike uses c. food of dragonfly larvae, etc. The feeding activity depends on the month and even the time of day. The intensity increases in April-May, July, October-November. In winter, females eat more males.

Pike is bred in ponds both separately and together with other fish species. For example, pike fry 20-30 mm long are planted with a one-year-old carp. The total number of people to be planted is small and reaches 250-300. If fodder fish is allowed into the reservoir, then the pike stocking density can be increased several times. Its growth rate is quite high (the weight of pike underyearlings in the Moscow region is 350-500 g, and in
at the age of 2 years - over kg) (Fig. 19).


The fish got this name because of its ability to change color after it was caught and pulled out of the water. Large black spots immediately appear on her skin. The explanation for this is simple: the tench in the habitat is covered with a thick layer of very thick, colorless mucus, which solidifies in the air, darkens and flakes off in parts, leaving large yellow spots (Fig. 20).

This fish loves quiet grassy reservoirs without silting with soft underwater vegetation, where the tench prefers to hide during the day. He immediately discovers food, consuming particles of the food that has fallen to the bottom, not allowing it to rot, which improves the sanitary condition of the reservoir.

Can be grown with other fish such as carp. The latter, on the contrary, prefers open parts of the reservoir, looking for natural food in the depths of the silty layer. Thus, with joint breeding of these two species, the natural food resources of the reservoir are most fully used and the competition between fish is significantly reduced.

The tench mainly feeds on large crustaceans, molluscs, chironomid larvae and representatives of other rough benthic fauna. The speed of the rest is low, the weight of underyearlings is 10-15 g, for fish at the age of 2 years - 150-200 g, at the age of 3 years - 300-350 g

Among fish farmers, the European variety of this heat-loving freshwater fish is widespread. Both fish and frogs, other aquatic organisms serve as food for it, it happens that it eats waterfowl. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 3-4 years. Fertility is about 20 thousand eggs per 1 kg of weight.

The catfish has several important advantages in comparison with other predatory fish: it does not need a large reservoir - a modest pond, hole, canal, quarry with an acceptable hydrochemical regime is enough. Since the catfish is prone to hibernation, its wintering is greatly simplified - there is no need to worry about its nutrition and the presence of other fish in the reservoir.

Hardy fish that has no problems with transplanting. Most young animals leave at the age of up to 1 month. At the age of 2 years, catfish can be successfully bred together with carp of the same age. One-year-old catfish are planted with one-year-olds of Karl in the amount of 100-150 pcs./ha. Breeding without neighboring fish assumes a high density - 800-1000 fish / ha. Its growth rate is significant - in the 2nd year, the weight can increase by 1.5 kg (Fig. 21).

Large predatory fish, loves clean waters. However, it is often bred in carp ponds, despite the abundant vegetation. If weed fish is present (verkhovka, gudgeon, char, bleak, ruff, bitterness, swine, etc.), then pike perch is bred as an additional fish. Reaches sexual maturity in the 2nd year of life.

Fish love warmth and develop most efficiently at 18-20 ° C, lack of oxygen is a critical factor. The growth rate is high if there is a sufficient amount of food in the reservoir. During the season, the fish gains over 500-600 g. Basically, it eats zooplankton (bosmina, daphnia, insect larvae, cyclops). Then he switches to eating larvae and fry of fish, small fish (in Russia, these are bleak, verkhovka, char, swine, privet, gudgeon, etc.) pharynx.

The pike perch swims and feeds in different layers of the reservoir, depending on the temperature regime. The fish actively hunts for prey, prefers to avoid thickets and is usually found in deep pits with multiple snags, quarries, old channels of small rivers, etc. But the fish does not stay in one place for a long time.

The rate of planting pike perch fry in a pond with carp, if trash fish is present, is 200-300 pcs / ha.

I must say that breeding pike perch with carp creates optimal conditions for the growth of the first and the overall productivity of the farm grows. Pike perch spawns where there is no current, at a water temperature of 8-10 ° C, at a depth of 3.5 m. Female individuals spawn on the roots of reeds, reeds, willows, sedges and other plants in nests, the dimensions of which depend on the size manufacturers (300-600 mm). As a rule, spawning occurs at night. Then the females swim away from the nest, leaving males as guards (Fig. 22).


Of the ornamental fish, this one is considered the most suitable. In nature, its habitat is Northeast Asia. The first mentions of breeding these fish in artificial reservoirs in China date back to the X-XII centuries. At the beginning of the 17th century. the fish was brought to Portugal, after which it came to England, and at the end of the century ended up in Russia.

A lot of breeding work has been carried out on the goldfish, therefore there are a large number of species. There are 16 original breeds, for example, hibuna - classic gold fish, wakin - characterized by a short and slightly forked tail, ranches are devoid of a dorsal fin, a pearl is distinguished by mother-of-pearl scales, a comet has an elongated body and elongated tail blades, shubunkin is a variety with short body and variegated color, the telescope is famous for convex eyes of various shapes and sizes, and also the absence of a dorsal fin.

In most cases, females are paler and larger than males. The latter are armed with files on the pectoral fins and are decorated with a pearl rash on the head. Fertility varies between 2,000-10,000 eggs. They live 15-35 years, which depends on the conditions of existence. They love running water. In terms of nutrition, they are universal: both plant and animal foods are suitable. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 1-2 years (Fig. 23).

The homeland of this fish are countries such as China, Japan, Vietnam. They grow in length up to 1200 mm. They have come to Russia several times since 1964. There are several varieties of fish. Some are monotonous (red, orange, white, blue, etc.), others are variegated with various combinations of colors (Fig. 24).

They reach sexual maturity at 2-4 years. Fertility varies from 200 thousand to 1 million eggs. In terms of nutrition, fish is universal. Life expectancy in captivity is 30 years.

Does not require special breeding conditions. They are able to exist in any body of water. But it should be remembered that the colored carp loves warmth more than its classic cousin. At the same time, they tolerate wintering well in ordinary ponds.

  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose

Today in Russia there are a large number of unclaimed reservoirs, from which you can make a real fish farm. Fish farming is perhaps one of the few areas of agriculture that is least exposed to the risk of adverse weather conditions. Thanks to this, the profitability of carp breeding remains at the level of 20%.

The most difficult thing in organizing such a business is administrative barriers. It turns out to be not so easy to get a pond for rent. You need to go through a series of approvals, paperwork and competitive bidding for the right to rent a specific reservoir. Apply for rent water body necessary to the local administration.

It is important to know that not every body of water can be rented. The limitation by law is imposed, first of all, on water bodies that have the status of a natural monument. It is also difficult to rent ponds that are located near summer cottages and cities, since complaints from the population to the tenant will go immediately.

When choosing a reservoir for fish farming, you should pay attention to its area, depth and bottom type. So, the optimal size is considered to be a pond (lake) with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares. This will allow both carp to breed and provide services. paid fishing... If the reservoir is smaller, then it will not be possible to grow large volumes of marketable fish, and even more so to serve the fishermen.

If the pond rental is used exclusively for paid fishing services, then the distance to the nearest large cities is important. Large settlements and cities should be within a radius of no more than 50 km. In this case, it is important to take care of the availability of good access roads to the reservoir.

The carp pond must be equipped with a drainage system. For this, a special outpost or sluice is built, which serves to block water on the leading ditch and control the depth level in the pond. The sluice is necessary not only for the outflow of water, but also for catching marketable fish. Many collective farm fish ponds are built on this principle.

The depth of the reservoir should be at least 1.5 m, otherwise the fish will not overwinter. The bottom of the reservoir should be silty and soft. The optimum temperature for the growth and reproduction of carp is from 14 to 24 degrees. Carp feeds only in the warm season, and hibernates in winter and does not eat anything.

It is impossible not to mention the methods of feeding carp. There are two main ways of growing carp - extensive and intensive. With extensive cultivation, carp feeds only on natural food that is in the reservoir. This method can only be used in large reservoirs. The growth and development of carp directly depends on the natural food base. The main advantage of this method is the low costs of carp maintenance (or rather, their complete absence). The main disadvantage is the low growth rate of the fish.

An intensive way of growing carp fish involves the creation of a system for feeding fish with a rich food base. Fish with this method is fed at least 2 times a day. As a rule, planting material is purchased in early spring, and already in the fall, fish is caught. Thanks to multiple feeding and maintaining a high density, up to 6 t / ha of marketable carp can be obtained. The disadvantage of this method is high feed costs. But they are more than compensated for by the growth rate of the fish and the rapid turnover of the invested funds.

Stocking with carp should be done at the rate of 250 kg of fish per 1 ha of pond area. The fish grows very quickly. And in general, carp is considered one of the most unpretentious, which cannot be said about trout or sturgeon. For example, 10 tons of carp in three years will turn into 100 tons - the mass will increase 10 times! Carp is also distinguished by its fertility. One fish is capable of giving from 200 to 300 thousand eggs, from which tens of thousands of individuals will be obtained.

After stocking with carp, a small part should be allowed into the reservoir predatory fish- pike or pike perch. This is done in order to knock weedy fish out of the pond, such as bleak, ruff and high melt. You need to be careful not to let in many predators, otherwise they will eat carp fry too. Therefore, it is recommended to stock carp fry from 1 year old. The predator eats them much less. In this case, the survival rate of the fry will be at least 80%.

According to experts, the amount of investment in business depends on the area of ​​the reservoir and the ambitions of a businessman. So, a fish farm with a reservoir area of ​​100 hectares will cost about $ 80 thousand. The main costs include construction work (creation of the relief of the reservoir, construction of locks, etc.) and the purchase of fry. The cost of carp fry, weighing 100-150 grams, starts from 70 rubles / kg. In order to stock a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, it will take about 1.5 million rubles for the purchase of fry.

The cost of fish farming in an intensive way is 40 rubles / kg. And the wholesale price is about 60 rubles / kg. The profit of a businessman grows significantly if the fish is sold in a live state - in special vehicles that deliver live carp to retail outlets. In this case, the selling price of fish is at least 90-100 rubles / kg. The marginal income per kilogram is 50-60 rubles.

From each hectare, you can get up to 1.5-2 tons of marketable fish. Income from a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, after deducting wages and taxes, can reach 4-5 million rubles per year.

In addition to selling fish, paid fishing services can be an additional income. The cost of such pleasure in the suburbs starts from 500 rubles per person. And in the "elite" ponds stocked with sturgeon, trout, grass carp and silver carp, the cost of the voucher is at least 1,500 rubles per person. In order for fishermen to know when to stop, a fish catch limit is set. For example, over 5 kg of catch, each subsequent kilogram will be paid, depending on the type of fish. If the caught fish is less than the established size (25 cm), it is released back into the lake.

Places fishing should be equipped so that the distance between the fishermen is at least 50 m. The interest in fishing in this case will be much higher. If investments allow, then a good solution would be the construction of summer houses for vacationers, a shop, a kitchen, a fishing house, a toilet. In the fisherman's shop, you can sell fishing tackle, bait and feeding. These are all in great demand. The presence of a summer kitchen with a chef allows you to take orders from those wishing to taste their own catch.

If you also build a beach, then the fishermen will come with whole families, which will only increase the entrepreneur's income. However, you need to make sure that the rest does not interfere with the main fishing process. Therefore, the beach should be located at a respectful distance from fishing spots - at least 100m.

The construction of such an infrastructure justifies itself well not only near large cities and megalopolises. Residents of the periphery and small settlements are also willing to pay for such a service. There are still not enough picturesque and well-groomed places in our country, and the demand for outdoor activities is growing every year.

A step-by-step plan to discover where to start

To open your carp angler, you need to pay special attention to the fish breeding site. For carp, a piece pond or pond is suitable. Beforehand, it is advisable to monitor and analyze the activities of competitors, to establish links with points of sale. You cannot do without a well-defined business project, taking into account preliminary costs and estimated profits.

The profitability of the business in the early stages will depend on this. Having refined the reservoir and the surrounding area, you can start purchasing necessary equipment, fry and food for them.

How much can you earn

Before moving on to profit, let's look at costs. If you grow carp in a natural reservoir, then the main expenses are associated with the purchase of feed, about 20 rubles per 1 kg. For a small fish farm, it will take up to 5,000 rubles a month. Purchase of fry: 100 pieces = 400 rubles. To this should be added the cost of equipment, transportation costs, insurance premiums, etc.

It takes 2-3 years for carp to reach the marketable weight. Thus, there is no need to wait for a quick profit. You can sell fish at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg. An additional channel of income is paid fishing, along with the rental of fishing rods / boats, paid parking and other equipment. The profitability of the business, taking into account the well-established sales market, is at the level of 10%. The resulting profit can be used not only to expand the business, but also to acquire profitable assets. There are many possibilities for this, for example, investment in apartment buildings. This is a time-tested way that works.

How much money is needed to start a business

The start-up costs for such a business depend on the breeding method. If you create an artificial reservoir with a closed water supply device, you will need up to half a million rubles, and in some cases even more. Breeding carp in natural reservoirs will significantly reduce this figure, by about 10-20 times.

Which equipment to choose

To run a carp farming business effectively, you will need to purchase fishing rods, boats, camping tents and other paid fishing equipment.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Fisheries business plan (21 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Paid fishing business plan (20 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Fishing store business plan (13 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

To register a business, you must specify OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

A novice businessman will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which will require a passport, a copy of the IND code and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

It is worth paying attention to the grants existing in Russia from the Ministry of Agriculture. Upon registration of which, there is a chance to receive significant start-up capital or half of the funds invested in the business.

What taxation system to choose for business registration

For doing business, the best option would be to tax a peasant, farm, farm with a loss of 6% of profits.

Do I need permission to open

Obtaining a special veterinary certificate issued by the epidemiological committee is mandatory for stocking a reservoir. To lease the territory from the state will also require a few additional papers related to maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. Are you thinking about making quick money or dreaming of your own home? Does the mortgage seem overwhelming? Learn about the mistakes of the recipient of the mortgage and about how to do it right. Do not lose your nerves and money by giving to the bank for more than 10 years.

Pond fish farming as a business is not the easiest thing to do, but it has a good profitability.

  • Fish farming methods
  • What is the best fish to grow?
  • Fish distribution channels
  • Influence of seasonality on payback and financial results

Russia is a country rich in natural resources. It ranks second after Brazil in terms of water reserves. A large number of reservoirs with fresh water allows for fish farming. This type of agriculture is currently underdeveloped among modern entrepreneurs, largely due to serious competition with foreign fish suppliers.

From the point of view of profitability, fish farming in a pond allows you to get about 20% of the net profit. This business can be done both in the southern and northern regions of the country. More preferable is the zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

In the article, we will consider the features of fish farming in a pond, find out why this particular breeding format is the most preferable, calculate the profitability, study cultivation technologies, information on feeding.

Fish farming methods

There are 2 areas of fish farming - in artificial and natural reservoirs. The latter option is rather difficult to implement due to serious administrative barriers. Renting a pond is not easy. It will take time to collect papers, carry out approvals. And you can get the right to rent a specific reservoir only after winning a competitive bidding.

If an entrepreneur does not want to engage in all this paperwork, then he can independently create an artificial reservoir for keeping fish. Today it is grown in one of the following ways:

  • in ponds (allows you to grow a large number of fish, including different types, differs high level profit and lower cash costs);
  • in swimming pools;
  • cage breeding (usually this method is used for breeding large individuals);
  • breeding in barrels and tubs (almost always does not imply the possibility of making a large profit).

Businessmen who have decided to seriously engage in fish farming stop at raising fish in a pond. This is the most promising and profitable method.

What is the best fish to grow?

Before choosing a place to breed fish, you need to decide what kind of fish to breed. The most demanded in the sales market today are:

  • trout;
  • carp.

The ideal option is to grow fish of these two varieties at once. But it is only available if you have a fairly substantial initial capital. If this is not possible, then the following features should be taken into account:

As you can see, both breeding formats have their own advantages and disadvantages, so the breeder must make the final decision on his own, assessing the level of his knowledge, start-up capital and responsibility.

Choosing a place for fish farming

Surely even novice fish breeders know that the rate of increase in the number and mass of individuals, as well as their health, depends on the level of water temperature and its acidity. It is rather difficult to assess these factors on your own, therefore it is better to use the services of a specialist who can give a fish-biological justification at the end of his work.

The choice of location directly depends on the type of fish. For example, trout feels best at temperatures from 16 0 C to 19 0 C. It is better to keep it in a reservoir with a depth of at least 15 meters.

But carp is more thermophilic. It must be kept at a temperature of 24 0 C - 25 0 C. They do not require great depth. One and a half meters will be enough.

It is better to breed any fish in a drainage pond, so it will be much easier to collect individuals for further sale.

Features of fish farming in a pond

If the entrepreneur has already decided that he will breed fish in the pond, then he has a few more unresolved questions. He must:

  • choose a growing method;
  • properly equip the reservoir;
  • purchase the necessary inventory;
  • develop a food system in accordance with the recommendations of more experienced businessmen in this field.

The growth rate and further productivity of adults will depend on the amount of food, the correctly selected climatic zone and the quality of water.

Fish farming method

The growth rate of fish depends on the conditions and place of residence. If it is contained in a pond, then it takes about 1.5-2 years to grow. This is how long it takes a fish to reach a significant mass. To breed individuals in a pond, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. extensive (fish eats food from a reservoir, no additional additives are used) - almost does not require current investments from a businessman;
  2. intensive (reclamation of the reservoir is carried out to enrich the feed, additionally purchased feed is used) - requires more investments than in the first method, but it allows you to increase the growth rate.

In addition to methods, there are also several technologies for growing fish: traditional and continuous.

The traditional format consists of a 2 to 3 year growing cycle. This technology is used for breeding exclusively herbivorous fish. This technique is not so common today, as it takes a long time. It consists of several stages, ending with the release of water from the pond. In this case, it is necessary to use several types of ponds - wintering, feeding, fry. During the transfer of fish, their high mortality is observed.

Increasingly, fish breeders today are using continuous technology because it is much easier to apply. According to this method, young animals are raised separately, and then planted in a feeding pond for their further growth and reproduction.

Features of the selection of a site for creating a pond

Fish farming is possible not only outside the city, but also within it, provided that you have your own large plot. The presence of plants in the pond is a must. In no case should there be peat and silt at the bottom. It is important to make sure in advance that the reservoir is suitable specifically for growing and incubation, and not just keeping individuals.

The decorative elements of the pond can be chosen at your discretion, but during the construction, you should take into account the following tips from more experienced entrepreneurs engaged in fish farming:

  • the most suitable pond volume is from 30 to 50 m 2, a smaller pond will need to be carefully monitored, and a larger pond will result in serious costs;
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  • you need to place a pond in a low-lying area;
  • there must be a shade so that the fish can take refuge in it during the hot season;
  • it is better not to make a flat bottom, but to make areas with thresholds, ledges;
  • each type of fish requires the creation of a reservoir with different kinds soil.

What equipment is required?

When breeding fish in an artificial pond, it will not do without special equipment. An entrepreneur will need:

  • gravity filter (will filter water, easy and convenient to use);
  • compressor (will saturate the water with oxygen);
  • ultraviolet sterilizer (will not allow the reservoir to bloom).

In addition, other devices may be needed, here everything will already depend on the type of fish being grown.


One of the most important factors rapid growth is the correct feeding of the fish. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. It all depends on the species grown, because each variety has its own food preferences, it grows to a certain size. Of course, much depends on the conditions of detention. If a businessman wants to accelerate the growth of individuals, then it is worth adding protein-rich feed to the food.

Fish do not require a lot of food. So, to increase the mass by 1 kilogram, the diet must have a value of at least 4,500 kcal.

It is important to monitor the amount of amino acids in food, as it is they that induce appetite and directly affect the rate of mass gain. It also prevents many diseases in fish, especially fry.

A healthy diet must also include:

  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • fiber (the amount of its consumption depends on the type of farmed fish, the minimum amount is 20%, for some species this value may be higher);
  • biologically active substances (these can be enzymes or premixes);
  • cereals (for example, you can add bran to the feed, they will be an excellent source of carbohydrates);
  • vitamin B;
  • meat products (special flour, low-fat dairy products).

Such a balanced diet will allow the fish to grow quickly and maintain their health and reproduction.

Disease as a cause of high fish mortality

Sometimes entrepreneurs underestimate the impact of disease on reproduction rates and mortality rates. But when breeding fish in a pond, the risk of disease is very high. That is why it is necessary to check the condition of individuals at least once every 10 days. The following diseases are most common in freshwater fish:

Name of the disease

Symptoms of the disease


Bulging of the eyes, the skin is inflamed, dropsy begins, minor hemorrhages appear.

Gill rot

Dying off of the edges of the gill tissue, pallor of the gills. Large individuals refuse to eat, become inactive.


The gill tissue is injured. The disease is especially dangerous for young animals.


White bumps appear on the body.


Decreased level of activity, exhaustion, anemia of the gills, drooping eyes. Usually manifests itself during the hot season. Young individuals are most susceptible to this disease.

Fish distribution channels

Farmed fish are fairly easy to sell. Most often, entrepreneurs use the following sales channels:

  • fish shops and kiosks;
  • supermarkets and small shops;
  • restaurants;
  • sale to local residents;
  • Internet trade.

To be eligible to sell fish, you must register officially. It is better to choose the unified agricultural tax as a form of tax.

Influence of the seasonality of a business on its payback and financial results

Pond fish farming is a seasonal business. The peak of growth activity occurs in the spring and summer. But even in winter, individuals need to be looked after: feed them, make holes on the ice. Fish are usually sold in the autumn.

The cost per kilogram of fish will depend on the season of sale. Most low prices will be in September, October and November. But in the remaining months, the cost will be slightly higher, which will allow you to get a higher profit for the sale of the same amount of fish.

It is the seasonality in this area of ​​entrepreneurship that is its main drawback, which negatively affects the development of individual farms. Real income is possible for only 3-4 months. All other periods of time will need to be invested.

So that the enterprise does not turn out to be unprofitable, it is necessary to think over all the nuances in advance, draw up a detailed business plan with accurate calculations. We must not forget that the level of competition in this area is very high, so working in the fishing industry is worth those who are confident in their abilities and are ready to work for the result.

Due to the presence of seasonality, it will not be possible to return your investments quickly. The payback period can reach 6-12 months. And without special knowledge in the fishing industry, you can even go to the minus.

The main cost items will be:

  • purchase of fry;
  • purchase of feed and all kinds of additives to them;
  • purchase of special equipment;
  • costs for the arrangement of the pond and its maintenance.

It is possible to hope for high incomes only in the case of proper maintenance and care of fish, a constant increase in their number. This format of entrepreneurship requires special attention by a businessman or hired staff.

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Find out the opinion of friends on this topic:

Perhaps every owner of a summer cottage or a country house dreams of having a personal pond for fish farming on his site. A small one can be both a resting place, and a source of water for irrigation, and a supplier of fresh fish to your table.

Artificial fish pond

Build an artificial fish pond small, but sufficient in size and depth is a technically simple task, but it will also require a lot of effort. You should also be aware that the personal reservoir and its inhabitants will require constant care of the owner. Many users site have already acquired their own ponds and are happy to exchange experience on their creation, arrangement and fish breeding. If you plan to make a pond with your own hands and do fish farming in a summer cottage format, use their advice.

Before building a pond you need to decide on its place and size. The optimal size for breeding a small amount of fish is 30-50 square meters. Water large sizes requires significant investments, small - constant care. But keep in mind that it will be too troublesome and costly to grow fish in a pond with an area of ​​two or three hundred square meters for years, leaving it for the winter, such a fish will come out "golden". The best option is to buy fish seed, grow it up over the summer, and catch it on the table in the fall. The optimal depth of a small one is about two meters, in such a pond you can swim, and the fish will be comfortable. You can also grow fish in the so-called cage - fenced off with a mesh wall of a part of the pond.

The fish pond on the site should be located on an open place, which will be well illuminated by the sun in the morning, and by the middle of the day, remain entirely or half in the shade so that the water temperature does not rise much: algae multiply faster in warm water, and fish may lack oxygen. There is a rule: direct rays of the sun should not illuminate the reservoir for more than ten hours, optimally - no more than six.

It is better to build a reservoir that will be elongated than to have a round or square shape: it is more convenient to swim in such a pond, plant plants along the banks and take water from it for irrigation.

Various sources are used to fill reservoirs - streams, high-lying groundwater, wells. And it is worthwhile to first carry out tests for the suitability of water for fish farming. Such analyzes do in sanitary-epidemiological services or laboratories of fish farms.

You also need to investigate the soil at the construction site of the future pond: how well it will keep the water level. Soil with a high content (above 30%) of clay and loam is suitable for fish farming, but for the sand it will be necessary to create artificial waterproofing, which means serious additional costs, especially if it comes not about the film, but about the capital, concrete waterproofing.

The bottom relief of the reservoir in which fish breeding is supposed to be complex - with alternating shallow and deep water areas.

After the bowl of your reservoir is filled with water, it should be allowed to stand for at least ten days, and only then proceed with the improvement and planting of plants. This is best done in early summer. Underwater and emerging plants in a pond will not only perform a decorative function, but also maintain a natural biological balance in it and serve as a kind of filter for water, especially if concrete was used for waterproofing.

We calculate the number of fish

We count how many fish you cancontain in garden pond small size. One fish with a length of 10-15 centimeters requires at least 50 liters of water. The calculation is not difficult to make, but it is important to consider that the fish grows rather quickly. In an overcrowded pond, its inhabitants will lack oxygen and food, and the water in it will deteriorate faster, especially if there is insufficient or no filtration.

What types of fish to breed

The answer to this question depends on the geography of your region, climatic conditions, water temperature in the reservoir, and many other factors. Among the most popular representatives of the aquatic world for growing near Moscow include carp, crucian carp, tench, grass carp, silver carp. Many successfully raise in their ponds a predator - perch and pike, as well as crayfish. Frequent inhabitant of summer cottages is an koi. This fish is being tried dilute not for good, but for aesthetics: it is different several unusual, very beautiful color, and it is always interesting and pleasant to look at it. However, like its relative, the carp, which actively digs in the bottom of the reservoir in search of food, creating dregs, therefore if there are a large number of individuals, you can forget about the transparency of the water in your pond.

Fish living in a large reservoir with a large number of plants and microorganisms, most often do not need additional feeding, they already have enough food. But when fish farming using a small pond, if you want to get well-nourished products as a result, the fish will have to be fed. But here, too, one must strictly observe the measure: the excess feed mixture, which is not eaten by the fish, quickly turns sour and spoils the water in the reservoir.

Anyone who dreams of building their own pond in the fish breeding area, should remember that even a very small artificial reservoir is a complex ecosystem that requires close attention to all processes and proper care. In order not to make mistakes, it is better to study all the necessary nuances in advance.

On the site, the topic of fish farming is very popular, and a lot of materials on it have accumulated. We offer you a guide to the topic, where all useful information is collected and structured about all stages of the construction and maintenance of reservoirs and fish farming. Read about what plants can be planted in.

We offer you these fish farms in different regions where you can buy fish stock.

Our video contains useful tips for those who dream of becoming a pond owner and creating a small fish farm, but do not know where to start.

This article is for people who want to build a quality fish farming business.
The fishing business has been successful for many years and the most profitable view business based on fish farming in artificial reservoirs.

On the shelves of shops you can find a lot of fish products not only from large companies, but also from small farms. Fish farming methods in small ponds save time. Three hours a day will be enough to have an idea and the necessary information on fish farming.

Fishing business. Which fish to choose?

Before you start promoting your vision of "fish business", you should decide how to breed fish more profitable. To begin with, I would like to note that for your artificial reservoir are suitable: crucian carp, silver carp, grass carp, sturgeon, pike perch, carp, trout and many others. Based on considerations, the most purchased fish species are carp or trout.

Ask why? These are the only fish that grow rapidly and are in demand. The method of working to promote a fishing idea will depend entirely on this choice.

As for the cultivation, it is easier with carp. Carp is a tenacious fish, it easily gets along in almost any body of water. And you don't need to graduate from any fish farming academy, you just need to look through the relevant literature.

With trout breeding, the situation is worse, since its stable and correct breeding can only be carried out by a specialist fish breeder. And this, as everyone understands, is another cost. But without experience breeding trout is a disastrous business.

Equipment and arrangement of the reservoir

The location of the reservoir should be chosen so that in the summer from dawn to 10 am it is illuminated by the sun, and from 11 to 15 am it is not scary if it hides in partial shade. Such a place is very difficult to find. Only natural ponds and lakes have such a location, and then in the wild. It is worth noting that to grow fish in a pond, the pool must be in the sun for at least 5 hours a day.


Today the swimming pool is a popular place for fish farming. If possible, it is better to purchase it. If you build a pool yourself, you will have to spend a lot of time and money on the installation of a closed water supply (UVZ). The budget option is the construction of a pond. It is easier to build an artificial pond in a round or oval shape. The depth of the reservoir should not be less than 150 cm. The banks are made gently at an angle of 20-25 degrees. The depth of the reservoir should correspond to its size, but not less than 70 cm. The banks are made gentle (20-25 °).

For your information, if the depth of the reservoir is more than 80 cm, then the banks should be made with ledges, otherwise they will slide.


Do not focus on the sophistication of the pond. It should be remembered that its main purpose is to keep fish.

In most cases, the bottom of the pond is simply concreted. The average price for such services is about 20 thousand rubles. Also, for the construction of such ponds, you will need to obtain permission from the administrative authorities.

Here are some guidelines for building a pond:

  • Small ponds will need to be constantly cleaned, and large ones will require large financial costs. Based on the foregoing, ponds of 40 square meters are considered the optimal size. meters;
  • One part of the pond should be in the shade. Do not forget that in the spring during the rains, so that the pond is not flooded, it should be built in low-lying areas;
  • The bottom relief should alternate from shallow water with deep-water areas to rapids and ledges of various sizes.

Optional equipment

Now we will analyze the equipment required for fish farming. The gravity biofilter is a water purification device. This is an attachment that can be installed in a matter of minutes. The cost of this device is 5 thousand rubles. In order for the fish not to die from water bloom or simply suffocate, special compressors should be used. The cost of the compressor is 10 thousand rubles. To prevent abundant blooming of water, ultraviolet sterilizers are used. Water is supplied to the reservoir using a hydraulic pump (cost 25 thousand rubles). Fish feeders and other small equipment can be found in specialized stores. Forget about draining the pond water in advance.

Purchase of fry

For breeding, first of all, fry is purchased. The amount of fry purchased depends on the reservoir. Do not forget that the fry grows almost 8 times in one season. During the growth process, about 10 percent of the acquired fry die. Entrepreneurs who are not the first day in this business are advised to grow fry on their own, that is, grow from larvae (fertilized eggs). Yes, this method is easy and cheap, but it requires both knowledge and experience.

It is better for novice businessmen to start their business starting with fry. Fry should be fed every 12 hours. It is wise to use automated feeding systems. They will feed the pond on schedule.

Fish food - choice

Now let's talk about the type of compound feed. In general, compound feed is sold in several types:

  • Starting (for fry);
  • Production (like a gainer for a person, that is, building up mass);
  • Productive (before spawning);
  • Pigmented (gives salmonids an orange tint).

If you build an open reservoir, then on winter period it freezes. The life process of fish under the ice slows down, so you shouldn't feed it. Only in summer, spring and autumn. If the pond is located in a warm environment, even in winter, then you should feed the fish, but noticeably reduce the average dose. In order to understand how much feed is needed in order to feed the fry, companies provide special tables. The amount of food required for the fry depends on the average weight of the individual and the temperature of the reservoir.

Care for fry in the pond

Some tips for feeding fish:

  • in summer, at temperatures from 25 degrees, you should reduce the usual dose of the volume of food;
  • the daily amount of compound feed required for consumption by fry should be divided into two stages;
  • do not overfeed fish. Nothing good will come of it. Only toxic substances from decomposable uneaten food;
  • you should also monitor the health of the fry.

Quite common fish diseases: rubella, fungal infections, branchial necrosis. Epidemics should not be allowed, as they are capable of destroying all livestock. In order to avoid this, you should constantly change the water in the reservoir. For your information, when buying fry, you should ask the seller for a veterinary certificate to make sure they are selling healthy fry and the material in general. The fry should be monitored for diseases every 2 months.

Where to sell your products?

In order to sell your products, you should acquire your own vehicle fleet, that is, a car for transporting fish to supermarkets, hypermarkets, shops. After all, a live fish must be in excellent condition, otherwise it will simply be returned back.

To avoid problems, the tank should be kept at a constant temperature and well ventilated. Also, the product can be sold to wholesalers, as well as to private entrepreneurs who have trading fish outlets.

Seasonality and difficulties of doing business

Difficulties that an entrepreneur may face:

  • due to the fact that fish in winter are inhibited both in growth and development, then one should take into account the factor that in winter the profit will clearly decrease. An open body of water usually freezes;
  • there are also several nuances when marketing a product. When selling live fish, the maintenance of the fish is completely entrusted to the staff of the outlet. Not all sellers dare to do this. Also a constant delay in revenue. The fact is that a store or a retail outlet is counting on paying off a debt to an entrepreneur after they sell the goods. Sometimes it can take more than a month;
    fish epidemics. Can destroy all livestock.

The profit of such a business

The optimal profitability is 9 percent when it comes to the first year in the entrepreneurial field.

In the future, the percentage of profit will only grow when the right approach to the point. Even according to the calculations of experts, maintaining a fishing industry is much more profitable than a large enterprise. Nowadays, we can say that this business is very popular. When growing fish, do not forget about the start of the production of expensive black caviar.

Costs of running your business

In this chapter, we will give the average cost of installing a pond, pool. The installation of a pool will cost 250,000 rubles, and a pond 200,000 rubles. Optional equipment: separate RAS - 150,000, ventilation device - 60,000 rubles, hydraulic pump - 25,000 rubles, feeders and small accessories - 20,000 rubles. The price for fry is 10,000-20,000 rubles. To buy feed for a year and a half - 100,000 rubles, that is, about 6,000 rubles. per month.

Undoubtedly, the first year of construction is considered very costly. Ultimately, the total amount will be 500 thousand rubles. this amount came out without taking into account the hired workers, if any. But do not be upset, such costs will quickly pay off within a couple of years after starting this type of business.

Also, if the amount is large, then you can try your luck and apply for a subsidy for fishing from the state. For your information. If breeding is planned not in a pool, but in a pond, then you can benefit from this, and financially - paid fishing.

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