Repair of ponds, reconstruction of a reservoir, restoration of the shoreline of a garden pond, pestovskaya harbor. Repair of ponds, reconstruction of the reservoir restoration of the shoreline of the garden pond pestovskaya harbor Latest tips from the section "Miscellaneous"

There is such a concept - "the pond stops." This means that a large amount of plant decay has accumulated in the reservoir, the bottom is silted up, the natural ground filtration of the pond by lateral waters is hampered, and the vertical movement of water layers of different temperatures stops. From season to season, the pond with the once crystal-clear water more and more resembles an ordinary swamp.

To prevent or stop this process, it is necessary to create a harmonious bio-aqua-hydro balance in the reservoir, to prepare the conditions for the development of the correct aquatic environment, that is, plants and protozoa that will purify the water, and not lead to siltation.

In the case of pond reconstruction, two strategies of action can be proposed:

1) "cosmetic repair"

2) drastic changes

Method 1. Local (seasonal) reconstruction

The pond is drained 30% -50% and then cleaned. Although it will not be possible to clean out the bottom completely by hand, local thinning of the aquatic area, which implies the removal of a layer of silt over several square meters, will give a temporary result, suspending the dynamics of waterlogging. The pond will revive slightly and will not require attention for a couple of seasons. The work costs are minimal.

Method 2. Complete reconstruction of the pond

A radical solution to the problem will require draining the water and mechanized cleaning of the bottom from silt deposits with their removal to the solid waste sites. In this case, it is necessary to make a decision about dredging - to carry it out or not.

Reconstruction of a reservoir without deepening the bottom has an important positive point. It does not enhance bottom and coastal erosion, does not throw the coastline out of balance. The ability not to dredge in this case means no new problems. After such "current repair" the pond comes to life and for the next 5-6 years it continues to strive for its original state. The method is considered not very expensive: it will cost 200-300 thousand rubles.

To enhance the aesthetics, we recommend to “populate” the pond with all sorts of water lilies, lilies, etc. You can purposefully approach stocking by species composition, which will also give a positive effect, increase the life of the pond before waterlogging.

Dredging of a reservoir involves the creation of zones of different depths, including a wintering pit. Bank protection is required, as the additional depth will increase the load on the heel of the coastal slopes.

When choosing the option for strengthening the banks, it is necessary to be guided by aesthetics and financial capabilities.

Acceptable variations:
- gabions of vertical type;
- sloping gabions (Renault mattresses);
- pseudo gabions (mattresses);
- larch ryah (vertical logs in the form of hammered "pencils");
- larch fastening in the "Old English style" (vertical logs installed at some distance from each other and horizontal stitching with thick boards between them);
- rock fill on the slopes along the reverse filter layer.

What can be done additionally?

We often propose to organize forced water replenishment and overflow, water circulation, install an aerator in order to supply it to the reservoir maximum number oxygen.

A charming addition in terms of landscape decoration will be a larch bridge or patio, and several massive boulders above the water, covered with moss over time, will turn into ideal compositional details of a Japanese garden or a strict ragged Scandinavian style.

Thorough, "overhaul" will cost the customer several million rubles (depending on the scope of work), but the result is worth it! After all the work, your pond will be able to stand for a hundred years !!!

Step-by-step construction of ponds and reservoirs on the site. Our company will help in the construction of ponds or reservoirs in Moscow and the region. The price will pleasantly surprise you.

A person can look at how water flows for a long time. It relaxes, inspires and energizes. Perhaps that is why many people with private plots seek to equip artificial reservoirs on their territory. It's so nice to look out of the window at a beautiful pond with golden fish or ornamental plants and stones.

However, before starting the construction of an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to understand that not every site is suitable for this purpose. And also it should be understood that the process of creating a reservoir requires impressive financial costs and is extremely time consuming. In addition, after the arrangement of the pond, constant care will be required so that the reservoir looks beautiful and pleases the eyes of the inhabitants of the site.

Types of artificial reservoirs

Today, landscape designers offer the design of several types of artificially created reservoirs:

  • Waterfall. In addition to the aesthetic beauty, the waterfall also creates a sound effect. The water falling down perfectly relaxes and allows you to isolate yourself from all the hardships of everyday life, to have a good rest. Most often, waterfalls are created in areas with uneven relief.
  • Pool. This view is not just a landscape design element, but also a place where the whole family can relax, have fun, relax and swim. The technology for the construction of the pool is significantly different from the technology for creating other artificial reservoirs.
  • Pond. In this type of reservoirs, two more subspecies can be distinguished: decorative and fishing. Decorative ponds are created exclusively to please the eyes of the inhabitants of the site. Fishing ones, as a rule, are deeper and require careful maintenance.
  • Swamp. The swamp has long ceased to be a muddy, unattractive slime. Landscape designers have turned it into an element of decor and are increasingly using it as an element of decorating a site. The most successful combination would be the organization of a small swamp paired with, for example, an alpine slide.
  • The fountain. This is the most spectacular type of artificial reservoir, and it rightfully occupies a leading place among landscape design elements.
  • Creek. A narrow stream of water, which designers call a stream, is perfect for small areas. It does not take up much space, but it looks impressive and brings a lot of positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure.

Whichever type of artificial reservoir is chosen, its construction requires an attentive and professional approach. Therefore, first of all, you should contact landscape design specialists who will think over an individual design project. This will create a unique reservoir that will delight the eye for a long time.

Step-by-step process of creating an artificial reservoir

In order to build a pond, pool or any other artificial reservoir, it is necessary to observe a certain technology and sequence. There are several stages that cannot be dispensed with.

1) Geodetic works

When creating a reservoir, regardless of its purpose, it is necessary to carry out geodetic work to determine the optimal place for its construction. It should be remembered that water bodies should not be equipped in places where gas or sewage pipes pass, as well as power or telephone cables. In addition, the ground in the chosen place must be strong in order to exclude the moment of subsidence when exposed to large amounts of water.

Ideally, you should study the composition of the soil and its properties, as well as study the layout of communications on the site, work with surveyors and carry out test drilling.

2) Design work

After the scheme of the site and its possibilities have been studied, you can contact the appropriate companies engaged in professional landscape design, which, based on the preferences of the owners of the site and the data obtained at the previous stage of work, will create an individual project of the future reservoir.

3) Earthwork

The most important and time-consuming stage in the creation of a reservoir. You can work manually if the scale of the future reservoir allows. If a large pool or a vast pond is planned, it is possible to use heavy construction equipment.

However, at the risk of calling an excavator to the site, it should be understood that part of the site will be damaged and will require further restoration... The nearest territory will be littered with dug soil, which will be a lot and will have to be disposed of later, as well as sand and other debris.

At the stage of earthworks, it is necessary to provide for the laying of power cables to the reservoir if built-in communications are planned (for example, forced filtration or lighting), and it is also worthwhile to provide a drainage channel. It is necessary in order to get rid of excess fluid in the reservoir, for example, after the past rain.

Upon completion of the excavation work, a pit with a flat and flat bottom should form, the angle of inclination of which should not exceed 45 degrees. At the same time, the bottom of the future reservoir must be clean, without roots, stones and other debris.

4) Waterproofing works

The most crucial stage, which must be approached with knowledge of the matter. The further operation of the reservoir depends on the successful implementation of waterproofing work. The purpose of this stage is to equip the waterproofing layer of the film so that water from the reservoir does not seep into the ground, and groundwater cannot get into the pond.

If the volume of the reservoir is large, it is necessary to think about an additional protective layer in order to avoid soil mobility and displacement of the waterproofing material. You can use geotextile material. It is a lightweight roll material that does not absorb moisture, is resistant to mold and mildew and is durable. With such a layer, the pool, pond or fountain will last much longer.

The waterproofing film is chosen depending on the selected type of reservoir and in accordance with the created project. It is important to buy a film with a margin of at least eighty centimeters around the edges. The film is laid out along the bottom of the pond, pressed with stones in several places and leveled, excluding folds and irregularities.

You can choose any type of waterproofing film, but they all differ in terms of service life. For example, ordinary plastic film is extremely unstable to external influences and will last no more three years... PVC film will be a good option for decorating a reservoir, but the disadvantage of this choice will be its frost resistance. The service life of such material does not exceed ten years. If you want to do it with high quality and for a long time, you can use a more expensive version of the waterproofing layer - butyl rubber film. This is a modern material with excellent performance, which will last a long time and will reliably protect the reservoir. Suppliers of this material promise a service life of at least 50 years.

After the waterproofing layer, the pond bowl can be formed. Most often this is done using concrete mortar and liquid glass or liquid rubber.

5) Decorating and filling with water

The decoration of the reservoir always begins with the decoration of the coastline. You can lay tiles or natural stone along the edges of the reservoir, and fill the gaps with fine stone chips. The edges of the film are hidden under the ground or a layer of pebbles. Then you can fill the pond with water.

In order not to deform the soil layer, the hose with the incoming water is tied to a flat board or a sprinkler is fitted to the hose.

Necessary materials

The materials for creating an artificial reservoir differ depending on the type of structure selected. These can be various soft waterproofing films or rigid structures made of plastic and concrete.

Among the soft materials are:

  • Polyethylene film. Not a very reliable option, but in order to make a small reservoir and prepare for the creation of a more grandiose structure, it is ideal. It is also the cheapest material on offer. It will last for two to three years, this time will show what kind of reservoir is needed on the site, and what materials will be required to create it.
  • PVC film. Good material with excellent performance. However, it has a significant disadvantage, it can crack at low temperatures. This makes this option for finishing an artificial reservoir not very preferable.
  • Butyl rubber. Good, resistant to external influences material, resistant to sunlight and low temperatures. Well suited for the creation of fish ponds and reservoirs. The most popular option when creating an artificial reservoir with your own hands.
  • Geotextile. A modern durable material that meets all the requirements for creating an artificial reservoir. Most often, it is laid out along the bottom of a dug pit as a waterproofing layer. The material has excellent performance properties.
  • Decorative films. Decorative films are made specially by gluing a waterproof film with small river pebbles. It perfectly imitates the river bank and well complements the landscape design picture.

Among the rigid materials are:

  • Composite material. They are used mainly for the construction of swimming pools. Has a small palette of colors, you can choose the one you like. In decorative ponds and fountains, this type of material is used very rarely.
  • Plastic ready-made forms. A popular way to build decorative ponds, fountains, backwaters and other small bodies of water. Convenient to install and easy to install with your own hands. A significant disadvantage is their cumbersomeness (it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to transport by car), as well as extreme instability to low temperatures.
  • Reinforced concrete. An outdated type of decoration for artificial reservoirs. With the advent of modern materials, it has practically ceased to be used. It has good performance characteristics, but at the same time, the construction of such a structure is a very labor-intensive process. Dismantling such a structure is also an expensive undertaking.

Pond construction standards

Often, before starting the construction of an artificial reservoir, the owner of the site has a question about whether it is possible to build such a structure on his site and how the authorities will react to this, whether it is legal and whether any documents are needed for approval.

The answer to these questions lies in the Land Code of the Russian Federation, where paragraph 1 of Article 40 states that the owner of the site has the right to build an artificial reservoir on his site, but at the same time all environmental, urban planning and sanitary standards must be observed.

In accordance with current legislation, there are a number of factors that must be observed when building a reservoir on your site:

  • the site must be owned;
  • the depth of the reservoir to be built should not exceed 5 m;
  • the pond should not threaten the safety of people and the environment;
  • the reservoir should not have communication with natural reservoirs.

If these conditions are met, then you can safely build a pond on your site and use it at your discretion, including for fish farming. In this case, the fish found in the reservoir will also be the property of the owner of the site and fishing in the reservoir will be possible only with the permission of the owner himself.

Pond construction permit

To determine whether a permit for the construction of a reservoir is required, you must first determine the type of the future reservoir. Will it be a pond adjacent to an already existing natural reservoir, or will it usually be a dug hole, which will be waterproofed and filled with water.

In the first case, when the created pond will be mated with a natural reservoir, the owner of the site must provide a design project that is agreed with the relevant authorities and, with a positive decision on the construction, is carried out exclusively by competent services that can avoid an emergency.

When building an ordinary pond that does not interface with water bodies, for personal use, no special permission is required.

Operation and care of the reservoir

Constant and thorough care of the reservoir is a guarantee that it will last a long time and will delight the eye. If during the construction process all technological standards were observed and the reservoir systems were carefully thought out and efficiently arranged, problems should not arise. However, over time, the water in the pond or pool may become dirty, bloom, or lack oxygen in the fish pond.

Swimming pools are routinely cleaned by draining the water and washing the entire surface of the pool from contamination. With fish ponds, things are a little more complicated. Here you should first determine the cause of the pollution. It can be a rotting plant or an excess of feed, which also begins to deteriorate and thereby spoil the quality of the water.

In order to clean the fish pond, it is necessary to remove the excess fish feed with a net or remove the rotting plant. If this is not enough, then you need to drain the water to a volume in which it will be possible to catch swimming fish. Then place them in a previously prepared reservoir filled with water from the pond (so as not to disturb the ecosystem of the reservoir). After that, the reservoir is completely cleaned of pollution and filled with new water. The fish are released into a cleaned reservoir together with the water in which they were in the tanks.

It is necessary to prepare the pond for the new season in March-April. You should clean the pool bowl from adhered silt and dead algae. Carry out pruning of plants growing on the shore, plant annual plants, provided that frosts are not expected. And as soon as it gets warm enough, you can fill the pond with water.

In the summer, you need to monitor the plants in the water and the water level. If necessary, water must be topped up or, conversely, excess water must be pumped out. Plants should be carefully inspected, removing decaying or overgrowing plants if necessary.

In general, the device of an artificial reservoir on its own site is a very labor-intensive procedure and requires financial investments. In addition, after construction, the reservoir will require proper care and investment in order to maintain its original appearance.

Reconstruction video

Reconstruction of a reservoir with an area of ​​32,000 sq. in the family club "Monolith" (Moscow region). In the process of performing work to change the relief of the existing lake, the following works were carried out: complete drainage of the lake, construction of an artificial island, deepening of the lake, installation of an anti-seepage screen, drilling 6 wells for filling, and a year after completion of the work, at the request of the customer, the area of ​​the lake was increased further for 2000 sq.

Often hosts ponds made 5-10 years ago, are faced with the problem of water leaving the reservoir. This common situation occurs when material fatigue occurs, defects in the coating or waterproofing appear.
When building and operating a reservoir, pay attention to the following points:

The adhesive seams connecting the membrane sheets are less durable than the membrane, in 5-10 years, the glue can decompose, vulcanization - safer but both types of seams are not difficult to repair. If stones, pebbles, sand, boulders are laid on the membrane without a substrate, then you will tear the EPDM canvas - in winter - with ice, in summer - when swimming, in spring or autumn - when cleaning.

Hence the rule we fix decorative materials, - do not go to the point of absurdity and glue pots with plants. It is better to tie flat stones lying on the steps with cement mortar, and glue small decorative elements, for this mastics and silicone sealant are suitable.

Incorrect operation of the reservoir will also lead to such an unpleasant result - keep the reservoir as full as possible, non-compliance with technologies during construction, the use of outdated materials. These reasons cause a decrease in the water level and require immediate intervention in order to exclude the erosion of the soil under the membrane by the flowing water.

It should be borne in mind that the membranes used in the construction of such structures even 5-6 years ago cannot be compared in terms of the quality of the materials used today. The required parameters of the material: elasticity, strength, resistance to ultraviolet rays, temperature extremes and mechanical stress were lower. In half the cases - searching for a leak takes time - it is cheaper to replace a membrane than to search and patch holes.

Even the old, water-leaking reservoir, we will bring it back to normal if it is repaired with the use of new developments and modern materials. Such tools and proven construction methods are used by the company.

Reconstruction of a reservoir in the village of Podolnikha:

The order and types of work.

The order and types of work. If there is already a body of water on the site that requires repair or serious reconstruction, a specialist will first visit, who:

Carry out measurements on site;
- draw up the technical specification;
- will collect the initial data of the project;

Based on this analysis, we will restore the functioning of the pond, return it to its former freshness and attractiveness. The unsatisfactory ecological and structural state of reservoirs spoils the view, interferes with operation, can negatively affect the environment and lead to water ingress into basements or waterlogging.

List of works:

  • restoring or strengthening the coastline;
  • we will provide waterproofing;
  • we deepen and strengthen the bottom;
  • we reduce the amount of drainage and storm water entering the pond;
  • we restore or replace hydraulic equipment.

As a result, the pond will gain new life, and you will spend hot summer days in coolness and comfort next to your favorite summer cottage or cottage.

We repair profitably for a number of reasons:

1. We provide a one-year guarantee for restored objects (wintering and filtration);

2. Ten years of experience in the construction and reconstruction of reservoirs;

3. We use modern, we will ensure the durability of the structure;

4. We change the structure of the pond, starting with the inclusion of decorative elements, and ending with the depth or shape;

5. A respectful attitude is shown to the customer's site, after the completion of the work you will not have to rebuild and clean the site;

6. Reasonable rates - make sure by calling the office.

Over time, any object, element of landscape design requires more attention, care, and often even restoration. And reservoirs in this case are no exception. Over time, they become clogged, covered with an oily film, overgrown with grass, algae, filled with silt, and even regular cleaning is not always able to completely restore the original appearance of the water body. In such a situation, the most optimal and convenient solution to the problem is reconstruction of ponds... It will make it possible to return aesthetic appeal to water structures, refresh the landscape, give it new colors, and give new life to this decorative element.

Reconstruction of a reservoir in suburban or suburban areas means a whole range of works aimed at its restoration.

Complex of works
  • bottom cleaning from silt and debris;
  • replacement of waterproofing, if defects are detected in it;
  • replacement or restoration of bank protection elements;
  • improving the coastline by replacing some plants and decorative elements with others;
  • increase in the size of the reservoir, its expansion;
  • arrangement of a fountain or stream;
  • re-equipment of a decorative pond for swimming and vice versa;
  • installation of cleaning equipment and much more.

At first sight reconstruction of ponds may seem like a very simple task. But, as a rule, in the end, the owners of suburban areas and dachas still turn to professionals for help. Even seemingly small, very tiny water bodies demand to themselves the right approach, step-by-step implementation of certain actions. The owners of the site can only complicate the process, worsen the already not the best condition of the water body.

Sometimes a pond or home pond needs a second wind, quality care, cleaning and maintenance. Problems such as abundant mud, the bottom overgrown with algae, slipping banks will not solve themselves, so the intervention of real professionals is necessary, as well as requiring special skills and knowledge.

Even if the pond has simply ceased to please you, you should not delay cleaning it, since the further, the more serious maintenance will be required. The specialists of the Avangard-Aqua company will return attractiveness to your reservoir. The following list of services is available to your attention:

  • beautification of the coast;
  • recoding;
  • deepening of the reservoir;
  • change in the bottom topography;
  • changing the main purpose of the pond.

Reconstruction of reservoirs is a complex and time-consuming process that will allow you to enjoy the cool water located a few meters from the house on a hot afternoon. Any pond sooner or later becomes unusable under the influence of external factors. Among the main problems, one can mention: the collapse of the coast, silting of the bottom, shallowing. And although these are completely natural processes, it is impossible to use such a reservoir for recreation or fish farming. To begin with, it is necessary to make certain changes, that is, to carry out reconstruction. But in some cases it is easier to start a new construction of a pond that will meet all the norms and wishes of the customer.

Benefits of cooperation with Avangard-Aqua:

  • serious experience - the company has been present on the market for over ten years, therefore, vast experience allows us to cope with tasks of any complexity, quickly, efficiently and affordably;
  • equipment - innovative technology allows you to quickly and efficiently clean and equip ponds and reservoirs;
  • guarantee - the company provides a guarantee for the reconstruction work carried out;
  • correction - there is no need to completely create a new reservoir, it is enough to carry out a professional correction.

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