Björn dalin biathlete wedding with domracheva. Fashion design and village house

A special press conference held on April 5 by the legendary Norwegian biathlete, gave the sports world two big news at once. Firstly, the Norwegian announced that he was expecting a child with his friend, Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva, and secondly, that he himself intends to compete at the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

The birth of the first child is expected in October 2016.

“I have always had a good relationship with Daria, and in last years they've gotten closer, ”said the eight-time Olympic champion and 20-time world champion. - As a result, we came to the conclusion that we will soon become parents. We are looking forward to this event. Everything was well planned. In general, being a father is extremely interesting. I have a large and family home where the children will feel comfortable. I am very happy about this period in my life.

How to combine parenting with performances? We are not the first to find ourselves in a similar situation, others have succeeded - we will succeed as well.

Can Daria and I become a biathlon team? We can work together and train, but we will not become a separate team. "

Note that the Norwegian made his debut at the World Cup in the 1992/93 season. He won his first World Cup medals in 1997, when he finished second in the Norwegian relay team and third in the pursuit. Since then, Bjoerndalen has become world champion 20 times and took eight gold medals in four Olympics.

In the overall standings of the ended World Cup, Bjoerndalen took 13th place, and at the world championship he won gold in the relay, silver in the sprint and pursuit, as well as bronze in the mass start.

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed on biathlon, as well as in groups of the sports department on social networks

Valentine's Day this year fell on the winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. It is there that one of the most famous couples in the world of sports - biathletes - will celebrate Valentine's Day. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Daria Domracheva... In honor of the holiday, we decided to tell you how this "sports" love story was born.

How it all began

Some say that Domracheva met her future Norwegian husband at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, others suggest that they began to communicate closely in 2012 at a summer training camp in Austria. However, we know only one exact date - October 4, 2012, when Bjoerndalen broke up with Italian biathlete Natalie Sunter... Apparently, then the biathlete already felt sympathy for his Belarusian colleague.

The veil of secrecy

In the next few years, biathletes carefully concealed their relationship, the most talked about at that time was Daria's phrase: "Official information about my personal life will only be a message about my marriage." Soon it almost happened! Of course, many friends and fellow biathletes knew about their relationship, but the strength of friendship was stronger than the desire to tell the public about the personal lives of Domracheva and Bjoerndalen.

The first to pierce was a French biathlete Martin Fourcade, who in 2015 said: "I am on good terms with Domracheva, but, of course, not as close as Bjoerndalen."

Official confirmation

On April 5, 2016, at a press conference by Bjoerndalen, at which, as the journalists expected, the speech was about sports career biathlete, the main statement was not only confirmation of the relationship with Daria, but also the fact of pregnancy of the Belarusian biathlete: “I have an excellent relationship with Daria Domracheva. Now we are a couple and are waiting for the birth of a child. We didn't want to keep it a secret, but we will focus on our relationship. It's very interesting to become a father. "

On July 16 of the same year, the couple got married in Oslo. The ceremony was held modestly, in the circle of relatives and friends. The only public photo of the celebration is on Daria's Instagram.

Not only biathletes, but also parents

Naturally, at first Daria and Ole Einar devoted all their time to their daughters, but already in 2017 they returned to training. At the 2018 Olympics, Daria adequately represents her homeland, and Bjoerndalen helps athletes in training.

But, despite the career, the child remains the most important link in the life of both biathletes. “I need to learn Norwegian, as it is my daughter’s second mother tongue,” Daria admitted in an interview. “Who is the head of our family? Of course, Xenia. She laughs a lot. I think she will make a great comedian, ”says Bjoerndalen.

Eight-time Olympic champion Ole Einar Bjoerndalen announced his continued career, which hardly surprised anyone. In the fall, Daria Domracheva will give birth to his child - but this has already surprised everyone. How did the relationship of the main pair of world biathlon develop?

August 2012. Presumably, a romance began between Domracheva and Bjoerndalen. The couple has not yet named exact dates, but indirect signs indicate precisely these dates.

In the summer of 2012, Belarusian biathletes worked at a training camp in the Austrian Obertillach - a popular training place, where Bjoerndalen has also lived for a long time. It would seem that you never know who intersects with whom at the training camp? There aren't many stadiums different teams can regularly spend a couple of weeks nearby. But…

October 2012. Bjoerndalen has parted ways with former Italian biathlete Natalie Sunter. They dated since 1998 and got married in 2006. Bjornadlen and Santer had no children.

The Norwegian's statement did not clarify anything except the fact of the divorce:

“We have to admit that our desire to live a long life together has not come true. Separate life awaits us ahead. We agreed that we will not say anything else apart from this statement ”.

January 2013. Domracheva had to respond to the accumulated rumors:

“The only official information about my personal life will be the message about my marriage. Whoever. All the rest are rumors, which I see no reason to comment on. "

February 2014. The year passed only in conjecture - without confirmation. However, neither Bjornadalen nor Domracheva was in a hurry to refute the gossip.

At the closing of the Sochi Olympics, the Norwegian (who won two golds) and the Belarusian (who won three golds) spent a defiantly long time together in the bowels of the stadium.

And then Bjoerndalen sat on the podium not with his team, but with the Belarusians.

May 2014. Suddenly the couple was almost declassified Martin Fourcade... The Frenchman was asked about the relationship with Domracheva - he answered. True, not entirely about our own:

"I am on good terms with Domracheva, but, of course, not as close as Bjoerndalen."

September 2014. Judging by the photo, the Norwegian and the Belarusian did not rest together. At the press conference announcing "Urban Biathlon with Daria Domracheva", the athlete generally sat next to her former (now for sure) young man, director Maxim Subbotin.

An old photo of Domracheva and Subbotin.

January 2015. The International Biathlon Union has released a calendar. Something about the relationship between Domracheva and Bjoerndalen can be seen from the video from the set.

Their photos got one spread. Just in case, the Finnish woman Kaisa Mäkäräinen was assigned to the couple.

February 2015. On Valentine's Day, Domracheva showed a heart to the camera right after the finish. Commentator Dmitry Guberniev did not miss the episode:

“Who's got a valentine, Daria? Who is the lucky one? By the way, I know, but I won't tell. "

March 2015. One weekend at the 2015 World Cup, Domracheva and Bjoerndalen were spotted strolling through the mall.

In Kontiolahti, the couple did not win a single personal medal, but for the first time in her career, Daria took the World Cup - the only trophy that she lacked.

April 2015. At the Race of Champions in Tyumen, Domracheva and Bjoerndalen competed in tandem for the first time. For the Norwegian, this was the first race in the Russian show race.

In previous years Domracheva performed with Evgeny Ustyugov, Yakov Fak, Bjorn Ferry and Anton Shipulin.

June 2015. Bjoerndalen flew to Minsk - sort of like a training camp. The head coach of the Belarusian national team Alexander Syman, in an interview with SB, suggested another purpose of the trip:

Is it a courtesy visit, a tourist trip or?

As far as I understand, it is - "or".

Mystery of the week. What is Bjoerndalen doing in Belarus

July-August-2015. Domracheva reported suffering from mononucleosis and missing the 2015-2016 season.

"At the moment, the most important thing is to finally recover without emotional and physical overload."

April 2016. Bjoerndalen, who planned a farewell to biathlon for the spring of 2016, changed his mind - hardly after four medals home championship of the world he still had doubts.

At a special press conference, the Norwegian announced that he will continue to race until the end of the 2017-2018 season. And he admitted that in the fall he and Domracheva will have a child.

“I had a good friendship with Daria for a long time. V recent times she developed a little ... And it got to the point that we will become parents! We are looking forward to it. And we are very happy. "

In fact, this is the first official confirmation of their relationship.

Domracheva is even going to hook the second half of next season. Before her is the example of the Frenchwoman Dorin-Habert: in early autumn - childbirth, and in March - two personal gold medals of the world championship.

“30 years is a great age for the birth of a child. In the fall, I will become a mother! This event is planned and very welcome. Today is the most important thing that happens in my life! "

Photo: Evgeny Tumashov, RBU media service

For Domracheva, this means skipping another pre-Olympic season. How it will look in the fall of 2017 before the Olympics is a mystery. She certainly has a chance to restore herself to her former self, but on the other hand, the rivals will be completely different - not those whom she beat in full in 2014-2015 (first of all, the Bundesmansh).

Galina Nikolaeva, you would at least read something about the character you are writing about, you would know his last name, or something ...

Rumors of course do not come from scratch)) And I really thought that Einar was sterile. I'm very happy for their pair. Children are always great!

Galina Nikolaeva,
I share your concern regarding crooked sticks. But! The timing is unfortunate. A person is preparing to become a young father, and you - with sticks ... That is gasoline, and then - children ... :))

yes, some pearls are directly nailed ...

this house for Daria has been under construction for two or three years. Here is an article and a photo from last year.

And I really like one of the "short evil thoughts" 2 years ago:
What is the secret behind this renaissance of Bjørndalen? Apparently he drinks the blood of Domracheva. Purely friendly. And then Domracheva drinks his blood. Legal manipulation of blood. Hooray for the Olympic champions!
By the way, there are also pearls (this is, remember, February 2014):
If Zaitsev and Romanov are harnessed for a long time, then Shumilova's horse has already been taken away.
Obviously, our fans are not ready for the Olympics. It would seem that in four years one can prepare to adequately perceive the results. Russian biathletes but not destiny.

Continuing the news: Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen and Daria Domracheva, who will have a baby in October, are building a house near Minsk together.

As it became known Sovsport. ru, the conversation is about a house in the village of Laporovichi, not far from Minsk. The local village council confirmed the information that Domracheva received a plot there in accordance with all the norms of the law. For her house, Domracheva chose a rather unusual project - the house will eventually resemble an ocean liner. However, there is nothing strange here, because the house is located on the shore of the Zaslavsky reservoir, which is called the Minsk Sea.

Local residents noted that they had seen Bjoerndalen, who is in charge of the construction work, on the site more than once.

Dasha has a positive effect on Bjorn :) He began to come to Russia more. And the reviews about Russia are not bad. This year he was in Novosibirsk, where he was asked about Mildronate - he spoke much more correctly than usual. At the Anna Cup, Bogaliy paid a lot of attention to children (like Fourcade last year), so it was roughly understandable :) In addition, I realized that it was too early to leave the sport, now to feed the child :))

By the way - Dasha is 30 and no one thinks to drive her out of the sport with shouts: "Get out at the peak." And thank God, it's only here that they can drive world champions like this (


Glad for Bjordalin and Dasha! Finally, he will leave his heir on the land, until that time it seemed that he was sterile and impotent.
URAaaaaaaa Dasha, that she denied Bjordalin's inability to be a father.

I congratulate this couple (Dasha and Einara) with all my heart! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

And the rumors were still not in vain. Rumors among athletes, nevertheless strong strength and beats the noble.

Those are the mononuclei!)) It turns out to be a common toxicosis!)) Fourcade gave birth, Daria is going. Dalen, well, finally! And then he planted medals, chopped wood, but his son was dumb! Now order!)

Well, now there is something to keep the biathlon fans busy so that they do not remember the unsuccessful World Cup and the problems of the Russian biathlon.

April 2015. Race of Champions in Tyumen. There was also such a moment, Anton Shipulin let slip in an interview that Daria (if I'm not mistaken, she was the first to finish shooting and was the first to choose a partner) chose Bjørndalen, and added - well, this is not surprising, who would doubt it.

Well, all that remains is to be glad for the outstanding people. Everyone has time. If only our "stars" are so methodical in their actions.

Happiness to both!) Well done Daria!)
I sympathize with these athletes, especially Dasha)

Asparagus 2 .. don't screw up nonsense ...

I'm very happy for both. I wish you happiness and health. Let the baby be born healthy.

Asparagus - 2, I do not care about your speculation. There is no need to call Daria names.

3 years ago, the Italian press wrote - Santer drove out Bjoerndalen because of his constant betrayal with Domracheva. Domracheva is a bitch, of course, and you can't create your own happiness out of someone else's misfortune.

With Natalie we have lived so much without children. And here immediately the offspring, well done! It means everything is serious.

straightforward detective investigation. What's the difference when and where it started, the main thing is that it ended happily

I knew that they were together, well, that I didn’t know that I was pregnant, they were fast.

Children are always good! This indicates the serious intentions of at least one side. But I agree with Vladimir Eremeevich on the question of the future of this couple. The union must be strong in all respects, including legally. I do not believe in a civil marriage on a parity basis. As a rule, in this situation, one of the parties will surely lose. And in general, a lot is not clear. Was it worth it to be so encrypted to "suddenly" talk about pregnancy, in fact, in the early stages? And how does this fit with Daria's previous statement that only a wedding will dispel rumors about her romance. Of course, you can always say: "It's none of your business," but people are public and know that if you say "a", you have to say "b".

What can I say ... Great news)) Well done King and Queen! Congratulations!

So that's great! Children are such happiness!

Wah! What a news! Congratulations guys! It's high time for Ole.

An interesting international union. Great biathlete and a great biathlete. Norway and Belarus.
But there are some questions ...
Didn't they announce early offspring early? How serious are the intentions of this pretty public couple in terms of organizing a stable social unit? Will Domracheva tie up with big-time sports? And so on ...
In any case, I wish them happiness and good luck in their personal affairs, in life and in biathlon ...

Silver medal in the pursuit at the Biathlon World Championships in Hochfilzen, Austria. This award became the first podium for an athlete in this season... On the same day, bronze in the same discipline went to Daria's wife, the Norwegian biathlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen.

In the past 12 years, this is the first time that a husband and wife have won the World Championship on the same day.

In 2004, Poiret and his wife Liv Gret won the mass start races.

In honor of this common victory, Daria posted a picture on her Instagram, under which she congratulated Ole Einar on his victory. We decided to remember

July 17, that the couple got married. On his page in Bjoerndalen he posted their joint wedding photo, where Daria was in a white dress and a flower wreath, and the athlete was in a suit. " What a lovely day!:)"The athlete signed a photo that received more than 45 thousand likes. I posted the same photo and Belarusian biathlete on your Instagram page with a similar signature.

Photo: OleEinarBjoerndalen

The photo in her account got more than 20 thousand likes. In the comments, users were sincerely happy for the athletes and wished them family happiness and wisdom in raising their unborn child.

Indeed, in April 2016, the couple said that they would become the parents of a baby in the fall. Bjoerndalen himself announced this at a press conference and his words were confirmed by Daria Domracheva on her website.

Screenshot from the site

who was named Xenia. The biathlete posted a photo of the festive table, in the signature to which she thanked everyone for the congratulations and separately said thanks to all the doctors who “ helped this miracle happen on October 1". Little Xenia's father posted a similar photo on his page, where he also expressed gratitude to everyone for the kind words.

Photo: dadofun

Two weeks after the birth of their daughter, the family delighted their subscribers with a picture where the newly-made parents are walking with a stroller. " On an evening walk with the whole family! Ksenia is breathing fresh air!:) ", - wrote Ole Einar, and Daria added" Sweet Ksyushin sleep in the fresh air ...».

Photo: dadofun

However, they found time for rest. On his Facebook page, the Norwegian biathlete posted a photo where he and Daria and their friends are preparing dinner. " At the end of a long training day, and after Xenia fell asleep, together with Mister Lee, Pippo and Dashulya we cooked a Chinese dinner. Mr. Lee not only excellent masseur, he is also a great cook!", - the athlete signed the picture.

Photo: OleEinarBjoerndalen

On January 27, 2017, Ole Einar celebrated his 43rd birthday. On the same day, the biathlete published on his page a congratulation from his wife, which made him very happy. The phrase "Happy Birthday" and a heart are trampled on it in the snow.

Photo: OleEinarBjoerndalen

On February 12, after two prize races for the family, both athletes congratulated each other with posts on social networks.

« Congratulations, mom! We proud of you! ❤❤❤ Ksenia and Ole», -

this is how her husband congratulated Daria Domracheva on the silver medal.

Photo: OleEinarBjoerndalen

After the victory of Ole Einar, our Dasha wrote: “ Super dad! Great day! Very proud!»

Photo: dadofun

After his prize finish, the athlete admitted to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet that he was pleased to see Dasha finish with Ksenia on his knees. Yes, and his race was the best possible - this bronze for an athlete is more expensive than gold.

Photo: dadofun

Daria Domracheva, biathlete:
An amazing day for the whole family! Thanks to everyone who believed! Thanks to the whole team for their tremendous support! Step by step we are going in the right direction.

“Well, at last they got married,” fans of Domracheva gasped when they saw a photo of Ole Einar and Daria in wedding dresses.

Simultaneously, he and she on the night of July 17 issued on their Instagram pages a wedding photo with the same signature: "What a beautiful day!". Very restrained, but even these few words, given the secrecy of both, is a feat for Bjoerndalen and Domracheva.

King and queen, multiples Olympic champions for several years they hid their romance, which was an open secret.

And this year they gave up, giving us that in October they would have a child, and now they announced the wedding.

True, so far not a word about how they celebrated. One can only guess that in Norway, because the author of the wedding photo is a famous Norwegian photographer.

You look at this photo and remember how they joked about their marriage.

“I want to thank the one who came up with such a joke on April 1. My family and I laughed heartily. But many believed. " So Domracheva two years ago replied to the message that she had married Bjoerndalen. But they started joking for a reason. They have already been seen together more than once, and the Italian press at the beginning of 2013 reported that Daria was the reason for the Norwegian's separation from his Italian wife Natalie Santer.

Feelings appeared, of course, much earlier. “I remember how he approached me at the Games in Vancouver to congratulate me on the bronze medal,” Daria told reporters. - He himself won silver that day in individual race sharing it with our Sergei Novikov. I was shocked then. Bjoerndalen himself, wow! "

What did Bjoerndalen think when he saw Domracheva? "Wow", "Stunned" or something like that? But he didn't mind if the friendship "developed a little." So the Norwegian once expressed himself about the relationship with the Belarusian.

Why Daria Domracheva did not dare to talk about her close relationship with Ole Einar, one can only guess. It's funny to read her comment now: "The only official information about my personal life will be a message about my marriage." Still, the first official information came not about marriage, but about pregnancy, in April this year.

In the summer of 2015, Ole Einar honored Minsk with his presence and even visited Raubichi with Daria. We captured their visit, but the stars did not speak to us. Moreover, Daria was angry that we found them and in return photographed our photographer, which he was flattered. In April 2015, at the Race of Champions in Tyumen, Bjoerndalen hugged her so that it became clear to everyone: friendship had turned into love.

In October 2015, Soviet Sport journalist Dmitry Egorov said that Domracheva was pregnant.

I have no such information about my position, - said Daria to us then.

She appeared a few months later, in April:

30 years is a great age for the birth of a child. In the fall, I will become a mother! This event is planned and very desirable, - wrote Daria on her website.

And Ole Einar became a frequent guest in Minsk. Now this is his home. In every sense of the word. Together, he and Daria control the construction of their country house, which is located near Minsk. The layout is of the Domrachev families, after all, they are architects.

And if Domracheva does not discuss her personal life with the press, then Bjoerndalen is very frank. For example, he was happy to tell the Norwegian press that:

Construction is going well. Daria has been building this house for many years. This large project, which I think will be completed within next year… I think it will be great to spend a lot of time in Minsk. This is a beautiful city, we feel good there

It is absolutely certain that our child will speak two or even three languages. You need to know several languages, this is useful ... I don't speak so much Russian, I just understand a little. I think I will teach him with the child.

I hope I'll become a good father ... I'm not worried about what kind of mother Daria will be. It will be wonderful.

The timing of the pre-season high-altitude training camp coincides with the birth at Daria, where I will be present. In fact, this is something much more important than biathlon and altitude training ... But I admit that it will be a special combination of having a small child and doing sports at the highest level.

The next chapter of the exciting novel will be Daria's birth. If in Norway they still cannot get an answer to the question of what citizenship the child will have, then in Belarus the fans argue about where she will give birth.

We do not even doubt that tsarist conditions will be created for Domracheva in Minsk. But what can I say, the whole country will give birth with her! And this is not just guesswork. In April 2014, Daria, together with Alexander Lukashenko, within the framework of the republican subbotnik, worked on the construction of a new obstetric and gynecological building of the 5th city clinical hospital.

Then the president told her:

Here, Dasha, we will give you a separate room. And give twins.

The head physician of the hospital, Mikhail Nazarchuk, told Komsomolskaya Pravda that the ward was ready:

And what to cook it - all our wards are excellent, even now go to bed: beautiful, comfortable, single.

And if you give birth with Bjoerndalen?

Then we will put it in a double: upholstered furniture, beautiful, you will not be ashamed. There are even two-room VIP chambers: in one room there is a mother with a child, in another, a dad can rest. The rooms are separated by a door. This room has a plasma TV, refrigerator, shower room, toilet. A separate medical staff is assigned to this ward, with a separate midwife. So childbirth is only in our maternity hospital.

A couple is waiting for a girl. And at the beginning of next year, Daria wants to return to the ski track.

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