What are the advantages and disadvantages of fish planning. Fish farming technology in artificial reservoirs

At some point, many citizens come to the idea of ​​how to breed fish in artificial reservoirs. After all, how much can you spend on expensive gear and wander along various rivers and ponds! At the same time, it is possible that you will have to go home empty-handed. Own has a number of advantages. This is, first of all, saving money and time, and also there is always the possibility if you take an occupation with full responsibility.

You can make a fish pond at your own dacha. It will also perfectly fit into the landscape interior of your personal plot and give it a special flavor. Moreover, the owners of such reservoirs can go fishing at any time. In this case, you will not have to go back without a catch. You should also take into account the fact that fish grown on our own will be environmentally friendly and harmless. This is a significant plus.

In order for artificial reservoirs to bring not only pleasure, but also profit, it is necessary to responsibly organize the whole process. This is not an easy task. Even a small body of water will require a lot of time and effort, but everything is feasible and realistic. More on this later.

Choosing a place for an artificial reservoir

In this regard, it is necessary the right approach... The artificial fish pond should be located in a suitable place and be of appropriate size. In this case, consider the following:

  • Warm water negatively affects the well-being of the fish, as this factor contributes to the development of algae and leads to a lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is better to place the future reservoir in an appropriate place. Namely, in the area that is in partial shade during the hottest time of the day, and warms up in the sun before lunchtime.
  • It is necessary to clearly determine the purpose of the artificial reservoir and choose the size accordingly. For amateur fishing, it is enough to build a fish pond with a diameter of one hundred meters. If the reservoir is meant for industrial purposes, then its diameter should be at least 200 m.

Water supply to the reservoir

This process can be carried out in both natural and artificial ways. A combined version is also possible. If the first method is chosen, which is much simpler in equipment, then it is necessary to make sure of the quality of water and soil so that this factor does not affect the future fish and does not cause its death. This procedure can be performed in sanitary and epidemiological laboratories. In order to correctly provide the sample, you need to collect water in a small container at the source. Beforehand, it should be shaken so that there is about 30% of silt and soil in the liquid.

With artificial water supply, the pond is equipped with a drainage system or pipes connected to pumps of a certain power. It depends on the individual approach.

Dimensions and arrangement of an artificial reservoir

In this case, certain criteria must be observed. Namely:

  • As an initial stage of work, it is necessary to dig a fish pond. This task, of course, will take a lot of time and effort if there is no existing reservoir nearby. You need to dig deep into the depths until you reach the level of clayey rocks, that is, at least 1 m.As for the width, length and shape of the pond, it all depends on your own preferences and future goals in such a matter as fish farming in artificial reservoirs ...
  • Then the bottom is carefully compacted and cemented. For long-term use, it is recommended to additionally cover it with plastic wrap.

  • The next step will be the external arrangement of your own reservoir. Often along coastline shrubs and trees are planted, which in the future will serve as protection for the fish. It is recommended to choose water-loving seedlings as vegetation: reeds, willow, cattail and others. Be sure that in the future they will not only provide a protective function, but also perfectly fit into the exterior of the reservoir. If there is an additional desire to breed crayfish, then stones and crockery shards are placed at the bottom of the pond. They will protect this living creature from fish during molting. This is important to know.
  • When the fish tank and surroundings are ready, you should start filling the reservoir with water. This should not be too difficult. In autumn, before the onset of cold weather, the water completely descends.

Selecting fish for cultured farming

It is necessary to correctly determine in this regard. When breeding fish in artificial reservoirs, carp and crucian carp are often chosen. This is the best option... It is in such conditions that the carp quickly reaches a sufficiently large size. This trend is due to the fact that fish spend much less energy in small bodies of water to find food. It is recommended to adhere to the following very important condition... It consists in the fact that 10-20 fish should be allowed in per 1 m³ of water.

Creation of the necessary microclimate

This is an important condition in this case. The temperature and acidity of the water are decisive and very important factors for the vitality of neglected fish. There are certain rules to follow. They are as follows:

  • The optimal acidity index should fluctuate between pH 6-7. A decrease in this indicator negatively affects the life of the fish. It can always be lifted and stabilized. This is achieved by adding a small amount of soda or limestone solution to the water. To determine the average acidity in a reservoir, it is necessary to measure this parameter in several places. It should also be remembered that direct sunlight quickly increases this indicator.
  • When launching fish into an artificial reservoir, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature regime. This is an essential condition. It lies in the fact that the temperature indicator in the pond and in the container with a certain fish should be the same. This is important to remember. If the difference is significant, the fish may experience temperature shock. This will lead to her death in a short time.

Food for efficient fish farming

The growth of this living creature directly depends on nutrition. Since carp and crucian carp are omnivorous inhabitants of water bodies, the procedure for feeding them is greatly simplified. In this case, ordinary feed, cereals and legumes, which are often used for agricultural purposes, can be used as food.

Special is a free-flowing powder. For proper preparation, it is necessary to mix it with water until a thick consistency is obtained, reminiscent of a mushy mass. Do not exceed the permissible one-time feed rate. It should be 3-6% of the volume of the mass of fish in the reservoir.

The time, place and method of feeding are determined independently. You can use to feed the food product special device, which easily sinks into the water and can be removed in the same way. Thanks to this mechanism, you can always control the remainder of food and dispose of waste in time so as not to pollute the reservoir.

It is also recommended that you choose a specific feeding location for the fish. This process is usually performed 1-2 times a day at the same time. A bell can be used to induce a reflexive perception of the feeding period in the fish. Residents of an artificial reservoir will get used to this over time. On a signal, they will float to the designated place.

Varieties of fish for artificial breeding

In this case, everything depends on the individual desire. For breeding fish in artificial reservoirs, the following representatives are perfect water world: crucian carp, carp, tench, pike, ide, silver carp and others. Let's consider some individuals in more detail.

The tench is an omnivorous fish and quickly adapts to changing surroundings. It easily tolerates changes in acidity and the amount of oxygen in a particular body of water. At the same time, the tench is very sensitive to various mechanical influences and belongs to very shy fish. It is not recommended to grow tench together with carp and crucian carp. In the first case, fish of two different families, living in the same body of water, often fight for leadership and food provided. The body of a tench is usually covered with mucus. It hardens when there is a lack of oxygen, and then begins to gradually fall off, and yellow spots form in these places. One of the conditions for artificially breeding lines is the presence of fish of other families in the reservoir.

To grow an ide, you need large sizes reservoir, since an adult can reach 0.5 m in length.

Goldfish can also be attributed to the not very whimsical representatives of the aquatic world. This is undoubtedly a positive quality when breeding fish in artificial reservoirs.

Let's consider some important aspects in this case. They are as follows:

  • The correct technology of fish breeding, of course, should relate to the appropriate arrangement of an artificial reservoir. The optimal depth of the planned pond is considered to be at least 3 m. The minimum possible value should be 1.5 m. To control this indicator, you can always build a special dosimeter. It is reinforced at the appropriate level.
  • It is always necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the reservoir. This should be done both at the bottom and on the shore. This is important to know. An artificial drain will help to clean the bottom. This is a definite device. It can be built at the approximate center of the bottom. As for the coastline, it is periodically necessary to clean up leaves, stumps and other debris that has accumulated on it.

The optimal dimensions that an artificial fish pond should have are 4 × 6 m and a depth of 1-1.5 m. This format contributes to excellent water heating in summer to 24-26 ° C. It is this temperature that is considered favorable for the intensive development and growth of fish. This is an important factor. If the water temperature in the pond drops to 10 ° C, this will lead to a decrease in fish activity. Accordingly, its growth will also decrease. High temperature water (above +30 ° С) worsens the health of the fish. This very often leads to her death.

After the specified fish breeding tank is filled with water, there is no need to rush to start the fry right away. Haste is inappropriate in this case. It is necessary to give time to the water to settle, warm up. She also needs to acquire the necessary microorganisms. To speed up this process, it is recommended to add several buckets of natural water to the artificial pond.

Decorative arrangement of the reservoir

This is an important point. After the construction of the fish breeding reservoir is successfully completed with the maintenance of all conditions, you can do the decor. This aspect completely depends on the individual imagination of the designer and his capabilities. It is always possible to limit yourself to simple planting of shrubs and trees along the coast. But it is also possible to distinguish yourself with your imagination and equip the pond with night lighting, additional buildings and sculptures. Of course, this will give it beauty and sophistication, and in some cases even act as a protection for the inhabitants of the reservoir. Therefore, the decor is an important stage in the process when the construction of fish ponds is carried out.


In conclusion, I would like to say that you should carefully read the above information. She will help those citizens who wish to build a fish pond.

Fish growth continues throughout its life. But the increase in body weight is uneven. Young individuals grow faster than adults. In addition, the intensity of growth depends on the season, food supply and characteristics of the reservoir. For example, carp does not grow at all in winter, since at low temperatures it stops feeding.

When breeding fish in a pond, these features must be taken into account. Only in this case will the cultivation of the livestock be successful. You will find the corresponding recommendations in this article.

Growing fish in the country: what types to choose

Each type of fish requires not only certain feed and conditions, but also breeding technology.

The easiest way is to populate yearlings in the pond in the spring and catch them in the fall. But if there is no opportunity to buy the grown young growth, the pond is populated with fry and raised by the method of breeding marketable underyearlings.

When self-breeding carp from fry, it is necessary to equip several types of ponds for spawning, rearing young stock and winter keeping. Breeding young animals - great way save money on the purchase of ready-made planting material.

Note: The most suitable carp species are those that are common in the region of your backyard. For example, in the south it is better to grow the Stavropol and Krasnodar varieties, in temperate climates - the Parsky and Central Russian varieties, and in the north - the Sarboyansky and Altai varieties.

Since female carp are highly fertile, only a few males and females are needed for full breeding. As a rule, fish are used for spawning for no more than seven years. Producers are kept separately from the rest of the fish. In addition, during the spawning period, they need to be heavily fed. Only high-quality males and females without defects are suitable for breeding.

Note: Gender is difficult to determine in carp. This can be done only in sexually mature individuals and only during the spawning period. At this time, in females, the genital opening increases and turns red, and the abdominal cavity becomes soft. In males, during the spawning period, warts appear on the gills and head.

Spawning productivity depends not only on the quality of males and females, but also on the preparation of the reservoir. Since carps lay their eggs in the substrate, the bottom should be covered with soft vegetation, turf or needles. Sometimes artificial spawning grounds are arranged. The water temperature should be no higher than 18 degrees. Females lay eggs and males fertilize them. Caviar ripens for 3-5 days, depending on the temperature of the water. The optimal indicator is considered to be 18-26 degrees.

For normal growth of young animals, it is necessary to provide them with good protein feed: small crustaceans, insect larvae, etc. Since a lot of larvae hatch from one nest, they need to be planted after growing up, since the natural food base of the pond will not be enough.

  • When buying fry, you must first hold them in water for transportation, and only then transplant them into a new pond. This is necessary to equalize the temperature. If this is not done, the fry will experience temperature shock and die.
  • Slaked lime should be added to the pond to normalize acidity and prevent disease.
  • Regular application of mineral and organic fertilizers contributes to the formation of a natural forage base. However, when too much manure is applied, the hydrochemical composition of the water deteriorates, therefore, organic matter must be supplemented with mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus). They must first be dissolved in water. But if the pond is intensively overgrown with algae, no fertilizer is applied.
  • Special ponds should be prepared for wintering. If the body of water is covered with a thick crust of ice, its depth should be about two meters. Water needs to be additionally aerated by making ice holes or connecting compressors. If possible, clean water can be added to the pond. In winter, carps are not fed because at low temperatures they stop feeding. In the spring, they begin to feed the carp, and the amount of food introduced in the summer reaches twice a day. In addition, the fish should be caught gradually. Reducing the number of individuals will help to grow higher quality products.

Young carp need additional feeding. Food is brought in once or twice a day. The number of feedings is increased as the water temperature rises.

Note: Use the white disc to determine if fertilization is needed. It is immersed in water to a depth at which it will be visible. If the line of sight is at a depth of 25-30 cm, fertilization can be omitted, and if more than 50, the pond is fertilized.

When growing carp, you need to control the size of the fish by conducting control catches. The fish is measured, weighed and released back into the water. If individuals begin to lag behind in growth, the water quality, food supply and oxygen content should be checked.

  • Goldfish

This is a fish that is unpretentious in terms of water quality and can be bred in a wide variety of water bodies. Usually, crucian carp feeds on small crustaceans, but the natural food base can be quickly depleted, therefore, additional mineral and organic fertilizers should be applied. This stimulates the formation of feed, since artificial feeding is poorly consumed by crucian carp.

In winter, crucian carp does not feed, and food consumption begins only after the air temperature rises to 6-8 degrees. Of particular value is a hybrid of goldfish and carp, which is not only resistant to living conditions, but also undemanding to feed.

  • White amur

It can be grown alone or with other vegetation-eating fish. Planting density depends on the amount of aquatic vegetation. If the pond is moderately overgrown, you can grow 1-2 fish per 10 square meters. With a lack of vegetation, artificial feed is introduced, but cupid eats them much worse.

  • Silver carp

It can be grown at high density. This is due to the fact that silver carp eats mainly aquatic vegetation. For full growth, individuals need not only a good food base, but also a favorable regime. The water temperature should be 25-27 degrees, and the oxygen level should be at least 5 mg / l.

Typically, silver carp ponds should not be deep. The penetration of sunlight into the water column not only promotes heating, but also stimulates the growth of algae.

  • Silver carp

Unlike the white, the silver carp feeds on zooplankton, not algae, although the cultivation regime for these varieties is the same. Considering that there is usually more algae in ponds than plankton, the stocking density of silver carp should be less than that of white. However, it can be grown together with carp without the risk of forage competition.

  • Rainbow trout

It grows and develops rapidly in cool, oxygenated water. The optimum temperature is 14-18 degrees. The fish does well at lower rates, but if it exceeds +22 Celsius, the trout stops feeding and growing.

Trout ponds should be flowing, but trout can also be grown in cages or pools. Spawning is stimulated artificially by collecting eggs and sperm. In the future, dry or semi-dry insemination is carried out (Figure 1):

  • When dry, the caviar and semen are mixed, poured with water (so that the liquid covers the caviar), mixed again and washed after 5-10 minutes. After that, the caviar should be left in water for 3 hours to swell.
  • In semi-dry conditions, the semen is diluted with water and added to the eggs just before insemination. The products are immediately mixed, and when the caviar swells, it is transferred to a special incubation apparatus. It is constantly supplied with water. Biting occurs in about 5-7 days.

Figure 1. The order of insemination of trout eggs

The incubator must be covered, as the larvae do not tolerate light well. The fry are transplanted into the pools after they have completely dissolved gall bladder... Examples of incubators for hatching trout fry are shown in Figure 2.

  • Peled, pelchir

They are demanding fish, preferring cool waters with oxygen-enriched water. The advantage should be given to flowing water bodies, but fish can also be grown in stagnant ponds, but care must be taken that the water contains a sufficient amount of oxygen (6-7 mg / l).

  • Sturgeon

They can be grown in small ponds, pools and cages. They must be flowing, and the slopes must be strengthened. The fastest growing are beluga, bester and paddlefish, therefore they are mainly bred in household plots.

It is economically profitable to grow channel catfish. It adapts well to various growing conditions, is undemanding to feed and grows quickly. When applying artificial feed, preference should be given to foods rich in protein. In addition to ponds, catfish can be grown in pools and cages, but a more intensive feeding regime should be provided.

It is a predatory fish that increases the productivity of water bodies. If there is a sufficient amount of feed, pike can be reared together with crucian carp or carp. As a rule, stocking density is 2 individuals per 100 square meters, but if there is a lack of feed, the stocking density should be reduced.

  • Buffalo

A heat-loving fish whose breeding ponds must meet the standard requirements for herbivorous ponds. Buffalo feeds on aquatic vegetation, and in order to achieve a good weight of individuals, it is necessary to provide a complete food base.

  • Acne

One of the most valuable species due to its high taste. In addition, eels are easy enough to breed. The larvae are caught in coastal waters of natural reservoirs and transplanted into ponds. The stocking density can reach 2 thousand individuals per square meter. The larvae stay here for about a month, after which they are sorted by size and planted in different bodies of water.

Figure 2. Examples of incubators for hatching fry

When grown in pools, the fish will be ready for sale in 3-4 months, but this requires a high flow of water and good aeration.

  • Tilapia

In temperate climates, tilapia can only be grown in artificial reservoirs with a controlled temperature regime. If this condition is met, further breeding of tilapia is not difficult. They multiply quickly and easily, tolerate transportation well and do not have a high demand for feed.

In addition, tilapia can be bred with other fish that feed on aquatic vegetation.

From the video you will learn how to properly incubate eggs and keep fry.

DIY pond construction

If your site already has a small body of water, you can successfully use it for fish farming. But, if there is no pond, you will have to build it yourself. First of all, you need to choose the right place for the reservoir: it should be in partial shade, in the very low-lying area (Figure 3).

Note: Shading the pond can be made artificial, as nearby trees will pollute the water with leaves, and roots can disrupt the coastline.

To build a pond with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. The depth of the reservoir should be at least a meter, and the length and width are determined by the personal preferences of the owner.
  2. The soil at the bottom of the pit is carefully compacted and covered with a layer of cement.
  3. After the solution has solidified, a special polyethylene film for artificial reservoirs is placed on the bottom of the pit. It will help you quickly and easily clear debris from the pond.
  4. Then you can start filling the pond with water. First, you need to pour out a third of the planned liquid so that the film at the bottom straightens out. After that, soil and river sand are laid out on the bottom, and planted aquatic plants... Only then can the remaining water run.

Figure 3. The main stages of pond construction

At the final stage, you can decorate the banks of the reservoir with ornamental shrubs, trees and grass. It is not recommended to start the fish immediately after construction: the water must stand for a while so that its own microorganism environment and temperature appears in it. To speed up this process, you can leave some wilted grass at the bottom or pour two or three buckets of water from a natural reservoir into the pond.

Breeding fish at home

There are several methods for raising fish at home. they depend on the type of fish and the way it is fed. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Extensive system

No special food is introduced into the reservoir, and the fish feeds only on the existing food supply in the pond. In fact, this is grazing fish farming. Its main advantage is the minimum financial costs for obtaining finished products.

This method can be successfully applied in southern regions and in large reservoirs, where the natural food base allows carp to be reared together with other herbivorous fish.

Semi-intensive method

The basis of this method is that the fish's protein requirement is met by natural feed, while the energy requirement is provided by special carbohydrate additives (for example, corn, wheat or barley).

The use of such a breeding system allows a more thoughtful use of the natural food base and accelerates the growth of aquatic inhabitants for further implementation.

Intensive breeding system

The fodder base is created artificially by land reclamation, fertilization and fodder. For this method, it is necessary to equip special reservoirs (examples are shown in Figure 4).

Figure 4. Ponds and pools for intensive fish farming

The intensive fish farming method includes several technologies that are successfully used in modern enterprises:

  1. Traditional: used mainly for the cultivation of herbivorous fish (eg carp). The technology involves the use of several types of ponds for each growing cycle: spawning, rearing, fry, wintering and feeding. If the fry are purchased from another farm, the nursery ponds do not need to be equipped. Also, the technology implies a different level of intensification. If it is tall, the fish are fed multiple times, and several varieties can be simultaneously in the same reservoir. In such conditions, up to 5 tons of fish can be obtained from one hectare of the reservoir. However, the effectiveness of traditional technology depends on the quality of the running water, aeration and liming of the pond.
  2. Continuous: young animals are grown to a certain weight (1-2 grams), and then brought to marketable weight, without transplanting into other reservoirs. This method is simpler as it requires only two types of ponds: fry and feeding.
  3. Method of growing marketable fingerlings: with this method, they practice earlier obtaining larvae and their further rearing in warm water. Thereafter, the fish is raised in a thinned planting. During the season, you can get underyearlings weighing up to 500 grams.
  4. High intensity(Figure 5): implies growing in pools and cages. The cages are placed in natural reservoirs or industrial coolers. With the high-intensity method, fish farming can be practiced year-round, breeding thermophilic species in summer and cold-loving species in winter.

Figure 5. Artificial reservoirs for high-intensity fish farming

When choosing a technology, one should focus not only on feeding conditions and water quality, but also on the type of fish. Below are the main features of breeding certain varieties.

Any of the chosen methods involves stocking the reservoir. How this process is carried out correctly is shown in the video.

What to feed the fish in the pond

The quality of feed and water directly affects the growth rate of fish. In addition, development slows down after puberty, so young individuals are of particular interest for households. As a rule, the rearing period lasts no more than two years, since during this time the fish reaches the desired size, but the period of puberty has not yet arrived.

Figure 6. Requirements for the arrangement of a reservoir for fish farming

In addition, breeding reservoirs must be properly equipped. Examples are shown in Figure 6.

Note: When choosing a species for breeding in a home farm, you need to focus not only on the intensity of growth, but also on other indicators: water quality, the availability of suitable feed and the climatic zone in which the farm is located.

All types of fish are divided into heat-loving and cold-loving (Figure 7). The first group includes most of the popular varieties (for example, crucian carp, carp, etc.). The second is much smaller in number. It includes species such as trout, whitefish, wild boil and peled. For example, cold-loving varieties are demanding on the level of oxygen in the water (the indicator should be at least 9).

Figure 7. Common types of fish for pond rearing. Heat-loving: 1 - crucian carp, 2 - carp; cold-loving: 3 - trout, 4 - peled

In addition, they require less nitrogen and organic matter. For example, in a reservoir for growing carp, the nitrogen content can reach one and a half units, while in ponds for trout, this indicator should be zero.

Fish products are always in demand among the population, although not everyone has time to rest with a fishing rod in their stock. It is much faster to buy fish in the market or in a specialized store, especially since the assortment is always varied. Fish farming is a great idea for fishing enthusiasts.

Features of the activity, profitability

Each type of fish needs its own conditions. The most unpretentious for cultivation is carp. With a suitable temperature regime and timely feeding, these individuals quickly reach the desired size and acquire a full-fledged presentation.

But in addition to regular and timely nutrition, it is also necessary to take into account the features that exist in the fish family. For example, the composition of food for feeding a particular fish species at the time of spawning varies significantly. For fry, a completely different composition is needed than for fish in adulthood. Only when correct selection nutrition depending on the type of fish you can achieve maximum profitability results.

A properly formulated diet stimulates not only the growth of fish, but also the quality of reproduction. Ignoring all principles proper nutrition, fish can be exposed to various diseases. And the mass destruction of the goods will lead the business to losses.

Correct business organization gives a predictable and good income.

At the first stage of doing business, you should purchase a batch of fry. The price category depends on the type of fish and its age. The smallest fish is much more expensive than the matured fry. For example, if an entrepreneur plans to buy trout fry, it will cost him 350 rubles and more per kilogram.

When fry are purchased, the percentage of their loss should be taken into account, it is equal to 10 units of total weight goods. The weight of a live adult fish reaches 700-800 grams, taking into account the fact that it grows for about two years. Realization of live fish at a price of 140-180 rubles per kilogram.

Professional farmers in the fishing industry buy already inseminated eggs in exchange for fry. This type of product has certain advantages for a streamlined business process. But for beginners, in the absence of experience, this option is not suitable.

In case of constant entrepreneurship, fish farming in water bodies should be supplemented with other related income-generating activities. For example, organize fishing for money with the rental of tackle and equipment for fishing. Also, near the reservoir, you can put camping sites with rental of fishing accessories.

This idea will work in the case when the fishing object is located in the territory of the settlement or near it. Such additional income will bring the business an additional 10% of its fisheries revenue.

From this we can conclude that fish farming in artificial reservoirs as a business has every chance of success and a steady income.

A business will be profitable if you write a business plan that takes into account costs and benefits, taking into account all stages, from breeding to selling fish products.

Home fish farming from scratch

To grow any kind of fish, the most important condition is needed - water space. Not only the rapid growth of fish depends on high-quality water, but also further offspring. Before starting a business from scratch, a prospective entrepreneur needs to conduct a complete analysis of the water in a body of water, pool, lake or pond. The quality of the water must fully comply with the standards for the full settlement of new residents.

Specialists from the epidemiological surveillance will take the necessary water samples and give full advice on its purification. If the quality of the water does not meet the established standards, cleaning the reservoir and its aeration will create a favorable habitat for fish.

To operate fish farming profitably at home, you need to calculate the costs and future profits. The prepared estimate of the project will clarify the picture of upcoming costs and planned income. You need to take the approximate amount of calculation as a basis, for example, carp will serve as a model:

  • buying a small fish (fry) - about 8,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • monthly payment to service personnel - approximately 25,000–35,000 rubles;
  • a mixture of feed for individuals and medicinal components - 8,000 rubles.
  • additional costs for maintenance, cleaning of the reservoir and its upgrading - about 20,000 rubles.

The cost of maintaining one medium-sized reservoir or basin will amount to about 61,000 - 73,000 rubles.

The natural income from the sale of carp is 110,000 rubles. From this it follows that the net profit after deducting expenses is 37,000 rubles or more.

Important: take into account the fact that in the future the entrepreneur will not need to buy fry, so costs will be cut by half - by 50%. Having your own lake and high-quality water supply is an excellent environment for fish breeding in a natural way.

It follows from this that carp breeding at home as a business is quite a great idea, but there is one drawback - a long payback time.

Company registration documents

A future entrepreneur should register his farm as an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you will need the following documents:

  1. An application form for a private person to register an enterprise (farm).
  2. A written statement from an entrepreneur on the creation of an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Receipt for payment of the state fee.
  4. Copy of taxpayer identification code.
  5. A copy of the passport and its original.

Very important: follows with special attention refer to filling out all the listed documents. An entrepreneur may be denied registration of documents in the event that the relevant authority reveals hidden information, inaccuracies in the data provided or in the serial numbers of the pages.

To open a fish farm, you need to obtain permission from the Epidemiology Committee, having passed a veterinary examination. Also, when renting a territory, you should provide documents on environmental safety for the environment.

Fish farming as a business at home

Homemade fish farming is a lucrative idea for smart income generation. For those people who love fishing and leisurely recreation, fish farming in the pools is a great business. But you shouldn't hope for a quick return of expenses.

Expect to increase your start-up capital in three years. This is how long it will take to talk about the profitability of fish farming. In many ways, future profit depends on the entrepreneur's serious approach to the idea itself.

Choosing a place and creating a reservoir

When choosing a place for a future reservoir, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • depth, volume and area of ​​the selected object;
  • temperature indicator of water and acidity of the habitable environment;
  • remoteness of the settlement and a convenient road from it to the reservoir;
  • safety of transportation of fish products.

Important: Each type of fish needs a specific temperature range. For example, for carp it is enough to choose a temperature regime within 24-25 0 С, for trout - up to 19 0 С.

Large-scale reservoirs must have a suitable hydrochemical composition and have a precisely matched temperature regime. To adjust the parameters of the water in the pool, you need to use filtering and disinfecting units.

Oxygen generators must be in good working order. The presence of flora in the reservoir is a good condition for fish. Cleaning the bottom from excess algae and silt accumulations is a mandatory procedure for the care of the reservoir.

Ponds are divided into types:

  • beam,
  • channel,
  • floodplain.

The price of each type depends on its design and additional functions.

Fry rearing equipment

Reservoirs for growing small fish are divided according to their qualifications. There are 4 types of reservoirs:

  • feeding,
  • growing,
  • spawning,
  • wintering.

Fish breeding pools can also be installed on your backyard. For these purposes, auxiliary rooms with specially created conditions are suitable.

Maintenance of an artificial reservoir requires an installed closed water supply system. In an artificial environment, the fry are created as close as possible to natural living conditions. In the created environment, individuals grow faster, excluding the wintering period.

The components of a closed water supply system include:

  • mechanical filtration system;
  • biological filtration system;
  • pumps for water purification;
  • pool;
  • acidity adjustment generator;
  • generators for oxygen saturation of water.

The equipment should be calculated taking into account the number of individuals living in the reservoir, their species and the total area of ​​the pool or pond. An artificial reservoir or natural one is also taken into account.

Equipment for the reservoir

The main equipment for reservoirs is considered to be a gravity filter. Its function is water purification. The number of technical equipment should be selected depending on the fish species and their sizes. Aspiring entrepreneurs are better off turning to specialists on the issue of equipping. Full consultation about technical characteristics and the advantages of the equipment can be given by its manufacturers.

There are many courses and seminars on the topic of fish farming, so it would be nice for beginners to get additional knowledge. The development of fish farming in Russia is set at the state level, and the necessary information can be found in expanded form.

The nuances of feeding

The nutritional quality of aquatic inhabitants depends on their species, characteristics of growth and development, and environmental conditions. The feed mixture for fish has a difference in the set of ingredients and nutrients. Each variety has its own diet. This rule applies to young animals and large individuals. After all, what is useful for fry is not always suitable for adult fish.

Important: The energy requirement of fish is low, so it is important not to overfeed them.

The purchase of fish feed is the main cost item in the business plan. For the normal life and development of fish, it is important to buy only high-quality feed. Protein foods are especially beneficial for the inhabitants of water bodies.

For general information : with regular feeding, there is a chance to get 0.5 tons of fish products per year, with enhanced feeding - three times more, given the total pond area of ​​1 hectare.

For the rational feeding of fish, the following components are needed:

  • amino acids to support appetite and growth (important for fry);
  • enzyme preparations for fast absorption and breakdown of food;
  • vegetable fats for healthy offspring;
  • krill and meat and bone meal;
  • cereal mixtures fortified with vitamin B;
  • feed mixture to maintain immunity;
  • powdered milk for young individuals.

All fish species without exception are suitable for foods containing cereals and legumes.

Feeding takes place several times throughout the day at the same time and place. It is not a bad idea to equip the lake with convenient feeders or trays for feed mixtures, and equip the place for feeding with bells for summoning fish schools.

Staff recruitment

It is difficult for any entrepreneur to organize his business alone. In the process, you need to hire assistants - a fish manager or an equipment specialist. Positions for the organization of fisheries:

  1. Fish farming consultant.
  2. Accountant for maintaining documentation on expenses, income, sales of products.
  3. Enterprise administrator.
  4. Water supply and generator operators.
  5. Handymen for the maintenance of the reservoir.

Taking into account the amount of income and production volumes, each entrepreneur can regulate the number of hired personnel.

Fish farming is considered a profitable business if this type of production generates income and is not costly. The investment will pay off quickly if you grow hardy fish. Trout and carp are ideal.

Important: every body of water or artificial pool must be equipped with a drainage system.

All items of expenditure should be taken into account in the costs of growing:

  • for the purchase of fry;
  • payment of wages to service personnel;
  • purchase of feed;
  • insurance premiums;
  • fare;
  • unforeseen expenses for various needs.

Sales of products and additional sources of income

The quick sale of products depends on the established prices. It is important to find regular customers and sell them quality goods.

Shop owners are happy to agree to cooperate with farms, appreciating the quality of their products and favorable prices.

Suitable for the sale of fish:

  1. The shops.
  2. Catering establishments.
  3. Supermarkets.
  4. Special fish points in the markets.
  5. Personal fish store.

Many entrepreneurs in the fishing business are looking for additional sources of income. Your own fish farm as a business can be a great source for attracting loyal customers. The main thing is to equip the place near the reservoir with comfortable ladders, bridges, paths, fences, tables and benches.

On the territory of the fish farm, you can organize:

  • paid fishing;
  • renting fishing rods and tackles;
  • on-site sale of freshly caught fish;
  • boat rental;
  • cooking fish on a grill or fire.

These additional benefits will regularly increase the entrepreneur's income.

What is the best fish to breed?

To make a regular profit on a large scale, you need to select fish species that are suitable for breeding in an artificial environment. Especially popular types relate:

  • trout,
  • carp,
  • perch,
  • crucian carp,
  • other types of carp.

Quite unpretentious fish, but a special technology is used for its cultivation. Only expensive varieties are suitable for nutrition. Saving on cheap feed will entail an unpresentable type of product, namely, valuable trout meat will acquire a white rather than red tint. Regular consumers are well versed in the shades of fish, which means that an entrepreneur has every chance to scare away his own customers with his actions. The white color of meat is obtained as a result of the use of feed additives in the diet.

A versatile fish for cultivation. Carp does not require expensive feed, but it needs to create comfortable conditions in the pond. The water should be warmed up to a temperature of +25 0 С, and the depth of the pond should be more than 2 meters. Harmful impurities in water are excluded. To grow, for example, 2 tons of carp per year, you need a reservoir area of ​​about 1 hectare. Great benefits can be obtained under favorable conditions. It is safe to say that raising fish in pools as a business is not too costly for an entrepreneur with proper income regulation.

This type of fish adapts perfectly to clean water... Differs in both special gluttony and fertility. It grows up to 5 centimeters each year. Perch should not be kept in reservoirs with more valuable fish, because they are capable of absorbing eggs and fry. It is optimal to keep perch along with low-value fish, then they will be beneficial. Intensive growth is observed in the early years; over time, individuals grow up to 25 centimeters. In pools or ponds, fish thrive if there is a lot of algae.

There are two types of crucian carp - gold and silver. The second type is suitable for quick breeding. Crucians are rapidly gaining weight and are unpretentious in maintenance. Their taste and nutritional qualities can compete with carp. The cultivation technology is identical with the carp family. In addition, crucian carp is unpretentious to feed and easily adapts to winter conditions. For novice entrepreneurs, breeding crucian carp will bring good profits.

Other carp

Breeding carp fish requires technical skills, and special literature in this matter will only help. So that the fish do not conflict with each other, try to correctly select them by type.

Important: Perch can eat fry and hunt for eggs.

Fish of the carp family can eat compound feed, legumes, cereals, corn, peas. In the summer, they eat often and a lot in order to stock up on fat for the winter.

Benefits and risks of the fishing business

Every business has its own profitable and risky side. But even with a decrease in market prices for fish products, the profit will be obvious. So, when buying carp worth 70 rubles per kilogram, the profitability will exceed 10%.

With a certain skill, you can breed fish on your summer cottage- in a pool, lake or pond. Connoisseurs of fish dishes give more preference to environmentally friendly products grown on the farmland.

Due to the introduction of retaliatory sanctions, the import of fish products to Russia over the past four years has decreased by 2 times, and the growth of domestic production was about 20%. Therefore, fish farming has become an attractive business option that is actively developing and brings owners a good income.

In world practice, aquaculture, or fish farming in artificial ponds and other reservoirs, provides about 50% of all products consumed. In Russia, this figure is almost 10 times lower, but the situation is rapidly changing towards growth. It is stimulated by the State Program and Law No. 148-FZ on fish farming, adopted in 2013.

According to economic calculations, the cost of one ton of fish products is 2.6 times lower than that of cattle meat, and 1.5 times less than that of poultry. On average, the profitability of fish farming is about 15%. To create profitable business, you need to do some work:

  1. identify the local market demand for fish farming products;
  2. choose the type of fish and the method of growing;
  3. draw up documents for activities and a reservoir;
  4. purchase equipment, fry, feed, medicines;
  5. organize work with wholesale suppliers.

Consumers prefer fish products from local farms. Imported fish, as a rule, are more expensive due to logistic, transport and trade markups. Moreover, its quality leaves much to be desired. The weight of the goods often increases due to ice, the shelf life is unknown, the taste deteriorates from repeated freezing and defrosting.

Where and what fish are bought more

According to a study by VTsIOM, conducted in September 2018, more than 80% of Russian residents regularly buy fish. Moreover, many consumers would do this more often if she had more high quality... At the same time, 73% of older people (45–59 years old) prefer fresh fish that can be cooked on their own.

The survey revealed “fans” of fish, most of them in the Volga, North-West and Siberian districts. Rational consumers prefer it because it is healthy and cheaper than meat. There are many of them in Siberia, and in the European part, especially in villages and small towns. Finally, in the capital and St. Petersburg, where the most capricious consumer, they choose expensive species fish and place high demands on its quality.

With regard to "noble" breeds, the data of VTsIOM show a stable demand for frozen and chilled trout and salmon (57%). Smoked and salted products account for 23–28% of purchases. Fish market experts believe that the current structure of consumer demand is formed on the basis of supply. In other words, people buy what they find on the shelves. In regions of developed fish farming, local freshwater fish: carp, carp, pike perch.

Where to start raising fish

There are five types of aquaculture in total: pond, pasture, industrial, recreational and mariculture. The first three relate to commodity production. Mariculture in our country is poorly developed, it is mainly the cultivation of various animals: shrimp, mussels, as well as seaweed. Recreational, or simply - the organization of paid fishing provides tangible additional income from the fish farming business.

The first question for a novice entrepreneur is the choice of a reservoir for breeding, its arrangement from scratch greatly increases the level of investment in the business. The depth, characteristics of the water and the local climate determine which fish to raise in the pond and the technology for raising it. Everything is easier if there are examples to follow in the nearest neighborhood. If the case is started for the first time, it will not be superfluous to order a fish-breeding biological survey of the pool at the nearest research institute.

Commercial fish farming methods

  • Pasture breeding technology involves the release of fry, fish farming in natural conditions of the coastal sea area, rivers, reservoirs with the subsequent withdrawal of products. It is used little, since stocking is carried out according to an act with the participation of the state inspection (since last year it is not required for ponds), a quota is set for the catch.
  • Industrial aquaculture is gaining momentum. This is fish farming in cages on a dedicated fish-breeding site, or without its allocation - in pools (cages) using warm water from energy facilities and equipment for growing such as recirculating water systems (closed water supply installations).

  • Of all types of commercial fish production in our country, the most popular is fish farming and growing in a pond. This technology requires the least investment, including the purchase of fish seed, the minimum amount of feed, and easier registration. It accounts for about 70% of the volume of our products.

Industrial is the most expensive way of fish farming in terms of investments; noble species are grown on it: sturgeon, sterlet, trout. The cost of their production is twice as high, but the market value of the product is three times higher than the price of pond fish. Thus, the final solution is determined by demand and economic feasibility.

Industrial technologies

The most widespread in fish farming are two of them: fish farming in cages and with the use of recirculating water. Simple cage technology is relatively inexpensive, but it depends on the location and type of fish. It is widely used for growing trout, Chud whitefish, salmon in the lakes and sea areas of the northwestern regions of the country.

It is required to equip cage lines, pontoon approaches, constant control over the temperature regime and the hydrochemical composition of the water. In our country, the equipment is produced at the Tobolsk, Kipetsky factories, you can also buy imported (Germany, Norway). Many entrepreneurs use their own technical know-how. Cage technology is flexible - in different types it is also used in pond fish farming.

An example is the Fedorenko trout fish farm, organized on Lake Onega in Karelia. Trout is raised in two fish-breeding plots in a 3-year cycle. Marketable weight of fish is from 2.5 to 5 kg. The output in 2017 was 1.5 thousand tons.

Industrial plants (RAS) are expensive. Thus, the cost of the project for breeding trout in the Irkutsk region at the Veliky Istok farm was 200 million rubles, the planned capacity is up to 300 tons of fish per year. They include a wide range of equipment: fish tanks, purification, disinfection, water filtration units, temperature controllers and water saturation with oxygen.

V central Russia beluga, sturgeon, sterlet are bred with the help of RAS. Often, water bodies are used for this - waste channels, coolers of state district power stations and other hydraulic structures. Sometimes a complex method is used: trout is grown in winter, sturgeon fish species in summer.

About the profitability of RAS:

The main disadvantages of industrial fish farming technologies are large initial investments, the need to attract qualified specialists. In addition, for this it is necessary to have the right to carry out activities within a specially designated water area.

How to get a fish farm

Suitable forms of doing business:,. Registration is carried out within 3 days.

Unlike ponds, on reservoirs, rivers, lakes and within the sea area, fish breeding can only be carried out within the limits of the fish farm. You can get it in two ways.

  1. Take part in the auction held by the Federal Agency for Fishery and its territorial bodies. Information about current tenders is available on the website of the Federal Agency (http://fish.gov.ru/).

  1. To create a fish farm in a new place, you will have to draw up a lot of documents:
    1. highlight the coordinates of its boundaries;
    2. submit an application with the scheme to the Federal Agency for Fishery;
    3. a tender will be held for the formed section;
    4. a water use contract is concluded with the winner;
    5. the coastal plot of land is being leased.

Since most start-up entrepreneurs start small, we will dwell in more detail on the features of fish farming in a pond. In this case, the choice is usually between carp and trout.

Classic pond technology

According to temperature conditions, 6 fish breeding zones are distinguished on the territory of Russia. The southernmost - Astrakhan region, on its territory for almost 150 days a year the water temperature is 15 ⁰C and more. Areas where it stays 120 days a year belong to the 4th zone (Voronezh region). The Moscow region is located in zones 1–2.

In the south, the profitability of fish farming is high, in the north it is less. The reservoirs are frozen (freeze in winter), which means that the main production output falls on the autumn period. In the southern regions, the fish reaches a weight of 0.5 kg in two years, in the north, a 3-year method of growing to a marketable weight of 1.3–1.5 kg is usually practiced. A successful business requires meeting several conditions:

  • The fish pond should have permanent sources of water replenishment, not contaminated by industrial and waste waste (streams, springs, melted snow).
  • A gravity water supply must be present or a mechanical water intake is required so that a complete drainage and fish catch can be made.
  • The pool must be disease free and the cultivated species appropriate for the climatic zone.
  • Access to the pond is required for transport, on the shore - equipped loading areas.
  • You need a stable source of fish seed or your own nurseries, cages for viviparous species.

Excavation may be required to strengthen the banks, avoid risks of lack of groundwater and critical shallowing of the pond. An area of ​​1 hectare is considered optimal; reservoirs of 3-5 hectares are often used. The average size of the water table in southern peasant farms is about 40 hectares. A significant cost item in such fish farming is the periodic cleaning of the pool. So, for an area of ​​15 hectares, its cost is about 30 million rubles.

What kind of fish to breed in a pond

The main object of breeding in pond farms is carp and its closest "relatives": White amur, silver carp. Also for artificial breeding, crucian carp, bream, roach are used. The depth of the reservoir for cyprinids can be small - up to 2 m. These are herbivorous fish species that almost do not require feeding. However, the addition of feed at the rate of 2.5-4 kg per 1 kg of growth allows increasing the output of marketable fish from 200 kg to 2 tons per hectare. The cost of fish feed is low, up to 10 rubles / kg. Farms, where they are simultaneously engaged in crop production, use grain processing waste for feeding.

Trout requires a lot of hassle and expense. First of all, it needs to provide a water temperature of 16-17 ⁰C, which is possible at a depth of at least 4 meters, or using cooling systems. For breeding this fish, artificial ponds (flooded quarries) are often used with an influx of cold spring water (or with the help of artesian wells). The fish are kept in cages, which increases costs. For her, imported feed is purchased, the price of which reaches € 1.5, but the consumption is less: up to 1 kg per 1 kg of weight gain. The fish reaches the marketable mass in the third year.

In recent years, more expensive fish species, such as whitefish, peled, muksun, as well as sturgeon (sturgeon and sterlet), have been successfully grown in artificial ponds and natural fresh water bodies. In addition, the popularity of the clary catfish is rapidly growing, which was launched into the lakes of the southern Urals (Chelyabinsk region) and the ponds of the Krasnodar Territory. In the Kuban, when breeding catfish from 1 hectare of pond, 11 tons of products are obtained in 4 months.

How to rent a pond

To avoid confusion, let's immediately define the terminology. According to the law, all water bodies in the Russian Federation belong to the state, with the exception of ponds and watered quarries (artificial ponds). The latter can be owned, if they are not flowing, and are located inside a land plot owned by a private owner. The second important point: fish-breeding areas are not allocated in quarries and ponds, including water-retaining ponds (clause 3, article 4 of Law No. 148-FZ, amended from 2017).

In most cases, the owner of the land and, accordingly, the reservoirs located on them, is the state or municipal entity. This is where you need to go to get a pond for rent. The easiest and most reliable way is to conclude a lease agreement for the land plot where it is located.

To do this, the site must be mapped and assigned a cadastral number. First, you need to conduct "exploration" in the committee on land management, the land must have an agricultural purpose. Complicating moments:

  • if the site is not allocated, you will have to contact the administration with a request to allocate it;
  • it is possible that you will have to carry out cadastral work at your own expense;
  • the site can be leased only with an auction (you may be the only participant).

This approach has many benefits. On the adjacent land, you can have any utility rooms, fence it off and get rid of poachers. Nothing prevents you from using the pond for fish breeding, for this you do not need to obtain any permits. Including, on your own land you can freely build a camp for paid fishing.

You can grow fish in a pond by renting a pond without land. According to clause 4 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of 04/06/2015, this does not require a water use agreement, and for stocking - a permit. However, it will not be possible to prohibit free access to the pond, in order to use the water area for the purpose of sport fishing, you will still have to draw up a water use agreement (with a tender), the adjacent plot of land for the construction of houses will have to be rented.

Artificial pond on its own land

Can you build a new fish pond from scratch on your land? Yes, if it is for agricultural purposes. In this case, the digging must be closed, and its borders cannot go beyond the boundaries of the land plot. It is not required to obtain a building permit, but it is necessary to legalize land management work. For this, the project is approved by the Committee for Land Management and Architecture. The excavated pond is the property of the landowner.

Since 2017, amendments have been made to the law on aquaculture, according to which ponds include, among other things, water bodies created with the help of water retaining structures. In practice, however, many problems arise with this. Strictly speaking, the river and the brook remain federal property, despite the fact that the entrepreneur has built a dam on his land for the purpose of raising fish. With regard to leased land, the court practice develops in such a way that the created pond becomes the property of the lessor.

Is it profitable to engage in fish farming?

This business belongs to an agricultural type of activity, therefore, its advantage is the possibility of choosing a system of unified agricultural taxation. The tax is paid at a rate of 6% on income minus expenses, and even less in some regions. However, it should be borne in mind that the first commercial product can be obtained in the third year. With a successful business, it justifies the investment and gives a small profit. The payback period for projects is 3-4 years on average.

The table below shows an example of a calculation for the cultivation of carp fish in a pond with an area of ​​3 hectares (Astrakhan region, 4th fish breeding zone). The prices for planting material and the wholesale selling price are according to the Fishretail portal. The rest of the entrepreneur's expenses depend on specific conditions. This is the most economical way of raising fish in the presence of a ready-made pond and no additional feeding. As we said above, its addition significantly increases the output of finished products.

For trout, the costs are much higher. With a 3-year turnover, marketable fish weighing more than 2 kg can only be obtained using high-quality planting material and good feed. Little of both is produced in Russia. Therefore, fry are often imported from Germany, Poland, Finland, or taken out in domestic nurseries, again from imported fertilized eggs.

The average yield depends on the cultivation technology:

  • when breeding fish in ponds: 5–20 kg / m 3;
  • when using cage technology: 30–35 kg / m 3;
  • intensive pool method with recirculation: 50–75 kg / m 3.

The stocking density of fish depends on the breeding technology and the size of the stocking material. With cage technology, fry weighing 4–5 g are used, the unit price is about 15 rubles. When growing trout in a pond, it is better to choose an already grown fish, the cost of two-year-olds weighing 100–150 kg is about 480 rubles. In this case, from a pond of 500 sq. m. with a stocking density of 150 specimens / m 3 in the third year, with good organization, you can get 25 tons of trout, and its wholesale price fluctuates around 170-180 rubles per kilogram. In total, the proceeds will be about 4.4 million rubles. Of course, the profit will be less due to the cost of purchasing material, fish feed, arrangement of water exchange, and carrying out sanitary measures.

Where to look for sales channels

The marketing component for perishable goods is always a challenge. The fish is sold live, frozen, processed into semi-finished products (salted, smoked). Non-standard products are sold to fur farms, for the production of fish meal. Sales routes depend on the volume and type of product.

  • With a small production, temporary sales points are organized in winter; in the fall, fish are transported in glass tanks to residential areas.
  • Delivered to branded fish and other catering establishments, children's and school institutions.
  • They organize their own fish processing shops, conclude contracts with the processing plant.
  • They are sold to wholesale companies supplying fish to large retail chains. It is too expensive to order transportation of small consignments on your own.

You can find buyers for fish products using specialized portals on the Internet. For example, on the Fishretail site, advertisements for the purchase and sale of live, frozen fish are placed, and they also offer packaging, storage and logistics of goods.


Like any agricultural production, raising fish in a pond, both natural and artificial, carries many risks. And if carp farming does not require special knowledge, then this cannot be said about trout. There are many technologies that need to be explored to select the one that is financially and organizationally appropriate.

And yet, despite certain risks inevitable in any entrepreneurial activity, aquaculture is on the rise today, and even in vogue. According to the Federal Agency for Fishery, of the 4491 fish breeding sites allocated, 3151 have already been leased. The total volume of marketable fish in the first half of 2017 increased by 12% compared to the same period last year.

The number of fish ponds is growing every year, and tourist fishing is developing especially rapidly. Only in Moscow and the Moscow region there are more than 350 reservoirs, where they offer fishing for a fee of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles per day. The voucher includes the cost of the fish caught, for example, 2 kg of sterlet, or 4 kg of trout, 8 kg of pike or carp. If desired and with a competent approach, fish farming can bring good profits, both from commodity production and in the field of recreation.

You can list all the advantages of a country house for a very long time: this is air, and nature, and the opportunity to grow your own environmentally friendly products. For example, you can start breeding livestock or poultry, but this is not the whole list of what you can do on your personal plot. Fish farming in the pond is gaining more and more popularity. In summer cottages, as a rule, all conditions are favorable for this.

Fish pond

Growing fish in your own pond is quite fun., especially if there are people who like fishing among household members or friends. Watching a fish grow in a pond, feed it, then hunt for it, and, in the end, always have fresh fish for the table - isn't it a joy for the owners?

In addition, it is not difficult to organize a pond on your site. This process can be completed in a few days, but for this you need to know and adhere to some rules. First of all, you should choose a suitable place for the future pond. How to do it?

Choosing the right place

The choice of a place for the future pond is the very first step, which must be approached with all responsibility. From correct position the reservoir will depend on the quality of life of its inhabitants. When choosing a territory and its further improvement, the following features should be taken into account:

After all the necessary conditions are met and the reservoir is ready, you should not rush to immediately launch fish there. It must stand for some time in order to acquire its own microflora and microorganisms, as well as to achieve the required temperature indicators. To speed up this process, you can pour several buckets of water drawn from a regular reservoir. To "revive" the water, you should leave some wilted grass at the bottom of the pond.

Fish farming equipment

To create a comfortable living environment for fish in the pool, it is worth acquiring necessary equipment... A gravity biofilter is needed to protect the water from blooms and pollution. The required oxygen level will be provided by the compressor, and the ultraviolet sterilizer will prevent the water from blooming. Among other things, you will have to clean and periodically change the water in the pond, for which a hydraulic pump is useful. It is also necessary to install fish feeders.

Features of fish farming

Even in the process of creating an artificial reservoir, some rules must be observed. Before deciding to populate a pond with aquatic inhabitants, you should consider the depth, temperature, pH level of the water, as well as other factors:

All of these conditions must be met for a successful fish breeding process.

Pond dwellers

Among the many varieties of fish, you should choose the most suitable for a particular type of pool and living conditions. The most popular fish breeds for breeding in their own pond are carp, crucian carp, tench, cold-water trout, gold fish, as well as decorative Japanese carp - koi.

It is necessary to populate these fish in a reservoir at the rate of 10 to 20 individuals per 1 m³ of water. Accordingly, a small pond will be able to accommodate several medium-sized carps and 20-25 crucians. In this case, the pool should have a perimeter of 4x6 m and a depth of at least 1.5 m. Thanks to this, the water in it will warm up evenly and quickly enough. The most suitable temperature for keeping these fish species is around 26 ° C. A decrease in temperature to 10-12 ° C or an increase to 30 ° C negatively affects them: the fish becomes less mobile, the processes of feeding and reproduction slow down dramatically.

There are other types of fish that are well suited for breeding at home:

Depending on the purpose of breeding, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable view from the whole variety of underwater inhabitants.

Food for aquatic inhabitants

Artificial breeding of fish can be successful only with a responsible attitude to the issue of their feeding. The most unpretentious species is carp, which eats almost everything. It can be fed with compound feed for pigs or poultry, while the loose powder should be thoroughly mixed with water to a state of porridge, and then sent to the reservoir.

Other breeds prefer a pre-steamed and swollen mixture of cereals and legumes. The volume of this feed should not exceed 3-6% of the weight of the fish itself. It is recommended to feed 1-2 times a day in a certain place of the reservoir at the same time. For convenience, a specially equipped pallet table is used. Convenience lies in the fact that it can be lowered to the bottom without any problems, and then with the same ease to get out of there. With this design, it is easy to track how much food has been eaten, whether there are any pieces left that will pollute the water.

It is very interesting to observe how the ringing of a small bell gradually creates a conditioned reflex in the fish and they gather in a flock to enjoy the food brought by the owner.

Undoubtedly breeding fish in an artificial reservoir is not an easy task, because it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for the most comfortable content. In this case, the fish will live a long time and please their owners.

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