How to increase the jump in the hodgepodge op 2. Tutorial on "Editing the height of the jump" for S.T.A.L.K.E.R

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Guide to jumping in OP-2.

The following will be useful for those who want to learn all the tricks that the GG can perform while jumping.

First, let's analyze how we usually jump in Stalker. In particular, how we take a running jump. What are we doing? We take a position from where we will accelerate and choose a point from which we will jump. Then we press the "forward" key, accelerate and jump in the right place. Now for a very important point. Pay attention to which control keys you keep pressing during the flight? The vast majority of you will answer that they continue to press the forward key until the YG completes the jump.
Yes, everything is so here. Everything is correct. A long straight jump on a diagonal should be done just like this. But the game engine allows you to perform not only straight jumps. And it allows you to jump not only forward. You can jump right, left, backward and in a vertical, horizontal and diagonal arc.
The very first thing that needs to be understood in order to perform such jumps is that if during the flight of the GG (when the GG flies, having taken off from the ground as a result of the jump), release the "forward" key and press any other movement key, then the GG will change the flight trajectory according to the newly pressed key.
And the second point, which you also need to immediately understand: if you press the movement keys not before the jump, but after (that is, first jump in place, and then press the movement keys), then the GG will move according to the keys pressed much more accurately than when jumping in motion ...
Why is that? Because during a running jump, the GG is already moving at a certain speed, which he received at the moment of taking off from the ground. And in order to change the direction of flight when pressing another control key, the GG needs to fly in a much larger arc than when jumping in place.
To understand this point clearly, let's look at how a car turns at an intersection. Let's say it makes a right turn. It is clear that in order to make an accurate turn at an intersection, the car at the moment of turning must move at a certain speed. And this speed depends on the steepness of the turn. The steeper the turn, the slower the speed should be. If the speed is higher than necessary, then the car can go into the oncoming lane. If the speed is less than the required speed, the car may take a too sharp turn and drive onto the sidewalk at the same steering angle.
The same physical laws apply in the case of our GG) The higher the GG speed at the moment of the jump, the greater the arc it will describe in flight. Conversely, the lower the speed, the steeper the arc. This applies to all types of arc jumps: horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

Very simple - by jumping:
1. From the seat;
2. Accelerating in full squat;
3. Accelerating in a partial squat;
4. Accelerating step;
5. Accelerating by running.
In total, we have as many as five different options for the initial speed of the jump. Already this information is completely enough for you to get to each of the caches available in OP-2 for all plots. Starting with the ill-fated cache on the post on the Cordon for the Collector and ending with the complete passage of the "Sniper" storyline! By combining and trying different versions of these jumps, you can easily get to any of the caches, no matter how difficult it may seem)
But that's not all. The initial speed of a jump can be controlled even more precisely using the following points:
- To slow down during flight, you can briefly press the back key. YY will "slow down"))
- When jumping from a run, the speed of the GG is gained not instantly, but with some acceleration. Therefore, if you start the jump without waiting for the GG to pick up the maximum speed, then you can ensure that the GG will fly in the jump with any initial speed that you need. And accordingly turn in flight along any trajectory)

During the flight, you can change the direction of view of the GG. And the GG in flight will turn slightly in the direction of sight. This will allow you to jump in a steeper arc. That is, to move along a steeper arc, from the moment of the jump, you can gradually turn your head towards our target, and then the GG will fly along a slightly steeper arc.
But these techniques are already a high skill in jumping. They are unnecessary and optional for finding caches in OP-2. These techniques simply can in some cases facilitate or simplify the task at hand) And you will certainly master them over time. There is nothing difficult here, you just need to practice a little)
The next thing you need to know and what you need to keep in mind when performing a difficult jump: In no case should you rush and rush! All difficult jumps require concentration and concentration to perform accurate and timely keystrokes. So never take your time. Do everything calmly, measuredly, without fuss. If you feel that you are starting to get angry, give up trying. Relax, pause, complete other quests. Further fuss will not solve the problem, but will only make you even more angry) As you acquire the skill, everything will turn out much easier.

During a straight jump, it is not necessary to continue pressing the forward key after taking off from the ground. The YG will fly forward at the maximum set speed regardless of whether you continue to press the forward key or not.
To quickly change direction in flight, you must first release the key of the previous direction, and only then press the key of the desired one.
GG has its own physical dimensions. And these dimensions change depending on whether the GG is standing in a squatting position, or in a full squatting position. And this fact can be used in jumping. For example, if you need to take a running jump into a low niche, into which the GG can only crawl in a squat or full squat, then proceed as follows: Run, jump, and in flight quickly press the squat key and then, if necessary, full squat to of how the GG will fly to the place. You will not need this trick anywhere in OP-2, because it is quite difficult to perform. But using it can make it easier to get to some of the caches. In order to have time to quickly press all these keys, it is recommended to assign the full squat key alternatively to the left Alt. Then you can quickly press it with your thumb, releasing the jump key - the space bar)

And finally, one more thing. Particularly difficult and accurate jumps cannot be performed if
a) The computer is weak and the FPS during the jump is less than 25-30. The fact is that the engine at low FPS reacts much less clearly to keystrokes. And it will be much more difficult for you to make the GG jump exactly the way you want. Switch to static at such moments to make the engine more responsive.
b) You have more than 0.2 ppm alcohol in your blood. This is the equivalent of one can of beer drunk one hour before the game. It is highly recommended to complete the "Sniper", being absolutely sober, as if you were driving a car. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. Trust my experience.
Try the described methods in different combinations, and you will see that jumping like a monkey is very simple) Further, under the spoilers, the keystroke sequence for certain jumps is briefly listed. Suppose we need to arc to the right. We choose the direction of acceleration at an angle of 10-15 degrees to the left of the desired place where we want to jump. We run up, jump, and at the top point of the flight release the forward key and press the right key. The GG will fly in the right arc. If we need to jump down in an arc, then we stand on the edge from where we jump off, with our backs to the edge. We jump in place and, as soon as we jumped, press the "back" key and then immediately the "forward" key. The GG will fly downward in an arc. Suppose we need to jump down in a diagonal downward-rightward arc. We stand on the edge, from where we jump, with our backs to the edge. We jump in place and, as soon as we jumped, press the "back" key and then simultaneously the "forward" and right keys. " Suppose we want to jump down the side right arc. We stand on the edge from which we want to jump, turning our right side to the edge. Jump up in place and, as soon as we jumped, press the "right" key and then immediately the "left" key. will fly down along the lateral right arc. You can also press the "forward" or "backward" key simultaneously with the second key. Then the GG will fly in a lateral diagonal arc down-forward, or down-back) This is a normal jump along a horizontal arc. Our task is to fly around the ledge that divides the balconies. We stand at the edge of the balcony, at an angle of 10-15% to the ledge. Run up, jump and at the top point of flight release the "forward" key and press the key towards the balcony. And the GG will land on the parapet from the saddle balcony. This is a normal vertical arc jump. We stand on the edge, from where we jump, with our backs to the edge. To make it easier to jump onto the desired ledge, we take a full squat. So the size of the GG is the smallest and it will be easier for him to jump to the right place. We jump in place and, as soon as we jumped, press the "back" key and then immediately the "forward" key. The GG will fly down in an arc and hook onto the next ledge. And if you need to jump down several floors and get to a specific window sill or jump into a specific window, then press the "forward" key not immediately after flying down, but on approaching the desired window or parapet. And then the GG will "fly" to where we directed it) And here there is one little secret: the engine is configured so that the GG in flight moves much more efficiently to the sides than forward and backward. Therefore, for a more accurate "hit" in the right place or in especially difficult cases, you can use a jump along a vertical arc sideways. This is a normal diagonal jump. But this jump can be made easier and more beautiful if you use the GG U-turn during the flight. It is performed as follows: we stand facing the edge of the balcony from which we jump. Let's say we want to jump to the balcony at the bottom right. Then, before jumping, we turn to the right so as to look slightly away from him. We jump forward, then at the top point of the flight we release the "forward" key, press the "right" key and together with it we begin to turn the GG towards the balcony. Then the GG will fly sideways in a diagonal arc and land sideways on the desired balcony) In general, turns during jumps look very impressive and allow you to perform various jumps along difficult arcs, jumps down in a spiral, a snake, a fan, and others) Some of them in action you can see the Professional's Guide. But these jumps are absolutely unnecessary for the passage of OP-2. They are only mentioned for completeness.) Jumping from the branches of trees has some unique features. There is almost nowhere enough space on the branches for a normal take-off run. But remember that even a short take-off run is always better than a standing jump. With any, even the shortest takeoff run, the GG will fly farther than with any jump from a standstill. Therefore, if you need to jump from a tree onto another structure, try to jump not from the end of the branch, but back as far as possible in order to take at least some run-up. Often this mistake is made by those who try to jump onto a pole in the Cordon behind the Collector's cache. They jump from the edge of the branch and do not reach. And if you step back as much as possible and jump from a running start, then the GG pillar flies without problems) But when choosing a place for overclocking, it is necessary to take into account what is written below: The branches of the trees are made so that they often have fractures and bends of textures that are often invisible to the eye. And the GG is made so that it can normally accelerate only on a flat surface that does not have pits, small protrusions and surface bends. If there are such irregularities, then the GG "stumbles" about them, and loses the gained speed. Therefore, when taking a run along a branch, you must definitely pay attention to whether the GG does not lose speed during the takeoff run. And if the speed is lost, then you need to look for such a branch or choose a side of it where the GG does not "stumble". The same rule applies to any other surface: stones, roofs, curbs, railings, etc. , but most often this problem occurs precisely on tree branches. When climbing steep inclines, remember that in full crouch the GG can climb much steeper inclines than when standing or sitting. And if the slope is so steep that the GG cannot crawl along it, then you can try to climb it by jumping. We jump in place in full squat and in flight press the "forward" key. In many cases, this is the only way to climb a tree) The main problem here is that often another beam, protrusion or other part of the structure prevents jumping onto the desired beam, which does not allow a straight jump in a full squat. Therefore, to "fly over" interfering structures, you need to use various jumps along the arc. Earlier it was said that the GG in flight moves much more efficiently to the sides than forward and backward. Therefore, use this feature of the engine. To "fly around" especially inconvenient structural elements, use the jump up along a vertical arc sideways. A jump up in a full squat along a vertical arc sideways will allow you to easily climb even to the top of any crane in the Zone and to any power line support at the Chernobyl NPP, not to mention simpler structures) Try it - you will be surprised how simple it is) Based on the above, You can "fly around" any protruding object by jumping along a vertical arc. But in this case, there is a much simpler way. So that the protruding visor or parapet of the roof does not interfere with us jumping on it, we need to move away from the wall to the width of this parapet or visor before jumping. The fact is that if you press close to the wall before jumping, fearing to fall, then when you jump upward, this protruding object seems to push you away from the wall. Here, too, everything is absolutely correct from the point of view of physics. Try jumping under a canopy or parapet in real life. In the best case, you will hurt your head against him) And in the worst case, you will push off the wall and fly down from the impact on him) Therefore, to avoid this blow, move away from the wall to the width of the visor and just jump up in place. And then at the highest point press the forward key. Thus, you "fly around" the interfering parapet or roof canopy and land safely on the last one) This method works perfectly in absolutely all cases when you need to fly around the interfering obstacle in an upward jump. This is a rather complicated trick, so you need to tell about it in more detail. Suppose we need to jump onto a small ledge that is far away, we can only jump from a running start, and besides, the path to it is blocked by the corner of the building on which it is located. And there is no way to make a direct jump to it - just jump in an arc, and at the end of the flight you need to sharply change the steepness of the flight path in order to fly "around the corner". Suppose you want to "fly in" along the right arc. This jump can be performed as follows: accelerate, jump with a straight jump so as to fly close to this corner. As we jumped, release all the movement keys. And at the moment of flying past the corner, quickly and simultaneously press the "back" and "right" keys. In flight, the GG will slow down and start moving to the right, thus flying around the corner in a steep arc and landing exactly on the parapet) This jump is quite difficult, but as a result of training it is quite doable) In OP-2 there is no mandatory need to use it. This skill is fully revealed in the "Professional" bonus plot, but in its simplest application it is used in the "Sniper" plot. Possible climb options depend on the particular ladder or structure. 1. Climb the stairs, pressing only the "jump" key, without pressing the "forward" key. 2. Jump up and at the top of the jump a little bit, move forward quite a bit. Shortly "jump" and immediately short and quickly "forward". 3. We rest against the stairs and run, while constantly jumping. The specific method depends on the design and is selected empirically. In some cases, you may need to combine these methods. Methods 1 and 2 should be tried to perform in various states of the squatting GG - somewhere it will be possible to jump only while standing, and somewhere - only in full squatting. Also, when climbing such stairs and structures, it matters where the GG looks. If you look horizontally, you will not be able to jump. You need to look up along the stairs. And, with such climbs, it is extremely important not to rush. The fact is that when moving upward along the "inactive" structure, there is an effect, as it were, of "pushing away" the GG from the stairs. If you stop by jumping onto the first step and observe, you will see that the GG, after the jump, is slowly, as it were, moving away from the stairs for a while, and then stops. In the overwhelming majority of cases, before the next jump, it is imperative to wait until the GG stops "moving away". Therefore, it is especially important to perform these lifts gradually, slowly, without rushing anywhere)

In any part of the Stalker, be it the Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky or Call of Pripyat, you can climb onto various objects and often you have to do this by jumping. But what to do if you can't jump to the desired object? The answer is simple - to increase the range and height of the jump.

Increasing the jump by editing the game files

First you need to find the Stalker's game folder. Most often it happens in Program Files or Games. But it may be in a different location, depending on where you installed the game.

We go along the way STALKER \ gamedata \ config \ creatures and look for the actor.ltx file there. Click on it with the right mouse button - "open with" and select notepad.

We need the jump_speed line, opposite which there is already a value of 6. It also needs to be changed in order to increase the jump in the Stalker. Remember to save your changes.

What is the value of the jump to put?

You shouldn't put 99 right away, as you will just crash when you reach the ground. The optimal value is 7-9. This is enough to get hard-to-find artifacts. Sometimes you need to put more in order to jump over the boundaries of a location and go to another. To do this, put 20-30.

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a truly "folk" game in which you can not only use large modifications from the craftsmen, but also make changes to the gameplay yourself. For example, with the help of simple editing of some files, you can change the parameters of the character and the physics of the game.

Of course, if you overdo it with the settings, you can turn the game into a real circus. But if you increase the jump in the "Stalker" by a permissible value, then during the passage it will become much easier for you to climb the hill. This is especially true in those cases when you need to get to a hidden cache, check an inaccessible place or overcome fields with traps, which are quite common.

How do I change the jump?

We need the folder where the game is installed. By default, the installer copies the game files to the directory with the name of the game, which is located on the system disk in Program Files. If you changed the installation path, you can see it in the properties of the shortcut.

Going into the folder, you need to open the gamedata section and go to config. Here the user should find a file called actor.ltx. If you can't do it manually, then use the search built into Windows Explorer.

To increase the jump in "Stalker", the file must be opened in any text editor. The easiest way to do this is through the standard Notepad. To do this, right-click on the file and select "Open with". In the window that appears, you need to specify a text editor.

Editing a file

To increase the jump height in "Stalker", you need to find the line "jump_speed". This will help the search that opens when you press the key combination Ctrl + F and enter the desired word.

On the other hand, "jump_speed" defaults to 6, which is a standard jump. To increase the height, it is enough to change this number and save the file with new parameters. The maximum value is 99 units.

What to put?

You need to decide on the optimal value. The fact is that 99 jump units will not lead to anything good, because upon landing, your character will simply be shattered due to the huge amount of damage at the time of the collision. In order for the hero to jump higher, it is enough to raise the value to 7-9. Usually this is enough for exploring hard-to-reach places and collecting rare artifacts. To use the loopholes between locations, it is better to set 20-30 units. Find the middle ground between the values ​​and enjoy high jumps without threatening the life of your hero and successfully completing the game!

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