Fitness with varicose veins that is not allowed. What rules must be followed in order not to give up your favorite activity

Varicose veins can become a real problem if you do not take timely measures to prevent and treat this disease. It is not about a radical solution to the problem - a surgical operation, but more conservative methods, which include a complex physical exercise, and .

Why does varicose veins appear?

The main reason for the appearance of this ailment is a genetic predisposition, therefore, people in the family who have patients with varicose veins should pay special attention to their health. First of all, this applies to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Pregnancy and childbirth are risk factors that provoke the appearance of this pathology.

Advice: will help to cope with the first signs of varicose veins (translucent blue capillaries, tubercles under the skin).

Compliance with the following rules will be a real rebuff to the disease progressing every day:

  • Elimination of bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • Weight control;
  • Avoiding standing for a long time or sitting in one position, especially leg to leg;
  • Monitor the timely emptying of the intestines;
  • It is advisable to take a horizontal position every one and a half to two hours with a raised foot end for at least 15-20 minutes;
  • Eliminate heavy lifting;
  • Do not go to the sauna;
  • Avoid trauma to the veins.

Advice: with varicose veins are useful water treatments but not hot baths. Regular visits to the pool have a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system.

Drinking regime for varicose veins

It is very important for this pathology to observe the drinking regime, especially in hot weather, so that the blood does not thicken. You should not be afraid of the appearance of edema at the end of the day. You need to drink as much as you want and often. Thick blood does not flow well along the venous bed. Water is the very substance that will thin and increase the fluidity of the blood. Ideal for:

  • Purified still water of good quality;
  • Unsweetened dried fruit compotes;
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • Herbal teas.

Advice: with varicose veins, you should avoid taking black sweet tea and carbonated drinks, which negatively affect the processes of hematopoiesis.

Movement is life

It would seem that with varicose veins, it is most optimal to spend more time in bed, when the legs are raised above the level of the head. However, physical activity is essential for good blood circulation. When playing sports, the muscle, contracting, pushes blood along the venous bed, this is especially important for varicose veins, when the vessel is dilated and the valve apparatus does not perform its functions. For this reason, people suffering from varicose veins are advised to regularly visit the gym, where an experienced specialist will select the optimal set of exercises and physical activity. Will present more detailed information from which it follows that the enemy of this ailment is precisely movement and active image life.

Competent approach to training in the gym

People suffering from varicose veins should take into account the following recommendations for behavior in gym to minimize risks further development diseases:

  • If possible, you should wear compression hosiery for training;
  • To warm up the muscles, you should give preference to a horizontal exercise bike or rowing pacemaker;
  • After each approach, you should try to lie on the floor with your legs raised upward in order to stabilize the normal outflow of blood from lower limbs;
  • If possible, before training, you should visit the doctor on duty;
  • You should observe the measure in everything and not chase an excessive load;
  • It is better to train the muscles of the legs while lying or sitting, in this way you can reduce the pressure on the venous walls at times;

Advice: it follows from the diet to exclude food that contributes to weight gain and fluid retention in the body. Better to replace it with juicy fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.

How best to train the muscles of the legs and buttocks

In case of varicose veins, it is recommended to exclude lunges, squatting with dumbbells or a barbell and other exercises in which there is an excessive load on the legs from the training program. These exercises are basic, but an experienced trainer can always find alternatives:

  • Seated press. Thus trains quadriceps thighs. Between sets, you should not just sit or walk around the gym, you need to stay on the simulator and wait until the natural outflow of blood to the heart normalizes.
  • Swing with a straight leg from the knee-elbow position. The ischipopliteal and gluteus muscles are mainly involved; if you bend the knee, only the gluteus maximus will stretch.
  • Flexion and extension of the legs while lying on your back in the simulator. The entire group of sciatic-popliteal muscles, as well as calves, undergoes a load. Stretching should be done after class.
  • Extension of the lower leg while sitting in the simulator. Make sure that your heels protrude beyond the edges of the platform, so only the calf muscles will be developed.

How to develop your back muscles

  • Hyperextension. This exercise perfectly develops the extensor muscles of the spine.
  • The pull of the block to itself in sitting position... This exercise will improve your posture.
  • Thrust vertical block in a seated position to relieve pressure on the legs.

How to strengthen your chest muscles

With varicose veins, all exercises with dumbbells and barbells from a prone position are suitable for training chest muscles. Better to put your feet on a small bench. Pressing should be avoided while in the machine, in a seated position. To develop necessary complex exercises to strengthen the muscles of the chest will help a competent instructor.

How to train your shoulder muscles

  • Pressing dumbbells or barbells while sitting. Develops some parts of the deltoid, pectoral muscles and triceps. With light weights, the legs are placed on a stand.
  • Raising dumbbells in front of you. Should be on incline bench face up. Legs must be placed on a stand.
  • Raising the projectile through the sides. On an incline bench, you need to lie face up, then on the right, then on the left side.
  • Raising the bar in front of you. Chest and deltoid muscles... Lie face down on an incline bench.

How best to strengthen the muscles of the arms

  • Extension of arms with dumbbells. Performed while lying on a bench.
  • Extension of the arms with a barbell. Also performed lying down. The legs are on a special stand.
  • Dumbbell Curl. Perform while sitting on an incline bench. Feet should be on a stand.

In your pursuit of beauty, it is imperative to take into account all health problems. Varicose veins are not a hindrance to having perfect figure, which is achieved through regular visits to the gym. You just need to take into account the characteristics of your own body and use some innovative methods in the fight against the disease. For example, after reading


Veins with varicose veins are enlarged in length, tortuous. Varicose veins develop with muscle weakness of the walls of the veins, due to the deterioration of the valves and a decrease in the elasticity of the vessels. Weakness of the vascular walls is congenital, and the causes of varicose veins arise in the process of life.

Swelling, heaviness in the legs is experienced by people forced to work in a sitting or standing position. The reasons for the progression of the disease are hormonal disruptions or disorders due to the age of the person.

The disease affects women and overweight people. In women, hormonal changes are actively occurring, which predisposes to the onset of varicose veins. Statistics claim that the symptoms of varicose veins suffer: 20% of men and about 40% of women.

The network of blood vessels plays an important role in the functioning of the body. The arteries carry nutrients and oxygen to the tissue under the influence of the heart, which acts as a pump. The return flow of blood through the veins is provided by muscles and valves in the veins, their purpose is to pass blood only in the opposite direction.

When the valves do not fully work (do not completely block the channel), blood reflux occurs - a return flow to the legs. The vascular system (venous basin) consists of superficial and deep veins. Vessels (superficial) collect blood from the upper layers, carry it into deep veins, located next to the bones and supported by muscles. They transport to the heart.

With reflux, due to an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels, the veins are stretched. Varicose veins begin in the superficial veins. The initial symptoms of varicose veins appear: veins appear through the skin, edema and heaviness in the legs appear. With the progression of varicose veins, the skin color changes, pain occurs, in advanced stages - ulcers. If the disease also affects deep veins, CVI (chronic venous insufficiency) occurs, threatens with severe complications (thrombosis, trophic ulcers, thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery).

Is it possible to play sports with varicose veins?

To assess what exercises can be done with varicose veins and your opportunities in sports, you need to consult a doctor (phlebologist or angiosurgeon) and undergo an examination if the following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of heaviness in the legs at the end of the day;
  • bluish cobwebs, stars on the skin;
  • swelling, bloating, fever;
  • swollen, twisting, knotty veins.

What exercises can not be done with varicose veins

Dangerous for varicose veins in the legs, loads that increase pressure in the veins:

Anaerobic exercise... During such training with static position body, the body's need for oxygen increases, the heartbeat increases and intravascular pressure increases.

  • strength exercises on simulators;
  • bodybuilding (muscle building);
  • lifting weights (barbells, weights) while standing;
  • powerlifting (powerlifting);
  • fast running, cycling.

can cause bleeding, provoke thrombosis and are strictly prohibited for varicose veins. Classes are possible only at the first stage of the disease, observing certain restrictions:

  • reduce the duration of classes;
  • bandage the legs with elastic bandages;
  • drink plenty of fluids to avoid cramps (water with lemon);
  • exercises for pumping up muscles should be performed only while sitting / lying;
  • do not lift weight> 3-5 kg.

Any strength exercises in a standing position cannot be done with varicose veins of the legs!

Squats and Jumps with varicose veins of the lower extremities are contraindicated. Such exercises lead to pressure drops, which can cause a blood clot to break, rupture of the vessel wall, and bleeding. Bulging veins and their bends (aneurysms) can rupture when squatting, jumping, forming subcutaneous hematomas. They can become inflamed and form ulcers.

Step aerobics Are dance movements performed on a stepper (special stand). This Rhythmic gymnastics incompatible with varicose veins. These trainings can worsen the patient's condition and contribute to the progression of the disease. It is better to give up step aerobics (even with a mild stage of varicose veins), since there is a great danger of trauma to the veins.

Fast run contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, as it can provoke a detachment of a blood clot.

Of course, the muscles (including the legs) need training, and sports cannot be ruled out. At sedentary work pressure in the veins increases. Therefore, going to the gym is necessary to activate blood circulation. But training with varicose veins must be approached reasonably, avoiding very heavy loads and prolonged exercises. Exercise with overloads for the legs should be excluded. For exercising in the gym with varicose veins, it is advisable to wear clothes made of compression hosiery to maintain the muscles. Do not overstrain your legs on exercise machines.

What sports can you do with varicose veins

Many doctors consider it useful to exercise for patients with varicose veins and welcome the alliance - varicose veins and a gym. For training, you need to correctly select exercises that improve blood circulation and lymph drainage and strengthen blood vessels. The main thing is not to exceed the feasible loads. With the onset of varicose veins, you can exercise, observing the caution and recommendations of a doctor. It is allowed to engage in any kind of sport, except for lifting weights. Any load (even minor) is dangerous when the disease is in its later stages. They can lead to serious complications of the disease.

Most acceptable:

  • Walking. Race walking(daily for half an hour) is very useful for the legs. At the same time, it is very important to breathe correctly (inhale / exhale for every three steps);

  • easy running, avoiding excessive leg fatigue;
  • yoga (balance asanas, inverted);
  • swimming, water aerobics;
  • cycling against stagnation of blood in the legs;
  • fitness;
  • golf.

We'll have to give up playing sports professionally. This requires maximum physical exertion (training to the brink of human capabilities).

The doctors answered categorically “no” when asked whether it is possible to do fitness with varicose veins. Modern doctors have changed this point of view and recommend for the treatment, as well as the prevention of varicose veins and fitness.

After clarifying the stage of the disease from the doctor, having received his recommendations, it is necessary to inform the fitness trainer about the diagnosis. Together with the instructor, you need to find suitable exercises. It is advisable to use fitness for varicose veins of the legs under his supervision, not only focusing on your own feelings. By exceeding the load, you can harm yourself and aggravate varicose veins.

  • use exercises with lifting up legs ("birch", "plow") for the outflow of venous blood;
  • before training, you need to do a warm-up, after training - rest, shower;
  • use compression underwear for classes;
  • use yoga or Pilates elements (except exercises with strong muscle tension and in a static position);
  • swim in warm water to improve leg health and relieve symptoms

Going in for sports physical exercise with varicose veins, it must be kept under control, given that it is unacceptable:

  • over-straining your legs;
  • lift weights, standing and more than 3-5 kg;
  • squat intensively and a lot;
  • What you can do in the gym:
  • on a treadmill - walking only;
  • train at a moderate pace on a stationary bike (better on models that provide a recumbent position);
  • aerobics and light jogging (excluding jumping).

Use a set of exercises that can be done with varicose veins at home. Regular gymnastics at home (performing special exercises) will significantly improve the condition of a patient with varicose veins.

  1. walking on toes;
  2. swing legs (exercises like "scissors", "bicycle");
  3. execution of "birch trees";
  4. plank (strengthens all muscles).


  1. Decide, together with the doctor who diagnosed the stage of the disease, what kind of sport you can do with varicose veins.
  2. Taking into account the recommendations of the phlebologist, together with the instructor, develop a set of exercises that is acceptable for you.
  3. Do not do anything without the permission of your doctor.
  4. For training or fitness activities, purchase special knitwear (compression leggings, knee-highs, leotards, overalls) that improve the outflow of venous blood and lymph.
  5. Improve your diet by minimizing fat and blood clotting carbohydrates. Give preference to protein foods.
  6. Go to the pool. Water contributes to the narrowing of the veins, the normalization of the valves.
  7. You can use light morning jogging, jogging without obstacles and lifting.
  8. Eat foods that reduce the risk of clogged veins and thrombosis, reduce clotting (lemon, red currant, ginger, garlic).
  9. Contrast baths, evening foot massage are useful.

In order for training to be beneficial, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, to avoid excessive loads. When sedentary work (on a computer), you need to do a warm-up periodically.

Is it possible to play sports with varicose veins? A similar question is asked by those who are constantly engaged in physical education, and those who are just getting to know him. It is widely believed that varicose veins and sports are incompatible, and playing sports with varicose veins of the lower extremities may worsen the situation. In the proposed article there are answers to the questions: what kind of sports can you do with varicose veins, and what exercises are contraindicated for varicose veins.

Sports for varicose veins of the legs is one of the constituent elements of conservative therapy. Sufficient physical activity with varicose veins in the legs - a guarantee of health. Hypodynamia, excess weight, prolonged static position are the most important predictors of varicose veins occurring.

Fitness has a positive effect with varicose veins of the legs, and it is expressed by the following effects on the body:
  • restorative action;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes, which leads to weight loss;
  • maintaining a sufficient tone of the whole body;
  • stimulation of reserve forces;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • heart activity exercise;
  • activation of collateral blood flow;
  • enrichment of tissues and organs with oxygen;
  • strengthening calf muscles.

Training for varicose veins triggers the muscle pump of the lower leg, activating blood flow through the communicators and pushing blood through the damaged vessels. This prevents an increase in stagnation, reduces the severity of edema and develops a network of compensatory collateral circulation.

Enthusiasm professional sports with varicose veins, it is forbidden, since increased long-term training negatively affects the course of the disease and can lead to complications.

Contraindications that prohibit running, fitness and going to the gym for varicose veins:
  1. Severe swelling and pain.
  2. Phlebothrombosis.
  3. Trophic ulcers.
  4. Acute inflammatory process.
  5. Condition after surgery (at least 6 months).

It should be borne in mind that physical activity with varicose veins should be moderate, dosed and agreed with the phlebologist.

Before starting, you need to do everything to protect yourself as much as possible from complications.

Is it possible to do fitness with varicose veins? Having received an affirmative answer, it will not be superfluous to clarify which exercises cannot be done with varicose veins of the legs.

The following elements are prohibited:
  • jumping;
  • jumps;
  • lunges;
  • squats;
  • running with acceleration, obstacles;
  • lifting weights.

These exercises are associated with unwanted surges in blood pressure in the venous bed. Such differences can cause overstretching of the vessel wall with the formation of varices or ruptures, as well as provoke thromboembolism. Leg training with varicose veins is necessary, but they need to be loaded optimally so that this does not lead to excessive muscle tension.

Given the limitations, the question arises: what kinds of sports can you do with varicose veins?

If there is damage to the vessels of the legs, it is recommended:
  • swim;
  • jog;
  • dance (except for sports dances);
  • do aerobics (with the exception of step);
  • use types of stretch marks (Pilates and stretching);
  • ride a bike;
  • walk in a Scandinavian way;
  • to ski.

You can also do most of the yoga asanas from a sitting and lying position with varicose veins.

What exercises can be done, the exercise therapy instructor, which is in every clinic, will tell you. Conveniently enroll in the course physiotherapy exercises in the gym or to conduct classes at home. Elements such as "bicycle", swinging legs, "birch", "scissors" help to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Sports that are limited for varicose veins:
  • games (basketball, football, volleyball, hockey, tennis);
  • Weightlifting;
  • sprint;
  • body-building.

The answer to the question is whether it is possible with varicose veins to participate in sporting events, will be negative. Because this is associated with heavy stress and overexertion of the legs, which lead to a worsening of the condition.

Recommendations that will be useful during training:
  • the use of compression hosiery (when running, it is possible to wear special socks to relieve the load on the feet);
  • drink water more often (you can use lemon);
  • to conduct classes in sports training clothes and shoes;
  • it's better to run in a stadium, on a special surface or in the forest;
  • after class, take a shower with contrasting drenching of the legs;
  • at the end of the exercises, lie down for a while with raised legs.

Physical activity should be combined with rational nutrition, adequate daily regimen, good sleep, the use of elastic compression, general and local drug therapy. Only then will it become possible positive result workouts.

Nowadays, going to the gym has become the norm for many. Therefore, it is important to know which simulators should not be used for. The most important limitation is that it is strictly prohibited power training... Lifting weights, especially from a standing position, will have to be ruled out.

It is also important to adhere to the drinking regime and limit classes in time. Those engaged in the simulator during active training lose a lot of fluid with sweat, which leads to thickening of the blood - an unfavorable phenomenon with a tendency to thrombosis.

The lesson plan and what simulators are allowed to use for varicose veins are preferable to agree with a fitness trainer or exercise therapy instructor. Exercises in the gym for varicose veins should not last more than 40 minutes.

The list of which machines can be used is small, but it allows you to exercise without harm to the affected legs.

With varicose veins, you can use such simulators as:
  • exercise bike with back support;
  • elliptical;
  • rowing;
  • treadmill;
  • rider;
  • Roman chair;
  • "butterfly".

The question often arises: is it possible to use additional inventory? It is allowed to work out in the gym using fitballs and hoops. If it is necessary to pump up the muscles of the arms, then dumbbells of low weight (in total, no more than 3 kg) can be used while sitting or lying down.

There is no doubt that playing sports with varicose veins is necessary.

A competent approach will allow you to combine varicose veins and fitness. Regular, sensible exercise with varicose veins will help prevent the disease from progressing. But you definitely need to know what kind of sport you can do, and what exercises for varicose veins are prohibited.

Exercise for varicose veins helps the muscles to contract, with the help of which blood is better pushed through the veins. It carries great benefit with this disease, since the vessels are dilated, and the valve is not capable of performing its intended function. It follows from this that people not only can, but also need to work out in the gym with varicose veins. However, it should be borne in mind that the load on the vessels of the legs should be minimal.

  1. Most of all, the vessels of the legs are loaded during exercises that are done in a standing position: squats, deadlifts, lunges. Under such loads, the pressure on the vessel walls increases several times. These exercises should be excluded from training for varicose veins, at least for a certain period of time.
  2. The upper body with varicose veins of the legs is allowed to work out according to the usual method. There are no prohibitions on this score.
  3. In order not to overload the vessels of the legs, it is recommended treadmill and the ellipsoid should be replaced with a horizontal exercise bike and rowing machine.
  4. When the workout is over, you need to stay in the supine position for 5 minutes, lifting your legs up in order to decrease the blood circulation in the veins.

Approved simulators

With varicose veins, you need a special planning of classes, a choice of equipment and a mode of operation. There is no need to waste time stretching and stretching before exercising. With varicose veins, it is permissible to use both power and cardio loads, but some points must be taken into account.

Exercising on cardiovascular equipment:

  1. Give preference to a horizontal exercise bike, with its help the load on the legs will be optimal. Try to press harder against the back of the simulator and set the medium mode of operation.
  2. An elliptical trainer is acceptable, but with some speed limits. Establish a moderate pace of work, do no more than 3-4 steps in 1 second.
  3. The rowing machine can work out the main muscle groups without putting unnecessary stress on the legs. Feel free to experiment with the tempo and distribute the load as you wish.

Strength exercises:

  1. Try to avoid exercises that are done while standing. Sitting on a bench will give a good effect, so you can train your arms, shoulders and back.
  2. To work out the lower body, swing in different directions, as well as flexion and extension movements.
  3. Start exercising gradually so that you can observe the body's reactions and, if necessary, adjust the exercises. If the next day there is swelling or severe pain in the legs, then the load must be changed.

Can i run

Running is of great benefit to of cardio-vascular system, also with it, the system of muscles, veins, valves in the calves and feet of the legs is actively working. With this, the blood is pushed through the veins, and does not occur stagnation... Running will not harm your health if you adhere to the following rules:

  • you can run for no more than 30 minutes;
  • jogging should be calm (jogging);
  • choose an unprimed area;
  • wear sneakers that are made specifically for running;
  • for flat feet, use orthopedic insoles;
  • run in the morning or in the morning.

In order for fitness to become a part of life and not harm health, you must adhere to some rules:

  • Get a compression jersey and wear it before every workout.
  • warm up your muscles on a recumbent bike or rowing pacemaker;
  • after each exercise, lie on the floor with your legs lifted up, this is necessary to stabilize the outflow of blood from the lower extremities;
  • if possible, visit the therapist on duty before class;
  • adhere to the measure in everything and do not overdo it with loads;
  • to keep the pressure on the venous walls to a minimum, train the muscles of the legs in a supine or sitting position.

It is undoubtedly necessary to strengthen the muscles of the legs with varicose veins. Standing exercises are considered the most effective, but experts recommend refraining from them during the first 2-3 months. Then you can gradually add such exercises to your training program and observe the body's response. If the state of health does not deteriorate, then they can be left and practiced fully. Otherwise, these exercises should be forgotten forever.

Of course, everyone wants to look beautiful and have a perfect figure. Sport is an ideal assistant to achieve this goal, but it is always necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and existing health problems. Varicose veins are not a hindrance to the realization of these desires, you just need to know how to do it right in the gym so as not to harm your health.

In addition, do not forget about the presence of trainers in the gym, who will always prompt and help you to determine the correct loads.

They think that the road to the gym is forever closed for them. But who said that fitness in this case is a hindrance to health? On the contrary, he can become a reliable assistant on the path to recovery. And when the right approach there will be almost 100% result.

Prescription fitness

If you are accustomed to a sports lifestyle, but you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, you can still do fitness, only under the strict supervision of a doctor, fitness instructor, and only in compression underwear. It supports the venous walls under heavy loads.

Varicose veins are divided into three main stages. Do not forget that a certain physical activity is required at different stages of the disease.

1st stage: Worms and nodules

The legs still do not swell or hurt, but wreaths appear, like "worms" under the skin, and separate "nodules" in the standing position.

You can study at strength training equipment... Choose one that will put the least stress on your veins. Try to pay attention to your stretching and warm up very well before starting your workout. Warm up will warm up your muscles, and minimum loads on the veins will help to avoid complications such as thrombophlebitis.

You can not get carried away aerobic exercise on the treadmill.

Stage 2: Severity

Besides the fact that the wreaths “crawled out”, there was a constant feeling of heaviness in the legs. Always in the late afternoon, there is a slight swelling in the ankle area.

You can go swimming and water aerobics. Do not forget about yoga and Pilates - many exercises are performed in the supine position and even with the legs raised up (reverse postures), and this is useful for varicose veins. During swimming and water aerobics, there is no shock load on the legs. The water pressure prevents the blood from stagnating. As for yoga, most of the exercises here come to work. internal muscles and are performed slowly, which allows you to monitor your condition.

Do not engage in treadmill and stationary bike, as well as strength aerobics. Step, power loads on your feet, running, jumping is better to completely exclude.

3rd stage: Increase

To the first two symptoms, one more was added: if you stand or sit for a long time, swelling appears on the legs and the skin darkens.

You can swim, but preferably in warm water. Exclude additional load on your feet. Walk more. At the same time, carefully monitor your well-being and avoid overwork. In warm water, your veins are safe. Moreover, it exerts a compressive effect on the vessels of the legs. The gravitational factor also decreases. And when combined with muscle activity, it becomes the ideal treatment.

A phlebologist will help to determine at what stage your disease is. It is also important to understand the cause of the onset of the disease.

Victims "inherited"

Today, a disease called "varicose veins of the lower extremities" is one of the most common vascular lesions. According to statistics, at the moment this disease occurs in 30% of people over 25 years old. Unfortunately, age group every year it is getting younger. Moreover, doctors say that it is almost impossible to insure yourself against this disease. Visually, varicose veins can be characterized by the presence of dilated and convoluted veins on the foot, lower leg and thigh. This is a chronic hereditary disease that goes through several stages over a fairly long period of time. The mechanisms that trigger it have not yet been fully studied, but it has been proven that a hereditary factor, impact, plays an important role.


Exists special complex exercises for varicose veins, which can be done at home. This wellness gymnastics is aimed at facilitating the outflow of blood from the lower extremities and increasing the contractility of the calf muscles. You can do it regardless of the stage of development of the disease. We are starting to train under the guidance of phlebologist Andrey Krasilnikov.

Lying on your back, extend your arms along your torso. Breathe evenly. Lift your legs off the floor and cross them alternately. Exercise "scissors" should be performed in the vertical and horizontal planes until a pronounced feeling of fatigue appears.


Place your feet tightly together, stretch your arms along your torso. Exhaling slowly, pull your shoulders back. While inhaling slowly, relax your shoulders and tilt your head forward.

Lie on your back. Extend your legs almost parallel to the floor and imagine pedaling your bike. While doing the exercise, do not overload yourself - your lower back and back should always be firmly pressed to the floor.

Vibration gymnastics

The starting position is standing. Rise on your toes so that the heels come off the floor a little, only 1 cm. Drop abruptly to the floor, hitting the heels. The exercise must be performed without haste, no more than once a second. After doing 20-30 repetitions, rest for 5-10 seconds. Then repeat the series of 20-30 repetitions again. This will increase blood circulation in the veins of the legs. In terms of the mechanism of its action, this exercise is akin to walking or running. By doing it, you give an additional impulse to move the blood upward through the veins. You can do it almost anywhere throughout the day, even at work.

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