Exercises to stretch the internal oblique muscles of the abdomen. Hanging pelvis

Pump up the press- a laudable desire and pleasing in every sense.

A large saggy belly is not only ugly, but also very unhealthy.
Toxins accumulate in adipose tissue, it serves as a source of synthesis of "harmful" that can provoke development or even .

With atony of the muscles of the abdominal wall, the internal organs are displaced downward, ptosis causes a violation of their function. The relaxation of the tone of these muscles makes the normal process of childbirth impossible. There must be sufficient muscle strength to push the fetus out.

Extra inches around the waist - an increased risk of stroke or heart attack.
And, meanwhile, dosed exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles have a lot of beneficial effects on the body:

    With physical exertion

    Is being filmed

    Work improves internal organs, constipation and heartburn caused by hypotension of the gastrointestinal tract disappear.

    With a pumped up press, less often there are back problems in the form .

Of course, pump up the press it is difficult for a girl and a woman at home to dice it, here the stumbling block is the peculiarity of the hormonal background: not so many male sex hormones are synthesized in the female body, and hyperandrogenism can also cause .

It is androgens that increase muscle mass... But slim stomach in 6 weeks is a perfectly achievable goal.

Before watching the video from Jillian Michaels"6 cubes in 6 weeks" (6 Week Six-Pack), it is advisable to at least superficially familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the lateral and anterior abdominal wall muscles that make up abdominal.

Muscles of the side wall of the abdomen

External oblique muscle of the abdomen flattens the abdominal wall, helps support the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. When lying on your back, this muscle raises the pelvis.

Unilateral contraction of this muscle leads to a rotation of the body in the opposite direction.
Exercises for the external oblique muscle of the abdomen:

    Starting position: lying on your back. Put your hands under the buttocks, bend your legs at an angle of 90 °. We pull the socks up due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. The shoulder blades and the back of the head are pressed to the floor (to the sofa). When raising the legs, exhale; when lowering, inhale. We do not hold our breath. Correct breathing- one of the keys to success when you want to burn excess fat. It is this principle that underlies the technique .

The external oblique muscle works well when digging with a shovel.

Internal oblique muscle of the abdomen has the same functions as the previous muscle, but contracting, it turns the body in its direction.

Exercises for the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen:

    Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are located as close to the buttocks as possible. The lower back is pressed to the floor (this is necessary to avoid friendly muscle contraction), work only at the expense of the abdominal muscles. We raise and twist the body alternately to the left and to the right, trying to reach the opposite knee with the elbow. At the same time, the chin is pressed against the chest so as not to create tension in the occipital muscles and not provoke a tension headache.

Number of repetitions: for a start 15 - 20 times in each direction. Number of approaches: at least 3.

The internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is actively involved in raking.

Transverse abdominal muscle performs the same functions as the muscles described above (flattens the abdomen, supports internal organs). In addition, she is involved in maintaining ... It also brings the lower sections closer together. chest, forms a thin waist.

The transverse abdominal muscle actively works with a deep breath.

Muscles of the anterior abdominal wall

In the vagina of the rectus abdominis muscle, the rectus and pyramidal (often absent) muscles pass, which have similar functions: they both participate intilt of the body anteriorly. The rectus abdominis muscle stabilizes the pelvis when walking.

The main functional movement rectus abdominis muscle: contraction at the time of getting up from a low chair.

Is it possible to pump up the lower press?

Such a thing as “ lower press»Does not exist, since there are no muscles in the hypogastrium (lower abdomen). Here is the white line of the abdomen, formed by bundles of aponeuroses. broad muscles belly. In the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen there is an oval opening, the so-called superficial inguinal ring, through which, with excessive increased intra-abdominal pressure (for example, when lifting weights), internal organs can protrude, which is called an inguinal hernia.

Errors when working with the abdominal muscles

    When doing ab exercises, your abdominal muscles work together with other muscles in the body. If the press sways incorrectly, then instead of the abdominal muscles, the neck, hips, lower back, anything else will hurt, but not the abdominal muscles.

    To build abs, you need to put a load on other muscles. For example, on the back muscles.The "straight plank" exercise is excellent for strengthening the abdominal muscles.

    Workout should be intense, regular, but not daily. Muscles also need rest and recovery time.

    Compliance correct diet- one of the keys to success, if you want to pump up the press and .

    The training should be comprehensive, including various exercises, the complexity of which must constantly increase. For weight, you can use dumbbells,

    roll out on a roller

    exercises on the press on the horizontal bar

    on Beres's hinges

    or buy a press bench.

To form slim figure Exercises with Jillian Michaels level 1 are the best fit.

Greetings to you, the most slender and pumped ladies and gentlemen! If you are here, then you are probably wondering how you can look even better? How do you make your body truly perfect? A good muscle corset in the abdominal area will give you not only beautiful figure and envious glances, but also excellent work of internal organs, digestion without failures, and as a result, good health.

Brief anatomical excursion

If you are at least a little familiar with anatomy, then you know that in the abdomen we have rectus muscles - this is a large group from the pubis to the ribs. But our silhouette is formed by the oblique muscles, both external and internal. In addition, there are transverse muscles that lie under the layer of the aforementioned fibers.

Our conversation today will concern the study of the waist zone, once I already wrote about, which also contributes to the study of the waist. And today we will learn how to build oblique abdominal muscles.

Attention! Be careful when pumping oblique muscles, otherwise you will get a wide and not pretty waist! I would not recommend pumping oblique muscles at all! Pump only the rectus abdominis muscle, then if you miss it, you can pump the oblique as well.

This group is mainly responsible for turning the body to the sides. The external oblique muscles can be easily seen on the body of well-pumped and dried athletes. They literally wrap around your waist from your sternum to your lower abdomen.

Such fibers work in a mirror image, that is, contractions of the left oblique muscle turn the body to the right and vice versa. The internal oblique muscles are unrealistic to see, because they lie under the external ones.

Preliminary stage

Before any workout, you will need to prepare. At this stage, it is worth following simple rules. For example, it is not recommended to eat about 2 hours before the upcoming exercise. However, you should not do the exercises on an empty stomach either. Therefore, have a light snack during the specified time frame to get the most out of your body.

By the way, immediately after training, it will also be harmful to fill your stomach tightly. Wait at least half an hour and then eat. To satisfy your hunger after exercise - snack on a banana or apple.

Regardless of where you train: at home or in the gym - start your workouts with a short warm-up that activates blood circulation and prepares your muscles and ligaments for the upcoming challenges.

Usually these are the most simple complexes for example, jogging on a treadmill, pedaling on a bicycle, or simply rotating in large articular groups, as well as bending and turning the body. You can make a beautiful waist in 3-4 workouts per week. It is not worth doing more, so as not to overexert yourself.

Did you know:

Cheap weight gainers often contain a lot of sugar. See the composition. After all, sugar can be bought much cheaper.

It's better to warm up and not work out than work out without stretching

All the specialists of our site who write articles and answer your questions are professional trainers and doctors

Muscle pain after exercise is the result of microtraumas in muscle fibers

The ideal weight for women, from the point of view of aesthetics, is height minus 113.From the point of view of physiology: height minus 110

The ideal rate for gaining weight is 1 kg per week. If it is faster, then in addition to muscle there will be a lot of fat.

Regardless of your strict diet, you should not consume less than 1100 kcal per day.

The ideal weight loss rate is 1 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, your muscles will be destroyed.

25% of beginners experience a state close to fainting during their first workout. This is due to a sharp drop in pressure.

When losing weight, you need to reduce the total calorie content of the diet at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, but not at the expense of proteins.

Curvature of the spine can only be corrected with strength exercises in childhood and adolescence

You cannot force the body to burn fat in only one specific place.

In men, after sex, the strength decreases. In women, they increase. Therefore, it is better for men to abstain before training.

Women's breasts cannot be reduced or enlarged through exercise. After all, it consists mainly of adipose tissue.

Until the 1920s, there were no squat and bench racks in the gyms. And they took the barbell from the floor.

Exercises for the abs and buttocks allow women to reach orgasm faster and easier.

Sports nutrition can increase the efficiency of your workouts by about 15%

To increase the biceps by 1 cm, you need to build about 4 kg of muscle throughout the body.

If you feel faint and dizzy during training, then you most likely have low blood pressure. Drink sweet juice between sets.

After 3 - 4 months after the start of training, a person develops a physiological dependence on training.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles? During any exercise, your muscle fibers must stretch and strain. If this does not happen, then you are not working correctly. Note that the oblique abdominal muscles do not stretch very well, so you will get tired quite quickly. But this reaction is considered normal.

Exercises for beginners

Even if you are a very advanced athlete, but have never played sports, you will not be able to bypass this stage. Of course, you should not expect special results from such activities. It will also not work to get clear reliefs with their help. However, you will tone your muscles and strengthen them well.

At this stage, exercises to remove the belly and sides of the man, as well as the woman, will be next.

Level for advanced athletes

When you already perform exercises from 1 block without additional effort, proceed to the next stage.

  1. Sit back on a gym mat with your legs straight, one arm behind your head. Now we begin to raise one leg, bent at the knee, and at the same moment we pull the bent elbow towards it.

    After they meet, return to the starting position. Change arm and leg and do this exercise again.
  2. You can make a variant of such a lift, when the legs are on the mat (for convenience, bend them at the knees) and are fixed, and the hands are behind the head at the back of the head.

    You only need to raise the body and reach the opposite knee while twisting with your elbow.
  3. How to pump oblique abs in other ways? Side Knees Raise . To perform this complex, you need, respectively, to sit on your side, leaning on your outstretched elbow. We put the other hand behind the back. The legs are straightened.

    Now, at the same time, pull your knees up to your chest, but try to do this in such a way that they do not touch the floor. Relax and do 10-20 reps, and then roll over to the other side.
  4. To know how to pump up your abs, you need to understand how your muscles work. Naturally, the more they stretch and contract, as well as tense, the better. Therefore, the most suitable exercises the complication will be twisting on the horizontal bar, where you will experience maximum loads.

    And if before we just lifted our legs to the side different levels, then now your task will be to linger at the extreme points of stress. The longer you can hang like that, the better.

  5. One of the most difficult ways to work on a horizontal bar is to turn. We firmly hold on to the crossbar and begin to describe an arc with our feet in the air. This exercise requires excellent coordination.
  6. Do you think I told you about all the ways how to pump up an oblique abs? Of course not! I have a couple more blanks for the strongest and most persistent. We will do the bends with the bar. To do this, you will need either a short 10kg bar or a long 15 or 20kg bar.

    Feet are shoulder width apart and the bar rests on the traps. Now we make bends to the sides, trying to fix ourselves in order to feel all the stretching of the muscles. Make sure that the body does not deviate from a straight axis.
  7. Want to diversify? Make exactly the same inclines, but with a twist. Try to stand very stable so as not to lose your balance. After all, you will have to bend forward and at the same time tuck the body to the side towards the opposite leg.
  8. The next invention of fitness instructors called "Lumberjack" will help to narrow your waist. To do it, you need a top block trainer. Grasp the soft handle with both hands and pull from the right shoulder to the left leg and vice versa, making chopping movements.

    So, today we studied how to pump up a lateral press at home and what can be done in gym for these muscles.

In this article, we will talk about how to train the oblique abdominal muscles correctly. You will learn about the most effective exercises for the lateral press, receive recommendations on the technique of their implementation and nutrition, from which the direct result of your workouts.

The oblique abdominal muscles, which form the lateral abs, are the lagging muscle in most athletes. The main problem that prevents their development is the weak inclusion of oblique muscles in the work during twisting, which the overwhelming majority of bodybuilders consider the best exercise to get a relief belly. There are two types of oblique muscles - external and internal. We can assess the external muscles visually, since they form the separation on the lateral part of the body, the task of the internal oblique muscles is to stabilize the body during movement and protect the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. In all lateral press exercises, both muscles work equally.

The functions of the oblique muscles and features of their development

The oblique muscles of the press perform the following functions:

  • bend the torso in the lower back;
  • turn the torso to the left and right side;
  • take the pelvis back.

Unlike rectus abdominis oblique fibers directly affect the shape of the figure... How bulkier muscle, the wider the waist seems - this should be taken into account by all athletes, especially girls, for whom the excessive development of the lateral press can be harmful.

Nutrition for an embossed belly

The humorous expression: "Everyone has a press, only some have it hidden by a layer of fat" - fully corresponds to the real state of affairs. In whether you get relief cubes on your stomach or not, no more than 30% of the final result depends on training, while the nutrition factor is of primary importance.

In order for the relief of the abdominal muscles to be clearly visible, it is necessary to have 12-15% subcutaneous fat... In parallel with exercising in the gym, you will need to "dry", which is done with the help of a properly selected diet. We do not suggest that you count calories and weigh food - it is pointless to do this, but your own gastronomic habits will need to be significantly changed.

The 5 most important nutritional rules:

  1. Eliminate sweet and starchy foods from the diet, any sources fast carbohydrates use in limited quantities.
  2. Eat 4-6 small meals a day- this allows you to accelerate the metabolism, due to which the body will burn more calories than usual.
  3. Eat a lot of protein- meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, as a side dish, use sources of fast carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice and any types of cereals.
  4. Skip store-bought treats- chips, soda and similar chemicals, which are almost entirely composed of fats and sugar.
  5. Take in "good" fats- nuts, vegetable oils and fish oil, instead of animal fats. Remember, if fat hardens at room temperature, it means nothing. beneficial organism will not receive from him.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

The abdominal muscles, unlike other muscle groups, need to be worked out in a wide range of repetitions. It is optimal to do 15-20 repetitions for each approach, 3-4 approaches should fall on one exercise. You need to swing the press at the end of the workout, since it participates in many related exercises - the press tired at the beginning of the session will not allow you to normally perform a squat, deadlift or bent-over barbell deadlift.

Best Side Press Exercises

  1. Bends with a barbell on the shoulders. The exercise is done from a standing position (feet shoulder-width apart) with a low weight of the projectile; it is better to use small barbells with a fixed weight. You need to bend over as you exhale, when moving down, the body turns so that one shoulder looks up, the other down. The tilt is done to the parallel of the body with the floor, the rise in starting position on exhalation.
  2. Lateral crunches while lying. The athlete lies on the mat, the body looks up, the legs (pressed to each other and bent at the knees) are pulled to the side and pressed to the floor. Next, the body is lifted and twisted until the elbow of the working hand touches the upper knee. The exercise is performed on each side in turn.
  3. Woodcutter. Performed on block trainer with upper L-handle. You need to stand sideways to the stand of the simulator, take the handle with both hands and perform a chopping motion with the body from top to bottom, moving the handle of the block to the opposite foot from it. At the lower point of the amplitude, a short pause is maintained, during which you need to strain the abdominal muscles as much as possible, after which you can return to the starting position.
  4. Hanging side crunches. Can be done on a horizontal bar or parallel bars with back support. We fasten on the projectile and raise the legs bent at the knees, turning the pelvis so that the feet are parallel to the floor.
  5. Twisting with a twist. The exercise, which is the simplest in terms of technique, differs from the classical twisting in that at the top point of the range of motion it is necessary to touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one of the hands.
  6. Dumbbell Bends. Holding dumbbells in our hands, we perform alternate inclinations to the right and left sides, it is necessary to tilt exactly upper part the body due to the oblique muscles of the press, and not the entire torso.

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Important! In the process of performing any exercises for the lateral press, it is extremely important to focus on the inclusion of the oblique muscles in the work, since the muscles of the dorsal region can also rotate the spine. Emphasize the load on the right muscles you can imagine that you are tilting the ribcage towards the pelvis, and not just moving the torso.

The role of basic exercises in pumping up the press

You can swing the oblique muscles of the press not only with isolation exercises, but also with the base. Moreover, in the process of performing basic exercises, the load on the press is much greater than that which you can give it by working with your own weight. It is not for nothing that many fairly dry weightlifters and lifters have such a developed "adonis belt", which is extremely difficult to pump up without squats and deadlifts.

The abs work best when doing squats and deadlifts. These exercises are an excellent help for the harmonious development of muscles, since when they are performed, the body experiences severe stress, as a result of which, for 1-2 days after training, the production of anabolic hormones increases, on which the effectiveness of the growth of all muscle groups directly depends.

If you decide to include deadlifts and squats in training complex, then the number of isolation exercises on the press must be reduced. It will be enough to perform 2 exercises in the 3x15-20 mode at the end of the workout in order to "finish off" the previously tired abdominal muscles.

However, keep in mind that beginners need to do technically complex basic exercises under the supervision of a trainer or a person who can supply the athlete correct technique their implementation. published.

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The oblique abdominal muscles are located on the sides of the abdominals. The question of how to pump them correctly is of most interest to female representatives. Overdeveloped oblique muscles can make the figure courageous, because the growth of the lateral press will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist. But strong obliques create a strong muscular system that supports the spine and helps prevent injury when exercising with heavy weights.

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Oblique muscle anatomy

The abs are made up of many muscles. Most athletes pay attention only to working out the straight line, which is responsible for the presence of cubes. The oblique muscles, on the other hand, often do not receive the proper load. They sit on the sides of the belly and help create a well-defined silhouette.

Lateral muscles are divided into:

  • external (external) oblique - the largest and most noticeable;
  • internal oblique - smaller and located deeper, under the external.

The main purpose of the oblique muscles is to turn the body to the right and left. In addition, they perform the following functions:

  • support the spine, creating a strong muscle corset that protects against injury;
  • allow you to make the silhouette on the sides more toned.

Therefore, strengthening the oblique muscles is an important task for any athlete who cares about their figure and athletic performance. Indeed, without a strong lateral press, you will not be able to seriously increase weight in basic exercises.

Lesson rules

There are several important nuances when doing oblique exercises. If you do not follow them, training can only harm outward appearance and health.

First, it is worth understanding that the development of the lateral press will not help flatten the tummy and remove the sides. Fat burning occurs only when you are in a calorie deficit. To create it, you need to follow a diet and exercise (strength or cardio). During exercise, not enough calories are expended on the press. Therefore, if the sides have body fat, the oblique muscles will be simply invisible.

Secondly, it must be borne in mind that the growth of the lateral press leads to an expansion of the waist. After all, this is where the oblique muscles are located. This is not so scary for men who want to have a bumpy belly. But women should swing obliquely very carefully.

It is quite easy for girls to "kill" the waist and lose the feminine lines, especially if you use weights when doing exercises. This mistake is often made by women, as they believe that weighting will allow you to quickly reach the goal and remove the sides.

You also need to follow these rules:

  • eat 1.5-2 hours before training, so as not to exercise on an empty or full stomach;
  • after gymnastics, food intake should be followed in 1-1.5 hours.

If significant oblique muscle growth is required, you can drink protein or a gainer immediately after training.

How to quickly pump up calves at home and in the gym - effective exercise

Effective exercise

To pump up your side press, you will need to regularly perform special complex exercise.

It can be done on a separate day 1–2 times a week, or you can do a couple of oblique exercises at the end of a workout on other muscle groups.

Side crunches

The simplest exercise for beginners to do at home is the side crunches while lying on your back.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on the mat. Stretch your arms along the body. Bend your legs at the knees.
  2. 2. Slightly lift the upper back off the floor without lifting the shoulder blades.
  3. 3. Try to reach with the fingertips of your right hand to your right foot. Then - with the left hand to the left foot.

You should try to do 15-20 reps in 3 sets.

During the execution, the neck should not strain. Otherwise, the load will pass from the target muscles to the cervical spine.

Another option for performing the exercise in a prone position, when you need to reach with your right elbow to your left knee, and then with your left elbow to your right knee.

You can also do side crunches while lying on your side.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on your right side and slightly bend your knees. Left hand, bent at the elbow, lead behind the head.
  2. 2. Then try to reach the hip with your elbow.
  3. 3. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. 4. After completing the specified number of repetitions, roll over onto the left side.

If you have a fitball at home or in the gym, you can use it to work out the oblique muscles. In this case, you will need:

  1. 1. Lie on it sideways so that the waist is on the fitball.
  2. 2. With one hand you need to hold on to the ball, and the other to bring it behind the head.
  3. 3. Legs should rest firmly on the floor.
  4. 4. From this position, it is necessary to begin to perform lateral twisting, trying to reach the legs with your elbow.

When performing exercise on a fitball, you have to maintain balance. Therefore, stabilizing muscles are additionally included in the work.

Standing side bends

An effective exercise for the development of the lateral abdominal muscles is side bends. Most often it is done from a standing position with dumbbells.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Stand up straight. Feet should be shoulder width apart. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. 2. Bend first to the right and then to the left.
  3. 3. The dumbbells should slide close to the hips.

You don't need a lot of weight in this exercise. This is especially true for girls. After all, the use of weights when bending down will inevitably lead to an expansion of the waist.

You can also perform the exercise on a bench. A hyperextension machine works best. You will need to stand in it sideways and fix your legs between the rollers. With one hand behind your head, you need to start bending to the sides.

This option will provide a large range of motion, and, consequently, a more effective study of the muscles.

Raises the torso and legs on the side

Complicated variation of side crunches - doing the exercise with straight legs. Would need:

  1. 1. Lie on your right side and start right hand Per head. Legs should be straight
  2. 2. On exhalation, try to connect the elbow to the legs, while lifting them.
  3. 3. Having stopped at the top point for 1-2 seconds, you need to return to the starting position.

This exercise is more difficult and not suitable for beginners. Before proceeding to its implementation, you should master the lateral twists without lifting your legs.

Body turns

An exercise such as torso turns is aimed at developing oblique muscles. It can be done in a seated position with a small bar.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Sit on a bench, curbstone or chair and rest your feet firmly on the floor.
  2. 2. Put the bar from the bar on your shoulders.
  3. 3. Turn the housing to the right as far as possible. In this case, the pelvis must remain motionless.
  4. 4. Then turn to the left as much as possible.

Movements should be smooth so that you can feel the work of the target muscles.

You can perform the exercise while standing. In this case, when turning to the right, you can slightly twist left leg... Then the range of motion will be greatest.


Many people know an exercise called a bicycle. In the standard version, it is an alternating knee lift and loads the rectus abdominis muscle. But if you change the movement a little, you can shift the emphasis to the side press.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Lie on your back and raise your straight legs above the floor.
  2. 2. Then tear off the upper back from the surface so that the shoulder blades remain on the floor.
  3. 3. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee and try to reach it with your left elbow.
  4. 4. After that, straighten your right leg and bend your left, trying to reach it with your right elbow.

It is worth doing this exercise continuously for 20-40 seconds in sufficient fast pace.

Side bar

To work out the side press, you can transform an exercise such as a plank. You will need to do it while standing on one leg and leaning on one hand.

Correct technique:

  1. 1. Take a starting position, leaning on your right arm and right leg.
  2. 2. The left hand can be placed on the belt.
  3. 3. The body should be straight. Do not allow the hips to "sag" down.

Beginners can stand in such a bar for only 20-30 seconds. Gradually, the time must be increased.

Hanging leg raises

If a horizontal bar is installed at home or in the gym, you can use it to swing oblique muscles. To do this, you need to do side raises in the hang.

Execution technique:

  1. 1. Hang on the bar with a firm grip on it.
  2. 2. Raise your legs, bent at the knees, first to the right and then to the left. They should be at chest level.
  3. 3. In this case, the body must be twisted slightly in the right direction.

This exercise has an increased difficulty level. It's usually easier for guys to do. Girls often do not have enough grip strength to hold weight. own body.


The pendulum is another good exercise to work out oblique muscles. To complete it you need:

  1. 1. Lie on your back. Raise your legs so that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor, and the lower legs are parallel to it.
  2. 2. Turn them to the right, twisting the pelvis. You don't have to touch the floor. The main thing is to feel the maximum stretch of the side press.
  3. 3. Having paused for a while, return the legs to their original position with a powerful movement.
  4. 4. Then turn them to the left.

You can complicate this exercise by turning your straight legs.


An exercise with the unusual name "Lumberjack" can be done in the gym. It also targets oblique muscles. To complete it, you will need a simulator with an upper block.

Step by step technique:

  1. 1. Stand with your right side to the block top link and grab the handle with both hands.
  2. 2. Pull it towards the left leg.
  3. 3. Then return the handle to the right shoulder and perform the required number of repetitions.
  4. 4. Then stand up to upper block left side.

The movement should be powerful and chopping, as if you were a woodcutter.

It is necessary to perform 3-4 exercises from the presented ones 1-2 times a week. The next workout should not be planned before the muscles stop sore.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29, divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

© Kzenon - stock.adobe.com

    What is required

    Both guys and girls pay a lot of attention to pumping the abdominal muscles. In order for the press to look harmonious, it is necessary to systematically develop absolutely all muscle groups located in this part of the body, and not just straight and transverse ones. How to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles and what exercises are best for this - we will tell you in detail in this article.

    Oblique muscle anatomy

    The abdominal muscles are composed of several zones. In order for the press to be more aesthetic, the athlete needs to work it out in a comprehensive manner.

    The oblique muscles help a person flex and rotate their torso. Anatomical features this muscle group allows you to maintain beautiful posture back and help shape the wasp female waist.

    The structure of the muscle group

    The oblique muscles of the press consist of an inner and outer region. The outer obliques begin in the region of the V-XII ribs, and are attached near the inguinal ligament, the white line of the abdomen, the pubic tubercle and the crest.

    The internal obliques originate from the inguinal ligament, iliac crest, and thoracic lumbar fascia. They are attached to the pubic crest, the white line of the abdomen and the cartilage of the IX-XII ribs.

    Basic functions in the body

    The oblique muscles of the abdomen allow anyone to perform a large number of movements. Their main function is to turn the chest to the side. Also, this muscle zone plays an active role in many physiological processes in the body. The oblique abdominal muscles are involved in the tension of the abdominal region. This process takes place during childbirth as well as during emptying.

    A well-trained muscle allows you to perform various flexions in the lower back. You can tilt to the right and left, and lift your pelvis forward. Regular exercise will help reduce stress on the spine and improve posture.

    Benefits of training for oblique muscles

    Pumping the abdominal press allows the athlete to increase strength in other basic exercises. Exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles are not only performed by bodybuilders and powerlifters. Often this area is also pumped by athletes (throwers sports equipment), snowboarders, figure skaters, gymnasts, boxers, representatives of some team sports, and, of course, crossfitters.

    However, do not forget that overly pumped oblique muscles visually make the waist wider... If you do not want such an effect, do not put too much on this muscle group... 1-2 exercises per week is enough.

    Common injuries

    It is very important to perform all movements with correct technique as well as work at a slow pace. Before starting the session, you should warm up well. Warm up not only the oblique muscles, but also other parts of the body. Thus, you can avoid troubles and various injuries.

    So, what kind of injury can be caused by improper exercise technique? Let's take a look at the most common problems, their causes and symptoms:

    • Sprains are the most common injury. Athletes suffer similar damage during intense training. The structure of the muscle tissue can be compromised. In the event that you feel a sharp pain in the area of ​​the press, and it is unpleasant to bend the body, consult a doctor. In some cases, athletes suffer from bruising. Your body temperature may rise. The length of the recovery process depends entirely on the severity of the injury.
    • Regular aching pain can occur if you exercise too often and too much. The athlete should rest well between workouts in order to avoid the effect of overtraining. No need to pump the press daily.
    • Pain in the abdomen does not always arise due to errors in the technique of performance. You could have simply been blown out. Be sure to see a doctor if the problem cannot be solved on your own by reducing the frequency, intensity of training and reducing the load. An experienced specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Exercises on the oblique muscles of the abdomen in the gym

    And now let's move on from theory to practice and consider the most effective ways how to build oblique abdominal muscles. To do this, you must create a training program that will suit your individual characteristics.

    The oblique abdominal muscles are a fairly large muscle area. She receives a load not only during lateral twisting. Other popular basic exercises will also positively influence the development of this target muscle group.

    Obliques are usually trained in conjunction with the rectus abdominis muscle. In this case, the best option would be to do 2-3 exercises on a straight line and 1-2 on obliques.... In the gym, athletes work with special sports equipment. You may need barbell pancakes, fitball, and dumbbells.

    This exercise is performed using a block simulator or a crossover:

  1. Grasp the rope handle that should be attached to the top block.
  2. Kneel down with your back to the block.
  3. Pull in your stomach, tighten your abs.
  4. Exhale - bend your torso to the side, only oblique muscles should participate in the work.
  5. In the lower phase of the movement, you need to linger for a couple of seconds and strain your abs as much as possible.
  6. Inhale - under control

Move only with the abdominal muscles, do not bend over due to the efforts of the back. Don't move back and forth. Work smoothly without jerking. You should do 10-15 reps per set. The number of approaches depends on the goals training process.

Turns on the block ("lumberjack")

This movement is also performed on a block trainer or crossover. In addition to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the transverse and straight sections receive the load. The technique is as follows:

  1. Turn around and grasp the rope handle with both hands. Don't bend them into elbow joint.
  2. Turn the body to the side and bend over, while you need to firmly hold the handle and pull it towards the thigh farthest from the block. Don't hunch your back.
  3. Return to starting position.
  4. After completing 10-15 repetitions, stand on the other side of the machine and repeat.

Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise; they should not be bent. Also, do not move with jerky movements. The legs should be in a static position.

Body turns on the fitball

Fitball is a special sports equipment which is shaped like a regular ball. It is very elastic and also quite large (diameter - about 65 centimeters). Such turns of the body allow you to work out perfectly lateral muscles press.

  1. Lie with your back on the fitball, the gluteal zone should also be located on the ball.
  2. Spread your feet on the floor, lean on them firmly.
  3. Put your hands together behind your head. Alternatively, you can alternately stretch with one hand to the opposite leg, leaving the other behind your head.
  4. Tighten your abdominal muscles and gently rotate to the right side, and then return to the starting position.
  5. Turn to the left side. The lower back should not come off the ball.

Very often, experienced athletes use weights. You can pick up a pancake from a barbell or dumbbell. Hold them firmly with both hands. The number of repetitions is the same.

Lower block slopes

This exercise should be done with the lower block:

  1. Stand firmly on your feet sideways to the block, straighten your back.
  2. Take one hand on the special handle that should be attached to lower block... You can put your other hand behind your head or rest on the side.
  3. Perform torso bends in the opposite direction from the block.
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds at the bottom of the movement.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. After 12-15 repetitions, turn to the other side, and then continue to perform the movements.

This exercise should also be done without jerking. It is necessary to work at a slow pace.

Samson's Bends

Effective oblique abdominal exercises are very often performed with sufficient heavy dumbbells... The Samson Bend is one of the most popular of these moves. This sports element invented by the Lithuanian strongman Alexander Zass. His stage name is Amazing Samson.

To complete the exercise, you will need a pair of dumbbells:

  1. Stand up straight with your back straight. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Take dumbbells, lift them over your head in any convenient way.
  3. Slowly lower the body to the right side without bending your elbows.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Lean to the left and return to the PI again.

Work very carefully. Beginners should take light dumbbells up to 10 kg. Make sure that the projectiles do not fall down. Here, 3 approaches will be enough, in which you need to do 10-12 repetitions.

Nuances of training for women

Most often, guys and girls who work out in the gym perform the same abdominal exercises. The structure of this muscle zone is identical in representatives of different sexes. Thus, any abdominal exercise available may be appropriate for women.

However, it should be noted that there are still several features of the training process for the fair sex:

  • You need to perform only those movements that do not cause any discomfort, pain and other unpleasant sensations (this is also true for men).
  • Girls should exercise without the help of heavy sports equipment. Strength work can lead to an increase in the waist, which is unlikely to be the effect you were seeking.
  • Do not strive to complete difficult tasks, focus on simple exercises that will help to work out the target muscle group in a comprehensive manner. Simple doesn't mean ineffective.
  • For women, it is not at all necessary to specifically focus on the movements that are designed to pump the lateral press - exercises on the rectus abdominis muscle will be quite enough.

Indoor program

How to build oblique abdominal muscles in the gym? There are two main options - to fully pump the press once a week (4-6 exercises) or at the end of each workout (3 times a week, 2-3 exercises). In the first version, 3-4 exercises will be on the rectus abdominis muscle and 1-2 on the oblique. In the second - 1-2 on the straight line and 1 on the oblique.

The approximate lesson plan in the first version may consist of the following exercises:

Exercise name Abdominal muscles worked Photo
Hanging leg raisesStraight3x10-15

Crunches in the simulatorStraight3x12-15
Side crunches on the crossoverOblique3x12-15

Lower block slopesOblique3x12-15

In the second case, you can alternate exercises, for example, in the first workout:

Exercise name Abdominal muscles worked The number of approaches and reps Photo
Incline Bench CrunchesStraight3x12-15
Hanging leg raisesStraight3x10-15

"Lumberjack" on the blockOblique4x12-15

On the second:

Exercise name Abdominal muscles worked The number of approaches and reps Photo
Crunches in the simulatorStraight3x12-15
Reverse crunches on the benchStraight3x10-15
Body turns on the fitballOblique3x12-15
© Mihai Blanaru - stock.adobe.com

And on the third:

Exercise name Abdominal muscles worked The number of approaches and reps Photo
Elbow plankStraight3x60-90 sec

© Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com
Hanging cornerStraight3x60-90 sec

© Vasyl - stock.adobe.com
Side crunches on the crossoverOblique4x12-15

Home Workout Exercises

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home? Very simple! The oblique exercises we suggest below can be done in almost any setting. In order to pump your abs well, you don't always need to buy an expensive fitness center membership. The main thing is to have patience and strive for the set goal.

Twisting with body turns

This movement is performed by all athletes who strive to work out the oblique abdominal muscles in a quality manner. Exercise allows you to well load the inner and outer oblique areas of the press.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Lie on the floor. The legs must be bent at the knees.
  2. Hands should be located at the back of the head, do not move them while performing twists. Elbows need to be spread apart.
  3. Using the force of the press, lift the upper body off the surface. In this case, the lower back should be pressed throughout the entire approach.
  4. Rotate your torso to the side, as if you are reaching with your left elbow towards your right leg.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Twist to the other side. You can also put your ankle on the knee of the other leg and perform twists first on one side, and then change legs and perform on the other.

© Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com

Work at a slow pace. During movement, you can not pull your head with your hands. The number of repetitions is 12-15.

Side crunches

This exercise will help target the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen. It is very important to perform all movements technically correctly:

  1. Lie on your side. The legs can be slightly bent at the knee joint.
  2. Your right hand (if you are lying on your right side) must be straightened forward and put on the floor, keep your left behind your head.
  3. Using the efforts of the side press, lift your torso up.
  4. Fix for a couple of seconds the position of the body at the top point of movement.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Do a few 12-15 reps of side crunches.
  7. Roll over to the other side.

It is very important to keep your back straight without bending it. Work smoothly without sudden jerks.

Lateral slopes

This exercise is often performed in the gym with dumbbells in hand. On initial stage it can be done without additional burden:

  1. Stand firmly on the floor. Feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Raise your hands up and hook into the lock. Or raise one hand up, and put the other on the waist (when changing the side of the tilt, the hands also change position).
  3. Do not bend your back, tilt the body to the side.
  4. Return to the starting position, the movements must be performed along the body in the same plane.
  5. Do about 15 reps on each side.

© Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com

For more experienced athletes, it is best to exercise with weights. At home, you can use a regular backpack. You need to put books in the bag, and then take it in your hand.

© Mihai Blanaru - stock.adobe.com

Lying on your side leg raises

This movement will help to develop not only the lateral press, but also to work out the gluteal zone and outer part hips. Recommended for girls.

  1. Lie on your side. Lower arm it is necessary to straighten towards the head, and bend the second at the elbow joint. Place it in the chest area.
  2. Bring your legs together and then lift them as high as possible. You can also raise your core to accentuate the obliques.
  3. Lower your legs and body down. Do it smoothly, do not relax your abdominal muscles.
  4. Do about 10-12 reps and then roll onto the other side.

© Mihai Blanaru - stock.adobe.com

You can work without the help of special weights.

Hanging pelvis

To make turns in the hang, you need a horizontal bar:

  1. Jump onto the bar. Bend your knees.
  2. Lift your knees up, while it is necessary to deflect them alternately to different sides. Try to do this with your abs, not your legs.
  3. At the top of the movement, fix the position of the legs for a second.
  4. Perform several turns of the pelvis in a row in a row.

© Fxquadro - stock.adobe.com

A more difficult option would be to lift up not your knees, but straightened legs.


This exercise is quite difficult, it is best to put it first in oblique training. The technique is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back. Straighten up.
  2. Lift both your torso and your legs up in sync. The support is on the buttocks. Legs can be bent slightly if you find it difficult to keep them straight.
  3. At the top of the movement, turn the body to the side.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Make a lift and turn the other way.

© Bojan - stock.adobe.com

Work smoothly. Most often, athletes perform 8-12 V-turns on each side. During the exercise, you can work only with your own weight or use weights. It doesn't have to be weights or dumbbells - you can even take an ordinary bottle of water in your hands.

Home workout program

At home, the principles of building a program do not differ from training in the gym. Only the exercises change.

Program for training the press once a week:

Exercise name Abdominal muscles worked The number of approaches and reps Photo
Straight crunches on the floorStraight3x12-15

Reverse crunches on the floorStraight3x10-15

© artinspiring - stock.adobe.com
Crunches with raised legsStraight3x10-15

© chika_milan - stock.adobe.com
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