Crossover for pectoral muscles. Reduction of hands in a crossover

This is an isolated exercise that works great for pumping your chest. It differs from the dumbbell set in that there is constant tension in the chest muscles throughout the entire amplitude of the exercise and allows you to better work out the inner part. Flattening in a crossover puts less stress on the elbow joints than setting dumbbells.

Different muscles work depending on the slope of the bench:

  • lying on a bench upside down loads the lower pectorals more;
  • lying on a horizontal bench loads the middle of the pectoral muscles;
  • lying on a bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees loads the upper chest.

Starting position

Take a bench that suits you and place it in the center of the crossover. Lie on a bench so that the middle of your chest is at the level of the middle of the blocks. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and rest them on the floor. For a more isolated option, lift your legs up, place them with your heels on a bench or keep them crossed, the weight in the simulator that you will lift will be less, but the isolation on the pectoral muscles will become much more. Another option is to press your lower back fully against the bench, this will increase the isolation of the pectoral muscles and do not forget to raise your legs on the bench. The back, pelvis and neck are pressed against the bench, the shoulder blades are together, the lower back and legs are in the position of your choice. Grasp the handles of the crossover and bring them together, if you are uncomfortable, ask for them to be served to you. Only use D-shaped handles. Take the handles into the lock, palms facing each other. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and keep that way throughout the exercise.

Technique for performing a convergence of hands in a crossover lying on a horizontal bench

We start the exercise from the top position. Inhale and begin to lower the handles down in an arc. It is worth lowering until the handles are at the level of your shoulders. The elbows look down and are always bent. Together with an exhalation on effort, bring your hands together. As if hugging a small barrel on his chest. Hands should touch at the top point, linger there for a short period of time. Tighten your chest and lower.

One of the most famous isolation exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles, but it does not pump the entire chest, as many think. It is possible to perform mixing, in general, at different angles, from this angle it will depend on which part of the pectoral muscles the load will fall. Accordingly, the load can be accentuated on different parts of the pectoral muscles, and since the exercise is performed with light weight, then, in fact, what part of the pectoral muscles is being trained depends on the angle at which the athlete performs the reduction of the arms in the crossover.

Exercise is not a way to build muscle mass, but experienced athletes with at least one year of training can incorporate it into their training program. The fact is that the less trained the athlete, the less work his muscles can perform. That is why only basic exercises should be done for the first year. You can, of course, do more work, but this will lead to overwork, you will drive yourself into overtraining and reduce the effectiveness of your visits to the gym to zero.

Muscle and joint work

Reduction of arms in a crossover loads the external or internal part of the pectoral muscles, which depends on how the athlete will perform the exercise. If the exercise is performed while standing, then the external part of the chest receives the load, and if lying down, then the internal part. It should also be noted that with the correct technique, the biceps will also receive the load, which should relieve the load from the elbow joint. But the shoulders must be fixed and try to exclude from work.

With the wrong technique, when the athlete is chasing weight, converging the arms in a crossover can even lead to injury to the elbow joint. But, if the athlete does everything right, then this can be avoided. Moreover, even when the exercise is performed while standing, bending forward completely removes the load from the spine. And, in general, the exercise does not involve the use of large training weights and is performed in a simulator, so it is very difficult to get injured.

Reduction of hands in a crossover - scheme

1) If you are doing the exercise while standing, then you should take the crossover handles and stand in the starting position, bending forward slightly and raising your elbows above the hands.
2) Without moving your elbows, bring your hands together so that your palms cross, then return to the starting point.
3) If you are doing the exercise lying down, then you will need a bench, which you should place in the middle of the machine.
4) Lie on a bench, first taking the handles of the simulator in your hands, and then start bringing them together and spreading them out as if you were spreading dumbbells.

Crossover - Notes

1) When performing the exercise lying down, it is best to use the help of a partner who will give you the handles of the simulator.
2) The elbows should always be locked while converging the arms in the crossover, which will help isolate the triceps and relieve the load from the elbows.
3) Again, when performing the flattening while lying down, it is best to keep your feet on the floor, resting tightly with your heels, which will provide better stability.
4) The head in both cases should be in the same position and look forward, do not tear it off the bench, or do not lower it down.
5) Try to increase the range of motion, which will help to better engage those areas of the pectoral muscles that are usually not loaded.


Reduction of arms in a crossover allows you to stretch the chest, replacing the dumbbell spread, but, unlike the spread, performing this exercise while lying down, the athlete gets the opportunity to better work out the inner part of the pectoral muscles. The chest is a large muscle group, so it is difficult to steal the load from it, but if you have this part of the body that is lagging behind, then converging your arms in a crossover can be very useful.

On the other hand, the exercise is formative, moreover, it is also performed in the simulator, which does not allow the load to progress effectively. But on the other hand, the exercise is almost completely safe for the joints. It is these characteristics of hand convergence in a crossover that make this exercise indispensable during an injury, and also well suited to those athletes. Those who have not yet learned to feel their pectoral muscles, which is why they receive less load during more complex exercises.

Watching those exercising in the halls performing the crossover exercise, once again you are convinced of the validity of the saying that there are as many opinions as there are people (but in relation to the technique of execution).

Reduction of arms does not belong to the main exercises on the chest, however, the correct technique is the only one that cannot be violated if you want to achieve the goal.

For people who come to gyms for "massive breasts" fundamental exercises are: barbell and dumbbell press, lying dumbbells. This is not surprising, since the listed exercises are considered the best for gaining mass. But, gaining mass is half the battle, because you need to be able to apply it, and block simulators and isolating movements help to do this. Speaking about the female breast, it is clear that it is of a good size and well "set". But, over the male breast, comparable to the creations of architects, you need to work well so that it becomes powerful and eye-catching.

A handsome male chest should represent (in the manner of armor) two massive slabs with a clearly visible separation of the lower and upper sections, there should be a deep border separating the left and right halves (middle line). Basic trainings cannot achieve this, therefore the isolating ones performed in the crossover and butterfly simulators are important.

What happens to the muscles during a wing-swing crossover exercise: the load is directed to the muscles of the chest, the triceps are not involved in the work, the only joint is moving - the shoulder. In the classic variant, the target is the lower (sternal) head of the pectoralis major muscle. Her assistants are the upper head (clavicular) and the pectoralis minor muscle, as well as the individual muscles of the back and anterior deltas. The muscles of the forearms, the upper shoulder girdle, along with the oblique / straight abdomen, and the extensors of the spine act as stabilizers.

The muscle atlas shows this more clearly:

Benefits of Crossover Exercise for Chest Muscles

Ignore the crossover exercise in vain, because it carries a lot of benefits for the pectoral muscles:

  • there is no bench, i.e. back support, which allows the shoulder blades to move naturally and freely while performing crossover exercises. The training relieves the back;
  • the pectoral muscles are constantly tense throughout the training. The crossover gives the chest muscles smooth and continuous resistance throughout the movement path thanks to its specific design. It turns out that in comparison with impulsive training with free weights, the load, in the case of the crossover, is present in the muscle throughout the entire range. In addition, small muscles are drawn into the work, which cannot be “hooked” in classical exercises;
  • the cable structure allows you to properly stretch the chest muscles, due to which they receive a lot of nutrients and oxygen, which is important for the progress of the pectoral muscles and development;
  • crossover exercise has a positive effect on the aesthetic component of the breast, which takes on contoured shapes. In addition, contrary to the opinion of athletes and many coaches, it does not set the task of obtaining striation of the chest, but is aimed at reducing fat deposits in the neckline;
  • the load on the shoulders is reduced. The shoulders are not comfortable working with large tonnage in the bench press, because it is dangerous to get injured. Crossover exercise gives a less destructive load, protecting the muscles of the shoulders;
  • multivariance. Different angles of exposure and different positions of the body allow you to diversify trainings, shift emphasis, therefore, the pectoral muscles have the opportunity to develop harmoniously "along all fronts."

About the technique (step by step) crossover exercises

It would seem that an uncomplicated simulator does not need to study the technique: pull yourself and pull the cable. But in practice, out of 10 athletes, 6-7 do the exercise correctly. In order not to have an option to perform incorrectly, the technique must be studied.

Step one.

  • Set the weight on each side of the machine to the optimum.
  • Take a stable position in the center, grab both handles, take the "split" position, taking a step forward (back straight).
  • Tilt the body slightly forward, after which, begin to spread the handles until the pectoral muscles stretch, keeping the elbows bent at the back.
  • Take a breath.

Step two.

  • Exhale and begin to pull the handles towards the center of the body in a wide arc.
  • As soon as they enter the target area of ​​the hands, bring them together slightly and linger for a couple of counts in this position.
  • Return slowly in the same arc to the PI, experiencing a slight stretch in the pectoral muscles.
  • The number of repetitions performed must be as specified.
  • The body and arms are motionless, the shoulder joint moves.

To make it clearer, there is a picture:

In dynamics, the crossover exercise looks like this (emphasis on the lower chest):

Athletes' mistakes

The following errors are observed when the hands are pressed together in the simulator:

  • pressing the elbows to the body;
  • rounding the back;
  • excessive flexion of the elbow joint.

Basic rules for bending arms when working in a double block

If the athlete remembers the given chips, then the crossover exercise will be technically correct:

  • weight in training is important, but no less important is the technique, which provides for a wide range of motion and compression and stretching of the pectoral muscles;
  • the chest is additionally squeezed when the arms are crossed (at the end point of the movement) and 1-2 counts are in this state;
  • movements should resemble "hugs";
  • impulsive movements are not allowed. Do everything in a controlled manner and smoothly;
  • control the contractions of the chest muscles: it is due to them that squeezing is performed. For this, the chest should protrude forward, and the shoulders should be pulled back;
  • hand movements should be symmetrical.

Execution variations

The main "trump card" of the crossover exercise is the flexibility of distributing the load on the pectoral muscles. The emphasis depends on the position of the clenched hands. The load can be shifted to any part of the chest: bottom, middle or top.

Variations look like this:

What is important to understand in order to pump the pectoral muscles most productively

The increase in muscle mass depends on the degree of exposure to the muscles of the chest.

To achieve its maximum value, we will reveal two secrets:

In the training program, it is recommended to combine two exercises that are performed without stopping, i.e. "Train": do 25-30 classic push-ups, then, going to the simulator - 10-15 hand information. After resting for 45 seconds, a new cycle. This training is called the "push-up superset". You need to complete 3 cycles, after completing which the muscles will be pleasantly surprised and you will be pleased with the growth.

Crossovers: horizontal and seated

A more powerful exercise compared to the classic crossover chest exercise, but rarely performed by athletes. Changing to a horizontal, flatness of hand, works on the mass of the pectoral muscles. To complete the training, you need to set a horizontal or inclined bench in the center of the simulator and lie on it. Training in a crossover resembles a dumbbell reduction, but it is effective, since the load does not leave the pectoral muscles for a second.

Crossover trainings performed "sitting" are no less productive. In this position, the legs and back are not involved in the work, and the crossover exercise acts with pinpoint accuracy on the pectoral muscles, and is not "smeared" over the body.

Important: while performing horizontal information of the hands, change the position of the hands from repetition to repetition, turning up the right and left alternately.

Video: Crossover on the upper blocks

Working with free weights is the foundation of the training process, but isolation exercises should not be ignored for greater effectiveness. The crossover trainer on the upper blocks will help to diversify the training plan and give the muscles the desired shape.

Crossover simulator: design and training features

Almost every gym has a universal block-type device called a crossover. Its classic design is represented by two power blocks connected by a frame. There are also other modifications of the simulator:

  • one-sided block rack;
  • corner crossover;
  • triple design;
  • double block or block frame.

All crossovers are equipped with upper and lower traction blocks, the height of which is adjustable depending on the height of the athlete and the goals of the activity.

Benefits of working in a block simulator

Crossover training is very flexible: here you can influence the target muscles in a variety of ways from different angles.

Working with free weights has many advantages, but it is inherent in it to lose some of the load as the projectile returns to its original position with each repetition. This does not happen in the crossover: due to the specificity of the rope-block system, muscle fibers actively work regardless of the phase of the exercise.

Any movement in this simulator due to the cable mechanism goes in accordance with a given vector. This minimizes the work of the stabilizing muscles, makes it possible to feel the contraction of the target muscles, which is important for beginners. However, if a beginner athlete is interested in gaining muscle mass, he should not avoid basic free weight exercises.

Elaboration of the shoulder muscles in the crossover

The musculature covering the humerus of the hand is the object of intensive training for visitors to gyms. The biceps (biceps muscle located on the inner side of the shoulder) and triceps (three muscle bundles on the back of the humerus) form an attractive arm relief and are an indicator of decent physical shape. To give more detail to this area, a crossover is used.

Extension of arms on the upper block

Exercise in isolation loads the triceps. It is performed with different handles, but the rope allows you to work in a greater amplitude and makes it possible to "hook" the deepest muscle fibers.

Having fastened the selected handle on the upper block, set the weights. They stand facing the simulator, slightly tilting the body forward and slightly bending the legs at the knee joints ("soft knees"). One leg can be slightly forward. A natural deflection is fixed in the back, the chest is straightened.

Taking the handle, lower it down so that an angle of 90 degrees or a little more is formed between the forearms and the shoulder.

  1. With the effort of the triceps muscle of the shoulder, the handle is lowered towards the front surface of the hips until the arms are fully extended. Keep the elbows close to the body. The exhalation should coincide with the moment of maximum effort.
  2. At the lowest point, they are delayed by 1-2 counts, contracting the triceps.
  3. On inhalation, slowly, without allowing an inertial raising of the hands, they return to their starting position.

Do 10-15 times in 3-5 sets.

The features, advantages and disadvantages of the exercise are discussed in the video:

Video: Extension of arms on the upper block

Flexion of the arms on the upper block

This movement loads the biceps and brachialis - the brachial muscle located underneath. It is done while standing on the floor or sitting on a bench.

For this exercise, you will need a double pulley and D-handles attached to the cables in the top position.

  1. Grasping the handles with a reverse grip (wrists away from you), they are located in the central part of the device. It is desirable that the blocks are 30-40 cm above the shoulder line.
  2. The arms, slightly bent at the elbows, are statically tense and are located in a single plane with the racks of the simulator. The brushes are slightly curled towards the head.
  3. Straining the biceps, as you exhale, pull the handles towards the head.
  4. When the hands reach the line of the temples, stop for 1-2 counts.
  5. Inhaling, in a controlled and slow manner, bring your hands to the starting position.

Do it 10-12 times in 3-4 approaches.

Until the approach is completed, the shoulders and wrists should not be relaxed: this can lead to sprains or dislocations.

Crossover pectoral workout

The pectoral muscles are a large muscle mass that requires high-quality workout. To get not only the desired muscle volume, but also a clear relief, you need to supplement the basic exercises with isolating ones. Crossover training is perfect for this purpose.

This exercise is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, do not have the ability or desire to do the bench press in the classic version. It does not have the same pronounced mass-gaining effect, but it contributes to the drawing of the relief of the pectoral muscles, is less traumatic for the shoulder joints and can be performed without the help of a securing partner.

Before starting the lesson, the handles are attached to the lower blocks of the crossover and the weights are set. A bench is placed in the center of the device and placed lying on it. The handles are pulled towards themselves so that the arms bent at a right angle are at the lower border of the chest.

  1. Taking a deep breath, exhale simultaneously squeeze both handles up.
  2. In the top position, they freeze for a couple of seconds.
  3. While inhaling, they lower their hands to the starting position, maintaining the tension of the cables of the block and not unnecessarily taking their hands down.

Perform 15 repetitions in 4-5 approaches.

The exercise can be done on a horizontal or incline bench.

Reduction of hands on a block simulator

This movement, reminiscent of the flapping of the wings of a bird, contributes to the detailed drawing of the pectoral muscles, perfectly complementing the basic exercises.

You have to work on a double block, on each side of which the necessary weights are installed at the top. Taking the D-shaped handles in their hands, they take a stable position in the center of the device, keeping the back level while maintaining a natural deflection. The body is slightly tilted forward (no more than 15-20 o from the vertical position). The handles are spread on the sides until a feeling of slight stretching of the pectoral muscles appears. The elbows remain slightly bent (“soft elbows”) and are positioned slightly behind.

  1. Exhaling, the handles are brought along a wide arc to the center of the body (to the level of the press). At the start, jerk movement should be avoided.
  2. When the hands come close to each other, you need to stop for 1-2 counts, contracting the pectoral muscles.
  3. On inspiration, they slowly return along the same trajectory to the starting position.

The work is carried out at the expense of the shoulder joints with a fixed body. Movements are done under control and slowly, without jerking, due to the effort of the pectoral muscles. Do not exercise with absolutely straight arms: this activates the triceps and overloads the elbow joints.

Video: Correct technique of converging hands in a crossover

Crossover Back Workout: Straight Arm Rows

The block trainer allows you to train your back in different ways, one of which is the pull of the upper block, or a pullover performed with straight arms. This exercise concentrates on the lats and contributes to the formation of a V-shaped torso.

Having installed the weights and fixing the handle on the upper block, they take it with a wide grip. Positioning themselves facing the device (feet are at shoulder level), they step back 1-2 steps and pull the block slightly with their hands towards themselves so that they are slightly above shoulder level. The elbows and knees should be slightly bent. The upper part of the body is tilted forward at an angle of about 30 °.

  1. Taking a breath, they begin to pull the handle to the bottom of the body. The most difficult part of the movement occurs on the exhale. The arms are kept almost straight, with a slight bend at the elbows.
  2. When the handle approaches the hip line, pause for a second, concentrating on the peak muscle contraction.
  3. On inhalation, under control and slowly raise your arms to the starting position, excluding "throwing" up. Do not raise the handle too high, including in the movement of the shoulders.

Perform 15-20 times in 3-4 approaches.

Video: Technique of traction of the upper block with straight arms

Working out the deltoid muscles on the block

Training deltoids is not an easy task, since the three beams that form this muscle are not always evenly worked out by exercises with free weights. Isolated movements are equally important here. Many of them can be done in a crossover.

Chin Row on the upper block while standing

This movement intentionally loads the posterior bundle of deltoids, which is traditionally lagging behind.

Before starting work, set the weights and fix the rope handle on the upper block, take it in your hands and move about 1.5 m away from the simulator. The shoulders are in a parallel position to the floor.

  1. Inhaling, pull the handle towards the chin (photo). During movement, the elbows are positioned above the forearms. Keep your shoulders down. The main effort coincides with the exhalation.
  2. At the end point of the trajectory, a small pause is made, straining the back delta. The body remains level.
  3. Taking a breath, bring your arms to their original position, while stretching your shoulders. This movement is done under control.

Perform 10-12 times in 3 approaches.

Video: Performing Block Rows to the Face

Crossover leg exercises

The block machine will add variety to traditional lower body training programs and will be a safe alternative for those who are not recommended for classic squats, deadlifts and lunges for health reasons.

Block squats - how to do it right

Exercising in this version, you can purposefully pump the buttocks: a specific technique allows you to squat as deeply as possible, which is impossible in the classical version. An added bonus is the absence of axial load on the spine.

Choosing the right weight is important for crossover squats. It is selected so that the athlete does not fall backward (too little weight) and does not follow the cable forward (excessive weight). You may need to do a few trial reps at the beginning of your workouts to make the right choice.

Having decided on the weight, the handle is fixed on the lower block (a short straight or rope will do). It is taken from the squat, keeping the back in an even position with a natural deflection. Preventing rounding of the back, they step back a few steps. The cable takes on a taut position. The legs are set slightly wider than the shoulders, the socks are spread slightly to the sides. The shoulder blades are drawn together, the back and abs are tense. The body is slightly tilted back.

  1. On inhalation, they lower themselves into a deep squat, taking the pelvis back. It is very important not to push the body forward - this can injure the back.
  2. With a powerful effort of the buttocks, pushing off with the heels, on exhalation, they return to their starting position. At the top point, the gluteal muscles are additionally squeezed.
  3. Having made the required number of repetitions, with a flat back, they approach the simulator and, sitting down, release the handle.

Do 10-15 reps in 3 sets.

The deeper such a squat is done, the more the buttocks are worked out. Crossover training allows you to squat almost to the floor.

Video: How to squat in a crossover

Abduction of the leg on the block

The block simulator allows you to perform this exercise in different versions: it all depends on the starting position. To do this, you need to place a special cuff on the lower block of the device. It is attached to the ankle of the working leg. After completing the desired number of repetitions, the cuff is moved to the other leg. You can work with one and the other leg without a break for rest.

Table: Abduction of the leg on the block in different versions

Movement name Starting position Basic movement Muscle activation
Leading the leg back Facing block device with one leg cuff On exhalation, with the effort of the gluteal muscle, the leg is pulled back and up to the maximum possible height Buttocks, back of the thigh
Leading the leg to the side Sideways to the machine, the cuff is attached to the leg closer to it Exhaling, take the leg with the cuff to the side, slightly overlap with the supporting leg Inner thigh
Bringing the legs Sideways to the machine with the leg cuff farther from it On exhalation, the leg with the cuff is taken to the side, upon returning to the starting position, it is slightly overlapped with the support Gluteus medius muscle, adductor thigh muscle

These exercises are done in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each leg.

All movements are performed smoothly, without pulling the cable and not using the entire body. At the top point, pause for 1-2 counts, focusing on the contraction of the target muscles. Lower the leg slowly and in a controlled manner, without "throwing" it down and without relaxing the muscles.

Leads and adductions in the crossover do not give the effect of slimming the legs and buttocks, but help to correct the muscle relief.

Crossover abdominal workout

In the block trainer, one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles, called "prayer", is performed. It is inferior in popularity to traditional curls in a Roman chair, although it is safer for the back and, if performed regularly and technically correctly, gives a noticeable result.

Having established the optimal weights on the upper block, they take the rope handle in their hands and are resting on their knees (you need to put a mat under them) about a meter from the simulator. Going down, keep your back straight. You need to hold the handle in front of you in the forehead area.

  1. On exhalation, with the effort of the abdominal muscles, the body is twisted, aiming with the head towards the floor.
  2. Taking a breath, slowly take their original position.

Do 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches.

When making such a simple movement, it is important to make sure that it is not a tilt, but a twisting. The main effort is made by the abdominal muscles - the pull of the block with the hands should be excluded (their position remains unchanged).

Exercise "prayer" requires a clear connection "brain-muscle": without concentration on the work of the press, it will not be effective.

Video: Abs Workout Using the Upper Block

Exercises in the block simulator are advisable to perform at the end of the basic part of the workout - let them become the final chord, "sharpening" the muscles.

The crossover can be used to train in a superset system for different muscle groups. For example, you can combine the bench press and the upper block in one set for effective workout of the pectoral muscles. A superset will help to qualitatively load the triceps: bench press with a narrow grip, combined with extension of the upper block.

It is recommended for athletes to use training in a crossover as the main part of the program during the "drying" period. This will allow them to work on the tracing of muscle relief from different angles with minimal risk of injury.

In the block trainer, you can quickly change the working weight. This design feature is used by exercising according to the "pyramid" principle: a series of several approaches is performed with a sequential decrease in weights without rest pauses.

The crossover trainer will not replace basic exercises with free weights, however, it will successfully complement them, increasing the effectiveness of training. It is ideal for athletes who, for various reasons, cannot train with dumbbells and a barbell.

Crossover reduction is an isolating exercise for working out the pectoral muscles. This movement is recommended for those athletes who already have a decent training experience (more than 1 year); for beginners, work in a crossover will not be effective. Hand information is most often performed in order to pump the pectoral muscles; during pumping, the target muscle group is filled with blood, and with it many nutrients, due to which muscle growth is accelerated.

Crossover horizontal arm convergence is also often used to stretch the fascia (the connective tissue that covers muscle fibers), which also improves the rate of muscle growth. To increase the effectiveness of crossover training, you need to know about some of the features of the exercise technique.

With the help of the hands in the crossover, you can work out different parts of the pectoral muscles; with the standard version, the lower chest areas are most involved. To work out the middle of the chest, you will need to lower the handles on the simulator by about half, and in order to use the upper sections, the handles on the power frame should be lowered to the very bottom. How to do this can be clearly seen in the video clip at the bottom of the article.

Frequent mistakes when doing the exercise

  • Do not round your back, the effectiveness of the exercise in this case will drop many times, you will not be able to achieve the desired contraction of the pectoral muscles.
  • Do not press your elbows against your torso.
  • Do not bend your arms at the elbows, keep a fixed angle at the elbow joint. Perform information in a crossover solely by contracting the pectoral muscles.
  • Keep your legs parallel, do not put one of them in front, as in this case, one part of the chest will receive more load, and the other less, and you may end up with asymmetry of the chest muscles. You can put your foot forward only in one case - if you alternately change legs during one approach, that is, you can perform 5 repetitions with the right leg in front and 5 with the left.
  • Do not perform hand laps if your training experience becomes less than 1 year.

Let's see what a chest workout should look like with this exercise:

  • (2 warm-ups + 3-4X8-12);
  • (1 warm-up + 3-4X8-12);
  • (3-4X8-15);
  • Hand information in the crossover (3-4X8-15).

We use the information only at the end of the workout to finish off our breasts and additionally pump them. This technique is considered very effective among professional athletes, for better pumping of the target muscle group with blood, you can perform several drop sets at the very end. Also, at the beginning of your workout, you can do multiple sets in the crossover to warm up and warm up.

Video with the technique of doing hand information in a crossover

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