Japanese exercise with a roller. Japanese back exercise with a roller - slim and beautiful posture without worries

A very cool and effective opportunity to lose many cm at the waist.
Translated specifically for one forum, it is closed, and suddenly here someone from mine wants to build - here I spread it. Moreover, the forum is booming, everyone is losing cm one by one. :)

You don't need to do anything, just lie on the roller - and lose cm at the waist. The exercise is aimed at developing the so-called. brown fat. :)))
"... Unlike white, it helps not to store, but to spend reserves - to burn calories and expend energy to maintain body temperature. This is facilitated by the structure of its cells: while white fat cells contain a large drop of fat surrounded by a ring of cytoplasm, Brown cells are made up of small droplets of fat, scattered throughout the cytoplasm. These cells are literally crammed with mitochondria - "energy factories" that oxidize fats. In addition, there are many more capillaries that fit into brown cells because they require a lot of oxygen to burn fat.

Method Dr. Fukutsuji (68), author of a sensational book, 2 million 250 thousand copies of which were scattered throughout Japan, and another 3 million across Asia, like ... hot cakes.

The doctor has been dealing with pelvic problems for 20 years. And from experience I was convinced that when the pelvic bones diverge, a person gets fat from below, and when the ribs diverge, it spreads in breadth from above. And then he thought that if you return the rib bones and pelvic bones to their original, correct position, then the person will become more graceful.

You need to lie down in a special way for 5 minutes a day - and you will reduce your volume. Least.

Fukutsuji-san has been using canvas rollers in his clinic for over 10 years. This is what achieves graceful waists from clients and the fact that they do not get fat in an ugly way.

How to check the condition of your pelvis:
You need to lie down, relax and let someone else watch how the toes of your legs unfold. If one leg is extended more, then the pelvic bones on that side are still open.
(Seitai masters say that our pelvis seems to breathe, opens in the morning, closes in the evening. Or vice versa. I forgot ...) We need to bring them back.

Then the insides will tone up, they will start to work better, the fat will start to melt, life will become better, life will become more fun!

For those with lumbar pain, one towel is enough!

How to lie: We put the pillow exactly under the navel. The center of the pillow should be aligned with the sub-navel area.
Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Connect them thumbs.
(In the second video, they are offered to be tied so as not to suffer. An extremely clever idea.)

Throw your hands up and palms down, so as to connect little fingers between themselves. If your arms do not straighten completely - and let yourself, it does not matter.

And so you have to lie for 5 minutes.

But, they say, someone gives up already in the first minute. We tolerate, girlfriends, where ours did not disappear!

The legs are brought together with the thumbs - which means that the pelvic bones will also return to the desired position, the arms are stretched up - we will stretch the hypochondrium and tighten the ribs in such an eccentric way ...

Look, the girls in the video: she removed one 4 cm from the waist at a time, and the second did not remove, but she added one and a half cm in height, which is also a good thing ...

Plus, there are more bonuses!

Putting a pillow under the chest - we will achieve a higher position of the chest.

Placing a pillow under the beginning of the ribs, after 5 minutes a day, we get a more pronounced waistline.

And also - posture improves. The stoop passes. The test girl smelled it the first time.

First you need to roll the towel roll tightly.

Then tie it tightly with thread

The video clip clearly demonstrates how an ordinary towel turns into a "slimming roller". If you suffer from lower back pain, a lightweight roller, thinner than for those with a back in perfect order, will be enough for you.

So let's get started ...
Sit on a fairly firm horizontal surface (a soft bed will not work, it is better to lie on a couch, massage table or just a tourist rug on the floor), put a rolled up roller immediately behind the buttocks.

Gently lower ourselves onto our back, holding the roller with our hands so that it is across the body under the waist - exactly under the navel!

It is important! We check the correctness of the chosen pose. Feeling for the navel ...

... and draw a line with your index fingers from the navel through the sides vertically down (to the towel).

Relax. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and bring your feet together so that only your thumbs touch each other. (In order not to be distracted by holding the legs in the desired position during the exercise, they can be fixed with an elastic band.)

Put outstretched straight arms behind your head,

turn them palms down

and connect with each other with little fingers.

To be honest, the posture is quite uncomfortable. If you find it difficult to straighten your arms completely, do not be scared, let them lie as you can. The main thing is to make sure that the big toes and little fingers are in contact.

And that's it!
In this position, you need to lie for five minutes.

Just? More than. However, there is one complication. If done correctly, your skeleton will immediately begin to take its natural shape. And this process can be painful. If you find it too difficult to immediately withstand the required five minutes, start with a minute or two, each day increasing the time "rest on the roller". But, ultimately, you need to come exactly at five minutes. And do not miss a single day until a lasting result is obtained.

In fact, the method is one of the types of stretching. Only, not only and not so much the muscles stretch, but the hypochondrium.
If you move the roller under your chest, your chest will begin to lift. If you put it under the beginning of the ribs, the waistline will become much more pronounced.

Even if you do not believe in this method, no one bothers you to try, instead of swallowing pills for fast weight loss... And who said that pills and dietary supplements will help you?

I warn you right away: this is not a method for losing weight quickly in a week. But, as can be seen in the video clip, already in the first session one of the girls got rid of four centimeters at the waist. And she straightened her spine, "grew" by almost a centimeter (of course, I hardly believe in such results in one session)
The result is definitely individual. At what rate you will lose volume - no one knows. But one thing is certain: the method proposed by the Japanese doctor is harmless and free. So why not give it a try?

My comments:

we have been doing with my mom for the second week,
so I tell our feelings:
- doing this exercise for the first time, it is better to have someone nearby,
to understand exactly where to put this roller;
- put the clock in a prominent place for yourself;
- after 5 minutes, gently roll from the roller to the right side - it's easier this way,
do not get up right away, but lie down for 1 minute,
then sit down and sit for another 1 minute, stand up carefully and do not rush, it will be difficult;
- in 3 minutes everything will pass;
- it turned out to be not difficult for us to sit for 5 minutes in this position, we can do more,
but we do not know whether it is possible;
- tummy muscles are really tightened;
- once we did late in the evening and Mommy slept in the sleep of a baby!
- we do not understand what is happening there, but somehow, doing this exercise in the morning,
we have noticed that the feeling of physical energy increases throughout the day,
there was lightness.
We like this exercise, so I posted it here!

Other comments:

- Such exercises were advised by a doctor to treat a pinched nerve, only I did this with a liter bottle of warm water. The effect of the exercise is amazing !!!

- I can't believe my own eyes !!! I just carried out this experiment on myself - 3 cm was missing! Hooray! In the evening I will repeat and follow this method.

The body shaping method changes its appearance in five minutes a day

Most of us dream of slim figure and good health, but not always enough money and time for this.

But now an exercise has been developed from Dr. Fukutsuji, which is performed lying on your back with a towel instead of a roller.

Below we will learn about the technique, the essence of the Japanese roller back exercise and basic tips for achieving greater effect.

What is the method based on?

The Japanese miracle roller technique appeared many years ago, and the inventor devoted more than ten years of his life to experimenting with the back.

Japanese gymnastics for the spine, the treatment of osteochondrosis and weight loss was described in the book by Dr.Fukutsuji, which sold over five million.

Practice chinese exercises all Asians are lying on a roller, therefore they remain healthy up to 80 years.

As established by the doctor, excess weight and a wide waist appears with us due to the incorrect position of the ribs and pelvic bones. Therefore, for weight loss and treatment of the spine, it is necessary to return the bones to the correct anatomical position.

Performing Chinese exercises for weight loss, spine and lower back, it is possible to achieve the following results:

  • Thin waist;
  • Smooth shoulders;
  • Elastic chest;
  • Beautiful back;
  • High growth;
  • Restoration of the position of the discs of the spine.

To lose weight and treat osteochondrosis, back pathology, you just need to lie on a rolled towel according to the Japanese technique for five to seven minutes. Since the essence of Japanese exercises is stretching the hypochondrium and pelvic bones.

Where does the slimming roller go?

The table below indicates where to put the roller to achieve a particular exercise effect:

Weight loss features

Exercises with a roller under the lower back not only help restore blood circulation and bone position, but also help in losing weight.

This is due to the production of more brown fat and less white.

The latter is very difficult to oxidize and break down in the body, therefore it is deposited on the stomach, thighs and legs.

Brown fat cells are smaller and are better processed into energy for the body.

Due to the good connection with the capillaries, brown fat cells are able to conduct oxygen, providing fat burning. Therefore, white fat cells accumulate in the body, and brown fat cells are converted into energy.

How long does the exercise take?

Lying on a roller and back should last at least five minutes, and this seems to be an easy task to many.

But if you perform the exercises according to the Japanese method correctly, achieving the restoration of the desired state of the back, then the back and muscles will begin to ache within a few minutes.

The general course of exercises under the back with a roller is at least six months, because the first results appear no earlier than two weeks later.

How to Exercise?

Before you start roller exercises, you need to make a towel roller for yourself. It can be of any size and diameter, it all depends on your height. You can take any terry towel, waffle and even a Pilates mat.

  1. Lie on your back and place the roller under your lumbar region and navel. You need to hold out in this state for at least 50 seconds, despite the discomfort;
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, but so that your thumbs touch. Next, connect the feet, and spread the heels;
  3. Make your arms straight, put them behind your head and connect them with your little fingers. If at first the posture can cause discomfort, then over time it will teach you to relax and have fun;
  4. Do the exercises for at least five minutes, although you can start at three if you feel discomfort and pain.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of videos and trainings on performing Japanese gymnastics exercises on the spine roller.

Useful video:

Benefits of training

The technique itself is aimed at static stress and relieving pinching, while the production of brown fat and weight loss occurs.

It is also worth highlighting the following advantages from exercises with a back roller:

  • The minimum amount of space sufficient for you to fit at full height;
  • Minimum training costs, so the Japanese technique will be available to children, large families and retirees;
  • Lack of side effects and harm to health that diets and trips to the gym can bring;
  • Strengthening immunity and restoring all body functions;
  • Restoring inner balance and getting rid of stress.

Contraindications and prohibitions

There is also a category of people who need to be careful about performing roller exercises or abandon them altogether:

  • Protrusion in some parts of the spine;
  • Exit of the spinal discs and inflammation of the nerve roots.

Photo gallery:

Therefore, before doing exercises with a roller, people at risk are recommended to go to the doctor for a consultation. If you start training without permission, then you can face a worsening of the existing symptoms.

If you suffer from joint and bone pathology, but decide to try the Japanese technique with a roller, then you need to adhere to all the rules and instructions for exercises, monitoring the position of the body. In case of discomfort and pain, you need to urgently stop gymnastics.

What you need to remember about the technique

There are several points to pay special attention to:

  1. Place the towel just under your lower back or chest;
  2. Make sure that the shoulders and legs are at the same level, and the pelvic bones return to their natural anatomical state;
  3. Place your arms behind your head so that you feel the stretch under the ribs;
  4. Make sure the exercise surface is firm, choose a floor or a couch. But not a sofa or a mattress;
  5. For the correct position of the feet, it is better to tie them with a rope;
  6. It is impossible to reschedule classes or take a break in the course, it is important to observe the regime and devote at least five minutes to classes every day, without reducing the load.

Related videos:

There are a couple more tips that doctors give before performing the Japanese technique with a roller:

  • If you put the roller not under the lower back, but under the thighs and perform rolling movements, then you can achieve improved blood circulation and rapid fat burning;
  • Often cervical osteochondrosis leads to headaches, hair loss and tightness in the neck. To get rid of this, you can make a roller from a sock and two tennis balls, which are placed inside and tied with an elastic band. Next, you take a horizontal position and place your head in the notch between the balls and lie there for at least three to four minutes. The effect will become noticeable after three sessions.

Remember that the effect of the Japanese towel technique does not appear earlier than three months later. Therefore, you do not need to count on complete elimination of problems after three sessions.

Interesting video:

What can you do with gymnastics?

By performing exercises according to the method of Dr. Fukutsuji, you can achieve the following results:

  • Back straightening;
  • Strengthening the muscles of the press and back;
  • Getting rid of fat and folds in the abdomen, buttocks and sides;
  • Highlighting the waist;
  • Creation of a thinner and more graceful figure;
  • Restoring balance and inner peace.

Weight loss features

If you are using the slimming roller technique, then you need someone else to be around for the first time. This is necessary for the correct installation of the roller.

What else you need to remember from the rules:

  • Track your exercise time;
  • For weight loss, you need to put a roller not only under the lumbar region, but also under the pelvic bones or chest;
  • It is recommended to do rolling movements to improve oxygen metabolism and fat burning;
  • After completing the exercises, you do not need to get up right away, it is better to roll onto your side and lie there for a couple of minutes;
  • Then get up and sit still for a minute to restore breathing;
  • It is important not to rush during the first exercises, you need to endure the pain and complicate the load.

If there is no one to help with Japanese gymnastics and exercises, then you can learn how to fold the roller and install it yourself:

  1. Place the cushion under the basin;
  2. Then lower the body onto the roller, holding with your hands;
  3. Next, sit on the roller with your lower back. To find the desired point, you can draw a line from the navel to the side and to the lower back with a roller.

Be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult and unpleasant for you in the beginning, but over time you will be able to relax in this position with a roller under your back.

What does the doctor say about his brainchild?

The Japanese physician Fukutsuji has been studying spinal problems, osteochondrosis and obesity for over 20 years. Therefore, he managed to prove that the divergence of the pelvic bones and ribs leads to an increase in body volume, the occurrence of pinching and inflammation.

In his own hospital, all patients use only lumbar cushions with a set of exercises, and no one can fail to note positive result from treatment.

At gymnastics according to the Japanese method, there are specialists who, by the position of the legs, can tell whether the hip bones are completely closed or the patient has taken an incorrect position. Most of the masters note that the pelvis and spine begin to "breathe" when the body returns to the desired position.

It is important to open the pelvis in the morning and close it in the evening, then blood circulation and posture will improve, fat will burn faster with a roller with simple exercises.

If the problem is serious, then the masters suggest using a refined roller, which gives less load and requires longer duration of the exercises.


You don't need to be upset if the first time you do not manage to hold out for all five minutes on the roller, because flexible and trained people are capable of this. Also, don't expect the first results after a couple of sessions.

In this matter, everything is individual and depends on the depth of the problem and the person himself. Some lose weight and relieve tension from the back within a week after exercise, while others have to work out for about two months.

Only one thing can be said - data Japanese method the lumbar roller is used by more than five million people around the world.

And everyone was able to solve a number of problems with the spine and obesity. But this is possible only if the recommendations and rules for performing the exercises are followed.

We all love fairy tales from childhood. Belief in miracles does not leave from the transition to adulthood. On the contrary, it is getting stronger. And sometimes in the most unrealistic areas. The dream "not to strain, but to lose weight" is familiar to almost every second person on Earth. After all, I also want a noble figure, but there is absolutely no desire to strain at the same time. It would seem that this is unrealistic.

But the Japanese are still dream-doers. And one of them turned into a reality fast fat burning without much stress. So a special Japanese gymnastics with a back roller was created. For its implementation, you must have a towel with you and 5 minutes of free time. Is it poorly believed? Let's see.

Theoretical substantiation of the method

The Japanese scientist Fukutsuji has devoted more than 10 years to research and experimentation on this topic. The result was presented in the form of a book with a huge circulation and lightning speed of sales. In total, about 6 million copies were released, half of which were bought by the compatriots of the Japanese, the rest - by the inhabitants of Asia. And absolutely everyone, after reading and applying the technique on themselves, performing the Japanese exercise for the back with a towel roll, was convinced that it works.

What is the essence of the technique?

Fukutsuji, putting on a huge number of experiments, made the unequivocal conclusion that all the fault of the wide waist lies in the improper placement of the hypochondria and pelvic bones. And to correct mistakes, just it is necessary to return the bones to their original position, conceived by nature.

Thus, we will gradually come closer to the ideal of the figure: a narrow waist, straightened shoulders, correct posture and high growth.

For all of these results, you need to lie on a rolled towel for five minutes daily. The bottom line is stretching the body in the hypochondria.

The effect produced by the exercise depends on the location of the towel roller:

  • - position the device exactly under it.
  • For a narrow waist - in the area where the ribs originate.

“Stretching is great. But what about fat? "- you ask. The fact is that this method helps the body to produce as little white and as much brown fat as possible. What are the differences? White fat cells, surrounded by cytoplasm, are huge and clumsy, very difficult to oxidize.

Brown ones are small in size, contain a large number of mitochondria for their high-quality oxidation and thus for better conversion into energy. They contain more connections with the capillaries of the body, thereby providing themselves with the oxygen necessary for high-quality fat burning. Thus, the cells of white fat are deposited and accumulate in the body, and brown fat cells leave it regularly.

It is interesting! By the way, it is possible to check if your hip bones are in the correct position. To do this, you need to lie down, relaxing your body. And the observer from the side should compare the positions of your legs. If at least one of them something is wrong (deployed, directed in the wrong direction), then your pelvis is not closed and the exercise lying on your back with a roller must be performed.

How much time per day to spend on the technique?

For some, it is difficult to start with a seemingly small time like five minutes... But the point is that when correct technique the execution of the bones will begin their movement in the correct direction already at the first lesson. And the sensations can be both unpleasant and even painful. You don't need to lie down and endure. Better to start small and gradually work your way up to the coveted number five.

Lying for more than the appointed time also does not have much benefit. The process will not go faster, but the body may not have time to recover by the next lesson.

Note! Stunningly quick results from such fitness should not be expected. They can only be a pleasant exception. Most often, the first changes can be noticed after 2 weeks of regular charging.

Execution technique (video)

Such a roller you can do it yourself... How do I make it? To do this, you need to roll up a towel and tie it with threads in several places. The diameter of the device can be very different: depending on your height, weight, preferences and convenience. You can also use a massage or Pilates roller.

To achieve a result in a certain area of ​​the body, an appropriate position of the roller is also necessary. To get rid of the abdomen - in the lumbar region, for the chest - strictly under the breast.

  1. Lie on a horizontal surface and place the roller under your lower back, positioning it exactly at the level of your navel. The situation will not be the most convenient, but effective.
  2. Legs are shoulder-width apart, with their thumbs touching each other. This means that the feet should be slightly reduced during execution, while the heels, on the contrary, should move away from each other. The more difficult the pose becomes, the more it works.
  3. We straighten our arms and place them behind the head, palms down, touching each other with our little fingers. At the beginning uncomfortable posture afterwards it will become pleasant for real pleasure and relaxation. The basis of the entire exercise is relaxation. Need to learn relax even in the most uncomfortable position.
  4. Having fulfilled all the instructions, it is necessary to be in this position for all 5 minutes. If the deadline to start is unrealistic, start with 30 seconds, gradually bringing the result to the coveted amount of time.

The technique is discussed in more detail in the video in the popular show:

Or a more homely option:

Useful properties and positive aspects

The method itself is a static load that helps to improve posture and remove tightness in some areas of the body, affect the production of brown fat and thereby reduce your weight. The results have been confirmed by many doctors who regularly use this method.

But in addition to the above effects, this exercise has other positive effects:

  • Minimum requirements for the place of execution- a nook where you will fit in full growth, but always horizontal;
  • Minimum budget costs- every average family has a towel and thread in everyday life;
  • No harm to health if the instructions are followed carefully. Diet and fasting do much more harm;
  • Strengthening the whole organism as a whole, since from the correct position of the bones and all processes in the body begin to proceed correctly;
  • Beauty from within... They say about a person that he shines from within. This is the case. Correct posture, straightened shoulders, chiseled figure are great to raise self-esteem. This, in turn, is reflected in the appearance and absolutely cannot slip past the gaze of others.

Contraindications for implementation

A great degree of caution should be exercised in people who:

  • There are problems with joints - hip or any other;
  • Various protrusions;
  • Different types of scoliosis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia.

If you have at least one of these diagnoses, then before using the exercise it is advisable see your doctor and get permission... A seemingly harmless exercise in inept hands can not only not help, but also aggravate the problems. Be careful not to hurt yourself even more than before.

Carefully! If, having any deviation in the back or joints, you nevertheless decided to try, carefully follow the technique of execution and the general well-being in general. In case of any unnecessary pains, ailments, it is better to stop the implementation. And in such cases, you need to start execution strictly with the minimum time - 30 seconds!

Important nuances and secrets of the technique

Important points to focus on:

  • The rolled up towel should be placed strictly under the navel.
  • The legs must lie at shoulder level and their thumbs touch at the same time - this is how the pelvic bones will find their natural position;
  • The arms are exactly straight and behind the head, connecting with the little fingers - thereby stretching the hypochondrium;
  • For a pronounced effect, the horizontal surface must be firm to perform the action. A sofa or bed won't do. Implement either on the floor or on a dedicated couch;
  • In order for the feet to be as needed, they can be connected with an elastic band;
  • The method does not tolerate impermanence. You need to do the exercise strictly every day without reducing the load. Should not be skipped. Five minutes of extra time for health benefits will be found for everyone, just to correctly prioritize.
  • If you do not place the roller under your back, but place it on your hips and roll on it, that is, the ability to increase blood circulation, thereby contributing to fat burning and;
  • For any sedentary work, people have problems with the cervical region causing even greater deviations (headaches, migraines, increased hair loss). To get rid of these ailments, you can apply the so-called "widow's mound". Place 2 tennis balls in a sock and tie with string midway between them. Place your neck exactly in this notch and try to relax. You will receive the first improvements after a week of regular use.

The Fukutsuji method is not a magic pill that, if swallowed, will immediately rise to the the right places... The results are not lightning fast, like in any other activity. But with only one difference - without much effort and heaviness, without loading yourself to the limit.

When applying magical actions, leave room for realism. Get rid of a lot overweight just this exercise is difficult. But regular exercise will help to improve the health and elasticity of the body, the main thing is to be able to wait. Two weeks is a month, maybe more. Organisms are different for everyone. The main thing is that they will come. The main thing is to show perseverance and willpower.

see also

  1. used to relieve back pain.
  2. will help with lower back pain.
  3. find out here.
  4. showed high efficiency.
  5. To strengthen back muscles can be used

The Japanese are fighting obesity in every way. People with overweight fined, obliged to take special courses for weight loss. Thanks to this, the percentage of obesity in the country is extremely low, it is only 3.5%.

Of course, no intimidation will affect a person if he himself does not want to take care of himself: his figure, appearance and health in general. Among the multitude effective techniques weight loss, one especially stands out - Japanese gymnastics with a back roller.

The technique was developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, who has been involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with spinal diseases for a long time. It was his colossal experience that helped create a set of exercises for the correct position.

According to the doctor, neither getting rid of diseases of the spine, nor general improvement of the body is possible if the pelvic bones and ribs are located incorrectly. He confirms his opinion with many years of observation and research.

Thus, gymnastics entered stretching and straightening exercises spinal column - they became the most popular. The effectiveness of the technique was approved by doctors and confirmed by patients.

Exercising regularly, you can not only achieve normal spine function, but also lose excess volume at the waist, strengthen the muscles and make the figure more toned and slim.

Japanese roller gymnastics is not a grueling workout for many hours. A scanty amount of time will be enough here in order to begin to take the correct position.

You can start classes from 5 minutes... This is enough to make you feel uncomfortable and even sore. This does not mean that you have to endure everything. Let the first lesson not last long.

First changes in positive side will become noticeable only after 2 weeks of regular training.

Pros and cons of gymnastics

The positive aspects of gymnastics include the following:

  • does not require a lot of space for classes... A small space is enough where a person can lie on the floor and stretch out to his full height;
  • minimum time spent- no more than 30 minutes a day;
  • no additional costs- to start practicing, you only need a towel and thread;
  • no harm to the body, especially in comparison with various diets and fasting;
  • strengthening the whole body- as the bones move into the correct position, all organ systems begin to work more harmoniously;
  • the technique helps to lose weight;
  • effectiveness confirmed a large number of patients;
  • exercise relieves muscle tightness, improve posture and may even slightly increase height;
  • gymnastics will help not only remove volumes from the waist and abdomen, but also to strengthen the chest - just move the roller under the back.


Like any other technique, Japanese gymnastics with a roller has some contraindications... They are not absolute, you just need to consult your doctor before starting classes and make sure that the classes will be not only effective, but also safe for health.

This must be done if you have the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral;
  • scoliosis of any kind;
  • displacement intervertebral discs – ;
  • problems with anyone;
  • pregnancy and postpartum period within a month;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • hypertension.

If you have any of the listed problems, you need to follow the exercise technique with particular care and start classes from 30 seconds. In this case, it is necessary be sure to monitor your well-being and immediately stop exercising if severe pain and other negative manifestations occur.

How to make a towel roll yourself

In order to make your own roller, you will need a towel and thread. A dense roll with a diameter of 8-10 cm is rolled up from the towel, it must be tightly wrapped with threads. Then the diameter can be brought up to 15 cm.

It is better to start with a smaller diameter, you need to focus on your own parameters and degree of comfort. The smaller the roller diameter, the less stress on the spine. If a massage roller is available, it will work just as well as a Pilates roller. The length of the bolster should be about the same as the width of the back.

Spine Roller Exercises

The desired effect depends on the position of the roller. For example, a roller is placed under the lower back to get rid of the volume in the abdomen. Roller under the neck for osteochondrosis helps to eliminate the negative manifestations of this disease and even get rid of it completely.

  1. Lie on your back on a flat horizontal surface... The roller is placed under the lower back so that it is just below the navel. It is not very convenient, but extremely effective.
  2. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, while the feet should be turned inward and touch each other with their thumbs. The heels should be turned away from each other as much as possible.
  3. Hands clasped with little fingers you need to place it under your head so that your palms rest on the floor. This posture, as well as the leg posture, is not the most comfortable, but the essence of the technique is based on this - to learn how to relax even in the most uncomfortable position. After a few sessions have passed, you can feel the true pleasure of relaxation.
  4. Fixing the body in such a position, you need to hold out for a start at least 5 minutes. If this is not possible, you can reduce this time to 30 seconds. Gradually you need to increase the time to the designated 5 minutes. Over time, it will be possible to increase the diameter of the roller.
  5. Rest after exercise. in a prone position for about 5-10 minutes, roll onto your side and stomach, slowly kneel down, without making any sudden movements, as this can lead to displacement of the vertebrae.


Regular exercises in Japanese gymnastics with a roller will normalize all body functions, increase the level of health and body elasticity. You should not expect a sharp weight loss, since this technique is not designed for this, however, the elimination of extra centimeters from the abdomen and sides is quite real.

Japanese gymnastics is slow, measured, requiring no effort or exertion, but no less effective.

Roller Fukutsuji is called a "magic towel" because its action really looks like magic. The technique bears the name of its creator - Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji and was developed for those who dream improve the condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, align posture, get hold of beautiful breasts and a thin waist. We decided on ours to figure out what this technique is and what results can be obtained.

What is the popularity of the method?

The Fukutsuji method is popular, first of all, because it is unlike any other way to quickly lose weight. He does not require strict dietary restrictions, does not provide for intensive sports.

Japanese gymnastics, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, is rapidly spreading in many countries and helps girls to find a thin waist. At the same time, the so-called exercise consists of just one static exercise - lying on a towel for the spine for 5 minutes daily.

Exercise with a roller for the back works out the muscles of the sides and abdomen, stretches the spine, corrects the position of the pelvic bone, starts metabolic processes at the cellular level, as a result of which body fat very quickly converted into energy required for cells.

The description of such gymnastics for the spine causes skepticism in many, and that is why people start testing the method. The result is not long in coming: the effect is noticeable almost immediately, so the principle of charging very quickly scatters among acquaintances, girlfriends, and colleagues.

Efficiency, simplicity and safety are what make Japanese spine exercises so popular.

Theoretical justification

Dr. Fakutsuji's method has a solid theoretical foundation. The doctor spent more than 10 years to substantiate the effectiveness of the method, conducting numerous studies, which are reflected in the specialist's monograph. The circulation of 6 million copies spread with lightning speed throughout the countries of Asia.

The doctor studied what changes occur with age in the spine, and came to the conclusion that divergence of the hypochondria and pelvic bones and flattening of the intervertebral discs cause an expansion of the waist and a decrease in human growth.

Few people wonder why people become shorter in old age. The intervertebral discs, which consist of fibrocartilaginous tissues with gelatinous contents, are subjected to significant stress on a daily basis. Due to constant mechanical stress when walking and a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to lose moisture, and they have to shrink. With age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, therefore, the depreciation of the structures of the spine also decreases, which is why they are forced to flatten.

The Fukutsuji roller is formed in a certain way and is fixed in a certain way in the spine. Regular exercise helps to restore deformed intervertebral discs, stretch the spine, start the process of activation in the cartilaginous tissue, and the spine quickly returns to normal.

What does the exercise give?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at spinal health. Slimness, thin waist and lack of sides - this is just a very pleasant " by-effect" exercises.

So what does the technique give?

  • The correct position of the bones of the skeleton is formed.
  • Posture becomes even and beautiful.
  • Internal organs fall into place.
  • Pains in the spine, back, lower back disappear.
  • Digestion is improved.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular system is getting toned.
  • Being filmed muscle spasms and tightness in the area of ​​various parts of the spine.
  • Visually, the chest rises.
  • Breathing is normalized, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • The blood circulation of the vertebral arteries improves.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach is tightened, a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when doing the exercise belly fat doesn't go anywhere... By stretching the spine, he only distributed in such a way that the silhouette female body becomes more fit, slim and feminine... We also recommend using it for beauty and slimness.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on physical level, one cannot fail to say about a significant emotional uplift. If a person has to stand all day and subject the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. The person becomes irritable, restless, does not sleep well, often experiences depression and anxiety.

Making a Fukutsuji roller from a towel, photo

As for the diameter of the roller, it is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the figure and weight. For example, if a person with large dimensions and overweight makes a roller of too large a diameter, the stretching and deflection will be stronger, respectively, the effect will be noticeable faster. but the discomfort after exercise will also increase... Chasing a quick result in this way - to the detriment of your own health - is not worth it, because sometimes sensations can be not only unpleasant, but also painful.

The minimum diameter (about 5 cm) in the initial stages of the exercise is shown:

  • Overweight people;
  • People with a low level of physical fitness;
  • People with diseases of the spine (curvature, osteochondrosis).

No one should start exercises right away with a wide roller to avoid unpleasant sensations after charging.

Required inventory

In addition to the roller, you will need a gymnastic mat to provide a flat, comfortable surface, and comfortable sportswear.

Clothing plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the exercise. Do not choose tight, tight, tight clothing, even though there are no intense physical activity. To completely relax, you need to feel freedom and spaciousness with your whole body. Therefore, women are advised to exercise without a bra by wearing a loose T-shirt over their naked body.

It is better to replace sports leggings with loose pants or shorts, socks and shoes can be skipped. Experts who do the exercises in groups say that while doing the exercise, you need to "relax and melt like ice cream."

Execution technique

The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time.

Execution technique:

After the first practices, the sensations in the back will be unpleasant - this is normal. If the discomfort bothers you, you can reduce the time to 2-3 minutes, and each time increase it by 10-20 seconds. Gradually, the state of health both during and after exercise will be much better.

There are also several modifications of the exercise. For thin waist the roller needs to be raised a little higher, under the lower edge of the ribs, and lie there for another 5 minutes. For the beauty of the chest, the roll is placed clearly under the chest, and the exercise is also performed for 5 minutes.

  • Exercise only in the morning.
  • Try to exercise at the same time so that the body gets used to it and the risk of complications is minimal.
  • Exercise daily without missing a workout.

There is also a special program for 3 months, which is aimed specifically for weight loss... Its essence boils down to the following: in the first month it is recommended to perform the exercise with the lumbar position of the roller. The duration of the exercise in the first week is 2 minutes, in the second - 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5.

In the second month, the exercise is performed with the lumbar and subcostal position of the roller. At the same time, the duration of the exercise with a roller under the lower back is always 5 minutes, and under the ribs - 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes per week, respectively.

In the third month, the sternal position of the roller is added: in the first week 2 minutes, then adding 1 minute per week. The roller under the waist and under the ribs is always done for 5 minutes.

So, by the end of the third month, a person already performs all three types of exercises for 5 minutes and achieves significant success in the process of losing weight. If you believe the reviews, during this period it takes 5 cm in the waist, the sagging belly disappears and the posture is completely straightened.

During these three months, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in sports from the permitted list:

  • Swimming;
  • Race walking;
  • Ski walking;
  • Eastern gymnastic practices.

These sports have a positive effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. But there are also sports that are not recommended:

If a person at the same time visits gym, you need to find out from the trainer what kind of load is on the joints.

Safety engineering

Even such a simple exercise requires certain precautions so that a person does not harm himself. Safety regulations include the following:

  1. If a person has ever experienced problems with the spine, he has a disease of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia), you should first consult a doctor.
  2. On initial stage you cannot choose a thick roller: it is better to start with the minimum diameter and gradually increase it.
  3. You do not need to strive to perform the exercise for the prescribed 5 minutes, if at the same time discomfort or pain in the lower back or spine causes severe discomfort. Time is allowed to be reduced and gradually increased.
  4. You can not get up suddenly after the end of the exercise.

What sensations does a person experience after gymnastics?

Japanese gymnastics evokes different feelings and sensations in different people... Some claim that after the first practice, the waist is reduced by 2-3 cm.

The objective results of the exercise are as follows:

  • Breathing is normalized, the breaths seem fuller, deeper, as if the volume of the lungs has increased.
  • In a seated position, it seems that the back has become completely flat and instead of hustle and bustle there is a beautiful bend.
  • When moving and walking, the shoulders are straightened.
  • Improves sleep
  • The chest is tightened, the waist is reduced.

At the emotional level, a person experiences a feeling of elation, high spirits, a surge of strength and energy.


Since the Fukutsuji technique affects not only appearance, but also health, one cannot but take into account the contraindications, which include:

  1. History of spinal injuries of any prescription.
  2. Any internal and external bleeding.
  3. Diseases of the spine: hernia of the spinal column, disc protrusion, scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, sciatica, spondylosis, tumors, ankylosing spondylitis.
  4. Joint diseases: coxarthrosis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendinitis.
  5. Osteopathy, chondropathy.
  6. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  7. Fever, any acute respiratory infections.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Restless legs or arms syndrome (tingling, itching, goosebumps).

Some diseases in some cases can turn from contraindications into indications, so the best solution would be to go to a neurologist or orthopedist.

Possible complications

If safety rules are neglected or contraindications are not taken into account, various complications may arise, for example:

  • Sharp sharp pain in the spine due to compression of the nerve.
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • Spasm of the back muscles during or after exercise.
  • Headache.
  • Discomfort in the back, lower back, which does not go away for several hours after exercise.

The presence of these signs is a reason to stop doing gymnastics.

Pros and cons of the technique

To the merits Japanese technology Fukutsuji include:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. No requirements for physical fitness.
  3. No need to buy special inventory and fixtures.
  4. Short duration (only 5 minutes daily).
  5. Fast and tangible results.
  6. The ability to lose weight without exhausting workouts and rigid diets.
  7. Improving body shape and posture.
  8. Improvement of the situation and, as a consequence, work internal organs, digestion process.
  9. Ability to work out at home without going to the gym and a coach.
  10. Relief of back pain and tension.

But the technique also has disadvantages:

  1. The presence of contraindications.
  2. Possible discomfort and pain during or after exercise.
  3. Slow weight loss.

Obviously, there are much more advantages than disadvantages, which is why spine roller exercises are so popular.

Roller Fukutsuji with a pattern, photo

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