A set of exercises for a thin waist. How to make your waist thin

Many girls find the gym to be boring and exhausting. Many people think that you can do without training.

But really physical exercise for waist have great importance, because just sitting on a diet, you will not be able to get rid of excess volume. What exercises are recommended to be regularly performed for harmony?

Perfect waist

There is no universal method to determine if the waist is normal or not. Different methods give different meanings. Many women who do not have extra pounds and adhere to proper nutrition, do not have a wasp waist. It is necessary to figure out which circle should actually be.

You need to take an ordinary measuring tape and measure the circumference of your own waist. If it exceeds 75 cm, then exercise is necessary. This diagnostic method does not depend on growth. If there is an excess of this parameter, then urgent action is needed.

The proportions of the body depend on the type of figure and heredity. An hourglass is considered the ideal version of the figure. Usually such women are worried about voluminous hips or buttocks. But against the background of this figure, a thin waist looks very attractive. Women with a pear type with a circle were even less fortunate.

In the first type of women, the waist is thin, and fat is deposited on the butt and hips. In women of the "apple" type, the fatty layer is located in the abdominal region, it is more difficult for this type of girls to deal with overweight on the stomach. Secret flat tummy and a narrow, slender waist of 60 cm, very simple: to be thin, you need to eat right. Then you will be able to acquire the figure of your dreams in a short time.

Exercise rules

To have a good weight, you need to fit into a household schedule and exercise every day... They will bring the same good results as training in a special center on an expensive simulator under the supervision of an instructor. For training at home, desire, a little space and a spectacular set of workouts come in handy. Ideally, you need to purchase gymnastic mat and hoop, but this is not the main condition, you can completely do without these items.

Training time

It is necessary to practice at a time of day when it is comfortable. Perfectly in the morning you need to do gymnastics and some stretching exercises... Thus, the body will wake up faster and the muscles will tone up. A full classes must be carried out in the evening when the body is most prepared for stress. Execution rules:

Effective set of training

Excess weight on the belly of a woman appears most often. It is very difficult to get rid of it. This part of the body is the last to lose weight, therefore, in order to normalize your weight, you need to make some effort. Exercises for thin waist at home it's easy to do, the main thing is to practice constantly.

8 exercises for a perfect waist

How to do it:

Next workout for a thin waist:

  1. The starting position is lying down. The arms are extended along the torso, and the legs are bent at the knees. Need to pull up smoothly bent legs to the chest and lower them back. It is important that the lower back is pressed to the floor during the exercise. If this fails, then you need to put a rolled towel under it.
  2. The exercise must be performed at least 25 times. The starting position is always the same, but you need to raise and lower your legs in turn. For each leg, you need to do a complex 12 times.

Wasp Waist Workout:

Exercises for the abdomen and waist:

  1. It is necessary to take a prone position, arms are located along the body, legs are straightened vertically at a right angle.
  2. The right hand must be lowered behind the head. Then, sliding your left hand on the mat, pull it down, and right hand must be pulled up. In this case, the girl should feel that the right side of the body is well stretched, and left side is shrinking.
  3. In this position, you need to count to 10, then repeat this exercise with the other side. The exercise is performed at least 15 times. If it is difficult to keep the legs in an upright position, then they must be pressed with a knee on the chest.

Four Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat:

How to make wasp waist at home - this question worries many girls. To achieve ideal figure, you need to do the exercises at home.

Seven Exercises Against Difficult Places

Three Wasp Waist Exercises

This workout is not difficult at all, but it will help you achieve a wasp waist. The exercises are as follows:

  1. Up down. It is necessary to sit on the sofa with your legs in such a way that there is a small space in the back. Both legs must be bent at the knees and arms extended forward, while the back must be slightly rounded. It is necessary to begin to gently deviate back, when the back touches the surface, you must immediately return to initial position... If you can't sit down smoothly, then you need to stretch your legs. If this does not help, then you need to lean on your hands a little.
  2. Lifting the body from a prone position. You need to lie on the sofa with your stomach so that your hips are on the sofa, and your body hangs over the floor, that is, it seems to "hang" in the air. You need to ask someone to hold your legs so that they do not rise during training. It is better to keep them in the area of ​​the knees. Hands should be crossed over the chest or behind the head. The shoulder blades need to be brought together, and the shoulders should be expanded. The back should not be round. The torso must be lowered down, and chest to the floor. Now you need to raise your torso to the highest point, while you need to stretch your chin up. In this case, the back and buttocks are tense. This workout is performed 4 sets of 6 times.
  3. Seated leg raises. You need to sit on the edge of the sofa. Lower your legs to the floor, but at the same time spread them as wide as possible. Put your hands on the edge of the seat, bend your leg at the knees and pull it up to the rib. It is necessary to turn the body to the side with a bent leg, while you will need to bend slightly towards the upper half abdominal... You need to return to the original position, and perform the same exercise, but in the opposite direction. In total, you need to do 5 approaches, 12 bends on each leg.

Greetings gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we are waiting for an unusual article - for women. And the topic is very burning and relevant: how to make the waist thin. After reading, each young lady will know what steps must be taken in order to achieve a wasp waist, we will consider both general recommendations and a specific case that will rather quickly reduce the volume.

So, sit down pliz, let's get started.

How to make the waist thin: the theoretical side of the question.

I have already mentioned types more than once. female figures and preference in relation to them on the part of the male population. So, in a nutshell, the most interesting or eye-positive for us are the pear-shaped and sandy forms, and from the point of view of ideal anthropometry, the latter is considered a standard. The main curvy features of the watch are the presence of smooth lines and streamlined bends. Representatives of this body type are distinguished by a pronounced waist, which effectively emphasizes a moderately lush top and the same bottom. Actually, we will deal with the work on creating a narrow waist in this article.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do I need waist measurements?

What lady doesn't want a fur coat to find out the secret on how to make the waist thin? I, at least, have not met such people. Contact any hall girl with such a question, and she will answer: “of course I want to!”. Subsequently, we will just deal with the implementation of this Wishlist, but first we will dig a little into the theory.

Waist size is one of the main factors showing the degree of neglect of your physique and overall health. Therefore, it is extremely important to “keep” your waist within adequate limits, in particular such:

  • for men (no more 94 cm);
  • for women (no more 80 cm);

The optimal ratio is 75-80 in men, against 65-70 among women.


The width of the waist from left to right depends on genetics, bone structure, but its thickness from front to back can be adjusted.

Any hint of a waist makes a woman's figure much more attractive, and therefore the desire of women to reduce their body volumes will always be one of their priorities. Compare the visuals of women with and without a waist and draw your own conclusions.

We all know perfectly well, and women even feel on themselves that after certain events, for example, the birth of a child, the waist begins to float and creep to the sides. And now you were a thin and sonorous girl a year ago, and after giving birth you turned into a tasteless "chick" (written down from the words of the reader)... However, everything is not so sad, and it is quite possible to improve the situation that has arisen. How - we'll talk further.

An increase in the waist in women over 40. How does it happen?

Usually, it is after childbirth that women face the question of reducing the waist, and if the reasons for such swelling are quite understandable, then with the distribution of the waist in women “for” not everything is so simple. In more mature age, after 40-45 years, the issues of narrowing the waist are becoming relevant again. And here it is important to understand how, in principle, the process of increasing the waist occurs in this case.

For example, you got hit 45 , which means that, most likely, the natural female processes in your body have stopped (or are in the fading stage) I'm talking about menstruation and menopause right now. In women, the main reproductive hormone is estrogen, it regulates menstrual cycle and helps to thicken the wall of the uterus to prepare for conception and pregnancy. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, as a result, the body begins to convert most of the calories consumed into fat rather than muscle. Fat cells burn fewer calories, so during menopause, you are more likely to increase your weight and, as a result, your waist.

Another hormone found in women is testosterone. It is he who helps the body to produce muscle mass and increases the metabolic rate. During menopause, testosterone levels drop, metabolism slows down and the body burns fewer calories.

Another androgen hormone (or rather a group), which is present in women in relatively small quantities, is responsible (including) for sexual desire and increased energy, it is DHEA, DHEA-sulfate, as well as androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. Increased levels (for various reasons, for example, when using doping) cause masculinization of a woman and, in particular, the deposition of fatty deposits in the middle of the abdomen. In general, androgen levels decrease during menopause, however, the drop in estrogen levels occurs at higher rates, which makes the androgen ratio higher.

Not many people know, but the cause of a large waist is not always an excessive level of subcutaneous fat. Retention of water by the body can contribute to the appearance of a bulging tummy. An important "fertility hormone" like progesterone decreases during menopause, lowering its levels leads to water retention, causing the stomach to swell, increasing the size of your waist.

Another hormonal waist enlargement factor is high levels stress, anxiety, depression. Chronic stress causes a release, the increased level of which contributes to the emergence of the animal lifebuoy... By itself, cortisol is not a bad hormone, it is intended to give a person 5-10 minutes of burst of energy in times of danger. Chronic stress has become a common factor in modern life, and therefore the body is not able to distinguish a real threat from an everyday life situation, and the released energy often remains out of work (not used), which leads to an increase in weight, including the size of the waist.

So, we dug up the theory, let's move on to ...

How to make the waist thin: the practical side of the question

If you are waiting for some secret ways, then I hasten to disappoint you, everything is quite banal and straightforward. To make a narrow waist, you need a set of the following measures:

I. Exercises for a thin waist

Who does not know, on the project since February 2015 there was a possibility of ordering. So, at one time with specific goals - to narrow the waist, several readers turned. This has been achieved (on average, the decrease in girth was 3-5 cm), and further we will consider how this was achieved.

# 1. Vacuum

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to make your waist thin, one of the best waist-thinning exercises is vacuum. This isometric exercise (muscle tenses without moving) for the transverse abdominal muscle, which acts as a natural corset for your core (natural weightlifting belt) . Transverse muscle makes a hold internal organs and therefore can prevent bloating.

Execution technique:

Take a position on your back, bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor. Breathe out all the air from your lungs. Make maximum effort and bring your belly as close to the spine as possible, trying to touch the latter with your navel. One isometric reduction is one repetition. The vacuum exercise can be performed on your knees, sitting and lying down. The average delay time in the compressed position is 15-30 seconds (as progress 60 ) , then there is relaxation and a new repetition. Take small breaths as needed.


Correctness of performance is controlled by a deep burning sensation in the abdomen, the more repetitions you do and the longer you hold the tension.

Execute 3 approach to 10-15 once (on 30 seconds).

# 2. Plank

Exercise to strengthen your core muscles and build a hard abs.

Execution technique:

Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.

No. 3. Side bar

Exercise affects lateral muscles bark, internal and external oblique.

Execution technique:

Execute 3 approach to 45-60 seconds hold.


Overdeveloped obliques distribute the waist and worsen the "sandiness" of the figure, so you should not perform the exercise often and in conjunction with other "oblique".

No. 4. Burpee

Not quite a pure press exercise and rather total (whole body). Often used in and circuit training high intensity(HIIT) making most of it work muscle groups... It combines squats, planks, push-ups and jumps.

Execution technique:

It does not present any difficulties and is fully described by the image.

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions of a full cycle.

No. 5. Jumping rope

Another seemingly non-thematic exercise is jumping rope. However, it can make a significant contribution to waist slimming by increasing the metabolic rate. It also keeps your core muscles tense at all times. After completing the main strength training, in order to lose weight, it is useful to carry out high intensity workout with a rope by type: 40 seconds of fast jumps, 15 seconds break, 40 seconds of jumping at a moderate pace, 15 seconds break. This 1 a circle. Complete total 5-7 circles.

No. 6. Twisting the hoop

What exercises should you avoid to avoid making your waist bigger?

Below is a list of exercises that can lead to an increase in the waist. So, these include:

  • classic squats with medium / heavy weight with a belt;
  • side extensions on the simulator;
  • side bends with dumbbells / weights;
  • straight crunches on the press in the simulator;
  • bends from side to side while sitting on the bottom on the floor.

So, summing up the exercise part, our training program to reduce the waist looked like this.

The presented scheme allows you to count on the result minus 3-5 cm in the waist for 1,5-2 months provided 2 daytime workouts included in your main schedule (after strength training) and dieting. By the way about the birds :) ...

II. How to make your waist slim: special diet

Of course, if you are not ready to make adjustments to your current nutrition, then at least twist the hoop and become a whirligig, and you will not shrink your waist. Therefore, we tune in to make changes in our daily diet.

Waist reduction issues - issues of reducing the overall level of subcutaneous fat. You cannot remove fat locally, for example, only from the abdominal abdomen. A person loses weight immediately and everywhere, but fat from the most problematic regions is the last to go. Weight / fat loss occurs only in the case of a calorie deficit, i.e. You burn more than you consume. Thus, you need to either cut the calorie intake by 350-500 kcal, or more actively stir the brooms :).

In general, for weight loss, it is necessary to adhere to this ratio of macronutrients.

Basic rules for reducing the waist

To effectively lose weight, you need to follow these rules:

# 1. Calculate daily calorie content and spread it over 4-5 meals throughout the day

How to calculate the calorie content, we have already said more than once, in particular, here -. Let's say for you it is 2000 kcal / day. 60% calories we eat up 4 hours of the day, the rest 40% we stack up 9 evenings.

Surely, at first it will be hard for you to jump off the “needle” of three meals a day and will constantly punch on the havchik, i.e. snacks. Therefore, do them, but do the right ones, on average, each snack should be no more 150-200 kcal and consist of the right products, for example, such.

# 2. Include Lean Protein and Fiber with Every Meal

They not only help you lose weight, but also create a longer feeling of fullness. Use as protein sources.

Fiber can be found here.

No. 3. Drink enough water

On average, a person should consume 1 liter pure water for every 30 kg of body weight. If you are actively engaged in the gym, as well as spend aerobic exercise, then the amount of fluid consumed increases. Total, if your weight 50 kg, then you need to drink more than 1,5 liters of water, taking into account the activity in the hall, this figure can reach 1,8-2 liters.

No. 4. Include Natural Fat Burners in Your Diet

The main products for burning fat and reducing the waist can be attributed.

Actually, we have finished with the basic recommendations, now we will consider a specific meal plan for one day for a girl weighing 60 kg, wanting to slightly lose weight (by 2-3 kg) and narrow the waist by a few centimeters.

Below I will give a diet from the nutrition plan that our heroine adhered to, and which allowed her to achieve the announced results.

Well, in fact, everything that I would like to report on, now you have in your hands complete guide how to make the waist thin.


Today we dealt with the creation of a wasp waist. I am sure that each of you, reading these lines, will achieve a reduction in volume and will look even tastier!

At the end, write your comments, see you soon.

PS. Are you worried about the increased waist?

PPS. Attention! 19.04 the ability to send questionnaires for and meals will become available. I will be glad to our joint work!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Can you imagine a perfectly toned body with a saggy belly? Of course not. The abdomen is a zone that should be worked out daily, unlike other muscles. It is most convenient to master a set of exercises at home on a rug at a time convenient for you.


Many, with the formation of fat on the sides, notice a deterioration in their health. The reason lies in obesity, it helps to increase: blood pressure, insulin, glucose, cholesterol levels. Improper nutrition combined with a passive lifestyle lead to diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Metabolic disorders do not go unnoticed in women and men. Have healthy person always a tucked up tummy, with a distinctly prominent waist.

To make the exercises for the waist and abdomen beneficial, follow 2 recommendations on the path to losing weight:

  1. Concentrate on the final result.
  2. Enjoy every workout.

Exercise at home

Try to learn to feel the muscles of the abdomen and waist during your workout for weight loss. Beginners can also complete the set of exercises below on the video. Once you enter a weight loss regimen, complicate your workouts: increase the number of exercises and approaches. If you want to have a flat stomach and a slimmer waist, follow the main rule of training - keep your belly sucked in with each exercise.
Prepare a soft rug, comfortable clothes - let's start training at home.

Warm up

The purpose of the warm-up video is to prepare the muscles for the upcoming load, and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Be sure to start your weight loss workout with jumping, lifting on a step platform, dancing. They are necessary to keep the heart and other organs working. Stretch your oblique muscles:

  1. Perform torso bends in different directions with outstretched arms as low as possible. The spine should warm up slowly.
  2. Lock the pelvis in one position, turn upper part torso in different directions.
  3. Rotate your pelvis and body without lifting your feet off the floor.


Basic waist and abdominal exercises will strengthen your obliques by shaping your abs. Perform 3 types of video curls correctly with repetitions of 20 times in 3 sets:

  1. Straight: Lie on a mat with bent knees, keep your hands behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides. At a moderate pace, lift only your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. Reverse: Lying on your back, lift your pelvis and lower body. To effectively work out the lower part of the press, make the lifts as slowly as possible.
  3. Diagonal: in the prone position, stretch alternately in different directions, lifting the shoulder blades. Place your hands along your body with your knees bent.

Leg raises

The following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles and working out the press.

  1. Lie on your back, palms extended along the body, press as much as possible to the floor. Raise your legs slowly. Weight loss beginners can bend their knees in this exercise if it is difficult to perform. It is more efficient to keep them level - to increase physical activity on the muscles of the press, buttocks and thighs.
  2. Lie with your back on the mat, arms spread apart. Begin the exercise by raising your legs at a 90-degree angle. Lower each leg in turn, without touching the floor, keep the other leg horizontally on the surface. When raising your legs, try to touch the floor with your palms.
  3. Lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides. Raise right leg at an even angle, and keep the left one horizontally, without touching the floor. Cross the legs one at a time.

Side bar

The exercise shown in the video is basic for the sides, on the way to losing weight. Static movement forms the press, has a general strengthening effect. You should start performing a weight loss bar from 30 seconds. Remember: the longer you hold it, the faster you can enjoy a sporty belly and no overhanging sides. Technique for performing a complicated plank:

  • Lying on your right side, make a support on your right - the original hand, the hand should be directed along the axis with the shoulders.
  • Bring your legs together, keep them horizontal on the mat, with your toes pointing forward.
  • Exhale: raise your left arm, do not bend your original arm, keep your torso and pelvis in balance.
  • Linger in the described position maximum time.
  • After resting for one minute, do the exercise on the left side.
  • If you find it difficult to raise your arms, then keep them alternately bent at the elbows - a lightweight version of the side bar, as shown in the video.

Exercises for a slim waist

Do a weight loss exercise in the middle of a workout - to eliminate side muscle tension and the appearance of beautiful posture... Stand up straight with your hands at the back of your head. Perform alternate lateral bends of the body with maximum tension in the abdomen. For the second exercise, lie on the floor with your hands behind the crown of your head. Exhale as shown in the video: pull left leg to yourself, help with your hands.


Enough sophisticated technique losing weight will help strengthen the muscles of the spine and sides at the same time. To do this, take the starting position lying on the floor, take your hands behind your head. The essence of the exercise is to linger for the maximum time, lifting the torso and straight legs from the floor. Breathe evenly during exercise; if you experience neck pain, stop exercising. How to do it correctly is shown in the video.

Exercise "Vacuum"

Professional trainers include this exercise in complex training to eliminate sides. Complete the exercise on the video, having familiarized yourself with the technique in advance.

Lie on the floor, straighten your back, place your arms along your torso, legs bent at the knees. Breathe slowly for several minutes. As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles: try to pull it in with maximum effort. If you feel that your stomach is on the same level with your back, then you have mastered the technique correctly. Hold for 15 seconds, after a short break, do the second part of the exercise: after drawing in your abdomen, try to "push" it up sharply. Start the exercise 5 times, increasing the amount gradually.

Post-workout stretching

Relax and relieve tension from the muscles of the sides will help following exercises on the video in a position convenient for everyone.

  1. Lying on your stomach:
    With outstretched arms, rest your palms on the floor, turn your fingers forward. Strain as much as possible gluteal muscles, gently bend the body,
    head and belly back.
  2. Lying on your back:
    Prepare a pre-rolled towel, maximum thickness - 5 cm. Having taken the starting position, place it under the lower back. The torso, legs and arms should be pressed to the floor. This type of stretching is suitable for people with fragile abdominal muscles.
  3. Sitting:
    In the starting position, bring your hands together at the back of your head. Perform alternate inclines with maximum latency in each direction. For correct execution lock your back, arms and legs.
  4. Standing:
    Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your body and head back, resting your hands on your hips: gently lower your hands down. Do not overdo it with the depth of the incline - this can lead to a violation of the spine. To reduce stress on the spine, keep your glutes taut during the exercise.

Training errors

There are a huge number of flank elimination exercises. Some techniques, especially popular with women, often promise fast weight loss and finding sports uniform... Many people exercise diligently and harm their health. Discard:

  • alternate side bends with weights. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of a wide waist. This exercise should be performed by men.
  • The hoop and hula-hoop are not recommended for weight loss by gynecologists.
  • Turns of the body with the bar from the bar are questionable exercises for the sides, leading to spinal injuries. They are performed most often by bodybuilders, and not by girls on the way to losing weight on the waist.
  • Avoiding cardio. Warm up should not be neglected - start by running.

Diet for the abdomen

Proper nutrition can rid you of body fat in the side area and normalize the digestion process. Eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours. Support water balance in the body: drink at least 2 liters of purified and still water a day. Speaking about proper digestion and weight loss, it is worth refusing to use: alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. Often it is not possible to make a chiseled figure by absorbing: fried, fatty and sweet food.

Proper nutrition - first of all, a balanced set of foods, which consists of proteins, fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. What is left? If you exercise daily and want to have a healthy body, add fiber-rich foods to your diet: cereals, vegetables, fruits.

Steam lean meat and fish - microelements are not destroyed in this way, and the benefits of such cooking are maximum for digestion.

How to eat?

We suggest trying a menu of simple dishes:

Breakfast: diet biscuit + boiled egg
Lunch: soup with potatoes, broccoli and carrots; cutting vegetables: cucumber, radish.
Snack: fruit - at your discretion, but not more than 150 grams.
Dinner: up to 100 grams of boiled beans or steamed, boiled fish - 150 grams.


Saggy sides don't look sexy at all. The desire to get rid of the hated body fat is not enough. We have collected 5 rules that you cannot do without on the way to losing weight.

To achieve a thin waist, you need to choose the right set of exercises. If possible, it is also advisable to arm yourself with a simple sports equipment- hoop and rope. What kind of exercises will be effective for this goal, and how to do them correctly, you can find out further.

Warm-up exercises

Any workout, even aimed at the wasp waist, should start with a warm-up. It can consist of 2 simple exercises:
  • Mill... Stand straight, spread your legs a little wider than your shoulders, bend over: the left hand is directed up, the right reaches the toe of the left leg, then the hands change. Exercise in good rhythm with a flat back, in one lesson - at least 20 repetitions.
  • Scissors... Lie on the mat, place your hands under your waist, raise your legs and cross your legs alternately, while the abs are as tense as possible. Do 20 repetitions in 3 rounds.
    Increase the number of repetitions and the number of passes over time.

Slim waist placket

The exercise perfectly strengthens and shapes the figure as a whole, affecting not only the stomach, but the back, arms and buttocks. You can include different plank variations in your workout:

To begin with, you can try not to include your free hand, but simply develop a plastic body. Then you can do the side plank either with raising the arm, or with smoothly leading the arm along the body, as if continuing the line of the body, and then also smoothly return it to its place and rest.

It is necessary to perform the planks for a minute in 3 sets. Rest is necessary between approaches - we breathe deeply, inhale-exhale 3 times.

The plank is the most effective exercise for slim body if you do it right. The video instruction will help with this:

The hoop is an important inventory in wasp waist training.

For the wasp waist, you just need to deal with the hoop. These activities have a strengthening effect on the muscles. When you perform vigorous hip rotations to hold gymnastic element, a massage is performed on the sides and waist, which cannot but provide favorable dynamics in the fight against extra pounds... At the same time, a hula hoop with massage wheels or a heavy hoop weighing 2-3 kg will help to strengthen the effect.

When training with a hoop, remember the following rules:

  • Starting a workout, you need to place your legs at shoulder width, with the socks spread apart. In the future, it is necessary to reduce the distance between the legs, because the closer they are, the greater the load on the muscles;
  • It is important to breathe deeply during rotation, which will help to increase the intensity of fat burning. In this case, it is advisable to ventilate the room;
  • It is not necessary to rotate the hoop, "dangling with the body", because the muscles should be as tense as possible, but at the same time the movements should be smooth and in a small diameter.

To lose weight at the waist, you need to train daily with a hoop for 30-40 minutes. Initially, you can start at 10 minutes.

In the next video, a fitness trainer will talk about different types hoops, and will also show you how to correctly rotate:

Vacuum is an exercise for those who like to lie down

Vacuum is a very effective and difficult exercise, although it can be performed simply by lying on the couch or in bed. Its meaning is to learn how to "be friends" with the muscles of your abdomen and "make" them work even without twisting.

Exercise instructions:
  • Lying on your back, pull in your stomach as much as possible, that is, so that it seems to you that it has reached the spine. Perform this action while inhaling;
  • Hold your breath with the maximum tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • Without "releasing" the press, breathe out a little, and then again make the "clamp".
This exercise should be performed 3 sets of 10 times at least. Also, don't forget about the dailies.

If when doing of this exercise you will feel a burning sensation, then do not be afraid - this is not an ulcer or gastritis, but your muscles are ready for work and defense! Therefore, it is not worth stopping the exercise at this point.

Of course, the vacuum can be done from other positions, for example, standing. So, with different options Exercises can be found in the video instructions:

Burpee - an exercise for high-quality training of the whole body

What is a burpee? In simple words, this is a complex large exercise:
  • Starts with a deep squat;
  • Goes to the bar on outstretched arms;
  • Returns to deep squat;
  • Jumping is done.

Jumping rope for a thin waist

A skipping rope workout should not take less than five minutes. But before starting the exercise, it is worth doing a warm-up - to rotate the feet and knees. The workout should start with simple jumps, which can be further complicated by side jumps, in the "Walk" style and others. Full workout with a rope on video:

Weekly and monthly program for a beautiful waist

A weekly waist workout might look like this:
  • First, do a cardio warm-up, stretch your muscles in order to prepare them for the upcoming classes;
  • Mill - exercise of 20 swings in three sets;
  • Scissors - exercise for 40 seconds with rest in the stretch, pressing the knees to the chest for 15 seconds;
  • Plank - 3 sets per minute. If a minute is a long time, start with 30 seconds, raise it to 45 seconds, then to a minute. Rest for 15 seconds, remembering to take a deep breath and exhale;
  • Vacuum - 3 sets of 10 times, each time at the maximum inhalation we linger for 30 seconds.

A thin waist has always been considered beautiful, and given that the body, when storing fat, first of all does it in the abdomen and sides, maintaining good shape is not easy. Previously, to look spectacular, women and girls wore tight corsets, the use of which had a negative impact on health. Now there are exercises for a thin waist. The method is not as radical as a corset, but it requires a lot of effort and serious motivation.

What determines the thinness of the waist

For a number of factors, the figure depends on the type of physique and heredity. Hypersthenics (large-boned people) achieve good results will be much more difficult than asthenics (not inclined to be overweight). Making a thin waist will be difficult for those with a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone. The hormonal background also plays an important role. With an excess of estrogen (female sex hormone) in the blood, the figure becomes more feminine, and the waist is thinner. With its lack, the opposite effect is observed.

A thin waist is a relative value. The main thing is that it should be proportional. For women with a normal physique, the normal waist is determined by subtracting 100 cm from the height. Those. at a height of 175 cm, a girl should normally have 75 cm.Of course, these figures are only indicative, but from them you can understand that it is not worth tormenting yourself with diets, striving for a waist of 60 cm, since your type assumes other parameters. Another way you can get the proportions of the body is to calculate 70% of the size of the hips. To have slim waist:

  • Lose weight comprehensively, using the entire body.
  • Get it quickly desired result the exclusion of flour, sweet, alcohol will help.
  • Diet and exercise will help you achieve a thin waist, they are only effective together.
  • Aim for fat-burning exercises. If not, then power training will increase the waist.

Exercise rules

The volume of the waist directly depends on the amount of fat present in it, which is removed with the help of training. Do not think that with a pumped-up press, the situation will improve. Increasing the load on the muscles contributes to the growth of their volume, and therefore the waist. The best solution is to pump muscles after removing body fat, or combine strength and cardio into one workout.

Aimed at burning fat rather than building mass, cardio workouts help stretch the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, increase endurance, and normalize breathing. Waist exercises include hula hoops, dances that involve the abdominal muscles. Concentrate on those types that involve the oblique muscles of the abdominals, the stabilizers of the cortex. You shouldn't spend a lot of time bending to the side: they can make the waist thicker. These tips will help you exercise:

  • If you can't get to the gym with a professional trainer, exercise at home.
  • Regularity is the key to success. If there is a lack of time or energy, reduce the level of stress, reduce the number of exercises performed for a thin waist in order to improve quality.
  • Measure your waist before starting to exercise to monitor your progress.
  • Follow the instructions clearly, and do the workout conscientiously, slowly, to feel how each abdominal muscle is working. Then the result will not be long in coming, and the waist will become slender faster.
  • The more fat on the sides and abdomen, the harder it will be to exercise. Over time, exercises will become easier, and the fat will go away.
  • Exercise in a well-ventilated area.
  • Don't hold your breath while exercising.
  • You should do it on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  • To prevent muscle pain, stretch every time after the complex.
  • Stimulate yourself with motivational videos, photos with the desired result.

How to make a thin waist in a week: effective exercises

Sometimes there are situations when an invitation to an important event unexpectedly comes, and you need to make a thin waist in a week. Even in this case, there is a way out, but it is better not to allow this. The method is not harsh, as it might initially seem, but drastic weight loss is stress for the body in any case. During the entire time, you need to follow three rules:

  • Make a fasting day, eating a choice of fruits, buckwheat or kefir.
  • Stick around all the time strict diet, completely abandoning flour, fatty, fried, sweet, coffee, industrial sauces. Meals should be taken every 3-4 hours, not having supper after 6 pm. The diet should include low-fat vegetable soups, weak green tea, fresh vegetables, boiled chicken breast, two apples daily, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Perform special exercises for a thin waist.

The duration of the workout should be more than 60 minutes. This time is due to the process of burning fat, which begins after 40 minutes of exercise, and this is - the main objective... The first 20 minutes will be devoted to pedaling on a stationary bike, four minutes at 1-2 speeds, then another four at 3-4. No breaks are taken, breathing should be even. After a short break, proceed directly to the exercises to train the abdominal muscles.

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head. Place your feet on your feet, bending your knees. Slowly lift the body until the shoulder blades lift off the floor, while keeping the hips still. Having lingered at the top point, slowly lower yourself.
  • Without getting up, put your hands on your knees. Slowly rise with your arms extended forward. You need to get up only at the expense of the abdominal muscles. Lingering at the top, slowly lower yourself.
  • Without getting up, clasp your hands behind your head, bend your knees, and then turn to the side until it touches the floor, while keeping your back straight. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

It is necessary to carry out the whole complex in two approaches. On the first day, 10 times, increasing the amount daily by two. After exercising, it is advisable to resort to massages, body wraps, anti-cellulite cream, depending on your preferences. After finishing your procedure and showering, have a cup of herbal tea. If you are serious about this method, you can lose 2-4 cm in the waist in a week.

Thin waist and flat stomach: the best exercises with a photo

To maintain a thin waist, you need to exercise at least four times a week. Thanks to several exercises, each of which will take about a minute, and a minute to rest between them, the muscles will be in good shape, and the fat will not have time to tie. On the initial stage two approaches are needed. Over time, you can increase the number to four, and reduce the time between exercises to 30 seconds.

  • Lie down and place your feet on the floor with your knees bent. With your hands touching your temples, raise your shoulder blades, pulling your body to your knees during the exercise.
  • Stand on a plank using your toes and palms. Keep your arms under your shoulders and keep your back straight. Take a "step", alternately rearranging the left arm, leg, and then attach the right limbs. Return to starting position by repeating the action on the other side.

  • In a sitting position, place your bent legs with your feet on the floor, with your hands resting a little behind. As you do the exercise, raise your legs until your calves are parallel to the floor, fold your arms into the lock on your chest and begin to make turns of the body in both directions.

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head. Tear it off along with the shoulders from the rug. Raise your legs up and keep at right angles to the body, alternately lowering them to parallel with the floor.

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head, place your bent legs with your feet on the floor. Raising your head and shoulder blades, reach your right leg with your left hand, and then reverse the exercise.

  • In a sitting position, place your bent legs with your feet on the floor, your arms slightly behind. With your torso tilted back, extend your right leg forward. After returning to the starting position, repeat the exercise with the other leg.

  • Lie on your left side with your left hand on the floor and your right hand behind your head. Leaning on your hand, you need to raise your right leg and body at the same time. Turning around, do the exercise in the other direction.

  • Lying on your stomach, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms outstretched in front of you. Raise your legs and chest at the same time.


There are many sets of exercises, thanks to which the waist can be made thinner. With minor differences in execution, in the end they all lead to the fact that you do not recognize yourself in the mirror. A man with strong abs, toned body and slender forms will look from there. It is only necessary not to deviate from the class schedule and perform all the movements.

For a more illustrative example, watch the video below, where the complex contains exercises for creating a thin waist, strengthening the abdominal muscles and shaping flat belly... Regular implementation of these easy exercises will improve blood circulation, work of the heart, respiratory organs, digestion, will help to increase self-confidence.

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