Isometric isotonic exercises. Differences between isometric exercises and isotonic exercises

Isometric and isotonic exercise ... The term "isometrics" is derived from the two Greek words "iso" (equal) and "metric" (size). "Isotonic" in translation from the same Greek is interpreted as "having the same tension, pressure" ... Behind the tricky terms there are well-known strength exercises. By by and large isometric exercises are performed statically, and isotonic exercises are performed in dynamics.

Examples of

The clearest examples of isometric exercises are the deadlift, bench press, and squat. Moreover, they can be performed using sports equipment(on the simulator, using a bar, barbell, dumbbells and other weights), or you can use any fixed solid object that can provide the muscles with irresistible resistance. This object can even be an ordinary wall, window sill, doorway, on which you have to press hard. different ways... Also, you impart an isometric load to the muscles by pressing one palm on the other. The meaning of an isometric exercise is not in movement, but in overcoming resistance, and obviously insurmountable. Those. isometrics represents our attempt to perform a movement (pull, push, bend) that we cannot do.

Differences between isometric exercises and isotonic exercises

The main difference between isometric exercises and isotonic exercises is that during the first - muscle contraction causes only its tension, and during the second - due to muscle contraction, its length changes. An isometric exercise is an effort to resist pressure that lasts 6-12 seconds. In this case, all energy is spent on tension. In the case of isotonic loads, energy is spent on movement.


Isometric exercises have the following advantages:

  • contribute to the development and strengthening of muscle groups that need it most (arms, legs, back, chest, etc.). Moreover, thanks to isometric exercises, you can work on a specific muscle group in isolation;
  • save time on muscle activation. Indeed, in the case of isometric exercises, this only takes a few minutes;
  • in view of the short duration of isometric exercises, they do not cause much fatigue, so you can train more often;
  • the effect of a few minutes spent on isometric exercise can be equated to 1-2 hours of traditional isotonic training;
  • isometric exercises are invisible to others. They can be performed even while traveling on the subway, using a regular handrail, or in the office, by pressing in various ways on the seat of your chair;
  • isometric exercises are suitable for people with limited mobility or in the recovery period after injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • isometric exercises are less traumatic than isotonic exercises.

Isotonic exercises are good because:

  • are more suitable for women, since they exclude the possibility of a rapid increase in muscle mass;
  • unlike isometric ones - they more intensively supply muscles with blood and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • perfectly develop coordination of movement;
  • improve the plasticity and tone of the body;
  • increase plasticity;
  • help develop specific muscle groups and tendons after injury.


The weak point of isometric exercise is much lower energy consumption than with isotonic exercise, and, therefore, a weaker weight loss effect. This is due to the fact that when performing isometric exercises, the blood vessels are compressed. But it is they who supply the cells with oxygen. Thus, the cells are forced to work harder and do not consume as much energy as during isotonic exercise. The disadvantage of isotonic training is its longer duration compared to the isometric block. To achieve an equal effect, isotonic exercises must be performed for 1-2 hours.


At first glance, it seems that it is much easier to carve out a couple of minutes on isometrics than to spend hours on isotonic. But this does not mean that you should drop all isotonic programs. Alas, these exercises are not interchangeable. Only in a complex can they give maximum effect... Also, keep in mind that strength training is an important part, but not the main and not the only part. sports training women. After all, along with the aesthetic relief of the body, you want to be slimmer. And in this case, on one isometrics and isotonics, a noticeable result cannot be achieved. And here we cannot do without

I created isotonic, isometric and stretching poses for breathing exercises so you can tighten muscles while burning fat. Isometric exercises tighten one muscle group relative to another group or a stationary object. Isotonic exercises use the body's own resistance. These types of exercises have been proven to be effective and safe many times over.

Reach out and make a fist with your fingers. Press as hard as possible. You should feel the muscles tightening throughout your arm. This is an isometric exercise.

Now close your hands in a large circle in front of your chest. Connect your fingers, raise your elbows so that they are level with your shoulders and palms. Place the fingertips of one hand on the fingers of the other hand. You should feel the tension from your fingertips going all over your arm.

Especially in the area of ​​the biceps, as well as the chest. You use equal tension from both hands pressing against each other and create tension in the inside of the hands. This is an isotonic exercise.

The advantage of the entire Bodyflex program is that it is based on simple physical laws. Oxygen burns fat. Oxygen is carried throughout the body by the blood. If you strain or stretch any part of the body with isometric or isotonic exercises, more blood flows to that part of the body. Therefore, you can burn fat in a specific place and at the same time strengthen muscles there. What is it if not working with everyone problem area?

Here's the point: remember what happens when someone hits an arm or injures a leg when they fall. The bruised place immediately turns red. Or think of that awful guilt that comes when you slapped your child hard on your bare bottom and saw the red print of your own hand on it. These marks appear because the blood has gone to the affected area. In fact, your body can't tell if you're tense, whether you're lifting a barbell like a bodybuilder, getting injured, or doing an isometric exercise. All he knows is what part of the body the injury happened, and the brain center says: “Wow, we need more blood in this place! Something is happening there! "

I am not in favor of getting a good thrashing to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, for example! The Bodyflex program allows you to painlessly direct oxygenated blood to the places you intend to influence. When a bodybuilder wants to build muscle in his arms, he artificially induces tension in the biceps. A message comes to the brain, and it gives the command: "We are sending blood to the bicep, we are sending blood to the biceps." As I already said, "Bodyflex", on the contrary, does not build muscle. Instead of using something heavy to shorten and build muscles, we use poses to lengthen and strengthen them. We lengthen them so that they become more flexible and livelier, so that even in old age we can easily move, bend and bend.

Let's say your exercise is aimed at the abdomen. The brain center sends blood there. If you do deep aerobic breathing at this time, you can burn fat in the abdomen and at the same time strengthen its muscles. If you do not perform the respiratory part at the same time, then you become like 99% of other people - you thicken the muscles, instead of smoothing and lengthening them. People most often complain that they exercise constantly, but their belly becomes not smaller, but larger and firmer.

The fact is that without aerobic respiration it is impossible to increase the oxygen content in the blood and burn the accumulated fat, but only to strengthen the abdominal muscles under the already existing fat deposits.

Only breathing according to the "Bodyflex" method, if you do it every day, will speed up your metabolism. The exercises in Chapter 6 of this book will help you burn fat and strengthen muscles in your most problematic areas.

Technique first, then complex

As with any treatment, you must tell your doctor that you are going to do Bodyflex.

We know very well that fibers skeletal muscle contract and relax. Contracting work occurs at the moment of stimulation of the fiber by a motor plaque (motor unit), then, at the end of the impulse, the muscle relaxes and lengthens. Depending on the goals that athletes set for themselves strength training, in modern power sports different types of contraction of muscle fibers are used. Today we will consider isotonic contraction of muscle fibers.

The name for this type of muscle contraction comes from the Greek words isos and tonikos, which literally mean "the same constant voltage." Isotonic tension of muscle fibers is dynamic... This means that during the execution of a movement in a certain exercise for the entire length of the amplitude, the tension of the muscle fiber remains constant and the same. Isotonic contraction of muscle fibers, in turn, can be concentric and eccentric.

By doing concentric contraction, the muscle fiber is shortened and reduced in length. The direction in which the muscle is shortened comes from Insertion To Origin... This type of muscle contraction is possible only when the value of the overcome resistance is less than the potential power maximum of the athlete. An example of this type of contraction is "barbell flexion, flexion phase" or "bench press, lift phase", where a concentric biceps contraction occurs. BicepsBrachii and pectoral muscle PectoralisMajor.

Eccentric contractions of muscle fibers are also called negative. When performing an eccentric contraction, the muscle fiber lengthens as the angle of flexion of the limb increases, and the movement of the fibers occurs in the direction from Origin To Insertion, while maintaining a controlled voltage . In the same exercise "bending at the elbow with a bar", the negative phase is carried out at the moment of extension of the elbow with the bar after the completion of the concentric contraction during flexion. In the "bench press" exercise, an eccentric contraction occurs when the bar is lowered from the top to the chest. During eccentric contractions muscle fibers work in a passive mode under the influence of the gravity force of the working projectile or the resistance force of a mechanical trainer.

As you know, any types of muscle contraction require further relaxation, and high-quality and professional massage will best of all help in this. To learn more about this valuable form of rehabilitation, visit.

As you can see, carefully looking at the terminology from the title of the article, the concepts "isometric" and "isotonic" have one common origin - "iso". "Iso" in translation from Greek means "equal", "the same". What are we doing that is the same when doing isometric and isotonic exercises? And here again the Greek language will come to our aid. "Metric" in translation from Greek means "size". That is, isometric exercises assume that the length of the muscle (size) does not change during their execution, remains the same. But "Tonic" from Greek is interpreted as "tension", "pressure". That is, isotonic exercises are exercises in which the same tension is created in the muscles. In fact, both isometric and isotonic exercises are strength exercises. Both those and others can be performed using simulators, a bar, a barbell, dumbbells, a bodybar, a medball, etc. sports gadgets. However, the fundamental difference between isometric and isotonic exercises is that the former are performed statically, while the latter are performed dynamically, i.e., in motion.

To make it clearer, let's look at isometrics and isotonicity in sports using specific exercises as examples. The simplest isometric exercise can be done as follows: press one palm against the other. Put all your strength into this pressure. Do you feel how the muscles in your arms are tense? In fact, you do not make any movement or movement in space. You are static, overcoming the resistance of your palms. You are only making an effort, trying to make a movement, but you are not going to do it. This is the meaning of isometric exercises - trying to pull, push, bend. In this case, you can use any object that is capable of providing insurmountable resistance to our muscles - a wall, a window sill, a handrail, a bar, a barbell, heavy weight on various simulators, etc. Such an effort to resist pressure lasts about 6-12 seconds. During isometric exercises, muscle contraction does not lead to a change in its length, but only causes tension in it. In this case, all the energy is spent on this voltage.

Isotonic exercises are all strength exercises with the use of weights that are associated with reciprocating movements: different kinds press, squat, deadlift, etc. Such movements cause such a contraction of the muscles, as a result of which their length changes. All energy from isotonic loads is spent on movement.

An inquisitive reader probably already has a question - which of the considered species power load more effective: isometric or isotonic? And in what proportions should they be included in the workout? In fact, isometric exercises are undeservedly forgotten, and recommended plans strength training consist entirely of isotonic exercises. Isometrics, meanwhile, provide a whole host of undeniable benefits to your workout.
First, it saves time. In the process of performing isometric exercises, it only takes a few minutes for the muscles to start working. The duration of the isometric exercise is short and does not cause long fatigue. Thanks to this, you can train more often. As a result, the effect of just a few minutes of isometric training can be equated to an hour of traditional isotonic training!

Secondly, isometric exercises allow you to work out a specific muscle group in isolation.

Thirdly, isometry is ideal for people who experience certain difficulties in moving around in space during the post-traumatic period, etc.

Fourth, isometric exercises can be performed without attracting the attention of others (on the beach, in the office, in public transport, etc.)

Fifth, isometry is, in principle, less traumatic than isotonic.

At the same time, isotonic exercises are more suitable for women's strength training, since they are not able to quickly help increase muscle mass... In addition, isotonicity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, more intensively supplying the muscles with blood. Also, isotonic exercises contribute to the development of movement coordination and plasticity.

Thus, it can be concluded that different exercises are important and different exercises are important. Ideal training plan should include both isometric and isotonic exercises. Moreover, the former are more suitable for male strength training. Agree that pulling and pushing loads is not a woman's business. But isotonic work with dumbbells or a bar is both more aesthetic and effective in shaping a relief elastic body. Keep in mind, however, that strength training cannot solve problems such as overweight and unnecessary body fat... So don't forget the importance of cardio, interval and circuit training.

Model in the photo: Alena Kaplunova


One of the classic power training techniques is to try to move the weight as quickly and as forcefully as possible throughout the movement. In this way, by good means power development are the use free weight and other equipment that allows you to quickly move weight. The weight of the equipment used for isotonic (Methodology is external resistance. The force required to overcome the inertia of the bar or to move it is called the applied force, and the more the applied force exceeds the external resistance, the faster the weight moves.

If a novice athlete applies a force equal to 95 percent repetitions to lift a bar equal to one repetitive maximum, the athlete will not be able to generate acceleration. However, if the same athlete worked to develop maximum strength for one to two years, his strength would increase so much that lifting the indicated weight would represent a load equal to only 40-50 percent of the re-maximum. In this situation, the athlete will be able to lift the bar in an explosive manner and generate the acceleration needed to increase power. This difference explains the need for the periodization of strength development to include the maximum strength stage before the power training stage. Without an increase in maximum strength, there can be no visible increase in power.

A high level of maximum strength is also required for early stage performing a lift or throw. Any barbell or sports equipment (for example, a ball) has a certain inertia, which is expressed in mass. The hardest part of the explosive lifting of a barbell or throwing a projectile is the initial stage. To overcome inertia, the athlete must provide a certain level of tension in the corresponding muscles. Consequently, the greater the athlete's maximum strength, the easier it is for him to overcome inertia, and the more explosive the initial stage of the movement will be. As the athlete continues to apply force to the barbell or projectile, they increase the speed of the barbell or projectile. The more speed becomes, the less force is required to maintain it.

The continuous increase in speed means that the speed of the limb is also increased. This increase is only possible if the athlete can perform a rapid muscle contraction: a skill for which athletes involved in speed-strength sports resort to power training during the conversion stage. Without power training, an athlete will never be able to jump higher, run faster, throw further or apply quick blow hand. To perfect this skill, the athlete requires more than just maximum strength. The athlete must be able to exercise maximum strength at a very high speed, and this skill can only be developed through the use of power training techniques.

At the stage of development of maximum strength, the athlete gets used to high loads. Thus, using loads in the 30 to 80 percent RPM range helps the athlete develop the specific power and, at the same time, the high level of acceleration required to develop power.

For most sports that involve cyclical movements (such as running on short distances, team sports and martial arts) when using the isotonic technique, the load should be from 30 percent or more (up to 50 percent). For acyclic sports (such as throwing, weightlifting, or offensive football in American football), the loads can be higher and range from 50 to 80 percent, due to the much higher mass and initial maximum strength of these athletes, and also the need to overcome the increased level of external resistance. In fact, increasing power is a very specific aspect if it comes about angular velocity and load, therefore, it is necessary to select the load in accordance with the magnitude of the external resistance that must be overcome. The training parameters are shown in Table 1.

As the joint is fully extended, nervous system will naturally activate antagonist muscles to slow down movement. At the same time, from a biomechanical point of view, exercise becomes more beneficial when the joint “opens” (less force is required). For this reason, it is recommended to use ribbon or circuit smoothing resistors when operating at low loads (30 to 50 percent). Research has shown that the use of a smoothing resistor results in greater power gains when operating with light loads.

It should be remembered that when using tapes, in particular, the central system is heavily involved, which means that the right choice the length of the breaks between sets and the frequency of the specified type of training. In addition, since the key element of power training is not the number of reps performed, but the ability to quickly activate maximum number fast twitch fibers, the authors suggest using a small number of repetitions (from one to eight).

Athletes should also be mindful of safety. When extending the limb, unnecessary movements should be avoided. In other words, the exercises should be performed in an explosive manner, but without jerking the barbell or sports equipment. We repeat, the most important element is a flawless technique.

Table 1. Training parameters for isotonic technique

Stage duration:

3-6 weeks

Cyclic: 30-50% re-maximum

Acyclic: 50-80% Rm

Number of exercises

The number of repetitions per set

Cyclic Load: 5-8 reps under load 30 ^ 40% rpm, 3-6 reps under load 40-50% rpm

Acyclic Load: 5 or 6 reps under load 50-70% rpm, 1-5 reps under load 70-80% rpm

The number of approaches in the exercise

Rest break

Cyclic: 1-2 min. at 30-40% re-maximum, 2-3 min. at 40-50% re-maximum

Acyclic: 2-4 min.

Execution speed


Training frequency per week:

* Smaller number - for more exercises and vice versa.

To perform powerful sports activities such as shooting, jumping, diving, cricket, hitting the ball, serving, and attacking in American football, in an explosive, acyclic manner, repetitions must be performed with some rest period, for by which the athlete can concentrate as much as possible to ensure optimal movement dynamics. This strategy also activates fast-twitch motor units and increases energy production. The athlete may perform one repetition at a time, provided it is done in an explosive manner to maximize twitch muscle fibers and increase the rate of activation.

When an athlete can no longer perform a repetition in an explosive manner, he should stop, even if the approach has not been completed completely. Continuing to perform repetitions without explosive movements is training for strength endurance, not power. The maximum involvement and high speed of activation of fast-twitch fibers occurs only in the case of a combination of maximum concentration and explosive actions, and the achievement high level these elements are possible only if the athlete is not under the influence of fatigue.

It is not so important whether we are talking about work on the development of power or strength endurance but during the rest break, the athlete should relax the muscles involved. When you relax during a break for rest, ATP resynthesis is enhanced, due to which the required amount of energy sources enters the muscles. This recommendation does not mean that the athlete should stretch the muscles being used, as in this situation, energy production will decrease during the next set. Therefore, agonist stretches should not be performed between sets.

For power training, very specific exercises should be selected that reproduce the kinetic chain used in a particular sport. From this point of view, it is obvious that the bench press and the power lift on the chest will not give amazing results, despite the fact that these exercises are traditional for power training. Power lifting is useful for throwers and linebackers in American football, but is not required, for example, for soccer players or racquet sports players. For these athletes, jump squats and heavy kettlebell swings are better suited. per training session up to eighteen) and optimal benefits for the main motive muscles. When determining the number of approaches and exercises, coaches should remember that power training is performed in combination with training of technical and tactical skills. Thus, only a certain amount of energy is allocated to carry out a given workout.

The key to developing power when using the isotonic technique is the rate at which power is exerted. For maximum power growth, the rate of application of the force should be as fast as possible. The rapid application of force against the projectile or weight throughout the range of motion is vital. important aspect and should start at the earliest stage of the movement. The athlete must be as focused as possible on the task in order to move the barbell or sports equipment quickly and dynamically.

Figure 1 shows an example of a power training program for a college basketball player with four years of strength training behind her. The maximum mechanical power generation is typically achieved at a load of 50 percent re-maximum (plus or minus 5 percent) during run strength exercise and about 85 percent for the Olympic biathlon. Power loss occurs around the sixth repetition of each set.

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