Top cross-country skiing. Skating skis: the right choice, preparation

If you choose skis for walking or a child for physical education, then you are on the right track. From the article you will learn how to choose the right skis for height, material and other characteristics, what to pay special attention to, and what can be neglected.

  • what do you need skis for (walking, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, hunting, etc.);
  • your level of skiing (amateur beginner or professional);
  • your physical parameters (weight and height).

How to choose cross-country skis

Cross-country skiing is chosen depending on the preferred skiing style. There are three styles:

  1. classical,
  2. ridge,
  3. combined.

Classic skis

Our grandfathers and grandmothers rode the classic style, sliding along two parallel tracks, but it has not lost its relevance. The classic style is best for the beginner skier.


Skis for classic skiing in length should be 20-30 cm longer than their own height. For beginners, you can choose the length a little less, then it will be easier to control them.


If you have seen skis, then you know that they have an arched shape and if you put them on the floor, then their middle will not touch it. The harder it is to push the ski to the floor, the harder they are.

The stiffness must be selected depending on your weight. The heavier the skier, the more stiffness should be.

You can check the correct selection of skis for stiffness in the following way:

  1. put your skis on the floor;
  2. put a sheet of paper under the middle;
  3. stand with both feet on both skis, there should be a gap to the floor and the sheet of paper will walk freely;
  4. stand with both feet on one ski, it should completely touch the floor, and the sheet of paper will be pressed to the floor and you cannot pull it out.

Following the example above, select the stiffness of the skis. Some manufacturers indicate for what weight they are intended.

With and without a notch

Classic skis can be with or without a notch on the sliding surface.

Skis without a notch are suitable for any weather, for long walks and fast driving.

They are more difficult to ride as they can slide backwards. To eliminate this disadvantage, special ointments are used.

This new style of skiing is also called free style. The skier makes a skate-like movement, pushing off the inner surface of the skis. With its help, you can develop the highest speed.

A rammed wide track is ideal for a skating style, but you can do without it, then you won't have to rely on high speed.

Skis for skating pick up a little shorter and harder than for the classic style.


For skating, the length of the skis should be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier.


The stiffness should be about twice as much as for the classic. If you press the ski with your hand to the floor, then a gap of 1.5-2 mm should remain.

Universal skis

As the name implies, universal skis are a cross between classic and skate skis. This applies to both the parameters of the choice of skis (average length and stiffness), and the style of mixed skiing.


Multipurpose skis should be 15-20 cm taller than the skier.

Summarize: cross-country skiing suitable for flat terrain, for beginners it is better to choose the classic notched, and for advanced universal.

Table how to choose the length of skis by height
Skier heightClassic skis Universal skis Sticks for the classic move Skating sticks
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Ski material

All skis are made of wood or plastic.

Plastic skis used to be rare and expensive. Now, on the contrary, most skate on plastic.

Advantages of plastic skis:

  • they are stronger, respectively, more durable than wood;
  • snow sticks to them less during thaw;
  • more high-speed.

The most reputable companies producing plastic skis are Atomic and Fischer. You can buy equipment from them, both for beginners and for professional sports... You can also highlight the domestic manufacturers of skis "Karelia" and "Tisa".

How to choose the right skiing

Alpine skiing is very different from cross-country skiing, both in design and in the method of choice. Their main purpose is to descend from the mountains, with the development of high speeds.

Remember right away, if you are a beginner in alpine skiing, then choose professional skiing it is forbidden. They are designed to develop very high speeds that you, as a beginner, may not be able to handle, leading to injury.


The size of alpine skis is selected not only depending on the height of the skier, but also on his professional skills. The shorter the skis, the easier it is to handle.

If you are a beginner skier, then the length of your skis should be 20 cm shorter than your height.

If you have been skiing from the mountains for several years and have achieved good results in this, then you should have skis 10 cm smaller than your height.

Skis that are as long as their own height are suitable for a professional.

For women, it is better to reduce the above length by another 5 cm, and for people with a weight above average, on the contrary, increase it by 5 cm.


The basic rule for choosing the stiffness of alpine skis is that the higher the professional skills and weight of the skier, the more rigid they should be.

A beginner will be approached with the least stiffness, since they are easier to control.

Hard and medium-hard skis are suitable for professionals and people who have been confidently skiing down the mountains for years. Since they are designed for sharp turns and high speeds.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing alpine skis is their structure:

  • carving;
  • classic.

Carving skis differ from classic skis in that they look like tight-fitting, i.e. the ends are wider than the center. They are more stable than the classic ones, therefore they are recommended for beginners.

  1. Externally, both skis should be exactly the same and not differ in width, length and weight.
  2. Look at the skis from the side; the curvature of the sliding surface should be smooth.
  3. The longitudinal groove on the sliding surface must be straight without any wobbling.
  4. There should be no scratches, cracks or other defects on the sliding surface.
  5. Place the skis with the sliding surface towards each other and squeeze them as tightly as possible with your hands. The stiffness should be the same. At the same time, the socks should remain closed.
  6. Find the center of gravity of the skis, it must match, a deviation of no more than 1.5 cm is allowed.

How to choose ski poles

After choosing skis, you may be faced with the question of choosing ski poles... This is the important part ski equipment, which is indispensable.

Ski poles must be:

  • durable;
  • hard;
  • lungs.

Sticks as well as skis are chosen depending on the height of the athlete. For lovers of skating, the sticks should be 15-20 cm less than the owner's height, and for the classics, 25-30 cm less in height.

You cannot buy sticks for a child "for growth", as he will get confused in them and it will be inconvenient to ride.

For the amateur, aluminum ski poles are fine.

Grips are best made from non-slip material such as cork or leather with anatomical finger grooves.

It is better to choose the support for the poles with a reverse cone (the safest), and not with legs (the most inconvenient when rolling).

For children under 7 years old, choose the length of the sticks to the armpits, with a blunt tip.

How to choose hunting skis

Hunting skis are designed for movement on loose snow for hunters or fishermen with an additional load. Therefore, they should be, unlike cross-country ones, not long and narrow, but short and wide.

The average length of hunting skis, regardless of the height of the skier, should be about 175 cm.

The best hunting skis made of maple or birch, they are more wear-resistant than spruce.

Preparing skis before use

After you buy your skis from a store, you need to prepare them before using them for the first time.


  1. Wipe the treated surface with a cloth soaked in turpentine.
  2. Apply the melted paraffin wax with movements from toe to heel, only on the area under the boot.
  3. Warm up with an iron preheated to 200 degrees. And let it dry for a few hours.
  4. Excess cooled paraffin must be carefully removed.
  5. At the end of all processes, wipe the sliding surface with a synthetic cloth.

The above procedure must be carried out at least once a year.


  1. Sand the sliding surface with fine emery paper.
  2. Apply a special resin from a sports store to a sliding surface and heat it up with a blowtorch or special torch.
  3. Wait until the resin is absorbed and repeat the previous step 3-4 more times. The skis should darken, but don't overheat to prevent the wood from charring.

For maximum comfort when skiing, it is better to choose skis and poles by height and weight.

Selection table for skis and poles for classic skiing

Skier weight Ski length Skier height Stick length
<45 170-175 150 125
45-49 175-180 155 130
50-54 180-184 160 135
55-59 185-189 165 140
60-69 190-195 170 145
70-79 195-200 175 150
79-89 200-205 180 155
90> 205 185 160
90> 205 190 165
90> 210 195 165

For beginner skiers, they are suitable with notches or kamus. They are almost maintenance-free and wider for better stability.

For experienced skiers, models with a camus or with a flat sliding surface are suitable. They are narrower, which allows for high speed, but require maintenance in order to maintain speed characteristics.

Selection table for combination skis and poles

In terms of properties, these are something between classic and skating, and allow you to ski in two ski styles. The sliding surface is smooth - it has no notches and kamus.

Selection table for skis and skating poles

For beginner skiers, models are suitable, since there is a high probability of breaking skis and poles while improving the technique of movement.

For experienced skiers, models are suitable famous brands, which have low weight and high speed qualities.

Ridge course

The skating style of skiing was invented in the early 80s, before that they moved exclusively with the classic move. The ridge course is the most fast style cross-country skiing. For skiing, you need a wide, prepared track. More suitable for active people, speed lovers.

It will take at least one season to master the skating technique.

It is necessary to prepare the body physically: when skating, all the muscles of the body are involved in the work - neck, shoulders, arms, abs, back, legs. With every kilometer you travel, your body will grow stronger. And most importantly, you cannot learn without strong muscles correct technique skating, which threatens injuries. Special attention should be given to strengthening the knees and lumbar back. And be sure to stretch all muscle groups before and after your workout.

Mastering the skating technique is not an easy matter. Need good coordination, strong back, strong hands and legs. This will give you good rolling and high speed while riding. To develop your legs, back and coordination, skate without sticks. For the development of your arms, abs and back, ski on the track in a step-less course (double polling).

To begin with, it is worth mastering a two-step skating move. Learn to do a long ride on one ski and push correctly with your hands. Gradually move on to a skating, simultaneous one-step move.

Skating equipment

To get started, buy inexpensive but high quality skis and poles. When buying boots, focus on comfort, not cost.

When you feel that there is not enough speed, switch to more expensive skis.

Classic move

The classic move is the very first move that was used for skiing. It is slower than the skate and not that hard to master. For skiing, you only need a ski track, which you can lay yourself in any convenient place near the house. Suitable for calm people for family vacations who want to strengthen the body and immunity.

Recommendations for those who want to ride the classic style

Mastering the technique

The classic move is mastered almost immediately, it is similar to normal walking... At first, your speed and endurance will be noticeably lower than that of experienced skiers, but over time, if you learn the technique and strengthen your muscles, you can easily ride 10-20 km without stopping at high speed.

Particular attention should be paid to strengthening the legs and the lumbar part of the back, skating with the classic move without sticks will help in this. And it is imperative that there are no injuries, before and after skiing, stretch your muscles.


For maximum skiing comfort, you need to choose the right classic skis, especially the notched version. The difficulty is that classic ski there are 2 functions - it is good to roll forward, and not to roll back when going uphill. Each ski size has an individual stiffness that can be tested. Too soft skis will always bend - touching the notches on the snow (this reduces the speed), and too hard skis will always keep their bend - not letting the notches catch on the snow (the skis will shoot when going uphill).

If you are a beginner skier and rarely ski, buy inexpensive quality skis. If you are an experienced skier and like to ski often - buy more expensive and high quality skis of famous brands. It is better to buy boots that are comfortable for you, regardless of the price.

The quality of winter recreation directly depends on skiing. We will talk about how to choose cross-country skis and skis for skating in our article, and you can put the knowledge gained into practice.

It is believed that summer provides more opportunities for entertainment and sports. Far from it. Snowboards, skis and skates are popular in winter. What is better than a walk in the winter forest on good skis?

Skiing provides a pleasant pastime, improves heart function and tone the figure.

Choosing cross-country skiing

As you know, skiing is a popular winter recreation tool. Many people go for a walk in the forest or mountains with pleasure. Relaxation leaves a pleasant impression after you choose the right cross-country skiing.

The modern market offers the following types of skis: downhill, cross-country, sports, amateur, extreme and hunting.

Riding styles

  1. Classic style. Provides parallel movement along the track. Soft models with a long and sharp end are used.
  2. Free or skate. It consists of pushing skis off the snow like skates. Provides for the use of hard varieties.
  3. Versatile style. Popular with people who enjoy classic and skating style skating.

Right choice

  1. Skis are made from natural wood or plastic. The cost of wooden specimens is much lower, but they are very rare on the shelves of sports stores.
  2. Plastic ones do not need lubrication and ride better on snow-covered surfaces. They are more reliable, lighter and last longer.
  3. It is not difficult to find the size. Sports stores have special tables for heights and sizes.
  4. Be sure to pay attention to the rigidity. Step on your skis and try to stretch a sheet of paper underneath before buying. If he passed without hindrance - tough. If not, soft.

Video Tips

Finally, I will pay a little attention to the choice of boots. If you are a fan of the classic style, buy low boots with soft soles. The skate style provides for stiff and high boots.

Choosing skis for skating

Let's imagine that you have decided to master skiing. Choose your riding style first. The ridge style began to gain popularity at the end of the last century.

When skating style, push off the snow track inside skis, the track itself is wide and packed.

Skating skis differ from the classic analog in a shorter length and a blunt toe. The center of gravity is slightly shifted.

  1. If you enjoy cross-country skiing, look for models with medium and low stiffness. Rigid models have two significant drawbacks - they slip and spring when pushed.
  2. Stiffness should be appropriate for the weight of the skier. If the person is heavy, you need to buy harder skis or lose some weight.
  3. It is necessary to strive to ensure that skates and poles are adequate for height.
  4. It is imperative to choose your shoes. Skating shoes have some peculiarities. Modern skating boots are high-tech footwear, the design of which takes into account high mechanical loads, extreme weather conditions, anatomical features human legs.
  5. Finishing touch- selection of fasteners, which are automatic and mechanical. It is better to buy automatic bindings, as they make the preparation for skiing faster and more comfortable.

If you have already mastered classic skating, you can safely switch to the skating style. It is more fun and complete.

Video Tips

The right choice of skiing

Modern people spend the New Year holidays differently. Some go to the sea, the second prefer the forest, the third like a trip to the country, the fourth like winter skiing.

  1. When you visit a specialty store, tell the consultant about your skill level. Otherwise, he will select skis, guided by your preferences and anthropometric data.
  2. If you are a beginner or hobbyist, take a look at the standard models. They are focused on driving at low and medium speeds.
  3. Remember right choice depends not only on the level and style of riding, but also on the physique of the athlete. If you are of average weight, buy alpine skis that are 10 cm shorter than your height.
  4. If you possess great experience in the field mountain skiing, however, the weight exceeds the norm, the best solution would be skis with longitudinal stiffness.
  5. Before buying, decide on a skiing location. Skiing on regular slopes is significantly different from skiing on large mountains.
  6. If you want to ride on different slopes and mountains, buy versatile models.
  7. For people with a high level of riding, the choice is much easier. The range of choice in this case is much wider.
  8. If you want to take turns with a large slope, buy short-cut skis. If you expect skiing on virgin soil, you can safely purchase a longer model.

The development uses advanced technologies that are focused on improving controllability. However, if you are a beginner, learn to ride with a coach. Always put health and safety first.

How to choose roller skis

Roller skiing is like skiing. Not surprisingly, this variety physical activity great for fans winter species sports. Plus, roller skiing brings more use rather than walking or cycling.

Modern market sports equipment offers the widest selection of roller skis. If a professional can easily choose the optimal model, it is much more difficult for a beginner athlete.

Roller skis are divided into two classes. The first class is represented by models focused on the classical and skating course, the representatives of the second class are training and racing models.

Such a division cannot be called absolute, since the market is full of combined patterns. However, the development of the fundamental characteristics of roller skis comes from the listed subspecies.

Let's talk about the choice.

  1. Training rollers must ensure utmost conformity skiing... In most cases, such units are equipped with retarders. These devices reduce the speed to the speed of the skis.
  2. It is better if the roller skis are equipped with wheels made of soft material. They provide good traction and reduce vibration. The trainer frame simulates ski deflection.
  3. The requirements for racing rollers are different. They must be as light as possible and must be maximum speed... Other characteristics play a secondary role. These models are equipped with large polyurethane wheels and a short rigid frame.
  4. Classic roller skis should have a ratchet that is responsible for blocking the reverse rotation of the wheels. These models have a longer frame and wider wheels.
  5. It consists of three components - mounts, wheels and frame. The last element is responsible for the transfer of force from the legs to the wheels. The main characteristics of the frame are length, weight and rigidity. The longer the frame, the more stable the rollers are.

Choosing skis for a child

Some parents think skiing is a waste of time. This opinion is superficial and erroneous. skiing strengthens the cardiovascular system, develops the vestibular apparatus, hardens the child's body.

  1. The height, weight and age of the child must be taken into account. At first, it is enough to purchase a regular children's model.
  2. It is better to buy your baby skis made of natural wood. Domestic products are cheaper than their European counterparts, but the quality is lower.
  3. When choosing, make sure that the model you like has notches. They prevent rollback.
  4. For the first time, do not give your child poles, as they will harm the comfort of riding. If you do decide to buy them, make sure that the tip is of high quality, the reliability of the support depends on it.
  5. With age, the views and tastes of the child change. Consult with him and get his opinion.

How to choose skis by height

During the choice, the main thing is not to make a mistake. First of all, it is recommended to select, guided by growth. After taking into account the level of training.

  1. If you can't boast strong physical fitness, subtract about 20 centimeters from the height. As a result, you will get the optimal ski length indicator.
  2. If you train constantly and your fitness level is high, subtract about 10 centimeters from your height.
  3. If this is not your first ride and are confident in your abilities, get a model that matches your height.
  4. It is better if you try out skis of different lengths in practice. This will allow you to choose the optimal model.
  5. In addition to the length, you need to pay attention to the width. If you intend to ski on a flat track, buy wide skis that are highly stable.
  6. If you have to ski on ice or on a hard track, narrow skis are the best solution. They are more maneuverable and lighter than their wide counterparts.
  7. Regarding rigidity, I would like to say that during the choice you need to be guided by the level of training. If it is tall, you can safely buy hard skis.

For a complete beginner to choose good skis on your own is not so easy. Not knowing the intricacies, he just buys the first model he likes, which will not please with a comfortable ride.

Skiing is one of the popular types sports, as well as a favorite hobby of many people. Someone prefers extreme driving, others are not averse to calmly ride in the park. In any case, when buying modern skis it is important to take into account not only the riding style and terrain features, but also indicators such as the height and weight of the skier. It is difficult to make a choice today, since hundreds of models are presented in sports equipment stores, both for skating and for walking. Let's try to figure out the main indicators that you need to pay attention to when choosing skis.

Selection of skis based on the height and weight of the skier

The selection of skis for height differs depending on the type of product. It is also worth considering the length and stiffness of the ski. For example, beginner athletes are encouraged to choose shorter models. On such products, you will be able to move around with any convenient technique, but if a beginner purchases skating skis, then he will not be able to ride them in a classic style. Therefore, we will consider the most popular types of skis.

Selection of skis for classic skiing

Classic skis differ in their configuration, since they must always be parallel to each other when moving along the track. As a rule, such products are longer than ridge ones, but the maximum value does not exceed 207 cm.In addition, they are distinguished by their softness, this is necessary so that when pushing off the ski block touches the snow surface, in this case, during the push, the products will not slip back. But such skis should not be too soft either, otherwise during sliding, the block will bend too much, going deep into the snow, as a result of which they will slow down.

When choosing the stiffness of a suitable ski model, you should take into account the weather conditions. For example, for a cold winter, soft and elastic products are more suitable, since in this case you do not need to apply a large layer of ointment. But for freezing temperatures, it is better to choose rigid models.

Professional skiers differ in their riding style, as a rule, they push off the surface of the snow with a powerful push, so for the "pros" rigid products are suitable, on which athletes can do long-term skiing.

If you choose classic skis, then their length should exceed your height by 25-30 cm. Sticks, in contrast to Nordic walking poles on the contrary, it is better to choose 25-30 cm less in height, although if you have excellent physical fitness and strive to increase the load, then you can purchase longer products.

To choose skis by weight, you need to check how stiffness suits your body weight. All you need to do is use a flex tester. First you need to find the center of gravity of each ski and put a mark on this place with a marker. After that, you need to put the products on a flat surface and stand on them. In this case, the toes of the boots should be located on the line marked earlier. Try to relax and distribute your weight evenly across both legs. Ask someone to take a thin sheet of paper or a stylus no more than 0.2 mm thick and run it under one ski. The tester should move freely 20 to 40 cm forward and backward from the marked center of gravity. If a sheet of paper or a dipstick does not go beyond 5 cm, you need to use softer skis.

There is a similar method for determining the rigidity of products. To do this, all the weight must be moved by one leg. Further, you also need to use paper or a probe, which should move freely 10-15 cm from the control point.

Selection of skis for skating

Skating skis are so called because during movement the skier uses the same running technique as the skater. To do this, he pushes off the snow surface. inside skis, transferring at this moment all your weight to the sliding ski and vice versa. It is worth noting that the skating course is more suitable for those who have well trained arms and body.

In length, skis of this type are shorter than classic skis, their maximum length is no more than 192 cm. skating the athlete should not touch the surface of the middle part of the ski. Therefore, such models should be tougher than the classic ones. And if you plan to use them only for walking, then it is better to choose more elastic and softer products on which it is easier to maintain balance.

In order to decide how to choose skis for skating by height, it is enough to remember the following: such models should be 15 cm larger than the athlete's height, and the sticks should be 15 cm smaller. Thus, the size of the skis for height will be optimal.

In order to determine the weight, on skating skis it is also necessary to determine the center of gravity, put a mark on it and stand on the products, distributing the weight. In this case, the probe or paper should move freely 40 cm to the nose of the products and 10 cm from the heel of the boot to the back of the skis. If you got on one ski, then 10 cm must be subtracted from these values.

Selection of combined skis

This type of ski can be used for both skating and classic skiing. The maximum length of the combined models is 200 cm. But to use different riding styles, it is better to choose skis no longer than 192 cm, in this case, during the skating course, the "heels" will not touch each other. The design of the Combi skis is more reminiscent of classic models, but their length should be determined a little differently. Combined skis should be 20 cm larger than the height of the skier, well, as usual, it is better to choose sticks 20 cm shorter, unless you plan to train with increased loads.

The selection of skis by height and weight, the table of indicators of which is presented below, does not take much time. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account other characteristics. If we talk about children's mini-skis, then there is another story, which we will consider in more detail.

Skier height, cm Length of walking (combined) skis, cm
190 205-210
185 205-210
180 200-205
175 195-200
170 190-195
165 185-190
160 180-185
155 175-180
150 170-175
145 160-170
140 150-160
130 140-150
120 130-140
110 120-130

Selection of children's skis

When choosing sports equipment for young skiers, it is necessary first of all to assess the level of the child's preparation for such training. For children, it is better to choose products that do not develop high speed, controllable and reliable. If we talk about growth, then:

  • Skis for children 3 years old should be 100 cm long, provided that the baby's height is also 1 m.If less, then it is accordingly better to choose a shorter model;
  • Children's skis from 4 years old should be no more than 110 cm long, with the same height;
  • It is better to buy children's skis from 5 years old with a length of 120 cm, while the child's height should be about 115 cm.

The rest of the indicators (for children from 6 to 11 years old) can be found in the table.

Child's height, (cm) Size of skis, (cm) Approximate age, years
120 130 6
125 140 7
130 150 8
135 150/160 9
140 165 10
145 170 11

As with the choice of adult skis, when purchasing products for a child, it is necessary to take into account its weight. The shortest skis, 70 cm long, are ideal for children up to 20 kg. Further, the separation takes place as follows:

  • If the baby's weight is 20-32 kg, then choose models with a length of 90 cm;
  • For children weighing 32-42 kg, products with a length of 100 cm are more suitable;
  • If your child weighs more than 41 kg, then when choosing skis, you need to build on growth young skier(in this case, the skis should reach the nose).

The choice of children's skis based on the height and weight of the child is very important, since only with the right ratio of these indicators will children be able to train correctly. If your child has not yet practiced winter riding, then choose skis for him that will reach his chin, that is, shorter models.

In custody

When choosing skis, also consider the manufacturer of the sports equipment. Cheap counterparts will have the worst grip on snow, so it is better to give preference to companies that have proven themselves in this industry. Before buying, it is better to try a ride on the model you like, since everything in this matter is very individual and depends on your weight, height, level of fitness and physical activity.

Thanks to the popularity of winter sports and the development of modern technological processes, skis are no longer ordinary wooden equipment. Today it is a high-tech product.

There are no universal skis, choosing them, you need to decide on your goal: outdoor activities or competitions, mountain slopes or virgin lands.

When choosing a ski model, it is necessary to take into account not only the nature of the surface on which they will be used, but also the weather conditions, skiing styles and techniques, as well as the height, weight and skill level of the skier. By the way, for children, you can safely take skis with a margin, 3 cm longer, because during the season the child will definitely grow up.

Below are descriptions of well-known manufacturers, whose products are in demand both among ordinary fans of this winter sport, and among the winners. Winter Olympics and world championships.

The best alpine skiing

ELAN - the best alpine skiing for experienced

To make skiing dynamic, but at the same time comfortable and easy, ELAN from Slovenia applies the latest developments in ski manufacturing:

    RST Sidewalls - a special design of the sidewalls that allows you to transfer the energy of movement to the edges;

    Power Woodcore - a core that provides greater torsional rigidity, combined with increased product flexibility;

    lightweight and durable carbon fiber gives the structure strength in the right places.

The developers do not forget about the aesthetic side, the manufacturability of their products is combined with great design. Each model is designed for a skier with one level or another.

A distinctive feature of the best ELAN skis is the use in some models of the revolutionary Amphibio technology - the use of two types of Rocker and Camber profiles simultaneously, when skis are made separately for the left and right feet.

Popular model: Elan Amphibio 78 Ti + ELX 11.0 13/14.

Estimated cost: 28,000 rubles.

These skis are designed for advanced skiers. Thanks to the calculated geometry of the product, athletes can easily conquer any tracks, prepared slopes and virgin lands. The production uses the latest integrated system ski bindings Fusion, which makes the turns easier and the ski's deflections even along the length.

Disadvantages: most models require good track preparation.

Reviews:“Elan is my favorite ski, I really like it. I often go to the mountains, ride on very difficult tracks, skis have never failed. "

Head - the best technological alpine skiing


The Head brand from Austria uses fiberglass in the construction of their models, the task of which is to take on the main loads while riding. But since this is a rather heavy material, the manufacturer's products were also weighted at the beginning. Therefore, Head began to use fiberglass filaments that are hollow on the inside, and therefore lighter, but still strong.

For the first time in the world, the company has introduced a system of "electronic control" into a product - intellifibers fibers, which allow skis to instantly adapt to changes in speed or snow consistency. These piezo fibers convert mechanical sliding energy into electricity, which is captured in a closed loop and passed through a resistor and filter. The processed energy returns to the fibers in 5 milliseconds and ensures torsional stability of the skis.

The second technology introduced in Head skis is the Intelligence Chip System. The chip condenses the electricity generated by the smart fibers. At the right moment (for example, when contact with the snow is lost), the microchip sends it back to the fibers, they press the edges into the snow, preventing loss of control.

Popular model: Head Chip 66 SW PR Pro.

Estimated cost: 28,000 rubles.

Skis are good for both professionals and beginners and are easy to learn to ride. Equipped with Intelligence Chip stabilization system. A TTT metal stabilization torsion fork has been added to the design for added durability. Designed by BMW studio specialists.

Disadvantages: many, especially women, complain about the significant weight of the skis, they are not so easy to transport.

Reviews: “At first there was an unusual sensation: the skis were heavy, seemed somehow lethargic, but terribly stable. Porridge, raskolbas, the change in the state of the snow is on the drum, the rod is like tanks, you don't feel anything at all. In general, I like skiing, I recommend it to healthy men, it is possible for beginners due to its softness at low speeds. "

“We liked it a lot - both in short and long corners. Heads have some kind of electronic filling - something electrically changes the rigidity right on the go (due to the complexity of the process, the sellers can't really explain how everything works, so everyone just skates). "

“My first skis were Head's. Well, what can I say - best skis for a beginner! "

K2 - the most reliable alpine skiing


Alpine skis of the American manufacturer K2 have long been present at Russian market and have been sales leaders for a long time. In the face of tough competition, the brand is constantly improving its production technologies. In the latest K 2 collection, the MOD-monic vibration damping system and the new "ski-mount" system are used, when the latter are installed without drilling holes: a couple of clicks, fixation - and the mount holds itself and holds the boot perfectly.

K 2 skis are distinguished by their tolerance to the condition of the slope: they ride equally reliably on hard or soft snow, on a track with bumps or completely off the slope.

Popular model: K2 AMP Bolt.

Estimated price: 48,000 rubles.

These are the best men's skis for fast trails. Fir core, waist 74mm wide. The Speed ​​Rocker technology is applied (allows you to make turns at the highest speed with maximum control). The Metal Laminate construction with Hybritech sidewalls provides the required rigidity.

Disadvantages: overpriced in the Russian market.

Reviews: “Nice light skis, making short turns on them is just a pleasure. This model is just suitable for the Moscow region, the skis begin to "work" even at low speeds. "

" Just wonderful! These are the best skis I've tried for last years... The most fun, the most versatile. As you want, so you go. "

Best cross country skiing

Salomon - the best women's cross country ski


The French company Salomon produces skis that successfully combine classic traditions and the most modern technologies:

    Monocoque technology makes skis lightweight yet stiff enough thanks to a closed system consisting of a wood or composite core and a body made of composite material;

    V-shape technology gives the products an original geometry - a narrowed heel and a wide nose, which provides excellent maneuverability both on virgin soil and on hard prepared tracks;

    the Powerline system is used to damp vibration and improve ski control;

    the specially developed 3D Race Carbon (sandwich) and Rocker (reverse deflection) ensure good edging and the correct transfer of forces to the edging.

Basically, Salomon skis are unisex. But the company has also developed special product lines for women and children. Lightweight models are distinguished by interesting designs and bright colors.

Popular model: Salomon SNOWSCAPE 7 SIAM.

Estimated cost: 6,600 rubles.

Skis are light, soft, anatomically responsive female body, have a shifted center of gravity and provide good grip on the track. The owners note the excellent rental characteristics, as well as the good value for money of these skis.

From ski reviews Salomon: “Confident sliding (especially at temperatures from -2 to -8 degrees), sharp edges, good geometry. The plastic of the sliding surface is suitable for central Russia. "

Fischer - the best men's cross country ski


German Fischer skis, like products of other brands, are produced for different categories of amateurs and professionals. Models are divided into rulers and differ in the technologies used in production.

For the manufacture of cross-country skis, technologies have been used to reduce the weight of products and reduce energy loss, and improve glide. The design of the skis is quite complex. The outside of the product is covered with plastic, and the inside is honeycomb technology, which is also common in aircraft construction. In the manufacture of the sliding side of the ski, diamond grinding and carbon are used.

In the line of cross-country skis, Fischer can choose a pair for himself as a beginner skier (a universal pair for any type of skiing), and professional sportsman(for a skate or classic move).

In addition, when choosing the best skis, you need to know about the climate of the area where you intend to ski. For different snow, different models of Fischer skis are available:

    "Warm" - with a high content of graphite, soft heel and toe, they are ideal for the warm winter of the middle zone of the Russian Federation and Western Siberia;

    "Cold" with a lower content of graphite in the plastic. They are used for hard snow and freezing weather.

Popular model: Fischer LS Combi.

Estimated price: 5000 rubles.

The ROCKER CAMBER technology is used in these skis: at the moment the shoe is pressed, the toe is unloaded, and the ski does not burrow into the snow. As a result, ski handling becomes more comfortable. The improved air duct system in the wood core structure allows optimal weight distribution over the entire length of the ski. Great for beginners looking to start driving really fast.

Disadvantages: skis of this quality require careful maintenance and preparation.

Reviews: “I would like to say about the sensations from Fischer skis: when I first got on them, I went straight away without even pushing off. They slide just fine! "

Rossignol - the best ski for professionals


The Rossignol group of companies, with production facilities throughout Europe, was one of the first to master production plastic skis... The lightweight aramid laminate used in their construction provides good stability and secure edging. The wood core is reinforced with carbon for a responsive and lightweight ski.

The sidewall construction has two layers. The upper, made of elastic material, is designed to absorb shock loads underneath the bindings. It protects the skier's feet and the skis. The bottom layer is made of hard plastic, which provides strength characteristics.

The company is better known as a manufacturer of alpine skiing, one of its cross-country skis is a real pearl.

Popular model: Rossignol X-ium Skating WC3 White Base NIS.

Estimated cost: 20500 rubles

Experts find many advantages in the geometry of these skis due to the competent distribution of loads between the toe and heel, thanks to which the skis confidently enter the turn, move through the snow of various densities.

Disadvantages: rather, you can call it a feature: these skis are not for a beginner, they require a certain sliding technique from the skier.

Michele Giuliane, a member of the Italian combined ski team: “These skis are stable, you feel free on them. Excellent skis comparable to top-tier racing models. "

Atomic - the best skis for kids


The Austrian company Atomic produces narrow and durable cross-country skis for users of all skill levels and all ages. The skis of this company, designed for children and adolescents, are in great demand. Lightweight Synthetic Ultra High Densolite cores and 3D Touring profiles provide lightweight heels and toes for superior energy distribution.

Popular model: Atomic Ski Tiger Junior

Estimated price: 3000 rubles.

This is a children's (junior) model for the classic move. It is equally convenient both to learn the correct "classics" and to demonstrate the acquired skills at the most serious competitions. Nordicap technology ensures uniform pressure distribution as well as sufficient torsional rigidity. The skis are easy to use and slip resistant. They do not need lubrication and special preparation. In addition, at such a price, it is not a pity to break them in the learning process.

Disadvantages: due to the popularity of the brand, skis are quickly disassembled in stores, so it is not always possible to find a pair of suitable height on sale.

Reviews: “I bought my daughter. I chose for a long time, stopped at Atomic Ski Tiger with G2 Auto bindings. They didn't even have to be lubricated with paraffin. Immediately from the store - into the snow, and the girl drove off. There is almost no recoil uphill, my daughter says that her legs get tired much less than on old skis».

Rating of the best downhill and cross-country skiing according to the "Price Expert"

Model, manufacturer




Elan Amphibio 78 Ti + ELX 11.0 13/14

28,000 rubles

Wide waist, RST construction, Mono Ti reinforcement, Power Woodcore, Wavealex

The best alpine skiing for advanced skiers

Rossignol X-ium Skating WC3 White Base NIS

20,500 rubles

Best for experienced athletes. All their advantages are revealed if the owner has skills. high level

The best cross-country skiing for advanced skiers


6,600 rubles

Women's skis are lightweight, soft, with a shifted center of gravity

Best cross country skiing for women

Fischer LS Combi

5000 rubles

ROCKER CAMBER technology, improved stability parameters, well suited for beginners.

Best cross-country skiing for men

Atomic Ski Tiger Junior

3000 rubles

Junior model for the classic move, various sizes are provided.

The best cross-country skiing for kids and teens

Head Chip 66 SW PR Pro

28,000 rubles

Worldcup sandwich, CHIP intelligence control system, UHM C base with structure

The best innovative alpine skiing

K 2 AMP Bolt

48,000 rubles

Men's downhill skiing for fast trails. Improved reliability indicators.

The most reliable alpine skiing

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