Which cross-country skis are best to buy. Instructions for beginner skiers, or how to choose skis

The choice of cross-country skis is very important and difficult. Sometimes from quality choice the safety of the athlete, the convenience and success of skiing depends. If a person pays minimal attention to the selection of skis and bindings, he may immediately face injuries, and movement on the slopes will be difficult. That is why it is necessary to carefully study the issue, highlighting the main criteria by which the choice usually takes place.

Cross-country ski types and materials

To begin with, a person needs to decide on type of cross-country skiing used on slopes of varying difficulty.

So what types of skis can you name?

  • skis for skating;
  • skis for the classic course;
  • combined models.

If a person needs cross-country skiingfor skating, then their size should be taken into account immediately. The maximum length of such a model is 190-192 centimeters. The toe of such models is usually blunt, and their distinctive feature lies in the fact that the middle part should not completely touch the snow, there must remain a gap of 2-3 millimeters.

Models for classic move have a maximum length of 205-207 centimeters. Compared to skate models, these skis have less rigidity and are slightly easier to handle.

Since it is sometimes difficult for athletes to make a choice in favor of a particular model, now they are popular combined types of skis... The maximum length of such models from some manufacturers reaches 200 centimeters, and according to outward appearance they look more like classic skis.

Also models may differ by the level of preparedness of the athlete... For example, there are models for professional athletes, beginners and intermediate skiers. sports training... The only difference between skis for beginner athletes is their large width (on average 47-59 millimeters) and a decent weight.

If speak about materials, now plastic models are becoming more and more popular. They are easy to use, practical and reliable in terms of use. Wooden models also continue to appear on the market, but they are noticeably losing ground. Almost all professionals and experts middle hand have long ago switched to skis made of high-quality plastic.

How to find the length of cross-country skis and poles

When choosing cross-country skis, it is very important to consider the length and size of the poles. TO How to choose the length of your cross-country skis?

The easiest way to find out the ideal ski length for yourself - measure your height from the heel to the tip of your outstretched arm. From this number, you need to subtract 10, and the person will receive the required length of skis.

Of course size of poles for cross-country skiing plays a huge role, because thanks to them you can develop huge speeds on the track and learn how to brake. For classic skis, you need to pick up poles that do not exceed shoulder height in length. Long poles should be used for skating. The loop on them should be comfortable so that a person can easily remove and put on the poles themselves on the track.

Cross-country ski and pole selection table:

How to adjust the stiffness of cross-country skis

Another important characteristic that should not be forgotten when choosing skis is rigidity... If you put the skis on a flat surface, you can see that in the middle they do not reach the ground, sagging by 1-2 centimeters.

The longer the skis, the more the models sag, and the better they are suitable for tall and overweight people... Therefore, people of average build should choose skis with medium stiffness, and thin athletes with minimal stiffness.

It is great if, after fixing the skis on your feet, special test... An assistant can hold a sheet of paper under the skis, and if they are selected correctly, the sheet will move freely, and the gap between the ground and the skis will be 1-2 millimeters.

Features of the choice of boots

Choosing skis is not easy, but without good boots and bindings, you cannot guarantee successful skiing on the slopes. That is why it is worth knowing what shoes to choose for certain cross-country skis.

For skating style it is necessary to choose high boots with a special rigid cuff. It is this cuff that will prevent the development of injuries while rolling and securely fix the leg in one position.

For riding in a classic style low models with the most soft soles are suitable.
Versatile models include a removable cuff and midsole with a medium level of firmness.

Models also differ from the experience of the athlete... If you need shoes for professional athlete, then you need to pay attention to the most modern models from the most durable materials with a minimum number of leather inserts.

How to choose mounts

What are the fasteners, and how do they differ?

  • Front mounts NN 75, which are now considered obsolete and practically not used.
  • Rail mount with system NNN, which are used for skating.
  • Mountings SNS used for traditional skiing.

By choosing the right bindings, boots and skis, a person guarantees himself successful skiing by 50%. Everything else will directly depend on his personal skills on the track.

Selection of children's cross-country skis, boots and bindings

When it comes to the selection of sports equipment for baby, then it is important to consider all the little things. So, for example, it is better for babies under 7 years old to choose the shortest skis possible, otherwise their movements will be very difficult. Also, children under 5 years old do not need sticks, because without them they will master the technique of walking and slow driving much better.

As soon as the baby turns 7, you need to start skiing select by height. 10-15 centimeters should be subtracted from the child's height, this indicator will be considered the optimal ski length.

Parents often choose ski boots to grow, and make a huge mistake. In such models, which are too large for the child, the leg will not be securely fastened, and the child may be injured. Better pick up your shoes strictly in size completely suitable for the child.

Pay special attention to mount type... For the smallest athletes, soft attachments are used, consisting of straps and ties that can be used with any shoe. For children from five to seven years old, semi-rigid mounts are used, which are also used with any boots. But from the age of 7, you can start purchasing bindings with ski boots.

How to choose the right cross-country skis - video

Now let's watch a video that will more clearly explain to you how to choose the right cross-country skis, so as not to be mistaken.

To understand which skis to choose for a novice skier, you must first decide which style of skiing you prefer. For the skating style, when, like a skater, they move along a wide prepared track, or the classic style, when the movement takes place along the track, different skis are made. It is not recommended to buy skate skis, implying the possibility of skiing as well, or vice versa. It will be difficult and hardly enjoyable.

What are the notches for?

Having set out to figure out how to choose skis for the classic move, remember that there are models with a notch and without. If you are a beginner and have no desire to figure out how to properly apply ski wax depending on the temperature of the snow, then choose classic notched skis for skiing. If you bought smooth skis without a notch, then know that they are used only in conjunction with holding ointment, otherwise they will slip.

During skiing, the middle part of the ski, when repulsed, bends and comes into contact with the surface of the track. The notches are made in such a way that they do not allow the ski to slide back, holding it, but allow you to slide forward almost unhindered. It should be noted that the riding speed will always be slightly lower than on smooth skis. In difficult conditions, such as freezing temperatures or icy snow, the notches do not cope with the recoil and the skis begin to slip back. For these reasons, notched models are not used in skiing, but they are very convenient for beginners and inexperienced skiers, as well as for children.

Grip and Slip Lubricants

There are two flavors of ski wax for plastic skis: glide and grip.

Ski glide lubricants are designed to improve glide properties. Apply only to the front and back of classic skis, whether they are serrated or not. And for ridge skates, the entire sliding surface is lubricated.

Holding ointment is applied only to smooth skis intended for classic skiing, and only to their central part (block). This ski lubricant is available in solid or liquid form and is matched to the temperature of the snow. Serves the same purpose as notches - prevents slipping backwards when pushed off.

There is no need to apply grip lubricant to notched skis, but glide lubricant is applied to all skis.

Selection of skis for stiffness

If you want to know how to choose the right skis, remember: the most important thing is to choose the right stiffness. Each ski has a deflection, which more than half determines the ride quality. The stiffness of the ski is determined by how much force must be applied from above to push it through.

One of simple ways determining the stiffness for the classic is to push the ski with both hands until the sliding surface under the shoe touches the floor. If you can't push through, then choose with less rigidity. For skating skis, the gap should be 1-2mm when compressed with one hand. By the way, on some models, the skier's weight range is indicated for which they are designed.

For beginners and non-professionals alike, low to medium stiffness skis are best suited. If, when pushing off, the classic skis do not fully push through, then the rigidity is selected incorrectly.

As for how to choose skis for skating, they are almost twice as stiff as the classic ones, and should not be completely pressed through when repulsed. Moreover, they are usually shorter than the classic ones by 15-20 cm.

If you are planning walks on virgin soil, without skiing, then choose special walking or tourist (touring) skis. They are wider than the usual classic ones and you can use them to create your own track wherever you go.

Selection of ski length

The skis are selected according to the length as follows:

  • for a classic style, add 25-30 cm to your height;
  • for the ridge - add 10-15 cm to the height.

The question of how to choose the right skis for height is less important than choosing for stiffness. Generally, the longer the skis, the harder they are. Therefore, if the skis chosen according to the length turn out to be soft, take the longer ones.

Choosing ski boots

Before choosing ski boots, the right decision is to buy thermal socks for cross-country skiing and put them on to try on your boots.

Skating boots have a stiff ankle cuff and a stiff sole. They should not be used for classics, as the outsole will not bend enough when repulsed. For the classic style, lower boots with soft soles are intended. In turn, using them for skating is not recommended because they will not provide the necessary ankle support.

A good choice for amateurs can be combined boots that allow you to ride both in the classic style and in skating. They have a medium firm sole and, on some models, a removable cuff.

When choosing, be sure to consider the convenience of the boot. Whenever possible, choose boots that, in addition to the lacing, are zipped to provide protection from the ingress of snow.

Choosing mounts

Today, three main types of fasteners are produced:

  • NNN (and its new version NIS),
  • Nordic 75 (the so-called "75 mm", the old standard from the times of the USSR).

The first two practically do not differ in any way, and the last one can not be considered at all. The main thing is to choose comfortable boots, and then select the appropriate bindings and install them on the skis.

Choosing sticks

Now let's figure out how to choose ski poles. They are made of the following types:

  • Carbon fiber. Most expensive. Lightweight and very tough.
  • Fiberglass. The cheapest. Less rigid and less durable. Heavier and easier to bend. Suitable for children and beginners.
  • Aluminum. Affordable. A good choice for beginners, amateurs, as well as for those who have heavy weight.
  • Fiberglass and CFRP composite. Price and durability will greatly depend on the carbon content.

It is recommended to choose sticks with hand loops securely fastened with Velcro. It is not recommended to buy sticks with small support rings (legs). They will sink into the snow, because they are designed for specially prepared tracks.

Skiing is the most widespread winter sport in our country. But good skiing depends not only on the physical fitness of the skier, but also on the well-chosen equipment. Today we will talk about how physical parameters athlete - height and weight - affect the nuances of the choice of skis.

How to choose skis according to your height?

There are certain aspects of choosing ski lengths. They differ depending on the type of products, which can be classic, skating or walking.

  • Skis of the first category, classic, in length should exceed the height of the skier by 20-30 cm.
  • Skating models should be 10-15 cm larger than the athlete's height.
  • Deserve special attention walking(they are also combined) skis, which are very popular among fans of this winter sport. They are selected 15-20 cm longer than the height of their owner.

Beginner athletes who do not know how to size skis should remember to drive. short skis much easier. But people with great experience skaters can afford to buy long models. Moreover, such skis provide maximum glide.

How to choose the size of skis?

To understand how to choose the size of skis, you should pay attention to a special size chart. Read it, or better, print it and take it with you to the sports store. She will tell you how to determine size for skis and buy equipment that will be comfortable to use. Only with this approach to the choice, the purchased skis will give a lot of positive emotions while skiing on winter snow-covered paths.

Human height (cm) Classic ski length (cm) Walking ski length (cm) Skating ski length (cm)
150 175 170 165
155 180 175 170
160 185 180 175
165 190 185 180
170 195 190 185
175 200 195 190
180 205 200 190-195
185 205-210 200-205 195
190 205-210 200-205 195
195 210 205 195

How to select skis by weight?

There is nothing complicated here either. All that is required is to weigh yourself and compare the result with the ski size table:

! Please note that many manufacturers have their own ski size tables for height and / or weight, which differ from those given in this article.

It is also important to remember that the weight of the athlete has a direct impact on the level of rigidity of the articles. The larger it is, the harder the skis should be. To select skis by weight, measure their level of stiffness using flex tester. The skis are installed on a special board or on a flat surface and the rigidity is measured using the device. This indicator can also be determined by squeezing a pair of skis with your hands. For more information on how to conduct a "manual" test yourself, see ours.

How to choose skis and poles according to height?

The above describes in detail how to choose the right skis for height. But when choosing equipment, it is also important to pay attention to sticks. Unlike skis, the length of the poles should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete. In the event that the skier is in excellent physical form, the length of the sticks can be increased slightly. But, in any case, the minimum length of the sticks should not be below the shoulders, and the maximum - below the ear. Besides:

  • you cannot buy sticks "for growth" (especially if you are purchasing equipment for a child);
  • you should not buy sticks with miniature supports - the so-called "legs".

Now you know how to choose skis for height and weight. Arm yourself with a sizing chart and go to a sports store!

You may be interested

This article on the site is dedicated to beginner skiers. If you choose skis for walking or a child for physical education, then you are on the right track. From the article you will learn how to choose the right skis for height, material and other characteristics, what to look for Special attention, and what can be neglected.

Before buying, you need to decide on three main parameters by which skis are chosen:

  • what do you need them for (walking, running for competitions, descending from a mountain, for hunting, etc.);
  • your level of skiing (amateur beginner or professional);
  • your physical parameters (weight and height).

How to choose treadmills

Cross-country skiing is chosen depending on the preferred skiing style. There are three styles:

  1. classical,
  2. ridge,
  3. combined.


Our grandfathers and grandmothers rode the classic style, sliding along two parallel tracks, but it has not lost its relevance. The classic style is best for the beginner skier.


Skis for classic skiing in length should be 20-30 cm longer than their own height. For beginners, you can choose the length a little less, then it will be easier to control them.


If you have seen skis, then you know that they have an arched shape and if you put them on the floor, then their middle will not touch it. The harder it is to push the ski to the floor, the harder they are.

The stiffness must be selected depending on your weight. The heavier the skier, the more stiffness should be.

You can check the correct selection of skis for stiffness in the following way:

  1. put them on the floor;
  2. put a sheet of paper under the middle;
  3. stand with both feet on both skis, there should be a gap to the floor and the sheet of paper will walk freely;
  4. stand with both feet on one ski, it should completely touch the floor, and the sheet of paper will be pressed to the floor and you cannot pull it out.

By following the example above, you will be able to choose the right stiffness. Some manufacturers indicate for what weight they are intended.

Notched or not

Classic skis can be with or without a notch on the sliding surface.

No notch suitable for any weather, for long walks and fast driving.

They are more difficult to ride as they can slide backwards. To eliminate this disadvantage, special ointments are used.

Ridge course

This is a new style of skiing, it is also called free style. The runner makes a skate-like movement, pushing off the inner surface of the ski. With its help, you can develop the highest speed.

A rammed wide track is ideal for a skating style, but you can do without it, then you won't have to rely on high speed.

Skis for skating are chosen a little shorter and harder than for the classic style.


For skating, the length should be 10-15 cm longer than the height of the skier.


The rigidity is about twice as high as for the classics. If you press the ski with your hand to the floor, then a gap of 1.5-2 mm should remain.


As the name implies, universal skis are a cross between classic and skate skis. This applies to both the parameters of the choice of skis (average length and stiffness), and the style of mixed skiing.


Universal skis are 15-20 cm larger than the height of the skier.

To summarize: cross-country ones are suitable for flat terrain, for beginners it is better to choose the classic notched, and for the advanced universal.

Table how to choose the length of skis by height
Skier heightFor the classic move UniversalFor skating Sticks for the classic move Skating sticks
150 170/180 170 165 120 130
155 180 170/180 170 125 135
160 185 180 175 130 140
165 190 185 180 135 145
170 195 190 185 140 150
175 200 195/200 190 145 155
180 205 200/205 190/195 150 160
185 205/210 205 195 155 165
190 210 205 195 160 170
195 210 205 195 165 175

Manufacturing material

All skis are made of wood or plastic.

Plastic skis used to be rare and expensive. Now, on the contrary, most skate on plastic.

Advantages of plastic skis:

  • they are stronger, respectively, more durable than wood;
  • snow sticks to them less during thaw;
  • more high-speed.

The most reputable companies producing plastic skis are Atomic and Fischer. They sell equipment for both beginners and professional sports. You can also highlight the domestic producers "Karelia" and "Tisa".

How to choose the right skiing

Alpine skiing is very different from cross-country skiing, both in design and in the method of choice. Their main purpose is to descend from the mountains, with the development of high speeds.

Remember right away, if you are a beginner in alpine skiing, then choose a professional sport equipment it is forbidden. It is designed to develop a very high speed that you as a beginner may not be able to handle, which will lead to injury.


The size is selected not only depending on the height of the athlete, but also on his professional skills. The shorter the skis, the easier it is to handle.

If you are a beginner skier, then choose a length that is 20 cm shorter than your height.

If you have been skiing from the mountains for several years and have achieved good results in this, then in this case, choose a length that is 10 cm less than your height.

Skis that are as long as their own height are suitable for a professional.

For women, it is better to reduce the above size by another 5 cm, and for people with a weight above average, on the contrary, increase it by 5 cm.


The basic rule for choosing stiffness alpine skiing- the higher the professional skills and weight of the athlete, the more rigid they should be.

A beginner will be approached with the least stiffness, since they are easier to control.

Hard and medium hardness is suitable for professionals and people who have been confidently skiing down the mountains for more than a year. Since they are designed for sharp turns and high speeds.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing alpine skis is their structure:

  • carving;
  • classic.

Carving skis differ from classic skis in that they look like tight-fitting, i.e. the ends are wider than the center. They are more stable than the classic ones, therefore they are recommended for beginners.

  1. Externally, both skis should be exactly the same and not differ in width, length and weight.
  2. Look at them from the side; the curvature of the sliding surface should be smooth.
  3. The longitudinal groove on the sliding surface is straight, without any wobbling.
  4. There are no scratches, cracks or other defects on the sliding surface.
  5. Place the skis with the sliding surface towards each other and squeeze them as tightly as possible with your hands. The stiffness should be the same. At the same time, the socks should remain closed.
  6. Find the center of gravity of the skis, it must match, a deviation of no more than 1.5 cm is allowed.

How to choose ski poles

You learned how to choose skis, now you may be faced with the question of choosing ski poles... This is the important part ski equipment, which is indispensable.

Ski poles must be:

  • durable;
  • hard;
  • lungs.

Sticks are also chosen depending on the height of the athlete. For lovers of skating, the sticks should be 15-20 cm less than the owner's height, and for the classics, 25-30 cm less in height.

You cannot buy sticks for a child "for growth", as he will get confused in them and it will be inconvenient to ride.

For the amateur, aluminum ski poles are fine.

Grips are best made from non-slip material such as cork or leather with anatomical finger grooves.

It is better to choose the support for the poles with a reverse cone (the safest), and not with legs (the most inconvenient when rolling).

For children under 7 years old, choose the length of the sticks to the armpits, with a blunt tip.

How to choose hunting

Hunting skis are designed for movement on loose snow for hunters or fishermen with an additional load. Therefore, they should be, unlike cross-country ones, not long and narrow, but short and wide.

The average length, regardless of the growth of the owner, should be about 175 cm.

The best hunting skis made of maple or birch, they are more wear-resistant than spruce.

Preparation before first use

Once you have selected your skis in the store, you need to prepare them before using them for the first time.


  1. Wipe the treated surface with a cloth soaked in turpentine.
  2. Apply the melted paraffin wax with movements from toe to heel, only on the area under the boot.
  3. Warm up with an iron preheated to 200 degrees. And let it dry for a few hours.
  4. Excess cooled paraffin must be carefully removed.
  5. At the end of all processes, wipe the sliding surface with a synthetic cloth.

The above procedure must be carried out at least once a year.


  1. Sand the sliding surface with fine emery paper.
  2. Apply a special resin from a sports store to a sliding surface and heat it up with a blowtorch or special torch.
  3. Wait until the resin is absorbed and repeat the previous step 3-4 more times. The skis should darken, but don't overheat to prevent the wood from charring.
  4. Tie the ends of the skis by inserting a spacer in the center.

(XC ski, Nordic ski) - designed to move on relatively flat terrain using the energy of the skier.

Cross-country skiing by skiing style are divided into several categories:
Classic skis, skis skis, combi skis, backcountry hiking skis.

Cross-country skiing by fitness level skier can be divided into:
Beginner skis, intermediate skis, expert skis, athlete skis

1.1. Cross-country skiing classification by skiing style

1.1.1. Cross-country skis for skating

With the skating style of skiing, the skier with his movements resembles a skater: he pushes off the snow inside skis, transferring body weight to sliding ski... Then the movement is repeated on the other leg. The skating style is ideal for well-groomed wide trails and involves active work of the arms and body. The push-off with sticks occurs in accordance with the rhythm of the footwork.

Skating skis, in contrast to skis for classic skiing, are shorter - maximum length 190-192 cm, and are rigid for twisting and in the longitudinal direction. Unlike a classic ski, a skate ski should not completely touch the snow with the middle part during the push with the foot (the required gap is 2-3 mm), since otherwise the push efficiency is reduced. Skating skis can be distinguished by their blunt toe.

1.1.2. Cross-country skis for the classic ride

In the classic style, the skis are positioned strictly parallel to each other on a specially built track.

Classic skis, compared to skating skis, are longer (maximum length 205-207 cm) and softer, and have a longer pointed tip. Less in comparison with the ridge stiffness is needed so that when pushing, the ski touches the snow with the middle part (block) and the holding ointment or notches "work", then the ski will not slip back during the push. At the same time, skis for classic skiing should not be too soft, otherwise, during sliding, a block with a holding ointment or notches will prevent the skier from sliding and slow down the skier.

1.1.3. Combi skis

Combined skis - skis designed for skating and classic skiing. Usually, combined skis have a maximum length of no more than 200 cm. It is not advisable to produce combined skis with a length of more than 200 cm, in view of the fact that when skating, the heels of the skis will cling to each other. By their design, combined skis are closer to classic skis due to the fact that on classic skis it is still possible to skate, but on pure skis with classic skis it is not, because due to the high rigidity of the pads (part of the ski under the boot) the skier there will be no push-off phase.

1.1.4. Backcountry Touring Cross Country Skiing

BACKCOUNTRY skis are designed for ski enthusiasts in conditions where there is no ski slopes, no walking trails for sports, tourist trips of various levels. They are distinguished by increased rigidity (they use the technology of a wooden typesetting wedge, a sandwich, etc.), a wide, more than 59 mm, sliding surface - for movement on off-road (virgin lands), in some models the ski is reinforced with a metal edging. These are relatively expensive skis that have passed a number of special tests for reliability, since the success of a hike or expedition, and sometimes the life of a person who challenged the wild nature, depends on their quality.

1.2. Classification of skis according to the level of training

1.2.1. Cross-country skiing for beginners

Skis for beginners - with minimal or no skiing experience. As a rule, such skis are purchased for skiing, small weekend hiking trips, physical education on a prepared track or on a walking track, and even on virgin snow. This is the most widespread category of cross-country skiing, so such skis are relatively inexpensive and quite versatile. Walking skis are usually designed for classic skiing, but some models of walking skis can be used for both skating and classic skiing. Such models are also called Combi. Distinctive features of skis for beginners are an increased waist width from 47 to 59 mm, a relatively large weight from 1.4 to 1.7 kg, the use of less expensive plastics to reduce cost, since high speeds are not required. Often, entry-level cross-country skis use a "no wax" notched (or also called "scales") block, which does not require the use of holding ointment when moving with a classic move. Cross-country skis for beginners are less rigid than skis for more advanced skiers. This is done so that a beginner skier can apply less effort when skiing. Famous manufacturers such as Atomic, Fischer, Salomon, unlike other manufacturers, even in the production of entry-level skis, use air channel technology, various foam fillers to reduce the weight of the skis, as well as high-quality plastics for better glide. A beginner skier on such skis feels more confident on them, and skiing turns into a real pleasure.

1.2.2. Intermediate skis

- Intermediate skis - cross-country skiing for skiers who have actively skated 1-2 seasons, who have worked out basic skiing skills. Such skis are purchased for the purpose of sports and fitness. Distinctive feature Medium (sports and fitness) skis are more sporty geometry, with a waist width of 44-48 mm, weighing 1.3-1.4 kg and increased rigidity compared to entry-level skis. Sports and fitness skis use improved plastics and cores to provide the skier with more dynamic performance and longer glide in the push phase. Less commonly, the "no wax" technology is used. Intermediate cross-country skis are available in models for all skiing styles: skate, classic and combined.

1.2.3. Expert skis

- Skis for experts - cross-country skis of skiers who are actively skiing for several seasons, as a rule, who have changed several pairs of skis and have a well-established and proven skiing technique in various conditions. As a rule, such skis are bought by advanced amateurs, as well as athletes as training skis. Expert-level skis have a low weight of 1.1-1.3 kg, high rigidity. Expert skis are made from high quality materials. It is worth noting that among expert skis you will not find combination skis, because combination skis are a compromise that does not allow you to move quickly, neither in skating, nor in a classic move, and even more so you will not find the use of "no wax" oil-free holding technology. The top models of expert skis are available in two stiffness options. This is done so that the skier can choose a ratio that is more suitable for him (ski length / stiffness), corresponding to his level of training.

1.2.4. Skis for athletes

- Skis for athletes - only the hardest and fastest skis satisfy the level of skiing. Cross-country skis of this level are aimed at athletes and ambitious amateurs and are designed to compete. Racing skis weigh between 0.95 and 1.1 kg. In addition to the fact that skis for athletes are made in several versions of rigidity, they are performed in two or three versions of the distribution of the skier's weight along the length of the ski and in two versions of the sliding surface (for warm and cold weather). Many manufacturers also offer athletes different options sliding surface structures that improve rolling under various temperature conditions and at different types snow.

2. Characteristics of cross-country skiing

In this section, we will focus on the characteristics of cross-country skiing. Finding the optimal cross-country ski performance means ensuring excellent glide under specific conditions. It is generally accepted that 60% of the sliding properties of skis are determined by the distribution of the load along the length of the ski (diagram), the deflection and stiffness of the ski, another 20% - by the material, condition and structure of the sliding surface of the skis, and only the remaining 20% ​​- by the lubrication of the skis. In order to thoroughly understand what the ski glide depends on, we advise you to familiarize yourself with Theoretical foundations sliding skis in the snow.

2.1. Load distribution along the length of the ski

The distribution of the load along the length of the ski (diagram) is the distribution of the skier's weight on the snow through the ski. The diagram is the most visual characteristic of the ski, which determines the glide in different conditions. Plots are distinguished depending on the type of running (skating, classic, walking) and temperature conditions (cold, warm, combined).

2.1.1. Plots depending on the type of traverse Plot of skis for a classic course

The upper part of the figure shows the pressure distribution when sliding on two skis, there is no pressure under the block. The lower part shows the pressure distribution during the push, during which the maximum pressure on the snow is created in the area of ​​the ski block. Skating ski diagram

As you can see, with skating skis, the load is distributed over the surface in a completely different way. During the point (lower part of the figure), it falls on two powerful "bumps", while the middle part of the ski is almost not loaded when pushing, when rolling ( top part figure) there is no pressure in the central part of the ski. Cross-country skiing diagram
Since walking skis are not divided into classic and walking skis and are considered universal, the diagram of walking skis has a shape closer to classic skis. This is done in order to walking skiing it was still possible to go in the classic course, otherwise if the ski under the block does not exert significant pressure on the snow, then it will slip when pushing.

2.1.2. Plots versus temperature conditions

Let's consider two main types of plots: COLD plot, suitable for cross-country skiing in frosty weather and soft skiing, and WARM plot, suitable for warm weather and hard skiing. The difference between COLD and WARM plots is in the severity of pressure peaks and in the length of the part of the ski that participates in sliding. COLD plot

Cold plot has increased in length, reduced in value pressure peaks under the front and rear parts skis, which evenly distributes the weight of the skier. A more even distribution of pressure in cold weather reduces the effect of the dry friction force, which prevails in frost, by increasing the area of ​​water friction, the resistance of which is much less than dry friction. On soft COLD tracks, the plot is preferable due to the reduction in the plowing friction force. WARM plot

The WARM plot has pressure peaks that are reduced in length and increased in value. This load distribution reduces the frictional force of capillary attraction, which creates the main resistance on a warm track, by reducing the contact area and reducing the "suction" effect. On a hard track, the WARM plot is preferable, since the ski control is increased by cutting the edge of the ski into the snow. Combined plots
Combined skiing is also common. The anterior pressure hump is a sharp WARM, and the posterior one is a smooth COLD, as well as plots with intermediate characteristics.

2.2. Cross-country ski stiffness

Modern cross-country skis have a sag in the middle of their design. If you place the ski on a flat surface, you will notice that the middle part of the ski "hangs" at a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface. With the application of a load from above, the ski will be pressed, and the stiffness of this "spring" is the stiffness of the ski.
The initial and middle segment of cross-country skis is made in the same universal stiffness and varies depending on their length. The longer the skis, the stiffer they are and the better they are for tall or heavy skiers.
In the upper segment of racing skis, manufacturers divide each size into different stiffnesses, conventionally designating them Soft, Medium, Hard, Extra Hard. Such a division is necessary for experienced performing skiers, as it helps to accurately select a pair according to the anthropometric characteristics of the athlete, his weight, the peculiarities of his technique and physical data.
For different techniques skis with different stiffness in the area of ​​the shoe are selected.
When choosing classic skis, you can use the following test:
- skis are placed on a flat surface and stand on them in such a way that the toes of the shoes are on the line of the center of gravity
- it is necessary to distribute the body weight evenly and ask the assistant to hold a thin sheet or a 0.2 mm thick probe under the ski
If the skis are chosen correctly in terms of rigidity, then the sheet should move freely under the skis by 25-40 cm towards the toe, and in the opposite direction - to the end of the boot. If the probe moves forward a shorter distance, then a stiffer ski should be selected. If the probe moves back 3-5 cm beyond the end of the boot, then you should choose softer skis.
If you transfer your body weight to one of the skis, then the probe or sheet of paper should move freely 10-15 cm forward from the center of gravity and half the length of the foot back. After transferring body weight to the toe, the probe or paper should be firmly clamped between the floor and the ski. If the skis meet the above requirements, then they are suitable for you in terms of stiffness.
When selecting skating skis and distributing the skier's weight to both legs, the probe should move 40 cm forward from the center of gravity and 5-10 cm back from the heel of the boot. After transferring body weight to one of the skis, the gap should decrease by no more than 10 cm towards the toe of the ski. The gap should not end under the heel of the boot. When pushing off, there should be a gap of 30-40 cm.

2.3. Cross-country ski sliding surface material

In the production of modern skis, a plastic sliding surface is used. In the first plastic skiing An easily washable and poorly grease-holding ABS plastic was used, which is almost completely ousted from the ski manufacturing market, by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene UHMW-PE, with the exception of the cheapest models of some manufacturers. Large modern manufacturers manufacture the sliding surface from synthesized high-performance polyethylene (HPPE). This thermoplastic material is used in industrial applications where low friction and high abrasion resistance are required. The common name for the material is P-Tex. It is made by pressing crushed polyethylene particles under high pressure to form a crystal lattice with amorphous zones filled with lower density polymers or special fillers. In the material intended for ordinary mass skis and for frost, 5-15% of filler is added - carbon particles with a size of 20 microns to remove electrostatics, as well as graphite and fluorocarbon compounds to improve gliding. Carbon black makes the base of the ski black, but also slightly reduces its wear resistance. Gallium compounds add thermal conductivity to plastic, the same property of boron nitride, but this additive further reduces the ability to absorb moisture. Ultramarine pigment is used in skis without carbon black to create a pattern on the base and improve glide.
Ointments can be applied to the base of any ski - for gliding and holding. HPPE itself does not have a porous structure and does not absorb ski grease, however, under the influence of high temperature, the ointment penetrates into the amorphous zones and is held there. From a chemical point of view, ski grease changes the water-repellent properties of the sliding surface by changing the surface tension forces, and also provides lubrication, thereby reducing the frictional force. Additives included in the composition ski wax such as fluoride components, graphite and molybdenum, provide additional advantages to achieve High Quality slip.
Also, a rubber strip can be recessed at the base of the ski in the area of ​​the last. Usually in the designation there is "zero", such skis are designed for positive wet trails and have a rather narrow weather range of use. The modern oil-free repulsion option is to attach an imitation skin under the last, which is referred to as "skin" in the name of the skis. Also, to hold the ski under the block, a special adhesive tape can be glued or various mechanical forms of hooks are used in the structure that do not prevent slipping, but work when repulsed.

2.4. Cross-country ski sliding surface structure

The factory application of the structure to the sliding surface adapts the skis to strictly defined conditions of use: air temperature, humidity, snow condition, skiing style. It also improves glide by reducing the contact area with the snow and reducing the suction effect due to the breakage of the water film formed during sliding. The factory pre-applied structure allows you to select the racing pair that best suits the weather conditions and the characteristics of the track on the day of the start.

The following are the types of Atomic and Salomon cross-country ski structures:
- АС 3 - universal cold -8-17 C, cut into classics and skates, works especially well in Scandinavia;
- АС 4 cold -8-15 C, universal structure, cut into a ridge, especially good at high humidity;
- АС 5 is very cold -8-20 C, wide range, cut into a ridge, but sometimes into a classic, works especially well in Central Europe
- AM 1 medium -3-10 C, universal, cut into both skate and classic, especially good for a mixture of new and artificial snow
- AM 2 medium -1-5 C, cut into NO WAX skis and skate, sometimes into classics, under fresh falling snow and gloss, wet snow
- AM 6 medium -1-8 С, universal structure, cut into a ridge, but sometimes also into NO WAX and classic, into coarse-grained snow
- AM 7 medium -4-10 C, cut into classics and skates, universal structure for dry snow, works well on classics and in colder temperatures
- AW 1 warm -4-0 С, cut into classic and NO WAX, universal for wet snow and wet snow
- AW 7 warm -2-0 C, cut into a ridge and classic, for coarse-grained (spring) snow, you can additionally apply manual knurling / cutting on top
For skis produced without a special order, the structure is cut into the structure of the World Cup Cold (WCC) or World Cup Warm (WCW) - universal structures for cold or heat, respectively. The task of these structures is to prepare the skis for the universal snow conditions of the track.

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