For whom it is easier to build muscle if lean or overweight. Why do people get fat? How much protein should be in the diet

Where to start - the professional trainer Valeriy Babich will tell you.


First steps towards your ideal

No matter how you call a newcomer whom you see in the mirror - skinny or fat - you must have a clear algorithm of how exactly to go to a great and healthy body without killing yourself on the way. To do this, first of all, you should evaluate the problem and its scale, honestly answering yourself a few questions: have I always been the way that worked before, and do I know at least something about how my metabolism works.

I'm fat

This is both a simple and a difficult case. It is simple in that it is often a matter of systematic constant work to smoothly reduce weight to normal. Difficulty in features. If you just sat ten kilograms in the office, then three months of work and the correct sports diet will give you some results.

If your body mass index (BMI) is much higher than the generally accepted norm, then you will have to go through a much longer and more unpleasant period of time to adapt to your new life. In this case, I hope you don’t need to be reminded that visiting a doctor before playing sports is a mandatory program? One of the pitfalls of this condition is possible sluggish chronic diseases, which can be exacerbated when your metabolism gets kicked. Play it safe with the doctor, and go ahead.


Tips for fat men

Take care of your joints. WITH overweight do not overload your knees and you need to especially carefully monitor the condition of the spine. Do not rush to start working with free weights

Follow the exercise technique. Learn it by heart and never deviate. Take your time and do not forget about the safety net.

Follow the diet! Your food is 80% of the work, and this was no joke.

If you are significantly overweight and have difficulty exercising, warm up gently and avoid cardio. Drink water during your workout and monitor your condition. Dizziness, convulsions - a reason to immediately contact a coach.

In fact, just like a skinny guy, you first need to build a muscle base so that your metabolism works like a well-oiled mechanism. Muscles are denser than fat, so I do not recommend focusing on the scales at the beginning: it is not surprising if growing muscles show you an increase in mass. Just keep working.

And don't go after the result right away. Sometimes people are massive due to genetic characteristics, which, however, will not prevent you from building a great body over time, even if your proportions do not become Apollo's.


I'm skinny

Here, too, there is a difference - you just have a little bit, but at the same time you have a more or less normal build, or by nature you are really lean "thin". All this has its advantages. Let's say you get a great relief if you just want to. But while the pluses are invisible, let's talk about where to start.

The first thing that people of ectomorphic constitution try to do is to get rid of them, pushing in kilograms indiscriminately all the fuel that they get along the way. I think you've been through this before. Of course, such a strategy, apart from the envy of full citizens, will give you nothing. Maybe some kind of disease. You cannot make a slender skeleton wider, but you can gain weight. And some of the subtleties will work here in the same way as with complete brethren.


Tips for skinny

Don't overdo it. You don't need to speed up your exchange anyway, and five workouts a week will eat you clean. Follow the optimal training regimen. Sometimes with this build it is advisable to reduce the training frequency even below average.

Eat right. That's right - it means that you will have all the substances necessary for work in your body, especially protein for building a muscle base and complex carbohydrates. Your physique doesn't mean that junk food is good for you.

Do less exercise in your workout and prefer slower strength loads.

There are three body types:

  1. Endomorph- wide, thick bones, difficult to lose weight, slow metabolism, prone to obesity, it is quite easy to gain weight, but because of fat deposits, often all achievements remain a mystery.
  2. Mesomorph- ideal for bodybuilding, broad bones, little fat, a lot of muscle, easily gains DRY muscle mass.
  3. Ectomorph- fast metabolism, thin bones, thin, very difficult to build muscle.

Today we will discuss the first type of physique, namely how to pump up an endomorph. Most people say that endomorphs need to burn fat, rest less between sets, in general, focus on aerobic exercise, many of my friends and even trainers also claim that endomorphs (FAT) and they NEED TO BURN FAT even when working on a mass. Yes, to argue here is useless. But burning fat and gaining muscle mass is absolutely different tasks because catabolism is fat burning, a anabolism - MUSCLE GROWTH... This is why combining muscle burning and mass gain is impossible. Why?

For muscle growth - there must be an excess of kcal ().

Burning Fat - Lack of Calories(this is when you limit yourself to carbohydrates).

Hence the conclusion that it is impossible to burn fat and gain muscle mass at the same time. This system absolutely applies to all body types for all people, without exception. It simply cannot be otherwise.


  1. Broad bones

Slow metabolism (MOV)- gives both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that it is almost as easy for an endomorph to gain muscle mass as a mesomorph, but it is difficult to see it due to body fat. And fat is already a deficiency, because of the MOV, the growth process, both of muscles and fat it goes easier ... this is the whole difficulty of the situation, because because of the fat, the muscles are hard to see.

Broad bones- they say that endomorphs should focus on strength work in heavy basic exercises. Therefore, if you run from one apparatus to another performing 10-15 repetitions, this will significantly impair your progress.

Inclined to be overweight (a lot of fat on the thighs, abdomen)- based on what I wrote above - it is impossible to build muscle mass and burn fat. The only sensible way out is to build mass with a minimum amount of body fat.

To do this, you will have to tightly control your diet.:

  1. Eat fractional portions (6-12 times a day)
  2. Eliminate simple carbohydrates (sweet)
  3. Eat only complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, pasta)
  4. Eat more protein (2-3 grams per kg of body weight) and reduce the fat content in the diet by 10-15%.
  5. Eat most of the carbs in the morning and after exercise.
  6. In the evening, focus on protein, remove carbohydrates.


The more often an endomorph is trained, the faster its metabolism (as well as with nutrition). From here it follows that the endomorph needs:

1) Split (splitting) into as many muscle groups as possible (muscle group every 5-6 days, the ideal scheme is 6 + 1) 6 days of training + 1 day of rest, or 5 + 2 (adjust to your schedule + in addition to this the split must be competent so that the muscles have time to recover.

  • Mon. Breast
  • Tue back
  • Wed legs
  • NS. shoulders
  • Fri. Hands

2) The wide bones of the endomorph indicate that endomorphs should focus on strength work in heavy basic exercises (bench press, squat, deadlift, etc.) more about.

3) Endomorphs should train in a small rep range (6-8) with 1-2 minutes rest between sets.

4) The volume of training is 3-5 exercises for 4 working approaches.

5) During training, drink plain water (not carbonated). I do not advise drinking sweet water during training, this is only suitable for ectomorphs, but for endomorphs this will be a mistake, because insulin will block any fat burning. Conclusion to drink only plain water!

If you think about it, endomorph training is not so different from other body types, but the infa described is very useful today.

Best regards, administrator.

A typical newbie who has just signed up for gym, usually sets two goals for himself at once - to get rid of a small tummy that has appeared from regular "eating goodies" and a sedentary lifestyle, and to pump up muscles a little (most often it comes about the press, arms and chest) to look more or less decent on the beach.

However, converting fat into muscle is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Strictly speaking, within the framework of one workout, it is almost impossible to force the body to first burn fat, and then channel the released energy into building muscles. In fact, these are two completely different and mutually exclusive physiological processes.

Do muscles burn fat?

On the one hand, the greater the muscle mass of the body, the more energy and calories are spent on the needs of metabolism and metabolism - accordingly, the body begins to get rid of excess fat reserves. On the other hand, on their own strength exercises for muscle building has a minimal effect on fat burning.

Separately, we note that neither twisting, nor any (even the most sophisticated) can help get rid of the fat layer on the abdomen. To create a relief press with cubes, it is important first of all proper nutrition- and even regular cardio isn't as effective as a balanced diet.

Lose weight and pump up: strategy

Essentially, adipose tissue is fundamentally different from muscle tissue. Fat is a reserve source of energy, considered by the body as a passive balance, while muscles are metabolically active elements for normal functioning. How more muscle in the body, the more calories are spent on maintaining them.

Although a particular muscle can literally hide under a layer of fat that stores thousands of calories, during strength training, the body will never use the energy of the fat surrounding the muscle to keep it working. The reason is simple - the muscles, in fact, work not on fat, but on carbohydrates.

Glycogen and Energy for Exercise

The first 40-50 minutes of any physical training Whether it's running, swimming, cardio, crossfit or any strength exercise, the body uses what is stored in the muscles and is the product of carbohydrates from food. It is believed that the average person needs 80 to 150 grams of glycogen per physical training session.

Only after spending the reserves of this glycogen, the body will gradually switch to other sources of energy - proteins and fats. Or, more precisely, muscle and free fatty acids. In this case, the order is most often just this - glycogen, muscle, fat. In fact, fat is a reserve store of energy, which the body does not want to burn at all.

Fat as a source of energy

The most important condition for "freeing" free fatty acid from fat cells and make them a source of energy for physical activity is low blood sugar (and insulin). In simple terms, the body can burn fat exclusively in the absence of carbohydrates in the stomach and glucose in the blood.

It is for this reason that, observed for a long time, lead to weight loss and weight loss completely without physical training. In contrast, even a small serving of French fries contains so many carbs and calories that you have to run about 6 km to burn them.

All about how to lose weight and achieve a relief press.

Why do people get fat?

FitSeven wrote extensively about chronic high level blood sugar caused by chronic use fast carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, gradually “wean” the body from using fat as an energy source. A person even with a moderate calorie intake.

For successful weight loss, it is necessary not only to "go on a diet", reduce the amount of food consumed and exercise shock, but first review your entire diet and limit sources as much as possible. Only this way will really help you get rid of excess weight and burn fat.

Muscle building strategy

As the main enemy of weight loss, carbohydrates are critical for the body to build muscle. Without enough carbohydrates in your diet, you will have neither the strength for a successful physical training, nor the reserves for the subsequent recovery and growth of muscle tissue. That is why a beginner cannot lose weight and pump muscles at the same time.

Only professional athletes are capable of combining workouts for burning fat and muscle growth - however, in their case, it is more about "drying the muscles", and not about losing weight, since athletes initially have a low level of body fat. At the same time, they are completely unsuitable for people with an initial level of physical fitness.


Unfortunately, turning fat into muscle is not as easy as it sounds. If you want to lose weight, focus your efforts on diet and carbohydrate glycemic index control first before exercising. It makes sense to switch to training for drying only when the percentage of body fat drops to 10-15% in men and to 20-25% in women.

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about two completely different categories of people who are united by one goal - to pump up. In the role of "experimental" will be a person with excess weight, fat or as the common people are used to call fat and thin, that is, drish. Our specific task is to find out who is easier to pump up thin or fat, so that you no longer have any questions on this score, so let's start.

Who is it easier to pump up a thin drish or a fat man

First, you need to understand the very mechanisms of the so-called "pumping", and understand what exactly is meant by this. Well, most likely for you is to put your shape in order, that is for the fat to drop the whole, but better fat and tighten the muscles, tone, and for the worst - gain muscle mass, preferably, the better the quality, the better, without fat.

As a result, such a pattern is built in our head that in order to pump up fat, he kind of needs to lose weight, dry out, lose weight, and the thin one needs to gain weight, mass, grow, and so on. As if the goal is one, but the paths are different. Accordingly, the degree of difficulty will differ. I'll run ahead and say that in the aspect who is easier to swing fat or thin the correct answer cannot be found, or rather the answer is very relative and the position can be interpreted from different angles. After all, it is a little incomparable to lose weight, pump up and gain weight.

The final goal can be influenced by many factors, mainly genetic predisposition. But we will try to compare the incomparable and roughly estimate the chances of success for a fat guy and a thin one. First, let's look at the mechanisms by which our wards will need to go.

How fat accumulates

How much "poor quality" fat in your body depends on your diet, physical activity and hereditary genes, which add up to how you look. In the case of the dominance of the caloric content of the diet over the consumed daily rate of energy, weight will be gained. In simple terms, fat can still be called an excess of accumulated energy, which you needed to spend, but you did not.

Muscle growth mechanisms

Muscle tissue likes intense physical exercise in combination with a large coloration of food. That is, the energy received from food in full equivalent should not diverge, you need to eat more than you spend, but food products play the main role here. It is important not to go too far and not to accumulate fat as in the first option, but to eat the right food - slow carbohydrates, proteins, keep their proportions, and so on. This is still clear evidence that fat does not pass into muscles, it is impossible to turn the lateral layer into muscle tissue.

Who is it easier to pump up fat or thin

From the above, you understand where and how muscles come from, where fat comes from, and that they are not the same thing. Moreover, the presence of fat in the body will slow down the speed muscle growth, do you know why? With a high concentration of deposits, the metabolism slows down and the percentage of the ratio of female hormones increases, which is very bad. That's why body of fat boys and looks like girls for example, their saggy breasts with nipples sticking out to the sides are all female hormones.

Look, we need to evaluate which process will be easier to implement: losing weight fat or gaining weight lean, then we will understand who is easier to pump out of them... Most sites write that it seems easier for a fat person to pump up if you go to the gym. This is based on the fact that such guys are not bad weight and they kind of easier to gain weight, they will progress more easily, and so on. But we know that in a fat guy, the basis of body weight is fat, not muscle tissue... As for the naturally thin guys, who are dry as they say in the people, they have a significant plus in the confrontation.

Pluses drisch

First- this is the quality of the gained mass. Due to the fact that subcutaneous fat and so little, then gaining in the future, thin guy will not start itself, and will not gain much fat, the mass will be of high quality.

The second plus the absence of such processes as weight loss and drying of the body may become, because most thin guys gain high-quality mass, almost without fat, and then it is not necessary to dry out at all.

Third plus in pumping thin before fat is a small body weight that allows you to work with your body and perform basic exercises. The same pull-ups, it's easier for a thin one to do than a fat one, and you yourself know the effect of them. After all, the base is the main thing, isolated exercises are not so important and effective.

Pros of thick

Returning to the fat man, what are his advantages? In fact, only genetics. What I mean? If fat person I just started myself, ate a lot, didn't move, and so on. And genetically he has a good predisposition to lose and gain weight, that is, to regulate his body weight with daytime colarage. It will not be difficult for him to lose weight.

It's more difficult for a thin one

Naturally thin guys often have a hard time gaining weight.... It's all thanks expedited exchange substances. How many calories do not throw into the furnace - they will be used up. Here you need to calculate the proportions well and lean more on carbohydrates - on energy. Even a couple of kilograms are very difficult for thin, but, as a rule, it is a quality mass.

On the other hand, the fat guy already has mass, he needs to lose weight and at the same time take into account that the basis of the mass is fat. Losing weight is easier than gaining weight as a priority. If you move and do not finish eating, work on yourself, then in any case the weight will start to go away, you will get better. Of course, the quality of your muscles is another matter, but the fact that you will not become so fat is 100%.

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