How much the fattest person on earth weighs. The fattest people on the planet

The life of the fattest (fat, fat) people on earth. What is she, anyway? Is it hard for them to "inhabit" our planet? To find out - read the article! Happy acquaintance!

How do they live?

John Minnoch(photo) weighed six hundred thirty-five kilograms. With an increase of almost two meters! He was not fond of anything so special, because he devoted all his time to trying to lose weight. He managed to lose twenty kilograms. He did not have time to lose more weight. Reason: death due to the fact that breathing stopped (in 1983).

One man from Britain weighs so much that he cannot move in any way. He is assisted by a whole team of medical brothers from the Ambulance. A person weighs three hundred and fifty-eight kilograms. He told reporters that he began to get fat when he was a teenager. His beloved mother died. And this, apparently, so affected his weight. He often gets depressed because they don't make clothes that fit his size. And yet he has not had a woman for a little more than twenty years. He is saved from depression with the help of food. And he eats a lot. His breakfast is eight or nine hot dogs. This man's name is Keith Martin(Photo).

Georg Zholitsoeur(photo) is considered the fattest prisoner on the planet - 272 kg. And he was arrested because he ordered food in restaurants, ate, and did not pay for his orders. He was arrested in 2007 when he failed to pay fifty dollars for beef, insisting that it was moldy. But he was not sent to jail, as they accurately calculated the costs of keeping Joliser behind bars. But he did not go unpunished: he was sent to a nursing home and then subjected to house arrest. The content there is much cheaper. By the way, the prisoner weighed almost two hundred and eighty kilograms.

One of the fattest women - Rosalie Bradford... Photo. She was born in 1944. In 1989, her weight was recorded, which was 478 kilograms. But that was not the limit! Her weight reached 544 kilograms. And no one would have believed that she weighed 147 kilos when she dropped out of college and took up a completely different activity. She was an instructor (by physical exercise). She could run eleven kilometers three times a week. Soon, her weight began to return. In 1977 she got married, gave birth to a son, and her weight reached 227 kilograms. The woman "became famous" for the fact that she could easily eat three pizzas (huge), mixing them with diet soda. Rosalia occupied two whole beds. People were surprised and horrified by the size of the fat bags on the hips (ninety centimeters), and the chest volume (two hundred and fifty centimeters). When guests came to the woman, and sat down on the bed, they did not notice at all that they were not sitting on the bed, but on Rosalia. Somehow she was persuaded to go on a five-year diet. The woman doubted for a very long time, but made up her mind. And she won, reaching 136 kilograms!

Patrick Dewell(photo) worked as a restaurant manager. Then he began to gain weight very rapidly, and he had to lose his favorite business. He weighed almost four hundred and ninety kilograms (height - 180 centimeters). For more than six months he could not get out of bed. And for a very long time he was looking for a hospital, where he could be helped to get rid of at least a few hundred kilograms. In the nearest one, they flatly refused to treat him. It was so hard for him to live with weight that he could not even roll over on his own. And he had a lot of "sores": diabetes, arthritis, thyroid problems, and so on. The fat removal surgery cost an incredible amount, but it was paid for. The administration of the hospital that "took over" him. He weighed two hundred and eighty when he was discharged from the hospital. I came home - I found the strength to lose another fifty-five. He plans to lose more weight, as he feels how easy it became for him when the weight was gone a little.

There was also such a person - a fat man who had been officially married five times. He had even more children than wives. Twenty one children! Mohammed Naaman Weighed 480 kilograms! Photo. Thanks to the fact that he learned to drink tea without milk, he lost weight to three hundred and fifty kilograms. And in the waist, weight loss, of course, happened. Years of life 1946 - 1989

Do not think that the life of fat people is monotonous. There is a known woman who even went to play bingo. In the hall intended for this game, a special chair was even equipped for it (for its weight and parameters). But she stopped playing this game as soon as her beloved husband died. Depression took her prisoner. She "seized" depression, she gained weight. For five years of her life, she did not leave her trailer. She never got out of bed! She got up only when the hurricane struck, and firemen pulled her out of there to save her. Carol Haffner died at the age of fifty-nine (from heart failure).

Fat Man's Breakfast

You have a unique opportunity to find out about what kind of breakfast one of the most fat people has every morning.

And here, in fact, he is:

  1. A huge bag of crackers.
  2. Taco (12).
  3. The pie is large (home made).
  4. Cocktail (1).
  5. Bacon (half a kilogram).
  6. White bread, in pieces (6).
  7. Soda (two liters).
  8. Ham and cheese sandwich (3).
  9. Salad (with cheese, bacon and chicken).
  10. Ice cream (eight balls).
  11. Fried potatoes (large portion).

Are you scared? Don't be afraid of food! Food is something that anyone can refuse. If willpower is present, and not a drop has dried up. And if it has dried up - develop it so that fats do not develop in the body and on its surface!

What do people think of the biggest and fattest?

People's thoughts and opinions

Pauline:“There is no doubt that I am in shock. I feel sorry for such people. They need to pull themselves together. Urgently!".

Vera: “I was surprised by many things. It did not cause admiration, but it surprised me specifically! I know for sure that I will not "start" myself like that.

Tamara: “It's easy to say if your build allows you not to let yourself go. But don't forget about individuality! Don't "measure" everything by yourself. "

Daria: “Poor they are…. It is good if there are those who could help them at least a little. The heart is out of place from the read. May everything be good for them! The main thing is to fight for health. And I don't understand doctors who refuse their patients. "

Do not miss. ... ...

Continuation of the full theme, switch:

How does he live with such a lot of weight?

It's ugly appearance, problems in personal life, difficulties in choosing clothes and serious illnesses. But for some people, obesity is a matter of pride. We present to your attention a list of the fattest people in the world. They became popular precisely because of their excessive completeness.

12th place. Mills Darden

Mills Darden is considered the largest man in the world. Why doesn't he lead the TOP, but is only in 12th place? Because he wasn't too fat for the rest of the fat men on the list. Mills Darden was heavy primarily due to its size.

The giant was 2.3 meters tall. The maximum weight is 463 kg. At the same time, his body mass index was below 90. For comparison: the other fattest people in the world from the TOP-12 had a BMI of 143 and above. Some people's index was in the region of 200.

Compared to them, Mills Darden, who weighed four and a half centners, looked like a slender fit man. Unlike his “colleagues”, he has not lost his ability to work. He had a wife and children. By the way, the wife weighed only 44 kilograms with a height of about 1.5 meters.

Mills Darden died at the age of 58. Considering that this happened in the middle of the nineteenth century, at that time he lived a long life, and went to another world as a deep old man.

11th place. Kenneth Brumley

Kenneth Brumley was born in 1968 and is still alive, although he is bedridden. His maximum body weight was 469 kg, but today he weighs a little less - about 400 kg.

Kenneth Brumley is best known for the curious story of how firefighters had to disassemble the wall of a house in order to take it out with the bed. This was done to deliver the patient to a hospital for the purpose of bariatric surgery.

Interesting Facts:

  • Kenneth Brumley cannot move - he is bedridden.
  • As a child, he was not too fat, and even practiced game types sports. Kenneth Brumley began to gain mass only at the age of 20.
  • His daily ration is equal to 30 thousand kilocalories.
  • Kenneth Brumley once lost 76 kg in 40 days. To do this, he had to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 25 times.

10th place. Myra Lisbeth Rosales

One of the hardest women in the world is Mayra Lisbeth Rosales. Her Weight Limit amounted to 470 kg. She is still alive, and did not even have time to grow old, since she was born in 1980. It would seem that there is still time to become the leader of the list of the fattest people in the world, but this is unlikely to happen. Mayra Lisbeth Rosales is known for losing 400 kg. Today she cannot be called skinny, but she is no longer a bedridden ugly monster.

Interesting Facts:

  • Myra was wrongly convicted of the murder of her two-year-old nephew in 2008, but then she was acquitted, as it turned out that the fault actually lay with her sister - the mother of the deceased child.
  • Myra is an example for many people who want to lose weight. She is present in social networks, and the number of women subscribers is in the hundreds. Mayra does not hesitate to publish her photos on the Internet, where she weighs almost half a ton.
  • At one time, Myra was the hardest person on the planet, not counting the people who have already died. But then there were "competitors" ahead of her.

9th place. Hughes Robert Earl

Robert Earl Hughes weighed 485 kg. He died young, at the age of 32. This man is known not only as one of the fattest people in the world, but also has the largest coverage. chest in the history of mankind - 315 cm.

Robert Earl Hughes was originally obese. He weighed over 5 kg at birth. By the age of 6, body weight exceeded 90 kg. The guy celebrated his majority with a weight exceeding 300 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • Unlike many other fat men from the TOP-12, Robert Earl Hughes was obese not only due to chronic, but also due to endocrine disorders.
  • Robert Earl Hughes was often ill, but could not get to the hospital because the doors were too narrow for him. He was treated in a trailer parked near the hospital.
  • There is a myth that this man was buried in a piano box. Although this tragicomic story has been liked by many Internet users, it is fictional.

8th place. Patrick Diuel

Patrick Diuel was born in 1962 and is still alive today. The maximum body weight is 486 kg. Now he weighs much less, as he suffered. Patrick's body weight does not exceed 200 kg (he was in his best shape when he weighed 170 kg, but then gained a little).

Interesting Facts:

  • Patrick Diuel has a small stature compared to most of the other members of the list of the fattest people in the world - only 1.7 m.
  • After the operation, Patrick Diuel lost 260 kg in a year.
  • Before the operation, he did not leave the house for 7 years.
  • In 2005, a documentary was made about this man.
  • Patrick Diyuel believes that the reason for the excess weight is poor heredity, although the size of his portions before the operation was calculated in buckets.

7th place. Michael Hebranko

Michael Hebranko was born in 1953 and died quite recently - in 2013. He lived for 60 years, which is not bad at all, given the complexion of this man. He weighed over 500 kg. Body weight began to increase in childhood. By the age of 16, Michael Hebranko weighed one and a half centners.

Interesting Facts:

  • Michael Hebranko got married with a body weight of 400 kg.
  • At the time of his death, he weighed 250 kg.
  • Michael Hebranko, with the help of diets and surgeons, twice reduced his weight to 90 kg, but subsequently recovered again.

6th place. Rosalie Bradford

This woman weighed 544 kg at one time. She lived for 63 years, and during this time managed to visit the Guinness Book of Records twice. For the first time - as the fattest woman in the world. The second - as a record holder in the number of dropped kilograms. She managed to lose weight up to 90 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • The woman was only 168 cm tall.
  • Rosalie Bradford once tried to commit suicide because of her weight.
  • Unlike most of the other TOP-12 participants, she lost weight without surgery, with the help of training and diets.
  • After losing weight, Rosalie Bradford had 30 kg of excess skin on her body.
  • The woman died from complications after removing excess skin by surgery.

5th place. Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson had a maximum weight of 544 kg. He went down in history as the owner of the largest waist - its circumference was more than 3 meters.

Interesting Facts:

  • Walter Hudson did not want to lose weight due to a strong addiction to food. He did not suffer from complexes about his weight.
  • One day a man got stuck in the doorway of his house. He could not free himself on his own - he had to call the firefighters. They pulled Walter out with a crane.
  • During one of the weighings on an industrial scale, they broke. On this day, Walter Hudson's body weight was never measured.
  • The man had normal blood cholesterol levels.
  • The man spent the last 27 years of his life in bed, because he could not get up physically from it.
  • Shortly before his death, Walter Hudson was about to get married. His death at the age of 47 prevented him from doing this.

4th place. Carol Yager

Obesity did not allow Carol Yager to live a long life - she died at the age of 34. At the time of her death, she weighed 545 kilograms. The woman became famous as the record holder for the rate of weight loss without surgery. The documented weight loss was 236 kg in 3 months. That is, on average, Carol Yager lost a little less than 80 kg per month. To do this, she only needed to reduce her diet to 1200 kcal per day.

Interesting Facts:

  • There is a myth that Carol Yager weighed 727 kg at one time. This fact has not been confirmed, so a woman does not lead the TOP of the fattest people in the world.
  • According to Carol Yager, her eating disorder is caused by childhood sexual abuse by a relative.
  • Obesity severely undermined the woman's health, and eventually became the cause of death. She spent a lot of time in the hospital. She died of kidney failure a week after she was discharged from the hospital.
  • Each hospitalization of Carol Yager required the efforts of two dozen firefighters.

3rd place. Manuel Uribe

Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 597 kg. This is the first person on our list of the fattest people in the world who is not a US citizen. He died quite recently - in 2014.

Interesting Facts:

  • The first wife left Manuel due to the fact that he got fat.
  • Manuel Uribe remarried in 2008. At that time, he weighed 330 kg and could not walk, being bedridden. His wife clearly had an addiction to fat people, because her first husband also died of obesity.
  • Manuel Uribe had to marry right on the bed, which was decorated on the occasion of the ceremony.
  • The wedding prompted the man to take weight loss measures. After 3 years, he had a body weight of 187 kg.
  • The man refused to undergo bariatric surgery, which doctors suggested to him for weight loss.

2nd place. Khalid bin Moshen Shaari

Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is a Saudi Arabian citizen. This is the youngest member of the TOP-12 fattest people in the world, so he still has time to climb to the top of the charts. The man was born in 1991. With a height of 173 cm, Khalid bin Moshen Shaari weighed 610 kg.

Interesting Facts:

  • The King of Saudi Arabia personally ordered the hospitalization of the Shaari. Before that, the patient had not left his home for more than 2 years.
  • Khalid bin Moshen Shaari is known as the owner of the largest body mass index in the history of mankind - 204 kg / m2. Niktodo him, including the leader of the hit parade of fat people, did not exceed the mark of 200 kg / m2.
  • Today his body weight has decreased by 2 times, which was the result of treatment.

1st place. John Brower Minnock

The palm belongs to the US citizen, John Brower Minnock. He died more than 20 years ago, but so far no one can surpass this man. If not very high growth, 185 cm, he weighed 635 kg in his "best" years.

Interesting Facts:

  • John Brower Minnock is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the person with the greatest body mass, although it was not possible to measure it with absolute accuracy.
  • He is the leader in the number of lost pounds among men. After John was diagnosed with heart failure, his body weight decreased by 419 kg due to a low-calorie diet.
  • This person is the record holder for weight gain per unit of time. It only took him a week to gain 91 kg as soon as he stopped the diet.
  • John Brower Minnock died at 41 due to heart failure.
  • John has two children and a widow with a body weight of about 50 kg.

Of the 12 people on the list, 10 are Americans. There are only 3 women in the TOP-12, all the rest are men. The vast majority of these fat men at some point began to lose weight, shedding hundreds of kilograms of fat. Some of them gained weight again, others had more or less acceptable body weight until the end of their days.

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Our site has already written about overweight people. In particular, we talked about the fattest woman and girl on our planet. Today we will find out who is the fattest man in the world.

In the entire history of medicine, he is considered to be John Brower Minnoch, who was born on September 29, 1941 in the United States. Its maximum weight was as much as 630 kilograms. The most interesting thing is that this figure is very conditional, since the complete lack of movement, poor health and John's weight did not allow doctors to assure the exact weight of this person. Nevertheless, he was still listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

According to historians, John Brower suffered from obesity since childhood. So, at the age of 12, his weight reached 132 kg. At the same time, one cannot say that he was tall - his height was 185 centimeters. At 22, he already weighed 178 kg. Throughout his life, his body weight grew steadily, as a result of which, at the age of 37, Minnock was admitted to the hospital due to respiratory and heart failure. At that time, he already weighed over 600 kg! In order to take him to the hospital, several dozen rescuers and firefighters were called, and the medical stretchers had to be pretty much altered - the usual ones would just fall apart! After being carried out of the house, John was sent on a specially prepared ferry to the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. There they prepared in advance for the patient's arrival - he was placed on two beds pushed together. The patient presented a lot of problems to the medical staff. So, just to change his bedding, it took at least 14 people!

After 16 months, John was discharged from the hospital - at that time he weighed only 215 kg, having lost more than 400 kg during treatment. This was done thanks to a special diet - no more than 1200 calories per day.

Barely a year has passed before Minnock goes to the hospital again - his weight at that time was 432 kg. Doctors recognized his illness as incurable. In 1983, at the age of 41, John died. At the time of death, its weight was 362 kg.

If we talk about our days, then here is the leader in mass own body is Manuel Uribe, a Mexican born on June 11, 1965. It cannot be said that Manuel began to gain weight from childhood, but already at the age of 22 he reached 130 kg, after which his body weight began to grow rapidly. In 2001, it got to the point that he simply could not get out of his bed (his weight at that time was more than 580 kg and over the next six years practically did not change).

In 2007, he decided to turn to television for help. They began to send him all kinds of diets, and someone even suggested doing bariatric surgery, thanks to which you can get rid of some of the extra pounds. However, the Mexican did not resort to surgical methods, but decided to lose weight on his own - with the help of only one proper nutrition... In less than a year, he was able to lose weight up to 381 kg, adhering to a protein diet, and for the first time in a very long time, he went out on his own.

In 2006, he met Claudia Solis - a woman periodically came to Manuel to cut his hair and nails. This is how their friendship began. True, the woman's parents were against her communication with Uribe, but she did not listen to them. In 2008, Manuel proposed to her and she reciprocated. Then its weight was 330 kg. But at the beginning of 2011, Uribe weighed only 187 kg. Probably, but at the present time he has lost a fair amount of weight. What can you say - well done!

According to the World Health Organization, 650 million people were obese in 2016. And it's not funny at all. Obesity can cause a myriad of health problems.

But it can be prevented by taking care of yourself and your diet in time, many people from the list below continue to gain weight ...

The fattest man in Australia. Before he had to be hospitalized, Andre Nasr weighed 199.5 kg and ate 12 thousand calories a day.

2. Donna Simpson

She wanted to become the heaviest woman in the world and tried to bring her weight to 450 kg, but the goal was not achieved - she was "stuck" at around 270 kg. But Donna was not taken aback. She created her own website and now makes 90 thousand dollars a year from the fact that everyone who wants to watch her eat online.

3. Michael Edelman

When the man weighed 360 kg, he fell and could not get up - Michael simply lacked strength. I failed to cope with the task - to raise the fallen and the police squad. After a while, Edelman recovered to 470 kg, and then died of pneumonia and malnutrition.

4. David Ron High

He weighed 450 kg. It took 6 hours to pull the man out of the apartment, a stretcher and ropes - David was lowered through the window. Huy died in hospital as a result of liver and kidney failure.

5. Sylvanus Smith

The man faced the problem at the age of 54. His weight reached 450 kg and it took a forklift to fit him into an ambulance. In the hospital, Silvanus managed to lose 130 kg, but soon the weight returned to its previous mark. Diabetes is believed to be a possible cause of his death.

6. Jose Luis Garza

Presumably, he weighed 450 kg, but in fact, Jose Luis did not weigh himself for a very long time. Once he was a chef, and then depression and alcohol played a cruel joke with him. At some point, Garza pulled himself together and said that he did not want to become the hardest person in the world.

Terry weighs about 320 kg and is considered to be one of the fattest women in the world. Due to her weight, Terry is unable to get out of bed, and taking care of her falls on the shoulders of her family.

Andres weighed 440 kg and died on Christmas Day at the age of 38 from a heart attack. For a while, he was the fattest man in the world.

9. Keith Martin

At the age of 44, Keith Martin weighed about 450 kg and had to resort to bariatric surgery, which effectively helps to get rid of excess fat. The operation was successful, but unfortunately, the man contracted pneumonia and died just 8 months after the operation.

In addition to the fact that she could die with her weight of 450 kg, Mayra was also threatened with the death penalty. She was accused of murdering her nephew. But later it turned out that Rosales could not fall not the child in any way - the woman could not even get out of bed. When it turned out that the fattest lady in the world was innocent, the police went to her sister, who turned out to be the killer. Realizing that there was now no one to follow her nephews, Myra gathered her will into a fist, went through several operations and began to weigh 91 (!!!) kg.

11. Mills Darden

With an increase of 2.3 meters, its weight was almost 465 kilograms. There are no photographs of Darden left - he lived from 1799 to 1857, but according to rumors, the man lived enough active life... Mills died, allegedly suffocated by folds of skin around his neck.

Its maximum weight was 500 kg. Throughout his history, in total, Michael has lost weight and gained about 2000 kg. Hebranko died of heart, kidney and liver failure.

13. Mike Parteleno

In memory of Mike Parteleno

A person's wealth is not measured by the size of his bank account or any other material wealth, it is measured by the number of friends, family and lives and hearts into which he was allowed.

Weighing almost 460 kg, he followed the Dick Gregory Bahamian Diet and loved taking part in the fat competition.

A documentary film Half ton dad was filmed about a man weighing almost 470 kg. In his youth, he was an athlete, but then retired and began to gain weight. According to eyewitnesses, he ate up to 30 thousand calories a day.

Jambik became the fattest child in the world at the age of 4, when he weighed 56 kg. After that, its mass only increased, and by the age of 9, Khatokhov began to weigh 184 kg.

Due to congenital pathology, he quickly gained weight and became the fattest man on the planet. In 1958, he was 32 years old, Robert weighed 472 kg and died of congestive heart failure.

He became the fattest man with a weight of 444 kg. Paul's problems began after the death of his father and his mother's illness. But after stomach surgery, Mason began to lose weight.

18. Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

He got to the hospital, weighing almost half a ton. The operation helped Patrick lose a little weight, but surgery did not solve all of Duel's problems.

Its maximum weight was 544 kg. At 43, Robert died of sepsis.

The fat man weighed 550 kg. At the time of his death, at 46 years old, Walter's weight was 510 kg.

In 1993, when she was 34 years old, Carol weighed 539 kg. She was taken to the hospital with the help of the fire brigade. For 9 months, Jager did not move. In the hospital, Carol lost 226 kg, but her weight still has not returned to normal.

23. Manuel Uribe

Before his death at the age of 48, Manuel weighed 557 kg. Uribe did not get out of bed for 6 years. The cause of death of the man was heart and liver failure.

24. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

A resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kg as a teenager. Upon learning of his problem, the king intervened and ordered Khalid to be hospitalized.

He is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the hardest person. In 1978, John weighed 635 kg. It took 13 people to turn it over in the hospital. He managed to survive after the strictest diet, and eventually Minnock died in 1983 with a weight of 361 kg.

The fashion for thinness dictates its terms. Women and men around the world are struggling with overweight, hope to find harmony and beauty. But for some people, being overweight is a property that they flaunt. They are ready to appear for newspapers and magazines, TV channels and online publications, tell their stories, strive to gain additional weight in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records... They are obese and overweight, they are plagued by illness, but they are proud of their extra pounds... There are those who are happily married and want to prove that being overweight is not a hindrance to pure and sincere love.

By the way, we want to note that the harmful foods that you allow yourself occasionally do not harm your figure in any way, so sometimes you can safely eat what you want. Many people say that occasionally they want to eat a serving of French fries or Doshirak, and they cannot calm down until they do it. In such situations, you should not severely limit yourself. In addition, when buying Doshirak, you can take part in the promotion, register the Doshirak code and win one of the super prizes.

The Miracle Diet portal has prepared for its readers a selection of photographs of the fattest people in the world.

The fattest man in the world, who was listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was recognized Mexican Manuel Uribe... At the age of 43, his weight was 572 kg. However, after a while, he broke another record. Having dropped 231 kg, he was included in the record book for getting rid of the most extra pounds. The Mexican claims that his future wife Claudia helped him do this. In 2008, Manuel Uribe got married, and all those invited were forbidden to shoot the wedding celebration. You couldn't take video cameras, cameras and telephones with you. Only the Discovery Channel had the exclusive right to shoot the wedding. Manuel Uribe was taken to the wedding on a special bed using a forklift. To feed such a giant, you need to send an application for a loan to all banks, collect tens of thousands of dollars on credit, and this is hardly enough for a year.

Watch a video about Manuel Uribe, his story and his wedding. ("My awful story")

Donna Simpson also became famous for her overweight... At the age of 43, her weight was 273 kilograms. Her dream was to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest woman in the world, for this she needed to gain weight up to 450 kilograms. To achieve her goal, she needs to eat about 12 thousand calories per day (see calorie table). She has been married for about 20 years - she got married when she was 24 years old. The husband's weight is only 68 kilograms. But not so long ago it became known that they broke up.

Donna Simpson has already hit the record books when she became the fattest mom in the world. She opened her site to fans who are watching her life. She arranges video broadcasts on her website in which she shows how she absorbs large amounts of food. The site brought her an income of 90 thousand dollars a year. As it became known, now Donna Simpson went on a diet (), and decided to lose weight.

Terry Smith

Another woman known throughout the world for her weight is American Terry Smith... She weighs about 320 kilograms and has been bedridden for the past few years. She can hardly do anything on her own, even get out of bed, let alone wash and get dressed. She was very large since childhood (see how to help a child lose weight) and at the age of 7 weighed 51 kilograms. And at the age of 20, she already weighed more than 100 kg.

The woman also has a husband who is several years younger than her, a daughter and granddaughters. They support Terry as best they can. Doctors told her to urgently go on a diet, otherwise it could threaten the woman's life. She has already tried to lose weight with unverified diet pills () prescribed by her doctors. But the pills did not help her, moreover, other doctors suspect that she has a serious brain damage. In such critical cases, most often only surgery can help (see about liposuction), as well as the help of qualified nutritionists who can develop the correct individual diet for a given patient.

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