It is extremely important to learn how to combine loads correctly! Cardio and strength training: how to alternate them? How to alternate crops on the site.

Translation by Veronika Makarova,
Breastfeeding Consultant, Moscow

How to alternate breasts during feeding?
Melissa Kotlen Negin, 04/27/2009

Question: How to alternate breasts during feeding?

Not so long ago, breastfeeding mothers talked about changing from one breast to another 10 minutes after the start of feeding, and they also fed the second breast for 10 minutes. Babies who were fed according to this scheme did not gain enough weight, did not have time to satisfy all their needs due to time restrictions on feeding. Now we know why...

Answer: Let your baby stay at one breast for as long as he needs before offering another!
During the flow of milk, when you feel full, the breast is filled with "foremilk", watery, low in fat, and poor in composition. In the process of sucking the breast, the baby receives more and more fatty milk, cream, the so-called hind milk. This is the target to be reached. The baby needs hindmilk for good weight gain, brain development and general development. Scheduled breast alternation is not recommended. If you are breastfeeding following the recommendations " old school", there is a great danger that the baby will receive too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. In addition, foremilk is rich in lactose, and hindmilk is rich in fats. It is very important that the baby receives a balanced portion of lactose and fats. Otherwise, feeding may end earlier time due to discomfort, painful gas formation in the baby's tummy, caused by a large amount of lactose received.

Are there any circumstances when a breast change is necessary?
In some cases, a breast change may be helpful:
· If the child is lethargic, sleepy, and no recommendations and techniques designed to help wake him up help,you might want to try alternating breastfeeding. In such cases, frequent breast changes as soon as the baby begins to fall asleep can keep him in a state of readiness to suckle during feeding.
· The child has a growth spurt. At this time, he can "hang" on his chest around the clock. This is normal, but mom may feel a lack of milk. A breast change will help both the baby and the mother: the baby will satisfy its nutritional needs, and the breast will receive the necessary stimulation.
· "Hanging" on the chest at certain times of the day. Such feedings are similar to a growth spurt, the baby can suckle for a long time, especially in the evening. This is also a variant of the norm, in the evening milk production is less intense. Changing breasts at this time will help both to handle this situation in the most comfortable way.

When compiling a crop rotation, specialists are never guided by one principle - to choose an alternation of crops without common diseases. Two characteristics are always used: general diseases and the need for nutrients.

About potatoes and tomatoes.It has long been known that it is impossible to plant tomatoes after potatoes: they have common diseases (including late blight). But if we talk about the requirements for nutrients in the soil, then the tomatoes after the potatoes will be very comfortable. That is, if the plot area is small and does not allow for a normal crop rotation, then tomatoes can be planted after potatoes. You just need to be prepared to incur additional costs for spraying plants with fungicides.

Cabbage Wishlist. To avoid misunderstandings, you can not plant cabbage after potatoes and vice versa.Everything seems to be fine, they have different pests and diseases, but both crops are very demanding on nutrition, and the soil will not have time to recover (accumulate) the required amount nutrients.

Of course, after cabbage, you can not plant not only cabbage itself, but also all cruciferous plants - lobo, radish, daikon, radish, turnip, swede. All of them suffer from the same sores, and the need for nutrition is the same.

About common diseases. However, not always common diseases are only among relatives. For example, white rot spoils the life of cucumbers, carrots and lettuce. You need to somehow contrive and these crops also should not be planted after each other.

Even more crops suffer from gray rot: strawberries, beets, parsley, carrots. The infection persists in the soil, so crop rotation is necessary.

Don't forget about weeds!Weeds should also be taken into account when planning a crop rotation.For example, after strawberries, it is better to plant those crops that need to be loosened often in order to deplete the accumulated freeloaders.Cabbage, corn, sunflower, peas, tomatoes are suitable for this ... And cucumbers are not suitable at all. Although they love soil rich in plant debris. But cucumbers cannot be loosened often - the root system is damaged, and therefore they suffer greatly from wheatgrass.

Weeds are also strongly oppressed: carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, beets, parsley, lettuce - that is, vegetables that develop slowly and do not have too dense foliage that could drown out weed shoots.

But potatoes cope well with wheatgrass - its foliage drowns out this weed, and loosening and hilling deplete the rhizomes.

In addition to potatoes, tomatoes and peas do well with weeds.

about nutritional requirements. There is one more circumstance: plants in the garden consume the main nutrients in different quantities. For example, cabbage and carrots take a lot of potassium from the soil, while cucumbers, onions and radishes need much less potassium.

A lot of phosphorus is taken from the soil by cabbage, cucumbers, carrots. But tomatoes from the same plot of land are four times smaller than cucumbers and three times smaller than carrots.

Of course, you can compensate for the loss of nutrients in the soil with simple mineral fertilizers that are properly selected for top dressing by increasing the dose of those minerals that the crop needs more ... Or you can always apply complex fertilizers such as nitrophoska or azofoska and simply alternate crops with different appetites ...

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Aerobic training- exercises in which the main source of energy is oxygen entering the blood from the lungs.

Aerobic activity heals the heart and blood vessels, increases the volume of the lungs, increases the endurance of the body. These activities are considered the best for burning fat. Cardio loads include all outdoor sports: swimming, running, cycling, jump rope.

Definition of strength training, difference from aerobic exercise

. Due to regular exercises, the muscles increase in volume, muscle strength grows.

Power training - exercises with weights. As the body adapts to the load, the weight increases.

During weight training, not only muscles grow, but also strengthening tendons, bones, ligaments. In addition, the metabolism is accelerated, the risk of joint diseases is reduced.

The principle of training with weights- creation muscle tension with the help of simulators, dumbbells or your own body weight, as, for example, in gymnastics.

Cardio and strength training: how to combine them, what will be the effect

There is a lot of controversy regarding the combination of aerobic and power loads. Someone believes that training cannot be done on the same day, while someone, on the contrary, believes that cardio is most effective after strength exercises. This is due to the fact that strength and cardio loads trigger different reactions in the body: weight training is anabolic, while aerobic exercise is catabolic.

The goals of these two classes are also different.: weight training is designed to increase strength, density and muscle volume, and cardio is designed to increase endurance of cardio-vascular system.

Calories, contrary to popular belief, burned approximately the same for both types of activity.

During exercise with weight, not so much energy is spent, but after the end of the training, increased consumption kept for a whole day. During classes aerobic exercise calories are burned faster, but after the end of the session, this effect persists only about an hour.

Attention! When planning a workout it is best to consult with a trainer, so as not to harm your health and choose the right load.

Cardio training the day after strength exercises

Such a training plan is considered ideal by some athletes, and many coaches recommend it. This option is especially good for athletes, wanting to save as much as possible muscle mass.

There are many advantages to separate training:

  • Muscles have time to recover after exercise.
  • Anabolic and catabolic processes are separated.
  • Cardio burns more fat.

The most important thing is to control the heart rate during cardio, it should be in the interval 60-70% of maximum, then the loss of muscle mass will be minimized, subject to proper nutrition.

Photo 1. Checking the pulse after training. Two fingers are applied to the carotid artery, the time is counted using the second hand on the clock.

Separate workouts do not have a stressful effect on the body, They are suitable for both seniors and beginners.

Combination of classes in one day: first cardio, and then strength training

This option is chosen only a few bodybuilders, and most often having experience of training about 2-3 years. Such an exercise plan is not suitable for people who are very overweight, because it will provoke a strong load on the joints, especially if running is chosen as cardio. Also not recommended for beginners. carry out cardio training before strength training, because there may simply not be enough strength left to perform high-quality exercises with weights.

The advantage of such a training plan is that during aerobic exercise, all the glycogen contained in the blood is burned. Thus, during the strength part of the training, energy is already consumed from fat reserves.

Despite the fact that this option is considered difficult definitely worth trying it when the level physical training will make it possible.

For some athletes, cardio before strength training is more effective than other forms of exercise.

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Another alternation: first a strength exercise, and immediately after cardio

Such a training plan chosen by the majority of athletes. Doing an aerobic session after exercise with weights is considered the most favorable for burning fat and losing weight.

Optimal cardio after power loads, insofar as trained muscles are supplied with oxygen and recover faster. During exercises with weights, the glycogen contained in the blood is consumed, and during cardio, fat reserves are already burned and weight loss is a little more intense.

The disadvantage of such a load plan is that after an intense session with weights strength for quality aerobic training may not be enough.

If after strength exercises there is an abundance of energy, then, probably, their performance was not very conscientious.

Conducting both cardio and strength sessions on the same day - quite a serious load that will require physical training and not suitable for beginners, the elderly and people with a lot of weight.

How to alternate workouts on different days: an approximate lesson plan

The complete separation of power and aerobic loads suggests that exercises will be performed on different days. It is important to make a training plan and follow it while maintaining an appropriate diet. The load plan for each athlete will vary, depending on the goals of the training: weight loss, weight gain, drying, healthy.

Sample Plan classes for weight loss for a week:

  • Monday

Relaxation. During this period, it is important to drink plenty of water, follow a diet, you can even arrange a fasting day. A rest day is great for stretching.

  • Tuesday

High intensity interval cardio. These exercises will help burn fat, increase stamina. For training, any cardio machine or skipping rope is suitable. 20 seconds the exercise is performed at the limit of strength, and 10 Seconds at a slow pace 8 approaches.

Photo 2. The process of training on a treadmill. The simulator allows you to select the required running intensity.

  • Wednesday

Power session with an average load. Strength exercises necessary, even if the goal of training is weight loss. Exercises with weights strengthen and develop muscles. How more muscle, the more excess calories the body spends during normal activities during the day.

  • Thursday

Low intensity cardio. Any cardio machine is used at an average pace for 60 minutes. Pulse in range 60—75% . Good for walking, running, swimming.
