How to make beautiful correct posture? Exercises for a beautiful posture How to make your posture perfect.

He told how to organize a workspace and what exercises to do to relax your back.

Alexander Evdokimov Osteopath, neurologist

If you have problems with posture, do exercises to strengthen your spine daily.

I advise you to work out all the bends of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral spine every day. It takes no more than 15 minutes, and with regular exercise, posture will improve within a week.

Exercise 1: Imagine your head moving forward and backward (like a drawer in a closet). Exercise 2: Raise your chest as if trying to reach the sky. In this case, the gaze should also be directed upward. Try to turn your shoulders outward. Third exercise: feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Move your pelvis forward and up, then back and up.

All exercises should be done 10-15 times and the warm-up should be completed with a general strengthening of posture. To do this, stand against the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels touch it. Stand this way for three minutes, and then step back and remember this body position. Try to keep it as long as possible.

Choose the right workout

Dance (sports and artistic), ballet and gymnastics have a positive effect on posture. Girls who are actively involved in such workouts spend a lot of energy on setting the correct posture.

But there are sports that asymmetrically load the muscles and worsen posture. On an adult with mature muscles and skeleton, the effect will be minimal, so this most often applies to children.

The position of correct posture is worsened by training, during which the load is transferred to one hand: tennis, throwing sports.

And also exercises, performing which, a person occupies an unnatural position (for example, skaters suffer from this).

Many people believe that swimming has a positive effect on posture. In fact, most athletes (especially girls) have a slouch due to overdevelopment of the muscles involved in rowing.

Sit correctly at the table

Children and adults must adhere to the 90-90-90 principle. This means that the angle between the feet and lower leg, lower leg and thigh, thigh and trunk should be 90 degrees. Feet should be firmly on the floor and not dangling in the air.

Work chair

A chair without casters is more stable, so choose one without them. The back should reach to the middle of the shoulder blades or higher!

An important condition: the seat must be rigid and parallel to the floor, without tilting forward or backward. This is especially true for those who work while sitting in a chair. In this case, you overexert yourself trying to straighten your back. A chair is not the best option for the job.


Sit the child at the table and ask him to put his hand on his elbow - with his middle finger, he should reach the outer corner of the eye. In this case, the back should be flat!

The table should be at least 1 m long and at least 80 cm wide, the distance to the monitor should be at least 60 cm. Try to choose a table with a matte surface in solid pastel colors. Glossy surfaces can be stressful for your eyesight.

Exercise to relax your back throughout the day

There are some simple, versatile exercises for tired moms and office workers. The first is forward bends towards the legs. Perform them at least 60 times per set. If you haven't played sports for a long time, you can start with 30 times.

The second exercise - bends to the side with a repetition of 30-40 times. Another way to relax your back is to alternately lift your leg bent at the knee from a standing position (at least 50 movements with each leg).

Finish the warm-up with a circular motion with the pelvis in each direction (50 times). Do the exercises the number of times indicated in the material. Only then will they be effective!

Important: the first 2-3 days of back pain may increase, so do all movements slowly and carefully.

Choose comfortable shoes

Shoes with very high heels cause a shift in the center of gravity. And a person is forced to adjust in order to take a comfortable position: either straighten too much and at the same time fall back, or take a stooped position.

In this case, the muscles of the legs are overstrained and the knees are loaded. By the way, have you noticed that a stooped person most often has a characteristic gait, and he shuffles his feet?

Treat chronic illnesses

All acute illnesses unambiguously affect the formation of posture. Conventionally, if you have a stomach ache, it is extremely difficult to maintain a beautiful posture. But most of the chronic diseases of the internal organs spoil the correct posture. If a person has gastritis, it is more comfortable for him to bend his back slightly. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, a person will try to reduce the load by tilting the body back. In general, all diseases of the musculoskeletal system affect the posture position.

Orthopedic mattress

Orthopedic mattresses and pillows are responsible for muscle relaxation. Correct posture, on the other hand, presupposes tension. There is no direct relationship between the quality of your mattress and your posture. But if you have a good rest, the body recovers overnight, then it will be easier for you to keep your posture.

However, if you have problems with posture, replacing the mattress will not be enough.

Work your abs and strengthen your back muscles

There are many muscles in the body that affect posture. And the abdominal muscles are one of them. They provide support for the organs and shape the correct lumbar curve, giving the pelvic bones a horizontal position.

I also advise you to train deep paravertebral, trapezius, belt, latissimus muscles. At the same time, during each exercise, keep your abdominal muscles in good shape.

To align a crooked posture and maintain its correctness, evenness is easiest through simple exercises. The set of exercises selected in this article is suitable for both children and adults with any level of physical fitness. Do not forget to devote 20-30 minutes to physical activity in order to keep your back healthy, become more alert and active.

In order for training to be fruitful and bring the expected effect, it is worth adhering to a number of recommendations.

Don't start exercising right after a hearty meal. The best time for physical activity is 2 hours after a meal. It is also not worth getting carried away with copious drinking before classes, you will feel a very unpleasant heaviness in the stomach.
Warm up muscles and ligaments before active movements. This will greatly increase the benefits of exercise. To warm up your muscles, take a hot shower, visit the sauna, or massage your neck for ten minutes on your own.
Before active exercises, you need to warm up. Work all joints by rotating your arms and legs, head and pelvis in different directions, performing torso bends. Warming up is necessary to reduce the risk of microtrauma to tissues and joints during training, as well as improve mobility.
Try to train at the same time at least three times a week.

Last but not least, tune in to your workout emotionally. Perform the movements with desire and diligence. Get positive emotions.

Maintaining posture during sedentary work

Sitting comfortably with a laptop, book, or mobile phone, do you maintain your posture? Unlikely.

If the neck is vertical, the load on the spinal column is about five kilograms.

If you tilt your head forward a little (about 30 degrees) and sit like that for several minutes in a row, the load increases to 18 kg. This situation is dangerous not only for the intervertebral discs; it has a negative effect on the functioning of the lungs and other internal organs.

If you hunch down harder, tilting your head 60 degrees, the load becomes critical - up to 27-30 kg. The more often you sit in this position, when the chin tends to touch the chest, the faster you will need medical help to treat back and neck pain.

How to avoid health problems? Stick to the following tips.

  1. Raise your mobile device or book higher. So that you can look at the text and image, lowering your eyes, but not tilting your head down.

  2. Do self-massage. This tip is especially relevant for sedentary people, students, and video game enthusiasts. Lightly rub your neck with your hands in the direction from hair growth to the shoulders, knead the shoulder girdle with your palms or a massager.

  3. Make circular movements with your head more often., slowly so as not to dizziness. A simple warm-up will help reduce the risk of developing osteochondrosis.

Video - Habits to Quit Immediately

TOP 16 exercises for a beautiful back

Note! If you are preparing to become or just recently became a mother, recently received serious injuries, have diabetes or have heart problems, be sure to check with your doctor about the possibility and relevance of sports activities.

Exercise one

Exercise 2

Sit, stretch your shoulders more often. Alternately bring and part the shoulder blades, straining the muscles of the shoulder girdle. This will improve blood circulation, which is extremely important for adequate nutrition of tissues and organs, maintaining tone, and preventing the accumulation of salts.

Exercise 3

Sit on a stool, bend your elbows and lock your fingers (if difficult, at least try to touch with your fingertips). Try to keep your forearms horizontal. Maintain the position for 10-15 seconds, then relax and shake with your brushes.

Exercise 4

An occupation that is worth doing more often during the labor process.

You need to put your arms bent at the elbows behind your back and try your best to connect into a lock. Perhaps, if flexibility is not enough, it will not work right away, but you need to try to do it.

Exercise 5

Especially useful for discomfort between the shoulder blades.

Stand up in a stable position, or sit on a stool if that's more comfortable. Hands behind the head. Expand your face and shoulders, but do not wiggle your pelvis. Now turn the other way.

Training effect: improving lung function, increasing the mobility of the thoracic vertebrae, maintaining the elasticity of the intervertebral discs.

Exercise 6

It will help to make the waist thinner. It is called "vacuum".

On a note! Posture is supported by the muscles of not only the back, but also the abdomen. If you have a bulging tummy and a lot of weight, there is a high probability of having hyperlordosis.

Take the most comfortable position, inhale with your chest very, very deeply, then slowly exhale and draw your stomach in. Muscle tension should be felt. The more often you practice, the faster the result will be.

Vertical exercise "vacuum"

Exercise 7

It is very useful to hang on a horizontal bar, so your back and abs are strengthened. But don't swing or try to pull yourself up. Just grab the bar with your hands and hang as much as you can.

It is useful for improving the condition of the intervertebral discs. The distance between the vertebrae increases, the pinched nerve roots are released. If you regularly hang on the horizontal bar, gradually increasing the time, not only will your posture improve, but also your back pain will decrease.

Important! A doctor's consultation is required about the possibility of hanging in the presence of rapidly progressing scoliosis.

Exercise eight

Sarvangasana or simply "birch". It is useful for strengthening immunity, weight loss.

Lie face up. Tighten and pull straight limbs up. Now push your buttocks with your hands and straighten. The correct "birch" does not dangle, and the support falls on the shoulders and neck.

"Pros" can hold up to 8-10 minutes.

Important! If you experience dizziness and neck pain, stop immediately.

Video - Sarvangasana

Exercise 9

Bend forward. First, lower your chin down, then gently bend your chest, bend your lower back. Reach for the floor.

Video - Process of execution

Exercise 10

Cobra movement. You need to smoothly lift the upper part of the body up, bend the spine, stretch.

Exercise eleven

The lesson is similar to the previous one, but called "boat". The principle is the same, but at the same time with the arms and chest, you need to tear off the straight legs from the floor.

Perform at least 4 approaches, lingering in the final position for 10-15 seconds.

Exercise 12

Training called "swallow". This time, there is no need to take your feet off the floor. Place your hands behind your back, lift your chest, put your hands behind your back. Try to keep your palms and shoulder blades together. Hold the position for up to 15 seconds.

Repeat at least four times.

Exercise thirteen

Workout from a yoga course. To perform, you must lie on your back. Bend your elbows and cross each other. Bend your knees and cross your lower limbs. In this crossed position, bend over, straining the abdominal muscles, trying to touch your knees with your elbows.

Exercise 13. How to do it correctly

Exercise 14

Stretch while sitting. Do not bend your knees. Clasp your fingers and raise your upper limbs high above your head. Stretch up. Lean forward smoothly, trying to reach your toes with your hands and touch your knees with your forehead.

Exercise 15

The lesson is aimed at developing a sense of balance and strengthening the habit of keeping your back straight while walking.

Place a hardback book on top of the head. Stretch your arms straight forward in front of you. Walk carefully in a straight line, do not drop the book.

The exercise can be performed at any time of the day; no preliminary warm-up is required.

Exercise sixteen

Marjariasana. Movement imitates domestic cats.

Get on all fours. Bend your back down as much as possible, like a contented affectionate cat. Raise your chin as high as possible. Breathe in slowly, deeply, with full chest. Hold on to six accounts.

Get on all fours again. Imagine that you are a cat who wants to scare someone. Arch your back up, lower your head down. Exhale deeply. Hold on to six accounts.

Find the right pillow and mattress. Stop sleeping face down. Remember that night rest is very important for the full functioning of all organs and systems.

There are a great variety of orthopedic anatomical pillows. Some of them are really beneficial, while others are not suitable for healthy sleep. We recommend that you read in order to choose the right shape and size of the anatomical pillow, not to be mistaken with the filler material and learn how to take care of the product.

Cycle or exercise more often.

Stop carrying weights in one hand. Arrange heavy purchases in two bags, or take a hard-backed backpack with you.

Try to be a more confident person. Do not slouch, do not try to pull your head into your shoulders.

Check your posture more often by leaning against a vertical surface. Which, ideally, the wall should touch the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels.

Video - Slouching Exercises

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A straight back is, first of all, a guarantee of beauty. People who have a beautiful and correct posture practically do not suffer from excess weight. Erect posture visually stretches the body, making it taller, shrinks the belly and enlarges the chest.

The consequences of poor posture

The appearance of poor posture is the main reason that prompts a person to work on correcting it. can have a negative effect on internal organs and systems in the human body.

The main spines are:

  • pain in the joints and back;
  • the occurrence of frequent headaches;
  • muscle strain;
  • disruption of the lungs, therefore, shortness of breath;
  • general physical ailment;
  • increased fatigue.

If any abnormalities in the spine appear, you must make every effort to make your posture straight.

Pluses of a flat back

A straight back not only makes a person more attractive, but also helps to feel much more confident. According to scientists, people who have a beautiful and even posture feel more confident in society, make contact with other people much faster and, most importantly, do not feel back pain.

Many diseases occur as a result of any abnormalities in the spine. For example, children often develop kyphosis. Such diseases appear due to the habit of sitting in a hunched position and constantly slouching. Physical activity is of great importance, its lack can lead to the occurrence of various diseases even in childhood.

For an adult, a back disorder is no less dangerous. A permanent curvature of the spine can lead to the development of other more serious diseases, for example, to. It is for this reason that the question of how to make a beautiful posture is important primarily for human health, and not just for appearance.

What to do for a straight back?

In order to have an even posture, it is not necessary to perform, it is enough just to monitor yourself and the position of your back. Although some exercises will not interfere at all, but will only help to strengthen the back.

You need to pay attention to what position your back is in when you are sitting, lying, standing or walking. It is advisable for all these actions to slightly turn your shoulders and raise your head, so your back will look smoother. At first, it is not at all easy to constantly monitor your posture, you can use it, but after a while, a raised head and unfolded shoulders will become a habit, and you will no longer have to focus your attention on it.

The most difficult thing is to control yourself when working at a computer or reading, because the brain during such activities is concentrated on a certain type of activity, and a person forgets to keep his back straight.

In this case, you need to periodically take breaks, distracting from the main activity, and remind yourself that you need to straighten your back.

Exercises that are designed to straighten your back are not difficult at all. You can perform them at any convenient time, in addition, most of them are funny and interesting, they can not only help align your back, but also cheer you up.

A few rules for maintaining a beautiful back:

  1. Sitting on a chair, you should not lean forward and not "hang" over the table, you should lean against the back of the chair, while keeping your back straight.
  2. When sedentary work, it is recommended to take a break every half hour, during which you need to get up and walk a little.
  3. Always monitor your back position.
  4. Do back straightening exercises every day.
  5. Proper sleep.

Get enough sleep. Of course, during sleep, unconsciously straightening your back will not work. However, several factors can affect how you sleep and how your back is positioned when you sleep.

For example, it can hurt your spine, and a firm mattress can help support your back while you sleep. Sleeping is best on your back, it is much healthier than on your stomach. Be sure to use a pillow to support your head. The main thing is not to overdo it with pillows, otherwise the head can bend during sleep, as a result of which the neck swells, and you can wake up feeling tired and irritated.

Posture alignment exercises

There are some fun exercises that will not only help you improve your back but also cheer you up. These include the following exercises:

  1. Book on the head. In order to perform the first exercise, you need to take a large book, then lay it on your head and try to hold it so that it does not fall for several minutes. After the first stage is completed, you can try to complicate the exercise. Now, with a book on your head, you need to try to walk, while you cannot touch it with your hands. The highest level of skill is dancing with one or more books on your head.
  2. "Gull". A good technique for straightening the back is to draw a seagull. To perform it, you should stand up straight, raise your arms and spread them to the sides at shoulder level. Count to three, and then slowly draw your arms back as far as possible. Then return to starting position. If you do this on a daily basis, then after a few days, the back will begin to align.

  3. Horizontal bar. The horizontal bar is the main trainer for a perfect spine. Simple hovering on it is enough for the spine to align. Thanks to the horizontal bar, you can relieve muscle tension and make your posture perfect. Hanging on a horizontal bar is especially useful for people with a sedentary job and lifestyle.
  4. "Boat". Fidgeting in a chair is good for young children who find it difficult to sit still. Exercise "Boat" is performed as follows: you should lie on your stomach, then stretch your arms forward, and try to simultaneously tear your legs and arms off the floor. This should be done so that the back muscles are tense. It is necessary to complete 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  5. With the help of dumbbells. Small dumbbells are needed for the next exercise. You need to stand up straight, bend forward, knees should be bent, bend your lower back and try to keep your back straight. Then you need to take dumbbells in your hands, raise them so that the shoulder blades come down to each other. You need to complete 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions. The next exercise is also done with dumbbells. They need to be placed on your shoulders, held and tilted forward, while pulling the pelvis back. The knees should be bent. Repeat 3-4 times.
  6. Forward bends. This exercise does not require much effort, you just need to imagine yourself as a puppet. It is as if someone is pulling the strings, lifting their head up and straightening their shoulders. This simple action can teach you to keep an eye on the position of your back, shoulders and head.
  7. Exercise "kitten", to perform it, you need to get on all fours, and lower your buttocks to your heels, then stretch your arms. Then bend as low as possible, bend your arms and roll forward. Perform within 5 minutes.

Pilates system

The first step is to stretch in order to warm up the muscles and not damage the spine. Only then can you start the following exercises:

  1. You need to lie on the floor, raise your arms above your head, and bend your legs at the knees. Then, as you exhale, draw in your stomach and straighten one leg. Then return it to its original position and repeat the same with the other leg. Run 8 times.
  2. You need to turn to one side, stretch one hand up, place the other straight in front of you. Inhale and lift the leg, as you exhale, bring it back, repeat 10-12 times.
  3. The next exercise is performed as follows: you need to sit down and spread your legs to the sides, stretch your arms forward, then bend over and reach for them. Remain in this position for a few seconds. Repeat about three times.

  4. Lie on the floor with your stomach down and bend your arms, then draw in your stomach and straighten up. Tear off your hands from the floor, stay in this position for a few seconds and lower yourself back.
  5. You need to kneel down, rest your palms on the floor and straighten your back, the main thing is to make sure that the weight is evenly distributed on your knees and palms. Then you need to exhale and raise the leg so that the lower back bends, and then return the leg to its original position.

If you perform the above exercises every day, then the required result will not keep you waiting, posture will begin to acquire a beautiful appearance after a few workouts.

So, this is a guarantee of beauty and health. People with a straight back hardly suffer from excess weight, are more confident and attractive, adapt more quickly to society and make new acquaintances. In addition, a healthy spine avoids various serious diseases, such as osteochondrosis. Young children often suffer from conditions such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Sometimes it is not necessary to perform special exercises, it is enough just to monitor the position of the back.

The choice of mattress is of great importance, and as a healthy sleep is important for the alignment of the spine. The above exercises can be performed by both adults and children, since they do not represent particularly heavy physical exertion, except that it is not recommended for children to do exercises with dumbbells. If you train every day, then soon you can forget about bad posture and proudly straighten your shoulders.

Even if the person looks attractive: well-dressed, well-groomed, outwardly healthy; Slouching and poor posture can ruin the whole look. Not only does a violation of posture look ugly, it also has a bad effect on health. Violations of the correct position of the back can be the cause of: headaches, pain in the cervical spine, discomfort of the entire spine, heart trouble. There is also pressure on the digestive tract, which leads to its infringement. Therefore, let's figure out what a beautiful posture is and how to help cope with a stoop.

Why does posture deteriorate?

To find out if your posture is correct, we will conduct a test: you need to stand with your back against the wall. Press your heels, head, butt to her; Bring the shoulder blades together. If you can stick your palm between the waist and the wall, you have good posture, if not, you need to work on it.

Also, in front of the mirror, you yourself can visually determine if one shoulder is higher than the other, then these are obvious violations of the posture.

The correct back position is usually influenced by:

  • Heredity. If you have problems with an unhealthy back in your family, then they can affect you too;
  • Work in the same position (this applies to those who are all the time sitting at the computer or at the table, etc.);
  • Constant wearing of heels (the back gets tired of being in a tense state all the time);
  • Excessive physical activity leads to back pain, respectively, to improper posture.

Ways to correct posture

It is possible to have a beautiful posture, only this should be done regularly. You can also try:

  • Wear a corrective corset. On the one hand, it is convenient. On the other hand, it is still not very effective. Some doctors argue that the corset, on the contrary, relaxes the back muscles, since all the load goes to the corset, and the muscles do not work at this time. Others, however, believe that this is a necessary attribute of back correction. You need to start wearing it from 2-3 hours a day, gradually increasing the time to 8-9 hours. In any case, it is better to consult with several specialists, they will help with the selection of a corset and recommendations on when and how to do it correctly.
  • Exercises with a book .. Stand with your back against the wall, press down on all the entering points of the body, put a book on your head. Start walking, try to keep yourself as level as possible so that the book does not fall off your head. 30 minutes every day will be enough to straighten your back.
  • Yoga is good for a strong back. You don't have to take up difficult asanas right away. But everyone can find courses for beginners on the Internet.
  • Try dumbbell exercises for good posture (0.5kg is enough for a start). Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down. Do the dumbbell lift on straight arms forward, 10-15 times. The same to the sides, try to maintain a stable position, do not deviate.
  • The plank exercise will also help you to strengthen your back. It should be performed while standing on your elbows and resting on your toes. 3 sets of 60 seconds will be sufficient.
  • If you notice that you have an asymmetry in the position of the shoulder girdle, it means that some back muscles are in a clamped position. In this case, the following can help: therapeutic massage (only with a specialist), self-massage with a brush with a long handle, stretching exercises, warming up restrained places.

In any case, a beautiful posture depends only on you. With minimal effort with a regular hike, you can see tangible results in 3-4 weeks.

Try to keep your head straight while walking, straighten your shoulders and suck in your stomach. As soon as you remember, immediately adopt the correct back position, so you gradually develop the habit of not slouching.

Choose a chair for working at a computer in such a way that your back is comfortable. The chair should ideally be ergonomic.

Hello dear readers! We all know from childhood that head posture is a guarantee of the health of the musculoskeletal system, as well as an integral part of a person's external attractiveness.

In the conditions of modern life, when most of us spend a lot of time at computers and smartphones, posture disorders have become more common.

In this article, I will share with you some information that will help you maintain the beauty and health of your back.

Let's start by looking at what is correct posture? In medicine, posture is understood as the position of a person's body in a relaxed state. Each of us has our own posture.

Correct posture is the ability of a person to keep the body straight without overexerting the muscles.

Its signs are:

  • The vertical position of the head - it should not be lowered down or, on the contrary, thrown back.
  • Tucked up belly, not bulging forward.
  • The shoulders are slightly lowered and laid back.
  • The spine has normal physiological curves.
  • The chest is bent forward, but the pelvis is not retracted.

To get your body in the correct position, go to the wall - press against it with your heels, buttocks, upper shoulder blades and the back of your head. Keep your head upright, look straight ahead: imagine that you have a rope tied to the crown of your head and pull it up. This position is your correct posture. Is it hard to hold her? Then read on.

The importance of correct posture for health

Of course, people with correct posture are more attractive outwardly than those who suffer from posture disorders. Slouching visually adds at least 2-3 kg. on the stomach, creates the appearance of a sagging flat chest in women, and in men it violates the proportions between the hips and shoulders, making the figure not masculine.

But few people think about how important correct posture is for health. Pathologies in the position of the spine lead to a number of disorders in the body. First of all, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are affected: often in people with anomalies in posture, the vital capacity of the lungs is reduced, the veins and vessels in the spinal column are pinched, which can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the brain. People complain of rapid fatigue, back and neck pain, shortness of breath, and decreased performance.

In addition, the bent position of the body disrupts the work of the digestive system - intestinal motility suffers and pains appear caused by the obstructed outflow of bile.

Back muscles weakened due to scoliosis cannot protect the spine from osteochondrosis and hernias.

Correct posture with normal curvature of the spine keeps the body in an optimal position, allowing all of its systems to function fully.

Causes of poor posture

The statistics cited by doctors are terrifying: in 65% of cases, incorrect posture is formed from an incorrect body position, to which a person teaches himself.

Children are inappropriate sitting at a desk, at a table, constantly wearing a heavy knapsack on one shoulder, the habit of sleeping "in a ball", the constraint of being tall. Pediatricians even have such a professional joke - scoliosis develops in a child from the moment he started sitting. Indeed, most posture defects develop during childhood and adolescence.

In an adult, posture is disturbed from sleeping on the side and abdomen, using a too soft mattress, a sedentary lifestyle, the appearance of excess weight, a weakened muscle corset.

People with poor eyesight often suffer from back problems - they are forced to constantly bend over when reading, to stick their heads forward when working at a computer.

About 15% of posture pathologies are congenital anomalies - intrauterine developmental disorders that cause underdevelopment of the vertebrae, deformities of the thoracic or lumbar spine, ribs or pelvis.

In 21% of cases, posture disorders are the result of injuries, abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system and various diseases such as rickets, sciatica, pleurisy and tuberculosis.

Simple ways to keep your posture straight

What to do? How to have good posture if you can't bring yourself to keep your back straight?

You can purchase a special corset that will not allow you to return to the wrong position. But you need to wear it with caution - starting from 10-15 minutes a day and gradually increasing the time.

You can also try the following simple exercise - walking with a book on your head. Place the book on top of your head and walk like that for 5-7 minutes. As soon as you start slouching, the book will fall. This will gradually help you get used to the correct back position.

How to stand and walk correctly

To accustom yourself to an even posture, you must first of all learn how to keep it in natural postures - in a standing position and while walking.

When standing, your shoulders should be pulled back slightly. In this case, you do not need to push your chest forward too much. The head should be straight - it does not need to be lifted up or lowered down.

Pay attention to your gait as well. Gait is the natural movement of a person. That is, it is the same posture, only in motion. You need to step gently, leaning on the entire foot, and not only on the heel or toe.

Disturbances in the structure of the foot - flat feet, clubfoot, deformity of the toes can also cause incorrect posture. In these cases, before dealing with the back, you need to resolve the issue with the legs: for example, choose orthopedic shoes.

How to sit properly

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life forces a person to spend a lot of time sitting - while eating, working at the computer, reading, while studying, and often - at work.

  • Sit down deeply - so that the lower back rests on the back. This will reduce the stress on the spine.
  • Pick up your belly - it shouldn't protrude. But you shouldn't drag it in either.
  • Place your feet completely on the floor, legs slightly apart. Forget about the cross-legged pose.
  • Relax your shoulders by slightly pulling them back and lowering them down.

Pay attention to your chair or chair: it is advisable that it is not too soft. The length of the seat should be shorter than the thigh so that normal blood flow is not disturbed. Adjust the height - when seated, the lower leg and thigh should form a right angle.

Smooth back when working with a computer

If people still try to sit correctly at a stationary PC, then in the case of laptops, everything is much sadder - after all, you can put it anywhere, even on your own lap. And then bend over like a hunchback from Notre Dame.

  • The main load should fall on the lower back and tailbone - lean on the back of a chair / chair only with the lower back.
  • Keep your head straight. Look directly into the monitor. If necessary, master the skill of typing in the blind so you can not bend over to the keyboard.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor - you can use a footrest.

Remember to get up every 30 minutes and do a little warm-up. It will not take much time, but it will bring great benefits to the body.

Sleep with a flat back

You can walk correctly, keep your back straight while sitting at the computer, and conscientiously do exercises for good posture, but all your efforts will be in vain if you sleep incorrectly at night.

How much does a person sleep? 6 to 10 hours. Imagine - all this time the spine is in the wrong position. In the morning, instead of cheerfulness, you will feel tension in your back.

To keep your body relaxed and your spine stretched during sleep, you need to sleep on a moderately firm surface. A soft feather bed or down pillow will also have to be changed to a firmer and smaller one: the main thing is that the cervical spine is in a straight position. It is bad when the head is too raised up.

Sleeping on your back is most beneficial for posture. People often sleep on their sides incorrectly - they put their hands under the pillow. It is necessary to draw them along the body. If you are so uncomfortable, then you can take a second pillow or soft toy and hug it.

The difficulty lies in the fact that if you are used to sleeping in the wrong position, then even if you fall asleep correctly, in a dream you will be able to involuntarily change your body position. Therefore, be patient and get used to healthy sleep gradually.

Doing it right: what you need to know before starting classes

You should practice in a well-ventilated area without drafts, clothes - loose, allowing you to move without discomfort. Women should wear soft tops or bras that do not pinch the chest.

Before classes, you must definitely warm up and assess the level of your well-being. If you have back problems, pain syndrome, then you should exclude exercises with a large amplitude from the complex and make sure that all movements are soft and smooth.

Contraindications to posture exercises

Before performing a set of exercises for a straight posture, make sure that you have no contraindications for exercising. These include:

  • Diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system in the acute stage.
  • Severe autoimmune diseases.
  • ARI or infection.
  • High body temperature.
  • Too high / low pressure.
  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Malignant tumors.

Warm up

It doesn't matter whether you are doing it at home or in the gym - a warm-up before performing the main complex should be done without fail. This will help warm up the joints, release blocks, and relax the muscles a little.

For warm-up, it is enough to walk in place for 5-7 minutes, if you feel good, then you can even jog easily. If your back hurts, any jumping and running should be excluded.

Workout for straight posture at home

Try to do special gymnastics every day of the week evaluate the result - it will become much easier for you to keep your back in an even position, ease and ease will appear in the movements.

I offer you a set of simple exercises for homework.

Exercise # 1: Strengthen your back muscles

While standing, try to bring your shoulder blades as close as possible. At the same time, the hands are on the belt, the shoulders are maximally laid back. Hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, then lower your arms along your body, relaxing them. Repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise # 2: For the trapezius muscle

This exercise relieves pain and tension in the cervical spine. Stand up straight, relax your arms and lower them along your body. Raise your right shoulder as much as possible trying to touch it to your ear. Then lift the left one. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds and sharply lower your shoulders, as if throwing them. Repeat 5-7 times.

Exercise # 3: For flexibility

Pick up the ball. If you do not have one, any other not heavy object - a pillow, a toy, etc., will do. Raise it over your head, arms straight. Bend back as far as you can. Try to arch your lower back. Do not suck in your neck, the head reaches for your hands. Then slowly return to the starting position and immediately, without stopping, bend down to the floor. Try to touch the surface of the ball with the ball. Unbend gently. Repeat 3-4 times.

Exercise # 4: To correct the lateral curvature of the spine

Stand with your back and shoulders relaxed. Raise your right hand up and bend it, bringing it behind your head to the neck area. Place your left hand behind your back and raise it to your shoulder blades. Try to connect your fingers. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and change hands. If you can't connect your fingers, don't be discouraged, just keep your hands as close to each other as possible.

If you do not understand how to do this exercise correctly, watch the video.

Posture exercises in the gym

Do you work out in the gym? It is very good. Set aside 10-15 minutes of your time for the following exercises, and your back will always be flat.

Machine hyperextension

Lie on the simulator with your stomach down, fix your legs under the roller. Lean forward and lift your body up. Keep your hands in front of you or in the lock behind your head. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

If you are experienced enough and the exercise seems simple to you, try doing it with weights - be careful and start with a small weight.

Row of the upper block for the head

Sit on the block machine seat with your feet under the roller. Pull the handle over your head with your hands, while trying not to slouch or pull your elbows back. If it doesn’t work, try to reduce the weight. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell Shrugs

Take dumbbells in both hands. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, take your shoulders back and raise your arms as much as possible. As you exhale, lower the dumbbells. Do 2 sets of 10 times. When performing the lift, try to eliminate the load on the biceps - for this it is allowed to slightly tilt the body forward and lower the chin.

Exercises for posture on the horizontal bar

For men, a good way to straighten the jersey is to practice on the horizontal bar, and in particular, the classic pull-ups. - the better the result. During the exercise, remember to be safe - do not straighten your arms to the end to avoid damage to muscles and ligaments.

If it's hard for you to pull up, try doing the exercise sitting along the horizontal bar. To do this, grasp the bar with both hands so that the palms are facing each other. When doing this, you must stand across the crossbar. Pulling up, turn your head on opposite sides of the horizontal bar in turn. When doing the exercise, cross your knees so your body will not sway.

For those who can simply hang on the horizontal bar without swaying - this will stretch the spine and relieve the extra load from the back.

Thus, a beautiful back is entirely the personal merit of each person. If you devote yourself at least a little time to do exercises for an even posture, sleep correctly and not sit still, then the result will not be long in coming.

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