Exercises with a bodybar for the back. Simple but effective bodybar exercises

"I would only pump up the press and lose weight here!" - pulling the folds on the hips and abdomen, I said to my first fitness trainer ... It's funny, but just like that to the standard "What is your goal?" almost all girls answer when they sign up for a fitness club. Fifteen years have passed since then, probably, and I have repeatedly heard the same answer from newly minted fitness enthusiasts to the question "What results do you want to achieve?"

But beauty and health are not only "cubes" and a butt like a nut, but also embossed arms, a strong back and, of course, shoulders. Let's do this: in front of you are the most effective exercise important but often overlooked body parts.

Exercise # 1: Straight Leg Rows

Starting position

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent; natural deflection in the lower back, arms are fully extended; hold the bodybar, bar or bar with a straight grip, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than your shoulders, with your shoulders back; bring your shoulder blades together.

  • While inhaling, slowly (in two counts) pulling the pelvis back, lower the body to the level of the knees (lead the bar along the thighs).
  • After feeling the maximum stretch on the back (biceps) of the thigh, as you exhale (also in two counts), return to the starting position.

What works?

The back of the thigh and back extensors.

An important point

Do not round your back under any circumstances. To avoid injury, beginners can bend their knees more.

Exercise # 2: Bent Over Row, or Deadlift

Starting position

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent; natural deflection in the lower back, arms are fully extended; hold the bodybar, bar, or barbell reverse grip putting your shoulders back; bring your shoulder blades together.

  • Tilt your body forward, slightly higher than parallel to the floor. Look in front of you - do not arch your neck.
  • As you inhale, pull the barbell towards your stomach, bringing your shoulder blades together.
  • As you exhale, lower.

What works?

Back muscles and back delta. The wider the grip, the more it works rear part shoulder, the narrower - the deeper the muscles of the back are worked out. The press works in statics.

An important point

Do not round your back under any circumstances. The curvature of the spine should be natural and constant throughout the entire exercise. Do not pinch your neck, do not lift your head - look straight ahead. Pull the bodybar with the muscles in your shoulders and back.

Exercise number 3: bent over straight arms

Starting position

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, knees slightly bent; natural deflection in the lower back, arms fully extended; hold the bodybar, bar or bar with a straight grip, with your shoulders back; bring your shoulder blades together.

  • Tilt the body forward, slightly higher than parallel to the floor; head straight, look in front of you, press tense.
  • While inhaling with straight arms (do not press your shoulders to your ears), lift the bodybar to parallel with the floor (it can be slightly lower if the shoulders inevitably tend to the ears).
  • As you exhale, lower.

What works?

In dynamics - the front of the shoulder, press - in statics.

Exercise # 4: standing chest press

Starting position

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, press tense; take a bodybar, bar or barbell with a straight grip, taking your shoulders back; bring your shoulder blades together.

  • Raise the bodybar towards your chest so that your elbows are pointing straight down. Looking up diagonally (45 degrees).
  • Make sure that the wrists and hands form a straight line. Do not wring your hands or stick your elbows forward.
  • While inhaling, without pressing your shoulders to your ears, raise the bodybar to eye level (up to the parallel of your forearms with the floor).
  • As you exhale, return to the starting position.

What works?

Front of the shoulder; the press is static.

An important point

Make sure that the wrists and hands form a straight line. Do not wring your hands or push your elbows forward; do not press your shoulders against your ears or pinch your neck.

Exercise # 5: Standing Overhead Press

Starting position

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, press tense; hold the bodybar, bar or bar with a straight grip, with your shoulders back; bring your shoulder blades together.

  • Lift the bodybar to your chest and back. Looking up diagonally (45 degrees).
  • While inhaling, without spreading or lifting the shoulder blades, squeeze the bodybar up.
  • As you exhale, lower the bodybar behind your head.

What works?

Front middle delta.

An important point

Keep your elbows straight down - do not swing them back and forth.

Exercise # 6: Bent-over Rows to the Belt with One Hand

Starting position

Standing with the front supporting leg bent at the knee, the back straight.

  • Keeping your back straight, tilt your body forward, rest your left hand on your knee.
  • Take one end of the bodybar in right hand, rest your left on a standing foot behind.
  • While inhaling, tensing the muscles of the back and back delta, pull the bodybar up. At the top, bring your elbow back.
  • Hold at the top point for two counts, as you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do not forget to do the same on the other side later.

What works?

Latissimus dorsi. Also involved are large pectoral muscles, triceps and posterior bundle of the delta.

An important point

While moving up, press your elbow to the body. Do not slouch or round your shoulders. Keep your chest straight and your shoulder blades brought together.

And, now let's find out who he is - the bodybar ?!

What is the bodybar and its advantages

So, the bodybar is a rubberized gymnastic stick with bulges (knobs) at the ends. It looks like a mixture of a barbell with dumbbells. The average length of the bodybar is about 120 cm (it must be selected depending on the height, the taller the person, the longer the projectile should be), and its weight ranges from 3-8 kg (the weight must be adjusted depending on the level of physical fitness).

This projectile is an excellent weighting agent, thanks to which the effectiveness of training a particular muscle group increases many times, thereby positive results from classes come much faster.

Advantages of training with a bodybar:

The effectiveness of training increases;

Promotes rapid fat burning (more than 500 kilocalories are burned during training with the bodybar);

A large number of exercise variations;

Increases muscle tone;

Bodybar exercises help build lean muscle;

Has a beneficial effect on the entire muscle group;

Develops agility and improves body coordination;

Corrects posture;

Convenient and easy to use. It seems to be a small stick, but how much it contains positive qualities!

A set of exercises with a bodybar

With this mini-simulator, you can perform almost any exercise, namely:

1. Exercises with a bodybar for the buttocks. Everything is simple here, do squats (of any kind), but with a bodybar, while when you squat, raise your arms up with a projectile. Also an effective exercise for working out gluteal muscles- lunges. We perform lunges, keeping the bodybar at shoulder level.

Equipment such as body bars can be found in every fitness club. It is widely used in strength aerobics and functional training. Bodybar exercises are good for home activities. They provide a high-quality load on all muscle groups with minimal costs.

The bodybar is a fitness equipment in the form of a stick of a specific weight. Its weight can be from 1 to 20 kg without using weight. The product simulates a barbell bar and helps to improve strength training, ensuring the development of all muscles. It is suitable for those who do not have enough work with own weight, but who is not yet ready to move to the barbell.

For effective and safe workouts it is important to consider the weight of the projectile. For beginners, bodybars with a weight of 1 to 3 kg are suitable. The standard parameters of the shells are 1.3, 5 and 7 kg. For men and women who have good physical fitness, a bodybar weighing 10 or even 10 kg is suitable. At the same time, heavy shells are not suitable for all exercises. Therefore, it is better to have two body bars: heavy, for large and strong muscles, and easier for working out small muscles.

The bodybar is suitable for all athletes regardless of gender, age and fitness level. The projectile has many advantages:

  • It can be used both for training in gym, and for homework.
  • Even a beginner can master the technique. With the help of a projectile, you can work out absolutely all muscle groups.
  • Exercises help to improve endurance, train coordination.
  • For girls, the projectile is useful in working out problem areas, while for men it gives the opportunity to improve the relief and increase muscle mass.
  • Bodybar helps maintain muscle tone, improves posture and prevents spinal pathologies.
  • Improves the functioning of the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels.
  • Using the device increases energy consumption during normal exercise, so it helps to effectively lose weight.
  • Exists special complexes that help in the treatment of various diseases.

In the presence of pathologies of cardio-vascular system, musculoskeletal system or hypertension beforehand it is recommended to consult a doctor. Also, in case of health problems, it is better to work out with a trainer.

Training with a bodybar: a set of exercises for different muscle groups

As mentioned, this projectile can be used for all muscle groups. Here is a popular set of exercises for various groups.

For the buttocks and legs

Bodybar squats

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, the shell is on your shoulders. Squat as deep as possible while inhaling. Exhale and take the starting position. It is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 20-25 reps.

When squatting, keep your back straight. A slight forward tilt is allowed.


Legs need to be positioned as in squats, but slightly bend them at the knees. Hands should be lowered, the bodybar is held in front of you. With inhalation, a forward bend is performed. The stick goes down to the knees. As you exhale, take the starting position. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

During the exercise, the back should remain straight - you cannot bend it.


Keep your legs together, place the stick on your shoulders and hold the ends. Step forward with your left foot, come back. The same is repeated for the second leg. The knee should form a right angle during execution. The optimal number of repetitions is 15 for each leg.

For the back

This area can be worked out with the following exercises:

  • You need to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and bend your knees so that they do not go beyond your socks. The bodybar must be held in hand so that the hands are located on both sides at the same distance. The body should be slightly tilted forward. Hands with a stick should be in front of the body in free flight. Then begin to perform the exercise: gently lower until the bodybar is at ankle level. The back should remain straight and the buttocks protruded. Then smoothly return the reverse position. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • For this exercise, lie on the floor on your stomach. The legs should be straight and slightly apart, the stick is taken in hand and placed behind the neck, the elbows are pressed against the body. It is necessary as far as you can to tear off the chest from the floor and lower again. All movements should be smooth and accurate. The number of repetitions is determined individually, it is better to do it at least ten times.

For hands

To train the muscles of the arms, the following exercises are suitable:

  • The bodybar should be taken with your hands, spreading them slightly wider than your shoulders and turning your palms towards you. Bend your elbows, pressing the projectile against your chest. The elbows should be pointing down. The projectile is raised above the head by straightening the arms. Lock in for a couple of seconds and lower it to your chest. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

  • Stand up straight, take the stick with your hands, palms turn away from you and press against the body. Bend your arms until the bodybar touches your chest, then return to its original position. Efforts should be performed with the biceps.
  • You need to stand up straight, take the bodybar in your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower the limbs with a stick down, then gently raise them so that they are at chest level. Hold on for a few seconds and lower your limbs. The number of repetitions is 10-12.

For chest

The chest can be worked out with the help of presses.

The exercise is performed as follows: you need to lie on your back, take the stick with a straight grip, so that your hands are perpendicular to the body (raised up). Lower limbs On the floor. Lower and raise your limbs alternately.

The exercise can be complicated. Lie on your back with your limbs down. Inhale, as you exhale, lift the stick and wrap it behind your head. Return the reverse position. It is recommended to perform three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

For the press

There is great exercise with a bodybar for women, allowing you to tone the abdominal muscles. For this, twists can be used. The stick must be taken with your hand, bending it at a right angle at the elbow. Unfold the case to one side and return it back. In both directions, you need to complete 15-20 turns.

Normal lifts can be helpful. You need to lie on your back, place the stick on your shoulders, raise it as you exhale upper part housing. Bend your legs at the knees or press them to the floor, inhale and lie back.

For a more efficient study lower press you can supplement the previous exercise with straight leg lifts 40-45 degrees. The exercises are repeated 10-15 times. In total, 2-3 approaches are enough.

To get from your workouts maximum effect, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • It is enough to work out one muscle group 1-2 times a week to give time for recovery. Therefore, you can devote each day of the week to the study of individual muscles, and leave a couple of days as a weekend.
  • You can combine bodybar exercises with other exercises. If you want to lose weight, add cardio.
  • Warm up before the main workout and cool down after it. Stretching exercises are great as the latter.
  • If you're training your entire body at once, it's best to start at the top and end at the bottom.
  • In the process of doing the exercises, control the breathing rhythm and correct technique.
  • The abdomen should be tucked up during the exercises, the back should be straight, the buttocks should be compressed.
  • In the beginning, you can do the exercises near the mirror - this helps in controlling the correct technique.
  • If you want to lose weight, do at least 20 reps, constantly increasing their pace.
  • Important correct technique execution, since the bodybar is, albeit small, but still a barbell.

Bodybar exercises allow you to work out all muscle groups. You can do it at home, providing a load no worse than in the gym. We offer you to watch several videos of training with such a gymnastic apparatus.

Modern fitness clubs do not bypass bodybars and acquire equipment of different weights in huge quantities. Group lessons for women, it is impossible to imagine without the use of bodybars in exercises of the strength part of aerobics or functional training... Also, the efficiency and compactness of the projectile makes accessible workouts with weights at home, receiving a load on all muscle groups.

What is a bodybar - which weight to choose?

Bodybar - fitness equipment in the form of a stick with a certain weight, starting from 1 kg, ending with 20 kg without additional pancakes and twists. Designed for strength training, simulating a barbell bar to work all muscles.

In training with the bodybar, it is important to correctly take into account the weight of the load. For beginners, bodybars weighing from 1-3 kg have been developed, allowing those who begin to train from scratch to be loaded. Usually, the standard parameters of the shells are the load weight of 1, 3, 5, 7 kg. For trained and physically strong women, bodybars weighing 10 kg, and even 20 kg are provided. Therefore, it is important to determine the desired degree of load and take into account your own strength. You need to understand that with a comfortable performance of squats with a weight of 10-20 kg, it will be impossible to perform exercises on small beams of deltas or triceps. For this, it is advisable to have two bodybars, as for shoulder girdle, also for large and strong muscles of the legs, back and chest.

Major manufacturers of bodybars

  • Reebok.
  • V-Sport.
  • Jordan.
  • Gymstick.
  • Fitex.

A set of exercises with a bodybar

1. Squats

Squats tone the glutes and quadriceps hips. Connects the muscles of the press.

  1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, just below cervical spine.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and contract your abdominal muscles.
  3. As you inhale, squat to the parallel of the floor, do not roll your body onto your hips under the weight of the load, keep your gaze at the ceiling.
  4. Exhale and unbend your torso.

2. Lunges

This bodybar exercise can improve the shape of the buttocks.

  1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, place your feet together.
  2. As you inhale, take a step with one foot forward, transferring your body weight to your front supporting foot.
  3. Do not bend too far forward or arch your lower back.
  4. As you exhale, bring your front leg back, pushing off with your heel.
  5. Lunge on the other leg in the same way, alternating movements for the same number of repetitions.

3. Standing bends

  1. Exercise develops the hamstrings, glutes and lumbar extensors.
  2. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, feet hip-width apart.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles, while inhaling, lower your torso forward, slightly bending your knees.
  4. Do not lower your torso too low, keep your gaze in front of you.
  5. With an exhalation, unbend your torso, feeling the tension of the lower back and buttocks.

4. Pull to the belt

Exercise bodybar pull to the belt is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back.

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hold the bodybar in your hands with an average grip (shoulder-width apart).
  2. Bend your body forward at an angle of 45 degrees, bend your knees slightly and hold in position.
  3. Hands are freely lowered down.
  4. As you exhale, stretch the bodybar to the lower abdomen, straining your back muscles. Don't round out in the back.
  5. As you inhale, unbend your elbows and repeat the movement.

5. Bench press

The pectoral muscles take on the main load during the bench press, and the triceps are additionally connected.
The exercise is performed lying on a small horizontal hill - a bench or.

  1. Grasp the projectile with a wide grip.
  2. Keep your elbows straight and your body bar over your chest.
  3. While inhaling, lower the projectile to the highest point. chest, the elbows go down as far as possible, stretching the muscles of the chest.
  4. Straighten your elbows as you exhale.

6. Press from behind the head

The exercise can be done while standing or sitting. Aimed at the development of the rear and middle delta.

  1. Place the shell on your shoulders, grab with a wide grip.
  2. The elbows are lowered to the floor, as you exhale, extend the elbows, raising your arms above your head in a vertical line.
  3. While inhaling, gently lower your arms into reverse order, do not put weight on the cervical spine.

7. Front swings

Exercise trains the front delta.

  1. Hold the projectile in front of you on your hips, with a medium grip on top.
  2. Feet along the width of the pelvis, elbows slightly bent and deployed to the sides.
  3. As you exhale, raise your arms in front of you to eye level.
  4. While inhaling, slowly lower your arms, do not swing your torso.

8. Extension of the arms from behind the head

The exercise is aimed at strengthening the triceps, performed while standing or sitting.

  1. Grab the bodybar with a medium overhand grip.
  2. Raise over your head with your elbows fully extended.
  3. As you inhale, lower your hands behind your head without moving your elbows.
  4. Exhale and extend your arms to an upright position.

9. Standing biceps curl

  1. Grasp the stick with an average grip from the bottom, place your feet across the width of the pelvis.
  2. Press your elbows against your torso, tighten your abdominal muscles, avoiding swinging.
  3. As you exhale, bend your elbows, and using the biceps, raise your hands to your shoulders without lifting your elbows.
  4. Extend your arms as you inhale.

10. Raises the body with a bodybar

It can be performed in several versions of the bodybar position - on the shoulders or collarbones. The first option is the most difficult, so it is worth choosing a low weight of the equipment. Legs can be put on support, bending at the knees, or you can perform the exercise with straight legs without support.

  1. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. With an exhalation, twist, lifting vertebra by vertebra off the floor.
  3. While inhaling, do not rush to lower yourself, do not relax your abdominal muscles.
  4. At the bottom, try not to touch the floor with your shoulder blades.

Today there are many simulators that allow you to lose weight, normalize your figure at home. One of these unique products is the bodybar. This is a fairly simple gymnastic instrument, an ordinary metal stick, weighed down with knobs. But an unpretentious simulator can do a lot. The main thing is to choose it correctly.

To begin with, it is worth noting that its price is no more than 3 thousand rubles. And thanks to the rather inexpensive sports equipment, you can achieve great success in polishing your body. When choosing a bodybar, the following indicators should be taken into account.

The choice of weight for the machine depends on sports training... For amateurs in sports, the weight of the projectile is up to 4 kg, in this case the color of the stick is red. If a person is at least a little prepared, then an orange projectile can weigh up to 6 kg. And if the experience of exercising in the gym is sufficient, then you should pay attention to the instrument weighing 7-9 kg, the blue stick. Professional athletes can train with the maximum weight, i.e. 18 kg with a purple projectile.

The length of the bodybar is different, from 90 to 120 cm. A person's height influences her choice. With small stature, the size should be smaller. Otherwise, training will not bring satisfaction and will not give the expected result.

The sports equipment is made of stainless steel. But models with a rubberized surface are more convenient. Then the sliding of the palms on the projectile is excluded, which makes it possible to make exercises with the bodybar comfortable and agile.

You need to purchase the equipment in a sports store, where the simulators are checked and tested. In the store you can get advice from specialists on the use of the bodybar.

What is good about the simulator:

  • Positive sides:
  • Low price;
  • Ease of use and storage;
  • Impact on all muscle groups;
  • Active burning of calories, which makes it possible to lose weight (one active lesson - minus 500 calories);
  • You can correct your posture. Make the body fit. Work with problem areas any part of the body;
  • improve health and well-being, increase endurance and performance.

Negative sides:

  • Cannot be used for diseases of the spine;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Cardiovascular ailments;
  • Injuries, sprains are possible due to improper use of the projectile.

Several sets of exercises have been developed using the bodybar. To choose the most suitable set, first you need to decide on the goal sports activities... Perhaps these are additions to morning exercises or exercises to reduce weight, to correct posture, or to restore muscle tone. Depending on the purpose and degree of preparation of the body, the exercises may differ. But the main condition for successful training is compliance with the rules of breathing and the technique of performing exercises. With some effort and endurance, using the bodybar, you can achieve your goals.

Basic bodybar exercises:

The bodybar is a weighted stick. Therefore, a wide range of exercises can be performed with it, but the main ones are basic exercises with weights, namely:

  • Ascents
  • Squats

Top 9 Bodybar Exercises:

1. Bench press from the chest - the pectoral muscles work, optimal amount reps 10-15.

2. Squats - work the muscles of the legs and thighs, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-15.
3. Lunges - the muscles of the legs work, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-20 for each leg.

4. Press overhead - shoulders and deltas work, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-15.

5. Biceps curl - biceps work, the optimal number of repetitions is 10.

6. Row with one hand to the thigh - back muscles work, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-15.

7. Row to the chest - back muscles work, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-20.

8. Deadlift- large muscles of the back, legs and hips work, repetitions 10-15.

9. Rise on toes - and cutaneous muscles, the optimal number of repetitions is 10-15

Bodybar exercise video:

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