T - push-ups for extreme pumping. Pushups

    Push-ups are perhaps one of the most effective and common functional exercises among athletes. It has gained well-deserved popularity in fitness, bodybuilding, martial arts and, of course, CrossFit. But what can I say - absolutely in every sports discipline there is more than one effective program push-ups from the floor, thanks to which you can quickly and without prohibitive efforts achieve serious progress in the development of your own body. Considering which muscles work when push-ups from the floor, it is fair to say that this exercise not only strengthens ulnar ligaments, tendons, loads the chest and triceps, but also has a positive effect on the development of the strength and speed of a punch and elbow.

    Push-up program for a month

    Once you have mastered correct technique push-ups from the floor, you should begin to gradually try to increase your result. No athlete in the world is capable of performing a hundred push-ups in one set on the very first workout. The program below is for 30 days, with one rest day between workouts. This training method will help novice athletes quickly achieve a decent result.

    You can also download this program by.

    TRP standards for push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are a mandatory part of the state TRP program. For men and women, the number of push-ups is, of course, different. The difference in the number of repetitions also varies depending on age group athlete. There are different standards for each icon. The lower table contains the current TRP standards for push-ups from the floor.



    AgeNumber of repetitions per:
    Bronze badgeSilver badgeGold badge
    6-8 4 5 11
    9-10 5 7 12
    11-12 7 8 14
    13-15 7 9 15
    16-17 9 10 16
    18-24 10 12 14
    25-29 10 12 14
    30-34 6 8 12
    35-39 6 8 12
    For women over 40 years old, there is a single standard, there is no differentiation by levels of training.
    40-44 12
    45-49 10
    50-54 8
    55-59 6
    60-69 6 (with emphasis on the gymnastic bench)
    70+ 5 (with emphasis on the chair seat)

    Crossfit complexes with push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are the basis of many functional complexes aimed at developing speed-power qualities muscle shoulder girdle... CrossFit was originally closely related to push-ups, since many of the basic ligaments and elements, such as burpees, are built on the basis of this exercise.

    The table below shows 4 functional programs workouts containing push-ups, with the help of which you can work out large muscle groups in your body and improve skills such as endurance and explosive strength.

    If you liked working in such a mode, you can independently develop several more similar programs for yourself. For example, you can combine floor push-ups with, and other exercises. Such a complex load will help to work out all muscle groups at once for a short time, which makes the training program extremely intense and effective.

Pushups- this is very effective exercise which develops the muscles of the chest and triceps muscle(triceps). Also, since this is a complex exercise that involves a huge number of muscle groups, it allows a person to maintain their body in fairly good physical shape if they engage in physical activity regularly.

Today there are a large number of types of push-ups that involve a load on completely different muscle groups. For example, if you put your arms wide, your chest will take an active part in the work, but if you put your arms closer to each other, the triceps will be involved in the work, and most of the load will fall on them.

In addition, there are other types of push-ups that can purposefully work out upper part chest, shoulders and so on.

If you take seriously this exercise, you can bring your body to a pretty good physical fitness... Push-ups have always and everywhere enjoyed great popularity, so this exercise should be considered in more detail. In this article I will give you detailed manual, which you can use to effectively design your workouts and know what's what.


If the goal of the class is to increase muscle mass, you need to focus not on the number of repetitions, but on the technique of performing push-ups, as well as on the load. That is, if you perform first 20 repetitions, then 40, 60, the effect will be very small in gaining muscle mass. The fact is that training with own weight does not give such results as training with iron, since the muscles very quickly get used to the loads. A large number of repetitions will only increase your endurance, but this approach will not work on muscle hypertrophy.

This requires a completely different approach. Very often, people simply do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, so many are limited to workouts at home. But how to do it to build muscle. Everything is simple enough. If you want to build mass using push-ups, you need to increase the load using additional weights. It can be a briefcase filled to the brim with water bottles, you can put dumbbells there, a bag of sand, in general, anything you like to increase weight. Remember, for muscle growth, you need to tear them, in order to do this, you need to constantly increase the load. By training with their own body, they are mainly included in the work, and the fast ones remain unaffected. That is why endurance increases.

Effective muscle work requires a maximum of 12 push-ups in four sets. It is much better to follow the technique of execution, to complicate the program, and not to do more repetitions each time. You can complicate the task in every possible way, but if you have little experience to begin with, you can simply do push-ups according to the classical scheme. After you can do 12-15 repetitions without any problems, you can apply additional weight. As you gain experience, you can make the task harder with more complex movements, for example, try tucking one hand behind your back during activity and doing push-ups with one hand.


When doing push-ups from the floor, you engage different muscles... The type of movement and technique play a major role in this matter. If you do classic push-ups, then the pectoral muscles, triceps, back, and abs get the greatest load.

Triceps swing most effectively if you keep your arms close to each other in the process. The pectoral muscles are included in the work when the arms are far away, that is, you perform the exercise with a wide stance of the arms. Push-ups, in which you lean on your fingers or fists, help strengthen your wrists.

If you are starting your push-ups from scratch, try doing the knee-supported exercises first. Then slowly switch to standard exercises. Athletes with experience in this matter do not only classic push-ups, but also resort to weights, as mentioned above.

If you are not yet ready for such methods of complicating the task, do the exercises with your legs thrown on a chair. So the arms will receive a load of several kilograms from above, and the upper chest will also be more involved in the work.

If you are in gym push-ups from the floor will be good warm-up exercise or for practicing at home. In this case, the complex will simply help maintain an enviable shape.


As a reminder, muscles get the necessary load only when you feel them. So learning to "hear" every muscle is the main task for you. This is especially important in relation to the muscles of the chest and arms.

During the lesson, your actions should be in accordance with the recommended technique. Control your back - it should be straight. Make sure that the buttocks do not rise high.

Exercise with outstretched arms. Let's start push-ups. Bend your elbows, lower your body down. The chest should not touch the floor, but at the same time it should be at a minimum distance from it. Watch your breathing. When you go down, breathe in, rise up, breathe out.

The position of the hands affects the distribution of weight, load. The outer part of the muscles of the chest and deltoid muscles are included in the work if the arms are set wide apart. Close proximity promotes active participation of internal elements pectoral muscles, triceps. The load changes along with the change in body position.

Are push-ups really useful?

By doing torso raising / lowering exercises, you are actually strengthening your body and doing a good thing for it.

Firstly, in the process of exercising, you really increase muscle strength, but for such purposes you need to use a special program. We will give its description a little below. If you do everything according to the recommendations, you will be able to build muscle in the near future.

Secondly, using similar exercises you will cheer yourself up. In the process of lowering, raising the body, the cardiovascular system and the muscular apparatus work more harmoniously. Even after doing twenty times, your heart rate will become faster, and there will be a rush of blood in the muscles. Such processes in the body will make you more cheerful and will have a positive effect on the health of your heart apparatus. Thanks to this exercise, you will feel much better. It should be noted that as a result of push-ups, excess fat mass burned much faster due to. Undoubtedly, physical exercises, this is not the main factor that affects weight loss. And the main factor in this regard is nutrition, read more.

Thirdly, such exercises will help keep the body in excellent shape. The muscles of people who do not exercise regularly become "clogged". Subsequently, such people need to make much more effort so that their physical fitness and body parameters remain at the proper level. But thanks to push-ups, the body will always be in good shape.

Even those people who do not visit the gym for at least a week will feel discomfort in the body. Push-ups will help to avoid discomfort in the absence of time for sports.


Do not forget, restrictions and rules also apply to such exercises. There is no need to organize classes according to several schemes at once. This will reduce their usefulness. If you are doing in order to get impressive results, follow the steps, use one training program. If it doesn't work well, change the program.

If you want to avoid relaxing the muscles, back up the push-ups with other exercises. You do not need to perform the complex daily. Muscles recover within almost three days, and their active growth is observed just during rest breaks.

A lot of methods have been proposed today. Beginners need to choose a gentle yet effective program. This, for example, can be called a technique that provides solid muscle mass in six weeks. This schedule provides for a gradual increase in the number of exercises, starting with the fourth week of classes. As you do the exercises, you also do more lowering and raising with each approach.

It is necessary to consider such a question as the types of push-ups from the floor with special attention. All of them are divided into groups of different complexity. However, remember that exercising with a huge load may not be effective either. The types of activities that are perceived in terms of complexity are suitable only for "seasoned" athletes.

The easiest types of exercises with lowering, raising the torso are push-ups from the knees, head up, etc. More difficult are push-ups with the arms wide apart, head down, medium grip, with narrow setting palms. The "winners" in terms of load in this lineup are bounce or one-arm push-ups.

Whatever scheme you do push-ups, remember - "you cannot jump over your head." It is better to do the load on the muscles gradually, without skipping classes.

Now about how to do it. There is a rumor among athletes that push-ups must be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. Such a scheme would supposedly simplify the "basic training". Approach such a performance carefully and responsibly. Let's say you are currently pumping your pectoral muscles one day a week. You can add only one home workout to this activity to begin with. Monitor your feelings. If you feel that after such a load you can handle it, start doing the exercise gradually on other days of the week. You can train in this mode for a maximum of four weeks. After this period, it is best to return to one lesson in the gym and one complex at home.

That's very good program mass using push-ups (you need to use it if you do not visit the gym):

A week The number of repetitions and approaches (recommendations)
1 Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps daily with normal arm stops (slightly wider than shoulder width) and 3 sets of 10-20 reps with narrow reps. The number of push-ups depends on physical fitness athlete. You can do the exercise 2 times a day. The exercise should be done slowly and smoothly.
2 Perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps daily with a normal arm position and 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps with a narrow arm position. It is necessary to do push-ups using additional weights. For example, first put 5 kg of additional weight in the portfolio, then increase the weight by 5 kg every week.
3 Everything is the same, only the additional weight will no longer be 5, but 10 kg.
4 + 5 kilograms of additional weight to the total. That is already 15 kg.
Additional advice To make push-ups even more effective, you should use not only different angles of inclination, the width of the arms, but also additional equipment in the form.

Remember, as mentioned earlier, you should not limit yourself to one exercise, you should perform a whole complex for various muscle groups. However, you get the point. Gradually start with the smallest and gradually increase the load, as it was shown in the program for the mass a little higher. Also, if you want to increase the number of repetitions, up to 100-200 push-ups at a time, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the really working one.


As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of types of push-ups that load one or another muscle group... Let's take a look at the most popular variations, the technique of which must be followed when performing them.

Each type of exercise is designed for athletes of a certain level of fitness. That is, the classic version that we discussed above is intended for both beginners and advanced athletes. However, there are variations that are suitable for a certain level of training, in fact, we will now analyze this and much more.

The first option that should be paid attention after the classic is push-ups with a narrow setting of the arms. This variation is for more experienced athletes. If you can easily perform 12-15 repetitions, you can take without a doubt fit into this type of push-ups.

This variation is the antagonist, that is, the opposite of the close grip bench press. The push-ups themselves are analogous to the barbell press, with the only difference that instead of the bar you press your own weight.

Exercise technique:

  1. Borrow starting position... Lie on the floor with your stomach down, rise with your arms straight. The body and legs should, as it were, create one straight line. Do not bend the spine, do not lift the buttocks up. Place your hands so that thumbs could touch each other. However, you can not put your arms too narrow to include triceps in the load, it is enough to put them about shoulder width apart. The most important thing is the elbows, they cannot be pulled apart during execution, they should be pressed against the body.
  2. After everything is ready, as you inhale, slowly lower yourself down, as you exhale, rise to the starting position. The body should always be straight, you cannot make any bends, deflections, raise the buttocks, and so on.

This type of exercise involves the involvement of additional equipment in the form of a stable bench. If you train at home, you can use a chair, but you need to fix it with something so that at the time of doing push-ups, the chair does not "go" forward and the person is not injured.

This is a fairly easy option that can be used by both men and women. The main advantage of this type is that during the rise of the body to the peak point, the load "falls" on the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

Exercise technique:

  1. The technique of performing the exercise is quite simple and does not require any additional knowledge regarding this exercise. Everything is exactly identical to the classic push-ups from the floor. The arms are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, the back is straight. Put your hands on the bench, keeping your back in a motionless position, start doing push-ups.
  2. During the descent, we take a deep breath, during the ascent, we exhale. Remember, you don't just need to move up and down, you need to feel your muscles. Performing this variation on horizontal bars will be very helpful, since there you can grab the pipe and use a concentrated grip to increase the tension in the target muscles. The strength of the grip in the performance of any exercise plays a very important role.

The difficulty level when using this variation increases, since the load falls on the top of the chest, and you perform the exercise at a significant slope, which actually affects the increase in load. Also, the movements are more complicated, since most of the body weight falls on the hands.

Just as in the previous exercise, this variation should be performed with the same technique as the classic version, with the only difference that you use the bench to make the work more difficult.

Exercise technique:

  1. Place the bench behind you, place your feet on the bench and rest your hands on the floor. The width of the arms is slightly more than the width of the shoulders. The hands themselves need to be set slightly beyond shoulder level, that is, slightly forward.
  2. Take a deep breath and lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor, then return to the starting position.

This option is perfect for beginners. If a person has no experience, and he cannot do push-ups 1-3 times, it is worth starting with the easiest one, namely with push-ups from the knees.

Exercise technique:

  1. Take a lying position, rest your knees on the floor. It will be very convenient to cross your legs so that they do not dangle and interfere with you while you work. Hands are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. On a deep breath, lower yourself down, as you exhale, rise to the starting position.

The difficulty level of push-ups using one hand is very high, so this type should be performed only by advanced athletes who have been practicing for several years.

What I want to say about this variation. She perfectly develops the strength of the athlete's shoulder girdle. Also, in addition to the shoulders, the triceps and pectoral muscles are actively involved in the movement.

Exercise technique:

  1. The starting position is almost no different from the classic version, except that the width of the legs. In this variation, the feet need to be placed much wider to provide support during push-ups. Take the starting position, put your legs wider (as shown in the picture). Shift the weight of your upper body to one hand and tuck the other behind your back. When you can maintain your balance without any problems, you can start doing push-ups.
  2. If you are trying to do the exercise for the first time, it is possible that at first you will not be able to fully lower and rise, thereby making a movement in full amplitude. In order to perfectly curb this type of push-up, you do not need to do the exercise at full amplitude in the beginning. Go down no deeper than 10-15 centimeters, after which every week go lower and lower.

This type is quite difficult to perform and requires some experience; therefore, it is best for beginners to perform classic push-ups.

The advantage of this subspecies is that by spreading your arms wider than usual, you thereby remove most of the load from the triceps and transfer it to the pectoral muscles. In this version, the chest muscles are stretched better.

Exercise technique:

  1. As in most of the options that we have considered in this article, the starting position in this option is practically indistinguishable from the original. The only thing you need to do is to spread your arms wider, and turn your hands outward, that is, so that they look in different directions, at an angle of about 45 degrees.
  2. On a deep breath, you lower yourself, on an exhale, you return to the starting position.


In conclusion, I would like to say that push-ups are great exercise for training at home. It is recommended for everyone, regardless of age and fitness level. it great exercise, which will help any person to tighten their physical shape, improve health.


Completeness is always important in exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. Going down not to the end, you can only pump up triceps. But if you force yourself to touch the floor with the tip of your nose with each push-up, you will immediately feel how to turn on back muscles, chest, abs and shoulders.

  • Constancy

Any exercise loves consistency. If you do push-ups regularly, then you will feel how your hands will become much stronger and more enduring than they were a month ago.

At first it seems like it's boring to do the same action. But once you achieve perfection in a simple push-up, you can move on to more interesting tricks and various handstands.

Before embarking on various tricks on your hands, first master such basic push-ups as: Push-ups with a narrow grip, medium, wide, as well as push-ups on one hand.

What for? In order for your muscles to be strong and enduring in any hand position. Even if the entire load falls on one hand, this should not bother you.

  • Using narrow grip you will pump the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps
  • Medium will give tension to the biceps and back.

And now I'll tell you about the very T-push-ups that were said at the beginning.

Why T?

This is a more difficult type of classic push-up. It consists in raising the arm to the side and at the same time twisting the body. Exercising in this way, you work out your pectoral muscles, back muscles, shoulders and the whole body in general. And in general it can be safely called complex. For more experienced fighters, I advise you to try it out. with dumbbells, it will only enhance your result.

  • Wringing out on one hand.

By doing push-ups on one arm, you develop the total power of each arm separately, as well as use the intercostal muscles, and the oblique muscles of the press.

In addition to the different grips, you can change the support surface. In general, there are not many of them.

  1. On the palms. The easiest way. It is popular mainly among girls or in very hard surfaces.
  2. On the fists. Used in all martial arts to strengthen the hand and striking surface. If you are doing push-ups on your fists, make sure that all your weight rests on the first two knuckles from the thumb.
  3. On fingers. A specific type of push-ups. It will help you make a dead grip and make your phalanges stronger and more resistant to damage.

And for one I will sanctify one of the most popular questions.

How to build abs by doing push-ups?

In fact, everything is simpler than one might think. Just keep your body parallel to the floor during the push-up. To do this, you will have to strain your abs. After completing a couple of approaches, you will feel that not only your arms are tired and the tension was also given for the press.

If your main goal is to pump yourself powerful hands push-ups alone will not cope here. Supplement them with workouts with dumbbells, chin-ups on the horizontal bars and do not forget to eat right.

But the truth is not everyone has the opportunity to devote themselves to such a great cause as sports. Most people now have a difficult five-day schedule, family, relatives, and off we go.

Don't worry, and there is a way out for you. Specially for busy people was invented. This is a small and compact trainer that will allow you to make two combat vehicles out of your hands. And you do not have to twist it in your hands all day. Just 15-20 minutes a day is enough.

In addition to the simulator, you get saved time and energy that can be spent on the same job or family. The Sotskiy simulator is used in everyone in all military training structures. If you want to see the effect of the simulator, just take a look at any special forces soldier on the street.

Guys achieve such results in just a couple of months of training for 20-30 minutes a day. And the rest of the time is used to study technical issues. If you are already interested just go and check out the trainers of your dreams.

In any case, whatever you do (in terms of sports), back up all your workouts proper nutrition... Not chips, not cola) but proper nutrition. How exactly? Well, in a nutshell, when you swing the right food will be the food that contains a minimum of fat and a maximum of protein. After all, our muscles are built from them.

So no matter how you squeeze yourself, it is unlikely that anything will work out without building materials for the body. By the way, eating right is not at all difficult. Proteins are found in tasty and vital foods such as meat, mushrooms, beans, buckwheat, dairy products, fish, and so on. Your task is simply to eliminate harmful preservatives and replace them with normal food, everything is simple.

Conclusions: If you want to be in shape and shine with a relief body by summer, do push-ups. Well, if your goal is to pump up your biceps like Schwarzenegger's, do extra exercises with dumbbells or various exercise machines and do not forget about nutrition.

The main feature of push-ups is fantastic efficiency. Improving endurance and strength is not so difficult if you know about all types of push-ups.

These are classic, well-known push-ups. In this case, the middle pectoral muscles, triceps and delta work.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying, place your hands strictly shoulder-width apart. The body should be parallel to the floor, feet together. The head does not bend, it is kept straight, like an extension of the spine. Then we bend our arms, smoothly, without jerking, and return to the starting position. At the lowest point, you need to linger for a few seconds. When bending, inhale, unbending - exhale.

Push-ups with wide arms

When doing push-ups with arms wide apart, the main load is on the chest muscles. Triceps and deltas receive only additional load.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying on the floor. Place your arms one and a half times the width of your shoulders and bend to the bottom point, after a pause, return to the starting position. When done correctly, an increased tension of the pectoral muscles is felt.

Push-ups with narrow arms

The exercise is aimed at working out the triceps. To a lesser extent, it affects the development of the pectoral muscles and shoulders.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. The hands should be brought closer so that the thumb and forefinger of both hands touch. After a smooth descent to the lower point, you must push yourself to the upper position with a push.

One-handed push-ups

One-arm push-ups are physically challenging and require special training... You should not immediately include it in the training complex. During work, the load is transferred to the triceps and chest muscles.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. Legs wide apart for additional support. One leg is set to the side - provides balance to the body. Support on one hand, the other behind the back. The push-up is performed smoothly, without delay in the lower position.

Push-ups at your fingertips

This method helps to strengthen the phalanges of the fingers. This type of load is especially useful for strengthening tendons and ligaments. Popular with rock climbers. Particular stress falls on the chest, hands and forearms.


Execution technique: The emphasis is lying. The arms are slightly wider than the shoulders. Rest on the fingers - the palms do not touch the floor. Bend your arms to an angle of 90 degrees, linger a little, and unbend. Repeat a few times.

Knee push-ups

Ideal for beginners. Fully correspond to the classic push-ups. Only you need to rely not on your feet, but on your knees. The upper pectoral muscles, triceps and deltas work.

Execution technique: Stand at close range with support on your knees. The feet should be crossed. Push up smoothly and linger in the lower position. A softening material should be placed under the knees - to avoid overstrain and micro-injuries.

Plyometric push-ups

Push-ups with a lift from the surface. Promote explosive development muscle strength, quick response and work. The load is on the muscles of the shoulders and chest.


Execution technique: lying emphasis. The classic arrangement of the hands at shoulder width. After a few regular push-ups, quickly go down and with a sharp push to tear your hands off the surface. Land carefully and continue the exercise.

Diamond push ups

A push-up method that is extremely close to push-ups with a narrow arrangement of arms. There is a load internal muscles chest and mostly triceps.

Execution technique: take an emphasis on the prone. Attention is paid to the position of the hands: they should be close and the index and thumbs touching. It turns out a figure that looks like a diamond (hence the name). Watch your breath! On a deep breath, bend your arms so that your chest touches your hands. As you exhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Push-ups on fists

A popular push-up technique that avoids stretching the wrist ligaments. Place under your fists for comfort and to prevent injury soft tissue... This exercise works the muscles of the chest and triceps. Small load on deltas.


Execution technique: lying emphasis. Legs together, arms shoulder-width apart. Stand on fists, which are vertically and parallel to each other. Bend your arms up right angle v elbow joint, linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Push-ups with support on one leg

Performing this type of push-up can increase the load on the legs. The muscles of the chest, triceps and deltas work.


Execution technique: to stand at close range lying. Hands shoulder-width apart, one leg raised. For comfort in the first stages, you can put your foot on the supporting leg. When doing push-ups, keep balance and avoid falls.

Head up push-ups

A simplified push-up method. Available for beginners and experienced athletes. Choose a reliable support - determine the height yourself, depending on your own feelings. During work, the lower pectoral muscles develop.

Slightly different depending on the chosen support.

Fitball: all muscle groups of the upper and middle part of the body are involved in the work. When performing the exercise, the arms are far enough from each other and the task of maintaining balance is simplified.

Medball: except power load, allows you to improve control over the body and muscle stability. When working, it is recommended to spread to the side of the foot to maintain balance.

BOSU: when working, the hands should be placed on opposite sides of the bosu. Promotes the development of balance.

Bench: Pay attention to the flexion of your wrist when doing the exercise so as not to provoke injury and sprains.

Chair: allows you to increase the angle of inclination and regulate the degree of load on the muscles. The muscles of the upper chest work.

: push-ups are popular due to the practicality of the simulator. When performing the exercise, the maximum load on the arms occurs, which contributes to the development of the triceps.

Execution technique: Lean on emphasis. Legs together. Push-ups are performed as standard, with a delay in the lower position.

Push-ups head down (with legs resting on fitball, medball, BOSU, bench, chair, TPX loops)

When performing push-ups, in which the head is directed downward and the legs are on a support, the upper part of the pectoral muscles is worked out. Fitball, medball, bench and other items that provide solid support are used as support.

Fitball: the load allows you to develop the muscles of the chest, back and triceps. The abdominal muscles are also loaded. After bending your arms to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow, you should linger for 2-3 seconds and go to the starting position.

Medball: putting the feet on the medball requires a lot of muscle tension in the middle and lower body. When working, you should carefully monitor the balance.

BOSU: put your feet on the canopy and do push-ups. It is not difficult to keep the balance, but the load is transferred to the upper body.

Bench: allows you to intensively train your arms and upper muscles breasts.

Chair: the tilt height is large, so the hands are heavily loaded.

: it is convenient to adjust the height, so when performing the exercise, you can set the optimal slope. Balance should be carefully monitored.

Execution technique: fully corresponds to the standard, with the difference that the legs are above the head.

Circular push-ups

The technique of push-ups in a circle allows you to shift the load to the triceps. deltoid muscles and abdominal muscles. It also develops balance and body control.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. Go down and transfer your body weight to one hand. After that, without rising, move to the other hand and return to the starting position.

T-push-ups from the floor

A challenging exercise that works the entire body. The muscles of the press, chest, arms are involved in the work. With constant exercise, it significantly strengthens all the muscles of the core.

Execution technique: take the standard lying position. Hands shoulder-width apart, feet together. Bend your arms into a right angle and return to the starting position. After that, stretch one hand forward, then straighten it up and turn the body towards this hand. Thus, you will create a semblance of the letter T.

Push-ups "folding knife"

Exercise develops flexibility and lateral muscles press. Triceps, deltas and pectoral muscles also work actively. When performed correctly, it develops all the muscles of the core, giving a load to the hips.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying, but move your legs closer to your arms, so that the body forms a right angle. After that, bend your arms until your chin touches the floor. Next, raise your head and lower your hips to the floor. Bend over and return to the starting position.

Spiderman push ups

Useful and hard exercise... It combines physical activity and flexibility. During work, the muscles of the deltas, chest and arms, as well as the lateral muscles of the press, develop.

Execution technique: take a lying position. Hands are shoulder width apart. Legs are brought together. Bend your arms to an angle of 90 degrees. In the lower position, linger and bend the leg until the knee touches the elbow. On extension, return the leg to its original position. So do it with the other leg. Perform the exercise with alternating legs.

Dips on the uneven bars

A popular exercise that gives excellent results for the development of the pectoral muscles and triceps. Easy to perform, push-ups develop the chest muscles in a complex. Requires a gradual transition and an increase in the number of approaches.

Execution technique: Stand between the bars, leaning on your hands. Hang on the uneven bars and while inhaling, lower it vertically down. After reaching a position where the elbows are bent into a right angle, linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Lowering depth and speed of execution promote development different muscles... Therefore, the standard execution of the exercise can be modified for individual purposes.

Handstand push-ups

A challenging exercise for advanced athletes. Requires special training and special attention to the technique of execution. When working, the deltoid muscles and triceps are loaded.

Execution technique: Stand at the wall on your hands. Lean on the wall with your feet and control your balance. Then slowly lower yourself vertically on your hands. The angle of the bend of the arms is determined depending on the physical ability. Closely monitor the state of the body.


Push-ups are part of the training program for all athletes, from bodybuilders to athletes. This kind physical activity attracts attention due to its obvious advantages:

  • Simple execution technique.
  • The ability to practice in any conditions, without special equipment.
  • Achieve excellent results quickly.
  • A variety of ways to load different muscle groups.

Mastering correct execution push-ups guarantees improvement general condition organism and physical strength individual muscle groups. To start classes, you do not need a coach's consultation - you start practicing on your own, in the process of training you adjust the work for your case.

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