A Russian extreme parkour player shocks the West with deadly stunts. Oleg Cricket: interesting facts from the life of rufer Family and relationships

The name of Oleg Kriket is already known outside the roofing community. The Internet is full of breathtaking photos and videos. The extreme man does all the shooting without insurance, risking every second to fall from a mind-boggling height.

Little is known about Roofer's childhood and adolescence. Cricket's real name is Oleg Sherstyachenko. A guy was born in Yekaterinburg on November 3, 1991. At the age of 14, he took up parkour, impressed by the film "Yamakashi: The New Samurai." Oleg notes that he grew up on American adventure cinema with chases and stunts. Childhood experiences influenced the choice of the young man's occupation.

Oleg Sherstyachenko - the real name of Oleg Kriket

In his hobby for parkour, Oleg performed masterly stunts with the help of a bicycle, a snowboard. Most often, the roofs of high-rise buildings were used to perform tricks. The guy's movements are perfected to the millimeter. He is the main director of his stunts. Oleg Kriket's body control is amazing. In addition to delight, the majority of viewers are horrified by the footage. Oleg himself claims that he is not a suicide, he has a feeling of fear, like any normal person. Although the statement is clearly at odds with the shots.

Rufer Oleg Cricket

To get closer to high-rise buildings, bridge spans, construction cranes, new opportunities, Oleg moved to Moscow. In the summer of 2016, Roofer became the hero of the Urbex series about industrial tourists on Red Bull TV. On the statement about an atrophied feeling of fear, Oleg states:

“Fear has never stopped me. I've never felt anything like it. I wonder what emotions ordinary people would experience in my place. Perhaps I was already born with this 'trait', I don’t know. ”


For more than a year Oleg Cricket has been roofing. During this time, he became a significant figure in the roofer subculture. Cricket's Instagram page has over 700 thousand subscribers.

Together with friends, Oleg performs in the "Bankai Organization" show, whose director is Ivan Korchemkin. In it, Cricket is the protagonist. The film crew filmed breathtaking footage on the rooftops of more than 50 buildings from around the world.

About 30 professional equilibrists, stuntmen, dancers and representatives of genres associated with extreme sports take part in the show of young people from Yekaterinburg. The guys toured the whole world with the show. Memorable ones: in Russia, France, Germany, Emirates. Sometimes extreme filming ends with an overnight stay at the police station. But, in general, young roofers are treated with understanding.

Notable recent videos: a bike ride along the eaves of a skyscraper, shooting on the roof of the Princess Tower skyscraper in Dubai, an extreme walk through a skyscraper in Hong Kong, a dizzying video on top of a mountain in Crimea. In some shots, Cricket hangs on one hand without belay over the city stream, jumps from one roof to another, does somersaults on the edge of the roof.

Extreme surprises Internet users again and again. The whole world watches as the guy waves with a smile at the camera on the roof of another skyscraper. Chasing a dream, Oleg is approaching the brink of the possible. The video gains tens of thousands of views per day from the moment of publication.

In May 2016, Oleg Cricket starred with the dancer Zhemal in the video for the Chayan Famali group. In the video for the song, Oleg, together with a girl, performs dizzying stunts on the roofs of skyscrapers in Dubai.

In December 2016, Oleg and the operator were detained by the Canadian police. The reason was a video filmed on the roof of a high-rise in Toronto. Rufer was charged with "inappropriate behavior, breaking into and entering private territory."

YouTube viewers were shocked by a video posted on April 5, 2017, in which Cricket jumps, doing somersaults, a sports car moving at a crazy speed.

Personal life

Internet users are interested in whether Oleg has a soul mate. Rufer keeps his privacy a secret. A photo of a pretty mulatto regularly appears on pages in social networks. However, all that remains is to make guesses.

On February 14, 2016, shocking selfies of Yegor Creed's ex-girlfriend, model Victoria Odintsova, appeared on the Internet. In the photo, a popular internet model hovers over the edge of Dubai's tallest skyscraper. Internet users reacted violently to the pictures, doubting the authenticity of the frames. However, a video soon came out in which Victoria, holding the hand of the ruffer Cricket, hovers over an abyss. The couple was assisted by photographer Alexander Mavrin. The video was broadcast on TV channels in all countries. Odintsova's rise in popularity was assured.

Oleg Cricket now

Watching crazy somersaults, jumping, sliding on his back on the parapet of a skyscraper, handstands, hanging over the abyss, it is clear that the guy is putting his life in mortal danger every moment. Roofer's unsurpassed acrobatics is a delight. The only question is how many immature minds are haunted by the glory of the popular roofer. Wouldn't they want to go from enthusiastic viewers to followers? It is easy to pay for imitation of such an idol with your life.

In 2016-2017, more and more news about accidents involving young people appears in the press and on television. They perform extreme stunts for the sake of a picturesque shot, they are ready to climb any high-rise structure. The punishment for this kind of offense, according to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, is a fine of 500 rubles.

Oleg Cricket now

Rufer is doing more and more unthinkable stunts. On the other hand, Oleg Kriket's video is a chance to look at the world through the eyes of an extreme. After all, only a few are given to know such sensations. We are touching a world inaccessible to a rational approach. Oleg Cricket says in one interview:

“I would not recommend repeating my tricks to a person without the necessary training, even if he is not at all afraid of heights. This is deadly. But I love to shoot these videos. In the future, I see myself as a person who wants to conquer the whole world. "

The name of Oleg Kriket is already known outside the roofing community. The Internet is full of breathtaking photos and videos. The extreme man does all the shooting without insurance, risking every second to fall from a mind-boggling height.

Little is known about Roofer's childhood and adolescence. Cricket's real name is Oleg Sherstyachenko. A guy was born in Yekaterinburg on November 3, 1991. At the age of 14, he took up parkour, impressed by the film "Yamakashi: The New Samurai." Oleg notes that he grew up on American adventure cinema with chases and stunts. Childhood experiences influenced the choice of the young man's occupation.

In his hobby for parkour, Oleg performed masterly stunts with the help of a bicycle, a snowboard. Most often, the roofs of high-rise buildings were used to perform tricks. The guy's movements are perfected to the millimeter. He is the main director of his stunts. Oleg Kriket's body control is amazing. In addition to delight, the majority of viewers are horrified by the footage. Oleg himself claims that he is not a suicide, he has a feeling of fear, like any normal person. Although the statement is clearly at odds with the shots.

Rufer Oleg Cricket

To get closer to high-rise buildings, bridge spans, construction cranes, new opportunities, Oleg moved to Moscow. In the summer of 2016, Roofer became the hero of the Urbex series about industrial tourists on Red Bull TV. On the statement about an atrophied feeling of fear, Oleg states:

“Fear has never stopped me. I've never felt anything like it. I wonder what emotions ordinary people would experience in my place. Perhaps I was already born with this 'trait', I don’t know. ”


For more than a year Oleg Cricket has been roaming. During this time, he became a significant figure in the roofer subculture. Cricket's Instagram page has hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

Together with friends, Oleg performs in the "Bankai Organization" show, whose director is Ivan Korchemkin. In it, Cricket is the protagonist. The film crew filmed breathtaking footage on the rooftops of more than 50 buildings from around the world.

About 30 professional equilibrists, stuntmen, dancers and representatives of genres associated with extreme sports take part in the show of young people from Yekaterinburg. The guys toured the whole world with the show. Memorable ones: in Russia, France, Germany, Emirates. Sometimes extreme filming ends with an overnight stay at the police station. But, in general, young roofers are treated with understanding.

Notable recent videos: a bike ride along the eaves of a skyscraper, shooting on the roof of the Princess Tower skyscraper in Dubai, an extreme walk through a skyscraper in Hong Kong, a dizzying video on top of a mountain in Crimea. In some shots, Cricket hangs on one hand without belay over the city stream, jumps from one roof to another, does somersaults on the edge of the roof.

Extreme surprises Internet users again and again. The whole world watches as the guy waves with a smile at the camera on the roof of another skyscraper. Chasing a dream, Oleg is approaching the brink of the possible. The video gains tens of thousands of views per day from the moment of publication.

In May 2016, Oleg Cricket starred with the dancer Zhemal in the video for the Chayan Famali group. In the video for the song, Oleg, together with a girl, performs dizzying stunts on the roofs of skyscrapers in Dubai.

In December 2016, Oleg and the operator were detained by the Canadian police. The reason was a video filmed on the roof of a high-rise in Toronto. Rufer was charged with "inappropriate behavior, breaking into and entering private territory."

YouTube viewers were shocked by a video posted on April 5, 2017, in which Cricket jumps, doing somersaults, a sports car moving at a crazy speed.

Personal life

Internet users are interested in whether Oleg has a soul mate. Rufer keeps his privacy a secret.

On February 14, 2016, shocking photos of an ex-girlfriend, a model, appeared on the Internet. In the photo, a popular internet model hovers over the edge of Dubai's tallest skyscraper.

Internet users reacted violently to the pictures, doubting the authenticity of the frames. However, a video soon came out in which Victoria, holding the hand of the ruffer Cricket, hovers over an abyss. The couple was assisted by photographer Alexander Mavrin. The video was broadcast on TV channels in all countries. Odintsova's rise in popularity was assured.

Oleg prefers not to advertise his personal life, but also does not hide his girlfriend from the public. Photos of a pretty mulatto woman Zhemal Kurbanova regularly appear on pages in social networks.

Zhemal is a soloist of the TODES dance theater. There is little information about the girl on the Internet, only the date of birth is known - February 7, 1997. Neither the place of birth, nor the nationality of Zhemal are known. On the Instagram network, the girl is registered under the nickname jemmy.real. In her account, you can find many joint photos with Oleg.

Oleg Cricket now

Watching crazy somersaults, jumping, sliding on his back on the parapet of a skyscraper, handstands, hanging over the abyss, it is clear that the guy is putting his life in mortal danger every moment. Roofer's unsurpassed acrobatics is a delight. The only question is how many immature minds are haunted by the glory of the popular roofer. Wouldn't they want to go from enthusiastic viewers to followers? It is easy to pay for imitation of such an idol with your life.

In 2016-2017, more and more news about accidents that happened to young people appeared in the press and on television. They perform extreme stunts for the sake of a picturesque shot, they are ready to climb any high-rise structure. The punishment for this kind of offense, according to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, is a fine of 500 rubles.

Oleg Cricket now

Rufer is doing more and more unthinkable stunts. On the other hand, Oleg Kriket's video is a chance to look at the world through the eyes of an extreme. After all, only a few are given to know such sensations. We are touching a world inaccessible to a rational approach. Oleg Cricket says in one interview:

“I would not recommend repeating my tricks to a person without the necessary training, even if he is not at all afraid of heights. This is deadly. But I love to shoot these videos. In the future, I see myself as a person who wants to conquer the whole world. "

Most Internet users have at least once watched a video of desperate guys or girls conquering city skyscrapers, moving without insurance along the arrow of a construction crane and at the same time performing tricks that freeze the blood. They all call themselves Roofers. There are many famous personalities among domestic extreme lovers, but Oleg Cricket is considered the king. This guy became famous for the fact that he fearlessly performed the most difficult acrobatic elements, probably on all the tallest buildings on the planet. Because of his hobby, the guy lost the opportunity to freely enter some countries, including the UAE.


The real name is Oleg Sherstyachenko. The guy was born on November 3, 1991 in the city of Yekaterinburg. He began to take his first steps in extreme sports at the age of fourteen. Parkour became his hobby, interest in which appeared after watching the film "Yamakashi". performed by professional stuntmen, so impressed the guy that he decided not only to repeat them, but also to bring the skill of the performance to perfection.


Having completely mastered all the elements of parkour, Oleg Cricket decided to move to the capital, where he began to try himself as a roofer. He made his way to high-rise buildings, in every possible way avoiding meeting with the guards. Once on the roof, standing on the very edge, he repeated everything that he once did while standing on the ground or riding a bicycle.

It was in Moscow that he got the idea to create his own channel on a well-known media portal, as well as create a page on Instagram. At the moment, he has more than 700 thousand subscribers, who with bated breath follow all the tricks of the roofer.

Oleg Cricket soon became a local celebrity, which gave him the opportunity to meet Ivan Korchemkin, who is the director of the Bankai Organization show group. In its composition, the guy began to travel around the world and was the main character. This meeting became fateful for Oleg Kriket, because now all the doors to the tallest buildings on the planet are open for him.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Oleg Cricket is constantly in the spotlight, he manages to keep his personal life secret from the public. There are a lot of rumors about his alleged soul mate, but none of them has been confirmed. Rufer regularly adds fresh pictures to his pages on social networks, in which he stands with various attractive girls, but has never officially announced which of them is his beloved.

It is worth noting the fact that photographs with beauties can also make millions of people nervous. Once a photo appeared on the network in which Oleg stands on the edge of a Dubai skyscraper, holding a famous model with one hand. As soon as these frames became public, most people doubted their authenticity. However, a little later, a video appeared in which Yegor Creed's ex-girlfriend hangs over an abyss, entrusting her life to a daredevil from Yekaterinburg. What prompted the girl to take such a desperate step is unknown. Most likely - the desire to get as many "likes" as possible.

Do not try to repeat

Oleg gives many people the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of a roofer, but he never called for repeating tricks after him, which are extremely life-threatening. The guy constantly reminds the viewer that he trained for many years, perfected every element, which is why he feels so confident, even riding a skateboard along the very edge of the roof of a multi-storey building. Despite all the warnings, official statistics show that the death rate of adolescents due to accidents associated with falls from heights continues to rise.

One of the unique representatives of modern youth, Oleg Cricket, pleases his fans with incredible photos. The real surname of the young man is Sherstyachenko, born on November 3, 1991 under the sign of Scorpio. This is an incredibly purposeful, interesting and somewhat extravagant person, whose main hobby is parkour. Height is slightly above 180 cm, weight is standard.

The story of the beginning of hobbies

This charismatic man was born in Yekaterinburg, from the age of 14, inspired by the film "Yamakashi: New Samurai", he began to actively engage in extreme sports. Growing up on American films full of chases and stunts, Oleg tries to do the impossible, in which he achieves unprecedented success.

Main directions of activity

The main occupation of a master of unprecedented tricks is traveling on the roofs of skyscrapers in different countries and continents. Sometimes, in addition to delight, some shots also cause horror among the audience. He performs tricks on the edge of possibilities. Incredible control of his own body, perfection of execution allowed the guy to record many unique videos and take thousands of amazing photos. To achieve the desired result, a bicycle, a snowboard, etc. are used. Having taken a risk once, this state remains with him to this day. Oleg performs all his feats without insurance. Also, this unique person is one of the outstanding roofers of our time.

The young man became a participant in a show called "Bankai Organization", which was headed by Ivan Korchemkin. Here, in the company of his associates, like-minded people and talented people, Oleg performs jumps, descents and other extreme stunts at colossal heights without any insurance. They are breathtaking.

Some of Oleg's recent works that are surprising and striking are: riding a bicycle along the edge of a skyscraper, visiting the roof of the Princess Tower in Dubai, walking through the skyscrapers in Hong Kong, roof, performs somersaults on their edge - these are incredible shots and tricks that this young talent is capable of performing.

Family and relationships

This person is not officially married, and prefers not to advertise his personal life. However, judging by some photos presented on social networks, he has a girlfriend, in addition, she is dark-skinned.
Oleg Kriket's official social media pages.

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