Complexes of exercises for "therapeutic physical culture". A universal set of exercises for busy people A developed set of physical exercises that has withstood a thousand years

In order to feel cheerful and confident during the day, it is not at all necessary to spend hours at the gym. In most cases, enough daily execution a set of stretching exercises that, if performed correctly, will give you the necessary tone and confidence.

All exercises in the complex are divided by the zone of influence, it is desirable to perform them in the order presented. You can refuse to perform some exercises, but it is not recommended to change their order.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

1. Rotation of the head. Stand up straight, slowly begin to rotate your head clockwise, then counterclockwise. Do this 20-30 times in each direction. Try not to rush, move smoothly with even breathing.

2. Turns of the head. Stand straight, turn your head smoothly to the left, look over your left shoulder. Hold at the extreme turning point for 2-3 seconds and begin a smooth turn of the head to the right with the same delay at the final point. Do it 10-15 times in each direction. Do not lead to unpleasant sensations, with each new repetition, the angle of rotation can be slightly increased.

3. Tilting the head forward. Standing straight, place your chin on your chest and your mouth closed. If you cannot reach the chest, stop at the extreme point of the slope; when doing the exercises, it is not stretching that is important (it comes with time), but the effect of dosed stretching on the muscles. After a two-second delay at the extreme point, begin a smooth tilt of the head back, trying to reach with the back of the head towards the back, while, again, do not overdo it. After a delay in the back bend, slowly return to initial position... Do it 10-15 times.

4. Tilting the head to the sides. Stand straight, tilt your head to the left, trying to reach with your left ear to shoulder joint... Hold this position for 5-10 seconds to feel a pleasant stretch of the neck muscles. Repeat for the other side Perform 10-15 times on each side.

Note: do not try to pull the muscles through force, do the exercises smoothly, then they will definitely bear fruit. At the end of a set of neck stretching exercises, you can perform an additional set of head rotations 10-15 times in each direction.

Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

1. Stretching up. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lock your arms over your head. Try to stretch upward without lifting your heels off the floor. Stretch as if you were being pulled up by your arms. Maintain this position for 20-30 seconds, subsequently trying to increase its duration to 5 minutes. Stretch throughout the exercise, despite the burning sensation in the muscles, it will go away after you stop doing it in a matter of minutes. Exercise strengthens well shoulder muscles and promotes gentle stretching of the spine, which in itself is the key to vigor.

2. Stretching forward. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and clasp your hands in front of your chest. Stretch forward, rounded upper part back. As in the previous exercise, try to maintain the tension for 20-30 seconds, trying to increase this time to 5 minutes as you train. Exercise stretches trapezoidal and latissimus back, strengthens the shoulders.

3. Pulling down. Standing straight, clasp your hands behind your back. Straightening your chest forward, try to stretch your arms down. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Exercise strengthens the back muscles and stretches the thoracic spine.

Note: Keep your breathing even during exercise. It is more convenient to observe the execution time by inhalation. With each exhalation, try to increase the tension a little, without loosening it as you inhale.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and lumbar girdle

1. Leaning forward. Stand straight with your feet together. Lean forward gently, rounding your back and extending your arms to your toes. Keep your knees straight, kneecaps pulled up. Don't try to bend over forcibly. Ideally, you need to touch your toes with your fingers, if you can't do this - it's okay, stretch as much as possible without unnecessary tension, as you train, stretching will not keep you waiting. Hold in the final position for 10-15 seconds, then smoothly return to the starting position, repeat 6-8 times. The exercise stretches the muscles in the lower back and back of the legs.

2. Tilts to the sides. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Raise your right hand up and try to bend in left side stretching your right hand to the left and up. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Raise up left hand and repeat the exercise for the right side. Do it 10-15 times. Exercise stretches and strengthens lateral muscles press and latissimus dorsi.

3. Pose of the hero. Sit on your shins with your pelvis on your heels. Place your hands on your knees with your back straight. Breathe evenly, deeply. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes. The exercise (like everyone else) may be familiar to you from a yoga course. Despite its simplicity, the hero's pose has a good therapeutic effect: it stretches the front of the thigh and gives flexibility to the knee joints.

Note: when performing a set of exercises, do not make sudden movements, pull the muscles smoothly. At the very beginning of the practice, slight discomfort in muscles or joints may occur, as a rule, this is the result of sedentary work and low physical activity. After 1-2 weeks, the muscles will stretch, the joints will become more flexible, and negative sensations will be replaced by a feeling of pleasant tension and stretching.

They try to stimulate patients, even those who have undergone serious operations, to physical activity so that stagnant processes do not occur. Exercise complexes for health are necessarily developed taking into account the age and condition of the person, which is very important for the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. Recreational physical exercises are also important for the prevention of all kinds of ailments.

The health-improving effect of physical exercise, its significance and effect on the body

One of the main reasons for the development of many diseases (including cancer) is metabolic disorders.

And physical exercises for improving the body are one of the most effective regulators of metabolism. Make yourself move! A person should walk at a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes a day, and preferably 1 hour. This is another important building block that you invest in your health.

The great physician Avicenna wrote that a person performing physical exercises wellness orientation, most often does not need any other methods of recovery. True, physical activity should be sufficient, but not excessive. Technological advances have significantly reduced physical activity modern man: sedentary work, many hours of "watch" at computers, passive rest at the TV lead to a significant metabolic disorder, a decrease in the body's resistance. This risk factor is especially important for men with significant muscle mass, which is often completely inactive. The laws of Nature are violated: a man - in the past, a hunter, who fought with harsh Nature, has turned into a brood hen. Perhaps this explains the significantly shorter life expectancy of a modern man (compared to the average life expectancy of women). Therefore, the health-improving value physical exercise difficult to overestimate.

It is believed that for a successful fight against physical inactivity, it is enough to walk 4-5 km daily or replace walking with half an hour swimming, jogging or exercise complexes.

In addition, now there are a lot of health centers, all kinds of types are available. home massage, contrast showers, douches and rubdowns will undoubtedly benefit cold water... For a long time in Russia, a bath was used as a powerful cleansing and healing agent using various brooms, etc. You can also choose an affordable physiotherapy device or devices for home use, with which you can massage biologically active points, use the healing effect of a low-energy laser source or weak magnetic fields (scientists from Rostov-on-Don proved that with the help of weak magnetic fields it is possible to increase the general resistance of the body and significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment even for such serious diseases as malignant tumors; the results of these studies were formalized as a discovery) ... That is, there is a choice - every day we learn new things. Considering the health-promoting effect of exercise on the body, you need to take the right decision- according to the principle “do no harm”.

Without active image life, health exercises that create a sense of joy, any diet will be inadequate. If water, oxygen, carbon dioxide are the basis bioenergetic processes then movement is life itself. You can give credit to various schools of physical education, but my experience, including that of those who worked with Olympic teams, suggests that if you fulfill the proposed feasible not only for the elderly, but also for the sick complex, then you will create the body that vitality, which will promote longevity.

German scientists have proved that a person who performs exercises to improve the body's health for only 20 minutes every day falls ill 5-7 times less often, work efficiency increases by 35-40% and after 50 years 5 years of life are added.

A complex of physical exercises of a health-improving orientation

For those who want to really be healthy, the following, not very laborious, is useful for preventive purposes. daily complex health-improving physical exercises.

  • Lying on your back, after waking up, learn to contract the muscles (straining and relaxing) both the whole body and its individual parts.
  • Rub all parts of the body that can be reached, massage the palms, fingers, ears, feet, on which the organs of the whole body are projected. It is necessary to rub the skin surface of the whole body because there is a lymphatic system under it, which is responsible for collecting waste products from cell activity and destroying pathogenic microflora.
  • In the prone position, bend one leg slightly, foot towards yourself, and massage with the other leg bent leg from all sides, as if tearing off: foot lift, toes, sides, lower leg muscles, thighs on one side and the other. Do the same with the other leg. In the beginning, this health promotion exercise can be simplified: one foot moves along the inside of the other half bent leg, the knee of which is pressed against the floor. There is also a simultaneous massage inside legs, shins and thighs. This exercise cannot be performed with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, trophic ulcers! While restoring this exercise for effective recovery blood supply lower limbs, you simultaneously prevent the development of many cardiovascular disorders and joint diseases.
  • Lying. Connect the feet and move them towards you - away from you, try to press your knees to the floor.

These physical exercises from wellness system you exclude stagnation in the lower extremities, flat feet, coxarthrosis, osteoporosis, prevent the development of varicose veins, trophic disorders.

Physical exercise to maintain health and longevity (with video)

"Walking" on the buttocks. Sit on the floor with your legs straight (may be slightly bent). Raise the left side of the body - the leg and buttock - and move it forward, while turning the head to the left, and with straight arms - to the right. Then everything is repeated with the right side of the body: the leg with the buttock forward, the head to the right, and the swing to the left. So "go" 1-2 m forward, then back - as many times as you want.

This wellness exercise eliminates stagnation in the pelvic region, prevents the development of osteochondrosis in all parts of the spine, normalizes the work of everything gastrointestinal tract, eliminates the pathology of the excretory system and genitals, eliminates enuresis, prolapse of the rectum, vagina, improves blood, vein, lymph flow, sexual potency, eliminates edema of the lower extremities. And, of course, such an exercise for health is the prevention of the formation of benign (adenomas, fibromas, cysts) and malignant tumors.

For this purpose, a very effective set of exercises for healing, developed by A. Kegel against stagnation in the small pelvis:

  • Compression. Tighten your muscles as if to stop urination. Count to three slowly. Relax.
  • Abbreviations. Tighten and relax your perineal muscles as quickly as possible.
  • Ejection. Push in moderately, as in a chair or childbirth. This exercise, which is beneficial for health, among other things, causes stress in some abdominal muscles... You will also feel tension and relaxation in the anus.

Every week, 5 approaches are added to each, until there are 30 of them.

The great thing about these exercises is that they can be done anywhere - no one will guess that you are working on your muscles.

Like all other muscles in our body, the pelvic floor muscles are kept in good shape through regular exercise.

Dance using twist elements: one leg with the heel makes a turn around the toe up to 180 ° while the pelvis is immobile.

This set of physical exercises for health also helps to prevent or get rid of coxarthrosis.

The video "Exercises for Health" shows how the gymnastic complex is performed:

Beneficial Exercise That Improves Human Health

It should be noted that when moving from the surface of the joints, the epithelium is exfoliated, which turns into a lubricant. After all, bones and ligaments do not have their own circulatory system, but feed on the muscles attached to them, and the more actively the muscles work, the better the blood supply to the bones and ligaments. That is why it is necessary to move, no matter how old you are and what you are sick with, not to mention joint diseases.

Many of you live in multi-storey buildings and complain that it is difficult to climb the 2-5th floors without an elevator. How can we turn heaviness into joy? Having approached the first step, catch your breath, take a breath, exhale a little and walk as quickly as you can without breathing. You felt that you can no longer hold your breath, stop, breathe out (there is still a lot of air in your lungs), calm your breathing and go ahead. In the early days of doing these beneficial physical exercises for your health, you will be bothered by shortness of breath, palpitations, and heaviness in your legs, but they will gradually disappear.

It is also necessary to go down like this - "without breathing", because in this case other muscles work: those who have gone to the mountains know that it is easier to ascend than to descend.

First, you will overcome 3-5 steps, and then more and more, but in any case, this method strengthens the cardiovascular, pulmonary, nervous, muscular system, improves metabolic processes, reduces weight.

When you come home, take a contrast shower and praise yourself: what a fine fellow you are. Our organism is amazingly arranged, in which there are huge possibilities, in particular, in the same respiratory system.

A set of physical exercises that promotes health

Currently, the main causes of disability are not cardiovascular diseases or oncology, but diseases of the spine: 2/3 of the lumbar spine and 1/3 of the cervical spine. Reasons for malfunction spinal column quite a lot, but the main thing, of course, is the limitation of mobility, starting from childhood: sitting, in which the intervertebral discs, experiencing a one-sided load, do not receive proper nutrition, since the "liquid conveyor" does not work due to low muscle activity.

What kind of health-promoting physical exercise will help strengthen the spine?

  • The first is not to sit still: spread your legs, raise your socks, then your heels, bend forward and backward, using the support to put your knees above the pelvis. You need to know that in sitting position intervertebral discs are under much more stress than when walking. When walking, the load mainly falls on the posterior structures of the intervertebral discs, and when sitting, it is balanced.
  • The second exercise is good for your health when sitting for a long time. Resting your hands on the edge of the chair, the armrests of the chairs, you need to raise a little: the intervertebral discs, relieving the load, at the same time work as pumps, absorbing water, thereby improving nutrition and metabolism.

Never get out of bed quickly after sleeping, which leads to a sharp increase in the load on lumbar spine, and even when you kind of twist the upper section in relation to the lower body. Standing up suddenly is also fraught with loss of consciousness from moving blood away from the head, especially in patients with cardiovascular disorders. After sleeping, you need to stretch, strain, then relax your body, lie on your side slowly, sit sideways, and then stand up. Previously, it is better to pull one, and then two knees to the chest, straighten your legs: bend your knees and pull them to the buttocks, put them to the left, to the right, while turning your head in the opposite direction. Of course, this should become part of your daily habit, otherwise there will be no effect.

Wellness Exercise System

Squats are a very good and perhaps the most effective physical exercise for human health. Grasping the rack (in sports hall), in the apartment - by the door handles, in nature - by the tree, put your legs as close as possible to the support and squat, tilting the body back on straight arms, gradually increasing the depth of movement, up to squatting almost to the ground. It is the safest physical exercise for health promotion and promotes the recruitment of all muscles in the body and joints. It gives a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect, including in the work of capillaries, which are more than 60% in the lower part of the body, thereby getting rid of heart diseases (coronary artery disease, hyper-, hypotension), intestines, joints (coxarthrosis, arthrosis), etc. You should, in accordance with your age, gradually increase the number of squats and be sure to do this in the morning and evening. And, if desired, during the day.

It must be remembered that the vessels fail not from physical exertion, requiring constant tension, tone, but from the progressive process of connective tissue degeneration of vascular tissues. A set of physical exercises to improve health, gradually becoming more complex to your individual physiological norm, strengthens the muscles, joints, increases the general tone of the body, enhances metabolic processes, leads to less slagging of the body, and so on. The rate is determined by nasal breathing (if it is excessive, then mouth breathing is included). With a certain training, these exercises must be performed with an increase in the load at least 10 times for 25-30 minutes, until you feel tired and sweaty. The order in which they are performed does not matter.

For diabetics, physical exercises that improve health, especially squats and work with an expander, should be done for at least 1 hour in the morning, and in the evening add walking and exercise in the air.

After exercise, intense walking, jogging, a contrast shower is required.

The periodicity, gradual increase in loads will allow you to feel the mobility of the spine, joints, and with this the appearance of vigor, lightness, strength, in 2-3 months.

If you are not feeling well, push yourself over and get some exercise. Because, as already mentioned, one of the important reasons aggravating the development of diseases is limitation of movement, rest, recommended by doctors to patients during illness while taking chemical drugs.

Don't forget about the health benefits of exercise: how weaker muscles, the harder a person is in stressful situations. A state of depression, for example, can negatively affect the subscapularis muscles, and they have an energetic connection with the meridian of the heart and through it with the heart itself. This is why when you walk or sit with your shoulders down, even if the muscles themselves are not developed, heart problems arise.

The more the training of the capillaries, another "peripheral heart", the more the load on the heart decreases, the blood supply to all organs, including the musculoskeletal system, improves, the sooner their functions are restored. In this case, age does not play any role, again, only gradualness and consistency in increasing the loads is needed (of course, in acute conditions, loads are excluded).

Many of you run in the morning, which you should never do. As numerous studies show, when running in the morning, blood clotting increases significantly, and this is fraught with its consequences: acceleration of the atherosclerotic process and thrombosis of blood vessels.

Respiratory gymnastics as a way to improve the body

We must not forget about breathing exercises as a way to improve the body. The p53 gene is able to activate in light conditions hypoxia experienced by a person. This explains the fact that people living in the mountains and feeling the constant effect of hypoxia on the body due to rarefied air are less likely to develop cancer and are ahead of other regions in terms of life expectancy. Based on these observations, physicians have developed special trainings aimed at artificially controlled breath holding. These exercises help to improve health and serve as a good prevention of cancer, as well as many other diseases.

The technique of the so-called stepwise breathing was described by Dr. Yu. B. Bulanov, which is called hypoxic training. It is breathing exercises for improving the body, which can be performed everywhere: at home, at work, while walking, in transport.

A small breath - holding the breath - a small breath - holding the breath - a small breath - holding the breath, etc. Then follows the same stepwise exhalation, in small portions of exhaled air and holding the breath after each.

When a person feels very strong hypoxia, the exercise should be finished. This exercise of breathing exercises for improving the body can be performed no more than 3 times a day.

After the first days of this training, cancer patients feel an improvement in their condition, which is confirmed by the observation of doctors. Maximum healing effect will provide a combination of the technique of stepwise breathing with a buckwheat diet, which is also associated with the activation of the p53 gene inhibited by cancer.

You need to breathe with your stomach, which ensures the work of the lymphatic "heart" - the diaphragm, which contributes not only to pumping fluid from the bottom up, but also to massage everyone internal organs abdominal and thoracic region. This should be done like this: quickly and easily breathe in with your stomach (you can deeply) and, slowly pulling the navel towards the spine, exhale. The longer you do this, the better.


Physical exercise, a set of exercises and classes

physical education




The formation of a person at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in an inextricable connection with an active muscle activity... The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself has decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities.

The child has not yet been born, and his future development is already interconnected with motor activity. The need for movement is characteristic feature growing organism.

Unfortunately, an adult feels much less need for movement than a child. But movement is as necessary as food and sleep. Lack of food and sleep is captured by the body, causing a whole range of painful sensations.

Motor impairment goes completely unnoticed, and is often accompanied by even a feeling of comfort. With a deficiency in physical activity, the body's resistance to colds and the action of pathogens decreases. Persons leading a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases.

Decreased physical activity in combination with a violation of the litany regime and an incorrect lifestyle leads to the appearance of excess body weight due to the deposition of fat in the tissues.

A huge number of people different ages are engaged in physical education in order to improve their well-being, improve health, become strong, dexterous, enduring, have slim figure, Okay developed muscles... Physical education is a kind of compensation for the fact that we are deprived of such natural physical actions as running, jumping, swimming, walking, etc.

Performing physical exercises, a person enters the world of new sensations, positive emotions, gains good mood, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, feels a surge of strength.

Medical science has established that systematic physical education, adherence to the correct motor and hygienic regime is a powerful means of preventing many diseases, maintaining a normal level of activity and working capacity of the body.

When performing physical exercises from working muscles, joints and ligaments to the central nervous system, in particular to the cerebral cortex, a large number of signals are received, which, in turn, from the central nervous system are directed to all internal organs - to the heart, lungs, muscles, etc. There is an increase in cardiac activity and respiration, the rate of blood flow through the vessels increases, arterial pressure, the metabolism is enhanced. The degree of change in the activity of internal organs depends on the nature of the work; the more complex and intense the muscle movement, the more pronounced the changes in the internal organs.

Regular exercise, especially when combined with breathing exercises, increase the mobility of the chest and diaphragm. In those practicing, breathing becomes more rare and deep, and the respiratory muscles become stronger and more enduring. With deep and rhythmic breathing, the blood vessels of the heart expand, resulting in improved nutrition and oxygen supply to the heart muscle.

Under the influence of regular exercise, a person's muscles increase in volume, become stronger, and their elasticity increases; in the muscles, the number of functioning capillaries increases several times, which at rest are in a collapsed position and blood does not pass through them. At muscle contractions capillaries open, increased blood movement begins in them. As a result, venous stasis decreases, the total amount of circulating blood increases, and oxygen delivery to organs and tissues improves.

The state of our health largely depends on how and how much we move. In addition, the effect of physical activity on our mood and mental performance is often greater than meets the eye. Unfortunately, the software physical education Universities provide too little time for physical education. Independent systematic physical education is required. and sports. A daily portion of exercise should become as necessary for you as a morning toilet, like brushing your teeth. But first, you should know that for the normal functioning of the body, each person needs a certain minimum of physical activity.

Not so long ago, experts have determined how long it takes to exercise in order to achieve a protective effect. These requirements have been developed as a result of many years research work... It turns out that you don't need much. Here are three main principles that are easy to remember.

1. Train every other day or at least three times a week

The Ministry of Health has determined the minimum standard for a student's weekly volume of physical activity - ten hours. We must remember; physical education is not a one-time event, not a Sunday or a month, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms self-study:

2. Daily exercise break.

3. Independent physical education and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Physical exercise, a set of exercises and physical education

Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. Getting regular exercise and doing the right amount of exercise will keep you happy and healthy.

The formation of a person at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in an inextricable connection with vigorous physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself has decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. The child has not yet been born, and his future physical and mental development is already interconnected with motor activity. The need for movement, physical activity is a characteristic feature of a growing organism. Unfortunately, an adult feels much less need for movement than a child. But movement is as necessary as food and sleep. Lack of food and sleep is captured by the body, causing a whole range of painful sensations. Motor impairment goes completely unnoticed, and is often accompanied by even a feeling of comfort. With a lack of physical activity, the body's resistance to colds and the action of pathogens decreases. Persons who lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not engage in physical education, more often suffer from diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great. All physical exercises are classified into three types: cyclical aerobic physical exercises that contribute to the development of general endurance; cyclic physical exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and speed endurance; acyclic exercise that increases strength endurance. Not so long ago, experts have determined how much time you need to spend on physical exercise and physical education in order to achieve a protective effect. These requirements were developed as a result of many years of research work. It turns out that you don't need much time to exercise.

There are three main principles that must be adhered to when performing a set of physical exercises:

1. Train every other day or at least three times a week.

2. Train continuously for 20 minutes.

3. Train vigorously, but watch your breathing.

The Ministry of Health has determined the minimum standard for a student's weekly volume of physical activity - ten hours. It must be remembered that physical education is not a one-time event, not a Sunday or a month, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms of independent physical education:

1. Daily morning exercises.

2. Daily exercise break.

3. Independent physical education, exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Each independent physical training lesson consists of three parts; the preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general warming up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow jogging (women - 6-8 minutes, men - 8-12 minutes), general developing gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups. Exercise is recommended starting with small muscle groups in the arms and shoulder girdle, then move on to the larger muscles of the trunk and end with exercises for the legs. After a set of physical exercises of a strength nature and stretching, relaxation exercises should be performed. A special part of the warm-up is aimed at preparing certain muscle groups and the osteo-ligamentous apparatus for the main part of the session and to ensure the neuro-coordination and psychological adjustment of the body for the upcoming exercises in the main part of the lesson. In the special part of the warm-up, individual elements of the main physical exercises, imitation, special preparatory exercises, the implementation of the main exercise in parts and in general are performed. This takes into account the pace and rhythm of the work ahead. The main part of the complex of physical exercises is studied sports equipment and tactics, training is carried out, physical and volitional qualities(speed, strength, endurance). In the final part, a slow run (3-8 minutes) is performed, followed by walking (2-6 minutes), and relaxation exercises in combination with deep breathing, which provide a gradual decrease training load and bringing the body into a relatively calm state.

At training sessions physical culture (duration 60 or 90 minutes), you can focus on the following distribution of time by parts of classes: preparatory 15-20 (25-30) minutes, main 30-40 (45-55) minutes, final 5-10 (5-15) min. In the practice of conducting independent physical culture classes, the most widespread are classes sports games, athletic gymnastics, jogging, skiing. V Lately among female students began to enjoy growing popularity Rhythmic gymnastics(aerobics) and shaping.

Sports games: football, volleyball, basketball, handball, hockey, badminton, tennis and table tennis have a multifaceted effect on the trainees, improving the functional state, physical fitness and coordination of movements.

In order for physical education to be more effective, the following rules must be observed:

· Increase the duration and workload of the class gradually.

· Before the start of the games, carry out a warm-up, including slow running (3-5 minutes), general developmental physical exercises and exercises for those muscle groups that take the greatest load in this game.

· Observe all rules related to safety, paying attention to the conformity of shoes, equipment, evenness of the surface of the site, and other requirements.

Athletic gymnastics includes physical exercises with dumbbells, weights, shock absorbers, barbells and other weights. By targeting different muscle groups, resistance exercise promotes harmonious development body musculature, improve posture. It is recommended to do athletic gymnastics in the afternoon. The weight of the weights is chosen in such a way that each physical exercise can be performed 8-10 times in a row. For the development of absolute strength in any movement, the weight of the burden increases, and the number of repetitions decreases. For development strength endurance to reduce body fat, weights of lower weight with a higher number of repetitions (16 or more) are used. It is most advisable in training to do physical exercises with low weights at the beginning, and in subsequent approaches, increase the weight, reducing the number of repetitions. Any exercises should be performed rhythmically without holding the breath, taking a breath while the muscles are relaxing. The rest interval between exercises is usually 1 to 2 minutes, depending on the rate of breathing recovery. Any set of physical exercises is designed in such a way that, whenever possible, all muscle groups are involved. It is advisable to supplement physical exercises with weights with jumping rope, slow jogging, and sports games.

Wellness jogging is one of the best and most affordable forms of physical education. Due to the naturalness and simplicity of movements, the ability to conduct training in almost any conditions and, while performing physical education, achieve a significant expansion of functional capabilities, running in last years has become a massive hobby in many countries around the world. To improve the effectiveness of classes, you need to master rational technique, learn how to correctly dose the duration and speed of running. Errors in running technique (abnormal posture, incorrect back position, etc.) can cause painful sensations individual muscle groups, tendons, joints of the legs, back. To avoid these phenomena, it is necessary correct execution running movements, as well as the presence sports shoes with elastic sole. When running, the body is kept straight or has a slight forward tilt, the shoulders are lowered and relaxed, the arms move forward and back without tension, the leg is placed on the ground with a soft, raking motion on the outer arch of the foot. If this causes difficulties, you can place the foot from the heel and then roll to the toe. The foot should touch the ground 20-25 cm in front of the projected center of gravity. Avoid bumping or bumping. The stride should be light, springy, with minimal vertical and lateral vibrations.

The duration and speed of running is determined depending on the training level of the trainees and the tasks set: improving functional training or achieving certain results. Experience shows that by exercising 3-4 times a week, even with a minimal amount of physical activity, you can achieve significant improvement. functional state cardiovascular and respiratory systems... Under the influence of regular jogging, functional restructuring occurs in all systems of the body. People involved in health jogging experience more intensive bone remodeling. The activation of muscle activity during health jogging leads to an increase in the activity of all metabolic processes. Jogging is the most accessible type of physical education, as it does not require specially equipped gyms, and a person of almost any age can go jogging. However, one should be aware of the requirements of the methodology - jogging should be done consciously and actively, i.e. understand the general goal and objectives of classes, analyze and control your actions:

Jogging should be practiced systematically, i.e. observe the sequence, regularity of classes, optimally alternate physical activity and rest;

It is necessary to correctly dose physical activity, taking into account age, gender, health status, physical fitness, individual characteristics;

· You need to practice continuously and for a long time, that is, to build classes as a year-round and long-term process, while maintaining a focus on the health-improving effect;

· Combine other physical exercises with jogging;

· Make optimal use of natural factors of nature - sun, air, water;

· Observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Consider the dosage of exercise. Dosage criteria physical activity when doing health-improving jogging, the following are: running duration, speed, running distance. Recreational jogging should be done in a park, a public garden, a forest, a stadium, an embankment or a quiet street. It is not recommended to run on roads and city streets with heavy traffic, where the air contains a large amount of harmful exhaust gases. Getting started, to control the distance, the entire route needs to be divided into segments of 50-100 m. This can be done simply with the help of steps. At first, it is convenient for beginners to conduct classes on the stadium treadmill, where it is easy to control the distance. All physical activities cause an increase in heart rate. There is a direct relationship between the intensity of exercise and the value of the pulse - the more intense the load, the more often the pulse. Therefore, to control the intensity of physical activity, one should learn to independently determine the pulse. It is best to measure the pulse in the area of ​​the carotid artery. Your heart rate is measured immediately after you finish running, walking, or gymnastic exercise(It is advisable to do this no later than in 2-3 seconds.). Heart rate indicator for 10 sec. multiplied by 6. For example, if immediately after the end of the run, the pulse for 10 seconds. was 22, so the heart rate is 132 per minute. From the first sessions of health jogging, one must consistently and patiently learn to breathe correctly. Master the technique correct breathing every person should. At rest and, especially during running, with improper breathing, blood circulation is impeded, since the "breathing pump" does not fully engage in work, the level of blood oxygen saturation decreases, and metabolism is disturbed. To breathe correctly means to breathe freely, deeply, including all the respiratory muscles in the work, inhale and exhale through the nose. Breathing through the nose is of particular importance to humans. A person should always try to breathe through the nose. With the help of nasal breathing, you can control the amount of physical activity. If during a health run it is impossible to breathe through the nose and you have to breathe through the mouth, then the load on the body is higher than the maximum permissible. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the running speed. If, after reducing the running speed, it is still difficult to breathe through the nose, then you should switch to walking. For some people, breathing through the nose is very difficult, especially during exercise. In this case, while running, you can breathe through your nose and half-open mouth at the same time. Anyone who is engaged in wellness jogging should definitely know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene helps to increase the effectiveness of classes. Personal hygiene includes - hygiene of clothes and shoes, a rational daily routine, care for the oral cavity and body, rejection of bad habits.

There is only one way to achieve human harmony - it is necessary to systematically perform physical exercises. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that regular physical education, which is rationally included in the mode of work and rest, contribute not only to health improvement, but also significantly increase the efficiency of production activity. However, not all motor actions performed in everyday life and in the process of work are physical exercises. They can only be movements specially selected for influencing various organs and systems, development physical qualities, correction of body defects. Undoubtedly, exercise will have a positive effect if certain rules are followed during exercise. It is necessary to monitor the state of health - this is necessary in order not to harm yourself while doing the exercises. If there are violations by of cardio-vascular system, a complex of physical exercises, requiring significant stress, can lead to a deterioration in the activity of the heart.


The causes of diseases and injuries associated with physical exercises are violations of their hygienic provision, irrational methods and organization of classes, inadequate material and technical support and an unsatisfactory state of health of the trainees. Prevention of negative phenomena requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. For example, it is advisable to exercise at the same time of day, not earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating (but not on an empty stomach), in the appropriate sports uniform... It is necessary to observe gradualness in learning new complex exercises and in increasing their number. Shoes, clothing and Sports Equipment must correspond to the abilities and age of the trainees, as well as the weather conditions. Classes are unacceptable during a period of illness, in a state of significant fatigue or malaise, especially for girls and women. It is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, especially cleanliness of the body.

For thousands of years, humanity has been looking for a wonderful elixir of life, sending fairy-tale heroes on long journeys beyond the distant lands. And he turned out to be much closer - this is a physical culture that gives people health, joy, a feeling of fullness of life. A modern specialist must be a seasoned, physically cultured person. It is difficult to build yourself and your health on a tight schedule. But if it succeeds, then everything else succeeds.


1. Vinogradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Zholdak V.I. Physical fundamentals

culture and healthy lifestyle. Moscow, 1996.

2. Vinogradov P.A., Physical culture and healthy image life. Moscow, 1990.

3. Zholdak V.I. Sociology of physical culture and sports. Book. I. Moscow., 1992.

4. Kosmolinsky FP Physical culture and performance - M .: 1983.

5. Maryasis V.V. Protect yourself from illness. - M., 1992.

During World War I military establishment Walter Camp was commissioned by the United States to develop a set of exercises to maintain combat form, and he suggested the "daily dozen" - short, regular workouts that keep the body healthy and nimble, but not exhausting.

Camp came up with this complex in part because existing exercises seemed too complicated and boring to him. Another reason was the already familiar idea that modern technologies are robbing people of the health and dexterity that were characteristic of our distant ancestors.

After the war, this set of exercises spread throughout the world. Brochures describing the "daily dozen" sold in the millions, as did audio tapes with instructions. The Camp complex became known all over the world.

What is a "daily dozen"

This is a simple workout that should be done with ease and enjoyment. It develops flexibility, improves posture, muscle coordination and .

Camp argued that exercise had a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, in particular the intestines, and also pumped cognitive functions, improving brain function.

The Daily Dozen is suitable for any adult, but is especially useful for middle-aged people who notice some tightness in their bodies and sit for most of the day.

Daily Dozen Exercises

Exercise 1. Circles with hands

Develops the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest, improves posture.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing up.
  • Slowly trace your hands into small circles, about 15 centimeters in diameter. Most of the movement comes from the shoulders, with tension felt at the back of the shoulders.
  • Perform five laps forward and five backward.

Exercise 2. Bends with hands behind the head

Stretches the abdominal muscles, strengthens the back, improves posture.

  • Stand up straight with your hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, tilt your body forward to 45 degrees, neck in line with your back, look at the floor in front of you.
  • Inhale, straighten up, raise your head.
  • Bend back slightly to feel the stretch in your abdominal muscles. The gaze is directed to the ceiling.
  • Straighten up. The head remains raised.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3. Raising the arms

Develops shoulder strength, strengthens the arch of the foot.

  • Stand straight, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level, palms facing down.
  • With an inhalation, rise on your toes, raise your arms up 45 degrees.
  • With an exhalation, stand on your foot entirely, lower your arms to parallel with the floor.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 4. Deep side bend

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and waist, stimulates the liver and intestines.

  • Stand straight, raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down - this is the starting position.
  • Raise your left hand up, lower your right hand down along the body.
  • Begin to tilt to the right of the hips, the right hand crawls along the leg to the knee, the left one twists around the head. At the extreme point, the left palm rests on or near the right ear.
  • Slowly straighten up, extending your arms to the starting position.
  • Make a similar tilt to the other side.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 5. Twisting

Raises and expands chest... Stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight, with a breath, bend your elbows, place your fists under your armpits.
  • Continuing to inhale, take your shoulders back, bend slightly in the chest, expanding the chest, lift your head up and look at the ceiling.

  • With an exhalation, move your arms forward, then spread them to the sides.
  • While holding your breath, bend forward to parallel with the floor, pull your arms back.

  • Straighten up and move your arms forward, and then spread them to the sides.
  • Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 6. Squat on toes

Strengthens the arch of the foot, lower leg and back muscles.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, turn down with your palms.
  • Inhale on your toes.
  • Continuing to inhale, lower yourself into a squat.
  • As you exhale, rise from the squat.
  • Continuing to exhale, lower yourself to a full foot.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 7. Rotation of the shoulders

Strengthens the shoulder muscles.

  • Stand up straight and lift your shoulders as you inhale.
  • Continuing to inhale, push your shoulders forward.
  • As you exhale, lower your shoulders.
  • As you continue to exhale, bring your shoulders back.
  • Repeat ten times.

Exercise 8. Turning the arms

Develops the muscles of the shoulders and chest.

  • Stand up straight with your arms folded in front of you, palms facing you.
  • Raise your arms in a circle crosswise (the right palm outlines a circle on the left side, the left on the right), at the top, turn your palms outward.

  • Lower your arms in a circle without crossing them (the right palm draws a circle to the right, and the left palm to the left).

  • Repeat five times.
  • Lower your arms, don't cross them. The palms are next to the hips.
  • Raise your arms in a circle, turning your palms out.
  • Lower your arms crosswise with your palms facing you.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 9. Head tilt

Strengthens the muscles of the neck, improves control over them.

  • Stand up straight, tilt your head forward.
  • Tilt your head to the left.
  • Tilt your head back.
  • Tilt your head to the right.
  • Repeat five times.

Exercise 10. "Mill"

Develops flexibility of the back muscles.

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, raise your straight arms to the sides to shoulder level.
  • Bend over, swinging your body to the left and bending your right knee. Right hand touches the floor between the legs, the left is extended upward. The head is turned to the ceiling, the gaze is directed to the left hand.
  • Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.
  • Do it five times in each direction.

Exercise 11. Body Tilts

Strengthens the back muscles, opens the chest and stretches the abdominal muscles.

  • Stand up straight, raise your hands above your head and interlace your fingers into a lock, turning your palms towards your head. The closer the hands are to the head, the more effective the exercise is.
  • Lean forward gently. The movement is controlled, without jerks and extreme inclinations.
  • Lean to the right.
  • Lean back.
  • Lean to the left.
  • Make five bends in each direction.

Exercise 12. "Wings"

Strengthens the muscles of the back and shoulders, develops the diaphragm.

  • Stand straight with your feet together, your toes slightly turned outward, your arms hanging freely along your body.
  • As you inhale, raise your straight arms in front of you.
  • Continuing to inhale, spread your arms to the sides.
  • As you finish inhaling, raise your arms above your head, palms facing forward.
  • As you exhale, make a bend, put your hands behind your back and raise. The head is raised, the gaze is directed forward.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise nine more times.

Since the exercises do not cause fatigue and do not take much time, Camp recommended doing them every day at least once, and ideally three times: morning, afternoon and evening.

Camp also advised supplementing workouts with ten hours of walks on fresh air a week (a little less than an hour and a half a day) to support health and longevity.

Men are very busy today as we live in a vibrant culture that leaves very little time for regular exercise. Against this backdrop, Charles Atlas has developed an excellent 10-minute core exercise routine. Of course, 10 minutes of exercise a day cannot correct body imperfections and return good physical fitness but they are quite enough to prevent muscle wasting and maintain good physical shape. This exercise technique has shown very good results. The undoubted plus of this complex is that you do not need any additional devices.

So are you ready to start? Then get ready and start working!

A set of physical exercises

Stretching the spine. This simple exercise will keep your spine flexible. Stand up straight and fold your hands behind your head into the "lock". Then bend over so that your elbows touch your knees. Return to starting position. Do 12 reps.

Deep squats. This exercise is the basis for a good workout of the quads of the thigh, buttocks and muscles - the flexors of the legs. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt. Sit down to the floor. Stand up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

Finger Rises. This exercise develops calf muscles... Put your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width apart. Get up high on your toes. Lower your heels to the floor. To increase the load, you can stand with your toes on a small elevation, for example, on a thick book, and so do the exercise.

Lying push-ups. Lean on the toes of outstretched straight legs and on two arms spaced shoulder-width apart. Lower your straight body to the floor by bending your arms, then return to the starting position, pushing up from the floor with your hands. Decrease or increase your arm width to target different muscle groups.

Lifting the body. Sit on your buttocks (preferably on a rug). Raise your straight legs and place them on a chair or sofa. Then lift your glutes and core as high as you can. Return to starting position.

Raising the legs. This exercise will work out the press, it is one of the main ones. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs straight in front of you. Put your hands on the floor behind the body. Quickly lift your straight legs up so that your body and legs form a V. Lower your legs.

A bike. This exercise will perfectly work all the abdominal muscles, it is very simple to perform. Lie on the floor, close your hands behind your head, raise your legs at a 45-degree angle to the floor, and slowly begin to simulate pedaling. When the left knee is on top, raise your torso and touch it with your right elbow. Then do the same with the right knee and left elbow.

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