Vladimir Fokhtin - Osteochondrosis. Complex of medical biomechanical gymnastics

Autonomous gymnastics allows you to control energy exchange processes in the body by changing the pace, number of movements and, in general, muscle tension.

The system is suitable for all ages - from children to the elderly and even the elderly. It helps to develop flexibility and maintain mobility of joints, as well as gain endurance, develop volitional qualities and gain mental stability. Finally, exercise can be an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of joint diseases - osteochondrosis and arthritis. Autonomous gymnastics is also done specifically for development. muscle strength, getting rid of fat "ballast" and the formation of an athletic physique.

Without exception, all methods of muscle development are based on the principle of overcoming various - gravitational, mechanical, inertial and other external resistance. There are many ways to load muscles, but the most the best simulator in this case, the biomechanical musculoskeletal “structure” of a person can be considered.

The meaning of the proposed training is to use the possibilities laid down by nature in the human body. The complex of so-called autonomous gymnastics allows muscles to work in any mode and with any joint mobility. At the same time, they can easily do without any sports equipment and a special room - you can practice almost anywhere, even in an armchair or on a bed - the effect of classes does not depend on the time, place and external conditions.

We recommend starting autonomous gymnastics with exercises for the fingers and hands. The exercises are performed alternately with the left and right hand. Note that in the work of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle the muscles of the trunk are also involved, which brings an additional effect.

The direction of the main force in the figure is indicated by a solid arrow, the resistance force is indicated by a dashed line.

1. With the upper phalanx of the index finger of the right hand, grasp the thumb left hand (it serves as a support). Then forcefully bend the index finger of the right hand, while providing resistance (1.1). Do the exercise with each finger of your right hand. Then repeat, changing hand actions. Then do the exercise thumbs each hand, using the palm or closed fingers as support.

2. Perform the same movements, but grab the thumb of the left hand or its base with four fingers of the right hand at once (1.2).

3. Straighten your left palm without bending your fingers. Then bend the index finger of the right hand and rest the upper phalanges on the left palm or fingers of the left hand (1.3).

Straighten your index finger with force, as if pushing away your left palm. Exercise variant (1.3b).

4. Squeeze your left hand into a fist and place the palm of your right hand on top. Bending the left hand towards the forearm, overcome the resistance of the right palm. (1.4).

5. Do the same as in the previous exercise, but turn the left hand palm down (1.5).

6. Grasp the left hand with your right palm and turn it in the direction of the arrow (1.6).

7. Do the same as in the previous exercise, but put your right hand on top of back side left hand. The arrow shows the direction of rotation of the left hand (1.7).

Exercises for the flexor muscles

1. Place the right hand (2.1) on the wrist or on the left hand clenched into a fist. Bending your left arm in elbow joint, resist with your right hand. At the same time, it is very important to maintain the value of the initial resistance regardless of the angle between the shoulder and forearm.

2. Do the same as in the previous exercise, but turn your left palm down (2.2).

3. Do the same as in the previous two exercises, using the table surface as support (2.3.).

4. Put your hands together in a “lock” and lift them forward to a horizontal position. Bending your right hand towards you, prevent it from moving with your left hand (2.4).

5. Raise your hands together in a “lock” so that left hand fully straightened. Then lower it down, bending at the elbow and overcoming the resistance of the right hand (2.5). It is very important to bend your left arm as much as possible. Change the position of the hands after 8-12 repetitions. For development strength endurance increase the number of repetitions to 30-40.

6. Sitting on any support, clasp your hands just below the knee, with which you create resistance when bending your arms (2.6).

Exercises for the muscles - extensors of the arms

1. Bend your arms at the elbows, put your right hand clenched into a fist in your left palm, straighten your right arm at the elbow joint, lowering your forearm down. After a series of movements, change the position of the hands. Pace - from slow to fast, impulsive (3.1).

2. Do the same as in the previous exercise, but in a sitting position, using the thigh or table surface as support (3.2).

3. Bend your right arm at the elbow and bring it closer to the shoulder. With your left hand, grasp the right hand (3.3) clenched into a fist, then, straightening your right hand, raise it up, overcoming the resistance of the left hand. The exercise resembles a kettlebell bench press.

4. Resting your right hand in the palm of your left, straighten your right hand forward, while the left hand creates resistance (3.4).

5. Raise your right arm bent at the elbow (3.5) and rest your hand on the left palm. Extending your right hand, point it down, overcoming the resistance of the left hand.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

1. Tilt your head forward until your chin touches your chest (4.1). At the end of the movement, tense the muscles in the neck involved in the movement.

The amount of resistance created by the hands and the degree of muscle tension should be coordinated with the state of health, so as not to cause injury and not aggravate the condition of the cervical spine with obvious signs of osteochondrosis.

Each exercise should be repeated 6-12 times. The pace is slow at the beginning, with a low degree of muscle tension. At the end of the series, the pace can be increased, reaching the maximum muscle tension. Exercises are performed twice a day anywhere - in sports hall, classroom, at home, in the country, on a hike, in the seat of an airliner.

Vladimir Fokhtin

Osteochondrosis. Complex of medical biomechanical gymnastics

The book was created with the participation of O. Kopylova

Registration M. Zvezdicheva, E. Anisina

Cover photo R. Baibekova


The idea to acquaint readers with the original author's technique aimed at the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine, in particular, lumbosacral sciatica, was born as a result of its more than ten years of testing. This technique, called "biomechanical gymnastics", was officially registered at the Research Institute of State Patent Examination in August 1988, and already at next year it was accepted for practical use at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

The technique was first published in 1989 under the name "Autonomous gymnastics of an astronaut", and in 1990 it received positive reviews at the All-Russian Research Institute physical culture(laboratory of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor I. P. Ratov) and was published by the publishing house "Soviet Sport".

In 1991-1992 biomechanical gymnastics underwent a comprehensive scientific test during the experiment, in which specialists from the Cosmonaut Training Center, the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture, the Institute of Biomedical Problems, the Center for Rehabilitation of Patients with the Consequences of Infantile Cerebral Palsy and a number of other organizations participated. The results of the experiment not only confirmed the usefulness and effectiveness of the technique, but also discovered its new unexpected properties.

Valentin Dikul, a well-known circus artist in the past, and now the director of the Center for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, spoke with praise about biomechanical gymnastics.

At its core, biomechanical gymnastics is one of the types of psychophysical training, which combines a high level of muscle tension and a stressful level of mental mobilization (any voluntary muscle act begins with a nerve impulse that excites the elements of the contractile apparatus of the muscles). And it is precisely the degree of psychophysical stress that determines the level of activation of the processes of bioenergetic metabolism, which ensure the work of muscles. These processes primarily include an increase in the intensity of capillary blood flow, delivering oxygen, trace elements, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. to tissue cells. The main life support systems (cardiovascular and respiratory) also begin to work more actively, hormonal activity and energy metabolism improve.

As practice has shown, biomechanical gymnastics is not only an original technology of motor activity, but also a fundamentally new approach to training the muscles of the trunk and the entire ligamentous-muscular apparatus serving the spine.

The spine serves as the main structural element of our body. In addition, the spine is a receptacle spinal cord, which is an extension of the brain and serves as a distributor of nerve impulses of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. It is the anatomical unity of the spine and spinal cord that largely explains the causes of osteochondrosis, the painful manifestations of which are usually familiar from its most common type - lumbosacral radiculitis.

Training using this technique allows you to develop the so-called flexible force necessary to activate metabolic processes that ensure the preservation or restoration of the structure of all tissues that form the spine. Thanks to exercises for the development of flexibility of the spine, the structure of its ligamentous-muscular apparatus, as well as the fibrous tissue of which the intervertebral discs consist, is normalized.

The complex of biomechanical gymnastics includes special exercises for stretching the spine, allowing to relieve acute pain during exacerbations of lumbosacral sciatica. Through independent deep relaxation (relaxation), patients can not only successfully fight the symptoms of this ailment, but also completely get rid of it.

Most readers will probably agree that the primary responsibility for physical health lies with ourselves. And since it is impossible to guarantee life without diseases, the presence of a certain reserve of health helps not only to resist various diseases, but also to cope with painful conditions as quickly as possible, and without serious complications.

Patriarch of Russian genetics N.P.Dubinin argued that unfavorable heredity can be corrected already during the lifetime of one generation thanks to healthy way life. And the laureate of the State Prize, academician Yu.M. Lopukhin believes that no better way strengthen the body's resistance to disease than exercise.

Compared to earlier publications on various aspects of biomechanical gymnastics, this work not only summarizes the practical experience of using the technique, but also analyzes in detail the causes of osteochondrosis and radiculitis, and also gives recommendations on how to relieve pain and discomfort on your own. caused by these ailments.

The proposed exercises are extremely effective and accessible to everyone, since their implementation does not require aids: special sports equipment, exercise equipment, etc. Experience has shown that even preschoolers, as well as people over seventy, can easily master gymnastics. For example, during the scientific testing of the methodology in one of the experimental groups women aged 70 to 77 years were engaged. They enjoyed doing self-resistance exercises with maximum muscle tension. Within a month, all the participants in the experiment noted the beneficial effect of the training - an improvement in well-being and psychoemotional mood. Later, after completing a three-month course with an instructor, all women continued to engage in biomechanical gymnastics on their own.

Biomechanical gymnastics has a good preventive and therapeutic effect, as evidenced by many examples when acute attacks of pain in lumbar the spine was removed literally in one and a half to two minutes after independent relaxation-stretching, which will be described in detail below. Patients who have experienced the beneficial effects of this gymnastics on their own bodies, not only believed in its benefits, but also do not stop doing it.

For many experienced radiculitisers, biomechanical gymnastics has become the only way to maintain normal health and good physical fitness, as well as a means of emergency rehabilitation in case of relapses of the disease.

Among other things, there has been a positive effect of biomechanical gymnastics on the rehabilitation process in patients who survived severe injury the spine as a result of, for example, a car accident. The fact is that, in accordance with this technique, exercises for the muscles of the trunk can be performed at any level of muscle tension, moreover, in the supine position, and this is very important for patients who are forced to stay in bed for a long time.

We hope that this book will awaken or strengthen the reader's interest in the problems. physical health, will give hope for recovery, will help to gain confidence in their strengths and capabilities.

Osteochondrosis - a disease, a sign of aging or a payment for upright walking?

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a disease that most of us consider a consequence of random causes: hypothermia, physical overstrain, careless movements, etc. This disease, which has dozens of varieties, is not so harmless as it might seem at first glance.

The most common type of osteochondrosis - lumbosacral sciatica - can be considered a kind of indicator of age: according to statistics, most often this malaise in the form of recurrent seizures is observed in those who have crossed the border of 30–35 years. Moreover, in men and women, the incidence rate is approximately the same.

Most often people over 30 suffer from osteochondrosis.

To fight ailments, you need not only to know their nature, but also to find the right way to heal them. To do this, one should take into account all the factors affecting the onset and development of the disease. Only by scrupulously studying the causes of micro- and macrostructural changes in all organs that ensure normal human life, one can imagine the general picture of the disease and choose optimal technique her treatment.

Of course, as soon as osteochondrosis or radiculitis becomes an inseparable companion of a person, he will certainly learn so much information about these insidious ailments that he begins to consider himself an expert in this matter. However, it is no secret that such knowledge is often very superficial, since it is limited to information heard from friends or gleaned from periodicals. Even worse, these "reliable" sources often guarantee a quick and supposedly one hundred percent cure for the most severe and hopeless forms of the disease. But if the patient had bothered - even out of curiosity - to read a couple of popular books on medicine or carefully study the anatomical atlas of a person, then his ideas about the subject of the conversation would become much more complete, and most importantly, more thorough.

Fokhtin Vladimir Georgievich - candidate of technical sciences, inventor, candidate for master of sports.

Vladimir Fokhtin has developed an original muscle training technique, with the help of which you can easily keep yourself in shape at any age. His biomechanical training allows him to simulate almost any mode muscle activity without resorting to any sports equipment.

Fokhtin's technique was highly appreciated at the Cosmonaut Training Center and was used as one of the means of maintaining the main indicators in the norm. physical development astronauts during long flights in near-earth orbit. Regular muscle training self-resistance in the optimal mode will allow you to restore the health of the spine and joints, strengthen the heart and blood vessels without cardio overload.

Books (2)

Athleticism - At Home (Exercise Without Equipment)

In the brochure, the reader will be introduced to the original system of athletic gymnastics.

It allows you to develop physical strength, flexibility and endurance, without resorting to the help of special means - weights, expanders, block devices, shock absorbers.

This edition concludes the cycle "Athleticism - at home", consisting of three brochures - "Exercises with dumbbells", "Exercises with shock absorbers" and "Exercises without shells".

Athletic gymnastics without apparatus

It has been established that people with strong and developed muscles are not only attractive in appearance, but also have a high working capacity, they are less tired.

Today, the hobby for athleticism with weights has become very fashionable. This book offers sets of exercises for athletic gymnastics without equipment. The exercises are built on the principle of self-resistance to the load on various muscles or muscle groups.

Athletic gymnastics will help develop strength, flexibility, endurance, and prevent osteochondrosis.

Reader Comments

Paul/ 12/17/2014 I bought the brochure "Athleticism at Home" back in 1983. And I still use it. There were breaks for years, during these 30 years. But I always returned to this gymnastics. Gspoda ... at 53, I am very healthy and fat-free uncle! Although drinking was not a fool all my life))) This is really great gymnastics. If you add a little more running.

/ 20.01.2014 I studied according to his system 20 years ago. The result certainly gives. But the barbell, kettlebells, exercises with own weight still more effective. For a change and as a load in difficult conditions (business trip, train, hospital, etc.) great!

the guest/ 20.12.2011 Y menya rost muwc po dannoi sisteme intensivnei i garmonichnei. Muwcu nagryjautsya myagko i vurabotka do okaza na 100% za 2 podhoda, tak kak na kajdoe povtorenie sam kontroliryew nagryzky. Esli vurabotat` neobhodimue navuki rabotu po sisteme - trenajornui zal bydet nervno kyrit`. V dopolnenie raz v mesyac delau kompleks so wtangoi doma.

Egor/ 04/13/2010 Once upon a time I studied according to this system - a very sensible thing. Iron, of course, is not a substitute. But if you are not going to win bodybuilding prizes, but just do it for yourself - this is it!

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 6 pages)

Vladimir Fokhtin

Athletic gymnastics without apparatus


The official recognition of athleticism as a sport and mass physical culture led to a surge in readers' demand for methodological and popular literature on the problems strength training as well as an increase in the number of authors offering all kinds of exercise systems. Often, at the same time, the authors turn to the origins of athleticism, enriching the previously existing methods by expanding our knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, and bioenergetics of the human body.

The book "Athletic gymnastics without equipment" describes sets of exercises performed on the principle of self-resistance. The author's analytical approach to the kinematics of the musculoskeletal mechanism of the human body made it possible not to disregard any muscle group and to offer a variety of exercises.

It is important that the book was written by a person who tested them in practice and to whom they brought and continue to bring tangible health benefits.

But I would like to warn the reader that, despite the seeming extreme simplicity and versatility, exercises for self-resistance and isometric mode require a certain amount of caution. This is due to the fact that their effect is significantly different from the effect of the dynamic mode of operation. They, like all other exercise systems and training methods, occupy a strictly defined place in the physical education system, and their merits should not be overestimated.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the capabilities of a person who resists himself are limited by the level of development of his muscles. Since physical improvement requires a gradual increase in the load, of course, there will come a time when the exercises simply cease to have a training effect.

According to a number of Soviet scientists working in the field of sports, excessive enthusiasm for self-resistance exercises is undesirable, since the constant tension of antagonist muscles during movement disrupts neuromuscular connections.

Finally, limited opportunities in increasing loads will not allow fans of this type of training to significantly increase muscle mass and at a certain stage, their development and improvement will stop.

I would recommend that readers consider the exercise system proposed in the book as a temporary remedy. physical fitness, which is convenient to use when leaving on vacation, on a business trip - in other words, as a short-term replacement for weight exercises performed in a dynamic mode. You can use sets of self-resistance exercises in cases where there is absolutely no opportunity for a complete resistance training.

Note: Self-resistance exercises can cause an increase in blood pressure- an effect inevitably associated with the need for straining), therefore, it is better for those suffering from hypertension to refrain from them. These exercises can be successfully performed only by people who do not have disorders of the cardiovascular system,

The book "Athletic gymnastics without apparatus" will introduce the wide masses of physical education lovers to systematic exercises. It clearly demonstrates how diverse methods can be for those who go in for themselves.


L. Ostapenko, Secretary General of the USSR Athletic Federation


This work is the result of my search for a scientifically substantiated answer to many questions related to physical culture and sports, the result of almost all my conscious life, lived in an indissoluble union with sports, to which I remain devoted even now, on the eve of my fiftieth birthday,

I got involved in physical culture a long time ago - in the early fifties - at a time when domestic sports were making their first big steps in the international arena. The heroes of the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki were not much older than me. My first sports activities coincided with the triumph of T. Lomakin, A. Vorobyov, V. Kuts, V. Chukarin, V. Muratov, Y. Vlasov ... I was lucky to see the performances of the famous gymnasts P. Stolbov, A. A dawn, B, Sh l. wedge a, Yu, Titova, M. Voronin.

I witnessed V. Brumel's 2 m 28 cm jump, phenomenal for those times, in the track and field athletics match between the USSR and the USA, held in Luzhniki.

For us, boys of the 50s, the future was unclear, and the past was connected only with bitter memories of the difficult war and post-war years, and physical education and sports were, perhaps, the most joyful and bright events in our "TV-free" and "tape-less" childhood. What we didn’t just do - skiing, pole vaulting, throwing a spear and hammer, artistic gymnastics, barbell, bodybuilding and other types physical activity This was explained by the availability of choice and the fact that there was still no early sports specialization, that is, we were not enrolled in any particular section, but were given the opportunity to test our strength and endurance in many sports.

Sport has been an integral part of our life. The younger ones imitated the older ones, and football matches teams of neighboring streets, in which both boys and adults participated, gathered many fans.

At the age of 32, I took part in gymnastics competitions for the last time (the program of masters of sports), but I did not give up physical education - I joined regular running, skiing, participated in city and regional competitions, showed results not lower than the first category.

Serious gymnastic "school" that I went through, not only helped me to find a good sports uniform, mo and instilled an interest in everything related to physical culture, in particular to physiology and psychology. When knowledge accumulates, you begin to understand or comprehend in a new way some truths, to look for answers to emerging questions. Often, in solving the problems of modern mass physical culture, we cannot go beyond the framework of the well-known, ingrained, traditional, and the solution sometimes dugs in simple, it is only necessary to expand this framework, to look at the problem in a new way.

My profession is connected with invention and solution of a wide variety of scientific and technical problems. Thanks to this, I acquired the habit of taking an analytical approach to various phenomena, the "decoding" of which necessarily requires not only deep knowledge, but also a lot of mental work.

A kind of training helps me, which I will talk about in this book.

The fashion that came to us from the West for rhythmic gymnastics(known back in the pre-war years), aerobics (the term was introduced by K. Cooper) - wellness aerobic exercise(jogging, skiing, cycling, etc.), bodybuilding, which is experiencing another "renaissance" today, have far from solved the problem of improving the health of the population.

The effectiveness of any system of physical activity can be assessed by: a) the amount of muscle effort; b) the amplitude of contraction muscle fibers; c) the speed of movement of bone levers or skeletal links; d) the duration of muscle work.

The intensity of physical (muscular) activity is also assessed, that is, the amount of work performed and a unit of time, which determines the physiological efficiency of any system physical training, of course, within the energy capabilities of the organism.

The proposed book describes athletic gymnastics without apparatus and any sports equipment. This gymnastics, which I have been doing for more than three years, has become a kind of psychophysical training for me, which helps not only to maintain good physical shape and maintain health, but also contributes to mental activity.

On the recommendation of Goskomsport, my training system was tested at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture in the laboratory of Professor I. P. Ratov and approved by specialists in psychophysical training at the Y. A, Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

My system of athletic gymnastics without apparatus could not appear without using valuable experience accumulated in the process of development of physical culture and sports, whether it be military-applied types, the art of martial arts, wellness exercises or modern method of physical training. New things are not born from scratch. The law of selection is constantly operating - it is preserved that does not lose its value even in new conditions, and everything new becomes a prerequisite for further development.

In the book, I tried not only to convince readers of the need for physical education, to talk about the undoubted benefits of physical activity for people of different ages, but also proposed a specific exercise program and original gymnastics complexes without apparatus, aimed at activating the psychophysical functions of a person, which are based on bioenergetic processes ...

Every moment of life is "paid for" by the expenditure of energy, and therefore it is important to know the mechanisms of bioenergy control of the body.

Two periods of life

Specialization of sciences, leading to the study of particulars, prevents the solution of many problems. So, medical specialists and scientists working in the field of sports have not yet found answers to a number of questions at the intersection of medicine and sports, for example, questions regarding a different approach to physical training depending on age. The main discerned, due to age characteristics as a result of bioenergy,

Human life is divided into two periods of unequal duration or two stages.

The first period is the stage of growth and development of the organism. The formation of all its organs to systems can be compared with the construction of buildings, for which a certain set of building materials is required,

The second stage of life begins when the body is plastically built and no longer needs the amount of "building materials" that is required during the growth period,

Taking into account the peculiarities of these two periods of lichen, it is necessary to differently approach the regimen of physical culture, the volume of loads and, of course, nutrition issues.

For people of all ages - from newborns to the elderly - physical activity and movement are just as important as good nutrition. The child inherits from the parents a unique set of genes, which to some extent determines the level of health. But. Regardless of the information programmed in the chromosomes that ensures the "planned" development of the organism, it is necessary to stimulate the intensity of energy exchange processes in cells in a targeted manner. In any organism, let alone a growing one, all systems are surprisingly subtly interconnected. This is due to the continuous development of structural networks nervous system, which controls and captures all the changes occurring in the internal and external environment. Since the tension of one of the physiological systems immediately causes a response increase in the activity of the whole organism, including the hormonal system, we can say that the body functions according to the principle of a self-balancing system (naturally, we do not touch upon various pathologies - imbalances in the body related to medical medicine).

Typically a child preschool age who is physically active, moves a lot, performs movements of various duration, dynamics and coordination, orients himself more accurately in space, quickly learns speech skills and basic rules of behavior. It is important not only to help the child learn about the world around him, but also to expand the motor abilities of the little person.

V school age when the mode of intense mental work becomes constant, high physical activity is mandatory more than ever. The role of movement is not limited to maintaining health - physical activity helps mental activity.

According to the law of psychophysical harmony, which does not allow deviations either in the direction of the preferential - "training" of the intellect, nor in the direction of being carried away "and physical activity to the detriment of mental development, it is necessary to balance these two mutually complementary, mutually compensating spheres of human activity,

When the intellect is switched from solving abstract problems to motor skills, that is, motor activity in which other parts of the brain are involved, the processes of its energy supply are activated. As a result, intensely working logical centers that need to be "recharged" with energy are restored. In addition, the optimal volume of physical activity promotes active rest of the intellectual centers of the brain.

Speaking about the need for high physical activity in childhood and adolescence, one should not forget about one caveat. It is necessary to choose activities that are available, which will be beneficial and will not cause undesirable consequences. Is it necessary to prove what harm to a growing and developing organism will be caused by a reckless passion for energy-intensive sports related to endurance work, when the vital resources intended for the formation of all organs and systems of the body will be diverted to ensure intensive energy consumption?

Especially you need to be careful at 15 - 18 years old, during the period of intensive physiological) development, puberty and final formation endocrine system.

Of course, these caveats do not mean giving up intensive physical activity, but remind of additional requirements for diet, rest and recovery.

In the second stage of life, after the cessation of growth and completion of the development of the organism, the plastic function of metabolism is sharply reduced - now it is reduced only to the replacement of destroyed cells. During this period, it is important to maintain a state of balance in all body systems, to counteract the inevitable slowing down of the activity of the endocrine system, which produces hormones that control almost all biochemical processes,

During the period of maturity, the so-called cholesterol brake is formed in the body of men, and by the age of 50, the amount of cholesterol in the blood approximately triples. It blocks cells and interferes with the absorption of glucose, the main energy carrier, and glucose is converted into fat. In women, this process also intensifies from about 50 years old.

Without a doubt, the only means of maintaining all body systems at a healthy physiological level, postponing the processes of aging and the onset of senile infirmity - first physical, and then intellectual, is the active management of energy through muscular activity.For this, of course, you need to have some baggage of elementary knowledge in the field physiology and foundations of physical culture.

All forms of physical activity have one characteristic. It turns out that it is not the total amount of spent muscle energy that is important, but the degree of tension of muscle structures - one of the indicators of the activity of the central nervous system. The complexity of muscle actions is also very important, reflecting the work primarily of the logical centers of the brain, which control the actions of muscles through motoneurons. This relationship of intellectual and physical stress can ensure the normal functioning of the body, the development of mental abilities, physical and mental health.

In the process of prolonged intense mental work (as a rule, it is performed while sitting), energy exchange in the muscular system proceeds at a minimum level. Blood flow slows down, breathing becomes shallow. A decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the transport function of the circulatory system. As a result, less oxygen is delivered to actively working brain cells and carbon dioxide accumulates in them. Intellectual productivity falls.

Such a mismatch between energy supply and the work of the brain is explained by a violation of the processes of stressing the psyche and muscular system... In the face of a sharp decline in physical activity modern man and the ever-increasing flow of information, the disproportion in the load on the brain and the muscular system is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to balance the tension of the psyche and the muscular system.

When we perform muscular work that is complex in coordination, all signals coming from nerve endings are recorded in the brain according to the principle of feedback. And the wider and richer the range of direct and return signals, the more actively the brain works.

Regular and properly organized physical education classes help to remove psychological barriers in solving a wide variety of tasks, training a person's ability to mobilize physical and intellectual potential at the level of an "energy explosion". A high degree of physical activity is adequate for a high level of development volitional qualities: sport teaches you not to be afraid of stress and stress. After all, it is action that is the main manifestation of life.

Of course, everyone has the right to choose one or another type of physical education. I am convinced that it is athleticism, or athletic gymnastics, that has the most beneficial effect on the muscular system and is the basis of psychophysical training. Almost all sports, even chess, are unthinkable without versatile muscle training. Our leading chess players - world champion G. Kasparov and his constant rival ex-champion A. Karpov are actively involved, especially in preparation for important matches, tennis, swimming, running, playing football in order to gain psychological stability and functional endurance.

Athletic gymnastics allows you to maintain high level psychophysical functions, which are an indicator of health. In our time of automation and computerization, the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are increasingly manifested, Athletic gymnastics can be considered both as an independent type of physical education, and as an effective auxiliary means for the development of special speed-power qualities as well as strength endurance.

Regular exercises in athletic gymnastics (at least 1 time per week), aimed not only at enhancing the body's energy exchange, but also at achieving health-improving effect(maintaining good muscle tone, musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system), will allow for many years to maintain physical and intellectual activity, postponing the onset of old age and its accompanying diseases.

Athletic gymnastics will help to avoid the "fashionable" disease in our time - osteochondrosis of the spine, which affects a person most often in his prime - before and after 30 years, as well as joint disease - arthritis. Prevention of these diseases is primarily physical activity, which prevents metabolic disorders.

A special set of exercises involving physical loading of the muscular system helps to heal one of the most common types of osteochondrosis of the spine, lumbosacral sciatica, from which tens of millions of people suffer in our country alone. These exercises, developed taking into account the laws of biomechanics, optimally combine the load on muscles, joints and spine.

Athletic gymnastics in mature age(the second period of life) is the only way to "burn" extra, unused calories, which turn into fatty ballast, which over the years increasingly inevitably destroys health.

Without muscle training, it is impossible to train the heart muscle and breathing. Following the work of the muscles, all life support processes are activated; metabolic reactions, blood flow, gas exchange, the supply of hormones into the blood, etc. Official medicine has already recognized that doctors cannot cope with the negative consequences of civilization and the task of healing with the help of available physical exercises is now facing everyone.

Physiology of muscle activity

Not a single act of life is carried out without muscle contraction, whether it be the contraction of the heart muscle, the walls of the blood vessels, or the movement of the eyeball. Muscles are a reliable bio-engine. Their job is not only simplest reflex, but also a set of hundreds of the most complex spatial movements in terms of coordination,

A person has more than 600 muscles that can be called a universal thinnest instrument. With their help, a person practically unlimitedly affects the world around him and realizes himself in a variety of activities. For example, we would not have learned to write if the muscles of the hand and fingers were not developed, we could not tinker with various objects. The fingers of a virtuoso musician work wonders. A person is able to throw a barbell weighing 265 kg onto straight arms. Acrobats and gymnasts manage to spin a triple somersault in one jump. No less amazing is the ability of muscles for long-term strenuous work - endurance: marathon distance(42 km 195 m) now even women run faster than 2 hours 30 minutes.

In the form of feedback, muscles affect the tone and level of activity of the central nervous system, which has been improving over hundreds of thousands of years along with the evolutionary complication of behavioral responses.

The possibilities of the muscular system are enormous. One of its main features is that its work can be controlled arbitrarily, that is, by an effort of will. And through the muscles, you can ultimately influence the processes of energy supply. After all physical labor occurs due to internal energy resources, the source of which are carbohydrates, proteins and fats supplied with food.

The energy contained in the consumed foods is transferred as a result of a cycle of biochemical reactions into internal bioenergy, and then is spent, for example, on the work of the muscular system, mental activity, as well as on the formation of heat. The chemical reactions that support the life of the cells of our body due to the constant consumption of energy do not stop for a moment.

Thinking and intellectual work are also associated with movement, but not directly with the physical. In the cells of the brain there is a movement (at the level of metabolism) of energy carriers: the bioelectric "action potential" is excited, the blood delivers substances rich in energy to the brain, and then removes the products of their decay. "Movement" in the cells of the brain is a change in the bioelectric potential and its maintenance due to continuously occurring biochemical reactions - metabolic reactions that constantly require the delivery of "energy raw materials". This is why increased blood flow is so important to productive intellectual work.

The existence of living organisms is based on the continuity of metabolic processes - a kind of circulation of life support elements occurs. Therefore, the role of muscle activity is so important - a natural factor that accelerates the intensity of metabolic processes.

What is muscle activity and how does it affect metabolism?

The muscle is a bundle of very thin longitudinal fibers - myofibrils, which include the contractile protein actomyosin. Muscle contraction occurs due to electromagnetic forces that cause thin and thick threads to move towards each other in the same way as a metal core is pulled into an electromagnet coil. Excitation, transmitted by bioelectric impulses along nerve fibers at a speed of about 5 m / s, causes a total shortening of myofibrils and an increase in the transverse size of the muscle.

The mechanism of muscle work from the point of view of bioenergetics is schematically shown in Fig. 1.

The more the muscle fibers are shortened and the more powerful the contraction, the higher the level of energy consumption, contained in the muscle cells in the vice adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). ATP is synthesized in cellular "energy stations" - mitochondria by breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins delivered by the blood through the capillaries,

The amount of mechanical resistance overcome by the muscle is no less important. This resistance determines the intensity of the neuromuscular impulse, and also ensures uniform stretching of the muscle tissue (as it contracts) from the initial length to the final size. This means that the higher the level of neuromuscular arousal, the more biochemical energy is expended. The highest physiological efficiency is achieved if, when the bone levers move, overcoming external resistance, the same muscle tension(work in isotonic mode).

The intensity of muscle work is also important, that is, its amount in units of time, and its duration, which are due to the energy capabilities of the body.

Movement is one of the main conditions for human existence in environment, and it is possible only due to the activity of the muscular system, which means that the muscles must be constantly trained. The physiological activity of any organism depends on its biological power, and it, in turn, on the performance of the muscles, "obeying" volitional control. Figuratively speaking, health is the mirror of stress. The parable of Milo of Croton tells about a young man who carried a bull on his shoulders, with the growth of which the strength of Milo grew.

By loading the muscles, you can effectively regulate not only energy metabolism, but also the general metabolism in the body. This is the most natural way of "managing" biopotential, causing positive changes in all organs and systems. And their condition determines the level of our health.

Rice. 1. Bioenergetic mechanism of muscular work

The psyche as a system for controlling behavior, in particular with the most complex movements of skeletal links, is closely connected with the body (somatics), primarily with the muscles, which have the ability to transform the internal energy resources contained in ATP. It is not for nothing that in recent decades the emphasis has been placed on the study of the body from the point of view of psychosomatics. Therefore, often in people who are physically inactive, whose muscles, including the heart, are not trained and not developed, not only the processes of energy exchange are disturbed, but also the work of the central nervous system, which is "responsible" for the normal functioning of the body, since the size of the nervous -muscular tension depends on the intensity of biochemical reactions in nerve cells, which also constantly need energy supply. In other words, the activity of the central nervous system also depends on the work of the muscles. That is why movement, physical activity allows not only to maintain, but also to increase the functional capabilities of the body, which determine the level of health. Therefore, if you exercise regularly, tangible results will show up pretty soon. What to choose is up to you. Try to master athletic gymnastics without apparatus - maybe this is what you need?

Vladimir Fokhtin

Athletic gymnastics without apparatus


The official recognition of athleticism as a sport and mass physical culture led to a surge in the reader's demand for methodological and popular literature on the problems of strength training, as well as to an increase in the number of authors offering all kinds of exercise systems. Often, at the same time, the authors turn to the origins of athleticism, enriching the previously existing methods by expanding our knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, and bioenergetics of the human body.

The book "Athletic gymnastics without equipment" describes sets of exercises performed on the principle of self-resistance. The author's analytical approach to the kinematics of the musculoskeletal mechanism of the human body made it possible not to disregard any muscle group and to offer a variety of exercises.

It is important that the book was written by a person who tested them in practice and to whom they brought and continue to bring tangible health benefits.

But I would like to warn the reader that, despite the seeming extreme simplicity and versatility, exercises for self-resistance and isometric mode require a certain amount of caution. This is due to the fact that their effect is significantly different from the effect of the dynamic mode of operation. They, like all other exercise systems and training methods, occupy a strictly defined place in the physical education system, and their merits should not be overestimated.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that the capabilities of a person who resists himself are limited by the level of development of his muscles. Since physical improvement requires a gradual increase in the load, of course, there will come a time when the exercises simply cease to have a training effect.

According to a number of Soviet scientists working in the field of sports, excessive enthusiasm for self-resistance exercises is undesirable, since the constant tension of antagonist muscles during movement disrupts neuromuscular connections.

Finally, the limited ability to increase the load will not allow fans of this type of training to significantly increase muscle mass, and at a certain stage, their development and improvement will stop.

I would recommend that readers consider the exercise system proposed in the book as a temporary means of physical fitness, which is convenient to use when leaving on vacation, on a business trip - in other words, as a short-term substitute for weighted exercises performed in a dynamic mode. You can use sets of self-resistance exercises in cases where there is absolutely no opportunity for a complete resistance training.

Please note that self-resistance exercises can cause an increase in blood pressure - an effect inevitably associated with the need for straining), so it is better for those suffering from hypertension to refrain from them. These exercises can be successfully performed only by people who do not have disorders of the cardiovascular system,

The book "Athletic gymnastics without apparatus" will introduce the wide masses of physical education lovers to systematic exercises. It clearly demonstrates how diverse methods can be for those who go in for themselves.

L. Ostapenko, Secretary General of the USSR Athletic Federation


This work is the result of my search for a scientifically grounded answer to many questions related to physical culture and sports, the result of almost all of my conscious life, lived in an indissoluble union with sports, to which I remain devoted even now, on the eve of my fiftieth birthday,

I got involved in physical culture a long time ago - in the early fifties - at a time when domestic sports were making their first big steps in the international arena. The heroes of the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki were not much older than me. My first sports activities coincided with the triumph of T. Lomakin, A. Vorobyov, V. Kuts, V. Chukarin, V. Muratov, Y. Vlasov ... I was lucky to see the performances of the famous gymnasts P. Stolbov, A. A dawn, B, Sh l. wedge a, Yu, Titova, M. Voronin.

I witnessed V. Brumel's 2 m 28 cm jump, phenomenal for those times, in the track and field athletics match between the USSR and the USA, held in Luzhniki.

For us, boys of the 50s, the future was unclear, and the past was connected only with bitter memories of the difficult war and post-war years, and physical education and sports were, perhaps, the most joyful and vivid events in our "TV-free" and "tape-less" childhood. What we were just not fond of - skiing, pole vaulting, javelin and hammer throwing, gymnastics, barbell, bodybuilding and other types of physical activity. some specific section, but they gave the opportunity to test their strength and endurance in many sports.

Sport has been an integral part of our life. The younger ones imitated the older ones, and the football matches of the teams of the neighboring streets, in which both boys and adults participated, attracted many fans.

At the age of 32, I took part in gymnastics competitions for the last time (the program of masters of sports), but did not give up physical education - I joined regular running, skiing, participated in city and regional competitions, showed results not lower than the first category.

The serious gymnastic "school" that I went through not only helped me to get in good shape, but also instilled an interest in everything related to physical culture, in particular to physiology and psychology. When knowledge accumulates, you begin to understand or comprehend in a new way some truths, to look for answers to emerging questions. Often, in solving the problems of modern mass physical culture, we cannot go beyond the framework of the well-known, ingrained, traditional, and the solution sometimes dugs in simple, it is only necessary to expand this framework, to look at the problem in a new way.

My profession is connected with invention and solution of a wide variety of scientific and technical problems. Thanks to this, I acquired the habit of taking an analytical approach to various phenomena, the "decoding" of which necessarily requires not only deep knowledge, but also a lot of mental work.

A kind of training helps me, which I will talk about in this book.

The fashion that came to us from the West for rhythmic gymnastics (known back in the pre-war years), aerobics (the term was introduced by K. Cooper) - health-improving aerobic exercises (jogging, skiing, cycling, etc.), bodybuilding, which today is experiencing another "renaissance ”, Far from solved the problem of improving the health of the population.

The effectiveness of any system of physical activity can be assessed by: a) the amount of muscle effort; b) the amplitude of contraction of muscle fibers; c) the speed of movement of bone levers or skeletal links; d) the duration of muscle work.

The intensity of physical (muscular) activity is also assessed, that is, the amount of work performed and a unit of time, which determines the physiological efficiency of any system of physical training, of course, within the energy capabilities of the body.

The proposed book describes athletic gymnastics without apparatus and any sports equipment. This gymnastics, which I have been doing for more than three years, has become a kind of psychophysical training for me, which helps not only to maintain good physical shape and maintain health, but also contributes to mental activity.

On the recommendation of Goskomsport, my training system was tested at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture in the laboratory of Professor I. P. Ratov and approved by specialists in psychophysical training at the Y. A, Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

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