Victor razeev. Victor Razveev: "I love failure, because the most valuable experience is negative"

Victor Razveev
general information
Full name Victor Borisovich Razveev
Was born February 27, 1954 ( 1954-02-27 ) (61 years old)
Ufa, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, USSR
Citizenship the USSR
Position midfielder
Club information
Club Krylya Sovetov (Samara)
Position Club president
Club career *
1970-1971 Ufimets
1972-1973 Builder (Ufa)
1974-1975 SKA-16 (Kuibyshev)
1975-1978 Builder / Gastello (Ufa)
1979-1981 Zenit (Izhevsk)
1982-1985 Wings of the Soviets (Kuibyshev) 102 (48)

* The number of games and goals for a professional club is calculated for the different leagues of the national championships only.

Victor Borisovich Razveev(born February 27, 1954, Ufa, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - businessman, football functionary. When he was a football player, he played for the teams of the second league of Soviet football. Season 1985 spent in the first league as part of the Kuibyshev "Wings of the Soviets". Ex-president football club Wings of the Soviets (Samara).


Pupil of Ufa football. Professional career started back in his years at school in the local "Ufimtsa". Since 1972 he played for the "Builder". Then he served in the army as part of the Kuibyshev football team SKA-16. Upon returning to Ufa, he again began to play for the "Builder". In 1979 he moved to Zenit Izhevsk.

At the end of 1981, Razveev was invited to the Kuibyshev club "Wings of the Soviets". He made his debut on May 2, 1983 in Cheboksary in the match with Stal (2: 1). The first goal was scored on June 21, 1983 in Nizhniy Tagil in a meeting with Uraltsa (1: 1). He quickly became the leader and captain of the team. In the 1984 season he scored 23 goals, one of which became the 1,500th in the history of Wings of the Soviets (against the Sverdlovsk Uralmash on September 27, 1984). In 1985 he was seriously injured. In January 1986, the management of the club changed, and, not finding mutual understanding with the new coach V.A.Lukashenko, Razveev decided to end his professional career.

For Krylya Sovetov he played 102 matches in the USSR championships and scored 48 goals. In total, he scored 158 goals during his career.

Business and social activities

After finishing sports career Razveev began to work sports coach... A couple of years later, he went to work in the regional council of trade unions, where at the age of 33 he became the youngest head of the department.

Since 1989 he has been in business. Created the Support Fund for Sports Veterans Samara region... He was the commercial director of Samprodtorg, was related to CJSC Financial Company KMK. According to unofficial information, Razveev had common business interests with the general director of Samaraoblagropromsnab OJSC Aleksey Ushamirsky. In the early 2000s, he bought up the lands of the Krasny Pakhar state farm, part of them in 2006 he sold to IKEA, the other in 2008 for housing. In June 2008, together with his children, he became a shareholder of the commercial bank "Priority".

In 2010 he became Acting President of PFC Krylya Sovetov. In 2011 he became the president of the club.

On December 26, 2011, Viktor Razveev left the post of president of Wings of the Soviets of his own free will.

Personal life

He is married with five children and four grandchildren. The eldest son is a double bass player of the National Orchestra of Catalonia.

Brother of the dissident (later - clergyman) Boris Razveev.

Notes (edit)
  1. 1 2 3 Makarov A. Victor Razveev. - Official site of FC "Wings of the Soviets"
  2. 1 2 3 4 Razveev is 55! (March 2, 2009). Retrieved May 24, 2010. Archived from the original on April 26, 2012.
  3. 1 2 Yuri Gazzaev: "One time Lobos was supposed to play in goal, the other - in attack"
  4. Alexander Serov kicked off Priority. (June 8, 2008). Retrieved May 24, 2010. Archived from the original on April 26, 2012.
  5. The Razveevs instead of the Serovs. Vedomosti (June 7, 2008). Retrieved May 24, 2010. Archived from the original on April 26, 2012.
  6. Viktor Razveev headed Samara regional federation football (unavailable link - history) ... State TV and Radio Company "Samara" (May 28, 2010). Retrieved May 28, 2010.
  7. Volkov S. President of FC Krylya Sovetov Viktor Razveev left his post. Soviet sport (December 26, 2011). Retrieved December 26, 2011. Archived from the original on April 26, 2012.
  8. A. And about. Viktor Razveev, President of Wings of the Soviets: Our debts are $ 85 million // Soviet sport... - No. 41 (18071) dated March 24, 2010.

On March 10, 2010 by the decision of the Board of Directors of PFC "Krylya Sovetov" Viktor Borisovich Razveev was appointed and. O. President of our club. Now he is faced with the task of getting Krylia out of the difficult situation that has developed in the club thanks to the previous leaders. We present to your attention one of the most famous and respected people of our city.


  • Victor Razveev was born on February 27, 1954 in the city of Ufa.
  • He played in "Wings" for three seasons (1983-1985) and each time became the most productive player and team captain.
  • In total, Viktor Razveev played 102 games with the team and scored 48 goals.
  • 23 goals scored by Razveev in the championship of the second league in 1984 were a decisive contribution to the fact that the next season "Krylia" started in a higher echelon.
  • The author of the 1500th goal of Krylia, it was the third goal against Sverdlovsk Uralmash at Metallurg on September 27, 1984. Razveev: “I saw that the goalkeeper from Sverdlovsk Gnilov came out of the goal, - I cut the ball into the far corner from the corner of the penalty area. The ball smoothly flew over the two-meter Uralmash goalkeeper and ended up in the net. "
  • On the football field, he played the role of a dispatcher with the functions of a striker, he liked to use non-standard and subtle moves, which confused the opponent's defense.
  • Russian national team player who is not allowed to travel abroad. His entire family suffered from the totalitarian Soviet regime. So, in 1943, his mother was jailed for five years for being 30 minutes late for work (she was giving birth to her older sister). She was 17. She was in Magadan. Then she got married. Soon, the husband was sent to prison for 10 years under the article "for anti-Soviet agitation". In 1975, it was the turn of Boris, the older brother. He was not forgiven for the fact that he, a Soviet lawyer, dared to enter a theological seminary.
  • Has two higher education: sports (Izhevsk State University) and historical (Udmurt State University).
  • Awarded the title of "Honored Veteran of FC Krylya Sovetov." For a long time, Viktor Borisovich has been the President of the Sports Veterans Fund, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Support Fund of PFC Krylya Sovetov.
  • In 1989 he left football for business, where he achieved no less success than on the football field. The owner of the Priority Bank, the head of the Samara representative office of the subsidiary of Sberbank, which is included in the pool of sponsors, Sberbank Capital, Razveev owns large plots of land in Samara and the region.
  • In fact, he was an agent of Anyukov, who is friends with his son, when Sasha moved to Zenit in 2005.
  • Married, five children, four grandchildren.


(from an interview with "Samara Football" dated 03/02/2009)

- How did you end up in Wings for the first time?

At first I ended up not in Wings, but in the Kuibyshev SKA, where I was called from Ufa. We played in the championship of the Armed Forces, and at the end of the service we got into the teams of masters - some to Kuibyshev, some to Ulyanovsk, some to Togliatti ... Then it was easier.

- Nevertheless, after serving, you just did not stay in Kuibyshev.

When I was demobilized, I told the guys: I could be anywhere, but not in Samara. For some reason I didn't like it here. In addition, here for the first time I encountered various groupings within the team, a struggle of interests, and in my youthful maximalism I refused to accept this.

- Although the "Wings" then played in major league.

Yes, there was an amazing team here then. Rava Aryapov, Valera Panfilov, Tolya Fetisov, Tolya Blokhin ... Moreover, this team consisted of 70 percent, if not more, of its own home-grown footballers.

- And the coaches were local.

Yes, this is the most important thing. And now ... I offered Krylya a program for the development of football in Samara, so that there was a place for children to grow up, to improve, it does not require so much money. So they called me "the dreamer". Well, yes, I'm a dreamer, that's who I am. Let me be a dreamer

- Did you have any commercial financing projects for Wings at the turn of the 80s and 90s?

Oh, repeatedly! Then there were interesting times. In short, I proposed to combine several businesses that then existed around the region. And this is about $ 30-40 million a year. 10 percent of the net profit would be more than enough for the club, and budget funds could not be touched at all. They became interested in the project, but at first one trading house had debts and problems with the law, another

- What was your participation in the transfer of Alexander Anyukov to Zenit?

In the summer of 2005, German Tkachenko actually sold Sasha to Dynamo, he even received a part of the sum as a pledge of his transfer. Sasha, who is very friendly with my son, came to me and said: “Viktor Borisovich, help me, please, I don’t want to go to Dynamo, I want to go to Zenit. I ask: “What is the problem? Have you signed a contract with Dynamo? " - "No". I invite a lawyer, we call Zenit and fly to St. Petersburg, where we sign an agreement. My signature is under Anyukov's contract at Zenit, since Sasha did not have an agent at that time. I have all copies of these documents.

- You said: I try not to go to football. Is it like forcing yourself not to go to the stadium?

You know, it's just uncomfortable for me to be in public - with this whole system with which I have to go out in public: security and so on. After all, I know how people live - I came out from the very bottom, literally: I was born in a basement, I grew up in a basement - my relatives had a bathhouse, we had 18 people living on 20 square meters. I know what poverty is, I know what it is when there is nothing to put on, to put on shoes, I grew up in this. When, at the age of 16, I received my first salary in the Ufimets team of craftsmen - almost 100 rubles - my mother cried. Because she, working in a store as a salesman, received 80. She signed for me then in the statement, because I did not have a passport yet. And then I gave myself my word that something needs to be done in this life so that there is no such thing that we have experienced. So I try to educate my children and my grandchildren - everyone I can. And I’m not very comfortable in public, because these stupid cars, these stupid attributes of some kind of well-being ... All this is necessary, because I don’t want to be hammered with a crowbar at the entrance or something else. And for those who have such a thought, I will create great difficulties, because I have never worked or work with any of the groups - my security service consists exclusively of special forces and the FSB. I build my business openly. There are several companies abroad, but this is more for children.

- Have you ever been offered to head Wings as president?

No. Apparently, because all my life I hate to present myself somehow. Although I know that I can, yes, it's mine - to create the infrastructure so that it all works ... But you have to live with this, and not appear as a visiting matchmaker for three days a week.

You said that after the army you were not going to return to Samara, and yet in the end you ended up in Wings. Has something changed in your feelings?

Then it happened. At Zenit Izhevsk, I was doing well, the team was third or fourth in their zone, I scored 15-20 goals per season, everything suited me - both the salary and the relationship. But at some point I felt that I needed to grow. Ivan Alekseevich Shiryaev, a football man, wise, with such a biography ... We talked, they brought me to the base, we agreed on everything, everything is fine. And on the first of January in the evening we drank champagne with four more players, sat down, I left at three o'clock, and the next day Gennady Andreevich Sarychev said at the formation: “But yesterday some of them walked,” and calls our names. They summon me for a conversation: "We gave you your salary, now they've cut it ..." I pack my things, go to the car and leave for Izhevsk. About four days later Boris Valkov arrives: “What are you? Don't be silly, come back! " Persuaded, I returned. So until February, I had the lowest results in the table of indicators: long jump, side jumping, backward jumping, throwing medicine ball Of course, a footballer is nowhere without a medical ball! Cooper's test is my worst. And according to all these indicators, our first was Slava Popov - he is a jumping guy, until now. We called him Avtogen, because it was impossible to pass it, he caught his opponent with his hands and feet as much as possible ... Finally, we were taken to Leninabad. We went out to play - and I scored a goal in the first game. Gradually, everything leveled off, improved, and soon I was chosen as the captain.

- On the field, you stood out not only for your game, but also for your colorful mustache. When were they shaved off?

- (Laughs.) Finished playing and shaved off. I don't even know what happened then - I just somehow came home and decided to shave it off overnight. The wife comes: "You, not you?" I say: "Me!"


Well, now, I think, even a person who is far from Samara football will understand why the fans of Krylia gladly accepted Razveev's appointment as the acting President of our club. Indeed, in the first weeks of his work, he did so much that previous managers could not do in a longer period. Finally, the problems with debts to football players and coaches have been resolved, albeit not 100%, additional orders have been made, the real information blockade that the previous management has arranged for the fans has been interrupted, negotiations are underway with possible sponsors and creditors. This happened precisely because Razveev is his own man for the club, who never broke off ties with him, and therefore could not step aside when Krylia were in trouble and, more than ever, they needed just such a caring leader ... At the same time, Viktor Borisovich is not just a former player of the club, but now also a large businessman with a good business reputation. And this means that he is primarily a man of action, in contrast to the previous "effective managers" - sovereign officials.

But there are some moments in this story that personally inspire me with fears that it will be easy for the new president to cope with all the problems.

Let's start in order. First, it seems to me that it is now very likely clear who is the true owner of Wings of the Soviets. Most likely, this is none other than the governor of the Samara region V.Artyakov. It was he who made the decision to appoint Razeeev acting. The president of the club, and it is to him that Razveev reports on the work done. And this despite the fact that the regional government recently announced that it does not have any shares in the club.

Secondly, Razveev in his interviews in every possible way defends the previous (?) Leadership. This, of course, is easily explained by the fact that now he, and hence the club, are in one way or another dependent on, in fact, the same people, because Rostekhnologii is not going to leave the club. And Razveev himself says that the club cannot do without the help of this state corporation in the near future. Moreover, confrontation with the governor would inevitably lead to problems in his own business, suffice it to recall the torment of the unfortunate Swedish giant IKEA. It should be understood that Razveev is primarily a businessman, and that, despite his statements that he does not receive a salary at the club, solving his problems, he will certainly receive some preferences for his business from the provincial authorities. And this is more than correct and deserved in fact, if we forget that it was the Zavyalovs and the Artyakovs with their "Russian Technologies" that almost brought the club to destruction. This means that the question of the degree of their interest in the well-being of "Wings" remains open.

In fact, you cannot envy Razveev now, because he is, as they say, between a rock and a hard place. Personally, I do not doubt his sincerity when he says that "for me this is my own team and therefore I cannot stand aside." But I have great fears that officials will continue to use the club in their own interests, and if so, then, quite possibly, at some point Razveev will have to choose, and this choice can be very difficult.

The choice of the fans promises to be difficult as regards the upcoming sale to us of a 20% stake in Krylia. An excellent and long-awaited idea of ​​supporting your club has a serious obstacle to its implementation precisely because of the mistrust of officials, from whom the Krylia are not destined to get rid of. But this is a matter of the future, but for now we need to support Razveev, Gazzayev and the club by coming to Metallurg for every home match of our favorite team.

Let them see that it's not in vain.

Add to feed:

    Viktor Borisovich Razveev needs no introduction. I will cite just one small detail: at the exit, the bartender from the Balkan Grill restaurant, where we were talking, asked him for an autograph for himself and his friends. Viktor Borisovich signed three sheets of paper at once in a notebook. I realized that I was having lunch with a legend)))

    - Why do you think the fans of Krylia Sovetov still adore you?
    - I never tried to be loved. Moreover, as soon as I came to work at FC, I did not meet with anyone, did not give interviews, and a wave of criticism fell upon me. I survived it. But I myself am a football player, I know how important the support of fans is. And I love our fans. I really love meeting with them, talking on any topic, not only about football. Many people thought that I was flirting with the fans. But what is this for me? I have achieved a lot, for a long time there is no need for me to seek someone's sympathy, especially through flirting ...

    -How do you assess the development of sports in the Samara region?
    - What kind of development? Where? Is that in reports that have nothing to do with the real state of affairs in sports.

    -What is your most vivid childhood memory?
    - Ufa, basement with an area of ​​30 sq. meters, where 16 people lived - me, my mommy, brother, uncles and aunts with their families. We were resettled when I was 18 years old, and I joined the army. Yard fights, soccer game. I remember my favorite food - you come running from the street, open a can of condensed milk and drink half of it. I remember that mommy always worked a lot, my older brother was mainly engaged in me. When I was 15 years old, my coach Fyodor Novikov noticed me and said something like this: "You need football more than study." I took these words literally and practically gave up going to school. In the morning I took the knapsack in which I was sports uniforms and went to the stadium. At school I said that I was sick, and therefore I miss lessons. Having come home one day, I saw my class teacher and mom, who asked me: "How are you, sick?" I was exposed. After the death of my brother, my mother lives with me. I love her so much. When my mother was 17 years old, she was imprisoned in 1943. For being late for a factory shift. My brother Boris was born in 1949 in Magadan. I have never smoked a single cigarette in my life, and my mother still smokes since the camp youth.
    -Describe yourself in three words.
    - It's always my own fault.

    -What is your favorite book?
    - "The Master and Margarita". Now I am re-reading it, probably for the seventh time. And every time it’s like anew. Friends have already given me several editions of the novel, some very rare. In Israel, I was on an excursion, which the guide conducted in accordance with Bulgakov's novel. Impressions to goose bumps.
    -What is your favorite literary hero and heroine?
    - The heroine is Catherine the Second, the hero is Woland. I am impressed by his ability to give everyone what they deserve.
    -What is your most likable hero in history and the one who evokes antipathy?
    - Peter the First is cute. Although they say about him that he was cruel, for me he is a builder, a creator who built new Russia... Disgusting Hitler, of course.

    - What is your idea of ​​happiness?
    - A family.
    -About misfortune?
    - Loss of loved ones.

    -What country would you like to live in?
    - It so happened that my children live in three countries - Australia, England and Spain. I go to them, I have a rest. But after ten days, I can't find a place for myself, because I have no one to call at 10 pm and say: "Come, let's have a glass?" Only in Samara there are a few people to whom I can say so. This is important for the soul.
    - What qualities do you dislike in people?
    - I do not like opportunists and sycophants. I am ashamed and disgusted to see how they behave with their superiors.
    -What qualities are you willing to forgive?
    - Many. If I come across some negative manifestations of a human character, I believe that it is my own fault that I did not see it in time, did not understand what a person is capable of. But that's why I love failure. In addition to the fact that they spur to further work. in failures, it becomes immediately apparent who is the friend and who is the enemy. Like litmus paper. The husk flies, people show their true colors. Negative experiences are the most valuable, and positive ones are relaxing.
    -Do you consider yourself a person who understands people?
    - For some time now, yes. And since then I stopped loving my birthdays. Of all the guests, I would be glad to see 3-4 people.
    -Why then call everyone else?
    - I'm afraid of offending.
    - Do you often take offense yourself?
    - No. In general, never and on anyone.
    - But if a person is offended, this is his problem, not yours. You have the right to do as you see fit.
    - Natasha, I feel sorry for people. This feeling was instilled in me by my older brother, Father Boris. (Viktor Razveev's brother, who died 4 years ago, was Orthodox priest, last years life he served in Italy, restored and built Orthodox churches there. - my note).
    -Who has influenced you the most in your life?
    - Brother. Father Boris taught me everything - from football and billiards to attitude to life and people. The biggest lesson I've learned is to love people. Whenever I talk about him, there are tears in my eyes ... He was an amazing person. He has three children left. And his spiritual children cannot be counted. And almost everyone came to his funeral. How many kind words I heard about my brother then! I really miss him.
    Archpriest Boris Razveev

    - What would you say to yourself, a 16-year-old?
    - Train!
    - How do you want to die and what will you ask the Lord for?
    - I would not like to bring suffering to loved ones with my illness and weakness before death. I know that my children and wife love me very much, so I don’t want them to hurt for me. I will ask the Lord for forgiveness. I would like, of course, to meet my brother there ...

    Victor Borisovich Razveev(born February 27, 1954, Ufa, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - businessman, football functionary. When he was a football player, he played for the teams of the second league of Soviet football. Season 1985 spent in the first league as part of the Kuibyshev "Wings of the Soviets". Former president of the football club Krylya Sovetov (Samara).


    Pupil of Ufa football. He began his professional career while studying at school in the local "Ufimtsa". Since 1972 he played for the "Builder". Then he served in the army as part of the SKA-16 Kuibyshev football team. Upon returning to Ufa, he again began to play for the "Builder". In 1979 he moved to Zenit Izhevsk.

    At the end of 1981, Razveev was invited to the Kuibyshev club "Wings of the Soviets". He made his debut on May 2, 1983 in Cheboksary in the match with Stal (2: 1). The first goal was scored on June 21, 1983 in Nizhniy Tagil in a meeting with Uraltsa (1: 1). He quickly became the leader and captain of the team. In the 1984 season he scored 23 goals, one of which became the 1,500th in the history of Wings of the Soviets (against the Sverdlovsk Uralmash on September 27, 1984). In 1985 he was seriously injured. In January 1986, the management of the club changed, and, not finding mutual understanding with the new coach V.A.Lukashenko, Razveev decided to end his professional career.

    For Krylya Sovetov he played 102 matches in the USSR championships and scored 48 goals. In total, he scored 158 goals during his career.

    Business and social activities

    After completing his sports career, Razveev began to work as a sports coach. A couple of years later, he went to work in the regional council of trade unions, where at the age of 33 he became the youngest head of the department.

    Since 1989 he has been in business. Created the Fund to Support Sports Veterans of the Samara Region. He was the commercial director of Samprodtorg, was related to CJSC Financial Company KMK. According to unofficial information, Razveev had common business interests with the general director of Samaraoblagropromsnab OJSC Aleksey Ushamirsky. In the early 2000s, he bought up the lands of the Krasny Pakhar state farm, part of them in 2006 he sold to IKEA, the other in 2008 for housing. In June 2008, together with his children, he became a shareholder of the commercial bank "Priority".

    In 2010 he became Acting President of PFC Krylya Sovetov. In 2011 he became the president of the club.

    On December 26, 2011, Viktor Razveev left the post of president of Wings of the Soviets of his own free will.

    Personal life

    He is married with five children and four grandchildren. The eldest son is a double bass player of the National Orchestra of Catalonia.

    Brother of the dissident (later - clergyman) Boris Razveev.

    The ex-president of Krylia Sovetov, Viktor Razveev, gave a long interview for the first time after leaving the club. In communication with the site, an experienced football functionary discusses information wars against the Samara club, names the reasons for his departure and reveals all the secrets

    Surprised that hockey players can love football ...

    Viktor Borisovich, let's remember. 2010, winter, a group of fans of the Constitutional Court goes on a hunger strike, rallies in support of the team and suddenly your name appears. How did you come to the club and how did you become a football functionary?

    I have always been associated with football. I would like to remind you that since 2008 I was the deputy head of the club's board of trustees, so even then I was in charge of some business. I remember that situation very well. At the end of December, in the evening, the regional governor summoned me to the White House and said that I would need to get the club out of the crisis situation in which it found itself. They didn't give me time to think. In fact, there was no such time. The same Novikombank could have made Wings of the Soviets bankrupt, and then we would have to start everything from scratch. I had no choice but to agree.

    Hajiyev described that in the tragic 2005 year, at the base of the KS, there was only one sauerkraut from food. Describe the situation in 2010.

    We had all the food we needed (Smiles). There was a shortage of qualified players and the funds to acquire them. For the first match of the championship against Zenit, we scored only 6-7 people from the main team. We urgently had to take players from the double.

    You have repeatedly stated that the most pleasant moment during your work at the club is keeping your registration in the championship and supporting Zenit fans in that very match in St. Petersburg.

    That memory is the most vivid, because in that championship there were too many factors against us, but we remained in the Premier League. Problems with application and funding, some internal conflicts, decline in motivation. All this was superimposed on the team. I remember that day very well. We were in suspense after the game with Zenit. They were waiting for news from Ramenskoye.

    - What is the funniest or most unusual story during your presidency?

    It is very difficult to surprise me with something, because I have been “cooking” in football all my life. Probably, the most that surprised me was the numerous requests for kickbacks for player transfers. I have always had a tough stance in favor of the club and rejected such dark schemes. This whole situation surprised me.

    - Are you talking about agents?

    Not only about them.

    Heard that his main mistake you consider an invitation to Chigenev's club. How did he even come to the club? Why did you decide to invite him?

    My words were somewhat distorted. I consider the whole situation a mistake when I began to look for accomplices and associates in raising the Krylia Sovetov and football in Samara. Then it seemed to me that Chigenev truly loves football. He was not yet a deputy at that time and was not heard. I was surprised then that hockey players know how to love football. It turns out that I did not know a lot in this life ... His words before I left that I would not leave? Draw your own conclusions. This person, just a few days before I left, praised me in front of the regional leadership.

    I can't help but ask you about that banana story on the field. I heard a very plausible version that they wanted to set you up and that this situation is connected with the allegedly accidental arrival of Herman Tkachenko to the game.

    You are absolutely right. This was one of the actions in the information war against the Samara club. If you remember, it was an ugly situation with CSKA. Remember Ignashevich's video before the match in Samara? This is indeed pure water fiction. I know that Tomas Necid fell into a puddle during training and skated in it. It was an information war. Not every team can handle this pressure. They wanted to "break" us in this way.

    - Sergey Marushko was engaged in all the breeding work in the club, or did someone help him?

    Sergei was a sports director, but in the meeting on transfer matters, we always gathered a board of 5-6 people. We conferred, advised, talked and came to a common decision. The transfer budget was very modest. I remember that then with a creak we barely knocked out about 700 thousand euros for the purchase of Rais Mboli, because we did not have a goalkeeper at all. Lobos just left the team. We took the rest of the players either for free or for very little money.

    - That is, in terms of transfers, everything is very similar to the current situation in the club?

    Probably, if you do not take into account the fact that after my work at the club, about 600 million rubles (15 million euros) were spent on transfers. These are spending on players under Kobelev and under Hajiyev. Could Tarkhanov achieve the result with such a transfer budget? I think yes. Then he would have invited completely different players and for completely different money.

    Bringing Sergei Veremko to Samara is undoubtedly a success. But how do you explain the transition of such a funny goalkeeper like Rais Mboli? They said that he had advanced myopia.

    Seryozha Veremko, by the way, then found our sports director Marushko. As for Mboli, I can say that the player was simply not ready for a business trip to Russia. About myopia - this is not true. Do you seriously think that a player who played in the World Cup and in the Champions League could have vision problems? For Mboli, the arrival of a new coach was fatal, who said - I don't need a foreign goalkeeper. That, in general, is all. However, I would not like to remove responsibility from myself. A mistake was made in assimilating the player. He is a Muslim, he has lived in France all his life. When Steve Joseph-Rennet was in Samara, he had someone to talk to, and then he just got bored. Repeatedly he approached me and asked to leave the club. I told him that the contract would have to be finalized.

    In 2010-2011, young talents began to play in the team. Tsallagov, Eliseev, Budanov, Tkachev. Who got hold of these valuable players?

    Basically, all then found Yura Gazzaev. It's bad that they failed to save Sasha Budanov and Seryozha Tkachev. Agents stepped in again. According to Budanov, we were not satisfied with the amount of compensation - about 300 thousand euros. I talked with Serezha Tkachev, convinced him that the club needed him. His agents were offered an installment plan, but in our country everyone wants everything at once. Tkachev said that he was obliged to agents and could not let them down. It is very incomprehensible to me what a professional footballer may owe to agents ...

    There are many rumors that Tsallagov may leave the club. Do you think he can already be promoted?

    I believe that a footballer can successfully play in a good provincial team. It's not a fact that Ibrahim will be given as much playing time in the capital's team as he gets here. By the way, even when I was in charge of Tsallagov, Moscow “Lokomotiv” contacted us, but then we were able to convince him to stay.

    At the same time, the team at that time accumulated "ballast" of strange players like Ponomarenko, Priemov, Lagiyevka. Can you attribute them to breeding failures?

    I can not. You see, at that time we took everything that lies. I repeat, we had a shortage of players. It's a shame that Kovba and Lagiyevka did not play in the team then. They really wanted to return to Samara and play for us, but Krzysztof immediately received severe injury... Denis also failed. But these were blunders that did not depend on us.

    Koroman was not given a chance to play

    - Is it true that during your presidency, Karjaka and Kingston could have returned to Wings?

    There were indeed negotiations. Kingston immediately made it clear to us that he did not want to return to Samara. But Andrei Karjaka expressed a desire to speak with us. But at that time, we could not pull his salary. She was transcendental for us. Of course, now this is a very modest amount. I think Andrey would still be useful to our team now. I treat him with great respect.

    - Who else could have come to play in Samara, but did not come?

    I can't even tell you anything, because there were no such players. Times were completely different. We had nothing to offer the players.

    - Did you bring Koroman and Djordjevic?

    I agreed on Djordjevic. Conducted all negotiations with his agent, and it turned out to bring down the amount of his compensation. From 500 thousand euros they moved to an amount of 150 thousand. Money, ridiculous at the present time. As for Ognen, we decided to invite him as a "uncle" for that young team. Koroman had previously proven himself in the team and therefore the choice fell on him. Why didn't he succeed in Samara? He was simply not given a chance. It's all about his relationship with Kobelev. That story has been going on since the time of their performance at Dynamo. Later Koroman explained everything to me. Of course, the coach is wrong. He must be above such things. I went up to Kobelev then and said: Ognen gave three assists and scored a goal. What else does? He is also one of the most effective players on the team. But he decided in his own way, and as a result, this was used against Razveev and Tarkhanov. They say they invited a player, but he does not play and receives a salary. In general, it's funny when the previous management of the club is accused of ineffective transfers. Then the players received about 10-12 thousand euros a month at Krylya. This is disproportionate to current salaries. The difference is felt.

    Is it true that you and Sergei Marushko were very strict about the discipline of the players? I even heard about such a case. Marushko saw the double with a can of beer and then constantly lectured him.

    It's true, we fought for discipline. I understand when a professional player allows himself a bottle of beer after a difficult match, but there is a time and a place for everything. And young players are not allowed alcohol at all.

    Are you in touch with any of the players? Who is your best relationship with? I know that your son communicates very well with Denis Cowboy.

    I watch Anton Sosnin, with Zhenya Savin, Vanya Taranov. Oleg Samsonov just called.

    - Why did his career go down? Does he regret that transfer to Krasnodar?

    In my opinion, everyone understands that Oleg would have done better in Samara. And he himself understands that he could reveal himself here. This whole situation is very sad and regrettable. I do not understand why Samsonov and his agent could not agree and come to correct decision... I know his agent very well. It - good man, true professional. One of the few agents in the league with whom you can work fruitfully. Therefore, that situation is doubly incomprehensible to me.

    - What is the most unusual player who has been in Wings during your presidency?

    I can’t name any one. I was good at getting along with all the players. Zhenya Savin, Vanya Taranov, Nenad Djordjevich were very interesting.

    - Why, in your opinion, Tarkhanov has nowhere, except for "Wings", on by and large Did not work out?

    I would argue on this issue. Why didn't it work? Tarkhanov did a very good job at CSKA. For a long time he was an assistant to Romantsev in "Spartak", which in those years earned the championship. I think that as a result of Hajiyev in 2004, there is a great merit of Alexander Fedorovich. I believe that 60-70% of that bronze was predetermined by him. Gadzhiev had only to competently cut that command: remove unnecessary things, add something.

    - Who was the initiator of the invitation to the club of Andrey Kobelev?

    Kislov and Chigenev. It was they who flew to negotiations with him and dealt with all the details of the contract. I could not somehow influence the situation.

    Clause in Hajiyev's contract

    - For what business is the most offensive to you, which you did not manage to finish as a football functionary?

    Honestly? For the fact that I did not have time to complete the transfer of the ownership of the sports school of the club of the Voskhod stadium. This is a very right thing to do and it saddens me to realize that I did not have enough time to complete this process. You say that reconstruction design is underway there now? This is good news.

    When a previously unknown lawyer Pashkov appeared this winter as the owner of the club, many immediately connected him with you. You know, at first I also got the same impression ...

    No, I definitely have nothing to do with this! (Laughs) It's difficult for me to comment on something here, because I don't know Andrei Pashkov at all. I know him as a lawyer, but not as the owner of the club.

    - When you were president, were there any options to sell the club? Have large companies approached you with such a request?

    There really were such options. I had a number of negotiations with large investors, but the interest of the companies was lost when they saw the size of the club's debts. Not everyone would take on such a burden.

    - In your opinion, is it correct that a local specialist became the coach of Krylia?

    Of course, this is the right step. Alexander Tsygankov is an interesting coach, you must definitely believe in him and let him work longer. But in the conditions of modern football reality, it is very difficult to predict his prospects in the club. If he is allowed to work for 2-3 years, he will give a result. Incidentally, I do not understand the mood of many people in relation to the work of Tsygankov. Where does so much negativity come from? Now, on the contrary, everyone needs to get together and believe in the coach. Give him full support from the fans and management.

    Tell us about the story with Savin. Eugene now and in 2011 is like two different people... Is it true that the reason was in his passion for exercising with weights?

    Yes, I think this is close to the truth. Zhenya then began to pay a lot of attention to his appearance. Young, his head was spinning. He began to walk often in gym and pumped to look good on the beach. I approached him a dozen times with advice. And he answered me - "Viktor Borisovich, I want to look beautiful." You have to love football, not beauty ... Now he has matured, become wiser. True, he is now again feeling some decline in the game.

    - To your merits in the club include the acquisition and subsequent successful sale of Petrov and Samsonov.

    We then established very good relations with Zenit. The union between the clubs was wonderful. We took young players from them, but they always prescribed in each contract the amount for which the club can return the player back. Didn't want to lose their talents.

    Let's call a spade a spade. He was not invited to Wings of the Soviets, but was stolen from another team. As a result, fate returned the debt to "Wings" and with Samara there was absolutely the same story. It is difficult to add something else here, but one thing I can say for sure. If there was a clause in Hajiyev's contract about his ability to leave for Anji, then those people who signed such an agreement should be driven out of Wings. Because this is complete connivance.

    - Hajiyev himself said that there was such a point.

    There are many versions. I also heard from several people that there was such a point. However, Chigenev and the Minister of Sports said that nothing of the kind happened. The situation is dark.

    - Do you go to Wings matches?

    No. I don’t want to be told that Viktor Razveev came to promote himself. I prefer to watch the games of "Wings of the Soviets" on TV.

    - I’ll ask you one last thing. Would you like to work at Krylya again or is it impossible under the current conditions?

    I find it difficult to answer this question. Now I am completely focused on my business, my family. I do everything to make my family and friends happy. Some transformations are taking place in Wings. The club became the property of the government. This is definitely the right move. But it is obvious to me that he is intermediate. A completely different management team is gathering there now, and I don't think that anyone is interested in me there. And I do not consider myself an ideal person to manage Wings of the Soviets. On the other hand, there is a saying - "never say never."

    - What would you like to say to the fans? I know that you recently met with them.

    Yes, we had a good, sincere meeting. It so happened that I accidentally met one of the fan acquaintances who suggested the idea to get together and talk. I supported this venture. He always treated the fans of the club warmly and is ready to meet with them as often as possible. In Samara, the most unusual loyal and devoted fans, there are no other such fans anywhere else. After all, I myself went to the field of Metallurg and with all my skin felt the crazy support of tens of thousands of people who came to the stadium. This charge from Samara fans makes the team play to the end, makes the team play fair. I wish that Samara football traditions never ended.

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