Top spin: attack hit with spin. Top spin: attack hit with spin Top spin in table tennis

Those who decide to come to grips with playing table tennis, and who want to achieve good results in this sport, need to hone different types of punches and learn how to apply them at the right time. This article will focus on attacking strikes, because as the well-known saying “ best protection Is an attack. " So, there are three main types of offensive strikes - roll forward, top spin, mix... All types of techniques and methods of execution are presented in the form of tables so that you can clearly assess the difference and feel the similarities between them.

Roll forward

The most common type of attack hit. This is a shot in which the rate is placed on the high speed of the ball in contact with the racket. To roll, you need to slide the racket from the bottom up. Roll can be done in two ways: 1. Roll with an open racket; 2. Roll with a closed racket. Below we will analyze these strikes in more detail.

Reeling with an open racket (right)

First of all, rolling with an open racket (on the right) is characterized by the fact that the body, the toes of the player's feet are deployed in right side... Right roll is one of the main attacking blows. At the same time, the racket moves up - forward and strikes the upper side half of the ball.

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Reeling with a closed racket (left)

In theory, roll to the left and roll to the right are not much different, only the position of the player at the table. However, in practice it can be seen that the roll with a closed racket is less powerful, but just as fast. With the help of this blow, it is possible to unexpectedly change the trajectory of the ball's flight for the enemy, and it can also be played from 2/3 of the table. This technique is performed facing the table. On a direct hit, the player's feet are parallel to each other, and the left shoulder is pulled back.

The main mistakes when performing roll-overs:

  • meeting and hitting the trimmed ball with a too closed racket;
  • the angle of inclination of the racket was wrongly chosen (100-110 ° is recommended);
  • hitting the ball at the bottom;

A feature of the roll is the high forward speed of the ball, so it is often used when repelling the "candle" technique. However, the speed of the ball is quickly lost with long shots, so it is more effective to use top spin if the opponent is not close to the table.

Top spin

Top spin is technically a more difficult bottom-up shot in which the ball takes on very strong top spin and very high speed. The specificity of top spin is directly attacking in nature and is used to deflect attacking blows and intercept an opponent's attack. It seriously complicates the enemy's retaliatory actions, and without a good mastery of defensive technology, it is almost impossible to repel it. This is all because even the received ball remains naughty and it is quite difficult to direct it along the desired trajectory. Also, this technique is very effective for intercepting an opponent's attack.

As well as roll forward, top spin can be performed in two positions.

Top-spin side (right)


The principle of execution is similar to rolling on the right, but there are differences:



  • wider swing;
  • upward movement of the hand;
  • less grip on the racket;




Top spin left






At the end of the reception, the hand quickly goes to the right and up, and the center of gravity shifts by right leg.







Have you noticed a certain analogy between coasting and top spin? Many professional players are of the opinion that it is not worth dividing them into 2 separate elements, since the top spin is a kind of roll-forward modification with some changes. Let us explain: with top-back, you need to swing below the ball, and when rolling, just from behind; when rolling, the impact is uniform, with top-spin it is sharper and requires additional impulse.

Top spin mistakes:

  • non-return to starting position before the start of the strike;
  • the hand did not have time to overtake the ball;
  • insufficient swing of the hand at the moment of impact;

You will achieve better result, if, when performing a series of top spins, you will use racquets with high rates of speed and rotation.


Unlike the previous technique, mix implies a strong beat without giving the ball a spinning effect. This move is considered the final blow to the candlestick or other high ball. Note that flat strikes are good for attacking only overvalued swords, so the mix is ​​not a leading attacking move.

Execution technique:

Mix is ​​a flat hit, so you don't need to tilt the racket, but swing with maximum force in order to reduce the level of spin when the ball bounces. The blow is made at the top point.

So we have covered the most important shots in an attacking style of play. Remember that learning technique and only regular training will lead to accurate and strong execution of techniques.

If you have any questions, then call our specialists and they will answer your questions and provide the most complete information.

Table tennis training. Topspin on the right in 3 months. 7 training exercises

Hey! With you Zhdanov Ivan, table tennis coach.

In this article I want to tell you: how to learn how to make a top spin on the right in table tennis in 3 months. The top spin on the right is one of the most important hits because it creates the attacking style of play! In order to successfully perform and play in competitions, the top spin on the right is a must. I want to talk about exercises and approaches that will allow you to create your powerful top spin on the right.

Where is the top spin on the right used in table tennis?

If you look at the classic scheme of playing the ball in a game, it consists of two stages.

  1. Containment of the enemy by undercutting (bottom rotation).
  2. Clipping attack through top spin (top spin).

It's pretty simple. The goal of a top spin is to attack, that is, to give the ball more spin and power! Therefore, if you are developing an attacking style of play, top spin is one of the main elements. If you are playing defense, then top spin may not be your main element. For defenders, the key is a cut or counterattack through the support.

Teaching the right top spin technique in table tennis

To perform a top spin on the right, you need to correctly position your legs. The position of the legs is already 60% successful for the technical execution of the blow. The legs should be at 30 degrees to the table line - this will create an opportunity for turning the body and transferring body weight to the right leg. The body slopes to the right when taking the ball. The racket is positioned almost vertically or at a slight angle to the vertical axis, this allows you to hook the ball and create a ballistic trajectory for it. If the angle is too sharp, the ball will hit the net.

When struck directly, the body makes a rotational movement around its axis, creating acceleration for the movement of the arm and racket. The body weight moves from the right foot to the left foot, this adds kinematic energy and the speed of the ball. Left hand(for right-handers) bent at the elbow and rotated together with the body.

Imitation of top spin on the right

Top-back strength comes from the three links of the legs, core and arm. The main power is created with the help of the body and legs, the function of correcting the trajectory of the ball is assigned to the hand more. The fact is that the muscles of the back (core) and legs are much stronger than the muscles of the arm and shoulder, as a result, if you try to hit only with the hand, the top spin will not have strength and rotation and may even end up in the net, if game of pruning. The spin of the ball in the top back is generated by the acceleration of the racket, which is generated by the body!

The final phase of the racket's movement is to turn the body, with the racket in front of you at eye level.

Common mistakes in teaching top-back on the right in table tennis

Let's analyze the main mistakes that occur when teaching top-back on the right in table tennis:

  1. At the end of the top spin, the racket is positioned behind the head. This execution gives the ball a weak hitting force, so it can even hit the net or go on a high trajectory above the level of the net, which will be an easy target for the opponent.
  2. When receiving the ball, the angle at the racket is more than 30 degrees. This leads to the fact that the ball can hit the net, because it will not be able to catch on the rubber by the friction force.
  3. The capture point is at table level. In such a tackle, the movement is often carried out by the hand, and the ball is not given sufficient vertical acceleration to twist the bottom spin.
  4. Legs are straight or parallel to the table. With such a take, we turn off the power of the legs from the blow and cannot give the ball maximum speed.
  5. Execution of a kick immediately upon the bounce of the ball. The ball still has a fairly strong bottom spin, so it will be much more difficult to grab it.

The difference between top spin and roll forward in table tennis

The point of contact of the ball is not located at the level of the net as when rolling, but below the level of the table. This is a very important nuance that distinguishes rolling from top spin. After all, the top spin is done, as a rule, by a cut with a bottom spin. If the ball is taken at the level of the net, then this movement will turn out to be short and it will not be enough to twist the ball. Moreover, than bigger ball is in flight after bouncing off the table, the more it spins and it is easier to take it with top spin. The picture below shows the optimal top-spin capture point after bouncing off the table.

The point of capturing the ball at the table in the top spin

The second difference between top-spin and roll-over is the trajectory of the racket. The purpose of the roll is to impart speed and spin on the ball without spinning or having little top spin. Therefore, the movement of the racket has a more pronounced rectilinear trajectory in the direction of impact. The top spin emphasizes spin, resulting in a more vertical movement of the racket's trajectory. Table tennis rallies are built around play and balancing spin and power. The picture below shows a picture of how the stroke changes when the paddle trajectory changes.

The trajectory of the racket movement at different strokes

The vertical movement of the racket will create maximum spin on the ball, but at the same time minimum movement speed. Conversely, the parallel movement of the paddle will give the ball its maximum speed at zero spin.

Table Tennis Top Spin Training Exercises

Let's take a look at some interesting exercises for training top-back on the right. The exercises are arranged in order of increasing difficulty, so if you are just starting to learn this element, then you should start from the very first.

  1. Top-back workout through imitation. The simplest exercise is done just at the edge of the table. The purpose of this exercise is to remember the general features of the movement. Imitation great exercise for quickly memorizing an element, because it allows you to carry out a large number of repetitions, and, as you know, quantity turns into quality!
    1. Top spin imitation + table movement. A simple imitation can be complicated by adding a moving step at the table and performing a top spin at two points: the right corner and the center.
    2. Top spin imitation + Moving close far. Also a more difficult exercise, which consists in moving to and from the table in a reversible step, while maintaining correct location legs and making a technically correct movement.
  2. Top spin workout on the wheel. An imitation of movement occurs, but with the task of touching the wheel. Unlike a simple imitation at the table, the player has the task of not only making a movement, but also touching the wheel. In addition, the wheel can be positioned so that it would train exactly the point of taking the ball below the table level.
    • Top spin simulation + wheel workout. A combination of two exercises, where you should move at the table and make an imitation of a blow, and the second blow is done on the wheel. The first blow is made on the wheel bolted in the right corner of the table, the second imitation hit is made in the center of the table without the wheel. An important task is to hit the wheel. Similarly, moving close to far from the edge of the table with the wheel is performed. The first blow is made on the wheel, then the second is already further from the table level.
  3. Top spin training with a lot of balls. Your partner or coach throws underspin balls into the right corner of the table at a constant pace and acceleration. The challenge is to focus your attention on the undercut top spin to the right corner of the table. In order to increase the efficiency, you should select the area where you should hit with the top spin. For example, right corner and center as shown in the picture below. This will remove the randomness of the blow.
  • A variation of working on a large number of balls can be following exercises... Performing a top spin from the right corner and center in turn. Here, the emphasis is on moving your legs for a comfortable position. As we remember for right hit you must first put your feet, and only then execute the blow. Working on a large number of balls consumes a lot of energy because you have to hit at a high pace. Therefore, it is best to do this exercise after warm-up and basic exercises(30 minutes after the start of the lesson). In terms of time, each basket of balls (I use 50-100 balls) takes about 2-3 minutes. That's enough, because even in boxing, training rounds are 3 minutes long! Rest between sets for about 1 minute. If the player is less prepared, then the pace of throwing balls should be reduced to an acceptable one. It should always be remembered that the player should be lightly tense and toned, not relaxed, so the coach chooses a rhythm that tones up the athlete. Working on the number of balls at the pace allows you to increase the explosive nature of the game, when the athlete can perform many power powerful strikes!
  1. Top back workout on the simulator. This is one of the most effective ways top spin training, because the number of punches performed is significantly greater than when played in sparring with a partner. Quantity turns into quality. To practice an element, I usually use 15 minutes at the end of the lesson. Modern robot simulators have a varied number of exercises for training the top back on the right. One of the most popular companies making quality robots -
  2. Kick the ball on the bottle. The ball is hit on the neck plastic bottle, the task is to raise the ball due to the short top spin without dropping the can. Exercise can add variety and pleasure to training process... Attention should be paid not to the force of the blow, it can be performed only at the expense of the forearm, but to the feeling of holding the ball and lifting it. This develops a sense of the ball.
  3. Kick a falling ball off the table. The partner rolls the ball along one of the half of the table, starting from the net, the player's task is to pick up the ball by hitting it when it just falls off the edge of the table. The exercise is for variety. The main task is not in the power of the blow, but in catching the "subtle" feeling of the blow, the feeling of the grip of the rubber and the ball.
  4. Return board. This type of simulator has appeared quite recently, its main advantage is the ability to train alone without a partner. Due to the angle of inclination, the ball may return on a different trajectory. The return force is regulated by our own effort, the harder we hit the ball, the more it will return back. Although this simulator is more suitable for strength training roll on the right, it is also effective to use it to train a top spin, because a top spin is also a roll, but more complicated with a greater trajectory of movement.

Topspin training on the right in playing combinations

In addition to working out the topspin in isolation, attention should be paid to training it in game moments. This will bring you closer to a real gaming situation.

Exercise 3-ball topspin attack

Modern table tennis is very dynamic and aggressive. Attention should be paid to capturing the initiative in the game, so most strategies are based on playing with 3 balls. The first ball is the serve, the second is the opponent's trick, and the third is his own attack. Let's look at some interesting exercises for playing 3 balls.

Attack through service with side left bottom spin

Serve with a side left bottom spin close to the net into a right square. Such a serve is also called a pendulum feed, because in addition to the bottom rotation, the ball is also given a lateral one. Due to this, the opponent's ball deviates from the rectilinear trajectory and returns either to the center or to the right square. This gives the opportunity for a technical topspin on the right. The picture below shows a diagram of this exercise.

3-ball topspin exercise

For ease of performing this exercise, you can decide in advance that the one who serves starts the attack. The attack is carried out to the right corner of the table and then the roll is performed on the right.

Right topspin attack after service with right bottom sidespin

This exercise is performed in three balls: a serve with a right side bottom rotation, a return by a partner, a topspin attack from the right from the center or left corner. Unlike the previous drill, this is a service with a lateral right bottom rotation. This forces the ball back to the left corner of the table, where the player is ready to attack.

Lateral spin has an interesting property that makes the ball deviate from the trajectory upon capture and move in the direction of spin. To make the ball spin like this, you need to stand sideways to the table - this is a Chinese pendulum, or parallel to the table - this is a European pendulum. Lateral twist serve makes it possible to use spin in game tactics and predict the ball return zone in advance. The figure below shows a three-ball exercise using a feed pendulum with right lateral lower rotation.

Exercise 3-ball game.

Serve with a lot of spin and power to make it harder for your opponent to throw the ball close to the net.

Exercises of increased complexity. Topspin on a selected / comfortable ball

If in the first training tasks the goal was to perform a clear top-spin on the third ball, here the emphasis is on performing a comfortable hit.

Topspin attack from the right from the center of the table on a comfortable ball

It is played by cropping from the left in the center-to-center direction. One of the players (this can be determined in advance) starts a top spin attack from the right to the right corner of the table and then rolls over to the free right side. This exercise involves all stages of the game: serving, playing defensively through the undercut, starting a top spin attack, and power play. the main task is to turn your legs correctly under the ball and perform a top spin skillfully. The figure below shows the general scheme for performing the drawing of this exercise.

The exercise. Topspin play on a selected ball

In top spin, attention should be paid not to strength, but to technicality. The main thing is to play, as they say, at the table. By investing 100% of the effort into the strike, we thereby lose control over the technique and hit stability.

Topspin attack from the right from the left corner of the table on a comfortable ball

A more difficult exercise, which consists in a game of undercutting from left to left along the left diagonal. The player chooses a comfortable ball and carries out a topspin attack from the right to the left corner of the table, and then free rallies are carried out from left to left by coasting from the left. To carry out the top spin, you need to take a comfortable position over the jump in the left corner of the table. Unlike the previous exercise, you need to make a larger jump in the left corner for the topspin. If the legs do not take a comfortable position, then the blow will be executed with errors and this can only give the opponent the opportunity to carry out his own attack.

Exercise topspin on the selected ball

Lesson summary

We have reviewed a number of exercises that will help athletes accelerate their table tennis learning process and achieve superior results. Train more often and play in competitions. Tournament practice allows you to reliably consolidate everything that has been studied, because you cannot be lazy there and the players give their best at 100%


There are two ways to hit the ball with a racket. The first is by substituting the racket. In this case, it is impossible to predict how the ball will fly. This method is used by most beginners.

The second way is using ball spin. To do this, you need to hit the ball tangentially so that the rubber of your racket can grab the ball and make it spin. The type of rotation depends on the angle of the racket and the direction of its movement at the moment of contact with the ball. There are several types of punches, the main ones being roll forward, undercut and top spin.

To be successful in table tennis, you must master different types strokes and learn how to apply them depending on the rotation of the ball.

Roll forward

To roll, you need to move the racket from bottom to top during contact with the ball. After rolling, the ball has the effect of sinking down, so you can roll with any force, since the rotation will make the ball go down and hit the table.

Reeling with an open racket (right)

Right roll is one of the main attacking blows. The racket moves up and forward and strikes the upper side half of the ball.

Here is the sequence for executing the strike. Legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. The left leg is slightly extended forward. Body weight is evenly distributed over both legs. The torso is tilted slightly to the left towards the table, the hand with the racket is pulled back to the right for a swing. It begins to move when the legs, the racket and the approaching ball form an equilateral triangle, as it were. The blow is applied at the highest point of the ball's rebound, after which the hand is taken to the left and up.

At the moment of contact of the racket with the ball, the forearm, as it were, overtakes the ball. The racket moves in an arc, gradually changing the angle of inclination, as a result, as it were, the ball rolls from above. When rolling, the brush gives the ball spin with a sharp movement. On impact, the weight of the body is shifted to the left leg. After rolling, you should immediately return to the starting position.

Reeling with a closed racket (left)

The movement of the ball is basically the same as when rolling from the right. The necessary rotation is given to the ball when moving up and forward.

Here is the sequence for executing the strike. The legs are shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, the right one is slightly pushed forward, the center of gravity is evenly distributed on both legs. The arm at the waist level is bent at the elbow and laid back to the left, the forearm is parallel to the table surface.

Upon impact, the forearm goes sharply forward, the racket rolls the ball from above, as it were, after which the hand freely goes to the right and up. The center of gravity shifts to the right leg, the arm returns to its original position.


To trim, you need to move the racket from top to bottom during contact with the ball. After trimming, the ball rises up, so the more you spin the ball, the further it will fly away. The undercut is considered a defensive blow. It is more difficult to attack from a clipped ball.

Open racket trimming (right)

Execution of a blow. In the starting position, the player stands almost facing the table, slightly putting his left foot forward, the hand makes a back-up swing and then goes forward and down. The moment the ball hits the racket, which is open side up, the arm is slightly bent. After hitting, the racket follows the ball a little and then goes left and forward downward.

The force of the blow when trimming essentially depends on the oncoming speed of the ball and the distance from the table on which it is received.

Closed racket trimming (left)

The starting stance is typical for a left-hand game: the right leg is slightly in front, the body is slightly turned to the left. The movement of the arm, strongly bent at the elbow and retracted to the left-up-back for the swing, occurs first forward and down, and at this stage the arm at the elbow does not unbend. In the process of movement, the body turns slightly and the center of gravity is transferred to the right leg.

(Based on the book by A. N. Amelin, V. A. Pashnin. Table tennis - 2nd edition, additional - Physical culture and sport, 1985).

Top spin

The purpose of this attacking move is to give the ball super strong top spin. Its speed is much higher than when rolling, which greatly complicates the opponent's response actions.

First, the most unexpected thing is the bounce of the ball off the table. Secondly, even the ball already accepted by the racket remains naughty, and it is very, very difficult to direct it in the intended direction.

Top-spin is also good because a strongly twisted ball flies high over the net and this gives courage to the attacker. It is believed that top-spin can always be used, but practice shows that this is not the case.

Top spin right

The top spin is characterized by a large swing, usually with an outstretched hand. Straightening it at the beginning of the movement allows you to increase both the swing itself and the speed of the racket using the effort of the forearm and hand. The movement of the hand during the top-back, in contrast to the coasting strike, is almost completely directed upwards, and the hit on the ball is of a sliding nature.

Starting stance: the left leg is slightly extended forward, the right arm is straightened and laid out behind the back to the right and back. The trunk is turned to the right side to increase the swing. The legs are bent at the knees, the whole body is relaxed.

Top spin begins with an active turn in the direction of the strike. Right hand goes forward-left-up. The body weight is transferred from the right leg to the left. By inertia, the torso and arm can even go far to the left. At the moment of contact with the ball, the racket should, as it were, slide over it. At the same time, the strength direct blow the ball on the racket is minimal. However, the brush gives it a final acceleration.

There is also a variant of the top spin on the right, which is called the side spin. The difference in performing a straight top back and a side back is that the hand with the racket is brought to the side of the ball, the hand is lowered a little more.

Top spin left

It is practiced much less often than on the right. The classic left top spin is not performed, this is explained by the need to increase the backswing on impact, which usually leads to the appearance of a side spin in addition to the top spin of the ball.

Excerpts from the book
Amelina A.N., Pashnina V.A.
Table tennis - ed. 2nd, add.
Physical culture and sports, 1985.
published with permission
Anatoly Amelina in 1999

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Table tennis technique.

With top spin, the ball spins forward, or, as they say, has top spin. The main difference between coasting and topspinning is spinning strength. So the ball, sent by a powerful top spin, can rotate up to 10,000 rpm. However, it is impossible to describe the whole range of hits with top-spin using the term "top-spin", therefore we often use such combinations as: fast top-spin, side top-spin, thin top-spin, slow / hanging top-spin, counter- top spin.

Top spin history
Top spin stood out as a hit in its own right in the 1960s. Interestingly, a stroke with the same name and a similar effect had been used in tennis long before that, back in the 1920s.
When new materials began to be used in table tennis, that is, spongy rubber appeared, then top-spin appeared. All other types of rubbers (spiked outward, with long shims, anti-spin) are not suitable for this purpose. Spiked inward rubbers first appeared in the 1950s, but it took almost a decade before the hit called "top spin" was born. The first to use top-spin were the Japanese, who at that time could not cope with the European defenders and were looking for new ways to play by cutting. At first, the Japanese tennis players used top-spin as an intermediate blow on the undercut and, I must say, they were quite successful in this, which confused the athletes of the old continent. After the 1960 European Championship in Zagreb, the national team of the best European tennis players, which included Bertsik, Kharangozo, Shido and Wogrink, embarked on a month-long tour of Japan to master the new "Japanese trick" - top spin.
Top spin's first steps in Europe were difficult. Athletes mastered the blow, as beginners do, and lost many matches. At first, the top spin was used only as a counter blow to the undercut from the left. But soon the top spin spread widely across Europe, which led to some strange consequences. The blow was so unusual that correct execution just one top spin almost definitely led to a point. Top-spin was used only for undercutting and exclusively as a blow from the right, but gradually time made its own adjustments.
The first player to use the top spin on the left was the German national tennis player Eric Arndt, who reached the final of the 1962 European Championship. At that time, his shot seemed very specific to everyone, and it took a long time before the top spin took the place in table tennis technique that he occupies now.
Modern athletes, building their game on attacking blows with rotation, try to carry out a top spin not only by cutting, but at any convenient opportunity, including against the opponent's attack. One of the first athletes who used such tactics of the game was the famous Dragutin Shurbek.
Naturally, following the appearance of the top spin, the methods of countering it have also improved. There have been innovations in the technique of the game, allowing to take offensive blows with overhead rotation; new materials have been developed to help combat rotations (for example, anti-spin pads). But this did not prevent the top-back from becoming one of the main, if not the most important, element of technique that athletes, especially Europeans, use both to start an attack and during a game in attack. Interestingly, there was no top spin craze in China. There, many tennis players still play with the pimples outward and do not use hits with strong topspin at all. Therefore, top spin cannot be called a basic element of table tennis in general, but at the same time it is the basis of one of the directions of the game.
The development of top spin has led to the emergence of a whole galaxy of tennis players who practically do not play in defense, since it is difficult to master defensive techniques professionally and be a good attacking player at the same time. However, the technique of the defensive style athletes has also changed: more and more often they "surprise" their attacking colleagues with unexpected spins (which became possible thanks to the use of modern and very "intricate" rubbers), and also try to switch to a counterattack at the first opportunity, disrupting the rhythm of the opponent's attack and often resulting in a point scoring.
At the first stage, the use of the top spin reduced the speed of the table tennis game. The first top spins were slow, fairly high kicks with spin, where the spin itself was dominant, rather than the speed of the ball. To the chagrin of spectators and experts, it turned out that, having learned the top spin, the players completely forgot about attacking shots without rotation. But after a while, the "slowness" of the top spin was overcome, and the game became faster, and the strikes became more effective. The modern top spin combines strong spin and high ball speed. This was facilitated not only by the development of technology, but also by the improvement of materials: the linings became both "fast" and "twisting".
Nowadays, many tennis players use top-spin kicks as the basis of their game, and often play with them throughout the entire rally. Most of these players use both top-spin on the right and top-spin on the left, since it is almost impossible to catch all the balls only with the top-spin on the right.

Definition of top spin
Top spin is an attack hit in which most of the energy goes into top spin. The racket strikes tangentially above the center of the ball's flight axis. When we talked about a flat attack hit, we noted that even with such a hit, the ball has, albeit a slight, top spin. But most of the energy goes into the speed of the ball. However, it is difficult to draw a clear line between an attacking blow with rotation and without rotation.
In accordance with the execution options, there are variants of top-spins: the farther from the table the athlete plays, the wider the swing; the closer to the table, the less swing. A long and wide swing takes time and is not suitable in a situation where you need to quickly attack directly at the table. On the other hand, the shorter the backswing, the weaker the rotation, but the athlete has the opportunity to attack quickly.
The most effective in an attacking game with an overhead spin is considered to be a blow from the right, because in this case the player has the opportunity to use the power of the whole body, while in a blow to the left the role of the body is minimal and the blow is performed mainly by the forearm and hand.
There are several types of top spin kicks in modern table tennis that are difficult to clearly delineate. However, one can distinguish high top-spin (sometimes called "slow"), fast top-spin, top-spin left and right, counter-top-spin (or top-spin against top-spin), top-spin from the table.

Top spin right
Starting position
The player (hereinafter refers to the right-handed athlete) stands diagonally to the end line of the table, the body is turned to the right at an angle of about 45 degrees. The right leg is put back, the left is closer to the table (for a left-handed player, the position is mirrored).

During the swing, the athlete's right shoulder and body move back and down. The body turns to the right following the shoulders and leg and goes down, leaning to the right towards the hip, while the right leg bends at the knee. The free arm is bent and moves to the right, following the body. In this phase of the swing, the weight of the body falls on the right leg as the center of gravity shifts to the right. In the last phase of the swing, the player's body is deflected behind the right leg, the left shoulder is in front, the right is abducted and lowered. The playing arm is straight or slightly bent (angle not less than 120 degrees), the hand with the racket is at knee level, the palm side of the racket is directed downward.

Having approached the extreme phase of the swing, the player begins the percussion movement with a slight extension of the right leg. At the same time, the body and shoulders are rotated to the left, while the body begins to straighten. The playing hand is bent at the elbow during movement, due to which the racket receives additional acceleration in the direction of the strike. The racket moves in a diagonal direction forward and upward. Moreover, the upward movement is limited and depends on the type of top spin. During the execution of the top spin, the whole body acts like a straightening spring. In this case, strength and speed must be combined with the correct contact between the ball and the racket. The blow begins with straightening the legs, then the body straightens, the shoulder girdle, shoulder, forearm rotate and at the very last moment the hand enters. From a biomechanical point of view, it is important that body parts enter the process in exactly this sequence and that all movements are coordinated. It is important to remember that by not including the legs in the execution of the shot, the top spin will turn out to be weak, the legs should work at all stages, starting with the swing.
For a powerful top spin, you need to make a good and timely swing, especially if the top spin is planned as a finishing blow. The acceleration of the racket just before contact with the ball should be maximized.

Point of impact
At the moment of contact with the ball, the racket is in a closed position. In theory, the kick should be at the highest point of the ball's bounce. This is the most advantageous position, at least at the stage of learning the top spin technique. However, in playing practice, the blow often falls on other points of the ball's flight path, which directly affects its characteristics. With a fast top-back, the touch occurs on the takeoff of the ball, it is possible to receive the ball almost directly at the table surface. When playing top-spin against top-spin, as well as when performing a powerful top-spin with a large swing or playing a trimmer, the touchdown occurs after the ball has passed the top point.
Final strike phase
The blow ends by turning the body to the left, the hand reaches the level of the forehead, the body weight is transferred to the left leg. A full-fledged transfer of the center of gravity to the left leg is possible in a training situation, however, in the game, especially after a jump to the right, the classical transfer does not work. The basic movement - forward and up - is present in any top spin execution. In the final phase of the impact, the body should not fully straighten or lean back, the left leg should also not go back. The racket does not stop at head level, but smoothly returns to its original position.
Basic technique top spin is learned at the second stage of the athlete's training, when the player has already mastered the attacking hit without rotation, the block and the jerk. But we do not recommend unduly delaying the beginning of top spin training, because young players free time will still try to use this blow, and it is better if they get correct technique from the coach, than they will independently imitate their older comrades. Therefore, children often have to teach top-back already at the very early stage... Although it is known that in China top spin is mastered only after mastering attacking strikes without rotation, blocking and jerking. Moreover, not all Chinese athletes are trained in top back. The Chinese approach is opposed by the methodology of the famous Swedish coach K. Johansson and some German coaches, who believe that it is necessary to study table tennis technique from the top spin.
When an experienced beginner begins to master top spin, his attention should be paid to the fact that each hit should be performed with effort, the movement of the racket should be as fast as possible. If the top spin is technically correct, but without proper effort, the ball cannot reach the required spin. Therefore, it is important to immediately explain to the athlete that when performing a blow, all parts of the body work: legs, body, shoulders, forearm and hand. Then the player's attention should be paid to the fact that when swinging the racket should be in a closed position. During the strike, the tennis player should not send the racket forward, as with a flat attack hit, since in this case the ball will not get spin.
At the first stage of training, the main problem lies precisely in the fact that the player is afraid to hit the ball with a closed racket, because it seems to him that in this case he will not be able to hit the ball at all. Then, at some point, the beginner overcomes himself, hits with a closed racket and sends the ball off the table or into the net. This is a sign that the athlete has started the correct execution of the top spin, and the tennis player must be persuaded to continue training in this direction. Players with good coordination and a "soft" hand master the top spin fairly quickly.

- In the first phase of the strike, the racket is in the open position
When swinging, beginners often do not cover the racket because they are afraid to make a mistake. They hit the ball not from above, but in the center relative to the trajectory of the ball, because of which the ball does not receive the necessary rotation. The coach should draw the athlete's attention to the fact that the racket must be in a closed position during the first phase of the strike.
- During the strike, the player opens the racket
Very often in the process of training, the athlete corrects the first mistake by closing the racket during the swing, but at the same time, during the strike, he opens the racket again. The player wants to hit so that the ball does not go off the table and does not hit the net, and it seems to him that the easiest way is to do this with an open racket. As a result, the point of impact falls in the center of the ball and the latter does not receive the desired rotation. It is important to point out this mistake to the athlete and ask him to make sure that the racket is in the closed position at all times during the strike.
- The blow is carried out at a slow pace
The player kicks at a slow pace for fear of losing the ball. Due to the small force on impact, the ball does not get enough rotation. It is important to draw the player's attention to the fact that immediately before the kick, it is necessary to make an "explosive" movement that can give the ball the energy necessary for rotation.
- Insufficient swing
In the first phase of the top spin, the player makes an insufficient swing. The racket travels too short a distance from the extreme point of the swing to touch the ball, so the hit is weak and / or with little spin. Often this error occurs due to the late start of the swing. The player takes too long to make a decision and, as a result, does not have time to move the racket to the required distance. The coach should draw the athlete's attention to the timing of the start of the swing. During training, you can ask the player to start the swing immediately after the end of the previous blow. In this case, the athlete must be sure that the ball will come to the same point as the previous one. After the player has mastered the correct technique, it is possible to diversify the options for the arrival of the ball, but the coach should still focus the tennis player's attention on the swing.
- The blow is made only at the expense of the hand
All percussion movement is performed only by the hand, without turning on the body and legs. In this case, both the speed of flight and / or rotation of the ball and control over the blow are lost. The coach should point out to the player that the whole body works like a spring, starting with the legs, turning the body, shoulder girdle, and ending with a hand and a brush.
- In the first phase of the strike, the player does not bend his knees
During the swing, the player (right-hander) does not bend the right leg at the knee. Because of this, the body does not act like a straightening spring in the upward and downward direction. As a result, the rotation is weak and control over the blow is lost.
- Playing with a straight arm
The player performs the movement with a straight arm, without bending it at the elbow and does not turn on the wrist to give the ball additional impulse. The athlete makes a movement with a large amplitude, which requires a lot of space and time, but the quality of the impact decreases. In this case, a simulation workout should be done without the ball, paying attention to the flexion of the arm.
- The blow is carried out without the participation of the brush
During the blow, the player's hand is clamped. During the swing, the hand does not bend and thus, at the moment preceding contact with the ball, the racket does not receive additional acceleration. This mistake is most common among athletes who cannot relax while playing. This error can be corrected by using a simulation wheel attached to the edge of the table. On the wheel, the athlete first works out only the movement with the hand, and then connects the whole arm.
- In the final phase of the strike top part the player's body leans back
The general direction of movement for top back is forward and upward. But for some athletes, in the final phase, the body begins to tilt back. The reason is that the playing hand does not stop in front of the head, but continues to move, and the athlete, in order to stay on his feet, has to shift the center of gravity, for which he deflects the body and puts his left leg back. When correcting a mistake, one must make sure that during the blow the hand does not go further than the head.
- The kick is carried out on a falling ball
The player starts the top spin late and kicks the falling ball. At the same time, the distance from the extreme point of the swing to the point of contact with the ball is reduced and the swing is weak. Therefore, at the first stage of teaching top-back, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the ball should be hit at the highest point after bouncing off the table. In the future, the athlete can vary the point of impact on the ball, but first he must learn to adjust the swing depending on the place of the intended contact between the ball and the racket.

When training a top back, an athlete does not necessarily make all of the mistakes listed. But any of the mistakes leads to a loss of the quality of the top spin: the speed of the ball is reduced, the frequency of rotation, the control over the blow and the direction of the ball's flight decreases.

Professor Radivoy Khudets
(translation by Oleg Belozerov)

I have prepared for you a list of 5 quick tips, applying which, you can significantly improve the technique of your top spin on the right, or simply diagnose the presence of flaws.

You will learn:

  1. How to swing correctly and economically
  2. How to tilt the racket with the top back to the right on a simple ball
  3. How much body weight should be transferred to the left leg (for right-handers) at the end of the movement
  4. How to work your forearm with top back
  5. In which case more than half of the efforts "go" into the air

Today's review will be a mixed format: video + text.

P.S. Tomorrow at midnight the cost of recording a master class will rise by 40% "Top spin from the right corner: 2 times more hits".

Also, 2 bonus video lessons will NOT be available: "Top spin on the right by the block, like in Ma Long" and "Top spin on the right with a cut, like in Fan Zhendong".


Most tennis players in Europe have an excessively bent forearm on the backswing. Moreover, this is observed even among a number of very strong athletes.

If you keep your hand too bent on the swing, then the top spin will lose at least 30% of the speed that it could have.

At the same time, I do not say that it is very bent arm you cannot perform a top spin. It is quite possible for yourself, as many tennis players in Europe prove, but in this case the legs, torso and hand must work to the limit in order to compensate for the lack of inclusion of the forearm.

With a serial top-back on the right, it makes no sense to unbend the forearm to the limit - you just don't have time to bend it during the movement. The main thing is that the fold angle is more than 90 degrees, so that there is space for movement (fold).

Pay attention to the level of "extension" of the hand on the swing and the path that the forearm travels to the end.

Forearm movement with top back on the right

The forearm begins to engage in movement at the same time as the legs, pelvis and trunk.

Many try to begin flexing the forearm at the very moment of contact. It is not right. Contact with the ball is carried out at the moment when the forearm has already completed 30-40% of the bend. That is, the folding process begins before contact with the ball.

Ma Long's fixed top spin right end

The forearm reaches its final point of bend at the end. In this case, the fold itself turns out to be sharper and more biting, if at the end you fix the end in a strict position, and do not smear it with a smooth movement.

You can see the fixed and clear ending in 60-70% of the top spins on the right Olympic champion Ma Long. But this recommendation is suitable for top spins. medium strength made from a comfortable position. In situations of reinforcement or top-spin from an uncomfortable ball, there are already other recommendations.

The next tip is partly derived from the previous one.

A common mistake of amateurs is that first a swing is performed, then the racket is carefully brought to the ball and here there is an attempt to accelerate and spin the ball.

With this performance, most of the effort occurs, as if after contact with the ball. That is, in fact, it goes into emptiness.

As a rule, this performance is done intuitively. For fear of missing the ball and the desire to control the process of contact with the ball, being closer to it.

To avoid the effort that goes into the air, you need to understand that the main part of the top spin is the part that is done BEFORE CONTACT with the ball. It is up to contact with the ball that the hand and the whole body are accelerated. And the extent to which these parts have gained acceleration BEFORE contact with the ball depends on what the CONTACT ITSELF will be.

The racket should go over the ball at the moment when it has ALREADY picked up speed. At that moment, when it has already accelerated to the maximum.

  • remember Tip # 4
  • match it with this recommendation
  • mentally make movements from the swing with the inclusion of the forearm and acceleration of the racket until it contacts the ball.

Better yet, get up from the table and simulate all the movement completely.

Just make sure that there are no family members nearby, otherwise they will think that you are crazy and will call an ambulance 🙂

P.S. If you have come across this article, it means that you are interested, so to speak, in the base of table tennis. Therefore, I can assume that you may also be interested in the controversial aspects of the rules of the game of table tennis, which we (together with other amateurs) analyze.

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