Dumbbell squat technique. Why are dumbbell squats useful for girls for the buttocks? Basic dumbbell squat technique

Video Squats with dumbbells for women

Parsing the exercise

Dumbbell Squats - A Lightweight Alternative basic squats using a barbell, which also allows you to effectively work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Workload distribution in the context of individual muscle groups occurs in the exercise as follows:

Among the amateur audience, squatting with dumbbells in hands is considered a primordially "girly" exercise, the male half of the trainees more often prefers to exploit the traditional modification of the movement with a barbell. Mainly for one reason - more weight can be used in the classic barbell squat.

Meanwhile, there are no useless movements in strength disciplines: changing the usual projectile allows you to diversify training program an experienced athlete, in a safe mode, learn the technique of the main movement and prepare the muscles for increasing the working weights. And dumbbell squats may be the only alternative. classic exercise for the athlete with back injuries.

The classic in the "dumbbell" squat is considered the option with the retention of weights in outstretched arms on both sides of the body. It is more convenient from the point of view of maintaining balance, therefore it is the most exploited.

Squat preparation

Start your squat preparation with general warm-up and light aerobics (you can "ride" an exercise bike or run on a track). Then proceed with the target warm-up - do 1-2 light sets of exercises with own weight in the amount of 10-20 repetitions.

How to squat with dumbbells

The main points of technique in the dumbbell and barbell squat are identical:

  1. Make it a rule: your knees are always directed towards the toes of your feet. Occasionally, knee pinching signals that the inner heads of the quadriceps are lagging behind in development. In this case, additionally include exercises in your workout to strengthen them.
  2. Raising on toes at the time of sitting down shifts the load on the knee joint and makes it difficult to maintain an equilibrium position of the body. Correct execution of "dumbbell" squats involves a stand on the entire foot with the transfer of the load to the back of it (heel). If there is a systematic separation of the heels from the floor, it is recommended to place discs under them.
  3. When bringing the knees forward, the joints take on a large share of the load beyond the toe line. For technical performance, the kneecaps should be in the projection of the foot.
  4. Strive to keep your back in a position close to vertical - this allows you to accumulate the load in the quadriceps, transferring it to the back.
  5. The back should remain straight, with a slight anatomical bend in the lumbar spine (lordosis).
  6. At the top of the movement, a small angle is maintained in the knees, which allows you to keep the load in the target muscles and not stress the joint.
  7. Correct and safe execution squatting with dumbbells provides for the control of breathing technique: inhalation should be done while lifting, exhaling - when lowering into a squat.

Inclusion in the program

An "introduction" exercise in strength program depends on in what training "context" it is supposed to be used. Squatting with dumbbells in hand, performed to pre-fatigue or warm up target muscles, can open up a leg workout. But with the same success it can "crown" the complex, if after performing exercises with a barbell it is required to additionally "finish off" the working groups.

In both cases, it makes sense to perform a dumbbell squat in a high volume - for 12-15 repetitions in 3-5 sets. When solving specific problems, such as losing weight, the numerical parameters of the training must be adjusted towards an increase in the number of repetitions. The weight load changes commensurate with the volume of work.

A beginner should always start with low weights and only increase them with impeccable technique. When this goal is achieved, stick to the principle of progressive loading and increase the intensity of work.

Contraindications for implementation

The dumbbell squat is a safe target muscle training option compared to the basic barbell squat because it significantly reduces the axial load on the spine. However, this exercise should be included with caution in the training program for athletes with serious knee injuries, osteochondrosis (radiculitis) or "fresh" spinal hernias. Doing an exercise with large weights contraindicated in the presence of damage to the wrist joints.

  1. Working with dumbbells makes it easier for you to vary the angle of the load. For example, you can put your feet wide or narrow, put one foot on a bench, lift dumbbells over your head, etc. This will allow you to modify the load by shifting the focus to the quads, glutes, hamstrings, or adductors. With a barbell, this is much more difficult, experience and coordination are required.
  2. It will be easier for you to keep your back straight and squat deeper. This is the main advantage of dumbbell squats for girls - the larger the amplitude, the more involved gluteal muscles, and this is the goal of most female athletes.
  3. The next important factor is mental attitude. Squats with dumbbells your brain perceives as more easy exercise than the barbell squat. Therefore, the body does not need any additional stimulation. If you are a follower hard training and every week you squat with almost record weights, diversify your workouts. Do dumbbell squats at least once a month. So you will unload the central nervous system from constant work at the limit of possibilities and save yourself from overtraining.
  4. Another advantage of dumbbell squats is that they can be used not only in gym, but also at home. Just a couple of collapsible dumbbells are enough. Do several sets of dumbbell squats with different legs, bulgarian squats, lunges, deadlifts on straight legs, raises on the socks, and you get a full volume workout on your feet.

The benefits of squats

Dumbbell squats involve a huge amount of stabilizer muscles. In this case, these are deltoid and trapezius muscles, spinal extensors, core muscles, calf muscles, neck muscles, biceps and many others. Do you understand what kind of load you set with just one exercise?

In addition to stabilizing muscles, ligaments and tendons are also strengthened. You get stronger and more enduring with every workout.

Dumbbell squats give less axial load to the spine. This does not mean that she is not there at all, and, having hernias and protrusions, you can do them every workout. Not at all. Just working gently with dumbbells will not exacerbate existing problems, unlike barbell squats.

In addition, dumbbell work is much more mobile. You can put dumbbells on racks and immediately grab a lighter or heavier pair. It is much more convenient to do dropsets, supersets and giant sets. All of these techniques for increasing intensity contribute to a greater bottom line.


Not all athletes will benefit from this exercise. If you have knee problems, you need to perform squats very carefully, work with small weights and strictly observe correct technique... A thorough warm-up and the use of knee wraps are also necessary. This applies not only to dumbbell squats, but also to barbell squats, leg presses, lunges, and other leg exercises.

This exercise is not recommended for spinal problems either. It is not mild scoliosis or lordosis, but serious hernias and protrusions in the chest or lumbar when any power load... If such problems do not torment you, you can safely perform squats with dumbbells.

What muscles work?

Depending on where exactly you place the dumbbells, what kind of tilt you hold, how wide your legs are and how you position your feet, you can emphasize the load on the quadriceps, glutes, back surface or adductors of the thigh.

For example, when squatting plie with a dumbbell, we spread our legs wider than our shoulders and turn our feet outward, and keep the body strictly vertical. This loads the inner thigh and buttocks, part of the load is taken by the quadriceps. It's the same story with wide squats with dumbbells. Such a load makes the hips more voluminous. The inner thigh responds well to stress in almost all athletes, with outer surface everything is much more complicated, and few, even experienced athletes, can boast of its development.

For the development of the outer part of the quadriceps, squats with narrow setting legs, overhead dumbbell squats, or single-legged dumbbell squats. It is important to place the feet parallel to each other in order to further contract the lateral bundle of the quadriceps.

You can also shift the load specifically to the gluteal muscles. For this, Bulgarian squats with dumbbells are best suited. The load is almost isolated on the buttocks, if you bend forward a little more, the hamstrings will begin to work. The greater the amplitude in these movements, the better. Deep squats with dumbbells are great for girls.

General principles of exercise

  1. The wide stance of the legs and the turn of the socks outward (more than 45 degrees) contribute to the development of the inner thigh.
  2. The maximum possible amplitude of movement (below the level of parallel with the floor) contributes to the development of the gluteal muscles.
  3. The narrow and parallel stance of the legs contributes to the development of the outer thigh.
  4. The development of the hamstrings is facilitated by a slight forward bend and abduction of the buttocks back during movement.

Types of dumbbell squats

Consider a few of the most effective species dumbbell squats.

Plie squats with dumbbells

- for effective implementation it must be held with both hands in front of you at waist level. You can also use a kettlebell or barbell disc instead of a dumbbell. The main thing in this exercise is to maintain the correct position of the body.

  • The dumbbell should not outweigh you or tilt you down.
  • We put our feet wider than the shoulders, turn the socks outward, the angle is approximately 60 degrees.
  • We keep our back strictly vertical.

It is advisable to put your feet on step platforms, this will increase the range of motion by precious few centimeters, and you will be able to sink lower. This will make your glutes and adductors work harder. You need to go down until you touch the back of the thigh to the calf muscles. The pace of the exercise is smooth, no sudden movements should be done. It is important to feel the stretch and contraction of the muscles at each point in the amplitude.

Bulgarian squats

The next popular leg exercise that can be done with dumbbells is the Bulgarian squat. To complete them you will need horizontal bench... We put one foot on the bench with the toe down, the other we bring forward. The distance between the legs should not be too great, the front leg should be slightly bent at the knee. Squat smoothly on your front leg. Anatomically, the movement is similar to lunges; the further you put your front leg, the more the gluteal muscles work, the closer, the more the load is focused on the quadriceps. Beginning fitness enthusiasts are advised to adhere to a certain "golden mean": put one leg forward so that the knee remains slightly bent, and a few centimeters remain between the knee and foot.

If you want to additionally "hook" on the inner surface of the thigh, put your front leg not straight, but slightly turn the toe outward. Exercise should be done with moderate weight, in no case should the thoracic spine be rounded when lowering down. The amplitude here can be somewhat shortened. Often, athletes work in a static-dynamic mode, without dropping completely down and not extending the knee at the top point. So the desired muscle group will be under constant tension, and even light dumbbells are enough to create enough prerequisites for muscle growth.

Dumbbell Shoulder Squats

Squats with dumbbells on the shoulders almost completely mimic the classic squat with a bar. The load vector lays down in the same way. The only difference is that there is no need to statically tense almost all the muscles of the torso, as with heavy squats with a barbell. Just position the dumbbells so that you feel comfortable and do not outweigh you. Keep your back as straight as possible so as not to shift the load on the spinal extensors.

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Another option for holding dumbbells on your shoulders:

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You can load the quadriceps in isolation by doing deep squats with dumbbells in your hands. The easiest way is to use one dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it in front of you at chest level. You will get an almost complete imitation of the front squat with a barbell. This exercise is often referred to as the goblet squat.

It is advisable to use a relatively narrow parallel stance here. Stand with your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart so that you can comfortably perform the exercise with a decent weight, and you can fully focus on the contraction of the quadriceps. At the lowest point, you can make a short pause, completely extinguish the inertia and rise up in an explosive manner. This training method develops well explosive power and the speed of the movement. In the same style, you can do squats with dumbbells in your hands, keeping your straightened arms along the body. This exercise is good at developing neuromuscular communication and teaches you to better control the stabilizing muscles, which will come in handy for you on record weights in barbell squats.

For experienced athletes, squats with dumbbells on one leg are also well suited. This exercise requires not only strength, but also tremendous coordination and a sense of balance. It must be performed at a slow pace and with small working weights. Of course, before that you need to learn how to stably perform squats with a pistol without additional weight, or at least with the help of TRX-loops or other support.

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CrossFit athletes can take note of an exercise such as overhead dumbbell squats. It is not much different from overhead squats with a barbell in biomechanics, but psychologically it is much easier. These exercises are needed in order to increase your result in basic weightlifting movements: snatch, clean and jerk, lifting the barbell and others. Here you can give yourself free rein and work with heavy weights, but remember that the correct technique for performing the exercise is above all.

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Alternatively, you can perform this movement with two dumbbells:

Dumbbell scissors squats are a type of lunges. They are especially popular among girls. They are done in the same way as the Bulgarian squats, only without using a bench. To increase the range of motion, you can place one or two step platforms under your front leg. This will allow you to go down as low as possible and fully bend your front leg into knee joint... This will allow the quadriceps to do more work than doing half-range movements.

Basic exercise technique

So, we have briefly discussed the main types of squats with dumbbells. The same technical principles apply to all of them:

  1. We use dumbbells of moderate weight. Do you want to set records? Do them in a barbell squat. We need squats with dumbbells in order to unload the psyche a little from heavy weights, diversify training process and give the muscles unusual load to which they have not yet adapted. Also, many powerlifters use them as a helpers for classic squats, and this is paying off.
  2. In all exercises, you need to keep your back straight. Rounding of the spine is unacceptable, it is fraught with serious injury. At the starting point, we stand straight, gaze is directed forward or slightly upward (this will make it easier for you to get up from the bottom point). We move the chest forward and up. The downward movement is carried out on inhalation, it is advisable to do it slowly in order to feel how the muscles are stretched.
  3. Squats should be deep. It is advisable to squat below parallel. Ideally, almost reaching the floor with the buttocks. This requires good coordination and flexibility. Additionally, hone these skills, then any exercises will be given much easier.
  4. At the bottom, the knee should not protrude beyond the toe level. This is Golden Rule any kind of squat.
  5. The positive phase of the amplitude passes about twice as fast as the negative. We always get up while breathing. If you do not follow the correct breathing sequence, by the end of the set you will have a arterial pressure, and it will take at least a couple of minutes to restore breathing.
  6. The most important thing when standing up is to keep your knee in correct position... It should be located in the same plane as the stop. In no case do not wrap it inward, it is very easy to injure the ligaments of the knee in this way. A slight outward movement of the knee is acceptable, but it is better not to do this either, as it will be more difficult for you to concentrate on the work of the leg muscles.
  7. The pause at the high point should not be too long. First, the axial load on the spine at this moment is maximum. Secondly, when you just stand straight with your knees straight, your muscles are relaxed, which makes pumping much more difficult. It is advisable not to pause at all at the top point or not to extend the knee to the end in order to maintain constant tension in the muscles.
  8. If you are doing dumbbell squats in extended arms, use wrist straps as needed. This will take your mind off the grip and be able to fully focus on the quadriceps.
  9. Always warm up and stretch thoroughly before doing dumbbell squats. So you are guaranteed to protect yourself from injury.

Crossfit complexes with exercise

All variations of this exercise can be used quite successfully in CrossFit. This will create an unusual load in which you will pump all large muscle groups for a short time and create all the prerequisites to become stronger and more resilient.

The simplest, most affordable and at the same time effective exercises are squats with dumbbells, which can be performed at home and in the gym. They have a wide range of benefits, helping to lose weight and achieve beautiful relief. It is important to know and follow the details of the execution technique.

The benefits of dumbbell squats

To make sure squats should be part of your workout, you need to look at their benefits:

  1. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs are well worked out, which makes the figure more attractive. For those wishing to lose weight, you should know that squats help fight excess fat through growth. muscle mass.
  2. Many people are interested in whether squats with dumbbells are effective for gaining muscle, so with regular exercise and a constant increase in load, you can achieve good results. At correct execution the production of hormones (testosterone and growth hormone) is stimulated, which is important for building muscle tissue.
  3. Dumbbell squats can improve your overall well-being. Exercise can reduce the risk of injury as it strengthens muscles and improves flexibility.
  4. If you squat with dumbbells, you can significantly increase your athletic performance. This exercise is used in the training of almost all athletes.
  5. Regular exercise strengthens your back, which can improve your posture. Squats have been shown to help manage back pain. It is important to stick to the correct technique and not try to use a lot of weight.

Dumbbell Squats - Which Muscles Work?

The presented exercise is aimed at working out the lower body, as the muscles of the legs work hard during training. Classic dumbbell squats work more heavily on the gluteus maximus, quads and hamstrings, as well as the adductors of the thighs and calf muscles. In addition, during the squat, the muscles of the shoulders and stabilizers (arms, abdomen and back) are involved in the work.

Squat Dumbbell Weight

To obtain nice results, it is necessary to correctly select the weight of the load, which depends on the level of training of the person. Squats with dumbbells for girls should be performed with such a load that muscle work is felt and it is hard. Select the weight of the equipment so that the last repetition is performed with the last bit of strength. Minimum load- 3 kg. Constant progression in working weights is important.

Dumbbell Squats - Types

There is different types this exercise, which differ in the position of the legs and arms. You should start with the classic version, since it is the basis for all options. There is a certain scheme for how to squat with dumbbells:

  1. Stand up straight with your back straight and your heels flat on the floor. The body weight should be shifted to the feet.
  2. The dumbbells should be in the hands. Squatting, pull your pelvis back slightly, as if sitting on a chair. Bend your knees until your hips are parallel to the floor. As a result, at the time of squatting, the dumbbells should be at a height just above the ankle.
  3. Remember that breathing is important, so going down, be sure to take a deep breath, and while rising, exhale.
  4. Slowly rise up, pressing your hands to your hips. Do not bend your knees all the way to maintain the load. Squats with dumbbells, the technique of which includes important nuances, should be performed with a slight delay at the top and bottom points.

Plie squats with dumbbells

  1. For training, grasp one dumbbell with both hands. Keep your legs at a distance wider than your shoulders, the main thing is to be comfortable.
  2. with a dumbbell, it is necessary to perform, turning the socks slightly, about 45 degrees.
  3. Get down and up, making sure that your knees do not come together and do not go over the toes of your feet. Keep your body straight without bending over.

Dumbbell Bulgarian Squat

This effective exercise requires a bench or other platform that is about knee-high. By training each leg separately, you can work out the muscles thoroughly. Split squats with dumbbells are performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Stand with your back to the bench a short distance from it. Place one leg on the surface of the bench, and push the other forward, about 20 degrees.
  2. Squat slowly, making sure your thigh is parallel with the floor. When doing squats with dumbbells for the buttocks, keep your torso straight and do not touch your back leg with your knee on the floor.

Dumbbell Shoulder Squats

The classic version of the exercise can be changed by changing the position of the arms, for example, hold the dumbbells on the shoulders and partially on the chest. It is important to find the most comfortable position. There are several features of how to squat correctly with dumbbells located on your shoulders, so that they do not roll, you do not need to slouch and do not raise your elbows high. Keep your shoulders stationary. If the contact of the dumbbells with the body is unpleasant, it is recommended to put something soft on your shoulders, for example, a towel.

Squats with dumbbell press up

The basic version of the exercise can be diversified in order to simultaneously train both the lower and upper part body. As a result, in addition to the hips and buttocks, the biceps and shoulder muscles are involved in the work. Squats with dumbbells in hands are performed taking into account the following features:

  1. The starting position is identical to the classic version of the exercise. Place the dumbbells in your hands on your shoulders.
  2. After doing the squat, you need to squeeze the dumbbells up over your head. Please note that the arms should move in a straight line and not move.

Dumbbell Squats for Weight Loss

In order for the volume of the body to decrease quickly, you need to make it up correctly. It is important to think about the days of classes and the number of repetitions in advance. To get results in a short time, it is recommended to add to your workout and other exercises.

  1. A dumbbell squat program can include 3-4 sessions as the muscles need to recover.
  2. You should start with 50 repetitions, for example, dividing them into 5 sets of 10 times. Please note that the break between sets should not be more than 5 minutes.
  3. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and decrease the time between sets.

Squats with dumbbells - harm

Under some circumstances, the exercise can be dangerous and in most cases it is due to errors in execution technique. Beginners are advised to start exercising without additional load and it will not be superfluous to first consult with a doctor in order to exclude possible problems with health. Squats with dumbbells can hide such a danger:

  1. Erroneous exercise will put severe stress on the knees, significantly increasing the risk of joint injuries.
  2. Increase the load gradually, as too heavy a weight can cause sprains.
  3. Squats with heavy dumbbells can cause back injuries, so it is important to make sure there are no back problems. Common mistakes are a strong forward bend and a rounding of the back.

Sport is one of the most important activities in human life. Daily sport exercises and a correct lifestyle guarantee excellent health and a beautiful toned body. Many play sports at home, forgetting that this attitude can lead to poor performance and increase the likelihood of injury.

This article will focus on a common set of exercises such as squats. Squats themselves are one of the best views exercise because they are able to engage muscle groups throughout the body. Squats are equally useful for both men and the female half of humanity.

The benefits of squats

The main exercise - the dumbbell squat - helps to tighten the inner and outer part buttocks and thighs. The exercise itself is not difficult, which contributes to the ideal development of several muscle groups at the same time. In addition to physical activity on muscle tissue, thanks to squats, you can get beautiful, fit and strong legs for men.

For women, doing squat exercises will give you a soft, light gait and an attractive leg shape. In addition, by performing regular squats with dumbbells, the problem of excess weight will no longer exist for girls.

Basic rules for squats

If you want to play sports at home, you should remember: exercise should be done regularly. The number of workouts should not be less than three times a week, especially at the initial stage of training. Performing the main exercise - squats with dumbbells, you need to remember the basic rules:

  • being in the starting position, you should keep your back straight;
  • legs should be shoulder-width apart, palms with dumbbells facing the body;
  • squatting begins, as a rule, on inhalation, while the back remains straight, and the pelvis is retracted;
  • lifting should be performed on exhalation, until full return to starting position.

It is important to note that with the correct exercise, the knees should point in the same direction as the toes. Otherwise, it may be possible to injure your back. Therefore, adherence to the basic rules while squatting with dumbbells is of great importance.

Squats for pulling up the buttocks

Attractive, toned buttocks are the result of regular exercise. When doing squats (with dumbbells) for the buttocks, girls should consider some important points... The weight of the dumbbells should be selected individually, it is better in this case to trust an experienced instructor.

This type of squat involves the muscles of the thigh and back, the calf and gluteus maximus, the quadriceps, and the soleus. Additionally, such exercises will help in the fight against cellulite, which is of great importance today.

Plie squats

The dumbbell plie squat got its name from its similarity to the choreographic movement. This exercise is effective for girls who want to get firm buttocks, but the legs remain feminine. It is important to note that this type of squat does not load the quadriceps.

To perform the exercise, you should place your legs much wider than your shoulders. The feet should be spread out to the sides approximately 45 degrees. The dumbbell must be taken by the base and placed in front of you. This is what the starting position looks like.

While inhaling, you need to do a slow squat. The final depth of execution occurs when the parallel between the thighs and the floor is reached, when a high-quality stretching of the adductor muscles will be clearly felt, on exhalation it is necessary to bring the body back to its original position. The repetition of the exercise is carried out on the next breath.

How to improve your performance by doing dumbbell plie

When performing plie squats with a dumbbell, you should pay attention to some subtleties that will help you achieve better results. It must be remembered that when performing the exercise, the back should remain straight, and the dumbbell should be located close to the body. Squats are best done smoothly, avoiding jerks.

In some cases, when faced with plie squats for the first time, it can be difficult to maintain balance while performing the exercise. For confidence and skill, you can lean against a wall while squatting. Particular attention should be paid to the knees when squatting, it must be remembered that the direction of the knees must strictly coincide with the direction of the feet. Before doing dumbbell squats for girls, experienced trainers recommend doing a warm-up.

Sumo squat

Another effective exercise for the buttocks and inner thighs is a sumo squat with a dumbbell. The exercise itself is quite difficult due to the involvement of a large muscle group. However, its implementation can replace a whole set of exercises. The squat got its name from its wide leg position, reminiscent of the basic stance of sumo wrestlers.

When doing squats with dumbbells for the buttocks, you should strictly adhere to the execution technique. Violation of the rules can lead to stretching of the back muscles and injury. In the initial position, the legs should be placed 10-15 cm wider than the width of the shoulders. The back should be straight, and the dumbbell should be taken with both hands in a horizontal position by the edges.

When doing squats, the emphasis should be on the heel. If it is difficult to do this for the first time, you can put flat sandbags or pancakes from the bar under the heels. The squat begins with inhalation and is performed until the hips are parallel with the floor line. Exhaling, you should take the starting position. At the initial stage of training, squats with dumbbells should not be performed more than 10 times.

Exercise to pump up the back of the thighs

To pump up the back of the thighs, as well as work out inner part hips and quads, squat effectively with dumbbells in hand. To complete the exercise, you need to take the starting position. Feet should be hip-width apart, with socks turned 45 degrees. Squatting on inhalation, the back should be arched, and the depth of execution is required as much as possible. When exhaling, the body should return to its original position.

When performing the exercise, you should pay Special attention balance. It is highly undesirable to lean forward, this can reduce the load, however, improper muscle work will lead to a painful spasm. Also, do not forget: the wider the legs are apart, the greater the load will fall on the inner side of the thigh. In the early stages of training, this can lead to increased fatigue. Therefore, it is best to increase the load based on the individual condition.

Dumbbell Shoulder Exercise

Good exercises for working out quadriceps as well as the buttocks and inner thighs are squats with dumbbells on the shoulders. In the starting position, you should put your feet shoulder-width apart, while the socks are divorced by 10-20 degrees. The dumbbells should be held in a neutral position with their lower edges on the shoulder joints. It is important to note that the angle between the raised elbows and the torso must be strictly 90 degrees.

The technique of execution is typical for all types of squats, but it is better for girls to limit themselves to a small weight of dumbbells. The body should remain straight when squatting, the abdominal muscles tense, and the pelvis is pulled back. Squatting is performed while inhaling, after holding the breath in the lower position, lifting to the starting position with exhalation is performed. When lifting, sudden movements are undesirable; you should push off the floor with your heels.

Squat Secrets and Tricks

Any sport has its own little tricks and secrets that help you get better results when performing. Squats are no exception. So, for example, narrowing the position of the legs increases the load on the muscles of the press and back.

If during squats with a dumbbell between your legs it is difficult to keep your foot on the floor, you can use small pads under the heel area. Their height should not exceed 2 cm, however, it should be remembered that getting used to special stands can negatively affect further training.

If you increase the slope of the body while squatting, the load on the back will increase, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the exercise for the leg muscles. This trick can be suitable for girls who do not want to get masculine limbs as a result of training. For the normal functioning of the respiratory system and the correct organization of the exercise, the interval between squats should not exceed 1 minute.

Common mistakes when doing squats

In professional gyms, under the supervision of a qualified instructor, the risk of improper exercise is minimized. At home, squats are best done in front of a mirror so that you can analyze the position of the body, head, back.

One of the common squatting mistakes is a stooped back. A person, performing the exercise, concentrates on the legs and the correctness of the turn of the knees, while completely forgetting about posture. A lowered head while squatting can also create additional discomfort by disrupting the uniform breathing that is essential in any sporting exercise.

Newbies wanting to get quick results often make a mistake. It seems to many that the higher the load, the faster the training effect can be achieved. This opinion is wrong, nothing but painful sensations premature transition to high load will not bring. The body must gradually warm up, the muscles must get used to work. Therefore, it is especially important to observe the regime and moderation in the exercise.

Breathing errors

Intermittent breathing is also becoming a common mistake when exercising. When doing squats with dumbbells, you should carefully monitor your breathing, squatting should be performed strictly on inhalation, lifting, respectively, occurs on exhalation. Movements should be smooth and slow. Beginners should avoid jerking when lifting from a low position, and a hasty squat will lead to rapid fatigue.

A common mistake among novice athletes is the large intervals between sets of exercises. When doing dumbbell squats for men, the normal interval is 1 minute between sets. It is permissible for women to take a break of up to 2 minutes between squats.


Summing up, it will be important to note that sport guarantees health, beauty and endurance. However, only if the rules for performing the exercises are fully observed, there can be a decent result. Before starting training, it is advisable to consult your therapist. A competent specialist will tell you which workouts are suitable for a particular organism, so as not to harm your health. Pick up correct program loads can be helped by a qualified instructor in the gym, who will also make sure that the exercises are performed correctly.

Every person wants to be healthy, to have a beautiful athletic body. As the old proverb says: "Without difficulty, you can't catch a fish from a pond." Only regular training and careful adherence to instructions can you get a decent result and excellent health.

To pump up your lower body, there is a ton of exercise. The effectiveness of each of them depends on the task at hand. For a comprehensive workout of muscles, do squats with dumbbells. Read on about the technique, types and nuances of the exercise.

Squats with dumbbells: benefits and benefits, contraindications

Squats with dumbbells, as well as with a barbell and body weight, use a large muscle mass. The main load falls on the hips and buttocks, working on the lower leg and back extensors.

Depending on the style of exercise, the load is shifted to a specific muscle group. The benefits of squats can hardly be overestimated. They help girls create a beautiful ass, improve the tone of the legs and form a beautiful transition from the buttocks to the hips.

For men, the main benefit is to improve hormonal levels. Heavy squats increase testosterone production, which is beneficial for muscle and strength gain.

Other benefits of dumbbell squats include:

  • No pressure on the spine.

Due to the position of the dumbbells, there is no compressive load on vertebral column... This is common in hack squats and with a barbell over the shoulders, which increases the risk of injury.

  • High energy consumption.

When large muscle groups work, a large number of calories are consumed. In conjunction with proper nutrition it helps in the fight against excess weight.

  • Increases coordination and strengthens core muscles.

During squats, in addition to the main groups, stabilizing muscles are actively working. Their training makes movements more confident, the feeling of constant tension when walking disappears.

Important: this movement involves long-term retention heavy weight, so those who have joint problems should refrain from it.

There are several types of dumbbell squats. Some are more suitable for girls, others for men. We will consider the technique of several of them below, and now let's talk about the classic squats.

Due to the relative ease of development, they are recommended for beginners. There are fewer variables to watch out for and less stress on the hands.

This type of squat with dumbbells evenly loads the biceps and quads of the hips, buttocks, and goes to the extensors of the back. Here's how to do the exercise correctly:

  • Take and hold the dumbbells in straight arms along the body. The shells should be positioned on the outside of the thighs.
  • Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, your toes "looking" straight or slightly to the sides.
  • Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, raise your head.

  • As you inhale, lower yourself in control until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold for a second and as you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise the specified number of times.

Note: while driving, do not roll the body forward. Try to keep your back straight. The knees should move strictly in the direction of the toes and not cross their border. Otherwise, a breaking load is created on the joints, for which the knees will not thank you.

Having trouble following the correct technique? Imagine sitting on a low chair. Natural movement is easier to control.

Leaning forward? Place a small board or several notebooks under your heels. This compensates for the lack of mobility in the ankle joint.

Dumbbell Exercises for Girls: Squats

Most of the time, girls do squats to build their glutes. While they work in all types of exercise, there is a way to increase the stress on this area.

Squats with dumbbells for girls must be performed using the "Sumo" technique. It involves squats with one heavy dumbbell and emphasizes the load on the gluteal muscles.

This is how it looks:

  • Take a dumbbell and hold it between your legs on straightened arms along the body.
  • Spread your legs wide and turn your socks outward.
  • Make a slight arch in your lower back and pull your shoulders back.
  • Raise your head.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower yourself to the floor, trying not to hunch over.

  • Watch the position and movement of your knees. They should not deviate from the trajectory and go beyond the edge of the toes.
  • Hold at the lowest point for a moment and feel the muscle tension.
  • Exhaling sharply, push your body up and take the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement as much as required.

Note: at the top, do not straighten your legs to the end. By closing your knees, you release the target muscles.

To increase the load on the buttocks, squat below parallel with the floor, however, the position of the dumbbell can prevent this. To get out of the situation, stand on two platforms of the same height. This will not only solve the problem, but also increase the range of motion, which will further load the priority group.

Dumbbell Squats for Men

Men want to get strong and strong legs from squats, so it is necessary to focus the load on them. To do this, do classic dumbbell squats or use modified versions.

How to squat with dumbbells on your shoulders:

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Straighten your back, push your chest forward and arch your lower back.
  • Raise the dumbbells to the biceps and lock at shoulder level.
  • Look in front of you or slightly up during the entire movement.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis to parallel with the floor.
  • Hold for a moment and return to the starting position.

A squat program for men often includes several types of this exercise, as one is usually not enough for full workout legs.

If you want to get some good practice, do front squats with dumbbells. The exercise technique looks like this:

  • Straighten, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Take a dumbbell with both hands and lift it to your chest.
  • Press the projectile against the body. To keep him from falling, straighten your shoulders and push your chest forward.

Note: If the dumbbell is pressing hard on your chest, place a towel under it.

  • Raise your head and inhale in a controlled manner until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Take a short pause and as you exhale, return to the starting position.

The same rules apply here as in the previous types of squats: do not put your knees behind your socks; keep your back straight; watch your breath.

Squats are best exercise to keep fit. They burn a huge amount of calories, improve muscle tone, and also have a positive effect on hormonal levels.

In addition, regular squats are an excellent prevention of pelvic diseases. We have provided the squatting technique with dumbbells. Now it's up to you - exercise regularly and don't make mistakes. Good luck!

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