5 basic exercises. Basic exercise program

    We often hear from various fitness bloggers that without doing basic exercises, there can be no growth. What confirms their effectiveness? In this article we will try to answer this question, as well as figure out how to do basic basic exercises and how to implement them in your training process.

    What are basic exercises?

    Basic exercises- these are those in which several muscle groups are involved in the movement at once, and at the same time, flexion or extension of several joints occurs at once. Due to this, the body receives a stronger training stress, increases the secretion of its own anabolic hormones, and desired result is achieved much faster. In basic exercises, you can use more working weight, which is why they are considered to form the strength "foundation" of the athlete.

    The best basic exercises for different muscles

    For every muscle group there are both basic and isolation exercises. Basic exercises are especially important for beginner athletes. So you will quickly establish a certain strength base, with which it will later be easier for you to build muscle, improve the functionality of your body, or increase record weights in strength movements.

    It should be noted that not all athletes will benefit from regular basic exercises. Many of these involve a strong axial load on the spine. Carry them out Not recommended with hernias intervertebral disc and protrusions, especially in lumbar... In addition, performing these exercises with huge working weights is a rather traumatic activity, and the slightest deviation from the correct technique can not only aggravate existing health problems, but also cause new ones.

    Below is a partial list of basic exercises for each muscle group. They are suitable for both men and women, the most important thing in them is adherence to the correct technique.

    Basic leg exercises

    Let's talk about basic leg exercises first. After all, many ignore this muscle group, but in vain.


    it is one of the fundamental exercises in any sport. Deep squats trigger a powerful release of testosterone, which helps you recover and progress faster. In this movement, almost all muscle groups in your body work in one way or another. The main dynamic load falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings, spinal extensors, gluteal muscles and adductors of the thigh. When working with a serious weight, a significant static load falls on the muscles abdominal, shoulders and trapezius muscles.

    The main thing in this exercise is to monitor your breathing (exhalation is done strictly when lifting) and keep your back straight throughout the entire movement - this way you will save yourself from injury.

    A clear position of the head helps stabilize the movement - the gaze should be directed straight in front of you or slightly upward, so it will be psychologically easier for you to get up from a lower position.

    Leg press

    It will not be able to fully replace heavy squats with a barbell, but the load on the legs is no less here: the front, back and inner thighs and gluteal muscles work.

    The most important thing in this exercise is not to overdo it with your working weight. This will make it harder for you to control. correct position knees. If you put them inside the trajectory of movement, you risk getting a ligament injury. It is also important to work at a comfortable amplitude. Do not try to lower the platform as low as possible. The geometry of most simulators is designed in such a way that at the lowest point you will have a rounded spine in the coccyx area. This is an extremely traumatic position.


    You can perform lunges with own weight, or . In any variation, you will engage all areas of the leg muscles. Depending on the width of the stride, the direction of movement and the position of the foot, you can slightly emphasize the load in one area or another, but such a load will create stress on the entire muscle mass and lead to faster progress.

    Sumo deadlift

    This is one of the Big Three exercises. A wider leg stance shifts almost all of the load on the adductors of the thigh and quadriceps. Also, the biceps of the hip and the extensors of the spine are actively involved in the movement. The range of motion in the sumo stance is slightly shorter, but this does not eliminate the powerful static tension in the abdominal muscles, back, traps and arms.

    The correct technique for performing the sumo deadlift involves a deep dip in the starting position and keeping your back straight throughout the entire exercise. This will minimize the risk of back injury or umbilical hernia.

    Basic back exercises

    Now let's talk about how to achieve a powerful muscle corset and swing your back.

    Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

    The bar is a great workout tool that can help you work out your entire upper back. If you are, then the latissimus dorsi muscles, trapezius and rhomboid muscles, posterior bundles of deltoid muscles, as well as the large and small round muscles, are involved in the work.

    If you use more, then the muscles of the arms will be strongly involved in the work: biceps, brachialis and forearms. Use wrist straps to reduce some of the strain on your arms. If you want to load the back muscles even more, make a slight deflection in the thoracic spine and bring the shoulder blades together at the highest point of the amplitude.

    Bent over barbell or dumbbell row

    The horizontal rows make your back thicker, which is important for building a massive torso. loads the entire upper back, rear delts and biceps. Also, a strong static load goes on the extensors of the spine and abdominal muscles. Experienced athletes will be able to accentuate the load on a particular area latissimus... If you want to put more pressure on the bottom of the lats, use reverse grip and pull the bar straight to the waist. If your goal is powerful upper lats, rhomboid and trapezius muscles, use a straight grip and lift the bar to the bottom of the chest.

    It helps to pump up your back just as well. This is a one-way movement, so the stabilizing muscles will work here even more: the extensors of the spine, abs and deltoid muscles. It is recommended to perform both of these exercises with moderate weight and do not use cheating (swinging the body).

    It is much more important to include the muscles of the back in the work as much as possible, bringing the shoulder blades at the top point, than to try with everyone available ways throw a barbell or dumbbell up.

    T-bar deadlift

    In almost every modern gym there is a special machine for working out the muscles of the back - the T-bar. They are of two types: with and without a breast support. The variation of the T-bar row with a chest support allows you to almost completely simulate the execution of the barbell row in the slope, but with only one difference - due to the fixed position, the axial load on the spine is minimized. Work in the simulator without an emphasis does not give this, but due to the constant retention of the tilt, all the back muscles work in statics throughout the entire approach.

    Another plus of this simulator is more grip variations. For example, a narrow parallel grip allows you to perfectly work out the middle of the back, you cannot simulate such a movement, working only with a barbell or dumbbells.

    If your gym does not have such a simulator, it doesn’t matter. You can mimic the T-bar deadlift with a regular Olympic barbell bar and a narrow parallel grip bar. block trainer for the back. Either way, this exercise is worth doing on a consistent basis - your back will quickly become more bumpy and massive.

    With the classic stance, it involves shifting the load on the back muscles. The classic stance implies the location of the legs shoulder-width apart, the arms hold the bar a little wider, a slight dip is done and the forward bend is done. Keep the barbell as close to the lower leg as possible, then the trajectory of movement will be strictly vertical. The legs work here only at the moment the bar is lifted off the floor, mainly the buttocks and hamstrings work. But you pass the upper 2/3 of the amplitude due to the work of the spinal extensors. A strong static load is applied to all muscles of the upper back, trapezium and biceps. It is fundamentally important to keep your back straight throughout the entire set.

    Doing the deadlift with a hump is one of the most common mistakes for novice athletes, but you should never lift serious weight in this way, it can put an end to your sports career.

    It is very important to breathe correctly during the deadlift. Exhaling too late will lead to increased intracranial pressure, which can make you feel dizzy and most likely have to end your workout. If you want to increase your strengths and work out the upper phase of the movement, perform deadlifts from plinths (stands). This will reduce the load on your legs to almost zero, and you can pump your back even more.

    Basic chest exercises

    Considering the basic exercises for the chest, one cannot but dwell on the following.

    Is probably the most common exercise in all gyms. For many, it is important to raise as much as possible here. heavy weight, and not try to pump the chest. Therefore, this exercise cannot be called isolated, the triceps and shoulders work here no less than pectoral muscles... The static load falls on the extensors of the spine, lats and trapezius muscles of the back, biceps and abdominal muscles.

    Many athletes reduce the shoulder blades as much as possible, flex the lower back, make a bridge and use wide grip- this shortens the range of motion and further reduces the strain on the chest muscles. Nevertheless, this exercise is considered one of the most effective for gaining muscle mass. This is true, because all the muscles of the shoulder girdle work here in one way or another. You can do a bench press lying on incline bench or lying upside down. This accentuates some of the load on the upper or lower chest, respectively, but the load from the triceps and front delts will not disappear anywhere.

    Dips on the uneven bars

    - This is an equally effective exercise for working out the lower chest, but the triceps and front deltas are not less involved here. Of course, having the right core and elbow position will help you focus on targeting a particular muscle group. If you spread your elbows to the sides and make a slight forward bend, the pectoral muscles will work harder. If you keep your back straight and lead your elbows along the body - triceps.

    However, many athletes ignore such technical subtleties. If you do not have problems with the elbow joints, then you can afford to do this exercise both in chest workouts and in arm workouts. If necessary, use additional weights in the form of a disk or a dumbbell suspended from a belt.

    In the common people, this movement is often called simply "wiring". This exercise should also be classified as basic, since it will be difficult to achieve a truly impressive volume of the pectoral muscles without it. The pectoral muscles "love" the accentuated stretching phase very much, for them this is a very powerful impetus to growth. Therefore, combine the set of dumbbells with two to three bench press exercises performed under different angles- this is quite enough for productive training and further progress.

    Basic hand exercises

    Now let's discuss basic arm and shoulder exercises.

    Bench press with a narrow grip

    This is the fundamental movement for the growth of the triceps. All three of its beams work evenly here, as well as interior pectoral muscles and anterior deltas. When doing it, it is important to unbend your arms in the same trajectory. To do this, concentrate on the position of the elbows, they should be pressed against the body at all times.

    Triceps is a rather stubborn muscle. In order for it to grow, you need to do both strength work and simply pump the muscle with blood in a more multi-repetitive mode. That is why, while gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to focus on this movement, because your strength indicators in it will not be much lower than in the classic bench press with a wide grip.

    Lifting the bar for biceps

    The biceps brachii is a relatively small muscle group, and almost all exercises for its development come down to one thing - flexion elbow joint... This is exactly what it is, but here you can vary the width of the grip and the position of the elbows to evenly work out both biceps heads. In addition, this movement places a strong static load on the anterior deltas and trapezius muscles, and the extensors of the spine and the press play the role of stabilizers.

    Basic shoulder exercises

    Consider the most effective exercise to help strengthen your shoulders.

    Army press barbell standing

    In this movement, you work all three bundles of deltoid muscles, triceps and a little upper part breasts.

    In addition, it is very important for the development of control over the whole body, because all other muscle groups play the role of stabilizers to one degree or another.

    In this movement, there is a fairly strong axial load on the spine, so it is recommended not to chase record weights in it and, if necessary, use an athletic belt. If you want to reduce the stress on your lower back, do a barbell press or seated dumbbell press instead. Until now, there are numerous disputes about how to lower the barbell correctly: behind the head or in front of you.

    There is no fundamental difference in the load, simply due to the structure shoulder joint and its natural flexibility, some athletes find it more convenient to do the barbell press from behind the head. The fact that the back deltas start to work harder from this is one of the most common fitness myths.

    Barbell pull to the chin

    Despite the fact that the target muscle group when performing A set of basic exercises for men

    These basic workouts are a classic three-day split (working out different muscle groups on specific days of the week). It can be applied at any stage of the training, but the greatest result from it you will extract during the period of weight gain.

    Trained muscles Exercises Rest time between sets
    Chest + triceps + absBench press lying on a horizontal bench4x6-101-1.5 minutes
    4x8-121-1.5 minutes
    Dips with additional weight3x121 minute.
    Bench press with a narrow grip5x8-101-1.5 minutes
    Hanging leg raises4x15-201 minute.
    Back + biceps5x52-3 minutes
    Wide grip pull-ups4x8-151.5-2 minutes
    Bent-over barbell row3x8-121.5 minutes
    Dumbbell Row3x8-121.5 minutes
    Lifting the bar for biceps4x12-151 minute.
    Legs + shouldersSquats5x52-3 minutes
    Leg press4x6-121.5-2 minutes
    Barbell lunges4x10-151.5-2 minutes
    Sumo deadlift4x82-3 minutes
    Army press barbell standing5x8-121.5-2 minutes

    A set of basic exercises for women

    Principle basic training the same for men as for women: we just try to intensively do multi-joint movements. The only difference will be the order of the exercises, the number of repetitions, and the rest time between sets. This will allow you to train productively, to get rid of extra centimeters, but not to “kill yourself” in the gym.

    Trained muscles Exercises The number of approaches and reps Rest time between sets
    Chest + triceps + absBench press lying on a horizontal bench4x8-122-2.5 minutes
    Incline Bench Press3x8-122-2.5 minutes
    Dips on the uneven bars3x101 minute.
    Bench press with a narrow grip4x8-121-1.5 minutes
    Hanging leg raises4x15-201 minute.
    Back + biceps5x52-3 minutes
    Pull-ups in the gravitron with a wide grip4x8-121.5-2 minutes
    Reverse Grip Bent Over Row3x10-121.5 minutes
    Lifting the bar for biceps4x12-151.5 minutes
    Legs + shouldersBarbell lunges4x10-151.5-2 minutes
    Leg press4x10-121.5-2 minutes
    Squats4x8-102-3 minutes
    Seated Barbell Press5x8-121.5-2 minutes

The 5x5 system is simple and at the same time effective technique workouts, allowing you to spend a minimum of time and achieve maximum results. This system will help you not only to increase muscle mass but also improve performance related to endurance. Fortunately, you don't have to use any special supplements during workouts, because the set of exercises itself has a powerful impetus to stimulate the hormonal system and increase muscle mass.

What does the workout consist of? 5 basic exercises

5x5 workouts are suitable for all groups of athletes. The main feature of the system is simplicity and efficiency. To build muscle and get stronger, you need to find a barbell, bench, and five basic exercises.

1. Squat with a barbell on the back: 5 sets of 5 times.

2. Bench press: 5 sets of 5 times.
3. Deadlift: 1 set of 5 times.
4. Bench press standing: 5 sets of 5 times.
5. Bent over barbell row: 5 sets of 5 times.

Training schemes

With the help of basic exercises, we can build two workouts with different sequences.

Workout A:
- squats
- bench press
- barbell thrust in the slope.

Workout B:
- squats
- bench press standing
- deadlift.

For a successful result, it is enough to practice three times a week, alternating between the first and second workouts. Between two workouts, you need to rest at least one day, let the body recover.

Week schedule

The system also has a timetable to help you better navigate and understand when to exercise and when to rest.

Monday - workout A.
Tuesday break.
Wednesday - workout V.
Thursday is a break.
Friday - A.
Saturday and Sunday break.

Since workout A was on Friday, we start next Monday with workout B.

This is important: top questions

How to choose weight?

It is worth deciding what weight you want to start training with. Professionals already know their limits and opportunities. For beginners, the following scheme is quite suitable:

Squats, bench press, bench press - 20 kg (barbell bar without pancakes),
Deadlift - 40 kg (hang two 10 kg pancakes on the bar),
- tilt barbell pull - 30 kg (hang two 5 kg pancakes on the bar).

In the early days, it will be easy enough, but the weight will grow rapidly.

How to Gain Weight?

All athletes, and especially beginners, need to take a responsible approach to the issue of weight gain. First of all, pay attention to squats. If you successfully complete reps on all five sets, next time add 2.5 kg - small pancakes 1.25 kg on each side. If it doesn't work, keep working with this weight until you find it too light.

How to warm up?

Avoid getting too involved in cardio as it will tire your muscles before exercising. Warm up with a gentle run for 3-5 minutes.

Remember that when you work with heavy weights, warm-up sets are required. They allow you to warm up the target muscles and test your technique.

Perform two warm-up sets, five times with an empty bar. After that, add 10-20 kg and perform 2-3 times until you reach your working weight.

Remember not to rest between warm-up sets. Only after them before starting the workout.

How much rest between sets?

At first, you will need only a little rest, since the weight will be small. You can take note and use the following scheme:

1.5 minutes if you finished the last set effortlessly,
- 3 minutes if you had to try hard to complete the set,
- 5 minutes if you hit muscle failure on the last rep.

Why is the 5 x 5 system effective?

First of all, this program has several different advantages.

- Working with free weights. You have to maintain balance, which puts additional stress on the muscles.

- Minimum equipment. All you need is a barbell and bench, so you can train in any gym or at home, in the park, in the garage.

- Multi-joint exercises. Basic exercises involve more muscle and due to this they allow you to raise more weight.

- Easy start. Light weights in the first trainings allow you to hone your technique and avoid injury.

- Intensity. The workouts are hard but short. You finish before you get tired and therefore always stay focused.

- Progressive overload. Constant weight gain makes your body adapt faster. Muscles get bigger, bones and tendons stronger.

- A clear plan and confidence. You know what to do at every workout and you are confident that the program works.

- Simplicity. There is no need to invent, search and select. You master the technique once, and then you just add weight.

The system is suitable for of different ages and of any gender, including healthy adolescents and people over 40 years old.

Basic Barbell Exercises

Despite the fact that there is a huge number of exercises in bodybuilding, only a few of them are basic, and all the rest are secondary. In order to train effectively and make muscles grow, it is necessary first of all to learn the technique of these particular basic exercises.

The key difference between basic exercises is that they work all large muscle groups of the body at once - as opposed to isolation exercises that work only on one muscle group (for example, the biceps). In addition, basic exercises are always performed with a barbell.

Testosterone and basic exercise

Scientific research shows that the more different muscle groups are simultaneously involved in a given exercise, the more actively that exercise affects the body's production of testosterone and other anabolic hormones that the body needs for muscle growth (1).

In other words, if you want to gain muscle mass, you must approach your body workout in a comprehensive manner, and not just "swing biceps" or "swing chest". A beginner who has learned how to perform basic exercises correctly is able to increase body weight by 5-7 kg already in the first months of training.

The most important exercises

When performing multi-joint basic exercises with heavy weights, the entire body of the athlete is subjected to stress. In addition to the muscles of the arms, body and legs, the respiratory and even central nervous system- this is what provides a significant hormonal response.

It should be noted that the greatest efficiency of muscle growth is achieved with severe strength training and performing a low number of repetitions of exercises - no more than 5-7 repetitions. This, in turn, requires the use of large operating weights and perfect technique.

List of basic exercises

Basic exercises are five multi-joint exercises performed with a barbell: bench press, bench press, barbell squat, bent over row, and deadlift. It is these exercises that have the greatest effect on muscle growth and on increasing the body's hormonal levels.

Moreover, most of the secondary exercises performed with dumbbells or in simulators are variations of the basic exercises. For example, a seated dumbbell press or a machine shoulder press is a modified standing barbell press. Exactly like a bench press - it is, in fact, a variation of push-ups.


The deadlift is the number one basic exercise for your core muscles. If you only do it and give up any others, you will still see the result in the form of mass gain, since it is the deadlift that engages in the work. maximum amount muscles.

In order to learn how to perform the deadlift correctly, it is recommended to start with the minimum weights on the barbell and with the use of a stand - lifting the weight "from the ground" violates the technique, not allowing you to keep your hips tense and your back perfectly straight.


The barbell squat is a basic exercise for developing leg muscles, starting at gluteal muscles and quads of the thighs and ending with the calves. At correct technique the spine and abdominal muscles are also included in the work, forming a steel press.

Learning the correct squat technique is recommended in a special frame that allows you to squat with light weight, but with an emphasis on the full feeling of muscle work. You should start by pushing your buttocks up, straightening your knees and not thinking about your leg muscles.

Bench press

The bench press is a key exercise for developing your chest, triceps, and anterior deltoid muscles. Depending on the angle of inclination of the bench and the width of the arms on the barbell, it is possible to include in the work of various bundles of the pectoral muscle.

In order to learn how to do the bench press correctly, you must first learn how to do push-ups correctly. Perform push-ups from the bench, focusing on the movement being made by the strength of the pectoral muscles. At the same time, the press should be constantly tense.

Pull of the bar to the belt

The barbell row is a basic exercise for developing back muscles and giving it visual width. At correct execution the work also includes the deltas, pectoral muscles, forearms and numerous muscles of the hand-holders.

It is recommended to start learning how to perform the barbell pull in an incline with the pull of the block to the belt while sitting in the simulator. First, you pull the weight to your knees, then practically to your chest, while bringing your shoulder blades together. It is in the phase of pulling the weight to the chest that you should feel the tension of the broadest muscles of the back.

Bench press standing

Standing barbell press (also called "army press") develops shoulder girdle, deltoids, arms, improves posture and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It is this basic exercise that forms the classic sports figure with broad shoulders.

It is recommended to start training the barbell overhead while standing with a standing dumbbell press, giving Special attention so that the weight moves exclusively vertically, and the body is statically stressed. Remember also that heavy weight can be traumatic for the joints.

Pros of Basic Exercises

Muscle growth and fat burning at the same time. Basic exercises require an increased expenditure from the body. nutrients... During the workout itself, glycogen is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes are launched that burn fat.

Increased appetite. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, the desire to consume food increases significantly. It plays especially important role for skinny ectomorphs who have problems with gaining muscle mass due to a constant lack of appetite.

Increased testosterone and libido levels. Since testosterone is the most important male sex hormone, its high level unambiguously increases attraction. The good news is that love joys after strength training help muscles grow faster.

Improving the symmetry of the muscles. Correctly performed basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. The result is not just a pumped, but athletic and powerful physique.

Strengthening the muscle-brain connection. Most beginners are unable to exert willpower on a specific muscle, which indicates a weak connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

The most important for gaining muscle mass are basic exercises that increase testosterone levels through a complex effect on the body. Five of these exercises are allocated to the basic group: deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and deadlift.

Scientific sources:

Best Stimulators of Growth by Tom McCullough, MEd., Source

Research 'The Effects of Testosterone on Muscle Size', source

Classic exercises for your workout routine that will help you stay fit at any age!

Not all training programs are equally well suited to specific age groups... However, the inclusion of the 5 main ones given in this article, classic exercises into your workout routine will help you stay fit at any age!

Striving to maintain a toned physique and excellent physical form does not disappear with age. Of course, as you get older, you will likely need to make some adjustments to your training plans and goals - and spend less time hanging out. Swedish wall or lazily conquering treadmill- but some basic exercises should definitely remain a part of your program at any age.

Not sure which exercises should be the foundation of your workout? Don't worry, we will help you! Unless you're suffering from a specific injury or serious health problem, the five exercises in this article should take a lifetime of place in your standard workout... it ideal exercises that can benefit anyone regardless of age.

1. Squats

Squats are often called the king of exercise, and for good reason! You can do this complex compound exercise anywhere, it is one of best exercise for the lower body and it is widely used in Everyday life... Squats work all of the large back and front leg muscles - the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Start with your regular bodyweight squat and move on to barbell squats over time, gradually increasing your load.

2. Deadlift

The deadlift is an exercise in two basic movements that focuses on the development of the upper and lower body. During its execution, several muscle groups are involved, including the back, buttocks and legs. However, the deadlift is one of those exercises that is very often done incorrectly, so make sure that you learn how to do the deadlift before adding the load. correct form and technology.

When teaching the deadlift, it is recommended that you record your technique on video whenever possible and get feedback from an experienced trainer or professional athlete. Even if you exercise at home and don't have a barbell, don't worry! Deadlift can be done with dumbbells as well.

3. Plank

Regular planking will help you strengthen your core muscles, and in particular, shape your abs, keep you looking good, as well as prevent back pain and improve posture. Plus, doing the plank is easy! Lie on the floor with your stomach down, bend your elbows 90 degrees and move to a support while lying on your forearms and tips of your toes. The elbows should be directly under the shoulders.

Keep your body as straight as possible, tighten your abdominal muscles and do not relax anymore. Hold this position for as long as possible: it is recommended to do the plank for about 30 seconds, depending on your strength. If you feel that the exercise has become too easy, try leaning on only one leg.

4. Farmer's Walk

it functional movement can be performed both in the gym and outside. Imagine carrying heavy bags; simply lift two weights of equal weight (for example, dumbbells) and hold them on either side of your body with outstretched arms. Move towards a specific target for some time or a set distance, and then slowly lower the weights to the ground.

The Farmer's Walk is a wonderful exercise for improving endurance, developing core muscle groups, and strengthening the entire muscular system.

5. Turkish rise

This functional exercise is actually harder than it sounds! Turkish ascent requires knowledge of a specific technique and sequence of movements and involves various muscles... This exercise is aimed at developing the entire musculature, especially the core muscles. The essence of the exercise is to gradually raise the body from a supine position with weights in the hand, and the hand must be constantly extended up above the head. At first, it is recommended to perform the exercise several times without weights in order to get used to it.

Too many athletes fall for the hook of isolated movements. Don't repeat their mistakes, don't sacrifice your progress for the love of single-joint movements. Play the game with basic exercises!

The training process is a series of choices. You choose the goals you want to achieve and determine what you need to achieve them. Then you decide to devote some of your time and energy to moving towards these goals. It's simple, isn't it?

In fact, there are other choices that have a huge impact on the training process, but we rarely give them even a fraction of our attention. One of critical aspects is the definition of the concept within which we will consider the human body. Is it a set of independent parts called "muscle groups" that need to be separated and worked out one at a time? Or that one system that should be trained and strengthened with intense and global incentives?

To be honest, you don't have to answer this question. I give my hand to cut off that a quick glance at training program and how you spend your time in the gym. If week after week, for hours on end, you wade through the jungle of dozens of exercises and try to work each muscle group from all possible angles, then you are a supporter of isolated movements. And I am here to tell you that it is time to change your approach and use it as actively as possible.

I know what you're thinking: “But Todd, I want to pump up my arms. Therefore, I will train biceps and triceps. And leave me alone". This point of view distorts the very essence of how human body moves, grows, and how it works in general. If you want more muscle, strong muscles, strive to create a more athletic physique, basic exercises will become the best choice of all available options. This is why almost every one of you should send isolated movements to hell.

Single-joint movements

Also called isolated movements, these exercises focus on movement in one joint.

Examples:, and almost all exercises performed on simulators. If the purpose of the exercise is to "work out" a particular muscle group (for example, middle delta or short head of the biceps), these are single-joint movements.

Multi-joint movements

They are also called basic or compound movements; to move the load, these exercises require the well-coordinated work of many levers and joints.

Examples: free weight exercises such as, and,. If the day after performing the movement, you feel soreness and fatigue in many muscle groups, it is most likely a multi-joint movement.

Hypertrophy and single-joint movements

Mechanical stress, exercise volume, and calories make the muscles grow. This is a simplified explanation, but I prefer it over most of the other explanations because it is clear and easy to apply in practice.

If you are going to build muscle mass according to the proposed scheme, it is clear to you that the highest number of muscles is involved in high-load exercises that create maximum mechanical (muscle) tension. Think about how many joints and muscles are involved in squats, deadlifts, presses, and rows. There is nothing supernatural in these movements. Yes, they are difficult, complex, but when done correctly, they create such a load on the muscles that no isolated exercise can compare.

This is also true in relation to the volume of the load. For that stimulation muscle growth, which is provided by heavy compound movements, will require an unrealistic amount of single-joint exercises.

Without exception, all compound movements are the most effective use of precious time spent in the gym.

Strength and single-joint exercises

Despite the fact that strength is most often symbolized by tense biceps, strength indicators are largely determined not by muscles, but by nerves. Muscle tissue is only able to withstand stress when the central nervous system and its peripheral signaling systems tell the muscles to generate stress. To train your brain and central nervous system motor centers, you need powerful stimuli that require a quick response. But this is much simpler than nuclear physics. All you have to do is lift a heavy load quickly.

Despite the fact that strength is most often symbolized by tense biceps, strength indicators are largely determined not by muscles, but by nerves.

Heavy load is incompatible with isolated exercises... I'm sure you can pick up a weight that will make lifting the biceps an extremely difficult exercise, but it will not be a real challenge for the nervous system.

Biceps curls can stimulate local muscle growth and increase muscle resistance to stress, but the impulse that the brain receives will never be the emergency alarm that shouts “watch out!” Therefore, you will not receive the impulse without which it is impossible to develop the real strength of all muscle groups.

Athleticism and single-joint exercises

The body parts are not isolated from each other. Every muscle, joint, tendon, and bone is part of a system, which in turn constitutes an even larger system. The only reason why we call the biceps or hamstrings as independent motor units is because of the curiosity of the ancient Greeks who identified these structures during the dissection of a cadaver.

It is enough to look at the human body as a unified and global motor system, and not as isolated motor units in an atlas of anatomy, and it becomes obvious that muscles and joints do not work alone. We move using a complex articular system that extends from head to toe. And as long as artificial devices such as machine rollers do not isolate the joint, natural movement will require the involvement of many joints throughout the body.

Single-joint movements are often performed in a sitting or lying position, and the movement is performed in one joint along the simplest trajectory, which is never seen in everyday physical activity. In sports, we also move freely in space without any external stabilizers like benches, seats or nautilus machines.

Almost all athletes became bigger and stronger when they gave up single-joint exercises for higher training loads

Consider this and ask yourself which makes more sense - squats or leg extensions? You know the answer.

Lifting weights cannot be replaced by anything

If you are a representative competitive bodybuilding and you really need a high bicep peak for the upcoming performance, you will definitely need some single-joint exercises. But for most of us, they are simply not necessary.

I cannot communicate with every athlete, but many people choose single-joint exercises because:

  1. They think that pressing or curling can be a substitute for a difficult one. polyarticular exercises; or
  2. They want to develop a specific muscle group or tighten lagging muscles to improve strength in basic exercises.

An example of the latter would be people who believe that machine leg extensions will help them with squats, or that they will be able to tighten more after working out their biceps directly. However, the truth is that simply increasing the volume of the core exercises is a much more effective way to accomplish this task.

I know from my own experience that almost all athletes became bigger and stronger when they gave up single-joint exercises for the sake of high training loads. Your body doesn't care about biceps, triceps, or quads. It only evaluates the intensity of the stress factor and adapts to the stress, and therefore, well-chosen compound exercises with a high load are best suited to boost muscle growth.

And so that you can quickly reach your cherished goal, I will list my favorite basic exercises to replace the popular single-joint exercises.

Instead of curls for biceps - pull-ups

Most pulling movements place a load on the biceps, but pull-ups are the most effective and powerful of all pulling options. Pull-ups develop massive arms and a strong back at the same time, so it's a great and win-win option.

Instead of spreading arms to deltas - presses

Bench press and overhead press hit deltoid muscles... After army press or bench press, do not rush to move on to accented deltoid work, but add a couple of approaches to the bench press and give the deltas a heavy load.

Instead of leg curls - Romanian deadlift

For lifting heavy load and the development of an athletic physique requires strong muscles in the back of the torso. PCT trains the hamstrings to become larger and stronger while standing, which is much more applicable in sports and daily life than bending the knees while sitting or lying down.

Instead of leg extensions - front squats

Squats are the king of lower body exercises. Many guys spend years perfecting their squatting skills but stay on the verge of success by ignoring front squats.

When done correctly, the front squat is a safe movement that generates significant force, which is many times more effective than endless leg extension in a machine.

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