The best multi-joint exercises. Multi-joint exercises in fitness: new discoveries

Classes with own weight often cause controversy among professionals about the effectiveness of such training. Many argue that such training does not give a good result due to the lack of sufficient weight. But for those who begin to exercise with their own weight, it is necessary to remember that such training will give excellent results in improving strength and partly mass indicators, subject to the following conditions:

  • regular training and repetition of selected techniques;
  • optimal load distribution and regular rest;
  • an increase in load over time (not working weight, but repetitions and approaches).

Subject to all conditions, bodyweight training will undoubtedly give positive result... But, unlike exercises with weights, this result will be limited.

Bodyweight exercises at home: all the pros and cons

Your bodyweight training program may vary depending on your goals. For gaining mass, multiple repetitions and slight weighting are not suitable, but for the formation of a beautiful relief and increase in strength indicators, you can successfully use training with your own weight. If the goal is to lose weight, then it is best to opt for the Tabata style. The workout is intense enough, but not always suitable for obese people.

The benefits of bodyweight training are as follows:

  • no need for initial stages spend on sports equipment;
  • training area - your home or sports field;
  • the training program can be modified, supplemented various exercises with varying degrees of intensity;
  • several muscle groups are involved at once;
  • posture correction and restoration of impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system.
  • not suitable for obese people;
  • does not allow you to gain weight;
  • to develop your performance further, you will need to purchase dumbbells or a barbell.

Multi-joint bodyweight exercises: why are they effective?

Multi-joint exercises with its own weight - the most effective method working out several muscle groups at once. Such techniques are often called basic techniques, which are mandatory for most athletes. Regular training with multi-joint exercises allows you to quickly gain weight, remove excess fat and create a beautiful relief.

For those who study at home and do not have the opportunity to purchase sport equipment, classes with their own weight are perfect. Push-ups, pull-ups and squats are considered classics. To diversify the set, add upside-down lifts, Australian pull-ups to it.

A set of bodyweight exercises for men - the most effective techniques

To achieve certain indicators, it is necessary not only to correctly select the exercises, but also the density of training. The best option is the alternation of several exercises with a small number of repetitions in several approaches. For example, you need to do 20 squats and 20 push-ups - do 5 push-ups and after 5 squats, and so 4 sets. Such supersets perfectly develop several muscle bundles at once.

The list below contains best exercises with their own weight, which give the body maximum load and force large and small to work at once muscle groups:

  • burpee or burpee. To increase the effectiveness of this exercise, try to get your feet up to an object fixed at a certain height during the jump. You can also diversify the exercise by introducing pull-ups;
  • bar - a straight bar is suitable for beginners, a side bar for a more advanced level;
  • stepping up a hill and squatting on one leg are great exercises for legs with their own weight;
  • jumping rope, normal running and other cyclic exercises that can be used to fill the pauses between workouts to strengthen blood vessels, heart and increase endurance;
  • leg raises to the crossbar with a delay of a few seconds;
  • handstand and push-ups in this position are an exercise with an increased level of difficulty, suitable for well-trained athletes;
  • as cardioelements, you can do interval and shuttle jogging;
  • push-ups with legs on a bench with a narrow arrangement of arms - load on the shoulders and back;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars and bench press Indian;
  • stretching - required element training with your weight both for training in the gym and at home.

An important point: since the exercises are easy enough, the training should be

Multi-joint exercise elicits the greatest hormonal response. For this reason, they are effective for gaining mass. Find out about new discoveries in fitness.

If you focus on basic movements, then you will definitely progress. This applies not only to gaining mass, but also power parameters... For example, if you perform squats, then the progress will be much greater than when replacing it with others.

Technique for performing a push from the chest while standing in fitness

This is an excellent movement for developing muscles in the shoulder, legs, and back. On average, an athlete can gain more than ten pounds of quality mass per year thanks to the chest press. Of course, for this it is necessary to perform it in strict accordance with the technique and take it seriously.

This movement is very popular in weightlifting, where it is divided into two phases when performed. First, you need to raise the projectile to the chest, thereby working out the muscles of the legs and back, and then perform a push for shoulder girdle... Now we will talk about the technique of this magnificent movement.

Stage 1

Sit down in the position that you need to take when performing the deadlift. The only difference is the grip. In this case, it is necessary to use a raznogo. Make sure that your back is straight and there is a natural arch in the lower back. Lift the projectile only with the effort of the legs. After passing the barbell over the knee joints, detonate the projectile.

Stage 2

Straighten your body and move your shoulders to give the projectile an impulse to move up.

Stage 3

Turn your hands and squat under the equipment. Be careful as the bar may already begin to move downward. With the shell on your chest, fully straighten.

Stage 4

Bend your knee joints and perform an upward jogging movement, while working not only with your arms, but also with your legs. Raising the projectile over your head, lower the barbell. All movement is performed without pauses between stages.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs

All athletes know how difficult it is to pump leg muscles. Almost no one likes it, but they need to be trained. In beginners, in most cases, the leg muscles are poorly developed and this is due to several reasons. But now we will not talk about them, but give advice on how to quickly pump up your legs.
  • Try to work on your leg muscles on the first training day of each week, and set aside a separate activity for this.
  • Quadriceps are best pumped using the pumping effect, which means doing 12 to 15 reps per set. For the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings, it is better to use a small number of repetitions, from 4 to 6, and work with a large amount of weight.
  • At the end of each training week, pay special attention to your hamstrings.
  • Take time to do a specific leg workout once a week.
  • In this activity, you will need to jump on high bollards, sprint at a fast pace, and jump up and forward.

Exercise bench press

Many pro-athletes have noticed that when performing a bench press in a prone position, the muscles of the upper back are in a state of static tension. This helps to increase hand stability. Triceps are subjected to a similar load in the initial phase of the movement, thereby helping to hold elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees.

In order to increase the load on these muscles, it is necessary to force them to contract intensively. This can be achieved by wearing rubber shock absorber in the shape of a ring, twisting it in the shape of "8". Once the shock is on your wrists, you can start pressing.

Deadlift exercise

it great exercise performed by all athletes who want to achieve good results... At the same time, it is quite traumatic and you have probably heard about it. To a greater extent deadlift poses a danger to athletes with poorly developed lower back muscles. But this is a great exercise that still needs to be done, for this reason, now we will tell you how to reduce the risk of injury while doing it:
  • The equipment should be placed on supports just above the knee joints (this is advice for beginners).
  • Your initial working weight should not exceed half your body weight.
  • Perform the movement no more than twice a week.
  • Increase the weight by no more than 2 or 2.5 pounds. If the load is too heavy for you, reduce it.
  • Don't work to failure.
  • After the working weight is equal to double your body mass, lower the projectile down one division and again start with a weight of 0.5 of your mass.
  • Stick to this mode until the projectile is on the ground.
  • While working with large weights use a razor grip.
First of all, you need to bring your deadlift technique to perfection. This is very important, since most injuries are associated with a lack of technique in athletes.

It is necessary to take the projectile off the ground (stops) slowly. As soon as the bar is in the air, increase the speed of the projectile, but do it smoothly. After the projectile passes the level of the knee joints, the barbell speed should be maximum.

Kettlebells are a great addition to basic exercises.

You can significantly increase the effectiveness of basic exercises by using in your training program weights. Now we will tell you about the most effective exercise with this sports equipment, which will allow you to achieve the following effects:
  • Eliminate fat reserves;
  • Increase functional strength;
  • Give the muscles a relief.
And now about three exercises that have proven themselves excellent.


Lean sideways on an outstretched arm, and the free leg must be lifted up, keeping it suspended. Squeeze the kettlebell with your free hand. After completing the required number of repetitions, do the exercise in the opposite direction.

Squat kettlebell press

Squat down while holding sports equipment on an outstretched arm above the head. At the same time, the second hand holds the second kettlebell, located on the ground. Getting up from the squat, squeeze the second kettlebell up.


Squeeze two weights up and hold the shells in straightened hands. While maintaining this position, begin to lunges while walking. After passing ten meters, turn around and move back.

Why do athletes need basic exercises?

Although the effectiveness of basic movements has been proven not only by the many years of experience of a huge number of athletes, today it is increasingly common to come across the opinion that the base is not needed. The only exception to this is the bench press, which you won't hear about. Here are the main reasons athletes give up squats, deadlifts, snatches, etc.
  1. Due to poor technique, you can get injured, because you have to work with large weights.
  2. Often, athletes do not see progress from basic movements, which is again due to the lack of correct technique.
  3. Many bodybuilders find squats and deadlifts to be most effective for powerlifters. With the fact that in powerlifting these exercises are given great attention useless to argue, but all pro bodybuilders also use them during their classes.
The debate about the importance of basic exercise will probably never subside. But if you have mastered the technique of these movements, then they should definitely be the basis of your program.

Find out more about interesting and unusual exercises in fitness from this video:

All strength exercises are divided into polyarticular and single-joint... We are talking about the elementary foundations of training, and without them it's like going to school without a primer. Without understanding this difference, you will alternate exercises at random. Meanwhile, in fitness, the sequence of certain exercises is considered fundamental. It is in arithmetic that the sum does not change from the change of places of the terms. In strength exercises, rearranging them in places, you can get unexpectedly different results.

So, first about the nature of strength exercises - they force either several joints to work at once, or just one. A typical example is the barbell squat. When you squat, flexion occurs at the same time in the ankle, knee and hip joints... But in lifting the biceps, only one joint works - the elbow.

From time immemorial it was believed that the first to be done polyarticular exercises... The logic is clear here: what more joints works, the more muscles work. Well, a large number of muscles must be "loaded" with a lot of weight. For curls, 10 kg is a huge weight, and for squats it is ridiculous. Well, the more weight, the more you get tired.

This suggests the correct conclusion: you have to do it first, while you are fresh. And leave the “nonsense” like bending the arms for later. If you do the opposite, you will waste energy, and they may not be enough to give your best in heavy squats.

Flawless logic? For beginners only! The last Scientific research showed that advanced fitness women should do exactly the opposite. Do single-joint exercises first, and then multi-joint exercises. It sounds like a methodical dissonance, but it works flawlessly.

Single-joint exercises

Single-joint exercises, you guessed it, use only one joint in the work (or two identical joints on different limbs). The movement is much better at isolating the specific muscle that is receiving the maximum load.

Why Isolation Needed? It turns out that as the training experience increases, the difference in strength between large and small muscles grows. Large muscles gain strength faster than small muscles. Those, too, are getting stronger, but in absolute terms they do not reach the big ones. Moreover, the difference makes itself felt after a year and a half of strength training.

The fact is that all multi-joint exercises are done by the strength of large and small muscles. Small muscles perform the work of assistants, but this does not make their role less important. So it turns out that over the years, multi-joint exercises become less effective.

Let's say you're doing a leg press. The main driving force here is the quadriceps - large muscle on the front of the thigh. She straightens knee-joint and you push the platform up. Help her hip biceps (muscle) and gluteus muscle(in other words, the buttock). Since the strength of the quadriceps and the muscles-assistants are not equal, they will "get out of the game" before the quadriceps has received all the work it should.

It will seem to you yourself that you have managed to squeeze everything out of your quads until the last rep. How else if there is no extra repetition? Meanwhile, the load on the quadriceps will be clearly insufficient. It's a shame, right?

This “rule” applies to all multi-joint exercises, including those designed for the upper body. A striking example is incline presses lying down. They are often recommended for women with protruding collarbones. The secret is that this exercise is aimed at top area pectoralis major muscle - it becomes thicker and masks the collarbone. The problem is that together with pectoral muscle the weight is squeezed upward (the muscle of the back of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow) and the delta. Both those and others are small muscles, lagging behind in strength from the pectoralis major. They refuse early and force you to quit the exercise, although nurses still need a couple of repetitions.

Well, what does single-joint exercises have to do with it? Remember, they target only one muscle. This means that by performing the one-joint exercise first, you can lower the power potential of the “main” muscle and thereby equalize it with the small muscles-assistants. Trust me, this will be a real breakthrough in terms of intensity!

Putting the principle into practice

  • Start training a specific muscle with a single-joint exercise. Do 1-2 lightweight warm-up sets first. Then set your working weight, but add another 5-8% of the load - after all, you are now doing the exercise first, and you have more strength.
  • For the next multi-joint exercise, you need to take a weight less than usual. By the way, after a single-joint exercise, such a weight may seem even heavier to you. This circumstance makes this technique indispensable for female fitness players with injuries. If your knees hurt, heavy squats would be dangerous and exacerbate the pain. Well, after single-joint extensions, you will squat with a lower safe weight.
  • In a single-joint exercise, there is no need to set power records... Enough 10-12 repetitions in a set until a burning sensation in the muscle.
  • You can do all sets of single-joint exercises first, and then move on to multi-joint exercises. However, you can do it in another way. Combine single-joint and multi-joint exercises into supersets. First, do the single-joint set and start multi-joint without rest. You will rest between such paired supersets.
  • You will do multi-joint exercises at the end of your workout when fatigue is already evident. To avoid injury, perform them under the supervision of a trainer. There is another way out: do multi-joint

Five months passed like one week. Actually my 25 years passed with the same speed. 150 days have passed and our "baby" has grown by 7 kg, from 79 kg to 86 kg. In this he was greatly helped by multi-joint exercises. Remember our old friend Yuri, who came to gym July 10, 2013. There our acquaintance happened,

How to gain 7 kg

Gain 7 kg of weight? A lot of people can throw up their hand and say nonsense. They can be recruited in a month and I agree. You can increase your sides with the belly by increasing fat in 2 weeks. Or go all out and get hooked on steroids. And in chemistry, you don't need a lot of mind, (to gain weight) you can at least kill your forehead against the wall and cover me with obscenities, artificial testosterone, carried by blood through muscle tissues with cells, is doing its job right, increasing their volume with minimal effort on your part ... But my story is not about chemistry and not about lard.

Basic multi-joint exercises

From the very first weeks, I speak for real working weeks, when Yuri passed the test first three to four weeks, strengthening his ligaments, joints and balancing the muscles with simple single-joint exercises on simulators, he almost completely switched to multi-joint exercises with free weights... This included barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups on the uneven bars, barbell deadlift, and a couple of other exercises he performed on simulators.

He did not do any biceps, triceps, mountains of unnecessary exercises that took away strength and time. And if something from this series slipped, then no more than 10% of the entire training was given to these things.

Correctly structured workouts, multiplied by Yuri's persistence, are not in vain. Muscle mass grows, strength indicators increase. For the last workout, our friend squatted with a weight of 95 kg. Sting 75 kg and pulled 70 kg to the belt. If you knew with what weights he started his training, then now, you would burst into tears of happiness and be proud of his achievements.

Free weight training


Row of the bar in an incline to the belt:

Bench press lying:

The workout was pretty tough and stressful. It is often not necessary to get carried away with such complexes. But for a change, once every one and a half - two months, you can arrange for yourself such penetrations, working through the whole body.

The continuation of this story will be in a couple of three months, I really hope and believe in Yuri's perseverance. I would like to write a post in which to boast of his new results, with a working squat of 100 and presses in the region of 90 kg. Fingers crossed and wish sporting success to our friend!

Best regards, Alexey Dinulov

There are countless different barbell, dumbbell and machine strength exercises in bodybuilding - however, only a few are basic and all are secondary. In order to train effectively and, you must first of all learn the technique of these particular basic exercises.

The key difference between basic strength exercises is that they are multi-joint and load all large muscle groups of the body at once - as opposed to isolating ones, which work only on one muscle group (for example, biceps or abs). Besides, basic exercises most often performed with a barbell.

Basic Barbell Exercises

Scientific studies show that the more different muscle groups are simultaneously involved in the performance of a certain strength exercise, the more actively this exercise affects the body's production of growth hormone and other anabolic hormones that the body needs for muscle growth and mass gain (1).

In other words, if you really want to gain muscle mass, you should approach your body training in a comprehensive manner, and not just "swing biceps" or "swing chest". A beginner who has learned to perform basic exercises correctly is quite capable of increasing body weight by 5-7 kg in the first months.

Multi-joint basic exercises

When performing multi-joint basic exercises with heavy weights, the entire body of the athlete is subjected to stress. In addition to the muscles of the arms, body and legs, the respiratory and even the central nervous system are included in the work - this is what provides a significant hormonal response, leading, ultimately, to muscle growth.

Most beginners are unable to exert willpower on a specific muscle (let alone consciously engage that muscle during training), which indicates a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Cons of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Doing these exercises with a lot of weight significantly increases the risk of injury, even with the smallest mistakes - which is why it is best to learn. correct technique these exercises with.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing their working weight and doing more frequent power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic workout must be performed. Otherwise, chronic overtraining will result.


Most important to recruit muscle mass are multi-joint basic exercises that increase the level of testosterone and other hormones through a complex effect on the body and the central nervous system... Five of these exercises are allocated to the basic group - deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and deadlift.

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